Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion The Red War: Abraxas | CIS


Location: Abraxus System, preparing to enter into the brawl range with enemy forces
Vessel: Star Destroyer Hope, full complements of Dragon Fighters and War Hound Drop Ships
Objective: Kill 'em all, let God sort them out
Tags: G 3 M 1 N 1 G 3 M 1 N 1 Verin Oldo Verin Oldo Kiff Brayde Kiff Brayde Anashla Deshal Anashla Deshal Domino Dubose Domino Dubose Cypher Rage

As the battle raged outside, G3M would find the specific dropship she'd hopped aboard loaded with droids and commandos. A very specific kind of commandos with skulls painted on their helms and a single Gold stripe on their armor. Two of them would look at each other, not saying a word before one of them spoke to her in a commanding tone.

"Granted. Stay behind us, stay out of the way," He would then turn and say something to the pilot "Anvil, we got one more,"

If G3M tried to look up any insignia's on any database she'd find none. In fact if she looked across any of these commandos, the only thing that would come up in her scans was the model of armor, being RA2-M Rapid Assault Armor. They bore no name, insignia, their one markings differentiating them from standard TDW Commandos being the skulls and lack of Dire Wolf logos, and that across from each of these men was a TCD-1D Combat Droid. They would sit and wait for the order to deploy from the ship, which was soon coming.


Meanwhile on the bridge Kerensky would watch as his gunners engaged various targets, E-War teams went back and forth between the ships and station, and various stations were doing all of their designated battle duties with newfound excellence and fervor that had previously been absent. These men and women were drilled to be exceptional, The Dire Wolves demanded the very best, doing what was necessary to win. Hope itself was soaking up the damage well, but it couldn't rely on shields alone to tank an entire station's worth of fire. Shots would be selectively let through by her AI, allowing turbolasers and Ion Cannon shots to 'pierce' the shields and hit the armor of the hull. Various missiles would be intercepted, responded to, and in turn have them be intercepted but with each volley gaps were becoming apparent. The Victory was fighting up close and personal way outside of her weight class, against a vessel designed to kill ships much bigger than she was. Rounds from the Mjolnir cannons would slam into the cruiser as each would fire in turn with a slow rumble felt through the hull. Its shields designed to handle relatively much smaller Turbolasers was bombarded and shortly broken by the sustained barrage of oncoming fire. In a smaller flash of bluish light, the shields would flicker one last time before dying, followed immediately by explosions as turbolasers, laser cannons and Mjolnir cannon shots ripped through the hull. Turbolasers would be swapped to Light Storm mode, increasing their rates of fire as they mauled the poor cruiser, the finishing blow coming as a Mjolnir APHE round would be sent into the ship's hypermatter reactor, causing it to detonate violently.

This would cause Hope's shields to fail, however the vessel's large armor was more than enough to shrug off the barrage from the station as the Mjolnir Cannon gunners decided they had had enough. The next rounds cycled through being Ionnite-A rounds, designed to disable larger vessels with the potent anti-electronic material known as Artificial Ionite. Another barrage would be fired, multiple rounds hitting the shields and causing them to burst, spreading the materials through the space around them in a cloud of Ionite particulate. This would cause the shields to fail, followed by multiple impacts across the vessel at various battery locations causing the rounds to generate more particulate fields. The effect would be noticed immediately as the guns would immediately stop firing, and turbolaser fire attempting to go through the field would find their fields destabilized and would struggle to hit behind these clouds of particulate. Which was the moment Kerensky had been waiting for.

"Launch boarding parties, if they surrender they are to be taken alive. That being said, if anyone on that station attempts anything hostile I want them spaced. When we get aboard have one of the droids get me their intercom system,"

"Aye sir!"

Below decks the War Hounds would finally take off, exiting Hope as they easily avoided the larger turbolaser fire that was still oncoming, but now severely reduced and otherwise being sectioned off by remaining cannon fire from Hope as their gunners knew that trying to shoot through the Ionnite was a waste of time, instead aiming for still exposed sections to disable the ship. The War Hounds would go full burn towards the station, Black Squadron coming alongside them to provide escort as they finished with local fighters directly around the station. As G 3 M 1 N 1 G 3 M 1 N 1 rode with her unknown acquaintances the man who'd spoken before would speak again as he saw their position approaching the station.

"If your target aligns with ours, you're more than welcome to follow us. Our objective to take the commander of the station," he paused as he fired up a holographic image from his Wind Talker Comms with a red dot showing their objective, and a green dot showing their relative location "We'll breach and fight our way to the Command Center of the station. If you have targets of opportunity for us we'll execute on station. Our orders are to take them alive if possible, but lethal force has been authorized on any hostile elements,"

His helmet would finally turn to her face as he finally addressed what she had called herself. "If we need to specifically have you do something, your handle will be G. Welcome to Angel Company,"


Location: Abraxas
Equipment: Illyria Knight Armor, Knight Saberstaff, Miralukan Eye Mask
Mental state: Breathing.
Tags: | Caelyn Malkavian | Donne Toulemonde Donne Toulemonde | Echo Vesulos Echo Vesulos | Alida Ember | The High Court of Illyria The High Court of Illyria | Acantha Malvern |

Well it certainly seemed as though they were going to have to make there on the clock once again. Instead of this time suffocating on the asteroid’s rock, they would be blown up inside a secret sith base. All in the day of a sister, and not one thing out of place. Failure right on their doorstep, ready to overtake them with the slightest of mistakes. Perhaps they had even failed already, even as Xobos took the first step into the base proper, and the countdown was just a timer to their deaths. But it wouldn’t be very much like them to just lay down and die in this situation, now would it?

Stepping into the base, she could feel the anger and hatred of their target painting the halls. She had no doubt the other two would feel it as well. Turning, she watched as they both made their way through the hole, seeing that the Malvern had cloaked herself through the force. A smart way to approach the situation, at least in her mind. But she could still feel the anger that coursed through the bird’s veins, pointed mostly toward their target, but also toward her fellow sisters. “I don’t believe the little likes us very much..” Amboragos had picked up on it as well, earning a small nod of silence from the Miraluka. Personal feelings could be powerful..but right now, they needed to work together to finish this.

“I know we don’t like each other very much…but you two can feel as well as me the power this man holds. We’re battered, bruised, hurt..and if we do not come together, as sisters, we will fail.” She spoke, footfalls starting toward where the signature of the sith moved in the force. Her blade swung behind her, gaze focused straight forward, knowing that her sisters would be fast to follow. “And if you are like me, truly, then you know failure is not something any of us can accept. So let us stride forward, my sisters..” Another few strides forward, gaining speed, rounding a corner to burst forward toward the target. Anger, hatred, pain sending waves of power throughout her body, forcing her to step faster, ignore the pain screaming from her ankle.

It wasn’t just her that couldn’t accept failure. The master they served, failure was synonymous with death. If they failed and managed to survive..oh they would have wished to fall by the blade instead of returning to the king. So they would not fail. Not today, not ever. They would experience pain, setbacks, but they would not fail. They were sisters, and they would learn to lean on each other as such, whether it be Xobos leading them forward or another. Their first mission, today, would not end in failure, and would take this man exactly where he had chosen to run.

“And let us give this false god a taste of our one.”

They were getting close to the target now, and all three of them could feel the anger he harbored toward them growing. They needed a plan, but without knowing what they were walking into, there was little they could do to get ready for what he might have planned for the group. Without turning her head, she spoke aloud once more, this time pointedly directed to the sister of shadow following closely behind. "Acantha. Forward. Find what we're walking into, but do not engage with him without us. If we're lucky, we'll be usher him into a trap between the three of us if you can stay hidden." Now her head turned to where the hidden sister would be, over her shoulder, and jerked her head to the front. "Go. Trust your shadow." Hopefully the girl would follow what Xobos had to say. Just because she was the oldest, and technically, the most skilled, did not mean she garnered the respect a leader needed. There was hope she could earn that, but for now, that was just a hope in the back of her mind. Echo and herself would continue to move forward, hopefully ushering the target into a snare he would not be able to escape.

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Do I Dream of Electric Sheep?

Rig: F-22 Star Raptor x2
- 3 Concussion Missiles, 4 M2 Heavy guns (2 on pilons), 1 backup light rapid fire Ion laser cannon
Location: Asteroid Field
Allies: Ji-Ji
Objective: Scout / Engage
No sooner than G3 boarded the craft, the scanners within her eyes would begin observing the people she was with, scanning their loadouts for the most part, their armour was more or less easy to scan, the fabric they wore didn't seen to offer much protection against the radio wave spectrum her scanners used to operate, assessing the materials and compositions by molecular density via how much resistance they gave the wave frequency, however the under suit they wore beneath their armour was ironclad, like attempting to chart an X-ray through lead, but it was enough to get an idea of their forms, she could tell what blocked her sensors was skin tight by its dimensions and she was able to get a more than good look at their equipment. Heavy weapons, low tech swords, grenades the occasional breaching charge. The tactical modular rifles were an impressive piece of equipment as well as the shield generators they seemed to come equipped with. They were lucky they had those body-suits after all... Whoever these men were, they were outfitted with, if not gear that was top of the line, it was specialized gear which had been proven to be effective with these specific soldiers.
However when it came to Gemini's load-out, other than the BAW 64 repeating blaster Cannon she carried, she appeared relatively unarmed. Gem didn't like the idea of letting these men take the front lines and ordering her out of the way, but she was not one to refuse them now. But she did have information that could possibly keep them all alive. "Affirmative: Relaying Intel on the Organization you are dealing with. They are called the Crymorah Syndicate, they are an intergalactic criminal organization who specializes in scouting particularly dangerous and expert talent. Ace special forces snipers, mastermind slicers, seasoned tacticians are but some of those they seek to recruit. The strengths of their organization revolve around capitalizing on the strengths of their collected talented individuals and supporting them to do maximum damage. These aren't just Hutts or Pyke slavers. In my last dealing with them, they'd set up kill-zone corridors, explosive traps and reinforced false walls to shoot safely behind while they used urban guerilla tactics. Dangerous enough that in that small base almost a dozen commandos died and a Jedi was seriously wounded. You all may have slaughtered their air-force, but I compute via resource alone we won that encounter. In a close quarters urban environment they are a lot more dangerous, you are warned."
G3 would cease speaking, awaiting acknowledgement silent or otherwise as it would expect the gravity of her warning was heeded. Expecting the sort of traps that the Crymorah deal in was simply a part of being able to handle what was going on. But if they were going to be invading their hanger bay, a location that was expected to be breached by enemies, they would be fighting a very difficult battle to get to the bridge of the ship. So, G3 strapped in for the ride as they ship would blast full bore towards the floating citadel. The structure was a veritable fortress, and as the salvo's of mass driver blasts would detonate into the surface of the structure, ionite sweeping their surface for moments as the shooting would come to a temporary end. Although, commanders at the helm of their ships weren't defenseless, their missile tubes and batteries continuing to fire upon the Hope as their blaster weaponry diffused within the clouds.
The hyperdrive sensors of the hope would begin to flare up, as interdiction fields created by the stations' tractor-beams would begin to activate after a short while of absorbing the sum of additional punishment. The old armour of the station holding out well... for now. Repulsars would begin to roar at full blast, pushing and heaving at the station pushing it on a spin cycle and moving the Ionite that precious little amount away while newly activated tractor-beams would create interdiction fields of momentum that would begin to push and heave swaths of the precious Ionite away from itself or at least accumulate it with the momentum of the ship at points on the dark-side of the vessel. Though this would take a minute the process would be an interesting one to watch, as the vessels shields would cycle on a dual redundant system sparking to life likely far sooner than expected for Krenesky. It wouldn't take long for cracks to begin appearing within the Ionite fields, and while the armour of the Hope was strong, the station through these holes and the angles of its many many guns would begin prioritizing the destruction of Hopes Mjolnirs. With the massive amounts of energy stored within them necessary to deliver their insane payload, the loss of one or two could severely damage the surrounding ship, and it seemed as though they'd learned that.
The Station rotating also allowed it to hide its damages sections, show a newly armoured face while the, albiet improvised manner of dealing with the dust would also prevent the Hopes hyperdrives from activating due to the nearby interdiction fields. Not only that, with the axis of closeness on its side, it didn't really matter how fast the hope was, spinning on a tight axis would allow the station to present any side it wished to the invading party with its heavy repulsarlift generators. The battle had entered a new phase, cycling shields and a spinning target more than capable of a second round with commander Krenesky as its boarding party erred closer and closer.
G3, on the other hand, would await landing. As the enemy were repulsing or sweeping the Ionite clouds they were using for cover, as they approached one of the few full breaches to the hull dealt by the Mjolnir cannons, there would be soldiers and repair-crews assembled when their scanners had picked up boarding craft approaching the ship. As they approached their landing, plowing the head of the ship within the hole, lining the sides of the landing craft with gutted hallways that had been split open through the middle, enemies in sealed armoured suits would be poised to open fire as soon as the shielded panels of the craft were to lift away. G3's left arm approaching landing would begin to glow an almost angry and sinister blue as they would approach the landing strip leaping out from the cover of the ship in front of her newfound allies she would kick forward in the zero-gravity, her repulsars pushing her with lightning speed towards the ground to roll, gripping the ground as if gravity had suddenly taken hold before aiming her hand and firing down one of the two paths in which they were surrounded.
A muffled crack would follow a blinding flash as several of the soldiers would simply cease to exist any longer as the Taurus sparked to life, filling the corridor with a super heated plasma field not unlike a localized EM Storm which would burn those who moved through it for some moments. While the EMField which would linger from the wide angle disruptor would cause the blaster-weapons of their enemies to fizzle, allowing Angel Squad to better focus-fire on one side of the pincered combat they had found themselves in. G3 would tear forward through the super-heated cloud, literally ignoring the thermal damage to her armor-plating which seemed to resist the ambient blaster gas with a ridiculous efficiency. Storming through the chaos as their weapons failed, burns scolding their armour and weapons G3 would throw two punches, the reinforced plasteel chest-plates literally detonating on impact with her fists as she would tear through the heated substance, sending the targets flying through the zero-grav space as little more than broken dolls to her speed and ferocity. Violet eyes burning with the processing power of her sensors and targeting hardware.
D E T E R M I N A T I O N /B]
Tags: Darth Metus Darth Metus

A mirror, cracked in two. Rann couldn’t help but agree. He found comfort in knowing that this was a road that had been walked before, and by his father. Being told this was a path he’d have to walk alone, or at the very least without help, didn’t bother him in the slightest. He had direction. He had a mission. He had a destination.
His father spoke his new name. A jumbled mess of Sith nonsense. But Rann knew the sounds that had no form would become clear, soon.

