Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Skirmish The Reliquary | SO Raid on Ossus Enclave


Knossa, Ossus
890 ABY

The Jedi Praxeum of Knossa sat quiet after galactic peace was celebrated nigh on every planet outside of the Core. The Maw had fallen, the Sith destroyed, peace was upon the Galaxy headed by the Alliance - but darkness still burned at the underbelly of the galaxy. Dark forces always turned, toxic pestilence disguised as conquerors and kings. Knossa knew not of these things, only the soft warm light of a new day.​
Lulled into complacency by the distance they held from the major conflict zones, and the peace given to them by the likes of the Ashlan Crusade, only the scar worlds and its rebuilding was their concern. Only the sudden prophecy granted to them by the Force told them what was to come. In the span of five minutes, the great ship Mors Mon appeared in orbit, deployed ships to its surface, and began to isolate the once Sith Library reconstituted into the Jedi Library.​
Bastardized by the hands of the light, the once black pyramids held little of their distant corruption - nor were the corrupted relics the goal of the Sith. The central archive, The Hall of Knowledge, became the central focus of the assault. As the roadways were cut off and destroyed and air superiority was quickly asserted, the forces departed to raid this place of its goods - with the Emperor leading the assault.​
Objective I: Vault of Antiquities​
The goal of the assault became clear early in the blitzkrieg into the facility. Almost nothing was secured before the Sith pushed deeper - all in the singular goal of reaching the most strictly guarded section of the library. The Vault of Justice and the Chamber of Antiquities, hidden deep below the main halls, held the knowledge that was sought by the Emperor. Guarded fiercely by Jedi and Security forces alike, blood ran rampant in the sacred halls of the Jedi Library.​
Join Darth Empyrean in the assault on the most closely guarded secrets of the Jedi and Sith alike. Let them drown in the blood of their defense.​
Objective II: Hall of Knowledge​
While the Sith push deep into the restricted sections of the library, more mundane knowledge still is required by the academy districts of the Imperium. Less guarded but just as important, the Hall of Knowledge holds everything and more a growing Sith would need - and everything we must take from our enemies. With this library serving as a central power projection in the Outer Rim, we must steal everything we can - and burn anything we can not.​
Take from them the singular biggest thing they hold onto - the knowledge of their ancestors.​
Objective III: Domination of Ossus​
While the Jedi reel from the ambush of the Mors Mons and the spearheaded assault on the vault - the planet must be decimated. As the Sith grow in strength, any source of the Jedi’s power must be quelled and curbed lest they grow into an dangerous ally for the Core. Destroy the Praxeum, break the Jedi, and make sure they hold no ability to counterattack - leave alone beg for the assistance of their more numerous members elsewhere.​
Let none survive but the impressionable and untainted. Retrieve them for your own needs and teachings, or kill them before they can grow into a serious problem.​





The life of a Jedi was an often endless pursuit of knowledge. A bottomless list of inquiries, with one fact learned only for the need to understand another beginning to take the place of it. The libraries on Coruscant were well-stocked and often replenished, the lead archivist hard at work to ensure that all Jedi could be appropriately equipped with the knowledge of the past to face the future. A phrase Rakaan had come to learn well enough of, the young Jedi Knight knew. Though a Padawan no longer, his task was not only to learn but to teach, rather to provide assistance to those in some manner, whether truly useful and required or not.

In the halls of the Jedi Library of the Ossus Praxeum, a seeming outpost for Jedi in space that was once beneath the control of another, more extremist sect, Rakaan wandered about in his robes and hands clasped together. "I wouldn't know what else to do with them," he said to the diminutive and greying Mirialian Jedi Master, walking slow and stiff, while Rakaan's eyes drifted across the half-dozen younglings that seemed more excited to rush about somewhere new than to learn of what all it contains within. "I'm glad you can take them off my hands, Master." He said with the brief rise of a smile.

"You need not worry, my young friend." The Jedi Master rasped, "It was not long ago that you were here with classmates of your own. I have lived many years, and seen to many students. Both great and... not so great." His head dipped with a smile.

Though then the lights flickered and the walls shuddered, a rumble. It seemed to all become so very silent, eerily so. The younglings looked to their masters, while the knights and masters appeared occupied with the sudden wave of energy that rushed across their spines, along the nape of their necks. Then again, the lights flickered and the walls shuddered.

