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Campaign The Reclamation War: Shotgun Allegiance | Mandalorian Enclave

Valthjof Bralor

The Feral Ox
Equator City, Ambush
TAGS: (Open)
While the skirmish waged on across the world, and talks of diplomacy can to a inevitably chaotic end, Valthjof and a band of Clan Bralor carried out a brutal onslaught against the defenders without much thought and mercy.

<<"NO GOD BEFORE THE TRUE GODS!!">> Valthjof cried out as he cut down any who stood in opposition, the beautiful silver coating of his Trident now coated with the blood of his enemies. His emotions a mixture of hatred for these weaklings and a sadness which tainted his soul. One can slaughter only so many before he feels nothing and it seems he was approaching that mark, the scene in Equator City being a nightmare reminiscent of the Mandalorian Crusades of Old.

As chaos raged on, Valthjof stopped and took a seat on the rough ground, sitting for some moments as the members of Clan Bralor stared on - one could only wonder what they were thinking behind their helmets.
<<"Keep...Going. Don't let them escape.">> He said in Mando'a, most of them leaving but some refusing, trying to urge him on.

Valthjof ignored them, staring at the sky as he gripped his trident. He wasn't bleeding out nor damaged, he was simply tired, he wondered in this moment what Mand'alor the Ultimate or Kad Ha'rangir would think of the Enclave and him.

<<"Haar'chak Valthjof!! The battlefield is no place for weaklings, the fight isn't over until all convert.">> A Younger member of his entourage said, her words being both an order and motivation.

<<"I know, burc'ya, but we're shooting crabs in a bucket, these are no warriors, no challenge.">> Valthjof replied, standing as he adjusted his damaged Beskar'gram before slowly walking off.

<<"AHH! STOP THAT TALK! Arasuum is infecting your soul, you don't even believe that...This is how you lose your soul, first you question our purpose and goals, and next you're saying you doubt the existence of the old gods and finally you are Dar'manda.">> She said sternly as Valthjof attempted to walk off, now wasn't the time to be mellow and question the crusade, when all is done can the intellectual look back and speak on barbarianism, for now he must partake in this.

<<"Absurdities. I starve the doubt and feed my faith. My vigor and zealotry for the way is eternal.">> Valthjof finished. Returning to the skirmish in the city with the rest of his group, reinvigorated - pressing forward with his Trident.

Perhaps he was truthful, perhaps he never doubts his ways and beliefs? He was a Chaaj and conducted himself as a religious-man and one cone could only assume he did believe in what he preached but when faced with certain circumstances, a development in character - for the worse or better is produced. Valthjof refused to believe he'd turncoat but he as a spiritual premier needed to do what was best for his people and himself, maybe questioning his beliefs will strengthen them or make him lose them.
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"And what would a Mandalorian know of gods?" A woman's voice seemed to echo from all around Clan Bralor as they stalked through the city.

Green flame erupted on the streets. It began to carve out a path to surround those leaving chaos and destruction in their wake. Out of the flame strode a pale and crimson figure with emerald eyes that shone as stars. "You want challenge? You want to wager your soul in this battle?" Gauntlets were held out to either side with fire sprouting from her open palms. "I will give you what you seek before you slit your own throats out of shame from killing the weak and helpless."

The Nightmother Vytal Noctura stood before them. The people in the area needed time to escape, and she would buy it for them.

"Let me show you the worth of zealotry before the might of the Spirits whose names you invoke too freely." She doubted they would suddenly lay down their arms or desire to discuss philosophy, but Vytal would give them this chance to avoid a gruesome fate -- even one they had sought to so richly earn. Ozuye, the Warrior, stood with Vytal now; his Sword would skewer these invaders before they could sully themselves further. They would do the Mandalorian gods a favor by ending this travesty.

Tag: Valthjof Bralor


<"You know nothing of the consequences of the Maw!">

She directly aimed her rifle at the herbalist and screamed, "SHUT UP!"

Elias’ face remained unchanged, save for a slight furrow of his brows as he turned his golden eyes to MG-851216 MG-851216 and the end of her rifle barrel. He could feel her pain and anger, acrid and hot like stinging poison dripping from her tongue. It was a pain he empathized, but not one he could condone. Surely she and the others could see that the Jedi were not the enemy here?

Would the blunder of a single Padawan be the spark to light the kindling? Lily Decoria Lily Decoria was little more than a child - and as Valery Noble Valery Noble had already explained, a child who acted without the blessings of the Jedi.

A rogue, not a representative of the whole.

“There’s no need for this violence,” Elias said, raising a hand slowly both to de-escalate the tension and to show he meant no harm.

“We’ve seen what the Maw was capable of, and we saw the necessity to stop their vicious wrath from burning the galaxy. They were put to rest on Exegol…”

He swallowed hard as he considered the implication of his next words. Ultimately, he felt it a necessary jab. Reality was the best medicine for such angry delusion as this.

“…I beg you, do not become the reincarnation of what you claim to hate.”


Amani took particular offense to the Mandalorian's claim that he had never seen a Jedi serving in the Outer Rim, given she spent several years doing just that. Not even touching on the fact that there was an entire Jedi Order dedicated to operating in the region. But he hadn't seen it, and it didn't support his argument. Amani tried to be surprised that a Mando was using a blatant lie to justify his bloodlust.

Protection or death, they argued. An illusion of choice if there ever was one. The mirialan's jaw slacked, "A Sith couldn't construct a more thinly-veiled excuse for murder." Was this how Mandalorians defended every little crusade they went on over the millenia? It was a wonder the rest of the galaxy had not drained its tolerance of them eons ago.