He looked around the landing zone of the planet. He had lost interest in this operation. Rann now had a brand new mission, a new objective. One for him.

His father spoke a name. A new name that was his. The new his. He turned around and began heading back up the landing ramp of his ship.

To anyone watching, it must have been a bit odd. Rann descended the ramp, stood still, then turned around and went back up the ramp. But for Rann, this new thing was much more important.

“Thank you Father. I know now what I must do.”
He entered his ship and began the launch protocol. His mission was clear and complex, yet it was as simple as Finding Himself.

Location: Abraxus System, preparing to enter into the brawl range with enemy forces
Vessel: Star Destroyer Hope, full complements of Dragon Fighters and War Hound Drop Ships
Objective: Kill 'em all, let God sort them out
Tags: G 3 M 1 N 1 G 3 M 1 N 1 Verin Oldo Verin Oldo Kiff Brayde Kiff Brayde Anashla Deshal Anashla Deshal Domino Dubose Domino Dubose Cypher Rage

Aleksandr would watch the station as it finally decided to change its tactics, apparently the absolute savagery that the vessel had displayed had shown that this station was going to have to pull out the stops to win this fight. Kerensky would watch as the station decided to spin, presenting a fresh side to the ship, as it brought new guns to bear and used centrifugal force generated by the spin to get the particulate free of it. As it brought guns back online and returned fire, Kerensky would note that the station was using its massive firepower to burn through the fields of Ionnite to get more fire onto them. He would smile, noting that this opponent would actually prove to be more of a challenge than their initial little ambush suggested.


Kerensky would speak out to his crew as the station began turning to face them and start massing their fires on the ship.

"Gunners switch to high velocity artillery mode, helm give us a constant roll of 90 degrees per minute. Echo teams calculate shooting solutions with each cannon and prepare countdown timers and predetermined vectors to aim down. Have Red and Gold Squadrons support the attack, Black Squadron is to cover our rear as we wait for the CAF to catch up. We hold them here, give no quarter, and accept none in return,"


Hope would fire its last salvo with a massive blast of Mjolnir rounds, as the ship began to turn, and turbolasers with Ion Cannons would begin returning fire as more avenues of fire began opening up. The ship began to roll in a clockwise motion attempting to turn the ship as it also began to rotate cannons out as they reloaded and charged for another volley. Turbolasers would slam into either side as the two space vessels would trade hammer blows, the station using its superior mass and guns, while the smaller Hope would use its much better and harder hitting cannons to make it an even fight. Turbolasers on either side would explode with massive balls of flame and explosions, ships would shake as they absolutely hammered each other. Hope would complete its first half rotation bringing the opposite side's guns to bear, which would unleash a massive broadside as they slammed into the station, with the station managing to target Mjolnir Turret Number 9 (bottom port side to the rear). The turret would explode as it took repeated hits to the turret cannons, and the explosion would spread to the engine decks of the vessel. The bridge would shudder violently as the alarm klaxons would blare signifying hull breach. Comms would flare up as various teams communicated.






Various doors would open as chutes engaged, leading to damaged sections of the ship's outer hull. The port side mass launcher would also open so the ship could fire whatever missiles were loaded to get rid of them faster. Various missiles would tumble out of the vessel, some of them activating their motors as they were burning, and a lot of them exploding from the fires they were experiencing. Meanwhile gunners decided that a reply was in order.




The remaining launchers of the vessel would open, belching out wave after wave of missiles which would first arc clear of Hope. Then they would sharply angle to turn about and aim for enemy weapon emplacements or otherwise hit the station. The barrage of SIM-1s, SIM-2s, SIM-3s, and SIM-6s was massive, and also getting the last of their explosive munitions out of the vessel. They were throwing everything they had into this fight, and it was abundantly clear that this ship was going to make the station earn it if they were looking for a win. Kerensky would smile as he hadn't had to say a word so far as the various crews did their jobs, aside from his orders that he'd given.

G3 would note that the entirety of the men of this particular vessel would be quiet as she spoke. They had extensively trained for this mission. Like every other mission, these men and women had prepared for extensively. They constantly prepared for every challenge, every challenger, and pushed each other and their equipment to the limit. To put it in the simplest of terms.

They lived for war.

And now, due to these pirates having crossed a line there was no coming back from the CIS had dispatched them with the CAF. This wasn't a policing action. This wasn't a simple bust with them showing up to attempt to arrest criminals. You only called on The Dire Wolves if the enemy was hardened killers, prepared for combat with even the most well equipped conventional forces. The Dire Wolves lived in a constant state of either combat operations, or preparing for the next set of combat operations. The members of Angel Company were an example of that being taken to an even higher extreme. There was nothing for them to say. Nothing for them to do. Either G3M would understand the level of soldiers she was with, or she would very quickly find out.

"Twenty Seconds!"

The commandos would stand out of their seats, and ready weapons. The lead two of them holding LWMMGs, the two behind them having HARM rifles with satchel charges prepped in case they needed to breach. The War Hound would approach the breach point, and then do a 180 degree turn halfway to the insertion point.


The cabin would depressurize to prepare for them to disembark. The second commandos would place their hands on the lead commando's left shoulder, with their rifle resting on the other shoulder. Each man there would visualize their next few moments. Thinking of all the possibilities of enemies that could await them. Thinking of everything that the enemy could do, what was most dangerous, how they could possibly fight them, and what they would have to do to win. When the doors opened and G3M leaped out of the ship, the commandos would pause briefly. They would watch as she cleared the way for their initial landing. They would wait until the order was given. It would be inaudible as the lead soldiers would feel a tap on their soldiers and would utter one thing through comms for G3M to give her and her alone warning of what was coming.

"Get down,"

10mm medium machine gun rounds would cut through the vacuum of space. Fire breathing dragons would be unleashed as the bullet hoses would belch out fire, metal, and shockwaves from the explosions as they went cyclic for the first three seconds. The lead commandos would start aiming down the center lane, sending a burst of ten rounds each before sweeping to either sides of the hallways laying down absolutely oppressive machine gun fire. And behind them the two commandos with rifles would rush forward, firing quick double taps into survivors at the main hallway, with droids behind them taking up shooting positions on the flanking hallways. It would happen in a few seconds. In that few seconds G3 would see the absolutely violent nature of these demons. The initial fight would be cleared as they established security and the War Hound would break away and head back to Hope. The ten man squad would wait a few seconds as their scanners would confirm the targets neutralized. The leader would then walk towards G3, signaling to those behind him with a raised fist before throwing a knife hand forward. This caused the commandos move into a modified rolling T formation, with the first two in the stack towards the front being droids. In between them was a commando using their shields to shield the group, with commandos between acting as a buffer as the formation moved, with another three at the back in the same formation as the forward team. The "leader" of the team would address G3 through point to point comms.

"Ma'am, all due respect, be careful. We use slug throwers which happen to go through the bad guys. So don't leap out in front like that again. Trust us, and don't worry if it's action you're looking for. There'll be plenty of killing by the time this is done," He would tap the wall twice to signal the rest of the team it was time to move out.

The lead team would push forward, with two LWMMGs facing the front while the commando in between the droids extended his shields over them. This would provide an extreme level of firepower to the front, flexible troopers between the formations to provide cover between teams, and the rear droids covering the formation with security, their HARM Rifles being more than up to the task.
Tags: The High Court of Illyria The High Court of Illyria | Xobos Yakieer Xobos Yakieer | Acantha Malvern

The thing with being a Miraluka, was that the being could not only see through walls and doors, but feel the emotions of her companions and Echo herself could feel an irritation rise up from within. The source of the irritation, was a bird who seemed to have an ego that was larger than an actual planet. If she could have chosen her teammates, this person would definitely not be someone she would have chosen to work with. However, there was no point in addressing the irritation or directing it towards the one who ensured that it rose to the surface. There just wasn’t enough time to settle such a score, but then again, Echo wasn’t sure that she even wanted to settle the score. If anything, the bird’s ego would be its own undoing. With such a thought firmly planted within the forefront of her mind, the white haired woman directed the energy of her irritation into her current task.

When the door finally fell free of the wall, a robotic voice played through the speakers close by and her head angled slightly upwards as she slowly took notice of the area that they found themselves in. As the voice through the speakers announced very clearly what might happen if they didn’t get clear of the structure; the Miraluka couldn’t help but scoff inwardly. It hadn’t been the first time that someone had tried to bury her, in fact, the first time she really had been buried. Granted, her opponent had thought that she was dead, which had worked in her favour. However this time, she didn’t plan to be buried and wouldn’t go out of her way to make sure a certain someone else wasn’t either. However the other Miraluka seemed more interested in trying to bring the Sisters of Death’s interests in line.

Such a thought to work with each other had occurred to her earlier, but the flash of irritation raised its ugly head once again and she slowly exhaled in response. Being thrown together without any time to strategise as a unit was clearly not working in their favour, as every suicidal instinct wanted to say ’to hell with the target‘ and pick a fight with the bird. Echo had already cheated death and so far, even with the prospect of death clearly being written upon the horizon once more; the woman couldn’t bring herself to care. Death held no fear for the woman, but there was a certainty that rang with every one of her steps that she took. Echo and Death had made a pact when they had last danced, one that had sealed her fate within the dark confines of the force and strengthened. A pact had been signed, sealed and delivered and the woman was going to capitalise on it.

Anger… Irritation… It all gathered up within her lithe body and she rolled her shoulders back just as the whispers that spoke of dark promises suddenly got eerily quiet. Why? One might ask. Well, because she poured all of her anger; all of her irritation into the force and pulled upon it like a dark vortex that sucked in large amounts of energy. ”Like has nothing to do with it,” She said in a soft, but icy tone. No, it was all about trust and who she would rather be standing beside. So far, her preference was indeed Xobos and she did not care if the other ventured forth cloaked in darkness. However, her left hand reached out to lightly touch the wall as she walked. While it may seem that she used such a wall to help her move about, her goal was not as superficial as it appeared. The gathered energies of the dark force that she seemingly had begun to pull upon, began to release from the woman, as she sent streams of ionised force into the compound. While it was too large for the woman to disable outright, such an ionised attack could wreak havoc with the compound’s electrical grid to make the lights flicker and short circuit cameras.
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Do I Dream of Electric Sheep?