"Get them somewhere safe," said Rakaan with the hilt of his lightsaber falling into his palm.

Location: Ossus, Temple
Equipment: Danger Jacket, Outfit, Mix and Match Harness, Concealed Blaster, Discreet Hearing Enhancer - Left Ear, Long Handled Double Lightsaber, Glitter Bombs, Concealed Sling Bag, Pink Thermal Spray Paint
Ship: The Buzzard, with V-2 Minimech 'Skid' Aboard
Tags: Rakaan Horne Rakaan Horne OPEN

Nostalgia had brought Lossa back from the other side of the Outer Rim.

A visit to the waterfall garden where she had scared Iris out of her wits. Enjoying the silence of nature as she sat and soaked in the verdant beauty. Her hand sliding across the long cleaned wall of the painting the two had made.

Her eyes narrowing as she looked up and down the hall.

Producing the spray paint and dousing her hand, she pressed it against the wall where the mural had been. The pink color dissipating slowly as she felt it dry on her skin.

A grin appearing as she scuttled off to find a restroom to scrub the feeling from her skin.

"Not like she'll find that anytime soon." The contented chuckle of a small poke at Master Noble short-lived as the feelings of despair and fear filled the air.

Her hands gripping the basin to keep herself upright, sorting through the currents as a number of other emotions began to filter through. Slim hope outlined the despair. Flavors of worry and alarm piercing through the overwhelming fear.

Her hands nearing white as she steadied herself and wobbled out of the restroom.

Masters and Knights rushing back and forth as her pants became the drying element of her hands. The confused expression on her face addressed by a passing master. Shock taking hold as she heard the rumble of starfighers and atmospheric vessels drawing closer.

"Feth." The curse low and almost pleading as she hurried towards the younglings.

She wasn't worth much in a fight, but even a few seconds might keep let them get away at worst.

Her steps heavy and fast as the force found purchase in her legs. Hands grabbing corners and more than once bumping into an unseen Jedi with a less than pleasant exchange.

Breathing steady and easy as she pumped her legs in vain hope of helping those that called this place home as she once had.


Objective I​
Tag: Open​
The world shuttered at the Sith's presence, red lightning bursting through a clouding sky as the Mors Mons hung ominously above the broken world. Once this place had been decimated by Naga Sadow, Carnifex, then the Worm Emperor - now it would be by his own hand it would seem. Perhaps the world simply called upon the Emperor's like a honey pot - or perhaps because everyone in the galaxy focused so heavily on the disgusting measures of tradition. Why build anew when you can rebuild what your ancestors once cherished?​
He imagined he was a victim of that too.​
Bodies fell to either side as he moved down the stone hallway, troopers on either side speaking in broken death trooper vocabulators. Defenders armed to the teeth lay limp as smoke trailed from their wounds, but he stepped over each and every one. These bodies were not his to consider, they were obstacles foremost - and litter now. The trash would be removed when he burnt this place to the ground.​
A hand lifted as he tore one of the numerous blast doors from its confines - forcing part of the building to collapse each time. They would not hold him back, for deep in the confines of this place there lay knowledge he required to be reborn. The Jedi had long set theories on how to live beyond death, but they restricted it, held it away from the prying eyes of even their masters. Some for good reason, others because they felt it was necessary to come to the knowledge on ones own.​
Consider this coming to that knowledge on his own.​
He snapped two necks, then pushed forward into the confines of battle as the rest of the Sith moved to their own needs.​


The Outer Rim of the Tingle Arm was, for the most part, at peace. The Empire fought to cling on to singular star systems and outposts and though some troublesome red monsters popped up from time to time, the region had been clear of Sith and war for years now. It had been a long road but the Light finally seemed to have earned a worthwhile victory. The Jedi enclave on Ossus, was filled with artifacts and knowledge gathered by the Ashlan Crusade and though some of them could be a little stiff, they still served the light just the same. Their legacy was worth preserving. She smiled as her fingers ran over a dusty leather tome. A pair of younglings ran past laughing. This place was almost fully a true Jedi outpost. One of many in this new era of peace. Finally, the Jedi could just be...Jedi. She smiled and brushed curly hair from her face.


