Aleksandr Kerensky
Mercenary Captain
Location: Abraxus System, preparing to enter into the brawl range with enemy forces
Vessel: Star Destroyer Hope, full complements of Dragon Fighters and War Hound Drop Ships
Objective: Kill 'em all, let God sort them out
Tags: G 3 M 1 N 1 Verin Oldo Kiff Brayde Anashla Deshal Domino Dubose Cypher Rage
As the battle raged outside, G3M would find the specific dropship she'd hopped aboard loaded with droids and commandos. A very specific kind of commandos with skulls painted on their helms and a single Gold stripe on their armor. Two of them would look at each other, not saying a word before one of them spoke to her in a commanding tone.
"Granted. Stay behind us, stay out of the way," He would then turn and say something to the pilot "Anvil, we got one more,"
If G3M tried to look up any insignia's on any database she'd find none. In fact if she looked across any of these commandos, the only thing that would come up in her scans was the model of armor, being RA2-M Rapid Assault Armor. They bore no name, insignia, their one markings differentiating them from standard TDW Commandos being the skulls and lack of Dire Wolf logos, and that across from each of these men was a TCD-1D Combat Droid. They would sit and wait for the order to deploy from the ship, which was soon coming.
Meanwhile on the bridge Kerensky would watch as his gunners engaged various targets, E-War teams went back and forth between the ships and station, and various stations were doing all of their designated battle duties with newfound excellence and fervor that had previously been absent. These men and women were drilled to be exceptional, The Dire Wolves demanded the very best, doing what was necessary to win. Hope itself was soaking up the damage well, but it couldn't rely on shields alone to tank an entire station's worth of fire. Shots would be selectively let through by her AI, allowing turbolasers and Ion Cannon shots to 'pierce' the shields and hit the armor of the hull. Various missiles would be intercepted, responded to, and in turn have them be intercepted but with each volley gaps were becoming apparent. The Victory was fighting up close and personal way outside of her weight class, against a vessel designed to kill ships much bigger than she was. Rounds from the Mjolnir cannons would slam into the cruiser as each would fire in turn with a slow rumble felt through the hull. Its shields designed to handle relatively much smaller Turbolasers was bombarded and shortly broken by the sustained barrage of oncoming fire. In a smaller flash of bluish light, the shields would flicker one last time before dying, followed immediately by explosions as turbolasers, laser cannons and Mjolnir cannon shots ripped through the hull. Turbolasers would be swapped to Light Storm mode, increasing their rates of fire as they mauled the poor cruiser, the finishing blow coming as a Mjolnir APHE round would be sent into the ship's hypermatter reactor, causing it to detonate violently.
This would cause Hope's shields to fail, however the vessel's large armor was more than enough to shrug off the barrage from the station as the Mjolnir Cannon gunners decided they had had enough. The next rounds cycled through being Ionnite-A rounds, designed to disable larger vessels with the potent anti-electronic material known as Artificial Ionite. Another barrage would be fired, multiple rounds hitting the shields and causing them to burst, spreading the materials through the space around them in a cloud of Ionite particulate. This would cause the shields to fail, followed by multiple impacts across the vessel at various battery locations causing the rounds to generate more particulate fields. The effect would be noticed immediately as the guns would immediately stop firing, and turbolaser fire attempting to go through the field would find their fields destabilized and would struggle to hit behind these clouds of particulate. Which was the moment Kerensky had been waiting for.
"Launch boarding parties, if they surrender they are to be taken alive. That being said, if anyone on that station attempts anything hostile I want them spaced. When we get aboard have one of the droids get me their intercom system,"
"Aye sir!"
Below decks the War Hounds would finally take off, exiting Hope as they easily avoided the larger turbolaser fire that was still oncoming, but now severely reduced and otherwise being sectioned off by remaining cannon fire from Hope as their gunners knew that trying to shoot through the Ionnite was a waste of time, instead aiming for still exposed sections to disable the ship. The War Hounds would go full burn towards the station, Black Squadron coming alongside them to provide escort as they finished with local fighters directly around the station. As G 3 M 1 N 1 rode with her unknown acquaintances the man who'd spoken before would speak again as he saw their position approaching the station.
"If your target aligns with ours, you're more than welcome to follow us. Our objective to take the commander of the station," he paused as he fired up a holographic image from his Wind Talker Comms with a red dot showing their objective, and a green dot showing their relative location "We'll breach and fight our way to the Command Center of the station. If you have targets of opportunity for us we'll execute on station. Our orders are to take them alive if possible, but lethal force has been authorized on any hostile elements,"
His helmet would finally turn to her face as he finally addressed what she had called herself. "If we need to specifically have you do something, your handle will be G. Welcome to Angel Company,"