Rig: F-22 Star Raptor x2
- 3 Concussion Missiles, 4 M2 Heavy guns (2 on pilons), 1 backup light rapid fire Ion laser cannon
Location: Asteroid Field
Allies: Ji-Ji
Objective: Scout / Engage
Having tasted blood in the water the pirates would no doubt feel that they were in a position to capitalize on their offense, until the first volley of the heavy artillery hit. Devastating damage would be dealt even through the shield to one of the ship's bays as they would close off what they could to isolate the breach as the ship would continue to rotate. Cycling almost 90% of the power of their combined shield into their particle shields which could protect the station against the myriad meteorites which swirled around the planet. The Mjolnir mass drivers could be heard booming against the shield even in the vacuum of space, the ambient particulates of the blaster gas, debris and air from destroyed cabins and decks of ships filling the radius just enough that they would echo like a hollow thud to everyone who heard. The missiles which would flurry in their direction would be engaged by the ships hundreds of point defense guns, some of them slipping through to slam into the shields, some finding gaps in shields that had been temporarily opened up by Mjolnir fire or the Ion cannons, detonating on the ships hull and armour, erasing several point defense guns and even a couple of the larger turbo-laser batteries as the gunners would cry out in horror.
While the brutal broadside continued, new guns would cycle through, the last remaining few of the pirate fighters would deploy, compliment short range point defense Alpha 3 Nimbus Class V-Wings. The V's were the best ships the pirates had, custom frames and outfitted with twin linked ion cannons which pulled power from their powerful twin ion engines. There were only eight of them, but they shot from the station's dark side like streaks of red lightning to engage their attackers and prevent likely bombing runs across the surface of the station. The ships had been refitted, modernized and had been a match for even veteran CAF and GA pilots... but they'd never taken on wolves before.
The focus on the power of their deflector shields meant that they would be able to prevent hits from more missile and the heavy mass driver hits, but the station was much more vulnerable to the turbolaser threat now, shots would piece their shields and into the heavy reinforced hull of the station, while the Ion blasts would temporarily disable guns and machinery around the points of impact requiring moments to rekindle them and breath new life into the machines, thankfully the Ion blasts unable to hit a power source as it currently stood made it difficult to disable much in a more permanent manner. Point defense guns were detonating under the fire as the pirates would continue to target what they had now asserted to be the weakest point of the dreadnought they were up against. If they could get a couple more of those Mjolnirs. Moving to concentrate their volley of blasts on the guns that were adjacent to the one which had exploded, figuring if they could get one or two more on the same axis of the ship, they could split it open like a tin can with the ensuing damage. .
G3 had landed, firing out her blasts and dispatched of no more than two of the men before she was given the order to duck, using her repulsars she lurched to the ground, ducking low in a three point stance which kept her well below waist height. The volley of fire which tore through space over her was brief, tactical and brutal. The enemy was torn to pieces by the rapid passado which scored them in lethal locations. Their armour afforded them some protection, managing to fire one or two off center return shots, but knocked off by the physical impact they would drop to the bursts of multiple impacts and the thermal damage that had been done to their suits causing them to become more brittle and shattering. Blood would fill the zero grav space as the droids would spill out into the open area. A Mjolnir volley causing the entire station to shudder with the force of the blast, making even G3 look in that direction, thermal scanners checking for chain reactions in case of urgent evacuation. A few more hits like that, and there would be no need to get to the bridge... there would be no station left.
One of the men would chastise her actions, G3 would pay no mind. She had scanned the life forms prepared for their assault and G3 had made their path of attack easier. She had no idea of the skill level these men and women had, but from their initial assault, she would have to conclude that they were good at what they did. Advanced tactics, pinpoint accuracy that made them seem more like a droid than that of an organic. Hoisting her weapon she would keep to the back, a point guard was always a good idea after all.
G3 would keep pace as they would begin to clear corridors before they would finally reach one of the many walls which surrounded the breach. G3 would move past, a duplicate blast door to hold off the effects of the breach draining the air from the rest of the ship stood in their path. While G3M1N1 could afford to simply slice the outdated lock, she would wonder what these soldiers would do. They had charges to breach through walls and doors, but doing such would likely kill everyone on the other side, hostile or no. the thickness of the duplicate blast doors prevented G3's scanners from penetrating any further than them but there was also no way that they didn't know that they were coming. This was a hallways which would lead deeper into the heart of the ship there was going to be choke-points and other dangerous set-ups soon.
On the other side of the double blast doors, enemies were preparing. Two F-WEB blaster implacements were being hauled in and set up with expert speeds, armoured gun shields planted at their heads aiming down the corridor that sported almost no cover for thirty meters. If the blast doors were to open in their entirety, they would open up wall to wall, leaving them to have no cover for yet another fifteen meters back, catching them in the middle of a potentially fatal death-trap. 60 seconds until generators are at full power. One of them would state, as several men and women would set up the emplacements, ray shields would wrap around the compliments who would lay prone with a mix of blaster rifles as the barriers of the emplacements would wrap around them... They couldn't wait for first contact to show these CIS goons what they were made of.

Location: Abraxus System, preparing to enter into the brawl range with enemy forces
Vessel: Star Destroyer Hope, full complements of Dragon Fighters and War Hound Drop Ships
Objective: Kill 'em all, let God sort them out
Tags: G 3 M 1 N 1 G 3 M 1 N 1 Verin Oldo Verin Oldo Kiff Brayde Kiff Brayde Anashla Deshal Anashla Deshal Domino Dubose Domino Dubose Cypher Rage


Hope would continue to roll, cycling through blast after blast, salvo after salvo as it roared its defiance against the larger station before it. Rounds would slam into the the shields, now being made less effective by the focus on particle shielding, but this combined with its insistence to continue firing on Hope itself left it much more vulnerable than they realized. Hope's own Turbolasers would cycle out of cooldown and begin returning fire through the more numerous gaps generated by the enemy turbolasers as they burned through the clouds of Ionite-A. These shots would strike true, and let the enemy know though they had scored a great hit against the destroyer, she was not done. She would fight. She would not back down from such a challenge. Kerensky himself would hear the various gunners and sensors personnel calling out confirmations that the vessel was shifting to particle shields and decided that he'd had enough of this charade. It was time to end things.

"Fire the smoke, and have turret 10 prepare the SIC,"

Turbolasers would slam across Hope's composite hull plating, destroying smaller guns, causing L&K Light Storm Turbolasers to be damaged or destroyed, and causing severe damage to two more turrets on Hope before their final card was set up. Various missile doors would open, and SIM-4s would launch from them as they first arc'd clear of the vessel and then went straight to the station. These missiles however looked significantly different, and enemy personnel would soon find out why as their point defenses began to shoot them down, or the shields caught them. Massive clouds of smoke, with a very fine, dense and otherwise thick particulate permeating through the vacuum of space that was between them. This smoke would completely envelope the two vessels in space, generating a large cloud that would cause most gunners to lose sight of their targets, which Kerensky would quickly follow with a cease fire. This cloud had two properties he wanted to take advantage of. First and foremost, the cloud was designed to negate tractor beam technology, becoming extremely difficult to allow the tech to work as the smoke itself was difficult and thick, not allowing for the tractor beams to focus or grab significant mass. This had been a recent development following the loss of the Aegis, noting that a particular move which had been accounted for by her ship's captain with improvisation would need an actual stable counter. Something they could rely on. The second being that this smoke was also nigh impenetrable but to the highest powered sensor arrays, such as X-Rays, magnetic mass sensors, and other powerful radiation generation sensors that most hadn't trained under to either fight or navigate.

The exception being The Dire Wolves.

Kerensky had specifically developed the tactic as a maneuver to counter stealth technology without the requirement of high powered or specialized sensors. With the sensor capabilities and the way they were uniquely tied into almost every system aboard Hope, she could in essence fly blind, and use her sensors to see her surroundings despite most standard navigation sensors being rendered useless. But that wasn't all. If she needed to, she could fight to. Hope would cease her combat roll, coming to rest upside down relative to the station, its port side being presented. An engineer would report the shields just recovered, and they would focus them towards the station, covering high threat areas first, while leaving less damaged armor out to let the station try to damage it if it could even hit the destroyer.

"Helm, come around 1/3, set a slow orbit around the station,"

Hope would fire its engines slowly, coming to a slow circle of the station through the cloud, lurking like a shark. Its number 10 turret loaded the Super Ion Cannister Round, a veritable ship/station buster that would force shut down of most if not all systems on the station. It would take time to charge, but Kerensky was done playing nice with the people of the station. Either the Commandos of the late Sergei would take the station, or he'd force their surrender.


Meanwhile in the surrounding space the members of Red and Gold Squadron were blindsided by the appearance of the faster and newer fighter pilots finally entering the fray. Both squadrons would lose a pair, totaling four losses, before they reformed to engage the enemy fighters. Their newer and faster ships would serve them much better than the modified X-Wing and Y-Wings of their predecessors, allowing them to go toe to toe with the pilots of TDW. They would find however their tactics much different from the more conventional pilot corps of major factions. Wolves flew much faster in combat, driving their machines harder, pushing themselves to the very limits of biological and mechanical capabilities, and the whole time being extremely aggressive. Pilots who would get onto a pair's six would immediately find themselves in the crosshairs of another pair, with their own wing mates who had been chasing them likewise also in the cross hairs. Wolves would do rolling scissors with not only the enemy, but also each other to acquire targets, showing their absolute will to kill these combatants. And then the smoke from the SIM-4s would appear, the enemy pilots breaking from it to keep their scopes clear and allow them to still fight.

Which was the last mistake they would make.

While the enemy V-Wings were making breaks to get away from the smoke, the Wolf pilots would actually do an Immelmann maneuver that took them into the cloud. This maneuver would cause them to fly by only their specific sensors for a short time, a gamble which paid off as when they cleared the cloud, they were in a perfect shooting position. Laser cannons, and machine gun fire would fill the vacuum of space as they tore into the enemy squadron, downing several in quick succession before their comms would be opened by Gold Leader.

"Attention pirates, you have earned a single chance of a lifetime. Surrender now, and you shall be taken prisoner, and treated with all the protections as a prisoner of war under the laws of the Confederacy and with the solemn vows of protection from The Dire Wolves. These include medical care, food, and a cell as you await a fair and just trial for crimes committed, where you shall be judged by your peers. Otherwise, forfeit your lives now in a fight you will not win,"

Gold Leader would await the response from the remaining pilots as Red and Gold Squadrons still chased the enemy pilots down, not giving up on the chase until the enemy vessels decided to power down and indicate their surrender. Their guns however would be silent until they showed they had decided to continued fighting or had decided to surrender. And on high above them, Black Squadron would watch the debacle. Black Leader had held his squadron back, as he didn't want to interrupt the closest thing his comrades had had to a fair fight this entire battle. They spent most of their time training, either in sims, or in actually getting flight time outside of Hope. They drilled hard, they pushed themselves to the very physical limits almost daily to make themselves the very best fighting force the galaxy had ever seen. The Dire Wolves made the promise that they would fight anyone, anytime, at anywhere and do so with unmatched ferocity and effectiveness. Sergei had set an extremely high standard with the commandos, a standard which all aspired to, and none would willingly admit defeat in pursuit of.


The commandos aboard the station would press forward in their formation, coming upon the door before them as the squad leader called for a quick halt. Their sensors couldn't penetrate the door, but they'd received schematics of the station from the Echo Teams before they'd disembarked from Hope, knowing exactly what to expect on the other side. An open hallway with nothing for cover behind a blast door that they couldn't shoot through or see through.

Perfect for an ambush.

The TCD-1Ds would close to the door, machine guns ready as they prepared to breach. The two commandos behind them would immediately get close to them, their left hands going the droid's shoulders, while their free hands drew out M-18 Pit Viper pistols loaded with disruptor rounds. Their shields however would shift forward, forming a shield wall in front of the droids, leaving a small hole only where the barrel poked through allowing for the machine guns to fire. Behind them, another pair of commandos would prepare, merging their shields with the shield wall as kept their weapons down, hands on their comrades' shoulders. One would break from the formation and go to the door, pulling out a small cable for the panel to interface with his Wind Talker Comm unit as he began slicing into the terminal. As he did this, the squad leader would speak directly to G3M and only her, as the rest of his team didn't need to be told what needed to happen. These men had fought side by side for a little over a year, and as G3M probably already noted, they were extremely skilled at what they did.

"G, stay behind the front formation. If and when you are needed you'll be the first to know,"

The commando slicing the door would nod to the squad leader, which would then take his position in the stack, being in the third row. And then the doors would open with a groan as they slowly slid open. The pirates would open fire first, their blasters hitting the shield wall of the commandos as the droids responded in turn with automatic machine gun fire. The rounds would bypass the ray shields almost without a care, tearing into the exposed soldiers with thuds of sickening nature as the bullets would eviscerate them. The E-Webs would begin firing, the rounds slamming into the shield wall and causing it to flicker a bit as it tried to keep up with the damage. This however was immediately rectified when the fourth commando joined the phalanx, and they continued their advance, the droids and commandos firing repeatedly into the mass of the would be ambush and advancing as a unit, as one. One thing however was a noted issue. They could dispatch the guns with grenades, a MAAWS round, or even just throw a smoke grenade to give them concealment. The squad leader however had a better idea more in line with the aggressive nature of the Wolves, turning to G3M briefly.

"Hold on," He said as he reached over and almost plucked her up like she was relatively a paper weight.

The leader would hold up G3M like a javelin, and with a quick hop step and heave would throw her above the din of battle. The maneuver was simple, which was to go over something they couldn't go around, under and not fast enough to go through. So they would flank the enemy by going above them. That and with G3M having the cover of the gunshields between herself and the Wolves' automatic and Class-D disruptor weapons would give her enough freedom of maneuver to deal with the weapons as she saw fit. The shields for the Wolves were starting to flicker again as the E-Webs finally got up to full power, but the squad leader didn't worry as they finished off the remaining ambushers outside of them while trying to suppress them.

He saw a bit of them in the girl, whether or not she knew it yet.
Do I Dream of Electric Sheep?