More Mandalorians expectedly arrived on the scene. One foolish enough to fire a warning shot in the midst of an already spiraling negotiation. Another, some kid screaming something about the Jedi of all people being unable to understand what the Maw had wrought. Par for the course throughout most of Mandalorian history, really. Decry the horrific acts committed upon them by a darker, more powerful force, then turn around and gleefully commit their own atrocities as if it were any different. True hypocrites to the bitter end.

Some particularly monstrous Mandalorian appeared as well, chastising the Jedi for their wordiness, while herself initiating a monologue far longer than any of theirs. Amani admittedly began to zone out about halfway through Dima's fanatic tedium.

Arguments continued to spiral. More arrived to further agitate the crisis. One Mandalorian, apparently with affiliations on both sides, actually tried to mediate things. Amani was a stranger to her, and so she had no words for Shai. But seeing as the Shistavanen opened her dialogue by defending the assault on Rodia, Amani considered her no better. This wasn't about just one padawan. The violence had to end regardless. But speaking of the padawan, things were getting much more heated as she tried to make an escape from her captor. Amani's hand remained close to her belt, "A soldier should know his limits, Mandalorian. War will lead to nothing but the end of your people. The fact of the matter is, you just don't have the weight to throw around." Right now, they had no stable foothold in the galaxy. No established power base from which to command such an undertaking, especially against the largest power in the galaxy.

And ideally, it would stay that way.

The bite before the bark, though it all more closely resembled an endless tirade of squawking.

The Jedi would not budge, their will was iron with their faith in the Force. Even now, so well beyond the call for action with their continued pleas for peace. It was their way, as it always would be. The Mandalorian people could spit their excuses, their reasons and pitiful justification within their senseless posturing, it would change very little. Did these little birds need that push from the nest?

Koda once thought Siv was made from tougher stock, maybe he was wrong.

On the thick branches of the ever-dense jungle trees, so thick that a path could be made from them, the Mandalorian crept across and emerged from behind a veil of leaves. A distance from their platform, left on high, and yet within sight and earshot all the while.

"You've got your numbers now, Siv." The newest voice to that calamity chimed in, "What will you do next? The Jedi won't let this go on, and I don't think you want to bend to their demands."

Siv Dragr Siv Dragr Sahan Dragr Sahan Dragr MG-851216 MG-851216 Shai Maji Shai Maji Domina Prime Domina Prime
Valery Noble Valery Noble Amani Serys Amani Serys Irvelghrikk Elias Edo Elias Edo Silas Westgard Silas Westgard Jonyna Si Jonyna Si Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren Lily Decoria Lily Decoria
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Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Appearance: Link
Amani Serys Amani Serys Silas Westgard Silas Westgard Elias Edo Elias Edo Jonyna Si Jonyna Si Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren Irvelghrikk Siv Dragr Siv Dragr Sahan Dragr Sahan Dragr Lily Decoria Lily Decoria Reggie Rau Domina Prime Domina Prime MG-851216 MG-851216 Shai Maji Shai Maji

It made no difference.

There was no appealing to reason or past alliances, and no way to meet in the middle to settle this situation. They weren't going to give up the Padawan without another Jedi being sacrificed, and it was clear to her that this destructive path wouldn't end. Rodia was only the beginning, and she knew better than most what could happen to the Galaxy if the Mandalorians were allowed to start a crusade unopposed.

It had only been a few hundred years since the Mandalorian Wars when Valery was born, after all, and that part of history had been extensively taught to her. She had dealt with Mandalorians who had held onto that grudge against the Jedi, but also worked together with others who could set aside their differences. But now? She could no longer see a diplomatic path out of this, and a Jedi Padawan was still held captive.

”Val… come on…”

The voice cut Valery out of her trance, and forced her eyes to lock with the woman she had considered a sister. Together, they had stood strong against the Maw, and through their joint training, they had bonded. "Shai..." Valery frowned and felt herself tensing up, as her hand hovered near the weapon that Shai had made her. She had brought it along to show how things could be, but now she stood ready to draw it against its own creators.

But as tension began to rise to its breaking point, Valery finally saw her chance to act.

Behind the Mandalorians right in front of her, Lily made a move against Sahan Dragr Sahan Dragr in an attempt to escape, and started to run. A warning shot of some kind was fired in Lily's direction by Yael Kandar Yael Kandar , but Valery could tell that it wasn't meant to hit the Padawan, and decided to focus on the other, and ignore the warning it was meant to give. Sahan Dragr Sahan Dragr raised his arm to use a grappling line, but Valery was already tapping into the Force. As her hand came up, the binders around Lily's wrists crumbled into pieces, and the line that was meant to pull her back in froze in mid-air. "Now!" Valery called out to her fellow Jedi.

"Secure her!"

They were here to stop the attack targeting the Rodians, but their first priority was securing the Padawan. Lily had now been given a chance to move and fight on her own, and with Jedi support, they'd get her out of here. The violet blade of Burcyanthen ignited before them, and Valery stared down those in front of her.

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Allies: Sahan Dragr Sahan Dragr | Reggie Rau | Domina Prime Domina Prime | MG-851216 MG-851216 | Shai Maji Shai Maji | Shakka Bralor Shakka Bralor | Koda Fett Koda Fett | Yael Kandar Yael Kandar
Enemies: ENGAGING: Valery Noble Valery Noble | Lily Decoria Lily Decoria | PRESENT: Amani Serys Amani Serys | Silas Westgard Silas Westgard | Elias Edo Elias Edo | Jonyna Si Jonyna Si | Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren | Irvelghrikk


Siv nodded with some satisfaction as Sahan took the first strikes from the group of training droids well. He swerved past their hits, blocking with his armor when necessary. One of the droid's shock prods hit the back of Sahan's cuirass, but like a real lightsaber, it bounced harmlessly off the beskar plate. Sahan stepped back to make room between him and his foes, drawing his blaster pistol -- mercifully, it didn't fly out of his hands this time -- and taking time to fire clear and steady shots at each of the droids. The first droid was caught off guard and left with a sizzling hole through its appendage, but the others were able to raise their shock rods and block the incoming blaster bolts.

