Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Return [TRE/SJO Invasion of Dromund Kaas]

Location: The Citadel
Objective: Hold the Line
Allies: [member="Coci Heavenshield"] | [member="Jericho"] | Azsedo ([member="Soeht"]) | SJO
Enemies: [member="Vrak Nashar"] | [member="Joon"] | [member="Neesa"] | TRE
Directly Engaging: [member="Vraukt"] | [member="Darth Pyrrhus"]

There was no acknowledgement of the Jedi veteran's act of saving Thurion's life - there was simply no time for it. Even so, it had not gone unnoticed by the Heavenshield and he knew the quality of the man who'd intervened. With his back free from any further attempted assassinations, he instead focused on the charging Sith Lord wading through the corpses of his underlings with long strides to reach him. Thurion faced the man with steely determination, for he would not back down for anyone or anything.

"Róvhál," he retorted the black speech of the Sith with some of the more colourful language Midvinter had to offer, not really feeling the need for any deeper introductions. As they came into swinging distance he charged, azure meeting crimson as sabers clashed with great and terrible force, each blow able to carve through a dozen men. But these two were no ordinary men, each drawing upon the forces that be to enhance their abilities.

At a time when their sabers were locked and the two warriors stared each other down, Thurion let loose a blood-stirring roar and rammed his forehead into his opponent's helmet, ignoring the resulting gash. With a sudden shove he then pushed the Sith Lord back a few steps before unleashing a powerful Force Push to hopefully send him flying back, after which Azsedo moved up behind him, voicing his concerns. "Affirmative," came his reply.

Eyes closed as the power of the Light surged through his being, and just as he was about to be overrun a blinding light struck them as well as the surrounding area, reaching well beyond where the likes of Coci were battling. The sharp flash of light would leave a large portion of the Sith forces blinded and disoriented, thus easily cut down by the Jedi and Rangers. "Now - run them through!" With the frontline more or less collapsing in favour of the Jedi, they pushed forward, cutting down the Sith while they fumbled in the dark.
Mission: Sink the Tenchu
[member="Jessica Med-Beq"]

It was around this point that a decent chunk of the ship, much to Velok’s surprise, might well begin to shut down. The entire dreadnought relied on bioform circuitry with a special sensitivity to radiation. He’d chosen radiation as a weapon solely for its ability to contaminate and scare the ship’s crew. The proton cannon’s five-hundred-metre radiation trail only added to the interference - another happy little accident, as a certain Emperor was known to say. The beskar tank rocked its way through cramped corridors and the edges of occasional particle cannon fire. Nestled within beskar and shielding, Velok felt casualties mount and it pleased him considerably.

Returning fire against the Bengal tanks wasn’t an option, mainly because they relied on convenient holes in multiple decks and bulkheads, and the Skocha had better things to do. A little repositioning around heat-softened corridors put the Skocha back in line to continue hammering that borehole. Repulsors carried the beskar tank nimbly over the massive gaps as necessary.
Location: The Citadel
Objective: Close the trap and destroy the sith
Enemies: [member="Vilaz Munin"] | [member="Vrak Nashar"] | [member="Stephanie Brown"] | [member="Vraukt"] | [member="Velok the Younger"] | [member="Tai Fa"] | [member="Joon"] | [member="Neesa"] | [member="Vitor Avendahl"] | The Resurgent Empire
Allies: [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] | [member="Coci Heavenshield"] | [member="Audren Sykes"] | [member="Jericho"] | The Silver Jedi

The sith had done nothing to prevent her trap, as the last forces got into place she spoke over comms. "Now, all gunships, all fighters, attack craft vehicles troops and artillery fire." With that the flooded in new forces of sith found themselves struck by air and ground fire. Dozens of Sith found no place to hide now and died with little in the ability to so much as asses what was happening. Catherine now got down to the level for the main push up the rear of the enemy. Her saber sprang to life as she looked to her troops. As the encircling force closed in she lead her forces in and quickly cut down the first sith troopers foolish enough to try for glory against her. Between her saber and the torrent of fire and explosions the sith were close to breaking she knew it. With no support and their leadership too focused on the Grand masters it made them easy to down. If the sith Lords knights and acolytes all trying to be the one to kill a Jedi had enough mental capacity to look around and study they would realize their inaction now lost them the citadel. By best estimates if nothing changed within the hour they woudl have no more troops to command.

Catherine continued to lead her forces inward and to clearing out the sith in the citadel. Some soldiers of theirs surrendered and much as Catherine despised the idea she had them disarmed and stunned to be picked up later. She began to wonder if the sith truly had become so foolish as to not consider what had been happening now for almost an hour. She'd managed to encircle and strike at them all the while they did nothing but pour troops into a meat grinder. Oh well she considered that fortunate for her. For now she continued forward but ordered some troops to act as a rear guard just in case one or two sith lords got clever.