TAG: Verin Oldo Verin Oldo | Anashla Deshal Anashla Deshal | Aleksandr Kerensky Aleksandr Kerensky | G 3 M 1 N 1 G 3 M 1 N 1 | Domino Dubose Domino Dubose

Rig: F-22 Star Raptor x2
- 3 Concussion Missiles, 4 M2 Heavy guns (2 on pilons), 1 backup light rapid fire Ion laser cannon
Equipment: - Repeating Blaster Cannon - S-66 Scorpio- L 86 - Pisces- T 91 - Taurus - G3M1N1 Chassis
Location: Asteroid Field
Allies: Ji-Ji
Objective: Scout / Engage

The station returning fire would watch as it would score more damage on the rolling Hope, the focus of its guns on more exposed targets rather than spread out across the breadth of the ship would begin working as damage would begin to accumulate. Tunnel visioning as they would attempt to break the narrow hope in half with their tactic the Syndicate would build up what little hope they had into a zeal. As they would create one hole, due to the size advantage they held they would continue to tear into it, chipping at the sides to widen it and penetrate deeper into the Hope than they could have otherwise rather than simply moving on to new targets. Each 'wound' the Hope would bare would be a deep one as the pirates would realize that simply penetrating the composite hull of the Hope was, in of itself, an achievement. Destroyed gun emplacements were a good beginning to that ends, as the ports and access ways they required would operate as targets to deliver a little more damage to the Star Destroyer, attempting to use its own size as its biggest advantage.
As the battle waged, scanners would show the opening of missile ports again as weapons would load, quick to react to the new vulnerable openings the guns rotating from their targets would move to the tubes as lock ons were detected by the ships software. Smelling blood and the opportunity to detonate something like a concussion missile within it s tube the hail would focus to the new ordinance. Likely slamming into one or two of the missiles moments before they were unleashed into the air. The myriad point defense guns which followed the wild arcs of the missiles as they would cascade almost intelligently through the air towards the station would catch most of the payload which would expand between the two ships, only a handful of the missiles would truly collide with the station proper, encapsulating about 2/3s of its entirety in the smog which would disable almost all the sight they had... But the Hope was gone.
Curses were uttered, where after a short time the repulsarlift points on the station would begin to flare, rotating with its spin to not slow its graceful defensive arc as the station would retreat somewhat from the smog at a glacial pace. Tearing free with an arduous groan as it would free the better part of itself. Its shields having been hammered would cycle again. The dual redundant system ensuring that they could repair or restore one while a second remained intact at all times. Their eyes would fixate on the cloud before them as their rotation would arc them into a horizontal position, hoping that if they couldn't see their opponent, their opponent couldn't see them. The disc-like station wheeling in this manner to almost lay on its side would allow it to bear a vastly larger sum of guns to bear should the Hope not alter its course as an entire plate would face it. They didn't know how the Hope intended to maneuver, but the enemy ship was large, it doubted its ability to radically alter its course in close combat. And so with a massive barrage ready for it... should it rear its face from the smoke it would unleash everything it had upon the ships center, enough dedicated fire would 'rapidly' shatter a shield due to the fire's concentration at a single point, likely tearing through as a wide shield spreading its energy even to a single face could not withstand a focused ray of equal power only hitting a single point.
The V wings however would exit like bats out of hell, their potent ion weapons slamming into more than a couple of the Dire-wolves' ships, disabling them as their habit for flying at high speeds would send them careening into debris shield-less and detonating with the force of their borderline reckless speeds. Finally, the interceptor craft confident after their initial assault would break formation, using their skilled point turning and navigation around terrain to their advantage as they would launch across the battle, engaging expertly at the wings of the enemy craft, outnumbered, but knowingly so as they would lure overly aggressive members of the dire-wolves into the flight-path of others, who almost seemingly on a hair trigger would be able to turn and fire scoring glancing blows on their ships. A deceptive amount of skill and team-work as the interceptors would fly in gyroscopic figure eight patterns that would be difficult to predict but almost had them slamming into one another as they would criss-cross into their paths at speeds which would outrun single ignition missiles.
But then came the black-out... The squadron would- see the missiles fire as the space smoke would begin to roll across the battlefield from the early detonations, their speed easily tearing out of the way of a spreading solid particulate which would lack a propelled method of expansion. If these ships could out-run a missile, they could outrun a smoke cloud. Confidence bubbling as their pursuers would vanish allowing the half dozen fighters that were close enough to 'aces' to regroup. Reeling a click from the edge of the matte mass as they would congratulate themselves and each other on a good first assault. A couple more passes like that and their assault craft would be in panicking tatters... at least, that's what they were used to.
Out of the smoke the Direwolves would tear, although their enemy was somewhat ready for them, the locations they stemmed from caught a couple of them by surprise. Engaging afterburners with a blast from their twin ion engines they would scatter in a fraction of a moment. One being caught through its sides, its shield glancing some of the blow off as it would careen off balance and unable to function away from the battle while another of the caught off guard ships would detonate in a spectacular fashion as the second squad made its way from the smoke. the numbers advantage appeared insurmountable, to them some believed too highly of themselves to be taken alive while others saw the state of the station. V-wings traded their incredible performance for the distinct lack of a hyperspace engine... There was no easy retreat here.
So, as the final chance to Surrender reached the coms of the V-Squad... criminals did what they did best... Would hope to make a deal. "Tell you what, you let us go we leave for planet-side with a head-start and we give you valuable information on who exactly runs this station. You have boarding squads inside right?" The message was sent with an implicit threat, as if the intended message was; if you want to save their lives, you'll accept... Guns would cease firing, though the V wing craft would not still their fight paths, continuing to maneuver defensively, slowing down but not stopping if the Direwolves stilled but refusing to get caught flat footed by a decline.
G3 would watch as they shield wall was constructed, looking at the interlocking energy fields in an amount of wonder as they would expertly take positions. Eating valuable seconds as one of the team would move to the first of the panels of the blast doors. As they would be bought open, the group would step in... valuable time draining away in the small room as the slicer would move to the second set of doors. The first closing behind them, least all of the dire-wolves be wish to be slammed with the crushing force of a space vacuum ripping the hallways interior and everything else not hermetically sealed in this section of the ship directly into their chests with enough force to turn a Terentatek into a fine red mist. By the time the second door would come to begin to open, they would have twenty seconds on the clock as the turrets before them were nearing combat readiness. And the pirates would open fire. G3 nodding at the decision to keep back.
The opening volley was impressive, trained, blaster bolts would tear through the air bathing the halls red with the firepower, each shot from the F-Web repeating blasters let loose with an eagles cry as the two set up guns would seek to shred the wall and its shields apart alongside those who maintained it. The disruptor blasts which returned fire would slam into the enemies prone behind the shields with enough efficiency that they didn't have time to co-ordinate a change of tact as their molecules chain reacted with the blast of the rounds eviscerating them as they screamed. But the shields were beginning to buckle, desperate seconds were passing and G3 could see that the power signature of the F-Webs were only getting larger... they were dealing this much damage and they weren't even at full power yet... crap.
It was then that one of the soldier's, by sound alone it was the one who had spoken to her prior would give her a rushed order, accepting she would do so, clinging to him as he would grip her, and hurl her down the corridor, which due to the damage done to the ship was lacking the full power of its false gravity. G3 would launch herself, letting out a pulse of her own repulsars as she would coil in the air, feline like limbs twisting and cork-screwing as she would give spin to her land slamming into the earth and grinding across the steel while engaging her mag-boots to prevent her from slamming into the wall behind them. The men would turn several drawing hand-guns as they would face down the Cyborg, but, within 10 feet was far too late to attempt to draw a ranged weapon...
A flash of movement saw G3 within range, the gladius length vibro-weapon in her hand activating its oscillating blade as she would step into the first of the quartet of enemies behind the F-Webs, a repulsarlift projected open palm slamming into his chest as her hand-print would depreciate his chest by almost two thirds his body depth before he even began to move in retaliation to the impact crushing his heart and lungs as the body was thrown through one of the F-web guns to be obliterated by a disruptor shot. G3 would take a step back, pushing off the impact and spinning with a back-handed strike, cleaning through the neck of an enemy with the Scorpio's blade, following through as she would duck, avoiding the aim of another crewmen simultaneously extending the telescopic weapon to its full length penetrating his chest and turning the weapon on. The force weapon would hew through the side of the man as G3 would pull it free. Bringing the butt of it back to the side of her head to block an incoming bolt as she would block it, the round absorbing into the staffs energy converter, rotating in a single full spin for momentum as a lethal dervish she would bring the blade of the weapon through the knees of her enemy dropping her to the floor with an anguished cry.
Gem would bring her weapon through the barrel of the F-Web, ensuring that its auto fire capabilities stopped there as she would approach the Dire-wolves again in order to re-collect her own ranged weapon from behind their ranks in case it were needed. Intel stated that up an elevator it would be a straight shot to the control room... where, sitting within his chair barking orders to his gunners and men, another wolf sharpened its lethal claws. The top of the elevator would not be as long or as 'heavily' guarded by the likes of dozens of men. But there was one individual who watched down the hallway. A single woman had wired the elevator doors on this side not to open. However, at the first sign of their attempt to be opened, a high powered solid round would penetrate the elevator and detonate with a thermal charge as the two stage rifle round would seek to kill everything either within the shaft or the elevator itself, stopping power capable of veritably ignoring the steel of a door with the weapon she employed.
Light impure Bes'kargam donning her features with a scratched off and removed clan symbol depicting a traitor, the criminal merc and sniper would hold the corridor with a lethal efficiency. Unlike last time, they had cover in the form of the elevator shaft, the schematics of the surrounding walls, the floor beneath and more as the Fury held her ground to protect the bridge against incursion... She was the last line of defense, but she certainly wasn't the final threat the Direwolves and Gem would face in the station...
Lyli, still a cracked, icy mess of gray blood and lesions, staggered through the darkness of the passages of the hidden base, the alarms blaring, the Master of Starlin Rand Starlin Rand hiding inside the False Dark Jedi scrambling for a plan that didn't resort immediately becoming her actual self.

The False Persona thirsted for revenge at her humiliation at Howard's hands but needed to replenish herself if she were to have any chance of making that come true.

She crept around, taking cover behind old containers as guards passed by with assault shotguns, still freezing and in pain and barely able to think, face half melted and frozen from cryo exposue. She watched two stragglers who had been a little slower than the rest.

Stretching out her will, Lyli snarled, and began leaching their psychic energy non lethally, though Lyli thought she was genuinely stealing their life force. Her flesh shuddered as it drank in the stolen psychic energy, the guards crumpling into unconsciousness as the icicles fell away from bubbling flesh, the lesions sealing up as her flesh went back to normal and reset on her skeleton.

Lyli clenched her hands.

"I'm gonna find that motherfether and break his jaw..." she vowed.

She stretched out her senses, feeling for her Lightsaber. It wasn't far. But Lyli was uneasy about making a beeline directly for it. What if Howard had anticipated she would go for that, and put some sort of surprise in there?

Lyli hated being the prey instead of the predator. It didn't feel right didn't feel natural.

Before encountering that foolish Jedi Syd who had died to her (LOL No it was the other way around) in that prison, Lyli had enjoyed lording her power over the weak and helpless. To be in a similar position taunted and aggravated the arrogant "Dark Jedi" to no end. She 'had' to correct it. Even if the smarter option was running at this point. Celsius, hiding in her skull, a witch coven hiding in her, had no choice but to go along with it. If she started making decisions that were not at least "a little" in character, the False Persona would collapse.

Pride was totally in character for Lyli.

And maaaaayyyybe Syd also.

Moral of the Story? Force Cosplay makes 'everything' complicated!

Lyli decided to make a beeline for Howard The Pirate. But weapons had to be acquired.

Lyli knealt down and retrieved a pistol off what what she thought was a dead drained body that had died for her pleasure was actually a softly snoring man that would simply be extremely tired when he woke up, picking a vibroblade off the sleeping frame of another and deciding to do things the old fashioned way. She began creeping through the facility, trying to dodge security cameras and Patrols carrying heavy repeaters. Alarm Klaxons were going off constantly now. Howard was taking no chances. Lyli was actually kind of impressed with how well he had done. Fast firing heavy damage blasters and slugthrowers. Shotguns, Cryosprayers. He even had ways to suppress Force Powers.

Lyli began to think about how to kill him...trying to rely on the Force was actually counter-productive with this one. It was starting to seem the best way to kill him was with an all out assault. But he had so many hands to help him...they'd flush her out before she could reach his office.

There had to be something around here she could use...but what.

Lyli decided to check around for a conputer terminal. She needed a better idea of the layout. She spotted one in an alcove after a few more minutes of creeping under flashing red lights and through blackness. She began going through files, looking for blue prints. Cryo beam extinguisher turrets for fire hazards, all recently refurbished and upgraded. But nothing that could clear the base...

Unless the main power reactor overloaded...

Lyli smiled knowing where she had to go next. She had never overloaded a powerplant before...

Ten minutes later...

She had waited behind a power charging station as mercenaries ran past the entrance leading to the main power facility. No one actually seemed to be guarding it save a few sentries posted outside the door.

Lyli acted as soon as she was sure no patrols were on their way, shooting both sentries in the head and went up to the security keypad. She didn't have the codes.

Lyli concentrated, unleashing a bright blue blast of Flames from her palm composed of ion energy. They spashed against the datapad, overloading the circuitry and shutting down the power systems to the blast door. She pried it open with all her might afterward, striding through the blue flames.

The Power Generator loomed, out of date but still quite functional, a tall, pillar like reactor that had lightning traveling up and down it, surrounded by a containment chamber. Computers waited to the side. How old WAS this piece of crap?

The Force alerted Lyli to danger as she dived backward, evading the invisble vibroblade, mounted on the arm of an assassin droid that decloaked, followed by six others. Chit. Howard was GOOD at this.

