Location: Cinnegar Streets
Objective: Give Nolan some Force-y back-up
Allies: [member="Nolan Detta"], [member="Briika Tor"], [member="Kad Tor"], Mandalorians
Enemies: [member="Luminara Rikanati"], [member="Alaki"], [member="Melakoth Tyrin"], Sith
Soundtrack: Drowning Pool “Bodies”
Moving from rooftop to rooftop in the middle of a war-torn city was an epic task in and of itself. Doing it in full beskar’gam when it wasn’t your forte to begin with was another matter entirely. But she was a warrior in her own right, like the rest of her vod, and willing to do what was needed of her no matter how insurmountable a task it seemed.
Ralize was crouched behind a chunk of fallen masonry, trying not to think entirely too hard on where it had come from to begin with, considering the lack of masonry on the particular rooftop she was on. But the war was raging unchecked throughout the city...there were Sith everywhere, and powerful ones to boot, that pressed up against her senses like so many nails caressing the length of a chalkboard. Some few klicks away on another rooftop, she could barely make out the sight of an epic battle involving a gargantuan creature she couldn’t even put a name to.
Nimble fingers readied her Deece as the com chatter told her the squad she was playing overlook for was finally down below. None of them were vod she had met before landing on Empress Teta, but there were so many Mandalorians converging on the world in an effort to take it that she wasn’t surprised by that. They were nothing if not efficient, she noticed as she took position and scanned the street and the rooftops nearby. Trained, methodical movements and little chatter over their shared comm line marked them as a squad who’d been together a decent amount of time.
They made it through her line of sight and rounded a turn into the field of another one of her vod, it left her free to move to her next position. Her comm crackled to life and Kad’s voice echoed in her helmet.
< "Ral, Nolan needs another Force User to back him up. And I want to see what that armor does for your shebs. If you can make it that would be helpful right about now. You've got my tracer frequency." >
< “Middle of a war and it’s my shebs you’re concerned with? On my way.” > she grinned as she responded, before clicking over to the squad’s frequency. She was leaving the rooftops and they’d need to know to change their tactics appropriately.
Ralize blinked, changing the display of her HUD over to the tracer screen, and calling up Kad’s frequency as she moved to the edge of the roof. Mercifully, he and the others were close – if Nolan needed Force back-up, there was no telling what kind of state he was in. Recalling what had happened on Bastion made her chest tighten as her boots hit the street after a short drop from the end of the emergency escape ladder.
It wasn’t a moment too soon, either, as a storm of epic proportions broke open across the skies above, sending lightning crashing down throughout the city. Energy screeched across her senses and nearly drove her to her knees as she bolted down an alleyway, fingers checking her weapons. Her Deec e was slung across her back and secured, a pair of Dissuaders secured in holsters on one thigh, and clasped to the other thigh, a lightsaber hilt.
Lightning danced through the sky and sent showers of debris falling in every direction as she came out of the alley in time to watch one building collapse up the street, while another still took a well-controlled collapse towards the women standing on the other side of Nolan. Her HUD flickered with information that she barely noted as she skidded to a halt near Nolan, watching one Sith disappear beneath the falling building but not before unleashing an attack on Briika. Thankfully the woman was wearing a nutrient frame and an ysalamir that would prevent any Force attack from reaching her.
Ralize did not turn to seek out Kad, she could not afford the distraction - it was enough that he was close. Ignoring the comm in favor of using the Force, she gently messaged Nolan through the maelstrom of rage she sensed him drawing on for strength.
//Right behind you, Nolan...watch yourself, vod’ika...gedet’ye...// she sent telepathically, along with a rush of energy, before her head turned to find the sight of another Sith coming off of a rooftop and landing nearby.
The young Mando turned to face him, her brilliant emerald green saber hissing to life at the sight of his brandished blade. The Force-fed storm still raged overhead and didn’t seem to be dissipating anytime soon, as energy coursed through the sky and struck along the streets at random. Though her senses were open and she was mindful of it, she and Nolan both had the more immediate concerns of the Sith arrayed against them.