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The Recusant Threat - TSE Dominion of RZ7-6113-23 | Hex AH,11

"Pull back, pull back, pull back!"

The sound of the Commandant's voice rung out across the hangar, the Recusant forces all starting to withdraw to the interior of the station as more ground was lost to the Empire's assault. Thermal detonators and thermal imploders were lobbed to cover their retreat, the once pristine durasteel deck pocked by molten metal puddles and jagged spires where the explosive decompression warped the metal into abstract shapes. Bodies were flung through the air during the confrontation, while others littered the ground peppered with smoldering wounds.

Suppressive fire was laid down by cannon emplacements to try and give the Recusants more time to regroup and fortify further in, but a combined rocket salvo and the Dark Magick of the Sith laid low many of the Recusant's defensive works. Forced further back, they began to fight more ferocious for every inch taken by the Sith Empire.

"Lay down charges, we'll make them pay for every death!"

Proximity mines were placed along key points, while remote explosives were littered elsewhere to cause further damage to the invading force.

[member="Ryder Zeshatt"] | [member="Cara Dalgas"] | [member="Kahlil Zambrano"]
[member="Ela Saako"]

She starting to feel better, and this time she kept it in her head. ​Whatever short stuff, thankfully no one could read her mind. She actually liked the short thing, as was cute, especially when angry. Then she turned to Captain Lucas, and told her his plan, simple but an effective one. Then she did something she did not expect shortstuff to do, she drew her lightsabers and ran towards them. She looked at Captain Lucas and said Oh that's cute. He looked at her and said Don't you think, someone should be following her? She thought for a moment and said, Oh yeah me, I am meant to lead the charge She then followed shorty, and then the men followed up behind. She was trying not to giggle, at her running, and was managing it.

To be fair, Hailey was not known for her sensibilities or her sense.

Soon they would make it to the first of the newly barricaded tunnels, this was how they wanted to keep them out command centre. She looked at one of guards, and began to use her eyes to burn his. She could not yet go back into rage mode, so she was not going to run blaster fire. As without that she can't shrug it off. The troops, where now beginning to engage as well. Blaster fire was going back and forth, and she was in a doorway keeping in cover.
Objective III

[SIZE=11pt]Once again it came out to being more and more Imperials, always just more and more Imperials. Frankly Keira was sick of fighting TIEs now, what happened to a good old literallyanythingthatisn’taTIE class fighters? But alas, a good captain followed the majority of their orders and so the ever repetitive flight of Raptor Squadron began again.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]The handful of elite fighters burst out into the void, Cerdulan doing her usual comm checks to make sure everyone was awake enough and energized enough to make some pretty lights out of the enemy’s fighter support.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Of course there was a jolly grin on the Corellian’s face when she saw just how many asteroids had been littered around the field, they were always so much fun. Obstacle course while some less than stellar TIE pilot tried to turn her to slag. Still exhilarating.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Once Raptor Squadron made it’s way out far enough, Keira spat her last command into the comms:[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“Break off and engage!”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]And with that, the bloodbath began.[/SIZE]
Objective IV - BYOO
Gather Test Subjects

"My Lady, we're starting to detect some bio-signs," one of her Adepts reported.

Taeli took a glance at the display, zeroing in the scans. The movements suggested smaller Purrgil than she wanted, the larger lifeform readings merely being schools of the creatures moving around one another. Interesting though. It seemed they had discovered a deep space breeding ground or resting place for the creatures in their journeys through the galaxy. There were a few free-floating asteroids nearby, possibly leftovers from an ancient collision or proto-system that never formed.

"We're detecting more lifeforms among the asteroids."

"I suspect we have found a nesting ground," she concluded. An idea was forming in her mind, one that was distinctly Sith in nature. It relied on a common instinct all living creatures had when it came to their young after all. "Deploy fighters."
Location: Airborne
Objective: BYOO

Power. An imaginary idea that drove men mad. An idea people respected since forever, and it was something people developed a greed for. It could start revolts, uprisings, wars, whatever that controlled people and made them steer for it. It had its own blessings and gifts at times, but that was nowhere to be seen here.