A cold wave washed over her. She was suddenly a child again. A monster she had never seen before stood before her, a red lightsaber snapping to life in his hands. "Tempest...." She was in her robes again, she pulled a lightsaber from her chest and activated it, the green blade coming to life with a snap-hiss. He brought the saber down, fear moved her. Their blades met, sparking and illuminating the dark room around them in brilliant colors. This wasn't happening. This couldn't be happening. Not again. A hand touched her shoulder, the dusty smell of the Ossus outpost filled her lungs.

"Master Senn, are you alright?" One of the Younglings. She looked down at her hands and flexed them. The walls shook, flakes of permacrete falling to the floor. Thalia cursed, causing the youngling's face to turn red. She could feel them now. How? They'd won. 'No you airsick fool, you've seen the reports. Vallery Noble's tangle with a new Sith faction in the Outer Rim.' But they should have been on the other side of the Galaxy. Not here. Why here? Why now? She fumbled with her comlink.

"Rakaan, what's happening?" She tried her best not to sound panicked and out of breath. She smiled and patted the head of the youngling standing next to her, wide-eyed. She had to be strong, at least look it. So she stood, her free hand griping one of the lightsabers at her belt.


Jasper had come to Ossus with the intention of learning, and get to know the different branches of the Order better. After all, as a member of the NJO council, he had a responsibility to start making those relationships. He was supposed to be joining a class of younglings and giving some instruction, though more minor. Instead, he found himself in a building plagued by tremors and flickering lights. An assault. He was quick to rush through the halls, searching for the younglings. Fortunately, he found them with an older padawan and a face he had at least seen before, Jedi Knight Rakaan Horne. He wasn't acquainted, but he knew that the knight was a generation above him.

"Get them somewhere safe,"

"Don't worry," Jasper stated as he entered, recomposing himself. "My freighter isn't too far from here. My astromech can prepare it for a jump. Whatever this is, it's... dark. I'd rather not take any chances."

Jasper was quick to pull out his communicator back to the Lonestar 1 to hail his astromech.

<Blip, set navicomputer coordinates for the Parlemian. We have a lot of guests we need to get off of Ossus.>

"Rakaan Horne, yeah?" Jasper asked, turning back to the knight.

"Rakaan, what's happening?"

That was a voice he did know. There was a bit more relief as Thalia's voice came from Rakaan's comm link, an individual he hadn't seen in a while now. Not since...

Now wasn't the time for reminiscing. There were younglings that needed to be escorted out of the Praxeum.

"An assault, I'd wager for something in the archives," Jasper chimed in. "I don't know from where, but standing around to theorize wastes what little time we may have. We need to get the younglings to my ship and out of here."

Before it was too late.

She Left Behind A Legacy



Tag(s): Open

She pushed herself from the ornamented, deep bronzium slab that made the bulk of the large desk, sprawled across its length were orbicular shaped disks, tethered pages and much more -- it was a studied mess. Leaning over, she hovered above this palm-sized, cube-like device with intricate hardware. Soon she was removing the crystalline lattice from inside the evenly proportioned polyhedrons; it was a holocron.

It'd been 5 or 6 years since she took an official leave of absence from the Order; she just walked away. For good reason -- "And so the little one...will she join us?" a voice filled the reaches of the room her form did not occupy.

She whipped around to take in the view of a Keeper, this wisened Cerean male, Abano Vih'Torr was always slightly hunched over with elderly folds beneath his neck; the two worked tirelessly together in the past to lay the foundation for where they stood just now.

Her mouth parted for words, but could only speak odd shapes.

"She is strong in the Force, like her mother. It is no crime to fear for your child yet in time she will grow and make her own choices. Do not deny her the chance to make this galaxy a better I know you have."

She thought twice before she spoke, her initial reaction was to say no, but then she thought of her friend Zark San Tekka Zark San Tekka and what he told her when they spoke.

She reached out and received the datacron he sourced for her.

"Thank you." She spun around. "The decision will be Cortana's one day. Right now though, she's back on Coruscant spending some time with Auteme Auteme until im back. I don't want to plan anything for her life, but she'll definitely get this in doses until she's ready...and much less fiery."

// Jedi Master Romi Jade //

In my last entry I detailed a vision I had...a vision prophesying the forthcoming of four individuals, all Force-sensitives. Perhaps, somehow my confrontations with Solipsis triggered some sort of super-conducting loop? Theories coming later...