Lyli was suddenly dodging heavy, powerful strikes, mixing knife, pistol, fist, and leg attacks as they engaged her all at once, her enchanted flesh granting incendiary effects to all for as they bit away, slowly but surely on the Cortosis Weave armor, leaving molten or near molten gashes and welts on their chassis as she dodged or parried their expert strikes and firing patterns. One attacked her repeatedly with vibroknives, but her dagger met all slashes and stabs, the incendiary magic coursing through it eventually allowing the dagger to cut her enemies knives in half, while a harder swipe beheaded it a second later. Two others attacked with blaster cannons mounted on arms, but the fake Dark Jedi twirled and fliped over, under and away from them and delivered incendiary shots with her pistol, that ripped through their armor in seconds. One more used Cryospray attacks, only for Lyli to slow the blasts with Gray Flames, dodging and firing into their skulls, before killing the remaining droids with a blast of Ionic Flames.

Lyli grinned ear to ear.

"Nice try Howard..." she mocked. "But I'll be damned if I let mere droids kill me..."

Lyli decided to kill the power to the safety regulators on the Reactor, hitting it directly with more blue flames.


Lyli fired at each regulator, damaging it beyond repair. Then put a few shots into the regulator itself, spilling out ionized gases.

At the amount of magnetic disruptions, her flesh rippled everywhere as it processed the effects...

(Plasmid Acquisition Theme Plays)

(Lyli has acquired new Pyrokinesis Upgrades!)


Spray steel colored flames on a surface, attracting anything metallic to those flames.


Spray white flames on inert, broken machinery that restore power and function for a short time


Spray bright yellow flames that produce intense, blinding light wherever they land

She fled the reactor as the emergency evacuation alarm sounded.


If Lyli Dragi could not reach Howard, she would make Howard go to her.


Howard frowned, still barechested as he looked at the readouts on the computer at his desk, drinking a tall mug of beer. The little Witch had reached the fething reactor, in spite of his little surprise. Just like the damn space station!

Believe it or not, Howard had taken almost every precaution to keep Lyli prisoner. But she was a helluva lot smarter than she had looked.

Ah well, he thought, standing up, grabbing a Z-6 Rotary Cannon that was gold plated, lighting a cigar.

007 minutes was more than enough time to party.

He would be heading for the evacuation hangar and she knew it. His boys were fleeing...he wasn't. He was feeling lucky today...

Location: Abraxus System, preparing to enter into the brawl range with enemy forces
Vessel: Star Destroyer Hope, full complements of Dragon Fighters and War Hound Drop Ships
Objective: Kill 'em all, let God sort them out
Tags: G 3 M 1 N 1 G 3 M 1 N 1 Verin Oldo Verin Oldo Kiff Brayde Kiff Brayde Anashla Deshal Anashla Deshal Domino Dubose Domino Dubose Cypher Rage

"Sir reporting detonations of smoke missiles, coverage however not complete, the station is backing out of the smoke,"

Kerensky would nod, noting that while the station had managed to avoid becoming trapped the primary purpose of their attack had been achieved. They'd stopped shooting. The smoke would mask their position, and knowing what the station looked like Hope actually held a quite key advantage here. They not only had boarders on the station, as the Commandos of The Dire Wolves and The Ghost Company were second to none in the entire galaxy, but they could see their opponent clearly enough to shoot them if necessary. And their enemy could not. Kerensky would call out to helm coldly as he'd looked at their position, judging they'd shifted enough that if the enemy tried to mass fires on their old position they would hit nothing but smoke.

"Helm, full stop,"

"Full stop, aye,"

Hope would come to a stop in the cloud as the engines finally went offline, diverting much needed power into the shield systems as they were recovering to full strength. All while turret number 10 charged that massive cannister round, capacitors aboard it reading that it was barely above fifty percent charge and climbing. They would need more time to bring it to full charge. So the massive ship would rest in the debris field, using the smoke to conceal itself as they waited patiently. Crews redistributed remaining missile payloads to working launchers, bay doors that had been destroyed in the barrage were now being cut free by droids and crewmen on the hull as they fought in their way to keep the ship as close to as combat ready as possible. The time would come soon, Hope would unveil a trump card she'd had alongside her predecessor since the beginning. This fight would end.


As the pilots of Red and Gold Squadron would follow the enemy into the dogfight, they would notice that their attacks were aggressive. Some would consider them overly so, especially members of the more standardized CAF. The figure eight maneuvers that these pirates were attempting were a good standardized defense, but there was a problem that the pilots of the Wolf squadrons would exploit almost immediately. As they thought to catch the pairs unawares of the intercepts, they would immediately find why every group flew as a two ship. The rear most pilot would watch the back of the other pilot as the chase went, focusing on the surroundings rather than the prey. They would catch the intercepts, noting their perpendicular paths and where they were to occur. Which meant that when the second pilot or pilots would attempt their intercept pattern to try and catch the hunter unawares they would discover they were already the prey. The rear pilot would divert on an intercept for each point of "ambush" giving the would be attacker a surprise as they would come at them weapons blazing even sometimes head on with the enemy fighters. And after each intercept they would rejoin their partner or seamlessly swap with another fighter as they all flew as though each knew the move the other would make before it was even done. These hardened veterans were the best for good reason, which would show the enemy vessels in quite savage fashion as why they had no hope to win.

This was why the lead pilot of Gold Squadron would scowl into his comms behind his helmet. The pirate thought he would bargain for their escape? Clearly they didn't know who they were talking to. Which was probably a fair point as up until this point The Dire Wolves never actually pursued targets on their own, instead performing supporting actions for the CAF, local or sector authorities, or otherwise operating under someone else as a consultant. Which was how Sergei and Kerensky liked it. A background player that the enemy wouldn't notice until it was too late and their throats were already torn out. TDW had many civilian outreach programs, many private security arms working around the CIS with a few possibilities opening beyond but those ideals were still in development. The Commandos, Hope, The Ghost Company were all the blackest of operations. The Ghost Company didn't even exist on paper, on any system, there were no records of it anywhere. Gold Leader had been there when he and the other squadron leaders were read in on the situation. Only the mercenary company name and its logo would exist anywhere. All of the internal information of members of various groups would be held on Hope save for TGC. TGC were already ghosts. Men who had already died. Men who no longer existed anywhere. When the various major powers had made it clear that there was no low they wouldn't stoop to, nothing they'd consider sacred, it was deemed that men and women such as these could not have their information, nor that of their workings be something even accessible to other companies or governments.

So when this random hot shot pilot who thought he was in a position to bargain had tried to bluff his way into an attempt to escape, Gold Leader didn't blame him. He didn't hate the fact that this man was stupid enough to think that running to the planet would save his skin. He didn't blame him for thinking of himself and his squadron mates first and foremost. He wasn't angry that this man had thought so little of his comrades who were on board their station. They would learn soon enough who they were dealing with. The Dire Wolves weren't some two bit mercenary unit who figured that doing things the way the rest of the galaxy did was good enough. That executing surrendered prisoners in cold blood, using civilians as living shields or punchlines to their agenda, or that you should meet someone with a friendly face to threaten them with annihilation if they don't do as you wish was not only unacceptable for a mercenary or a soldier, but was a crime in and of itself for anyone regardless of creed. Gold Leader's answer could be heard by the remaining members of Gold and Red Squadron, with Black Leader smiling behind his mask as he knew that of them Gold Leader was one of the most devoted to the standard the Wolves aspired to. Maybe not the best he thought to himself, but he sure lived it every day.

"Okay pirates. I'm going to count to five. When I reach five, you will be considered hostiles and treated as such. Not only are you outnumbered by the fighter pilots of my squadrons, but you will not have enough time to escape should you even somehow get past us before the CAF arrives. If you do not power down by then, you will be annihilated. You will either accept the olive branch I have offered, and be treated as prisoners with all of the protections and guarantees that entails. Or you will die. Five..." he started the countdown. His patience was almost non-existent at this point.


The squad leader of the commando team would watch with a smile as G3M performed exactly as he thought she might. Even making adjustments to her flight path from his crude throw to ensure she landed in proper position behind the enemy. She'd do unto them a most brilliant if mechanically precise display of lethal force that would cause him to make note that she would prove a worthy combatant indeed. Perhaps maybe even capable of taking on a TCD-1D, or with proper training one of the commandos. There was much potential behind the cyborg, and he'd silently lament that they'd not worked together sooner. As the formation would finally revert their shields to standard and push through the remains he would speak shortly to G3M.

"Good job,"

It would be all she got from him as they continued to the elevator shaft. When they reached the doors, it would take all but a second for them to consider what to do with the choice before them. Call the elevator or simply go up the shaft? Their armor would make it much more tactically sound for them to travel up the shaft directly, being able to actually view whatever might attempt to ambush them and respond in kind. The squad leader would make a simple gesture to the doors, a raised fist, followed by a knife hand. One of the TCD-1Ds would nod in response, before stepping up to the doors and putting its rifle on its back to several attachment points. Then the droid would raise its left arm, hand in the form of a blade as it punched the knife hand through the center of the doors with a metallic shriek. It would then do the same with its right arm, pausing for a second as two more droids readied their weapons to breach and clear the shaft. Commando teams such as theirs would be throughout the station, cutting through the various station defenses in displays of brutal efficiency and precision that these pirates would only see in their nightmares. Soon they'd have control over the elevators, and other interior systems but they didn't have full control yet. The power fluctuations caused by the still present patches of Ionnite-A would cause them to also have difficulties maintaining control over systems as they would suffer brownouts and even some blackouts as power would hit these patches and then the resulting anti-charge generated would cause them to shut down again. This however wouldn't affect a majority of the main weapons, as this would more present in areas where surface damage had occurred and the particulate would get in the holes, cracks and other crevices making it difficult to be rid of.

They however couldn't worry about any of that, their focus was on the mission. Capture the leader if at all possible. Kill if necessary.

The droid would almost tear the doors open with mechanical strength of its artificial muscle mass engaging with terrifying force. The loud shriek of the doors attempting to stay closed but yielding to the overwhelming might was something that G3M would probably note that these droids were not only capable of doing tasks such as this, but their strength and power seemed almost made for it. And immediately following the opening of the doors, the two droids would poke their heads out of the hallway with raised weapons, one looking up and the other down. The shot of the round would be heard as the accelerated plasma round would slam into the droid looking up, the force knocking it down as the round burned through one of the various cracks in its Phrik-A armor plated shell. The second would pull back momentarily as one of the commandos would pull out a grenade, a flashbang, and pull the pin on the grenade. With a chuck he'd toss the grenade up above their position, it bouncing off the shaft upward once before it detonated with a massive flash and concussive blast. This was followed by the droid poking its head out again with the machine gun and responding to the sniper with one of their most hated enemies, fully automatic suppressive fire. The automatic fire of the machine expressing its severe displeasure and absolute hate for something having destroyed the other droid would be the least of their worries however. As a second after the machine gun laid down its extremely accurate and fully automatic fire, the real threat would present itself as the commando with a tube on his back, a MAAWS - Mod 2, would expose himself with a High Explosive Variable fuse round loaded. It would take him barely a second to look out, lase the opening by the enemy sniper, and fire the round up the shaft, the explosive back blast being mostly contained by the salt water disk of the back of the round, and going back down the shaft. The round would travel up the shaft to just where the opening was and detonate its explosive payload. Seconds later the squad would push into the elevator shaft, using their Luft systems to fly up the shaft with security in both directions. If the sniper dared show their face again they would find many guns waiting for them, if they were even still alive. The squad would rocket up the shaft quickly as they hadn't a second to lose, and they knew that every second spent without their target either dead or in custody was another that this battle would rage. And it was their duty to end it.


Acantha Malvern


Acantha scowled. She disliked being told what to do, especially by a blind and broken miraluka. Fortunately for them both, they had the same idea at the same time. So, when Acantha stepped into the corridors, it was not quite like following an order.
Her feet took two tentative steps through the hole that had been carved in the wall. Once her entire frame was inside, she stretched out her dark powers. They wound down the corridors, thick ebony tentacles of force filling every nook and cranny to breaking point. As far as she could tell, there was nobody in her way. At least not for the first few corridors she would have to walk down. Not that it mattered much anyway, she would be entirely hidden. “Go.” The miraluka behind her urged. “Trust your shadow.” The shadow scoffed. The body and Acantha were born and moulded from the shadow. If they did not trust it, there was something seriously wrong.
She said nothing as she pressed further forward into the corridors. Her physical form was only visible for three steps before she dove into the tear in the nether and allowed the shadow to truly take over. Now, she was nothing more than a wisp of black smoke. Almost impossible to detect unless you were truly looking for it.
In part, she was pleased to leave the other sisters behind. While the blind one with a broken leg really did seem to be trying her best, the other one did not sit well with Acantha. She had a sour personality, and her ego was so big Acantha wondered how on earth she was going to fit through the gap they had made in the wall. Oh well. When she finished this mission, she would beg Father not to make her work with her anymore. The other one she could handle, but if she were forced to be on a mission with Echo it would not end well. For either of them. Her “holier than thou” attitude would be delicious.
Acantha shook her head, tossing aside the rather titillating images of eating Echo to the back of her mind. She needed to focus now. The shadow pressed on, slinking through the winding maze in search of its target. All the while she reached out with the force, exploring every corridor, cupboard, and room. Hunting through every soul to find her intended.
After a few intense minutes of hunting, Acantha finally found what she was looking for. Vane was like a black mark in the force. Like a gaping hole in the atmosphere, sucking in whatever light dared approach it. Acantha could almost taste his power on the tip of her tongue. She could feel how incredible it would be to consume him. But no. Father said alive, and alive he would be.
“I found him.” She called out through the force to her fellow sisters. “Follow the corridor to the right and take the third left. In a room with the door partially open.” Now she knew where he was, all that remained was to bait him into a trap, just like the miraluka had said. “He is going to head for the escape pod. I can follow him from here, but you will need to cut him off. Quickly.
Do I Dream of Electric Sheep?


