Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Red Plom Bloom Charity Gala (FWC, Open to everyone)

Chikako gave a small smile to[member="Nilia Saavilin"] at her comment about the confederacy, in all honestly the young Echani did not know much about how others felt about the resurgent government, but it was good to hear positive reinforcement, giving her a small boost of confidence in her work and other dealings. ​"Well thank you lady Saavilin, unfortunately I am not to well acquainted with the Sovrenty, so you will have to excuse me if I do not have much of an opinion on your faction, though you being here speaks well of those you represent no?". ​All that she really knew was that Vaki something Ice lead it a former imperial inquisitor and its location in the outer rim.

Before either could continue the Echani man form before spoke up, introducing himself in more detail, Sannes, Sannes, that name sounded familiar, and Mistier of Music too, ​"It is a pleasure also to meet you Minister, but may I ask, would you be from hose Sannes by any chance? a noble much like myself"?​It seemed like a long shot, but his position in the government and talk about problems back on Eshan sounded much like her own, well aside from assassination attempts and all. ​"It is unfortunate that you two have been ousted from Eshan due to all the political tension going on", ​it was the least she could offer the somewhat lax and laidback Minister.

[member="Alexander Sannes"] / [member="Nilia Saavilin"] / [member="Faith Organa"]

Sor-Jan Xantha

A better question might have been what wasn't he?

At the young age of fifty-seven, the tow-headed Anzat had been a Jedi Knight, slicer, military strategist, archaeologist, history professor, soldier, and any number of other things. The assorted and mundane items that all got lumped into the ubiquitous and other duties as may be assigned that came with any sort of command and control structure, regardless of whether that institution was the Republic Judicial Corps or the Grand Army of the Republic. And the Jedi Council? Masters of delegation. You better believe it.

"The industry term is information systems analyst," the precocious youth offered, with regard to the slicer moniker. "You say the word slicer and err'ybody automatically thinks you're working for WookieeLeaks!"

Which wasn't to suggest that Sor-Jan was above editing said WookieeLeaks. There was a rather absurd article posted up about First Order Grand Moff [member="Natasi Fortan"]'s underwear drawer that had absolutely no connection to any Corellian IP address. He knew that because he'd routed the VPN through a server located inside the Galactic Empire.

But still, not every slicer was working for WookieeLeaks. Just most slicers. Especially in their off-time.

"Mechanic is sorta a hobby," the child clarified, quite sincerely. He did enjoy working on a Corellian freighter in his free time. When he got any free time anyway. Usually the nerf herding board of directors was sending him to meetings. Or galas. Such as this one.

"But, I mostly just design hologames," Sor-Jan remarked, continuing on in the conversation. Which, wasn't entirely accurate. Sor-Jan played hologames. He was the company's best beta tester. And he did produce the hologames. But the design work was all being done by people like [member="Marque"] who had the patience for that kind of thing.

"What about you? What do you do?"

In that get-up, Sor-Jan was betting on bounty hunter. Which seemed like it would be a hard line of work.

But, it'd be nice to get a surprise. Like have him turn out to be the caterer. Heavy Metal Cake Chef!

[member="Tavi Riley"]​
"What about you? What do you do?"
Tavi frowned and bounced on his heels as he thought of a response. He does many things. some he didn't tink he should mention to the little one before him. He felt older than he really was, but still, there are somethings a child should not hear. Tavi though of all the slavers he showed his personal brand of justice, all the times he killed them without mercy and without a second thought. Of the many times he had to guard the rich and mighty, and spy on the deceitful and monstrous. He was a watcher, an observor. A guardian and protector. He was a Keeper. At least he tried to be. It was one of the few things that gave him his drive to live in life.

"I am a Coalition Keeper currently" Tavi decided to say as he spread his arms and started to recite his oath, with an ounce of pride

Oath of the Keepers
I am a servant of the law, a guardian of peace;
I will protect the innocent, seek truth in all things;
I will not break or abuse the laws of my station;
Nor will I execute the unarmed or surrendered;
On this I swear to uphold in life and until death.
".....and a part time poet" Taci said as he did a small bow. Tavi turned his head and started to say one that had come to his mind.

The royals are out tonight
To give to those who may not see tomorrow's light
To give to those who must fight for life
Are they rushing to give aid?
Have many already paid?
No, that hopes for too much.
They shall drink, they shall dance
Maybe a touch of romance
Some shall give, some shall just talk
Some will just take a walk
The royals are out tonight
Maybe some will be a beacon of shining light
Maybe some will whine with a child's might.
One day a royal might shock me
and prove themselves not of the usual flock
But most likely they will mock and squak about themselves
And I'll try not to send them out the airlock.