I haven't quite cracked just how this event was triggered. However, I do believe these four individuals are amongst us already...I feel as though they might be found amongst the next generation of the New Jedi Order.

I've taken Zark up on his offer to rejoin the Jedi, specifically the NJO in hopes that I may provide some assistance where needed…but also look into this more. He spoke of a terrible new darkness being released...maybe these four are a key--"

// Connection Interrupted ... //


"What was that?"

her voice was breathy, and the room fell more silent than before...then a terrible and ominous screech broke the sound barrier and left a deep vibration throughout the foundation of the Library.

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Something from her teenage years bubbled up every time she heard Jasper's voice. He was the same age as her but he'd always looked like a kid, even now with his little beard and a prosthetic arm and his height. He tried so hard to look rugged, it was almost adorable.

"Huh?! Your ship Jasper? We fly in that rust bucket and we're all headed to Speyr Balley's tomb." Maybe now wasn't the time to be talking about Ol Squidfaced Speyr Balley. Bad luck. She looked down at the younglings, feeling reinvigorated. "What floor are you lot on? I'm comin' to you but I swear on the storms of my ancestors I won't be letting Jasper fly me out of here."


"Huh?! Your ship Jasper? We fly in that rust bucket and we're all headed to Speyr Balley's tomb."

Jasper scoffed a little. At a time like this? Besides, the Lonestar 1 was upgraded to modern standards and had kicked ass in firefights without so much as obtaining a scratch. He was a mechanic through and through, and a good pilot as far as he was concerned. He'd never let his ship fall into disrepair.

"There's a better time for this, but I assure you that my ship is not going to fall apart," Jasper sighed. "We're on the ground floor, near the lecture halls."

Mechanics and piloting were the only skills that he'd truly wager his life on. Trial and error was what Thalia remembered, from when he was a padawan. Jasper wasn't that kid anymore... Even if a part of him wished he was.


Location: Ossus, Temple
Equipment: Danger Jacket, Outfit, Mix and Match Harness, Concealed Blaster, Discreet Hearing Enhancer - Left Ear, Long Handled Double Lightsaber, Glitter Bombs, Concealed Sling Bag, Pink Thermal Spray Paint
Ship: The Buzzard, with V-2 Minimech 'Skid' Aboard
Tags: Rakaan Horne Rakaan Horne Thalia Senn Thalia Senn Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el Romi Jade Romi Jade OPEN

Aside from the sounds of battle, there was the clangorous approach of Lossa towards the library as her body bumped and bounced off the temple walls in her haste. More than once sliding into view of jedi with their Sabers drawn on her.

Fighting was drawing close, and the tremors from the attack paired with the flickering lights was throwing her perception off.

The outer doors to the library recieving her full weight with a loud thud in a failed attempt to stop. Instead finding both her legs jammed into her chest to keep from being a door ornament in the middle of an incursion.

A coughing fit making her curl up into a useless puddle trying to get the wind back into her lungs.

"I need. New soles." A realization made too late in the day as she banged on the door.

The Light In The Shadows


Ossus, Great Jedi Library | Open


It had been a long time since he returned to this place.

The Great Jedi Library held many memories of his past. Years of his life had been spent studying here, training here. His core ideals and values as a Jedi were built. Though his transition to become an Imperial Knight was not to long after, the ways of the light were still in his foundation.

So when his journey for more knowledge brought him once again back to the temple, Kinoan was more than shocked to find himself in the middle of an assault. What was a simple walk through the halls turned into an emergency situation. Multitudes of younglings all rushed past him, making their way to some hidden bunker. Few bothered to look his way. After all, he did not look like the other Jedi. Nevertheless, it was still his duty to help defned this place.

Increasing his pace, Kinoan rushed down the halls, searching for where the Sith were trying to breach. Small chunks of rock fell downward as the building shook once more. The Knight did not believe the doors would hold for much longer. Peaking his head into various rooms, he tried to direct any other younglings towards the direction of safety. A group scurried past him as they ran from their hiding place. Hopefully they got to bunker in time.

Darting into one final classroom, the Knight was instantly stopped in his tracks. A figure stood before him that he had not seen in some time.

"Master Jade, is that you?"