He shook his head. "A Sith or Jedi will be quicker to parry your blows than these droids," he reminded Sahan. "Your lethality depends on your quickness." The boy's aim would come with time and experience, he knew. AT his age now, Siv's combat skills were more reflexive and instinctive than anything else. But he also knew that Sahan's time could come sooner than either of them could anticipate. "Overwhelm your opponent. You are a Mandalorian; fight like one."



Siv's taunt was interrupted by the arrival of reinforcements; young, hot-blooded reinforcements. He didn't know their names, but they were the typical stereotype of Enclave youth these days: hungry for blood, hungry for valor. A little too hungry. Past the point of reason. But reason had been thrown out by the Jedi the moment they had stepped foot on Rodian soil. And then Shai Maiji touched the ground.

”Y’all wanna start a war? Over one karkin’ stupid kid that tried to be a hero?!” She glared at Siv for a moment to get her point across, before shifting her piercing gaze to the Jedi. ”And you lot wanna entertain this? After ours and yours fought and bled together for decades?”

"I'm the one trying to compromise here," Siv growled, his ire provoked by the Shistavanen's insertion into an encounter about which she knew little context. His hand remained resting on his blaster pistol, aware that Valery's hand still was at her lightsaber. But the truth was, despite the self-righteous chit the Jedi were preaching, SIv had been the one here trying to make a compromise. They didn't hold any obligation to turn the Padawan back over to the Jedi, especially one who had been caught sabotaging Enclave networks. The Jedi should've been grateful, yet like always their sense of superiority blinded them.

More Mandalorians were arriving, and the tension -- already taught -- was beginning to rise even higher. Past the point where Siv would have control over the direction of this conversation. The young bloods were practically already at the Jedi's throats, even without their provocations.

"A soldier should know his limits, Mandalorian. War will lead to nothing but the end of your people. The fact of the matter is, you just don't have the weight to throw around."

There it was again. That blind sense of superiority made Siv want to gag. Was the Jedi willfully ignorant or just plain stupid? Threats that enraged Foundlings hurled in the training yard carried more weight behind them than the Jedi's vague threats. The entire might of the Sith had not been enough to stamp out the Mandalorians; the bureaucratic train wreck of the Galactic Alliance was a featherweight in comparison.

No longer was the rendezvous quiet; explosions echoed in the distance, raised voices clamored against each other, drowning each other out. Hands lay on blaster pistols, on lightsabers. Suddenly a quiet, familiar voice seemed to pierce through the din, aimed directly at Siv.

"You've got your numbers now, Siv." The newest voice to that calamity chimed in, "What will you do next? The Jedi won't let this go on, and I don't think you want to bend to their demands."

He gritted his teeth under his helmet. Siv's entire life, he had never been the decision maker. Whatever had been needed of him, he'd done it. Whether that be a target taken out, a facility infiltrated, report filed; Siv had completed those to exaction. But politics was beyond him. He wasn't a leader. The future of the Mando'ade rested on his shoulders, and he didn't feel he could be the one to seal the fate of his people, for victory or for death.

He looked back and saw his son.

His son.

In that single moment, his anxiety dissipated, replaced by iron in his heart. He knew what he had to do. The right path wouldn't be easy -- no, it would be very fethin' hard -- but the fire of adversity would forge strength. Strength anew. No more would his people cower. He turned back to the Jedi Master. And in that moment, everything went to hell.

The Padawan made a move to break three, freeing herself temporarily from Sahan's grip. In retaliation, Sahan lashed out at the Padawan with a grappling hook while another Mandalorian's wrist rocket detonated inches in front of the Padawan. But Valery had seen the sudden escape too, and raised her hand to simultaneously break the Padawan's chain and stop Sahan's cable.

"Now!" Valery called out to her fellow Jedi.

"Secure her!"

Valery's violet lightsaber ignited in hand. The line had been crossed.

Siv's reaction was swift, and lethal. He raised his left arm towards Valery, only a few paces away, and fired point-blank with his concealed vambrace-mounted disruptor pistol at the Jedi. The concentrated particle beams would be difficult for the Jedi's lightsaber to block; unable to be deflected, she would either have to attempt to absorb the shots or face the consequences. Praying that the disruptor shots would buy him time, he launched into the air with a short high-powered thrust from his jetpack towards the Padawan, launching his own grappling line to subdue the escapee.

He kicked off the thrust, letting gravity pull him back down to land on top of the Padawan -- and knock the hopefully-trapped younglings into the ground. "Stay down," he snarled at her. The veteran Mandalorian clenched his fists, and his combat vibrospines in his gauntlet -- tipped with lethal Devaronian blood-poison -- extended to their full length, a promise of blinding pain should they even brush against the skin. He stomped with his right foot and several explosive munitions from his knee-pad rocket launcher flew into the air, spiraling in erattic patterns not towards the Jedi, but their ship's engines. If the Jedi wanted blood, then so be it. They wouldn't be going anywhere.
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Tag: Valthjof Bralor | Vytal Noctura Vytal Noctura

"Our god," Tytos declared, suddenly emerging from the shadows of the fire where there had been no one before, "is Death." He spoke softly, yet his voice impossibly carried over the deafening noise of battle. "We are its preachers." He walked forward, standing between the Mandalorians and the Witch. In his hand was a besragr vibrospear, its simple and elegant design complementing the unadorned beskar'gam that the Saxon Shaman wore, covered in a roughspun cloak of grey.

