Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Sacking of Zeltros

Taeli stopped the prep of her ship as her master's presence spiked in her awareness. Disregarding her thoughts on her Miraluka colleague for now, she got out of her ship again and started making her way towards the ruined spaceport in the distance, but her master's presence didn't seem to be coming exactly from there.

'Oh well, guess I do get to kill a few things today, I did need the practice after all,' she thought, unclipping her lightsaber and igniting it as she reached the city outskirts. The red glow of her blade alerted some Republic soldiers nearby to her presence, but using the Force, she rushed at them ebfore they could level blasters at her and like a bird of prey, she attacked. Limbs flew about as she eviscerated two men in her elegant style, unleashing Force Lightning on another to cook him inside his armor. Blocking several blaster bolts, Taeli gripped the offending soldier in the Force and crushed his windpipe before tossing his body away into a wall.

Reaching out towards Darth Praelior in the Force, she sent a clear impression that she was coming to stand by her side once she dealt with the annoyances in her way.

Sawa Ike

The Dark Matriarch Darth Shōjō
Location: Palace
Enemies: [member="Memorial"]
Allies: [member="Carliah Dakrone"] [member="Darth Helios"]
Objectives: Kill Royal family.... survive

Sawa looked at it all, the moment between Carliah and Memorial was... interesting as she stood there watching their fight stopped. Then the sounds all around her as a section of the palace was ripped away by the leviathan had her looking around. There were creatures here... starweirds targeting the soldiers and tearing them apart, there were sith fighting and a royal family to kill as she spoke. "We;; this is clearly a private matter and I will be off, people to kill after all." Sawa looked around and was reaching out, no doubt one of the stronger sith had went after them but there were jedi as she was looking around outside.

The leviathan had been making a path of destruction as she ran jumping and pushing the energy from her hands with fire shaping sending her into the air with jets of blue. Her eyes locking onto an area and latching onto it while she pulled herself up and kept running. "This is Sawa I am heading towards the royal family." There were fights going on, leviathan fighting the enemies and best of all the screams from the starweirds as she was spending more energy trying to block them out. She didn't need to get distracted as she jumped grabbing another soldier and latched her mouth over his throat. She was draining him for more energy while focusing on the killing of the family.
Location: Streets
Objective: Take out the Sithspawn
Allies: Republic
Enemies: [member="Darth Praelior"] [member="Vargent Nordii"] [member="Cypra Krum"]

The Glycon had swatted Titan aside as it bull-rushed the troops on the ground. One soldier wasn't enough to satisfy its curiosity. It slammed into a building, sending debris everywhere and crushing anyone nearby. Recovering his position, Titan turned to see a Graug challenging him with its own blade.

Taking the Beskad in both hands, Titan charged the grub, and it replied in kind. As he neared, Titan swung first, at a diagonal across the clavicle, right to left. When the Graug attempted to meet the blade to block, the superior beskar blade snapped the grub blade and sank deep into the body of the beast. The creature fought for life, but Titan dug the blade further into its chest, until it dropped. Titan withdrew his blade and looked back towards the rest of the Graug. They saw him, and charged. The behemoth of a man ran at the horde with full force...
Zeltros City
Communications Hub
Allies: [member="Kian Karr"] [member="Corvus Raaf"] [member="Kana Truden"] [member="Tugoro Taidarious"]
Enemies: [member="Vyctora Romanov"] [member="Nick Gamastar"] [member="Darth Praelior"] [member="Nickolas Imura"] [member="Lucifer Erebus"] [member="Lady Exedō"]
Objective: Beat the Sith down, keep them off the air. Command NPC forces at the spaceport and streets.

The Sith appeared to have been brought to a standstill at the Communications Hub. Barricades had been setup now effectively since the Sith at the front was still being held at bay by the Jedi from before. Once they finished they began to head back toward the central office, leaving two behind at their makeshift barricade should the sith get past the Jedi. Everything was a bigger mess elsewhere though. The Palace was under heavy siege, the spaceport and streets were rife with battle. Sith were doing too many weird things, some even fighting among themselves, some Jedi even working with them at the same time temporarily. It was all a mess, but then. . . . at the very least the Rendili woman was thankful it was a mess and not a massacre. More Jedi had arrived to turn the tide. Powerful Jedi. The palace would likely be won eventually. Damage or not, the Sith would lose there with the forces arrayed against them.