Imperial defectors from the Sith Empire tried their hand at assassinating the incumbent Emperor, but failed. Djorn did not know their own Imperial ideals, though he did assume that power commanded the leader of this Recusant Empire and the man had a lust for it. It all seemed petty and ignorant from these defectors. It amazed the Inquisitor that they could not see how regressive their actions were. The Empire was prosperous and nothing could undermine their success. Disgusted Bline they would rather cause bloodshed instead of complying with Emperor Carnifex and make fruitful progress.

Now they all had to die. Not a single follower could be spared, for they could give rebirth to their treacherous idea.

An assignment was given to Bline with eloquent reconnaissance that helped with his mission.

”Nemesis squad,” the Inquisitor shouted out, getting the attention of his squad of operators that all served the Saaraishash Branch of the Empire. ”Listen up, we have our assignment. Our recon teams have located some sort of complex that is within a dead volcano of this planet. They were unable to gain information on what operations this base does; however, they have located several entry points for us to make use of. No doubt the enemy is using this for whatever purposes and don’t want it found out as they made it hard for us to detect it with our scanners. Whatever they have hiding is something that’ll hurt them when we seize or destroy their assets. Questions?”

No questions as of yet as their pilot flew their stealth corvette above the lifeless earth of the devoid planet, closing the gap between them and their destination.
C a r a _ D a l g a s

[OBJ - 1] Take the station by storm
Objective | Eradicate insurgent forces

The Dragoons in Cara's unit were making quick work of stragglers as they attempted to fall back in favor of more defensible positions. As detonators were thrown, the Dragoons would hold their ground, debris and shrapnel pinging off their shields and armor as they cleared the area for additional Legionnaires to land and deploy. As heavy cannon fire being laid out was used to cover the Recusant's retreat, Cara and the Dragoons would begin to mobilize to neutralize the threats to the infantry. Blaster fire would chase after the fast Dragoons as they moved into cover. Cara would make a gesture with her hands as the team broke up into pairs and began to move along the cover while drawing the attention of the heavy cannon fire.

Meanwhile, as the focus of the battle had been shifted more towards the vanguard, a series of cloaked Nightseers moved along the backline, wielding powerful sniper rifles as they turned their focus to the gunners of the heavy cannons being operated. As they presented their vulnerable heads to the hidden Nightseers, a series of blaster fire could be heard, a large smoldering hole appearing in the heads or chests of those who had been unfortunate to make themselves stationary targets for snipers. Their bodies would fall to the ground as Legionnaires began to pursue the fleeing enemies, though unlucky individuals would be sent flying or vaporized as they triggered tripmines and other traps laid out by the insurgents. Entire squads could have been wiped out if they were inexperienced and didn't understand proper spacing, but the Legion was far from inexperienced or basic forces. This did, however, prove to be a nuisance as the attack would be slowed to ensure that the explosive devices were neutralized.
Objective: 1, secure the Recusant Base
Allies: TSE Loyalists

A heretic's head hit the ground with a thud, followed by the body. They had been driven back. At least for now. Max deactivated his lightsaber, turning to survey how his troops had done. From what he could see, they had taken to the fight well enough. He wouldn't be pleased with any less. Earlier he may have wanted only those battle-hardened under his command, however he understood the importance of training the new generations who would come through the ranks.

Max made a general order over his forces' comms "Get the engineers to sweep for traps ahead. We don't want any nasty surprises." He then switched his channel to all allies "I'm getting some troops to make a sweep. I see some of you have already begun, however."

The order was dutifully followed, with a team of engineers soon assembled and slowly proceeding through the room with detection tools. The occasional body or ground damage led to some awkward maneuvering around the area. After a tense bout of silence, the all clear came "The room is secure, my Lord. We will begin the sweep at the entryway."