He measured the Witch. That the Force swirled powerfully around her was true enough. Should she truly wish to fight, she would be a worthy adversary. But Tytos was here to augment his brothers and sisters, not seek glory for himself. "Take heart!" He urged his fellow Mandalorians. "The Manda above watches you here, now. Do not let this conjurer lead you astray." He turned back to face the witch directly. Flowing past his helmet, his long braided white dreadlocks floated gently on the winds of battle.

Tytos planted his spear firmly in the ground. "I estimate your powers with the arcane to be great, witch, and the spirits with which you commune are certainly powerful. But the power that I invoke runs deeper." With his words, the green flame that surrounded the Mandalorians suddenly burned a hot red, then white. "Rodia is a territory of the Mando'ade now. Fight as much as you like, you cannot escape our inevitability. Your efforts are merely throwing rocks at the waves." The flames extinguished. "The galaxy is large, witch. Take your coven. Take civilians, if you must. But depart from this planet, lest your fates be sealed here forever in blood."
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TAG: Adenn Munin Adenn Munin | Kaiyra Munin Kaiyra Munin
GEAR: In bio




Things had been changing.

For the better.

For so long, the Enclave had been idle, making deals or licking their wounds on Kestri. But there had been a change on the wind. They had begun moving again, and now results were being seen. The glory of the Mando'ade had begun creeping closer. Even their Alor, Kel Awaud, had started to turn back into his old self like he was before Shel's death.

Add to that the fact that Clan Munin had ventured from their home and had stuck around since, fighting for the same greatness that the Vlemoth Port enclave fought for - the greatness of the Mando'ade.

That's what her in Kad's cockpit and some of her Clan on her flank as they ran the joint operation with the Munins against the Rodians. But the resistance was heavy. Her basilisk managed to swerve and bank to avoid getting shot down by AA, designed to be able to withstand capital ships and doing everything in his power to keep her safe, but Adenn wasn't so lucky.

Jan saw him go down behind a wall as they all hurtled toward the stronghold.
<Get us to his position! And take down as many as you can on the way!> she told Kad. The basilisks ions' howl grew louder as the rotary particle cannon whirred, golden bolts exploding all over the wall and causing some of the Rodians still alive to cringe in fear and cover their ears as the metallic beast drew closer, growing louder and louder.

Just as Kad started circling to get an opening for Jan to drop in, Adenn's voice graced the comms.
<"Advance, and stay in groups! Bombard the city without care if you have to. I don't care if there any Rodian survivors.">
Well, the pain in her ass was still alive at least.
<Need a lift, Sunshine?> she asked the very grumpy Munin over the comms while Kad circled, particle turret still whirring its six barrels, golden beams tearing through the still cowering Rodians around Adenn's position. <You won't be able to stay in a group if you hotfoot it on your own.> she added with a quip. He could fume his fumes but she was right in the end.

Hopefully his sister would be on her side in this instance.


The very moment Siv made his move, Mevia fired her first rifle at the druid, <"You're mine!">

The cryogenic blaster shot would shatter ice upon the target upon impact. But Mevia aimed for the ground in front of him. At the same time, she activated her jetpack and flew towards the druid Jedi. Within such a crowded area, even Mevia knew that explosives were a bad idea. Instead, she opted to fire the charric wrist blaster from the skies. She landed with a heavy thud on the ground several paces away from him and aimed her rifle once again.

<"Beckon closer, Jet'ii. I'll show you what the Galaxy truly is, beyond your sunshine and rainbows!">

She fired a second shot, aimed for his chest this time, and she stepped backwards. She was hoping to draw him away from the noise of the two groups. She had no chance of beating him in such a cluttered space. Heh. Beating a Jedi...

It was everything she dreamed.

<"Come on! Face me! Unless you're scared of someone unkissed by the Manda's Gift!"> She fired once again, continuing to double back.

Elias Edo Elias Edo


Quickness. He had to keep moving. Don't give the enemy a chance to converge. Sahan controlled his breathing and dashed around the remaining droids, firing as he went. He let his subconscious mind aim for him, trusting in his instincts. More experience would hone hone his marksmanship, but he could still be fairly accurate. Siv wanted him to fight like a Mandalorian? Time to get brutal.

The training beskar'gam Sahan was wearing didn't have any gadgets equipped to it, but it did have a utility belt that had a liquid-cable launcher in it. He removed the device, holding it in his free hand. The lead droid continued blocking his shots, then activated its repulsors to simulate a sorcerer using a Force-assisted slam attack. It was an opportunity for Sahan. He launched the spike from the device, the cable solidifying almost instantly. The spike pierced the droid in the throat area, and Sahan yanked on the line as his dropped to one knee. This caused the droid's head to crash against the beskar greave of the armor. When it came to a durasteel frame against high-carbon beskar steel, the beskar would win every time. The droid's head caved. Sahan quickly heaved the droid body up, swinging it around on the line with all his might, careening it into the other two attacking droids. The line could no longer handle that much strain and snapped. As a final coup de gras, he emptied the pistol's power pack, firing relentlessly at the downed droids.

When the pistol was empty, he replaced the pack. He stood there thinking for half a moment. "Time to up it a bit, I suppose. What's the saying? 'If you can't fight without it, you don't deserve it'?" Sahan doffed the armor completely, taking his blaster in one hand and a beskad in the other. He readied himself to face more training droids.


All hell broke loose as Sahan released his grappling line, only for it to stop in midair momentarily as Valery Noble Valery Noble ignited her insult of a lightsaber. The binders holding the captured padawan disintegrated. Just how strong was that "Noble" witch? Thankfully, the Old Man was quick to react and distracted the Jedi enough to pin the prisoner back down. With his grappling line back under control, he caught hold of the woman's ankle with it, as Siv attempted to take out the Jedi ship's engines. With just a brief exchange of nods, Sahan took the padawan back from Siv, activated his flight systems, and flew back into the dropship, dragging her with him.