[member="Sor-Jan Xantha"]
The droid looked at [member="Marina DeVoe"] and nodded. "Yes Miss DeVoe I have indeed seen sand sculptures. They were something I also like. Seeing them back in my days on Tatooine." SN said, recalling his past memories. He didn't put them to the same standard as food though, it was the same general idea. Making wonderful art that doesn't last. The protocol droid was actually glad to have someone to speak with during the gala, especially someone as kind as her.

"So Miss DeVoe, you're the her majesty's intern right, please do tell me, how is it?" That was a question that just came across his mind, so he figured he should ask. Wondering what it was like to be, and work with the queen as often as she did.

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.
"Well, not much different than being at home, only I can't really..." She pipped up a moment to lean into [member="SN-1411"] and whispered,
" back...hehe.." it were true.

But not talk back fresh, no. Only readily give her own opinions when debating with her father concerning policies. Marina being a Traditionalist was in contrast with her father Duke Kyle DeVoe's militaristic stance on defending Alderaan at all costs. But Alderaan was a true democratic system and different views were seen as diversity. All were for making Alderaan a place where freedom of though and speech were commonplace and no one could fault another for having different views.

But when it came to the queen and when in her court, one had to follow proper protocols and in due time and process await to speak. Not that anyone was ever silenced, no. Just that one could not interrupt another till it were their time to speak. marina meant it in that fashion, as her father did allow marina at times to interrupt...and like wise. But that was in House DeVoe. In the queen's court, protocols were adhered to.

"But it is no different. I am honored that the queen took me in, as i used to stir quite some havoc buzzing the palace when I was younger. " She looked around so only a few ears may pick up, if they were listening.

"I was kind of very high spirited then and didn't know this was the queen's palace. I used to take the family speeders as young as 7 and just loved to fly about...not realizing I was buzzing over the palace grounds at times." She enjoyed retelling her tale of when she was a little girl who didn't know better.

"The Queen...well, the Mother Queen used to be amused by it and never had security chase me away. Our current queen, knew her mother liked me and asked me to be part of her assembly. 20 years later and here I am...hehe."
@SN-1411 | [member="Marina DeVoe"] | [member="Jim Pehico"] | [member="Nilia Saavilin"] | [member="Alexander Sannes"] | [member="Chikako Liona"]

Marina had managed to take Mr. Pehico off with his generous donation. She would attempt to speak with him more later and thank him properly. If he only knew how many times she had stood within a crowd holding multiple conversations. Tonight however she needed sharper ears.

She addressed those who had remained with her, "There are growing tensions once again the the galaxy. But yes Lady Saavilin I would hear more a new Senator. I remember my days as a new Senator quite frightening really. so much to learn and wade through."

Faith looked at Alexander, "Alexander you sir have changed so much from the young man who preferred his home, his books, and lessons. You look....unfettered right now. Do you miss the trappings of the Senate, I hear there is a new Republic forming. I believe there might even be a few representatives from there here." She smiled broadly.

She nodded to everyone, "Lady Liona I would much like to hear about you."

It was a setting that drew attention bright lights, music, crowds and the smell of food. From the streets many of the nobles walked in linked in arm by their escorts. Some had come from the museum, others the university there was something on Alderaan for almost everyone. But it was not a vacation spot it was meant to be a beacon of hope, a remembrance that peace was possible.

That there was hope and help to had in the galaxy.

Sor-Jan Xantha

He was a cop?

Well, that was probably less random than the life of a bounty hunter. Sor-Jan had been part of the Republic Judicial Forces during the Hyperspace Wars, so he had something of an appreciation for the work that law enforcement did.

Once upon a time, the Republic had believed it could operate with a federalized police force entirely, with no need for a military to support it. That view had turned out to be short-sighted when the Confederacy of Independent Systems formed in secession and opposition to the Republic Senate. Granted, that had all been political theater orchestrated by someone within the Republic Senate, but still... there was a role for both the military and law enforcement in civil society.

The poetry was an interesting spin on the conversation, though it was the message that caught the boy as interesting. Alderaan was royal high society. That much had not changed from when Sor-Jan had been a Jedi Knight of the Old Republic, so it seemed somewhat out of step with being a cop in this sector.

"With political ideology like that, you should consider the Outer Rim," the boy noted, and not in disagreement. As someone who'd grown up Jedi, he didn't really understand royalty either.

[member="Tavi Riley"]​
Tavi finished the poem and waited for the intelligent little one to think upon it. He may have gone a little too far with it, and let some of his personal opinions show. That was the thing with poetry, you needed passion and emotion to make them, and Tavi used a lot of it. When the little one said he should have considered the Outer Rim, Tavi laughed.