Her own forces still fought in the streets and spaceport, working desperately to continue the fighting against the remaining Sithspawn. The Massassi were essentially wiped out, the zombie like creatures were embarrassingly easy to bring down, and the continued fire from the gunships and tanks had brought lo the one Leviathon. What were proving to be incredibly tedious enemies were the Craug that still existed. They were not enemies her infantry forces could fell easily. Plex Launchers and the heavy armor of the tanks were the best they could throw at them. But at the same time Camellia desired to bring her remaining vehicles to the communications hub to wipe out the enemy dragon apparently standing guard out there. . . .

Those glycons were a pain too. About half her deployed infantry was dead now, and that was a depressing thought. Not because of the weakness of her forces, but simply because so many dead and in essence so little done in exchange. "Have our gunships brought around on the dragon. Let the other air unit deal with the remaining leviathon. Also bring over three squads to back them up. Have everyone else move to surround the enemy sithspawn in the streets. Those burrowing creatures are dangerous, and those big lugs are a handful, but we outnumber them. Just keep away from those black armored hostiles, their armor hasn't been effected by blaster fire, its too thick and I'd rather focus on what we can kill than what we can't. Have one of our remaining two tanks kept on the lumbering oafs as well and have the other come open up the attack on the dragon. The gunships will hit it after it engaged the tank and supporting squads."

There was also the matter of her ship being besieged. However, Camellia had that in hand. At first she hoped they could have stopped her completely, but now she knew. Using personal communication devices she put herself in touch with the surviving bridge staff that had fled before the Sith began cutting down security. There were at least one hundred if not two hundred security officers not deployed groundside on the ship after all, and any on duty would not need to get their equipment from the armory. Of course not all wandered either, plenty were deployed to their sections, engineering, medical, the hanger, the bridge, crew quarters. Several from each other had been diverted to push back for the bridge, though apparently the hanger had been lost in the meantim. Not to mention one of the firing centers. . . .for the ion cannons. Which would thankfully not damage the spaceport that much more, aside from its electronics.

And an infection was spreading after some fiasco in the armory. All lovely.

Nonetheless back to business, once it had been made clear there was no really stopping the Sith, and to prevent further firing control centers from being taken, the order was given and relayed through personal comms as best as possible. Destroy all mechanisms and firing controls. Primarily the turbolasers and laser banks. The point defense wouldn't cause real damage so if no one could reach those gunners and stations Camellia would find that acceptable. Then, if they could, all non-combat crew was to abandon ship if possible, if not they were to lock themselves into the untainted sections. The combat teams now had a two-fold mission. To fight their way back to the bridge and gain access to the bulkhead controls to lock the sith and her monsters wherever they roamed, and to keep the Sith and her forces pinned in the areas they controlled so they didn't spread further before such could be obtained.
Location: Streets
Objective: Capture Sith
Allies: @Jericho @Tracyn [member="Flint Dexen"] [member="Ben Watts"] [member="Zaren Bouqi"]
Enemies: [member="Cordelia deWinter"]

As his attack was halted by the White SIth, he could feel her dig into his mind, searching for something. He could not figure it out, why was his mind so interesting? He knew nothing, had no memories and felt no emotion. The thoughts that lived in his mind were of pure survival and instinct. With his blade paused in the air, he saw blood trickle down her hand. He'd got close, close enough at least.

Activating the cable dispenser, Nagate reversed back up to the building, to take another approach. As another Jedi joined the fray, Nagate took a moment to look for a weakness, he dtatched the grappling hook from its anchor and jumped to the ground. He ran for the woman again as the sound of the Jedi's attack neared the White Snake.
Icy-white eyes tracked the movements of the massive creature from behind her helm. Time and time again, she could not put her finger on the reasoning behind acting purely to see devastation come to fruition. To see, hear, and feel the agony of people who would rather go undisturbed. Even when The Republic had been in an idle state, nobody had come to harm; not like this. Her lips drew into a thin line and she frowned deeply. These were not the same creatures that she had seen on Ansion, but they were still not foreign to her. They’d had a different leader before — Vulcanus — and they had attacked Coruscant. They were the very beasts that [member="Darth Junra"] had mentioned on Alderaan, during her self-righteous proclamation about her activeness for The Republic, and how undeserving the government was. The Graug slaves had been obliterated on their home planet by her hand, and yet, here they were. Working with her and quite alive.