He threw her back into the holding cell and slammed it shut. He didn't activate the containment field, because without the binders to monitor her vitals, she might end up dying if he accidentally set it too high. Although, at this point, that might not really matter so much. "You know, you've really caused a lot of trouble, if what they say is true. I highly doubt you would do something so stupid on your own, so someone had to have sent you. My guess is the Jedi are lying and throwing you out the airlock to save their own skins, or someone else tricked you. I can't decide which one is more likely. Honestly, I don't see why you'd want to join the Jedi anyway. There are other ways of learning about your gift, but there's none better than the Mandokarla. I don't know a whole lot of it myself, but I'm sure even you could have an opportunity for cin vhetin, if you truly wanted it. Just join us and become Mandalorian." He smirked behind his helmet; that would also probably be a major blow to the Jedi morale. Of course, he didn't expect her to take the offer. She seemed just as belligerent as the rest of the Jedi.

Outside the ship, he could hear all kinds of chaos. He went to the ship controls and activated the ship's defenses, specifically targeting the engines. The Jedi might try to copy Siv and take out their engines. He'd make it significantly more difficult to do so.

TAGS: Siv Dragr Siv Dragr Lily Decoria Lily Decoria Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren
ALLIES: Mandalorians
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Allies: Siv Dragr Siv Dragr Yael Kandar Yael Kandar Sahan Dragr Sahan Dragr Domina Prime Domina Prime Reggie Rau MG-851216 MG-851216
Enemies: Elias Edo Elias Edo S Silas Darkwood Lily Decoria Lily Decoria Valery Noble Valery Noble Jonyna Si Jonyna Si Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren Irvelghrikk
Neutral: Unknown
Equipment:Equipment In Bio

As the fight kicked off Shakka didn’t hesitate to move into action she immediately fired her stun net launcher at Irvelghrikk before kicking on the shield on that arm. She drew the beskal from her boot.

“Let’s dance you over furred Lasat.

She taunted him as she kicked on her jetpack and flew towards him, her beskad raised to bring down in a heavy strike. She needed to end this quickly; their numbers were even with the Jedi but that meant little with the tricks they could pull. She followed the downward strike with a disruptor shot. Of course they were Mandalorians and had plenty of tricks up their sleeves as well, sometimes literally.



The Wolf Rides Again
The Son Becomes Himself
Fires of War Rage


It was not a word without provocation. Without imagery. Without feeling. And war had come to the Rodian people. And Fenn Stag, the son of the Wolf, had come to fulfill his purpose. He understood it after the conversation on Mandalore with his brother, Thal Mantis Thal Mantis . Thal had tried to convince him of the worthiness of the Jedi cause.

But all he displayed was weakness, in the end. Not in body, not in mind, but in ideology.

The Mando'ade were strength. And strength beget strength. And strength beget conflict. Strength to uphold one's culture, one's home, was paramount. Their Crusade was just. He did not need meandering in long stanzas and poems, songs or articles and books. He knew what was right. What was right for him, for his people.

And clad in Preliat Mantis' armor-, with it's distinctive shawl and spiked knuckles, Fenn felt the power of his ancestors flow through him. His brother, had done the right thing and gave Preliat's armor and tomahawk back to him, back to the people that it belonged to. His father fought many battles in the armor. Razed a planet. Destroyed Empires. Fought and rebelled.

The Rodian defenders fell beneath the accurate fire of his blaster carbine. He was silent in his hateful dispense of the enemy, militia members torn asunder by his brutal efficiency with the rifle. He carried with him the gear that his father did- that is to say, not much. A jetpack, Crushgaunts, a Beskad, the axe, a Disruptor pistol, a few grenades, and the rifle. The armor was heavy enough- he didn't want to add much more weight to it. And, truthfully, he enjoyed the challenge of combat without all the additives. Rockets, grappling hooks. Things that he didn't earn yet- he needed to prove that he could fight with the basics, with the simplest of things.

A Rodian defender came towards him from a nearby alleyway, grappling him. It wasn't a bad idea on his part- knocking a heavy man off balance wasn't the worst plan. It was just unfortunate that he tried it on him. His non-dominant hand left the rifle, seizing the Rodian by the shoulder. A sickening sound of crunching bone and pinching flesh from his crushgaunts carried over the brief respite in combat. He threw the Rodian against a wall face-first, and reeled his mechanical arm back.

"Courtesy of the Jedi."

He said cruelly, his arm that had been taken from him in an act of self-preservation by the Jedi Valery Noble Valery Noble replaced by a lethal instrument of war: a design similar to his father's mechanical leg.

He punched the Rodian so hard that the impact dented the wall by the force alone. The Rodian might not have been dead- but he could see the damage he caused. He wasn't going to get up anytime soon. He turned his head silently towards the rest of the battle. So far- the militia members were bold, tenacious, but foolish.

They should have listened.



I'm kind of a misfit, i don't hide all my business
And i'm probably going to hell! Cause i told god my religion.

It's really no
competition. Tell your God to fear the best
Only reason i'm not on top is cause they ain't heard of me yet



Siv Dragr Siv Dragr | Sahan Dragr Sahan Dragr
Yael Kandar Yael Kandar | MG-851216 MG-851216 | Reggie Rau | Shakka Bralor Shakka Bralor


Valery Noble Valery Noble Jonyna Si Jonyna Si | Elias Edo Elias Edo | Amani Serys Amani Serys | Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren | Lily Decoria Lily Decoria | Silas Westgard Silas Westgard

"NOW! SECURE HER!" The godborn shouted into the air, igniting her brightblade and thus evoking many of the other godlings to draw their own weapons as conflict erupted among them like a volcano unleashing its inferno of destruction.

