Ashin Varanin
Professional Enabler
Location: Prison, entering E Wing
Objective: C
Allies: [member="Spencer Jacobs"], providing remote pwr
Enemies: [member="Raziel"], [member="The Hound"]
Board-scale precognitive prescience was not Ashin's strong point. Neither was telepathic receptivity. Her only warning that something could go seriously wrong in E Wing came from a more reliable ally: common sense. For one thing, at least one powerful Darksider was still out there, potentially behind her.
For another, the fething door was open.
She considered her options, and they weren't many. Her first instinct was to walk right in, maximize her Force defenses, and try to outlast whatever came her way. But a room that size could hold a lot of unpleasantness, and the One Sith were known to use ysalamiri and Vong slayers en masse. Even if she, Spencer, and the Kaiburr Crystal had finally worked out how to overcome ysalamiri, that wasn't something she could pull off while tanking explosives or sustained fire. And more to the point, even if she managed to beat everything the room threw at her, she might be left too weak to withstand the Darksiders.
Like a mechanic cracking open a rusty drawer at the bottom of her toolbox, she ran through the mental patterns she'd learned in her years as the keeper of Darth Vectivus' holocron and legacy. Vectivus was one of the few historical Sith whose ideas Ashin genuinely admired, right up there with Lumiya, Vergere, and Calypho. His holocron, now in Dissero's care, contained exactly one technique. Still outside of E Wing, she took stock of the nearest visible security cameras and situated herself in what looked like a blind spot.
One of the nearest prisoners in E Wing slumped to the floor and began to snore. Just one, though. A short while later, Ashin Varanin -- perfectly lifelike, complete Force presence in place, brandishing a burnt-orange lightsabre -- walked into E-Wing. The real Ashin remained outside, Force presence still dampened. This technique was taxing, designed to be used near a Force nexus, but it had also been designed for interstellar distances. A doppelganger-style Force Phantom manifestation wasn't terribly hard to pull off at this range, no matter how rusty she was.
A nimbus of blue-green distortion fuzzed the air around the doppelganger. Force Phantoms responded to damage in strange way so far as illusion-ish techniques went. She'd have to think fast to compensate.
Objective: C
Allies: [member="Spencer Jacobs"], providing remote pwr
Enemies: [member="Raziel"], [member="The Hound"]
Board-scale precognitive prescience was not Ashin's strong point. Neither was telepathic receptivity. Her only warning that something could go seriously wrong in E Wing came from a more reliable ally: common sense. For one thing, at least one powerful Darksider was still out there, potentially behind her.
For another, the fething door was open.
She considered her options, and they weren't many. Her first instinct was to walk right in, maximize her Force defenses, and try to outlast whatever came her way. But a room that size could hold a lot of unpleasantness, and the One Sith were known to use ysalamiri and Vong slayers en masse. Even if she, Spencer, and the Kaiburr Crystal had finally worked out how to overcome ysalamiri, that wasn't something she could pull off while tanking explosives or sustained fire. And more to the point, even if she managed to beat everything the room threw at her, she might be left too weak to withstand the Darksiders.
Like a mechanic cracking open a rusty drawer at the bottom of her toolbox, she ran through the mental patterns she'd learned in her years as the keeper of Darth Vectivus' holocron and legacy. Vectivus was one of the few historical Sith whose ideas Ashin genuinely admired, right up there with Lumiya, Vergere, and Calypho. His holocron, now in Dissero's care, contained exactly one technique. Still outside of E Wing, she took stock of the nearest visible security cameras and situated herself in what looked like a blind spot.
One of the nearest prisoners in E Wing slumped to the floor and began to snore. Just one, though. A short while later, Ashin Varanin -- perfectly lifelike, complete Force presence in place, brandishing a burnt-orange lightsabre -- walked into E-Wing. The real Ashin remained outside, Force presence still dampened. This technique was taxing, designed to be used near a Force nexus, but it had also been designed for interstellar distances. A doppelganger-style Force Phantom manifestation wasn't terribly hard to pull off at this range, no matter how rusty she was.
A nimbus of blue-green distortion fuzzed the air around the doppelganger. Force Phantoms responded to damage in strange way so far as illusion-ish techniques went. She'd have to think fast to compensate.