The mouse the cat dragged back to its owner, she was not.

Kiskla grimaced as every fibre of her body became very much alive with the life of Zeltros. Her cells excitedly swelled and drank in the energy offered for her to dispel however she saw fit. That was the beauty of the Force, it was not only a powerful ally, but a submissive one with the right touch. Despite its natural tendency to sway those on the surface with pheromones, the scientific nature of the hormone meant that those of the same species would be affected. These graug were very much not part of her species (thank goodness) — therefore, the filtration reserves weren’t necessary at this point.

The Force tingled slightly, a pure sensation she had become unused to for the last four years. This time, it was just her — no dark demon clinging to her energies that she had to keep in check. Pure ashla now, and she felt more unstoppable than when she’d played host to an immortal. The graug were advancing, their large bodies rumbling over the rubble.

Her premiere objective of distraction meant that those they had been terrorizing were now allowed the opportunity to scramble elsewhere; their attention was focused on their commander’s orders. Their sole objective was her — which, for a single second, made Kiskla wonder how much weight their cognitive load could handle. Speaking of cognitive load, this was the point where Kiskla’s training took over. Decisions became calculations, and she quickly reviewed the oncoming deluge of brawn. It would be very convenient to have [member="Tamara"] here right now, to create a telekinetic pull of the earth upward as a barrier. Alas, she had to be her own Force Warrior. Hopefully [member="Johnny Diamonds"] had tumbled somewhere a little less troublesome.

[member="Darth Vornskr"]​
Location: Hammerhead
Allies: One Sith
Enemies: Republic/Jedi [member="Camellia Swift"] [member="Corvus Raaf"] [member="Kana Truden"]

"Mediis tenebris cadit e caelo, Et quod omnis lux tenebrae dies, Cupimus cordibus et mortem, Per manus ... nigrum, quod mortui resurgent! Tsaiwinokka Hoyakut..." Balaya continued to wait there while she meditated and reached out, her mind linked with her familiars and sending them to the places needed. A small thought going to the feelings of more people on the ship coming while her damage to the bridge with the hand cannon had been to destroy a great deal. "Mediis tenebris cadit e caelo, Et quod omnis lux tenebrae dies, Cupimus cordibus et mortem, Per manus ... nigrum, quod mortui resurgent! Tsaiwinokka Hoyakut..."

She kept chanting and letting the power build within as she pushed out out to focus on the ship, on the starport and the streets below. "Mediis tenebris cadit e caelo, Et quod omnis lux tenebrae dies, Cupimus cordibus et mortem, Per manus ... nigrum, quod mortui resurgent! Tsaiwinokka Hoyakut..." Balaya was letting her energies in the force come out like a beacon for the two jedi to find her, she was pushing it from her familiars to expand over the palace grounds and into the palace itself, the steeets that were littered with bodies of soldiers and graug, the dead leviathan, the dead glycon and graug, the unseelie, the massassi, some blackblades, republic soldiers, zeltron security.

Location: Palace
Enemies: Republic
Allies: One Sith [member="Taeli Rae"]

The familiar flew as the sight of glitter rampaging through parts of the palace and tearing it up came. The small beast was bringing his masters power as Balaya's words echoed from it cawing "Mediis tenebris cadit e caelo, Et quod omnis lux tenebrae dies, Cupimus cordibus et mortem, Per manus ... nigrum, quod mortui resurgent! Tsaiwinokka Hoyakut..." Then it was on a piece of rubble and looking at the dead and dying soldiers the looks while Glitter moved sticking the large head through a wall of the palace and getting large screams. The starweirds killing others with its screams as they bled from the eyes. The words eching over the area as power seeped from it into the ground

Location: Streets
Enemies: [member="Titan"] [member="Camellia Swift"]
Allies: One Sith

Elara kept watching as she looked towards the familiar, her masters words and power spreading as she moved to link with it and move off. Her connection she was working to spread her masters power while the familiar Corvus had brought with her thinking it was hers flew overhead. It had a destination while Elara heard the chanting in her head and the power was rising. "Mediis tenebris cadit e caelo, Et quod omnis lux tenebrae dies, Cupimus cordibus et mortem, Per manus ... nigrum, quod mortui resurgent! Tsaiwinokka Hoyakut..." Elara moved looking at the communications area and the large dragon that was going through the ground around it making a moat almost.