"Hah, considered it many times, I have. I might have ended up a mercenary or a bountry hunter if I wasn't offered a position as a Keeper. I am still adjusting to it, but I generally like it. It was alot more tha I was expecting....I know that Alderaan is a royal society. Maybe if i grew up here, I would have seen differently. I grew up on Coruscant though, in the under levels. When I was part of the Coruscant Security Force, I was on the surface more. The acts I saw perpetrated by the rich, foreign diplomats, and even the officials on Coruscant have made me a little jaded to those that call themselves "royals". Maybe that might change over time, as I work more and become closer to these people. " Tavi said as he glanced over the crowd.

"Whatever happens, I will always look after these people. Cause it's the right thing to do, and what my duty requires of me. Cause no matter how i jest, I don't want anyone to get hurt. Especially not on my watch." Tavi said with a sad tone in his voice near then end.

He was good at his job, and alot of people knew it. Yet, he was only human, and sometimes people got hurt while he was suppose to protect them...some had even died.His hand brushed over a pouch on his belt, over where he kept an image of the friends he lost a long time ago. He was suppose to protect them, and failed.....he would never let anything like that happen again, not on his watch.

[member="Sor-Jan Xantha"]

Sor-Jan Xantha

"You're from Coruscant?"

Sor-Jan hadn't been to Coruscant. Not since he'd skipped ahead nine hundred years when the relativistic shields had failed on the ship he'd been using to flee the Galactic Empire amid the chaos of what history had recorded as Order 66. He'd been to the Coruscant System. Corellia Digital had done a lot of work there at the behest of the Galactic Alliance and [member="Mara D'Lessio Merrill"]. He didn't know what it looked like now, but he didn't care to either.

In his mind, the name invoked imagery of the Great Temple of the Jedi. Of Master Tyvokka and the Jedi Council of old. A time when the Republic had spanned the galaxy and the Jedi had been the guardians of peace and justice.

It was very un-like anything he'd experienced in this time, so he didn't care to dispel the illusions of his own nostalgia. Even still, he could recall the geography. And had many fond memories of it. "Which sector?" the boy inquired wistfully.

Strange to think that what had been only 7 years ago for him had, in fact, been nine centuries past now.

[member="Tavi Riley"]​
SN gave a robotic chuckle to [member="Marina DeVoe"] "Sounds a bit like my past to be honest, when dealing with talking back to people. Back in my past with the Jawas they didn't like that I kept talking back to them. I was too independent for them and they figured they weren't going to sell me. But I eventually gain my freedom when I made them more useful droids. I just kinda ha a knack for engineering fellow droid." SN said, sharing a bit more of his background with her. "Their only request was that I didn't make them self aware like me." He added, followed by another chuckle.

"Sometimes I miss those early years back on that oversized sand pit. Living a more simple life. Not being the same glorious war hero that I am today, and serving the Free Worlds Coalition." The droid said, giving himself some of his usual self praise. Something he almost did with anyone he spoke to. Being sorta like a compulsion that he need to do, bragging about his nonexistent achievements.

[member="Marina DeVoe"]
The drink he had was quite exquisite. He had never had such a liquor. It was fantastic, almost better than lum. While he had been figuring out the flavor she and the droid continued to make small talk. They continued to talk about his self awareness something that interested him, it’s a surprise that the droid hadn’t been kidnapped and sold to the highest bidder. Though it was probably best that somebody didn’t find out how to make droids become self aware.

“Ms. DeVoe, I’m quite surprised you found something that would impress me.” He said with an impressed look on his face. He looked over to the droid. “As for you SN, I’m curious. How far does your self awareness go? I understand that you have feelings, desires, and motives. But do you have true emotions. Can you become discouraged?” He asked. “Do you find yourself having humanly desires? I see you have pride in your achievements, like a true human, but do you have interest in romance? For example how do you feel when talking to Ms. DeVoe? Do you feel antsy? Like you want to impress her?” Jim asked only because the protocol droids functionality impressed him so much but he wondered how human was SN.

[member="Marina DeVoe"]
People only create to destroy.

Preliat lived only to die.

But free from the shackles of the Mandalorian Resol'nare, free from the burden of having an entire culture looking up to him- Preliat found a strange reason to live. To see. To observe. To understand. He had been lacking in these things in his nearly 40 years of existence. An understanding. He understood the Mandalorians, but not the people elsewhere in the galaxy.