Thengil and his followers emerged from the slagged ruin of the gutted compound. The occupants inside had either been slain, or fled. What little resistance they had encountered had been stomped out.

Time to move on.

The Cathar warrior spoke briefly with the Sith command vessel, then called for a shuttle. In due course, a shuttle arrived. The Togorians, arms laden with some loot from the compound, filled up the shuttle's hold after it disgorged a number of speeder bikes. The shuttle then departed back toward their ship.

He and the others mounted the bikes and zipped off, headed in the direction of the citadel.

[member="Catherine Soja"]
Location: Citadel
Objective: Stop the invasion
Allies: [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] | [member="Coci Heavenshield"] | [member="Ayumi Pallopides"] | [member=Jericho] | [member="Catherine Soja"] | [member=Kaden] | SJO
Enemies: [member="Vrak Nashar"] | [member=Soeht] | [member=Vraukt] | [member="Darth Carnifex"] | [member=Neesa]
Directly Engaging: [member="Vilaz Munin"]
Equipment: Armor | Blades | Sidearm | Lightsaber

As the starfighters shot at the Mandalorians, the flying mercenaries did the only thing they could to survive: they descended, fast. Speed of flight as it was, even in atmosphere, the starfighters were past the beskar-clad soldiers in seconds; since they'd launched from the cover of the citadel itself their missed barrage ended up dissipating in midair some distance out. Yet the fighters didn't loop back around or try to track their targets. The effectiveness of their attack had been based on the assumption of surprise, and without that surprise they were of no further use. There were still dropships raining down after all, though much fewer than there had been before.

Once on the ground, the Mandalorians were subject to the same opposition as the rest of the Sith forces. They were free game. The well-organized and much more numerous Silver Jedi forces had fought Mandalorians before though, or had been trained by those who had. Massed fire or supremely heavy firepower was the best way to take them down by non-Jedi. Grenades and snipers tended to be very effective, within reason. Jedi, on the other hand, tended to be rather susceptible to the Mandalorian fighters, there was a reason they were hired as Jedi-killers. Armor that blocked lightsabers and a comfort with both distance and close quarters weapons tended to be very effective against primarily melee fighters. The death toll inflicted by the warriors was proof enough, but they also fell enough for everyone to know they weren't immortal.

The planet had indeed been a Sith planet in the past. However, the Jedi Order had held it for several years. It would take longer than that for the stain to be removed from the planet itself, but the constant efforts of Jedi in particular places had profound effects. For example, the brilliant flash of Force Light loosed by Thurion triggered a sympathetic ripple in the area surrounding the Citadel, like a light in a fogged mirror. It wasn't nearly as potent, but carried even further. The strength of the darkness in the area was notably lessened, to the detriment of the Sith attackers.

Audren stalked through the large battle, still helping where he was able, until a nearby death caught his attention. He didn't know why it should, there was little enough different than the others on the field. A Jedi Knight had been dropped by a Mandalorian, his defenses overwhelmed. The Sephi paused, his eyes flicking to the side momentarily as his senses gave information about the fight behind him. A Sith took advantage of that to attack in an oblique slash that would have separated the Jedi from shoulder to hip. Almost absentmindedly, the Jedi's orange blade rose to greet the attack in a sinuous motion, dropping first the hand then the top third of the body to the ground in one simple strike.

In the half-second it took for the pieces to reach the ground, a decision was made. With not even a gesture, the Master's will flexed with the power of the Force. He pictured cables of Force power looped around the one Mandalorian and another at shoulders, hips, and knees, then tightened the coils to draw the two together. Except it wasn't a slow draw, it was a fast and violent yank. An attempt to slam the two heavily-armored beings together and damage both. Unlikely to kill either, true, but even a temporary daze could be enough.
Citadel Assault
Allies: [member="Vrak Nashar"], @Joon [member=Vraukt] (not-soeht)
Enemies: [member="Coci Heavenshield"], [member="Thurion Heavenshield"], [member=Jericho], [member=Soeht] (also apparently not-soeht)
Gear: Bio

Neesa's eyes never left the gaze of the newcomer from the moment he stepped between her and her quarry. The blade had arced tantalisingly close to Thurion before being deflected. And now this man stood protectively by his master's back. The tip of his saber was levelled right at her chest. Neesa didn't try to keep the scorn from her face. If the Silvers wanted to draw out their last stand but wanted to make it today then so be it.

She didn't rush as she approached. Her left leg always led, her balance was never compromised. Sorrow led, the wickedly curved scimitar held low. Thirst was kept higher in her right hand, ready to block and high strikes or deliver the killing blow. The two had been forged together, but at times she felt as if their names had changed them. She always had a sense that the Blood Rune etched into the blade of Thirst was the louder.