The glycons were charging and destroying what they could, making more destruction and cover for the graug soldiers as they started using the civilians and buildings as obstructions to [member="Camellia Swift"]'s armor support. They were muscle bound forces of destruction sure but they had brains and learned albeit slowly as the graug fighting Titan fell and twitched, the words echoing from the familiar as Balaya continued to meditate and focus "Mediis tenebris cadit e caelo, Et quod omnis lux tenebrae dies, Cupimus cordibus et mortem, Per manus ... nigrum, quod mortui resurgent! Tsaiwinokka Hoyakut..." The gruag hearing the words and understanding as they fired into civilians and crowds of soldiers going for quick kills compared to brutal. The horde took aim at Titan and fired at him with their rifles and bows the explosive heads. (landers and torque bows are subbed and approved)


Zion Krayt

Zeltros City.
Street Party.
Allies: [member="Flint Dexen"], [member="Nagate Hei"], [member="Jericho"], [member="Ben Watts"].
Enemies: [member="Cordelia deWinter"], [member="Darth Odium"], [member="Darth Layil"]

Oh boy.

Not many ways to survive Sith Magic are there?

Especially the invisible kind right?

While the Sith Lord had been gathering the Dark Side to her, he had of course sensed the build up in power of summoning such an ability, and he saw the other light sider in action as he continued on his way to his own path of death, and his instinct was to throw up a wall of the force when her hand was lunged out to him, also making sure to slip into a force sight in hopes of seeing what was coming. After all, the Force was a superior sight to the physical body's,, right?

Some Jedi Master had said something like that somewhere!

The Force shield had come up just in time however to block the first, second, and third spear. But the fourth one dug a gouge through his armour, deep enough to penetrate it and slice into his flesh creating a light wound as he tried to twist his body to the side to avoid as much damage as possible, and then the fifth one cut into his right shoulder, penetrating it and forcing him to spin in a circle as his whole offensive had been halted with a single attack and he glanced behind him to see her roll away.

There was no time.

The force scream shook him as he regained himself, shaking from the coldness that he felt from the powerful Sith Magic having struck him and actually wounding him.

His arms shook, his whole body shook. Then there was the nagging sensation of people dying, and it made him question why.

Why should he care for them? Because he was a Jedi and it was his duty to do so? To protect the weak and to serve them? Lately, Zaren Bouqi hadn't entirely felt like the 'helping' kind, however much he did indeed try. His lightsaber hand clenched tightly, the shaking growing smaller as he sat within his own mind, un moving to the outer world, but still being overwhelmed by the actual force scream that had been delivered by the Sith Lord. All the while questioning why he had ever become a Jedi.

Because I always thought it was cool? Because I wanted to help people?

Nothing more, and nothing less.

That was going to have to change he decided, at that moment, after being knocked back by the force scream and going into his own mental shell in those few moments to think to himself, he understood now that he didn't care about the people anymore.

He was only doing this to finish the job.

Am I still a Jedi?

His right side stopped shaking, his whole body ceased it's shaking and he tilted his head to the side as he viewed the former Jedi Master.

It was time for action.

The Jedi Master threw his right hand forwards (although wincing through the pain) as he threw the force push at the Sith Lord.
Location: Streets of Zeltros
Allies: The Jedi, Old and New.
Enemies: The One Sith and their Rage Beasts.
Objective: Do what he could, however he could.

Johnny stood there, grasping the hull of the ship as [member="Kiskla Grayson"] basically swan dived into the belly of the beast. Damn near literally too. The Palace of Zeltros looked like a karking warzone...because now, it was one. Yet, Kiskla's departure fromt he ship seemed a bit hasty. Thankfully, the younger blonde haired padawan had never jumped from a ship before, and was holding on so tight he was sure there would be idents on the hull from his hands. It was a funny thing, to think he was so upset and angry over something as stupid as what had happened between him and another Jedi. Here he was, flying over Zeltros and feeling every last bit of angst and pain that could be flung at him. The hatred of the many Sith on the surface, the ramaginging mindlessness of the beasts below, and through it all, all he could find himself focusing on was the hope that poured forth from his fellow Jedi brothers and sisters. It fueled him in a way he'd never felt before, and it gave him a degree of determination not yet known to him.