Siv Dragr Siv Dragr acted quickly it seemed, seeing the godborn armed and ready to collide caused him to utilize the jetpack he possessed to shoot himself to an slightly elevated position, doing what it could to prevent the prisoner Lily Decoria Lily Decoria from making a 'clean' getaway to their escape and engaging the jedi Valery Noble Valery Noble .

"Mmmnnf, metal~" Domina mused under her breath as she twirled the Kopis Beskad within her grip casually as her five alien eyes drifted along to her siblings as well and taking in the activities of the other jedi as she stood mere feet away from Valery. "You have fun godborn. With whatever..." She gestured to whatever madness Siv was up to. "That is~" She spoke directly to Val, almost as if to distract her mildly from focus.

Normally an enemy pestering a master jedi would barely even make their focus flinch but The Domina was not exactly a normal enemy. The threat was high, to high to ignore especially as that elongated, serpentine tail lingered so close towards her with the capability to deliver gruesome infliction if not properly watched and observed.

And then the rockets came flying in.

"Whoop. To be continued~" Prime cheerfully quipped before waving her Kopis and pulling her tail away from the Jedi and jumping back once, twice, three times to distance herself from the eventual impact of those rockets Siv had fired towards them.

She quickly returned to her full height, clasping her lower arms behind her back neatly to better observe the behaviors and tactics of all her enemies.

If she would not be engaged, she would make use of this trove of data regarding godling combat forms.

Her central most eye drifted directly to her right.

MG-851216 MG-851216 seemed rather occupied herself as she screamed like a Valkyrie and rushed towards her enemy without a flinch of fear. Bringing the mandas fury down upon a godling named Elias Edo Elias Edo .

The Domina now LOOMED dangerously directly behind the Jedi as Mevia charged from the front. Feet away the xeno began CLAPPING audibly behind them as if a mere spectator in a sport rather than a soldier in any war or great conflict.

"No holding back little sister! This godling won't!" She snarled like a ravenous coach while using her bladed Kopis as a nail filer for her deadly claws, running the blade along those azure diamond cutters as sparks and embers flung off the surface. "KICK HIS FUCKING HEAD OFF SISTER!" She cheered hopefully as Mev jetpacked forward as if going to rushdown the enemy in a delightful thrill of close quarters combat!

But instead what she did was go about half the distance and lifted her rifle to shoot once, and then again which Domina herself was in the path of.

"GAH!" She gasped, prancing to the side, to get out the way of wherever the Jedi would inevitably end up deflecting those blast or just dodging them outright himself. "Oh come on sister! You KNOW a godborn champion is NEVER going to fall for that!" The xeno grilled her younger niece now. Standing mere feet away from Elias on his side but facing Mev as she then began to retreat back. "Oh no no nonono MEV come BACK here and meet blades with the godling RIGHT now!" She barked wildly at Mev before looking off to her side to directly face Elias.

"This one is...terribly sorry about this, she's normally not so nervous~" She tried to explain to the Jedi. The Domina sympathetic to the godborn in a way and still expecting Mev to engage with the divine in melee combat as was the true glory of a Mandalorian. So far, Domina had seen no grand displays of might and glory.

Then Dimas eyes drifted towards Shakka Bralor Shakka Bralor who was engaged with the oversized rug of a jedi Irvelghrikk . The swinging of her Beskad caused the Primes attitude to perk up a bit. "Mmn, fuck thats hot. See Mev, SIV!" Domina twisted back and pointed upward and back at Siv who was currently distracted with something else and couldn't even hear her likely. "THAT is how you fight a god. Beskad in hand in a dream you fuckin PANSIES~" She cheerfully muses with an audible SCCHLINK of her Beskad kopis across her claws.

The strange alien mandalorian looking back over to Elias she waved girlishly towards him as her tail rattled with malice and agitation despite the clawed, waving hand. "Psst, hey Godborn~" she spoke to Elias Edo Elias Edo . "Take it easy on this ones little sister yes? This one thinks it's her first time with a god ya know?" She told him bluntly, her five eyes shifting towards Mev to see how she would react as Dima continued to casually converse with her enemies in the midst of combat. "Domina Prime would be soooooo thankful if you did that for this one...might even maim your friends less when the time comes...and it will come, little god~" She quipped provokingly now, almost as if trying to push the jedis buttons like a schoolyard bully.

But in these moments a realization had dawned on the young xeno woman after observing everyone in the battle...was it just Dima or did everyone seem so...SERIOUS?

This was all supposed to be FUN wasn't it?

Then why did it feel like Dima was the only one having fun while everyone else seemed to be having their heart rates increased two times over.

The was beginning to think no one here knew how to let loose and have a good time.

"Whats the story here? Is Prime the only one who knows how to relax? Why the FUCK do you all look so TENSE!?" She would snap aggressively towards the Jedi before suddenly twirling on the balls of her feet and twisting around and showing her back to the enemy, giving him the opportunity to do something if he was willing to take his focus off of Mevia. Taking a massive step forward towards Yael Kandar Yael Kandar now.

"Alright what's going down over here? Better not be any DISHONORABLE fuckery going on!" Prime sassily snapped at Yael who had yet to truly engage with her own target. "Whatcha gonna do sis? fly? Throw a boom boom? Ohhh, you should try the umm...the thing. The fire thing~" Domina pointed towards her gauntlet. "This one is SURE the godling won't see that coming~" She coached with a wicked grin as her eyes shifted directly towards Amani Serys Amani Serys , Yaels opponent. Dima lifted her clawed fingered towards her helmet as if to kiss them and then gestured a blowing motion towards the jade skinned Jedi.