Kinoan had not see his former Master in a long time. She was one of the key teachers he had as a Jedi. At the Jakku Jedi Enclave he trained and studied underneath her. It had been some time since he even heard word about his former instructor.

"I hate that this how our reunion takes place, but right now is not the time for pleasantries. The Sith are on the verge of cracking through the blast doors. We must prepare to fight."


Objective III: Dominion of Ossus
Enemies: Maeve Linahan Maeve Linahan
Equipment: Darth Vyle's lightsaber

After Aing-Tii, Darth Vyle was hunting Jedi.

The two Jedi that had defied her there had managed to escape. Some among her ranks might have treated that as a victory, especially considering how powerful the pair of them were. But Vyle could never treat such a thing as a victory. They had both displayed Force powers of which the Sith witch had not even the faintest understanding. So, Ossus was the likely place to find her answers, and hunt the two Jedi who had managed to slip her grasp.

Lord Empyrean's orders were simple. There were two hard targets. Beyond that, the Jedi Enclave on Ossus needed to be torn down, brick by brick, its occupants slaughtered. Vyle had no problem with either one of those commands. After all, it was slaughter that brought her Jedi to her the first time. Perhaps she would be so lucky again.

She floated down onto the slick surface of a landing pad jutting out of the belly of the enclave. Fires had already been started as the Sith began their onslaught above. In the Force, she could feel the presence of the Jedi everywhere, swarming like roaches driven from their hiding places into the Light. Yet, she could not sense the Jedi pair she'd met on Aing-Tii.

Instead, she sensed something else.

Something familiar. Something she had not felt since...

The image of waves crashing against a ruinous structure jutting out of the dark ocean flitted behind her eyes. Kef Bir. She had not thought of it in some months. Yet the presence was unmistakable. Maeve was on this planet. She was close, even.

A rare, crooked smile tugged up the corner of Vyle's mouth. Well, it was always good to pay an old friend a visit...
It crept on her like winter frost. A cold bite and a chill prickling the back of her neck. The hateful presence of a Sith she had not felt in months.

Maeve wandered the halls of the Jedi Praxeum as alarms shrieked and panicked monks ran past her, carrying books or frightened younglings to safety. She should've been helping them, or defending the Great Library, but she was a Jedi Shadow, and her first instinct was always to meet the darkness first.

So, she gravitated to the mouth of the temple and to that presence she'd felt, heart kicking in her chest.

That was where she saw her. The monster in red. Faye. The Sith who had deceived her back on the ruins of the Second Death Star, betrayed her, and escaped to reunite with her Sith masters. She looked different from when Maeve saw her last. Now, a pointed headpiece crowned her head and she wore dark robes that looked as if she'd dipped them in blood, and her skin was pale as bone, radiating with corruption and dark magick.

Only thing that hadn't changed about her was that wickedly foul smile.

Maeve pushed off against the column she hid behind and strode into the open. She felt woefully underdressed for battle in her simple robes, but as she touched the hilt of her lightsaber resting on her hip, she didn't care. When it came to killing Sith, all she needed was her blade, her training, and her faith in the Force.

Staring her down, Maeve's voice rang out from across the landing platform, bitter and sharp. "I should have known you would be here, Sith."


Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean OPEN

"Exquisite form, my lord!"

Captain Vector Monk of the Sith Reclamation Service flourished his white cape a respectful distance behind Darth Empyrean. Empires rose and fell, but there was always a place for capable servants of the galaxy's dark powers. He took a delicate step over scorched robes before holstering his elegant nabooian blaster.

"There is a passage ahead which leads beneath the foundations," Monk activated the short range scanner built into his monocle, "I'm afraid there are more Jedi scum as well."

Exegol's destruction and the loss of Project Tantiss had been a significant setback. Likely he would have perished along with the Maw had it not been for an attempt on his life by one of Nimdok's agents. While recovering in a bacta tank offworld Monk plotted revenge against the old ghost. Plundering this temple would help prove his loyalty to the Sith Eternal. When serving dark wizards such power struggles were to be expected.

"These are trivial relics. Not worth your time," he gestured around the antechamber wearing an aristocratic sneer.