Neesa opened her account with a quick swipe outwards with Sorrow. If it connected and pushed the Jedi's blade wide she would angle in a second strike for his left shoulder, but otherwise the second blade would remain ready to deflect a counter.
MISSION: Help a Mandalorian finish her mission.

ENEMIES:Sithies, and company.
Equipment: The Gardener's Heart

He immediately felt the hair on the back of his neck stand as he felt mad and scorned, or rather he felt Mishka's rage at him thanks to his empathy. He tried to cut off the link between his mind and hers while sighing, but after a moment of trying, he just ignored the feelings that were not his. He hated his empathy sometimes because he had more important things to worry about instead of saving this woman's feelings but with a glance over his shoulder at the woman he motioned for Kira to show herself. The Ashlan wolf, as small as ever crawled from her hiding place and sat on his shoulder, staring at the woman for him as it tried to translate the words. The first sentence was as he expected and it made him smile a bit, liking to know this one was confident enough to challenge a random stranger. The second sentence was a bit rusty, some of the words missing but between her tone and what he did here, he assumed it was an insult or sarcasm.

With a sigh he turned his head over his shoulder, peering past Kira and at [member="Mishka Larraq"] for another moment before speaking without pausing in his footsteps or even keeping his head aimed at her long enough for a response.

"Got to admit Kira, they are prettier when they are mad." He grinned at the wolf and focused on the battle that was getting close. He could feel footsteps and the plants that were nearby being blasted apart, dim flashes of light from sabers and rounds blinking in and out of existence between the trees and distant sounds moving around him. He wasn't sure which side they would run into first but he wanted to make sure that they would be ok and the Mandalorian with him had enough chance to close distances with that blade of hers. He had yet to see a pistol or rifle on the woman, meaning she was ready for close range combat, not a firefight.

That fact was a tad vexing, considering he was worried the woman had no guards against a rifle aiming for her head. He would not air these concerns, knowing it would just make her ever madder when he needed her focused on the situation. He would need to test it somehow though, test to ensure this woman would be able to protect herself from an assailant who had the element of surprise on their side so with a twitch of his hand, a small rock flew towards Mishka from behind, Kira still watching to make sure that the Mandalorian was capable enough for this situation.
Location: The Citadel
Allies: Silver Jedi and Allies
Enemies: The Resurgent Empire and Allies

Armour - Saber

[member="Thurion Heavenshield"] | [member="Jericho"] | [member="Audren Sykes"]
[member="Vrak Nashar"] | [member="Joon"]


The thick dust from the explosion still swirled around them both, it started to take effect on Coci as she is not wear any mask with filters and she started to cough to clear her lungs. Yet she kept her focus on him through the force.

Suddenly a pull on the force bond between husband and wife surged as Thurion summon the lightside of the force to him, only a heartbeat past before a blinding flash of light filtered through the area and bled through the dust, it probably would not affect her opponent for a maximum outcome but she took this opportunity to back away a few paces. Just as the blade of the Sith sliced upward only inches from cutting her in twain.

With the pain in her leg from the burning of his blade still threatening to take her concentration, Coci gathered herself before pulling energy from the lightside, she raised her hand pointing her fingers directly toward the masked Sith and unleashed a river of ionic energy targeted to his mask, if it hits it might cause damage to it and effectively rendering him blind.
Dromund Kaas - Citadel
Objective: Reclaim the Citadel
Directly Engaging: [member="Coci Heavenshield"] [member="Thurion Heavenshield"]
Allies: [member="Darth Pyrrhus"]

The blinding light burst forth, but the HUD of his mask flared dark. The light was blocked by the solar glass of the gold lines, blocking the attacking though still rendering him blind for just a moment. His lightsaber swiped forward, though he could feel it miss the Jedi. A scowl pulled at his lips, his eyes setting forward as he dashed back just a bit. A moment passed, and then he heard a howling scream.

The blinding light that had come from Thurion had it's effect, though probably not as intended. The Massassi that had accompanied Vrak within his shuttle, those bestial and terrific horrors that were once called Sith screamed in anger and frustration as their eyes were seared from their sockets. They screeched and roared, falling into a frenzy as they lost their sight. The Massassi did not sit still and placated, instead they raged and roared. Their great blades fell forward into both friend and foe, berserkers that now broke out into a horrific bath of blood.

Vrak's visor shifted once more, light returning to him just in time to see a flare of energy strike towards him.

His eyes popped open wide, his lightsaber flicking up just slight too late. The blast of ion struck the side of his face, a glancing blow that tore into the mask. A spark lashed across his face, a surge of electricity that burned into his cheek. A howl of pain escaped him as he reached up and tore the mask from his face, throwing it to the ground. "

Vrak spat the words, his free hand suddenly shooting up.