One thing he didn't want was the detection to take up too much time. For all he knew, they were still setting up traps further ahead "Defuse those mines, we will proceed after that."
Objective: Destroy The Enemy [member="The Recusant Empire"]
Allies: Sith [member="Ryder Zeshatt"] [member="Cara Dalgas"]


A shimmering field of electrical energy erupted before the Sith as he continued forward. Explosions rocked his form as he continued forward behind his shield, his eyes narrowed behind the mask. They were so willing to destroy their base just to stop the Sith Empire from gaining any inch. A terrifying resolve to say the least. Around him his troops dug into the ruins, using the jagged waste as cover as they continued their assault.

"Do not let the pretenders survive. They will pay for their transgressions with their very lives." Kahlil turned his head then, nodding to the dragoons that seemed to be leading the way. "Support their assault. Focus fire on the traps."
Objective IV - BYOO
Gather Test Subjects

Hands clasped behind her back, gazing out the windows of the command deck of her ship, she observed as the Sith-Imperial pilots began firing upon the defenseless Purrgil. It was a cruel task, although many spacers would say the Sith were doing the galaxy a favor. Purrgils were a nuisance to the space lanes, causing collisions and destroying ships during their migrations. They would occasionally cleanse regions of the creatures, killing them in droves to make the hyperlanes safer for traversal.

But this partial extermination had another purpose.

She had ordered the pilots to not kill all of the creatures. She wanted them scared, she wanted them to be enraged but unable to do anything against her forces. Because... and she was fairly certain of this, the larger Purrgil Kings and the Ultras were out hunting for food and would return when their children came under attack.

"My lady, a pod of the Purrgils have jumped to hyperspace. Their trajectory leads them into deeper space."

A smile broke out on her lips. They had done exactly as she had expected. Now, all they had to do was wait.

"Pull our fighters back to screen our ships," she ordered. "We'll be having larger guests soon. I want the frequencies prepped so they can be deployed at a moments notice. I suspect they will try and ram us when they arrive."

"At once, my Lady."
[member="Hailey Sosis"]

Ela proceeded to do what she did best in a combat situation, i.e charge into the fray and make improvised tactical decisions on the fly. Moving into a Shii Cho saber staff technique, she would proceed to whir around the area like a lumber droid, hacking off limbs and heads and making a hole in their defenses, her troops following her into battle.

This would persist for at least a few minutes, at the end of which, there was a clear path to the control center of the mining station.
[member="Ela Saako"]

She followed short stuff down the corridors, she was racking up quite the body count. She was quite impressed, with her killing capabilities. She was no Zambrano, but she was skill full enough. She was walking behind, and then picked up a head. She said to it, Oh Yorrik, I never knew you at all. She then drop kicked it over shorties head, into one of the soldiers. She moved down a side corridor, as she was not going to get lower body count than shorty. As she turned into the corridor, she bumped into an officer. He then went to strike her, she jumped up and bite off his ear. He backed off screaming in pain, as his ear lob dangled from her teeth, and went for his blaster. She then opened her mouth, and the piece of his ear dropped to the floor. He shot at her striking her shoulder, she span to the floor, and blackguard turned around and shot him the chest.

He then looked at Hailey and said Oi stop messing around and start killing, shorty getting a bigger body count than you, and that happens you're not getting paid this month. A tear came down her eyes, as she need the money for a fluffy unicorn. The rage began to well inside of her, and then her eyes began to turn yellow. Then she charged down the corridor, screaming I WANT MY UNICORN! She was rampaging completely, she was slicing and dicing her way through, she no idea what was happening, she only new pain and and anger.
Screams reverberated through the air as more bodies were thrown against the walls, smoldering metal whipping around like an infernal hurricane. Invisible enemies dispatched several of the Resurgent's heavy gunners, their blasted bodies falling back in heaps as the weapon sputtered and die in their arms. As more and more of their compatriots fell to the advancing Legion, the fiercer and fiercer they fought to make their last battle as glorious as possible; and to take as many of them as they could in their death throes.

Deeper in the station, the surviving officers had barricaded the security room in preparation for a final stand. The gravitational controls for the entire asteroid were right at their finger-tips, but they had not been used due to the fact that they couldn't quantify what effect it would have on their own soldiers that were still fighting tooth and nail to fend off the Sith lapdogs. But as more and more fell to the blasters and blades of the Sith Empire, the more anxious the surviving leaders became.