"And remember sis...have fun. We tend to be predictable when we're nervous or tense. Just look at Mev over there poor thing is lost Dima does not even think she BROUGHT her beskad. She gets so distracted and loses focus sometimes~" She casually mused with her comrade in front of the opposition. "Also...don't lose your head~ Happens more often than you'd think sister." She coached before giving Yael a pat on the shoulder...and then shoving her forward towards the Jedi. "Break a leg! As you humans say. Seems painful but hey whatever your kind are into~"

Yes, truly an efficient soldier Prime was. So much so that her lack of a direct opponent had rendered her bored and now she proceeded to just annoy, harass and provoke the godborn for no other reason than because she could and who was going to stop her?

But in all seriousness, since there seemed to be a lot of that to go around.

It would be wise to occupy Dima before she became restless and began snatching bites off of everyone elses plate out of spite and boredom.

Her bones had already begun itching. Only a matter of time before she'd scratch~



Location: Rodia
Objective: Save Lily
Tag: Valery Noble Valery Noble / Lily Decoria Lily Decoria / Jonyna Si Jonyna Si / Elias Edo Elias Edo / Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren / Reggie Rau

Before she even finished speaking Silas had already bolted to the right and took behind a group of trees. Upon jumping into the cover, a wave of blaster fire deflected off the cover and allowed him to think as the warriors began a slugfest. Silas quickly crawled out of sight toward the edge of the formation and gazed around the rocks. Most of the opposition was focused on the group, but he needed to act fast in order to provide them with some help.

There was one thing he could do, and that was to hit them from behind.

Taking a deep breath he suddenly burst from the rocks and ran at lightning speed to the right of the battle. As long as he wasn't noticed by a large force, he'd be able to surprise a few of the enemy from behind and take them off guard. Rodia was a swampy planet where movement could be awkward, each step almost felt like his feet being swallowed by the ground below. However, while the knight was coming up to the far right of them he saw an opening to try and take out a few of them near the back.

Silas got up from his position and was only moments away from surrounding them. However, as soon as he took the first step towards them it was clear that something was wrong...



Dueling: MG-851216 MG-851216 | Soundtrack: Friction


It happened in the blink of an eye. Elias' worst fear for the mission had exploded with icy shards, right at his feet. He was able to backstep from the blast, moving fast enough to avoid all but the smaller splinters of ice that nipped at his flesh. He ignited his lightsaber, shedding its emerald green light as he brandished it, but the second and third advances from his attacker prompted an expeditious retreat. Elias pushed his body backward, channeling the Force through his legs to widen to gap between himself and the barrage of blasterfire that rained from above.

He could feel the skin on his neck prickle, both a warning in the Force and a reaction to the cryonic projectile that barreled for his chest. The Jedi flicked his wrist across his body with a powerful backswing, colliding with the icebolt and sending it hard into a nearby stack of crates and bursting in another frosty blast. He blinked as he saw again the weapon's deadly potential.


<"Come on! Face me! Unless you're scared of someone unkissed by the Manda's Gift!"> She fired once again, continuing to double back.

Elias knew it was a bad idea to split from his allies, but he couldn't risk a stray cryo-shot landing in the middle of their numbers. He trusted the rest of his brothers and sisters to handle themselves against the commandoes that descended upon them. He watched MG-851216 MG-851216 cautiously as she retreated, reopening the distance between them for what he assumed was a follow-up shot from her rifle - or some other toy he hadn't been acquainted with yet.

'Close the gap, force her back,' Elias thought. He put action to the words, dashing left and right in a burst of Force-augmented speed. As he closed in, he risked a final attempt to placate the situation. Even if one life could be spared in the bloodbath that erupted around them, Elias could sate his pacifistic nature.

"Please, it doesn't have to be this way!" he shouted over the blasterfire. He knew it was futile, but he refused to give up.

"Stop this madness! Lay down your arms!"

His stance was defensive, hopeful for the best but prepared for the worst. His words may fail, but had to try.

The rumbling sound of a jetpack sputtering flames rolled into a roar, lifting the armoured Mandalorian high into the air over the platform, even with the distant and flaming cities of Rodia cast on the horizon. Their plumes of smoke as black as night and unavoidable as a blinding star. Though the Bounty Hunter deigned not to interfere, on this battlefield or the next, finding his flight path away from the unfolding action and undoubtedly to return to whichever hive of scum and villainy in which Fett had crawled out from.

All he wishes to see and do had come to pass. It was not his war, to say the least, though should the Mandalorian Enclave rise to confront the Jedi in full-scale warfare, then the chance to steal back that once harvested DNA would become much easier.

"No holding back little sister! This godling won't! KICK HIS FUCKING HEAD OFF SISTER!"

Mevia gritted her teeth, trying to focus. As much as she was thankful for Dima's support, she was kind of busy trying to draw this Jedi away.

<"I appreciate the support, auntie! Really do! But I need to concentrate-">

One of the shots she fired was deflected from the Jedi's lightsaber, crashing into a crate. Mevia hissed, still in the air, as she tried to double back. She hated being mean to her crazy aunt, but she was starting to get just a little bit frustrated. After all, why wasn't she helping!

"Oh come on sister! You KNOW a godborn champion is NEVER going to fall for that! Oh no no nonono MEV come BACK here and meet blades with the godling RIGHT now!"

Hearing her critique her instead of help her made Mevia's blood boiled. She was unable to hear the rest of what Dima was saying. She was too annoyed to try. As she successfully drew the Jedi away, she failed to stop her rising blood pressure. If one more karabasting thing decides it want to karking trigger me! Motherkarker, I am going to kriffing-

"Please, it doesn't have to be this way! Stop this madness! Lay down your arms!"