"Ground floor, Thalia, come down to us." Said Rakaan into the handheld communicator rushed up towards his mouth, the once tranquil bastion of information turned into tense and frantic hall with children and the old alike thrown into the care of one another. The blue-lit walls of learned and stored holocrons seemed to be of little use in their time of need now. "Let's argue about who flies where once the younglings are aboard." He continued, oddly placed amusement upon his breath, "You know what they say: rust is character."

From the focus of the communicator, blue eyes rose onto Jasper. "I am, maybe not the best time to meet though," the Jedi Knight confirmed with a swift nod, slinking out of the robe that draped over his frame and allowing it to fall loose to the floor. The sound of encroaching forces continued to rumble, one after the other. From the pained screams, the blaster fire that caused it, even the snap-hiss and soar of lightsabers in the air. Though Jasper, Rakaan knew, was right; there was a darkness there.

"C'mon," he started in a slow run to a nearby terminal, his fingers dancing across the display. A map of the library shone in a holographic blur, spinning slowly to present the full image of the structure. A pale light flashed, strobing softly from their own position on the ground floor. His finger trailed along, "Hangar looks to be on the other side, we'll need to cross through if we want to get 'em to the ships."
Grand Inquisitor of the EOTL
Objective I: The Vault of Antiquities
"""Allies""": Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean Vector Monk Vector Monk

Aculia was not, to say the least, enthused about joining the Sith in their onslaught on Ossus today, but she had little choice given what she had seen on Aing-Ti with the Valery Noble Valery Noble , Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble , and Darth Vyle Darth Vyle showing off their abilities on the planet. She needed to keep her knowledge up to date and when one walked a more gray path in the Force, balanced between the Dark and the Light, one had to make sacrifices. One of those sacrifices was the easy acquisition of knowledge. Both the Sith and Jedi archives were usually closed to her as an outsider. That meant spending months to years in the Outer Rim scavenging what both had left behind…or joining one side and getting a share of the spoils as a result.

With what I saw with that Force Dyad and Dathomir Witch…whatever I can and my men can pilfer that the Dark Lord and his little minion will not notice or care about too much will be invaluable. I’m also very glad I did not pick a side in their little civil war too.

She kept pace behind Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean , remaining quiet as he carved out a bloody path deeper and deeper into the Jedi stronghold, her blade deflecting shots and lightsabers from the Dark Lord’s back in a silvery whirlwind so he could focus his entire being on doing what Sith love: destruction. Her aura in the Force, if one was watching, was comparatively subdued however, the gray almost entirely imperceptible against the overwhelming darkness of the Sith.

I need to conserve my power here for the struggles ahead. Let him get tired out before reaching whatever top team the Jedi can assemble. I will be ready. They should also have a harder time sensing me here against his backdrop for now.

Aculia’s black and white robes trailed over the mutilated and broken corpses of troopers from both sides, already becoming stained red with blood in the opening stages of this battle. It was wise for her to have kept her own two companies of men in the back of the Sith advance, performing rear guard duties and operating light hauling vehicles to collect whatever of value they could to extract. Their pay today was in loot, not credits, and the casualties in the front were sure to be high.

“I am glad to hear you say that, Vector,” Aculia remarked, fixing her cold blue eyes on the sycophant's “since they are merely ‘trivial’, then you surely will not mind if my men collect them then?”

Even if they are not particularly valuable to the Sith, we can find buyers for them. Maybe even these Jedi...if any escape.
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Location: Ossus Ashlan Inquisitorial Outposy
Objective: Clear data and support the Praxeum
Tags: Elias Edo Elias Edo open

Rhiza sat at the controls of her Sciss stealth fighters as they penetrated the aerial cover over the surface of Ossus. She looked at the other Jedi in the seat next to her and grinned. "Its been a while since I've been on Ossus, it looks like the Sith Empire have come back, they have engaged the praxeum and the library, I'm going to set us down on an Ashlan outpost, my clearance should still work." the Ashlan Crusade had only incorporated Ossus quite a short time before the collapse and the Praxeum had remained mostly autonomous so the Ashlan presence was limited.

As Rhiza brought the ship lower, she punched in her Inquisitorial codes and was regarded with a green light as the side of the mountain shimmered and she entered the hidden base. As the disappeared inside she caught one-step look up at the looming form of the Sith dreadnought in orbit, it did bring back memories of her own Sith days, if people wouldn't respect you, make them fear you. The great library was just a few miles from this location and could be seen clearly from their vantage point. It would only take her and Elias Edo Elias Edo a few minutes to arrive their on the speeder bikes stowed here by the Ashlans.

