[member="Cira"], Not asking for a one on one. I love to challenge myself in fights so I was fine with the 3-1 and even the 4-1. But when it happens three times in the same thread, within the posting time of 5 pages. Not happened. I know that this is the largest thread ever. I'm glad for it. I am just upset because others are laxing in their posting and moving on faster than I can post once.
There was twice that I dealt with someone that posted twice against me before I had posted once. (same writer who posted twice) I spoke to them in a PM. and we had it resolved. I also know you are in charge of the Fight lists. (I have two characters in the OS) I know that Az uses it simply because he can. And yes it started out in groups at first, but I joined later on around page 30 alone. I had no squad backing up with me. (PC squads) Everybody was already in place.
[member="Silara Vantai"], Right and wrong I am sorry to say. I was attacked by Junra, and Atrace, and Veles came up behind me with a saber to my back. All before I could post. As well as I had to react to Urak's post of him talking to me. Earlier, I had Carach using mind powers, Urak, Choking me, at the same time as well when Atrace sent a force push at me. So there have been times where three attacked me at once. I never mentioned NPC's because I just didn't feel the need to mention that in my first post I came in a dropship filled with troops. and I am pretty sure that they are not all dead.
[member="Darth Mierin"], Not saying for you too. Just to maybe take into consideration that others need time to post and maybe lay off of the complete domination over people by sheer number of people (actually attacking or possibly attacking) to look elsewhere to fight. Common sense to look for your brethren who are in trouble rather than gang up on one person.
Even when I am trying to just talk to the people involved in my rant post, Others come in and try to point me in a different direction. I am fine with explanations, but lecturing me on what you did in the invasion and how big it is and saying "We have numbers deal with it." Is not needed and frankly rude.
And people wonder why there's so much One Sith hate.
Yes. this is because you guys keep doing this. I don't Hate the One Sith. I just get angry when everybody (including others who I did not tag/have a reason to actually talk to me) verge on me. Your shiny tags under your Avi's allow you to do things, but interject with your own thoughts is not one of them (within reason)
Hardly necessary comment in this thread. Please keep opinions like this to yourself or in private with friends
I think it is because maybe people need to think more of ethics since not everybody is IC or OOC Chaotic Evil from their Karma type. There is no NEED for 5 people to be around me all ready to kill me at one point in time. Now if I walked up to all five of you and started attacking you, then fine that's a different story. If people want to be bombarded by Sith who use sheer numbers to beat factions into submission, then be my guest, but don't expect people to like you or RP with you more often.