<"THAT'S IT!">

Mevia landed on the ground, rage through the roof as she threw her rifle aside. She aimed her Mandalorian Vambraces at him. She craved explosions! And so, she set off one vambrace's wrist rocket, and the other's whistling birds. As they all raced towards the Jedi. She ripped her beskad from its sheath.

<"Oh, it karking too has to be this way! That's how the galaxy works!">

Several charric shots rang out from her vambrace as the whistling birds were spent. She shouted, loud and enraged, as she vented her agony towards to Jet'ii.

<"You are oh so protective of your sweet little innocents! 'Oh no, protect these people!' Well, if you had that same level of care for others twenty - no - forty years ago, perhaps I'd know what an innocence is!">

She used her repulsers to push herself off the ground, racing towards the object of her hatred.

<"Where was your precious Jet'ii when the Maw attacked!? Where was your cute sense of morality when Csilla fell?! My people exiled, my buir amongst them, as they were scattered and treated as livestock!">

She began a swift flurry of volatile wings with her sword, activating the Chiss plasma cutter as she went on, <"I don't like the Empire, but at least they took my people in and stood against the Maw! They were ruthless and strong, even against my own people when they tried to revive some Chiss Ascendancy glory! Your Galactic Alliance only stepped in leading up to the final strike against the Maw at Exegol, years after the Maw was born!">

She not only used her beskad, but her hands and feet as well. Powerful and strong, the Mandalorian incorporated unarmed combat into her fighting style, sort of like an Ataru user. <"The Maw was strong, the Empire was strong! Your disgusting, soft, wimpy Jet'ii were weak! And my people were weak! I was weak! I was a slave, treated like creatures by Mawite remnants, until my buir adopted me and taught me to be strong!">

She used her jetpack and repulsers to rapidly fly back. She aimed her vambrace and fired her flamethrower with all the bitterness and hatred in her heart. <"Only the strong can earn the right to survive in this cruel galaxy! Us Mandalorians too were cast aside, treated like chit! Mandalore glassed, our people scattered! After the Maw was defeated, our Enclave was just cast aside like nothing and forgotten! But not anymore! I'm rising from this life of exile and shame, motherkarker, watch me! If you didn't want me, then you should have proven me wrong long ago!">

She landed on a platform, looking down at the Jedi as the fires from her flamethrower roared below. She lifted her hand and removed her buy'ce, revealing her Chiss features.

<"Only the strong earn the right to survive in this galaxy. And I am the wrath this galaxy created.">

Elias Edo Elias Edo
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Dueling: MG-851216 MG-851216 | Soundtrack: Friction


Elias took the defensive, as he'd planned, deflecting what shots he could and dodging those he couldn't. He could feel Mevia's pain, searing his senses as she lashed out against him. In a matter of moments, she was upon him again, bringing a sharp blade against his lightsaber in a flurry of blows. He did his best to defend himself, desperately trying to find an opening in either her emotions, or her combat form. Whichever came first.

"I- understand!" Elias shouted from behind his blade. He caught her beskad for a brief moment, and in the sword-lock, he pressed into her vulnerable state.

"My brother died- on Tython- fighting the Maw!" the Jedi managed through gritted teeth. "He was slain- like an animal- far away from the battle-"

He missed Tarus deeply. Every day since that battle was a battle all on its own. But no amount of anger, or frustration, or killing would undo that loss. Tarus was gone. And it wasn't anyone's fault but the Maw's.

MG-851216 MG-851216 broke the stalemate and launched with her jetpack, unleashing a searing plume of fire upon him. Elias threw his free hand forward, using the Force to push back against the flames. He held the inferno between them, swirling it until it dissipated. When she removed her helmet, he could see the fury in her crimson eyes.

<"Only the strong earn the right to survive in this galaxy. And I am the wrath this galaxy created.">

"You're what the Maw has made you!" Elias risked to shout. "Can't you see that? Everything you've done to these people, to the Rodians and the Wookiees- it's exactly what the Maw has done to you!"

He swallowed hard, blinking through the beads of sweat that ran down his face beneath the heat of her flames.

"This path makes you no different than those you hate!"



Tags: Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren | Sahan Dragr Sahan Dragr | Valery Noble Valery Noble | Siv Dragr Siv Dragr

A whirlwind of events kicked out as soon as Lily had been able to get free from Sahan. The Mandalorian attempted to use a grappling line on her that Master Noble had countered, which was consequently countered by Siv. Another Mandalorian who used a grappling line to restrain her once again. Lily was furious with herself for not being able to get away, that she was still posing a problem for the Jedi since being recaptured would not help them resolve the issue any faster. And would only make them look weaker to be unable to rescue a Jedi Padawan. Something Lily refused to allow the Jedi to face, she had failed already. She was not going to let her Master and the other Jedi fail as well.

She only growled at the Mandalorian. She refused to reveal anything about why she had been at the base, nor was she going to be baited into believing the Jedi were throwing her under the bus. She held too much trust for her Master and for the Order. "Your people beat me, kidnapped me and imprisoned me, giving me the bare minimum to survive. You are savages, a far cry from the supposed noble, honourable warriors you scream out to be like children." Lily stated, her throat was dry and her words were rough coming out due to be pretty dehydrated at this point.

"Your offer is pathetic and a lie. I trust the Jedi and I always will, they earned my trust." Lily stated as she attempted to rise to her feet and charge at Sahan. Her body was tired and weak, but her spirit refused for her to surrender when she could fight. Instead of attempting to shoulder barging the Mandalorian, she went low last minute in an attempt to sweep his legs.


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