The scorch across his face seemed to burn as the force flowed through him, chains of the force lashing out and reaching to tighten around Coci's throat. He tried to choke her, pulling her from her feet and throwing her against a nearby pile of rubble while attempting to constrict her throat.

Connor Harrison

LOCATION: The Citadel, Dromund Kaas
OBJECTIVE: Take the Citadel; Destroy the Jedi Knights
ALLIES: [member="Vrak Nashar"] | [member="Vilaz Munin"] | [member="Vraukt"] | [member="Velok the Younger"] |
ENEMIES: [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] | [member="Coci Heavenshield"] | [member="Kaden"] | [member="Catherine Soja"]


Joon glanced around, seething that her apprentice [member="Stephanie Brown"] had not joined her. She would pay for this. Mark her words.

Glancing towards their Lord in combat, she gave a smile at the destruction going on around them as she gripped her saber tight. As the Lord seemed to take a hit, it didn’t last long. The Jedi was feeling the power of the Dark Side ravage her, and it was a small tease of what she deserved for the pain her kind had caused. Joon grinned and closed her eyes.

”Break her, my Lord. I am here for you," she whispered to him

She broke into a slow jog.

”Follow me – we get inside the Citadel at all costs!" Joon shouted to the Sith warriors around her, she started to run faster, eyes on the prize ahead.

Knowing they had to make a charge to get inside at least the ground floor and being to pull it apart from the inside, the push was on The Jedi were starting to buckle; she was ready for a fight as she ran for the Citadel with her warriors behind.
Location: Citadel Proper
Allies: [member="Vrak Nashar"], [member="Joon"], [member="Neesa"], [member="Darth Pyrrhus"]
Enemies: [member="Catherine Soja"], [member="Soeht"], [member="Coci Heavenshield"], [member="Kaden"], [member="Jericho"]
Directly Engaging: [member="Thurion Heavenshield"]

The Jedi Master fought well. Like a monstrous Lion, the Sith Knight was certain that if the battlefield was void of anyone else but the two of them, they would have a glorious battle to the death. Where this was the Jedi Master's abode, at least for now, the apparent King of the Jungle, Vraukt sought to undermine him, to challenge him for that position.

The man was the public figurehead of the Silver Jedi Order, he recalled that now - on the HoloNet the man 'apologizing' for the lives taken on Korriban by some Rogue Admiral.

Flesh met metal helmet.

It dazed Vraukt, and he suddenly forfeited a half step backwards.

Too much.

The Force Push that came shoved him backwards into the midst of other warriors fighting.

They were disengaged from each other.

Another opponent came to attack Vraukt, blaster was cleaved in half before slashing downwards and carving through the lower abdomen of the Ranger. He reached down with his right hand, before the man could even lower to his knees and grab at his stomach, and snapped his neck to the side. Before he could lunge forwards again at the Jedi however, the Force built up from him, beginning to emanate, and Vraukt slashed out the legs of a hulking Massassi Warrior, and when he collapsed to the floor, Vraukt dropped into a kneel as the overbearing shadow and form of the Pureblood Offshoot cast Vraukt in shadow.

The Light practically exploded outwards and over the surrounding battlefield. Peers, rivals, all of them Sith were assaulted with renewed vigor, but where the proverbial meat grinder was Jedi fighting Sith, it was now... Sith fighting everyone, without a care as to who it was.

Vraukt shoved the body downwards, and leapt over it, crimson lightsabre re-activating as the downwards slash came for the Jedi Master. The Force aided jump allowed him to complete his arc through the air quicker, and when he would've landed, it would've been with a hard crunch as the following assault sought to slash open midsection of the Valkyri.
MISSION: Locate a Thing
ALLIES: SJO, [member="The Librarian"], [member="Atheus"]
ENEMIES: [member="Athena Heron"], [member="Thengil Ri'Shajirr"], [member="Veritas"], [member="Aeterno"], [member="Maleagant"], Sith

As Mishka followed the man, her helmet would be clearly visible upon her hip. Most likely not visible to the older man would be the slug-thrower pistol secured near the small of her back. A weapon of last resort she was comfortable with, but was not a weapon of choice for her. Trailing behind her, the quarter-meter tall fuzzball wearing a child's sized suit of Beskar'gam, with holes cut in the helmet for fuzzy ears to protrude, tiny leather boots, and a lack of gauntlets over the golem's fury paws and tiny triangular claws. Secured upon the creature's hip was a tiny, sharpened beskad and held at a low-ready was a holdout blaster modified to look like a tiny rifle. A quarter-meter tall picture of Mandalorian fierceness with big, fluffy ears.

The creature was, without a doubt, adorable.

Wait... Is that a puppy on his shoulder?

The Librarian said:
"Got to admit Kira, they are prettier when they are mad." He grinned at the wolf and focused on the battle that was getting close.