Until fear gripped their rebellious hearts, and without a word one of the officers disengaged the gravitational generators that maintained the artificial gravity on the station. It happened in sequences, individual segments of the station losing gravity one by one until it was lost in all quarters.

[member="Ryder Zeshatt"] | [member="Cara Dalgas"] | [member="Kahlil Zambrano"]
Objective: 1, secure the Recusant base
Allies: TSE loyalists

As the Sith troops advanced past the deactivated traps, Max wasted no time trying to regain the momentum that had provided the shock for the initial attack. The resistance had dug in to new positions however, and didn't fail to use all they had in an attempt to stop them. Scorch marks quickly battered the area around them, and Sith weapons returned the favor.

Blaster fire slowly died down in ferocity, but he was curious as to what they may have up their sleeves. Surely they had another hand to deal? As the Sith advanced, they fell back. It was only a matter of time until they reached the more vital rooms.

In a dash to take cover behind an old cargo lifter, Max suddenly felt a sense of weightlessness. All around him, his men came to the realization of the same occurrence. The last thing he wanted was for them to become panicking in the middle of battle "Damn these cowards! Hold on to something, we're still in a fight!"

"Need to...Find something. This isn't helping my aim!"
Objective IV - BYOO
Gather Test Subjects

"My Lady, we're detecting several large masses approaching..." one of her Adepts reported. Did Taeli sense a touch of nervousness in their voice? Yes, she believed she did. It was understandable though. Normal purrgil were dangerous enough as it was, but the Ultras could destroy even Star Destroyer scale ships. But, they had taken precautions. She had divided her flotilla, spacing them out into a rough sphere where they could support each other, but if the purrgil arrived among them, they wouldn't damage all of their ships at once.

"Incoming!" someone shouted.

Several massive shapes emerged from hyperspace, one of them close enough that it struck a corvette, splitting it in two. At least those on board had suffered quick deaths. The Ultras were radiating anger that their smaller spawn had been killed and injured. Perfect.

"Engage control frequency," she ordered.

It had been something they had discovered while they were studying the purrgil that became her Menacer Sithspawn. The whale-like creatures were susceptible to a certain frequency that would draw them in to follow that signal. A dangerous prospect for the ship emitting the signal, but it would lead them into the crossfire of their ion fire. Once they were unconscious, they could figure out a way to transport them back to Valrar.
[member="Hailey Sosis"]

Immediately after hearing the term "short stuff" for the umpteenth time, Ela would scream:


She'd then immediately stop whirring around like a lumber droid and come to a stand still. She'd be waiting for the two other squads to finish their pincer movement before attacking the control center.
C a r a _ D a l g a s

[OBJ - 1] Take the station by storm
Objective | Eradicate insurgent forces

The enemy was in disarray, and their actions becoming more and more desperate as they were becoming cornered, realizing that their doom was inevitable and coming for them. EMPs were thrown ahead of the attacking force to disarm any explosives as Cara's unit continued to push forward, blasting any enemies foolish enough to try and stop them with the Legion following their lead. As the front was pushed, Cara's secondary team of Nightseers were packing up, having performed their support function once they've established their landing zone and cleared out priority targets. They were now tasked with locating and sabotaging enemy vessels to prevent their escape as they stealthily disappeared from the battlezone.

Cara would heft her Autokrator assault blaster as it barked out shots, blasting foolish enemies and forcing the sensible ones to stay in cover. Her gaze would shift as she lowered her blaster, her shields coming up to deflect incoming blaster fire as she turned to look back after hearing shouts. The gravity had been disabled and it was approaching them from behind. A few squads of Legion troops were taken by surprise as they found themselves floating in air with nothing to take cover behind, making them easy targets for the enemy. A quick signal from her helmet and Cara soon found herself leaping into the air, taking position in front of as many as she could as her shield activated, blocking some incoming fire.