TAG: Aleksandr Kerensky Aleksandr Kerensky
Rig: F-22 Star Raptor x2
- 3 Concussion Missiles, 4 M2 Heavy guns (2 on pilons), 1 backup light rapid fire Ion laser cannon
Equipment: - Repeating Blaster Cannon - S-66 Scorpio- L 86 - Pisces- T 91 - Taurus - G3M1N1 Chassis
Location: Asteroid Field
Allies: Ji-Ji
Objective: Scout / Engage

And the enemy ship could do little more than wait, there was nothing they could do while they were still in the clouds... It took them a couple of moments to figure out a strategy, they didn't have their sensors active in areas blinded by the smog, there had to be a method for being able to detect them, but it simply wasn't available to them at the time. Though it dawned on them, that with the ionite, the almost inky gas and the damage that had been done to the two ships as well as the gravity pull that surrounded them. There was a lot of physical particulate in the area as well as oxygen and other substances, meaning that the space that they were inhabiting was no longer a sparse vacuum, well, not as much as they would have liked. Sure enough, the ship would begin to fire several of its turbolasers into the smog, single shot by single shot, small wait then another into the areas. Soon enough however the ship would rotate, moving its base to face directly at the ship, training the weapons on it through the smoke regardless of the barrier to lay a ridiculous sum of targeted fire down on it.
Unknown to the enemy, the amount of damaged vehicles and particulates which littered the area were dense enough that, although muted, sound was able to travel in the open space, there was substance for vibrations to move through. While electronic scanners were unable to move through the particulate, there would be nothing stopping analog tracking through good old fashioned Sonar detection. Not that it was often used in space, the vandals seemed to be an intuitive bunch if ever there were any. However, if the huge ion round were to hit, it would slam into fully engaged shields, downing them and a good portion of the ship almost instantly in the first shot, the newly rotated fresh capital class shields would do something to protect the ship from the impact, But half the ship 'at least' would easily go completely dark from the initial blast, leaving them functionally dead in the water... The enemy commander knew at this point that it was over, drawing a weapon and beginning to stalk towards the coridoors, knowing full well that they had been overrun with commandos. Waving a hand through the air, strange energy welling at his command as the doors opened without him needing to touch them at all...
The naval section of this battle had been won by the CIS...

The enemy fighters were on a count-down, stuck, no ability to enter hyperspace and no ability to retreat without being at an extremely disadvantaged position. They could be taken as prisoners and arrested, though there was a likelihood that they would be able to make deals with either service or other incentives that could see their sentences lifted or even more depending on the systems they were able to go through. Out-manned, out gunned and out equipped the fighters decided to surrender, at least they would live to see the light of another day. So long as there were officials and trials to be had, they knew that an organization like Crymorah would be able to grease the wheels for them on the political end should they be deemed worthy enough to warrant it.
The Dog fighting Section had been won by the CIS...

However, as the two stage handheld mass driver weapon blasted through the droid that had poked its head out of the doorway, G3 would hardly have the time to react as the two stage explosive round would detonate with a high temperature explosive round capable of melting apart the armour of an LAV like shooting a tin can with thermite. G3 would sustain some damage from the shot, opting to take cover and move back as the elevator appeared to be a hostile climate. A flash grande was launched upwards through the tunnel as the blinding light and heat from the grenade would cascade over the beskar'gam, irradiating the armour as glinting steel for a moment as the shooter would pull back from their position moments before detonation. Arcs of fire rocketing up the elevator hatch as she would have to consider what to do next. Pulling down her range-finder she was able to scan the hallways, heat signatures as well as electromagnetically map the hallways that surrounded them... this next phase, was going to be fun.
She saw one of them moving up with heavy ordinance, but had already traced a course for one of her weapons' smart rounds through her hud, gaining a lock on the MAAWs unit as they approached. It would take them less than a second to approach the hatch, aim up and fire. But with her ability to simply lock on, and watch his approach towards the hatch, she was able to time the smart-bullet with his speed and approach, firing with a round to intercept the loaded ammunition with the next round, which would have an almost sentient tracking to it. Should the shot hit its target on the armed explosive it would shower the nearby area with the force of the MAAWs explosion, or simply the follow through of the bolt penetrating through the rocket system and into its user as she would move onto her next target lock. She wasn't about to let this shaft fall that easily. Letting out a snicker as she would take aim for the next shot she was able to make.
G3, if the blast would land would be launched backwards by the force of the detonation. Tracing through her sensors the directions of the bullet as it would have had to curve to hit the angle that it needed to in order to succeed in that kind of shot. Checking through her database for similar weapons and ones of that high caliber she was able to determine a range and most likely weapon that was being used.
"Magnetic acceleration smart weapon, explosive cased ammunition, likely TSF/SBR range... That entire elevator is a shooting range, anything even beginning to approach it, if they have a way to lock onto us, they can ignore the fact there are doors and the like and simply curve the shot into us."
Although the cold machine did not appear to give off much concern, Gem within it was almost terrified of the damage the weapon seemed capable of pulling off. Who-ever thought of making a weapon like that!? It was unheard of... but not unbeatable. They needed to have lock on, which meant that there was a possibility of it being confused or jammed. But, unknown to them, the doors behind their sniper opened, a man in black approaching from behind wearing armour that covered him from head to toe as he would call her back, hearing that there were enemies that were attempting to make their way up the shaft, he would draw a pair of electrum vibroknives, commanding her to finish them so that he could begin to make his escape.
Taking aim she would await with her range-finder at the ready to see what their next move would be, hoping that she would be able to put a bullet through it at 50 yards.


Location: Abraxus System, preparing to enter into the brawl range with enemy forces
Vessel: Star Destroyer Hope, full complements of Dragon Fighters and War Hound Drop Ships
Objective: Kill 'em all, let God sort them out
Tags: G 3 M 1 N 1 G 3 M 1 N 1

"Sir, reporting the Sierra India is prepped and ready to fire!"

Kerensky would wait for a small second as he finally decided to end this little charade. The enemy started shooting into the cloud of debris between them, sending rounds into the smoke screen at various spaces. They were attempting to find Hope before she could properly engage her main weapons and her shield recharged.

"Load the Mass drivers, prep turbolasers and Ion batteries. We come out swinging and we end this. Helm all ahead two thirds, make directly for the enemy station. Have us dive at 15 degrees down angle. Gunners engage enemy station with standard ordinance and when you have a shot, take that station offline,"

Their responses would come in unison, a single "Aye sir," as they began to do their jobs. Hope would rotate once more, coming around as her main engines fired themselves back up and she faced the station head on. A turbolaser round would finally hit their shields, but no sooner had it when a volley from Hope responded. Several Turbolaser batteries and Ion Cannon batteries returning fire with massive silent roars as the other remaining Mjolnir Cannons able to return fire did so. Massive 1.6 meter wide, 5 meter long shells would slam into the station with a staccato of shorter range, relatively lower velocity fire as the rounds delivered their payloads with massive explosive force. Hope emerged from the smoke screen with all shields set between herself and the enemy station as the gunner with the trump card took careful and steady aim. The enemy station would open fire with everything they had, attempting to stop her, but as Kerensky had planned it was too late.

It would be over with a single press of the trigger.

A massive crackle of electrical energy would be unleashed as the round flew free of turret 10. What to the casual observer be a massive blue ball of light would encapsulate the massive cannister as it rocketed toward the station. But to experienced members of any space corps, they'd see it for what it was. The excess Ion energy coming off a massive Ion based warhead. A literal generator that was powered by several small reactors, fueled by an Ionnite warhead that was waiting for the seal to be broken. Energy arched off its surface as it crossed the void between the two combatants remaining. It would slam into the enemy's shield with a massive burst of Ion energy as the round continued, passing through the massive gaping hole its primary charge left behind. And when it slammed into the hull of the vessel, all of the built up energy that had been first stored and then generated would arc to the station's many systems forming a massive circuit between it all. Which then immediately reacted to the artificial Ionnite in the cannister which responded with the typical response of Ionnite.

An equal and opposite anti-charge.

This would spread across the entirety of the station in a massive wave of energy, flooding through the connected electrical systems and absolutely frying or destroying them. Entire wings of the station would go dark as the round forcibly shut down an absolutely huge portion of the station. Weapons would fail, terminals would cease function and even the lights would flicker and then die. As Hope approached its heavily wounded opponent it would cease weapons fire as the station was no longer able to continue the fight. At least not in the manner that one could consider capital ship combat as fighting. The members of the bridge of the station would be able to clearly see the vessel as she came alongside the hull of the station. They would see the massive Mjolnir Cannons pointed at them, rounds loaded. They would see all of the various weapons now aimed directly to take off whatever heads remained in the station, and comms wouldn't be needed to relay the message between the two combatants anymore.

If you resist, you will die.

Kerensky would call out to comms as he decided that further securing of the station was in order.

"Comms, get me First Sergeant Anderson, I want his security personnel on that station and getting those pirates rounded up as they surrender,"

"And if they don't?"

"Then they are combatants,"

"Aye sir,"


Gold leader would finally stop counting as the pirates signaled they would surrender. His response to them would be quick, to the point, and without a trace of empathy towards them.

"Understood. You will follow my vessel and maintain my course and speed as we bring you to a holding pattern while we await this operation to finish. Red Squadron and Black Squadron will be behind you, so if you deviate from my course and speed, you will consider your protections under your current surrender forfeit. You will not land until given clearance to do so, and you will not do anything unless I give you the direction to do so,"

With that Gold Leader would establish a much more leisurely track towards Hope, pausing briefly to allow the remaining pirates to form up on him. Once they did he would lead them to a holding pattern outside of Hope, leading them around the cloud of smoke as they took their time getting to the rendezvous. If any of them deviated, they would find themselves on the receiving end of the remaining members of Red and Gold Squadron, if Black Squadron didn't get them first. Black Squadron took a position above the formation, with the remainders of Red and Gold Squadron tailing the pirate formation at close enough range to keep their weapons securely trained on them, but far enough away that they would have time to react to any kind of maneuver these pirates could try. To put it simply, the pilots had them boxed in, and if these pirates had any intentions of surviving it was their best chance to simply follow directions.


The shields of the commandos would hold against the explosive round, if only just as it destroyed the droid that it had impacted with. Their maneuver seemed to work, but there was an issue. The commando who'd fired the shot would call out as he ducked back inside.

"Miss. Got a heavy,"

The squad leader would nod as he waited a second, thinking only briefly as he drew on his training and experience for this exact situation. Because unlike their attacker had thought, it was something that they'd encountered before. Sniper in the elevator shaft, relatively unapproachable with a heavy weapon meant to kill tanks. For some the prospect would be nigh impossible to approach however for the 'Wolves it was just another day in the office. They had seen them coming too somehow. It was time for them to fight dirty now.

He would pull out several smoke grenades and pull the pins on them as the station was rocked by an unseen hit, and suddenly the hallways went dark.

"Load cannister,"

The soldier would nod as he pulled out a round out of his assault pack, blue markings across it as G3M would be able to make out the inscription on it "ICR". It would be relatively easy to figure out it was a sort of Ion based round. What she probably wouldn't be able to figure out was it was a cannister round with small amounts of Ionnite-A powdered in it and meant to engage groups of technical enemies. Enemies that either had shields, or droids/tech without the necessary shielding or protections against such a material. Essentially anything that wasn't coated in Freebirds Industries proprietary laminate made specifically for this, or other materials like it.

As the smoke began billowing from the grenades, the soldier would toss them into the elevator shaft, the two grenades being more than adequate to provide a proper smoke screen to deal with their friend. And while she may have been able to track them somehow, this smoke would make it more difficult without a higher power sensor present on their respective gear. Which would give them the edge they needed to finish this. The squad leader would then motion to his men to load their special magazines on their HARM rifles. The magazines would look the exact same as the others to someone without experience with them, even to G3M. The squad leader would look G3M in the face directly and speak three words.

"Stay behind us,"

These so called smart munitions were about to be shown what a proper weapon could do. The squad leader took point this time, holding a flashbang in his hand as he approached the edge and then chucked it up through the smoke cloud. It would bounce once, giving away their intention, but that was his intention. He wanted her to duck again, to hesitate. And as it detonated he would immediately launch into the fatal funnel, raising his HARM rifle and going cyclic on the last known enemy position. It would be here that G3M would finally be able to tell what they were shooting. The first round was an Armor Piercing Fin Stabilized round designed to defeat even vehicle based armors at close range. It's telltale sound being the thunk-squeal as it smacked into and then punched through the plating where this sniper was hiding. The second round was a 14mm High Explosive round, slamming into the whatever space provided before detonating with the force of a small grenade as they peppered the entry way where she had been. The final round in the cycle was an Ionnite-A based round that was initially designed to kill shields. That being said it was also more than capable of messing with enemy equipment and targeting systems. And with two of the rifles going full auto as they assaulted the turbolift shaft at the same time the flashbang went off would leave the enemy one choice to make. Take one of the commandos hopefully in a single shot and then be riddled with holes, or fall back to a better location to try and reengage. Whichever choice they made wouldn't change the team's tactics as they now pushed aggressively into the shaft, rocketing up using their Luft packs to close the gap quickly. One of the droids would blare an automated announcement now that the station was hit with the Super Ion round from Hope.