A flush of heat filled Mishka's face as she blushed at the complement, but was quickly pushed down and replaced by a flustered frustration. Were they not in a war zone, Mishka would have torn into the man for his statements, but they they were getting very close to the sound of blaster fire. Instead, Mishka simply kept following the older man towards the sound of combat.


A gentle flick at the back of her head caused Mishka's head to snap over her shoulder, blonde hair whipping in a Comet's trail behind the turning head. Questioning eyes stared at the tiny T-shaped visor of the force golem. The tiny creature's only response was to point towards the older man that lead them.


<Jedi jerk.> Mishka thought as she glared at the man and his teasing prank. The puppy on his shoulder locked eyes with Mishka and she couldn't stay mad.

<Adorable.> Mishka thought. Of the puppy, not the jerk.

Ahead of them, Mishka saw a thinking of trees and flashes of red light. Sinister auras clashed with that of the forest itself. The sound of a lightsaber coinciding with a high pitched scream...

It was a good a warning as any traffic sign ever was
'Caution, Sith Ahead.'

Having very little experience with withstanding mental attacks and knowing she couldn't afford the distractions that came from her blade when fighting a sith, Mishka donned her helmet.

Darth Osano

Objective: Secure outposts, swoon
Location: Jungles
Enemies: No one important
Allies: [member="Veritas"] | [member="Athena Heron"]

Whatever it was these people were trying to do with the Jungorians evidently worked, because they had not been mauled to death and bogged down in a pointless engagement. Instead, one of the Jungorians scooped Athena up like she was one of their cubs and proceeded to lead the charge through the forest. They were heading towards the outposts. A vanguard of wild animals to supplement the Massassi shock troops. Very interesting. Although Maleagant, personally, did not see the appeal in being carried around by a Jungorian. One of the beasts lumbered towards him, arms outstretched to carry him as well.

"Don't even," Maleagant uttered, staring daggers at the beast. It snarled indignantly and ran after the others. The Heron woman could look good doing pretty much anything she wanted, but piggyback riding a Jungorian was not a graceful or dignified look for Maleagant.

The Shi'ido locked eyes with Veritas and opened his mouth to relay important tactical information, but the man broke eye contact and ran off after the Massassi-Jungorian-Handmaiden horde without so much as a word. Unbelievable. There had been a time where people spoke out loud to one another, but now it was just a bunch of nodding, staring, and sprinting. Whatever. Maleagant had his own job to do. He led his men in a different direction, intending to circle around and hit the outposts from the rear while they were focused on the terrifying amalgamate horde currently shrieking towards them.
The Imperial Citadel


Blinding light from [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] swallowed the area. Azsedo had closed his eyes just prior to such a thing – being just next to the source. He stayed close to Thurion as the Jedi Rangers attacked Sith forces.

Azsedo’s lightsaber blocked Neesa’s first attack. He used his saber to allow him to move out of the path of the Sith sword – giving way over time rather than completely stop the attack. With his blade apparently being pushed, Neesa’s second strike to his left should followed.

Arcing his back, Azsedo narrowly avoided a severe injury. Thirst inflicted a flesh wound – drawing blood but not cutting vital tendons and muscle. Azsedo deactivated his lightsaber to disengage from [member="Neesa"] and back-up. Though, Thurion’s body would prevent him from backing up too far.

Facing the Citadel, Azsedo saw a glimpse of his Padawan, Yenaleda, healing those wounded in the fight. He saw [member="Joon"] and her soldiers charging into the Citadel. They would soon be able to threaten Yenaleda.

Again, Azsedo closed his eyes. A faint quake followed. Almost not worth mention. His eyes opened. He pivoted a foot toward Thurion. A slight frown formed on his face. A somber look. Without fanfare, he pointed his lightsaber hilt toward Thurion. If the blade was active, the end would pierce Thurion’s left kidney.


As [member="Vraukt"] attacked Thurion, Azsedo ignited his saber.
Temple Outskirts

Catalys turned to the two, the sensations of the Sith Spirit even strong enough for the Umbaran to notice.

"Whatever is in there, I doubt it is going to be our friend either." He of course was referring to the likelihood of them encountering Jedi as well. "I say we stick together for now. Splitting up only has its advantages when we have multiple targets, and right now we have none but to secure the location. Strength in numbers is an advantage."

The agent had been in this position numerous times. Infiltrating starships, spearheading assaults against Mandalorian fortresses, and even combating the Jedi on more than one occasion. He knew what tactical advantages were his to take, and right now their disadvantage is knowledge; something they could collect individually but when fighting the unknown he sought to reserve strength.

"Of course that is at your discretion, if you choose to agree." He wasn't going to argue with Tai, not when there were enemies surrounding them.

Catalys threw off the drop pack, but removed the partially depleted power core--storing it on the back of his belt for later.