Gravity had been disabled as she floated there, providing cover as a majority of her Dragoons had remain planted with magboots activated to provide suppressing fire and a few other Dragoons activated their jetpacks to retrieve floating troopers and return them to the ground to do the same. On one hand the lack of gravity was a hinderance to the Legion, but on the other it was a massive advantage for Cara and her Dragoons who were well trained to handle situations in zero gravity. Her shields were about to deplete as the last of the surviving troopers were recovered, letting her activate her thrusters in microbursts with expert control as she reoriented her body before using her jetpack to throttle herself at the enemy, bringing a pair of heavy blaster pistols up as she shot at the enemy, a few of her fellow Dragoons following suit as they flew at the enemy through zero gravity.

Priority had been shifted to gaining control of the security room and restoring gravity, even if the Dragoons could operate in the environment with ease, the majority of the Legion would find themselves vulnerable and result in unnecessary casualties.

Fiolette Fortan

Duel in the Void

HIMS Dowager

The Special Group reverted into realspace with guns at the ready, without hesitation whisps of crimson soared through the void. Opposing shields held and the game was afoot, "move into formation vev-isk-four, one hundred and eleven degrees - with a slight decline on elevation." Lord Admiral Raaf ordered, hands behind her back as her azure gaze looked out over the figures on the holoprojector. Behind her was the viewer where the battle unfolded for the bridge crew to see, as the task group shifted into formation opposing weapons fire splashed against their shields the Dowager shrugged it off with relative ease.

Pivot, and then turn the Lord Admiral watched as the lead vessel readied another salvo, "target auxiliary systems, fire when ready." She informed her gun crews via the tactical officer who carried out the order. In the pit below the Admiral's command center, the officers and crew calculated the trajectories and marked out firing possible firing arcs as the computer-aided their cause. The Dowager while slow and cumbersome made use of distance and sent forth another wave of fire. Her fast track mountings shifted and the whir of the track felt more like a symphony. The opening act had only just begun, "load the gravity bombs." The Galidraani ordered with ease and waited patiently for the word to be given.

"Target locked, and bombs loaded Admiral."

[member="Ela Saako"]

She was in a full on rage, she kept fighting her way forward. She was going to reach the command center first. Alls she could see was a red mist and bits off body flying about as she did. She in reality was being blasted to a pulp, to the point once her rage had passed, she would collapse in a heap and in need of medical attention. As without it she would be dead, brown bread, and pushing up daisies. She left in her wake a trail of blood and gore, her own blood was in that pool as well. thing was in her rage, she could not feel the damage being done to her, and the force was maintaining her. Though soon that would run out, question was not if but when.

As she forced her way forward, her men followed up behind, mopping up what she had by passes, with a medic in toe. They eventually got to command center, she then collapsed in the doorway. As the blackbladed guard stormed it, and some accidently trod on her as they did. The medic then began work on her, but she was out for the count, possibly for a week or two.

Objective IV - BYOO
Gather Test Subjects

Even with the control frequency messing with them, confusing them, the Purrgil Ultras were still causing some mayhem. Another two ships had been damaged, and they were shrugging off the sustained ion fire that was pouring into the giant whale-like creatures. The Kings that had arrived had succumbed, but apparently, her calculations on the Ultras had been off a little. But... she was not upset one bit by this turn of events. It showed her that even their natural abilities before she and her alchemists started changing them were immense.

"My Lady, one of them has stopped moving."

Her eyes immediately zeroed in on the giant Ultra that had frozen in place, scanners showing minimal life signs. They just needed to keep up the barrage for now. Focusing on the Ultra's unconscious mind, she began dominating it with the power of the dark side, focusing on taking control and conditioning parts of its brain to follow her commands and touch in the Force.

"Now we need the others," she murmured.
It was the beginning of the end.

Whatever resolve the Recusants had been surviving off evaporated, the loss of artificial gravity giving way to a panicked and ill-coordinated retreat that left the majority of Recusant soldiers floundering in zero-g. Whatever officers that remained had either fled towards the escape pods to make some sort of suicidal flight from the station or had taken their own lives in fear of what retribution would be heaped upon them by the Sith.

Whatever the case, the fight had obviously been lost. There was little command keeping the surviving soldiers cohesive, and the resulting chaos ensured that no counter could be launched against the boarding Legionnaires.

It was over.

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