He had only met a handful of Jedi, and despised Sith- but as he traveled he began to understand more of it. However, it left him with an empty feeling, the more he perused the galaxy, the more he learned. That he had accomplished nothing. And truth be told, what had he actually done in the galaxy? In the grand scheme of it all, all he had done is taken life. He had curb stomped a menace to society, but if he had done it, someone else would've. He killed Jasper Ordo in cold blood, and got his revenge on all those who wronged him and his family- but as all the sayings and teachings went, it solved nothing and did not stop the pain of his wife from being gone.

He inhaled deeply as he stepped through. Guilt washed over his body. He knew who was hosting this, and he was partial to blame for the current state of the galaxy. And for the death of a loved one of the hostess. Preliat towered over the guards, as they ran wands over him. He had become somewhat known by face, not by moniker anymore. But they were more worried about a six and a half foot animal of a man, in what could be described as slightly-above-casual wear wandering around the party.

Preliat had a lot of money left from Dredge's death- the Rebel alliance, mercenary days...some of it had stacked up. And some of it he wasn't going to use. He planned to be a drifter, he had no use for what accounted for little more than numbers to Preliat. He was let into the gala, and watched each person, in his predatory way. He wasn't sure where to begin...what to do...or even what to say. All he knew is that he was here. Here and unsure.

It was a pleasantly new feeling.

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.
"Oh, good. I wasn't sure if you were a scotch kind of man. But figured I couldn't go wrong with Whyren's Reserve." She smiled, seeing that Jim did enjoy the rare scotch.

It were top of the line and expensive. One that you wouldn't find in cantinas. It was an aristocratic scotch, but she had never tried it until she was on Nar Shadda and a pirate friend of her friend had cases of them. Needless to say, she had gotten plastered. But her friend who was a bounty hunter really didn't have to watch over her, as the pirate Sade and her underworld associates had also taken Marina under their
Jim certainly reminded her of her friends outside her royal circles.

"Ahem....still standing here..." She jested in response to Jim's forward question to the droid [member="SN-1411"] .

But she took no offense, just that in a way it was putting her on the spot.
She knew Jim was a straight forward type of guy. She had met similar people and at first took some time to get used to how they interacted. But she were a fast learner and adapted well in any situations. Marina came to understand that it was their without beating around the bush.
It were like a sort of culture. But she didn't see it in any other fashion other than a different culture.

To Marina, it actually never entered her curiosity as to the droid's emotional diversity. It were an interesting question, but she still had to maintain her current protocol and hopefully not many ears in the gala were picking up what [member="Jim Pehico"] was bringing up in conversation.
From the moment [member="Preliat Mantis"] had stepped up to be scanned and recognized a paige ran through the crowds to get to Faith. As she began to speak to her guests she halted looking over at the young man out of breath as if someone had been chasing him. Faith looked around just to be certain someone was not.



He came closer and whispered in her ear. She nodded to Kyle, "thank you." for some reason it was at this moment that she also caught site of [member="Sor-Jan Xantha"] a chill ran down her spine he reminded her so much of innocent children across the galaxy. Of those in the refugee center, of those currently enroute to Alpha Mae which led her to think of her Aunt. For certain she felt as if she should do something.

She motioned for Bekka and whispered in her ear. Within moments she disappeared uncertain if what she had asked would be done, but certain that there were many who needed closure and opportunity. She smiled at those around her and waited.
Jim looked over to Marina, she seemed slightly worried by what Jim had said, she might have joked it off but he still had a feeling he made her uncomfortable. He instantly felt bad knowing that was not his intentions at all. He quickly replied before the droid could.

“I’m sorry Ms. DeVoe, I didn’t mean to put you on the spot, and making you uncomfortable wasn’t my intentions. It’s just I needed to use a good example. If SN has the capability to fall in love, it would most certainly be someone similar to you, after all you are truly magnificent, if I might say so myself.” Jim finished off the scotch and continued.

“Look Ms. DeVoe, You’re undeniably beautiful, you’ve got a fantastic personality, you’re genuinely caring, and you’ve got a taste for good alcohol.” Jim said with a smile, counting her traits with his fingers. Though that last comment he had said half jokingly, the rest was genuine.

“I’m just saying, it wouldn’t have made any sense to use anyone else for this example, Ms. DeVoe.” He said with a warm smile hoping he had made her feel better.

[member="Marina DeVoe"] [member="SN-1411"]
Making his way through security was mildly amusing to the man. While he was unarmed, one of the very few times that could ever be true (from a certain point of view), the fact that he was a known man in the galaxy saw that he attained even more attention passing by the same teams. Yet he was allowed to pass.