"Kark it." he muttered under his breath. With those two little words, Johnny Diamonds hurled himself fromt he ship toward the ground below. It rushed closer and closer, and Johnny focused on the Force itself, straining himself as he let loose a controlled Force Push to slow his decent until he landed on the ground in a crouched roll. A somersault or two later, and he was on his feet, a bit shaken, but alive, and none worse for wear. He found himself on the streets of Zeltros, and watching a rather spirited conversation between two Sith whilst another seemingly seethed and boiled over with rage and hatred. Yet, it wasn't the normal hatred he'd felt from the Sith he's encountered. No, this felt personal, and focused.

Johnny was mindful of his surroundings, and did his best to hide himself within the Force. But among Knights and Lords of the One Sith, even he had to wonder just what he got himself into. And by all means, he'd picked a hell of a spot to land, mere yards away from [member="Silara Vantai"].
[member="Ceran Moerelle"]

Kian felt the knee hit him in the chest and the air rushed form his lungs. The Bounty Hunter had him in a precarious position. On top he had the advantage, his grip on Kian's wrist tightening, Kian could feel the blood vessels in his wrist beginning to burst under the pressure. Then there was that menacing stump!

As the Sith raised his stump to strike again, Kian reached out with his free hand and latched on to the stump, digging in his talons and pushing back to stop the stump from coming down on his face. Knowing he had to get out of this position, Kian spun his lightsaber hilt around in his other hand. Struggling against the iron grip of the bounty hunter, Kian aimed the emitter for the general area of the Sith's throat and thumbed the activation switch.

Kian could feel the presence of other Sith entering the palace. He had to finish this....he had to get the royal family to safety. There were still a large number of soldiers in the main hall and the royal family was secured below...but still, if given free reign it was only a matter of time before they reached them.
Out there, we've walked quite friendly up to Death,-
Sat down and eaten with him, cool and bland,-
Pardoned his spilling mess-tins in our hand.
We've sniffed the green thick odour of his breath,-
Our eyes wept, but our courage didn't writhe.
He's spat at us with bullets and he's coughed
Shrapnel. We chorussed when he sang aloft,
We whistled while he shaved us with his scythe.

The speeder hurled Ekul Selah across the street, lifting him up and over the bonnet of the vehicle. The elderly man slammed down in the back seat, cushioned by leather and feather. A Gan piloting the vehicle spun around in his seat and began shrieking at the sight of the Jedi. He had not anticipated Ekul running onto the street and becoming launched by a passing speeder. The only thing that had saved him a caved-chest was the bubble of cosmic energies surrounding him as he rolled onto the street. The Jedi gathered his senses, shaking his head to dispel the nausea that washed over him. His vision blurred then began to relax and focus, swirling colours became distinguishable shadows and then finally took form. He tossed an arm over the headrest and raised himself onto his bottom, looking around in bewilderment. It felt like only a second ago he had been running for a Sith Lord, a Knight and three Acolytes, now he was alone. Albeit for a terrified Gan still erratically swerving through traffic — as though that would get rid of Ekul. The Jedi got the message, and he had not intended to land in the back of the speeder. He leaned over the centre console, reaching for the handbrake and slamming it down. The repulsorlifts reversed and screeched to come to a halt. The Gan and the Human swung forward.

As the speeder stopped in the midst of a lane of speeders, the honking of horns was the least of their worries. Ekul Selah, without further word to the Gan, gripped the edge of the individuals speeder and propelled himself off the levitating vehicle. He came to a slam on the street twelve feet below, ducking into a roll and coming up onto his feet. His dark robes billowed around him, flapping furiously in the strong winds. His eyes danced around, looking for any indication of the Sith, but with them not in sight, he closed his eyes and relinquished himself into the force. Everyone experienced the Force in different ways. For some it was like a storm in which they were the cynosure, secure in its calm eye while commanding its tempests. For others it was a fog, a mist, the vaporous tendrils of which could be manipulated, or incandescence with which to illuminate or inflame. These were inadequate approximations, feeble attempts to describe, in terms of the five ordinary senses, that which was indescribable. For Ekul, the Force was a cool beach, controlling the ebb and flow. A calm tide could turn into a ferocious crashing wave at his will. He reached out, the invisible water soaking into every nook and cranny it could find, searching for his enemies. They were gone, far gone.