"Surrender now and face trial. Any further resistance only guarantees termination,"

As the Commandos would reach the point where the sniper was, if she leveled their weapon against them she'd find that they leveled their own Class-D Disruptor pistols facing them down. And in one hand they'd find the M-18 Pit Viper, an almost hand held disruptor cannon with their current rounds, in the other a short bladed weapon that each held with clearly practiced grip. These men had been trained by someone who had ensured that regardless of what position they found themselves in, they would not only be able to hold their own but also be quite lethal combatants. A man who was as unforgiving in combat as he was determined, but they had given them a chance to surrender. And after the first two landed and began charging, blasting at the no doubt still resisting Dar Manda and their friend, the third and fourth man would land on the hallway. The third man carried his HARM rifle, levelling at the Dar Manda and firing with the very same rounds that had been initially used in this assault, with the fourth levelling his MAAWs at the end of the hallway past all of them. And with a single massive and loud shot he'd send the round down the hallway, which if not intercepted would hit the opposite wall and send out a blue cloud of Ionnite-A from the point, encompassing the hallway beyond them and effectively trapping them here with the Commandos. The soldiers could and would stop if the two surrendered. They definitely weren't expecting them to but the option was on the table.
Do I Dream of Electric Sheep?

Rig: F-22 Star Raptor x2
- 3 Concussion Missiles, 4 M2 Heavy guns (2 on pilons), 1 backup light rapid fire Ion laser cannon
Location: Asteroid Field
Allies: Ji-Ji
Objective: Scout / Engage
The station was immobilized, dead in the water with nothing more to give to the possible situation, the star fighters of the pirate paramilitary group had surrendered, taken to the hope for imprisonment, awaiting perhaps a bizarre mix of respect and punitive punishment for actually holding their own in a sense for as long as they did. All that was left for the pirates was for their enigmatic leader to attempt to find his way to his personal hanger, making his way to his ship and getting off of this floating station of debris before he was apprehended. However, there was a large squad between him and the realization of that objective. He had a single Ally, the Dar Manda who had been trading fire with the Dire Wolves that lay below her. She would be trained on them as one of them would approach with several canisters in hand, pulling the pins on them so that they were ready to deploy, sadly however, with the mist pouring from them lock on was difficult, though not impossible with the IR rangefinder. As the commander would make his way to the elevator shaft she would fire another round, however, as the round hit the ion smoke that was pluming from the grenades it would fly straight, soaring into the side of the elevator shaft no more than a few meters from the entrance, detonating safely at the curse from the woman would be audible to those below.
From that point she would pull back, with visibility low, the ability to scan the lower floors being interfered with she wasn't about to poke her head over the edge of the elevator like an idiot. But she did have a couple of other plans. Retreating back down the corridor she would lift off one of the floor grates, exposing wiring and crouching low. Levering out the bipod from the bottom of the rifle for stability as she would sink into the hole as fire would cascade into the position she had been moments before. Little more than shoulders and a head plated in Beskar sticking up from the ground as she would unload her current thermal rounds, replacing them with kinetic charges. She understood that the people that she was fighting were heavily armoured, but... underneath all that they were squishy as well as facing a long drop. She would take aim, continuing to use her thermal sight as the warnings were yelled up the area. Her Boss looming over her like an avatar of stalwart authority. He would order that the elevators be overridden, in order to send one on a crash course collision up the central tube, but... the loss of power as well as the Dire Wolves control would result in the intended trap being negated before it could ever be used.
So, he would raise his hand in preparation.
G3 would heed the command to keep behind the soldiers as they would move into combat formation. Clouds of ion charged smoke would fill the void as the opening volley would penetrate the skyline. G3 would move in behind watching as it would prepare to engage along side them. Soon enough Jets would fire, the crew soaring skyward as G3 would plunge into the smoke and smog, leaping and gripping hold of whatever was available, repulsar-lift blasts sending her soaring upwards floor by floor lagging behind the jet loaded heavy armours. no sooner than their physical presence would disturb the smoke the sniper rifle would fire a blast into the open doorway, the shell slamming into the wall behind the soldiers as they approached before detonating into a concussive blast that would measure in thousands of pounds of force per square inch. It may not be enough to penetrate their blast resistant heavy armour. But it would all but assuredly ruin fragile systems, fracture fuel canisters and smash them around that small internal area like pinballs. Jet packs would rupture and detonate with the explosion slamming into the backs of the first to arise having them find a hand-hold or be ready to plummet to the bottom of the elevator chute with such a lack of maneuvering space that recovery would almost be an impossibility.
G3, would reach out a hand like a Viper, Catching one of the Dire-Wolves if they would go past her, but unlike other other renown cyborgs, she only had two limbs, one to hold onto the grip that she was clinging to. With the weight of the soldier she would twist and jerk before swinging the being to safety. While above there would be the sound of the reload, Direwolves would swarm the opening pouring into the space and opening fire with weapons which could disintegrate most, the leader standing behind his soldier with a blank stare, hands extended as the blaster rounds would begin to still in the air as they would make contact with a field of force power which, moments later would see them thrust back towards them in a sheet of fire as the sniper would reload heavy metal solid shells due to the much more close range nature of the enemy and begin free-firing with high penetrative ammunition. The armour would be enough to perhaps deflect a bullet enough to save one of their lives, but there was no way it would save them from full penetration.
G3 would however, feel the kinetic anomaly born from something she recognized well up in the area above. "Force user!" She would let out a warning a microsecond before the wave would come blasting back, repelling the rounds that it had caught while disturbing the flight path of the ones that were flying into it enough that they would make contact with the walls and the area around their target. Although some of the disturbances were only slight, it would be enough, one of the disruptor blasts grazing the side of the Dar Mandas helmet, tearing it in half as long red braided hair would fall from the gap.
After the force push, the leader would follow up with a pair of vibro trench-knives as with a burst of speed he would be moving into extreme close range. It was time to see what the Direwolves could do in extreme close combat against an empowered foe. He would target the commander, moving to cut and thrust with the nanomolecular blades in the mobile sections of his armour. Hitting far harder and faster than a normal living humanoid should be able to, while the sniper would be playing disruption for those around the edges, firing in rapid succession to keep them from training projectile weapons on her boss, ducking or using her rangefinder to predict lines of fire in order to move from lethal blasts as pieces of her armour were vanishing shot by shot.


Location: Abraxus System, preparing to enter into the brawl range with enemy forces
Vessel: Star Destroyer Hope, full complements of Dragon Fighters and War Hound Drop Ships
Objective: Kill 'em all, let God sort them out
Tags: G 3 M 1 N 1 G 3 M 1 N 1

The blasts would certainly do damage to the front two, managing to knock the second back as he struggled to get his shields up in time. As he fell he'd be caught by G3M, if only just as he deactivated his thrusters via emergency stop command in his suit system. This would leave him weightless as the artificial gravity had finally failed in the station, making it easier for G3M to catch and haul him up. The squad leader however had already focused his shields on his suit into a bracer of sorts, taking center stage as he fired repeatedly into the pair of figures. He saw it as G3M called it out, but knew that it was already too late to try and enact a better plan to deal with such a foe. They were committed. They were joined. There was no backing down. Lucky for him, this wasn't the first fight where he'd been pitted against a force user. Sergei had been in a fight with more than a few, and he'd passed along what he'd learned along the way to his men. And the members of The Ghost Company were the very best at what they did.

The disruptor rounds would be flung back into the formation that was growing into the halls, one round smacking into the solid plate of a TGC's suit armor the metal holding barely as it was clearly compromised. Two would catch a droid and another commando however outside of their respective solid plate armors and would disintegrate them in a massive display of brutality. Vaporized in less than a second as the two would become shells of the armor they once wore. But they did not falter in their objective. They didn't mourn the lost just yet. As each of them knew they were already dead men, and dead men could not die. They however shielded G3M with their bodies as while she wasn't one of them, her protection was something that each of them had taken to heart. One more life, no matter whom, one more person got to go home because of their sacrifices. The lives of the many, the very needs of the many, over the needs and lives of a well trained, voluntary, and chosen few. The Ghosts were the epitome of that few. The very top echelons of what The Dire Wolves had for the very best soldiers, warriors, and fighters the galaxy had ever seen. The squad leader knew this. They all knew this. They had volunteered for this. Had been chosen for this. Had trained rigorously harder than anyone ever had, essentially living for battle, war, and combat. Where the Mandalorians were noted for their very worship of the arts of war, The Dire Wolves lived it like none other. Becoming very aspects and vessels of violence. That was what coursed through the mind of the squad leader and every living Dire Wolf and Ghost as they stormed through the station.

Which was why he didn't hesitate the moment the second combatant revealed he was a force user, and at least a practiced one at that. He would raise his sword before him in a one handed fighting stance as the second hand holding the pistol proceeded to drop it and flick at several of the remaining grenades in his belt. The effect was immediate, and since the Ghosts were already in the vision mode necessary to see through the smoke they didn't pause in their fighting. They never stopped shooting, something that was only highlighted much more violently as the remaining droid and commando made it up, the droid levelling its medium machine gun at the Dar Manda and going cyclic. The machine gun would belt out a staccato of rapid machine gun fire as rounds would first tear into her cover, and while the standard munitions would probably bounce off beskar, their energy was undeniable. Against soft armor the rounds would be a veritable nightmare, and she'd be able to feel each hit through her beskar plating as it would feel like someone was hitting her with a hammer. The squad leader meanwhile would not only stand his ground against the force user, but he would charge at the man smoke billowing from the grenades on his belt as he sought to use them as a weapon alongside his own blade. He would let the blades go after his joints, his soft armor and swing twice in arc diagonal slashes less meant to hit him, and more to force him to stay closer in the smoke and keep him from getting away. The sniper would be shooting into a cloud of smoke as well, still landing more than a few hits as the point blank nature of it all didn't really offer the commandos any sort of way of evasively maneuvering. A few rounds would slam into the commandos and knock them around, embedding into their plated armor as they would be launched off their feet and slammed into nearby walls. One took a round through a gap in his armor around his knee however, severing the leg just below the kneecap. If he screamed none could hear it, let alone see it, as the round simply passed through the smoke, and the commando simply kicked off to the side to allow his remaining comrades the ability to keep pushing forward. What followed however in response was simply brutal.

Because the only one to truly pick up on the wound, was the commando's assigned droid.

This TCD-1D would see the hit, and almost fly into a rage of sorts as it proceeded to break from the standard staggered attack pattern the commandos were trying to utilize. It would sprint towards the former mandalorian's position, intent on ripping her out of her little position by her throat and slamming her into the wall with near lethal force. And then it was going to squeeze the life out of her, eventually intending to break her neck, unless called off by the commando in question. Which he wouldn't unless she said the magic words.

That she surrendered.

Meanwhile the squad leader would continue his attack, letting the smoke do its work as he pressed against the force user. The smoke would not only offer concealment to those inside of it, but also G3M would see that if he caught onto its purpose that he purposefully would be trying to avoid it. And that his singular focus on the squad leader, being the only one of them that he could actually see let alone sense would leave her the perfect opening to take him off guard and end this fight. He didn't think to tell her this, because he saw the way she'd dispatched the enemy earlier. That she knew what it was to hunt such prey. That she needed to move in for the kill shot and take it or risk missing a chance to end this. Each strike however would do its damage, slowly whittling away at the Ghost's armor as he would get gradually slower and slower. And if she didn't take the shot, a single commando had already loaded the Dire Wolve's way of dealing with force users. Armor piercing bullets coated in synthetic yorik coral, paired side by side with Tazer rounds. They would pull no punches, as a force user in close quarters was an opponent to be respected.

But he would soon learn to fear the skull faced visage of The Ghost Company.
Do I Dream of Electric Sheep?