The Spectre has not chosen this arrival point at random. In the passenger compartment of her ship was a pair of RTL technicians, they were tasked with erasing the Ashlan Inquisitorial database here. She wished to protect other jurors, hidden informants and other bases like this from the revenge of a resurgent Sith. Once she had set the techs to work, provided there was no interruptions, the two masters could head off to wherever their attention was most needed.

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Ki Jem-Taan


Location: Ossus, Ashlan Outpost
Tag: Rhiza Dural Rhiza Dural Elias Edo Elias Edo
Gear: Lightsaber, fiberweave armor, M.I. Model 6M Blaster Pistol

She had gone to the Praxeum first, after the months of anguish and revelation after the carbonite thaw. Ki was a dark user that had been lost in time, and needed penance in a new world. She had sought it from the Jedi. The Praxeum, she was told, would be the place to start over, itself a bastion of good built on the foundations of what was once Darkness. From there, she had gone to the Rim, and was still finding her place. Now, her first Jedi home was under assault.

Knight Jem-Taan joined two masters on a ancillary mission, to deny the Sith yet more information and resources, that from the Ashan, before supporting the Praxeum. She had practically begged Master Dural to let her go with them, and the request was granted. She sat in the hold with the techs, watching out a portal as they entered the atmosphere. The looming Sith vessel was ominous and unsettling, and Ki was eager to get to the Praxeum, which she could see not far off, to help in it's defense.

As they entered the hidden outpost, she readied her gear, instructing the techs to do the same.

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Breaker of Chains
Codex Judge
Objective: Hall of Knowledge
Equipment: Lightsaber, Sword, Dagger, Armor
Tags: Open!


Ossus, a world of the Jedi. A world that made Alisteri's skin crawl and kindled the burning wrath in his core with each moment that he had to spend on the planet. The assault and invasion of the Praxeum had been swift and bloody, catching the defenders nearly off-guard in one fell swoop. Knossa had been ravaged and many of the proud defenders lay dead or falling back to more defensible positions further inside as the mighty Mors Mon hung overhead as if to blot out the very sky itself.

Alisteri however, was less than enthused about the whole affair. As usual their goals had been warped around the ambitions of Empyrean, and rather than simply decimating the Praxeum from orbit in a more efficient manner, they instead had to invade and seize the knowledge that lay within. But thankfully, the 'Emperor' had ventured onward to more forbidden and hidden areas of the Praxeum, leaving the bulk of the Sith forces to raid the Hall of Knowledge for all that it was worth.

And if Empyrean wasn't there, then he wasn't going to follow orders to the letter anymore.

"Captain, we require specialist squads." Alisteri called upon the nearest, and highest ranking, trooper as they forced their way into the Hall proper. "Yes, Darth Strosius?" The soldier was unfortunately not of the Inquisition nor the Tsis'Kaar, not one that he could lord over and command by mere station alone. But he would not be denied this day.

"Demolition and flame squads, I need them here on the double with enough explosives to level as many archives and repositories as they can manage. If possible I wish to bring the entire Hall to rubble and ash." The captain was taken aback by such a brutal order, stepping back and briefly fumbling with his blaster rifle as he stuttered a response. "W-With all due respect my lord, the Emperor-" His words fell silent as the Sith's red blade, thrumming with deadly intent and an even deadlier glare in his visor, hovered directly above his throat.

"Is not here." The masked man hissed, venom dripping in his tone. "Our holy worlds, our ancestral lands, they have been ravaged and pillaged by Jedi for far too long! If our sacred libraries and archives have been defiled and destroyed then I see no reason not to do the same to theirs! Either you send the order or I will find someone who will, and who will report your unfortunate demise at the hand of a Jedi Padawan's blade. Do I make myself clear soldier?"

The captain considered the threat for only a moment before slowly tapping on his communicator. "This is Captain Trautinn, ordering all nearby and available demolition and flame squads to report to Darth Strosius for the final assault on the Hall of Knowledge immediately." Satisfied, Alisteri pulled his blade away from the soldier's throat and returned to marching forward as if nothing had happened. "Rejoice captain, for today we bring retribution."

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