Oh, Death was never enemy of ours!
We laughed at him, we leagued with him, old chum.
No soldier's paid to kick against His powers.
We laughed, -knowing that better men would come,
And greater wars: when each proud fighter brags
He wars on Death, for lives; not men, for flags.

His mind raced with his options of survival. He quickly evaluated and came to the decision that he would need to go to the palace. Finally off Coruscant, his only hope of reconnecting with the Jedi Order was through the noble family. Seven months, he wondered if they would believe the homeless-looking elderly man was telling the truth. He turned and twisted, looking for a means of travel. His eyes spied a lonesome air bike, and memories flooded his mind of a time where the world was simple, and he much more innocent. He swept his cloak of darkness around him and moved for the bike, throwing a leg over the seat and taking himself into position. Though he did not have the key, he waved his hands, the cosmic energies trickling into the bike. The engine roared to life. His hands played with the throttle and off he shoot, racing down the street past speeders and podsters. He glanced to his right and beheld a sight more horrible. The Sith had brought their playthings. His stomach knotted, knowing there would be much death this night, but chose to resolve himself to courage in its most simple form.

The Palace was heavily guarded and on high alert, though corpses of guards were strewn across the courtyard as a fierce battle had broken out moments ago. He watched on ramparts and in towers a contest of survival between Sith and the Royal Guard. Ekul pedalled into the foyer of the palace, diving through corridors and hallways, searching for those still alive. At last he entered a room, of which held a fight between an unknown assailant and what he instinctively recognised as a Jedi. His heart soared and swelled with hope. The second Jedi he had seen in seven months, now he had to save him from dying — Ekul still blamed himself for the death of Talia. If he had acted, maybe she could have been saved. He shot out a hand, a vicious wave of invisible water cascaded out through the Force, looking to strike Cerean full-force.

{ [member="Kian Karr"] | [member="Ceran Moerelle"] }


[member="Kian Karr"] [member="Ekul Selah"]

Just as the lightsaber was about to punch into his throat Ceran was thrown away by a wall of crashing power.

It struck him in the back, hurling him and his hand away into the air. He spun and twisted, landing with a loud thud on the ground before sliding a few feet backwards. Conveniently, has hand had also made the journey, and as his head whipped to the side he saw the appendage, still wiggling, strike the ground next to him. Grinning, the Bounty Hunter Scrambled to his feet, picking up the hand.

He stuck the thing in his jacket, nestling it safely into place before drawing out another small explosive orb. Before the Jedi could stop him Ceran primed the Thermal Detonator, then tossed it at the ceiling between himself and the two Jedi.

Ceran was hoping the explosion would bring down a cascade of rubble to separate himself and the Jedi for a time, he needed to recover.
Rooftops, yo
Allies: [member="Flint Dexen"]
Enemies; [member="Darth Odium"]

The two Jedi charged the Sith, an art that Ben was familiar with, but he much preferred to be attacked instead. None the less this would distract the Sith enough that he would not be able to attack innocent people and would be forced to deal with the two Jedi. His lightsaber came in smoothly, parried by the Sith's own blade, and Ben made note of his posture to see what he was using. Djem So, the offensive form of his own preferred style Soresu, a more aggressive defensive style formed to try and end a fight quicker than Soresu allowed. Ben was also a practitioner, and in fact, switched back and forth between the two forms depending on how he wanted the fight to go.

Jumping backwards, he planted his feet, and in one swift movement aided by the force he launched himself in the air and flipped gracefully landing behind the Sith. Using the force, he reached out to try and grab the Nautolan, attempting to pull him backwards towards Ben. He planted his left foot behind him with his free hand outstretched to grab the back of his robes and pull him over his leg to trip him and fling him to the ground. His main focus at this point was to disrupt him enough that Flint could find an opening and attack him.