[member="Tai Fa"] | [member="Vitor Avendahl"]
Location: Dromund Kaas orbit, CIC, SSV Tenchu
Objective: Provide close air support around the Citadel region while also dealing with an enemy boarding party
Allies: SJ [member="Catherine Soja"] (Citadel)
Enemies: RE [member="Velok the Younger"]
Music: Dark Crystal (FF3)

"The enemy has pierced more bulkheads in that direction!" the chief engineer reported while a few more proton shells were fired through that hole, piercing and tearing through bulkheads.

"The enemy tank shields are down! Aim for the main barrel or the turret joint!"

"Copy that" the marines that managed to get closer to the enemy tank acknowledged.

"Mobile shield generator activated" the commander of the crew unit reported back to the CIC.

"What caused you to take so long to activate the shield?" the captain of the Tenchu asked the mobile shield generator crewmen.

"It took a long time to charge them from their cold condition"

Because the computing systems responsible for issuing the radiation alerts have fallen prey to the radiation, the bioform circuitry within roughly twenty decks of Deck 62 and within the first 200 meters went dead, with additional radiation alerts being issued for the next 200 meters after that. Also, while the main targeting circuit went dead, backup targeting computers, which did not use the bioform circuitry, were activated on the forward-most hardpoints affected. However, due to the activation time of the Contegori, it was only now that a shield covered the area being shot at by the tank being deployed by enemy boarding parties. Which led to the enemy having pierced a corridor for 750 meters from the bow until then. 750 meters from which radiation would seep every which way due to the ammunition being fired, and with the radiation already taking its toll from the people whose evacuation was being hampered in the first 200 meters, thanks to the labyrinthine layout. While said layout was a benefit for anti-boarding defense, it was detrimental for several more purposes. Like evacuation, which began when the radiation alerts were first triggered. Nevertheless, using rubble from torn bulkheads for cover, a squad of marines, split on each side of the hall, fired BH-21 particle beam rifles (in anti-tank versions, which drained more energy than even DC-15A blaster rifles otherwise wielded by those clone troopers of Lasedri's era) with the marines on the port side firing at the turret joint and the marines on the starboard side firing at the proton cannon barrel. Of course, firing at the turret joint means that only part of the bolt will make it to the joint proper at best, provided it actually hit the turret joint; that was not lost on Jessica. Also, the tank at the very front began its attempt at climbing the two decks using repulsorlift but progress was slow and the tank could not have anything remotely resembling a viable targeting solution for the enemy tank wreaking havoc yet, not could it have one for the Sekairo's door either. I have to grant Velok that much: unlike most Sith, he would not devise his boarding strategy with the goal of dueling the enemy CO if said CO was a Jedi, she thought, while keeping an eye on the tactical display showing the situation around the Citadel's airspace.

"I trust you enough to take over the command of the fleet from there" Julie told Jessica prior to entering a trance and activating battle meditation over SJ forces in Dromund Kaas' gravity well.

"All right, so I have the bridge"

For some reason Julie thought highly of Jessica, perhaps a little too much: while Jessica did not have the naval experience Julie had, Julie was confident, very confident, too much even, that the massive woman could handle both the fleet and the army, even though most of Jessica's command experience involved ground engagements. Now the enemy air reinforcements called in by Joon - Jessica only realized it now that it was Joon that made the call - were mostly engaging the three squadrons Jessica already deployed there, which patrolled the airspace around the Citadel for enemy landing craft, whose volume of deployment was much lower than at the onset. In that instant, they were also being engaged from behind by the three squadrons she called in from the jungle. Also she realized that the enemy was in deep trouble in orbit, forked even (in the sense of now being in a lose-lose situation), having nearly completely emptied their orbital fighter screen to get rid of CAS elements under [member="Catherine Soja"]'s command troubling the Sith forces on the ground. Now the planet is under SJ lockdown in orbit, she thought, while the remaining three squadrons moved in position to engage RE fighters. Coupled with Julie's battle meditation, the situation in the skies above the Citadel was such that, for each X-Wing taken down, there would be a few more enemy fighters shot down, thanks to the ground-based anti-aircraft supplementing the six X-Wing squadrons in the air, in addition to any aircraft in the Citadel's garrison, which was also targeted by the enemy.