TAG: Aleksandr Kerensky Aleksandr Kerensky
Rig: F-22 Star Raptor x2
- 3 Concussion Missiles, 4 M2 Heavy guns (2 on pilons), 1 backup light rapid fire Ion laser cannon
Equipment: - Repeating Blaster Cannon - S-66 Scorpio- L 86 - Pisces- T 91 - Taurus - G3M1N1 Chassis
Location: Asteroid Field
Allies: Ji-Ji
Objective: Scout / Engage

Dealing with an enemy like this was incredibly rough, the Dar Manda kept as low to her cover as she possibly could the spray from heavy machine-guns pounding around her with the occasional shot slamming off of the small target that was her head and arms sticking out of the maintenance hole. She attempted to present her armoured side and not a side that had been weakened and stripped by the disruptor blasts from before. But everything was becoming dire. The firepower of these units was intense, she had fought commandos, she'd out-gunned Gallactic alliance counter-snipers and their teams as she covered for Crymorah on high. But this battle was something else, the men and women of the team she fought, acted like men possessed with purpose. Unwavering, more like droids in a sense than flesh and blood as she tore one of their legs from their sockets with another blow from her hammer of a sniper rifle.
Afterwards, one of the droids charged for her, she could hear the thundering sound as she would take two shots for it, not expecting the speed through the smoke they would graze past its chest armour, dealing considerable damage to the outer shell as it shattered on impact, but not preventing its momentum as it scooped her up from her cover, grabbing her by the helmet and slamming her into one of the nearby walls. The world was spinning, blood spilled from her lips on the hit as an arm would move for the throat. Lifting up her rifle however she managed to interpose it between the deathly grip of the droids' hand and herself... as it still slammed it against her and pressed far stronger than she was able to overpower... yet not quite as effective as a five digit grip around her vocal chords.
Something swelled within the Dar-Manda, pride, a fight that she knew she couldn't win, a battle that she was able to die in with a warriors pride. The droids' shell had been damaged, reaching into her side she would not think, rather than grab or throw one of her own grenades she'd pull the pin on an Ion grenade at her side. Two seconds would pass as a powerful Ion wave would explode down the hallway, encompassing the vast majority of the battlefield they currently fought on. She'd hoped that any ION shielding these droids had, stemmed from the armoured shell they donned. However, her sniper rifle was destroyed, leaving her with little more than a heavy blaster pistol and a prayer, broken and gasping for breath on the ground if the droid fell. Incapacitated, though the Ion effect may cascade into the midst of the other battle.
Her boss however, unleashed with a viscous flurry of blows, as the swords became drawn he would grin wildly beneath his mask. His people focused on empowering themselves with the force, making them faster, stronger, and better than a normal man in almost every way. His Vibro-knives tore into the fabric of the defenses of his enemies until he reversed one of them into an ice-pick grip. Dodging the first of his strikes throwing a glancing blow into the soft wrist armour of his enemy as he ducked under and around it. But as she second came he would move into it, raising one knife to block the weapon close to its hilt as he would spin into the man's guard at lightning speed with the intent of driving the pick of the knife down into the gap between the shoulder and the neck of the commander in a deadly finale once his arm was pinned away from his body. Outward slashes were oh so risky maneuvers...
G3 however wasn't about to take the chance, she had been ordered to keep behind them, but as the sniper fire halted she saw no reason why she would have to keep that order a moment longer. Stepping out there was a blue pulse that washed over her and the other Dire-Wolves as the Ion burst reverberated down the hall. G3 could feel the temperature of her armour increase momentarily, a small power surge which was dealt with by her programming. Honestly, she felt like were it not for the warhead, she could probably have been standing behind the wall at the point of impact of the Hopes Ion Round, and she would have still been operational after the blast. Taking a step forward she would leap to a side, kicking off the nearby wall and vaulting over the Phalanx of the Dire-wolves, being mindful to evade their line of fire as the criminal commander did battle with the Dire-Wolve's strike leader.
Her scanners were picking up strange signals, vital bio rhythms moving at much higher rates than would be natural. Another anomaly, this time a bio-organic one rather than one of physics. But this was getting too dangerous, he was lightning quick, faster than G3 most likely as she would burst in from the side throwing a kick in for the side of his leg. However, Seeing the blazing violet eyes approach at speeds through the obscured smoke he would kick off the commander, pulling a couple of feet back and engaging G3. There was a brief exchange, G3 attempted to fend him off her vitals as she would throw punch after punch. Sweeping a kick for the side of his knees and blocking once again. However, practiced like a boxer the commander avoided the strikes, ducking and swaying around them until the kick in which he stepped into it, tanking some of the mechanical force at a high axis as he would plunge the blade into G3's power core, the physical impact veritably ignoring her light armour... G3's power flickered for a moment, as her namesake, the Gemini engine within her moved to its backup power and she would throw an open palm into his chest, making contact as electricity from her grips would pound his body forcing him to let out a cry of pain as he staggered back...
And G3 ducked.
The enemy would try to throw up another barrier instinctively, but yorric coral bullets would hew through it as though it were nothing striking him in the armour and downing the fighter almost instantly. With the two fighters taken down, they were able to storm the command center. G3 would move to a terminal and begin downloading EVERYTHING she could off their servers, making copies which would be handed to the Dire-Wolves to hopefully expose more of the Crymorah operations in the sector. If they hadn't already been warned and disbanded. Within the files there were names, plethora of people who had done business with or were on the hit lists of the individuals here. One name in particular caught the eye of Gem as she was pouring over the information. Aiden. It was a name that had come up in CIS bounties too, but this was too high priority for Crymorah to simply be another cash grab in the bounty sector, this was different... Finally, something actionable.
After she had attained the information she was after, she would await signal from the Dire-Wolves as they secured the bridge.


Location: Command Center
Vessel: Star Destroyer Hope, full complements of Dragon Fighters and War Hound Drop Ships
Objective: Kill 'em all, let God sort them out
Tags: G 3 M 1 N 1 G 3 M 1 N 1

The commandos would watch on as their droid decided to deal with the enemy in a more expedient manner. They would watch and take the chance to reload, switching to Verpine Shatter rounds as they waited for her to either be dealt with, or fend off the droid. As the droid began crushing the sniper rifle in its grip, it would note that the human was reaching down for the grenade and before it could stop her it detonated on her person. The blue wave would smack into its torso, the armor now breached by her earlier rounds rendering the protective laminate less than effective as the droid's systems surged. It would weaken, and then falter as some of its more major systems were overloaded and failed. It however remained active, if only unable to move as it slowly floated away from the former Mandalorian. The nearest Commando to her would take note of her ability to perform something most would have perished from. That she'd fought one of their kind up close, personal, and somehow was still alive. They knew exactly what to do with someone of their kind. Which was why when the commando raised his pistol at point blank range to finish the armored warrior, all six of the rounds would smack into her and dump their electrical payloads from their Tazer warheads. This was enough to even knock a Bantha down, and while it would probably be the most painful six seconds of her life, the sweet bliss of unconsciousness would come soon after from the neural overload from all of her senses. They had no intentions of killing someone like this outright. They had plans for all who showed promise.

Meanwhile the squad leader fighting the force user knew exactly what he'd been doing. Knowing what was probably coming from the man before him as he'd trained for this very scenario. The only difference was that instead of a saber this man was using knives, which made it only slightly less dangerous and significantly more irritating. Which was why knew figured he'd get stabbed in the arm first, feeling his tendons and muscles snap as the blade sheared his wrist tendons apart. The only reason he still held onto the blade was that his own brain was still sending the signals to the muscle control system to keep holding it, the various controls on the suit "holding" onto the blade for him in a vice like death grip. When the second strike came he would think back to his former commander's various teachings and "rules" of these kinds of fights.

Presently which was rule number one of any knife fight, you're going to get cut and possibly stabbed. Which means the only way to get really good is to determine where the stab will take place.

As the man drove the knife up and over, attempting to coup de grace the squad leader in a single blow he would do something that he'd been taught from day one of his training. That because Force users couldn't "sense" what the next move of a Dire Wolf was, the best thing to be was unpredictable. Rather than to focus on defense, to focus on the attack, keep them guessing, and most of all, break their confidence in being able to predict your actions. Because when they lost confidence in being able to be "super human", they were just like the rest of them. They bled. They flinched. They made mistakes. And they could certainly be killed. Which was why when the man swung his attempted finale, the Ghost simply rushed forward and slammed his helmet into the face of the enemy. The move at such point blank range, and without any warning would surely give G3 her opening. And he'd watch as she took the shot they'd given her. Her assault on the man was one of grace, and while still a bit rough, untrained, and bit too predictable. He would see promise. He would watch her intently as she fought, and then nearly lost as she was seemingly put down before coming back with a trick of her own. But they had a job to do, a mission that needed to be completed. Which was why he said nothing to stop the other commando from simply lining up the shot on the enemy commander, as G3 gave her a clean sight picture by getting out of the way. Why he did nothing to prevent her from pulling the trigger on the rifle as it went full auto on the would be pirate leader. Why he simply watched the man vainly attempt to use his "Force" to stave off the assault, only to have his body riddled with holes as the weapon tore through him like a vibro-knife through paper machet. He would watch as the man was choking on his own blood, staggering backwards as his hand went to his torso where the holes had suddenly sprouted and were bleeding profusely. And then he would finish it properly, taking two steps forward before planting his sword through the pirate's face and into the durasteel wall with a screech. He would signal to the rest of the team to move forward and begin the assault on the command center. As they breached and cleared with flashbangs and tazer rounds, those that offered up no resistance were cuffed. Those that pulled blasters were shot with tazers and then cuffed, or if they were unlucky would catch the standard armor piercing rounds which would kill them almost instantly. It would be over with in seconds as the Ghosts of The Dire Wolves were brutal, efficient, and almost mechanically precise. The squad leader would leave the pirate commander and walk to G3 as he looked about the command center and saw that all of them had secured the place handily. The soldier who'd had his leg nearly shot off was limping into the center as the team medic immediately got to work on him, injecting coagulant through the tear in the suit, and starting a transfusion of bacta, painkillers and local paralytics to keep the bones from moving around and causing too much extra damage. He'd live. And aboard Hope, he'd either keep the leg if possible or get a new one and still fight as one of them. The squad leader would simply look to G3 as he pulled out his own pistol from his holster, and held it out for G3 to take.

If she took it, she'd find that he'd somehow managed to slip a coin underneath the weapon. It was some kind of black metal, seemingly made of some of the same as their armor, but something was off about it. The metal was solid, but unlike normal artificial Phrik it wasn't shiny, or really light. On the front of it was an engraved snarling wolf symbol, the very same of The Dire Wolves Paramilitary Organization. If she flipped it over however to see the back, she'd find the very same skull emblem each of the Ghosts had embedded onto their helmets. His words would be short as he knew not much would be needed to be said with her.

"Congrats kid. You made it. If you ever need anything from us, show one of ours that coin and you'll find whatever it is you seek," His voice would be slightly congratulatory, but otherwise was mostly deadpan. It wasn't very often someone outside of one of theirs surprised him. It was even less often when it was someone who he'd fought alongside that managed to do so, not only by their potential, but that they managed to show the beginnings of the very same thing that made each Wolf and Ghost exactly who they were. She'd earned his interest, and by her actions a place among the Wolves. For if a Ghost vouched for someone, only the late boss himself carried more weight. And he was dead, well and truly.

He would make sure to watch her career with interest.
Do I Dream of Electric Sheep?

Rig: F-22 Star Raptor x2
- 3 Concussion Missiles, 4 M2 Heavy guns (2 on pilons), 1 backup light rapid fire Ion laser cannon
Location: Asteroid Field
Allies: Ji-Ji
Objective: Scout / Engage
As G3 Dropped, the rain of fully automatic bullets shredded the boss of the station, with his death, an asset that was proficient in the ways of the force, it was likely that the Syndicate had been dealt a major blow, this was likely the major base of operations for an entire cell of the organization, which would not be cheap nor easy to replace. However, with the organizational structure of an empire like the Crymorah, it may take them some time to re-establish, but unless the right kind of heads rolled, they would inevitably be back, likely in greater numbers and armament to make up for their tragic loss here... For now though, this was a historic victory, one that Gem was able to be proud of.
As they moved to claim the open area, G3 took the data and mission was complete. Gem thought it would be fine for G3 to remain in control for the mean time until they got back to the hope, the Ghosts were an intimidating bunch and she felt G3 have disturbingly little to remark on when it came to their actions. They were eerily efficient, G3 needed to be around people like that once and a while, considering everything she put the AI through. When the Ghost commander approached, congratulating G3 and handing her the gun as G3 took it in its hand, Gem almost let out a childlike cry within the confines of her digital world. G3 would take a look at the charred black coin that would fall out, snatching it before it hit the ground. As she would turn the coin over in her hands, analyzing it for material components she would nod in acceptance looking back to the commander. Some of them were rare, and in compositions that would be difficult to replicate. It was an adequate key.
"Intrigue: I will keep note of this for the future. Gratitude: It was... pleasant working with you commander. It's not often I get the opportunity to work with a team as efficient as all of you all, apologies on your losses. Suggestion: Next time you allow me to disrupt enemy forces from within, I make an efficient distraction."
Gem was gobsmacked... "was that banter!?" She screamed, if she had popcorn to throw at the screen she would, overjoyed by this revelation in G3's growth... oh the droid was not going to hear the end of this. But she knew that working with another organic on this level was going to be a horror story in the future when it came to the goals they would have to work towards for her own efficiency. These ghosts were scary, the best of the best, Gem was a state of the art war machine, she was sure she would be able to tear apart their armour with her bare hands, yet, with their sheer level of training she would dread the idea of having to try. Also, there was something to be said about having that grim kind of intensity, it created a form of efficient brutality that it took those with a very specific mind to produce, and without it, it was difficult to match.
Eventually, Gem would return to the hope, she would ask around some of the other dire wolves about the soldiers she had worked with... but got little in response. Mixes of they've never heard of them, refusals to answer, no such unit exists, i don't knows and drop its. She would pour over the visual data she had managed to record over her datalogs in private. Making a decision to herself there and then... The next time they met, Gem was going to be good enough to fight with them herself..!
But for now, she had a new target, this Aiden she reckoned had the answers she was looking for, although the planet to get there was a fairly long distance away, her and Jiji were going to get the assholes that had torn their group apart. This was for them!
Crymorah had no fucking idea who they'd pissed off!

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