He is using Djem So, strike carefully, he will be attempting to disarm you at every opportunity. There minds being linked, they could share information very quickly, and he would take full advantage of it.

Christian Slade

In Darkness I Thrive
Location: Streets?
Characters: [member="Kiskla Grayson"] [member="Darth Vornskr"]'s creatures
Allies: Undeclared

Christian came walking out of his Casin, the Red Dragon, at a powerful stride, his expression laced with anger and intent. His golden eyes slowly began to seep red, taking on a color so dark it was as if he were bleeding from them, black veins protruding from the corners of his eyes as the force swelled in his core. He scaled the steps laid out on front of the grand structure he'd emerged from until he reached the ground, and no soon did he set foot on the street was he attacked by a war crazed Sith.

With one motion, Christian's saber snapped into his palm, and the red light from within erupted forth and split the fool from groin to head as he continued on his path, not bothering to break his stride. The man folded into two pieces behind him as he made his way down the street, his blood colored eyes seeing the chaos around him, though he was specifically trying to track the beasts that had been allowed to roam through the streets, ripping his city to pieces.

"What is the meaning of this madness!?", he billowed, his deep voice shaking the ground as he put his saber away, stopping in front of a petite, but armored warrior that from what he could tell was a Jedi. Most would hide their aura with force abilities to mask their alignment, but it was almost pointless in times of war unless you were a practiced assassin. They might have come to odds then and there, if it wasn't for Christian's casino, though he wasn't much for opposing the authority of the planet, especially considering he'd been left alone to run his casinos all this time without hassle.

Stopping next to the Jedi, he felt a signature in the force that he knew he'd been exposed to before, but he wasn't about to start playing his games when one of his casinos was about to get torn to pieces, along with the cowering, wealthy patrons inside he was to protect. "How do I stop these damn things?", Christian asked as he watched them lumbering around, getting closer and closer.

Darth Odium

Rooftops, yo
Enemies: [member="Flint Dexen"] and Dat OG [member="Ben Watts"] cat homie
Allies: Bein' green fa realz

Odium was fast, fast enough to hold his own against Ashin Varanin, and strong, strong enough to hold his own against a Mandalorian Field Marshal, but he wasn't so fast or strong that two well trained Jedi in a battle meld could be anything less than life threatening. He had to respect this particular pair in truth. He had hidden away disguised as a Jedi Padawan for a long time and among the most unshakable Jedi were these two. To face such a challenge would be something to write home to mother about....had he not killed her too.

A strong believer in economy of motion and energy in a fight, Odium turned his hips hoping to cut through one Jedi on his way to striking the other. However, The best laid schemes o' mice an' men. often go awry, An' lea'e us nought but grief an' pain, For promised joy (Thank you Robert Burns). He began to turn as the elder of the two Jedi bounded over him to land gracfully behind him. The Jedi was quick, quicker than Odium, and had a handful of his cloak before Odium could realize his intent. A quick jerk and a well placed leg sent the Nautolan quickly onto his back and using the force to aid him as he rolled with the momentum to make it to one knee on the roof top. The good news? The two jedi were in front of him again. The bad news, he had worn a cloak to a fight against an intelligent opponent.

He reignited one end of his double-bladed saber and still on a knee ripped away his nautolan skin cloak as he focused his anger to get ready to kill Jedi.
She had finally made her way behind the dark insane sith lord [member="Disciple"], he was still in that ridiculous clown outfit. She weighed him up in her mind, to try and work out where she should strike at him. He was a sith chance are he was left handed, so she moved to his right. As it would be his weaker side, so he would have less reaction time to her strike. She moved slowly and cautiously towards him, still uncover of force stealth, but she always took precautions as she hate to leave her attack to chance.

She finally got into position to strike at him, she was close as she could get. She went for her lunge to his back, aiming for spinal column. As she did she lite up her lightsaber, as went for her strike on him. Her blade was vibrant colour of violet, which shot out as an extension of her arm. She need to take him down quickly, and then find out what the feth was going on with darth veles.

Carn Dista

One beard to rule them all, and in the Jedi bind t
Location: Streetside Cantina.

Zeltros. He hated the planet, but for some reason he couldn't get enough of the blue milk.