Giving a mock bow the man entered the evening's festivities with a wry grin and blue eyes glowing. The dark suit fit in with the attire of those present and if one didn't know any better the man, Muad Dib, could easily pass as a gentleman and aristocrat. While he could wear the trappings of such and individual the look in his eyes belied the facade.

Eyes scanned those present as he made his way to the bar, passing a blonde woman with interesting company, a man in a somewhat wrinkled suit and a Droid. A small smile crossed his face as he ordered a Whyren's Reserve. With the crystalline glass in hand he moved back through the crowd.

His eyes lit on a familiar figure, Mantis, who forwarded over most. The hard features of his once vod in arms reminded him of his lost time away from the Galaxy. He had stood still while others had continued with their lives. A small sigh escaped him as he sipped the liquor, glowing orbs scanning the people with a predatory precision.
So. She looked at Kyle, "I don't want to do this." But still she understood and so she would go. She understood that Faith seemed to think that there was something left to be said or done between Clan Ordo and [member="Preliat Mantis"] , honestly Maeve did not know what more could be said.

She wore blue like many of House Organa tonight to mark their unity as a House and to make them easy to spot in a crowd. Preliat was not hard to spot in the crowd either from where she stood looking down from the second level. He like so many probably came to help others. This wasn't a night about the past right now. She sighed heavily and began the long walk down to find Preliat.

There were only a few things she knew about him. But perhaps she could convince him to provide supplies or credits for the refugees. She tried to forget he killed her father. She remembered there were thousands in need of help and the past could sleep tonight.
SN faced [member="Jim Pehico"] and eye him closely, listening to his questions on emotion. "Ah, yes, I have her much about this, and have done my own thinking on how to explain the phenomenon. I have told someone else about it in the past and they just thought I was being cold and heartless. You see, we can grow attachments, but it's a calculated move. Dorids that are with others familiar to them figure they'll get better interaction with them then a stranger. Thus we can grow some kind of affection towards others. However, just because it's a calculated move, I don't think it makes it any less legitimate when a droid is self aware. Even when I wasn't fully self aware I could process things like that. But the romance, well that's a bit more tricky. In fact I don't know how to really comprehend it. A droid that emulates romantic behavior does so either because they were able to learn it from observation or it was programmed to. But from my understanding it's not quite the same. It's in this pit where no one can tell if it's real or not, not even the droid acting romantic can truly tell."

SN figured this kind of subject deserved a more detailed explanation, even if it sounds boring and not heartfelt. "However, regarding Miss DeVoe, I do want her to be impressed with me, just like I want to impress everyone I meet with my glorious achievements." He said, once again bragging, although it was a part of his programing to act that way. "So, I would like to experience a romantic relationship with Miss DeVoe." He said rather bluntly, not really understanding what he was saying. "I calculated that she I would get good interactions with her." Well, as he said, that was the extent romance to him. In the end, for a droid it was about doing the best you could.

[member="Jim Pehico"]
[member="Marina DeVoe"]

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.
A small chill ran up across her left side. She gave a quick glance to see if perhaps someone had left one of the many balcony veranda doors open. But it weren't the chill of any breeze at all...something else cold tripped her intuition.
By no means were it from Jim or SN. In fact, the amusing explanation of both gentleman and droid eased her back into the warmth of the Gala. She had no idea who or what had passed over her...maybe an ancestral spirit may have come to pass over...perhaps.

"Well, stop it you two... you're making a lady blush." She regained her humor and spirit, forgetting the brush with the chill. "...and thank you [member="SN-1411"] for that explanation. You've made me rethink my own droid's motives for his attachment for me..Hehe." She once again tapped the droid's arm.

"There could be said the same of many ladies here..." She gave a sweep around, noting very distinct and beautiful women.
But nevertheless, despite her playing it off, she were flattered by Jim's comment, along with even the droid's. What girl wouldn't feel flattered by the attention?
But she weren't there to seek such attention, although aside from wearing her grandmother's design dress of yester-years past, Marina did like it for the reason that it complimented it once did her grandmother. Sure she could have worn a more formal, less form fitting dress, but she had dressed to look her best and such compliments augmented that she had made the right choice.

"...and you, [member="Jim Pehico"] , you best keep that charm on a leash with them, otherwise you'll find yourself in the midst of a few cat fights over you..." She chuckled with good spirits. She felt Jim knew she were just having a good time with good company and as long as royalty weren't within ear shot, she could joke around with her new friends.

She did however give another look around for said nobility within earshot. And in doing so, the queen not too distant away had captured Marina's eyes for a moment.
"Hmm..." Marina dropped her smile for something were amiss with the queen.

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