Capital ships:

SSV Tenchu (Tenchu-class dreadnought) Shields: 100% | Hull: 96%
SSV Midvinter (Mateus-class elite carrier) Shields: 100% | Hull: 100%
SSV Dellalt (Sionoma-class elite destroyer) Shields: 100% | Hull: 100%
SSV Kenobi (Tector-X-class Star Destroyer) Shields: 100% | Hull: 100%
SSV Gallia (Tector-X-class Star Destroyer) Shields: 100% | Hull: 100%
SSV Tano (Munificent-X-class heavy cruiser) Shields: 100% | Hull: 100%
SSV Jarrus (Munificent-X-class heavy cruiser) Shields: 100% | Hull: 100%
SSV Wren (Munificent-X-class heavy cruiser) Shields: 100% | Hull: 100%
SSV Hardcase (Lothal-class artillery cruiser) Shields: 100% | Hull: 100%
SSV Tup (Lothal-class artillery cruiser) Shields: 100% | Hull: 100%
SSV Rex (Lothal-class artillery cruiser) Shields: 100% | Hull: 100%
SSV Reath (C-9980-class assault frigate) Shields: 100% | Hull: 100%
SSV Chasin (C-9980-class assault frigate) Shields: 100% | Hull: 100%
SSV Chopper (C-9980-class assault frigate) Shields: 100% | Hull: 100%
SSV Baker (C-9980-class assault frigate) Shields: 100% | Hull: 100%
SSV Rail (C-9980-class assault frigate) Shields: 100% | Hull: 100%
SSV Honoghr (Hardcell-X-class anti-starfighter frigate) Shields: 100% | Hull: 100%
SSV Husavik (Hardcell-X-class anti-starfighter frigate) Shields: 100% | Hull: 100%

Attack craft:

306 T-70 X-Wings (66 over the Citadel and 240 in orbit)
144 TIE Reavers

Caid Centurion

Location: Jungle
Mission: Secure Outposts
Allies: [member="Athena Heron"] | [member="Maleagant"] | [member="Aeterno"]
Enemies in Vicinity: SJO | [member="Mishka Larraq"] | [member="The Librarian"]

Caid issued simple instructions to his warriors as they closed on what should have been the outer perimter of the first outpost. Circle around to the east and west edges of the perimeter. You encounter anything or anyone not strictly one of us or directly supporting our cause, you kill it. That, of course, included any members of the jungle's petting zoo. Athena had wrestled control of the beasts in their immediate vicinity, but Caid couldn't afford to try that tactic with each an every creature they encountered that decided to take an aggressive stance.

As he felt the woman withdraw from his mind, he heard a brief communication from his soldiers near the other outposts. The assault had been initiated. With little reason to respond to his Massassi already engaged in action elsewhere, the young Sith was fully prepared when the hair on the back of his neck prickled slightly in conjunction with his danger senses flaring to life. There was no time to offer verbal warnings, instead Caid stretched is left hand forward and groped the ground nearly fifty meters ahead of them before finding the items that altered from the natural feel of the jungle's organic elements. Improvised explosive devices...undoubtedly concealed but hastily so. A relatively simple manipulation of the Force crushing in on the devices caused them to explode almost in unison.

Everything from small creatures to large tree branches exploded in splintered in all directions. It was all Caid could do to create a temporary, protective bubble of energy around the Massassi nearest the front of the advancing line.

He didn't worry about the animals.

Blaster fire erupted shortly thereafter. It was mostly ineffective as they were not quite within visual range of the outpost just yet, but the potential for enemy fortification was a steadily growing realty. Advance. A simple command to his Massassi before the young warrior surged forward once more, silver blade of his lightsaber igniting with a familiar snap-hiss.

"Major, we've got your position locked, skies are getting crowded though. We can give you one aerial engagement to soften defenses, then we need to bug out."

"You will follow your orders until such a time as they are modified, Lieutenant."

Didn't matter. The Lieutenant clearly needed to die once Caid was done with this operation.
OBJECTIVE: Defend the Citadel
ALLIES: [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] [member="Coci Heavenshield"] [member="Ayumi Pallopides"] [member="Jericho"] [member="Catherine Soja"] @Auden Sykes [member="Arisa Yune"] [member="Vitha Sat-thuron"]
ENEMIES: [member="Vrak Nashar"] [member="Soeht"] [member="Vilaz Munin"] [member="Vraukt"] [member="Darth Carnifex"] [member="Joon"]
CURRENTLY ENGAGED: [member="Yidhra"]

Chaos and pandemonium stayed the course, fueling the fires of Kaas and enriching the dark energies engulfing the planet. Congregating at the Citadel, these energies threatened the willpower of every Jedi within the grounds and Kaden was no exception. An aura slowly washed over him like a morning tide; pushing its way into every facet of his being. The fresh wound on his chest burned with newfound pain and the tendrils on his chin jerked with newfound anger.

It was the pureblood sorceress.

Realisation flashed across narrowed eyes. Kaden had resisted the allure of the darkside up until this point, despite its sickly temptation. Despite how natural it seemed; to be a Sith, on Kaas, and embrace all the dark that the planet radiated. He had stayed strong before this moment. Even in the heat of battle. But somehow a pureblood woman had shattered his resistance.

This realisation made him more angry.