It was also the last place anybody would have expected to find the venerable Jedi Master.​

The cantina he was in shook and rumbled with every explosion. It was a small, flimsy thing put together in an alcove just off from one of the main walkways of Zeltro - in fact, it was just opposite the Cantina that he had visited with one [member="Kiskla Grayson"] some time ago. The memory was a distant one, at best. Carn looked around him. Neon lights and shattered glass was everywhere - courtesy of whoever was waging war, no doubt. The other occupants had long since vacated, leaving the somewhat disgruntled Carn sat at the bar. He finished his drink, and ordered another one - perhaps his fourth, or fifth bar droid. The foul looking blue liquid flowed freely into his glass, and it wasn't long before traces of it stained the hair that hung over his top lip. He grumbled something about war and never truly being able to escape from it before supping on the drink again. Or at least attempting to. A hand had dropped to his shoulder - some unknown, unnamed Sith trooper. Alas, attempting to stop the Jedi was this troopers first, only, and last mistake.

A flash of green.
The corpse dropped to the floor, clutching at the fresh orifice that had been punched through its abdomen. By all accounts, it was a quick and relatively painless death - The shock caused by the lightsaber's impact didn't allow the trooper's brain to register what had just happened to him. They'll never learn... he thought. But then again, why would they? He kept killing them. There were two more corpses that he had created earlier. They really had to stop trying to interrupt him.

Carn resumed drinking.
Location: Palace
[member="Ceran Moerelle"],
[member="Ekul Selah"]

Kian felt the blast of force energy collide with the bounty hunter and watched as he flew past Kian's attack. Kian rose to his feet and watched as the Sith picked up his wiggling hand. Raising his saber in a defensive guard, Kian began to advance. Then the thermal detonator flew into the air and Kian leapt back, bringing up a force barrier in an attempt to protect from any shrapnel. There was a deafening blast and a flash of light and when the dirt cleared the corridor was collapsed in on itself, blocking or at least slowing any pursuit. The Sith had least for now.

Kian turned toward the stranger who had intervened and slumped back against the wall, deactivating his lightsaber and returning it to his belt.

"Kian Karr," he said placing a hand over his chest, "thanks."

With that, Kian reached over and pulled the piece of shrapnel from his forearm. Taking a moment he pulled some bandages from his utility belt and began to wrap his arm to stem the flow of blood. Luckily, no major arteries were cut. As far as his other injuries....they would have to wait.

"We have to get back to the main hall. We have to protect the royal family." Kian said, taking a ragged breath. He was tired, but with the force he would be able to press on.
Location: Streets
Objective: Take down Glycon
Allies: [member="Camellia Swift"]'s Troops
Enemies: [member="Darth Praelior"]

After dispatching grubs for what seemed like hours, Titan caught his breath as the Glycon rampaged through the streets his armored scarred with blast marks, charred from the explosive arrows and splintered in some parts where the shots hit too close to home. The Republic troopers weren't able to slow it down, just piss it off. Using the jetpack to save his own energy, Titan moved to the rooftops for a better view and to cover ground quicker. From his vantage point, Titan saw two Graug standing guard, how odd. They weren't making any moves to chase civvies that ran by, maybe just a few pot-shots left their guns. Why weren't they attacking and rampaging like their friends?

As he closed in, they were guarding a set of stairs leading up to a landing where a small girl and some creature were huddled. The girl looked as if she was watching the fighting and the creature was emanating some sort of noise he could not identify. Titan decided to investigate, dropping down on top of one grub, snapping its spine under his weight, he dug his blade into his neck for safe measure. Leaving the blade in its temporary sheath, Titan deflected a few clawing attacks from the second grub, palm striking the face to send it reeling back, Titan withdrew the Beskad and plunged the tip into the chest of the beast as it reoriented itself from the attack. The expression on its face, if you could call it a face, would seem like surprise that something was actually killing it. Titan brought himself nearer as he drove the blade to the hilt. Six inches thick and three feet long, the blade created a wound that was wide and deep enough to let the thick, tar colored vitae inside the creature pour out. It reached for Titans faceplate, but was stopped as Titan tore the blade right, drawing a line from the chest to the open air. It fell, blood pooling at Titans boots.

Turning up to the stairs, the massive soldier thundered to the top, where he witnessed the girl and her creature. Blood dripping from his armor and sword...

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