The dark aura now surrounded him like a cloud, intertwining and interlocking with his being. It grounded him to Kaas in the same way it had over 4,500 years ago when Kaden last set foot on this planet. It fed his power directly and ushered him to attack. Red lips curled into a pained snarl and the ancient Sith thrust out his right palm; sending a concentrated force push directly and instantly towards Yidhra.

The same energy that had been turned against him now fueled his advance and assisted Kaden in propelling himself in an unnaturally fast charge down the bridge of the Citadel towards his challenger. Today, blood would be spilled.

Pure blood.​

Location: The Citadel
Objective: Hold the Line
Allies: [member="Coci Heavenshield"] | [member="Jericho"] | SJO
Enemies: [member="Darth Pyrrhus"] | [member="Neesa"] | TRE
Directly Enging: [member="Vraukt"] | Azsedo ([member="Soeht"])

Joined by reinvigorated Jedi and Rangers alike, Thurion carved through the berserking Sith forces with great success, and the frontline was slowly but surely pushed forward, away from the Citadel itself with the armour and artillery remaining behind to provide cover along with several platoons of Rangers held back in reserve in case any Sith would get past the bulk of defenses.

The Sith Knight he'd been fighting had seemingly managed to be unaffected by the searing flash of light, and ahead of him the Jedi Master could see the eager follower of dark leap at him, hoping to strike his opponent down in one terrible blow. Thurion, however, had seen countless battlefields during his lifetime and this one was no different. It took more than brute force and want for blood to win a battle.

While preparing for [member="Vraukt"]'s charge, feet planted firmly in the bloodied ground, his senses lit up like warning signals. Thurion had just begun to turn slightly to the left to look over his shoulder only to be struck by searing pain in his left side. He let out a grunt of pain and dropped to one knee, and in doing so he also raised his lightsaber, swinging blindly around him in sheer self-defense. His strike had connected, and as he opened his eyes the decapitated head of Azsedo rolled into view, severed from his body in one clean swipe and with his face frozen in a distorted expression.

Barely did the injured Heavenshield have time to register what had happened when instincts kicked in. As Vraukt came crashing down on him, Thurion drew his sword Snowfall from its sheath with his right hand just in time to block the heavy blow with its crossguard, phrik steel meeting lightsaber with enough force to pin the Jedi Master in place. Struggling to keep Vraukt from slicing him in half, his eyes happened upon the severed head of his fellow Jedi. His mind began to swim with every thought imaginable, trying to make sense of the situation. His strength began to fade with the searing pain of the lightsaber wound, and his focus was lost.

But then he looked across the battlefield and found his wife through blurred vision, seeing and sensing her pain. And so his blood began to boil.

Where he had previously been pushed back by the Sith Knight putting his weight into the pinning of his foe, Thurion now pushed back, finding new footing and rising from his kneeling stance. Eyes fixed themselves on Vraukt, staring him down with the utmost hatred and contempt as teeth ground together, and from the farthest depths of his entire being came another battlecry. "There is no death, there is the Force!" His strength was returned, and two-fold. In a sudden move he shoved his sword back into its sheath with the intent to catch the Sith off-guard and unbalance him, before brandishing his lightsaber anew to strike his opponent down.


Mars Tsosûtiyakûtiyuska
Objective: Reclaim the Citadel, also convert wayward Purebloods
Enemies: [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] | [member="Coci Heavenshield"]
Allies: [member="Vrak Nashar"] | [member="Vraukt"] | [member="Joon"]
Engaging: [member="Kaden"]

Her expression went from self-satisfied smirk to ‘oh shet’ in the span of a second. Yellow eyes widened as she was thrown backward. Hard.

If not for her Massassi guard, Yidhra might’ve tumbled clean over the rail of the bridge and into the abyss below. Thus, her untimely demise was stopped short by the broad bulk of Arigharr. thud she went against his armored chest. Her treacherous leg gave out right on cue, and the sorceress slumped against the towering Massassi like a sack of potatoes.

He caught her.

“Lady Dott—”

She didn’t let him finish. For all the things she was – and, more importantly, wasn’t – the Sith wasn’t incompetent. The proud warrior blood that boiled in the veins of every Dottash since the dawn of time had seen it fit to skip Yidhra, just because. But it was alright. She’d made do, aware of her shortcomings.

More than that, really.

Propped up against the Massassi giant, the sorceress curled her claws and twisted her lips into a bloody grin.

Feeding off of the destruction and the violence thundering like a torrent through the space between them, Yidhra would reach out to the Pureblood. Open, now, with every intent to pry his mind apart and lay it bare for them both to see. To show him, make him realize what was already there – in his flesh, in his bones.

For as much as he was using his anger to fuel his charge, Yidhra would use that same fury to break open the dam that was already cracking.

All that remained then was to show him his true enemy. The cage that had chained his passion, his strength, his glory.

The Jedi.

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