Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Silver Jedi Come (Dominion of Malachor V + Sith Order Rebellion)

Five Miles East of Jedi Temple(Outpost? Headquarters? What Are we calling it?)

He knew in the abstract why Korriban was so important. Many of the Sith marked it as their homeworld, the place where the Sith had made their first great Empire. To him though that was simply a legend, a tale. He knew that some two decades ago the Sith Empire had owned Korriban, but even then it had fallen by the wayside in comparison to worlds like Thule and Dromund Kaas. He had been a kid then, but he still remembered the fear that those in the Orphanage had felt whenever the Empire had been brought up.

Of course the One Sith had never made it out here, and thus...well it never really seemed to come up all that much.

The Information Broker slid down a small hill, kicking up some dust as he broke into a short sprint overhead.

In the distance he could see small specks of gray and black, dropships or star destroyers coming down through the atmosphere. His lips thinned for a moment and he checked his communicator to get a report from the scout drone. The small sphere had made its way into the Silver Jedi Headquarters now and was quickly beginning to float around the Temple itself. There were half a dozen comm-lines that it was sending back, but Munin didn't have time to decrypt them.

He frowned slightly. "Where..."

The Broker spoke to himself as he quickly scrolled through the topographical map that the drone had sent back, searching among the buildings of the Silver Jedi Temple until he found what he was looking for. A small smile crept on his lips, and quickly he began to move again.

Sirella Valkner

Because I'm a plant.
Outside Korriban City, Korriban

Sirella Valkner stood upon the dusty temples of Korriban. Where once there had been great cities and temples dedicated to the Darkside now stood tombs and the memories of the glory days. Sirella snickered to herself. Every generation of Sith dreamed of the glory days when their power that unto the gods. It was counter productive. For her part the great plant roamed the sands and tombs collecting what she might, and leaving preserved what she would.

Despite the ever imaginatively named Korriban City and a few smaller settlements like it, Korriban was a dead world, like so many others. It’s fire and very life had been extinguished by the hypocrisy of the Jedi. Mass genocide of an entire people for the fanatical idea’s of a religious philosophy perpetrated by the Republic and their Jedi allies. The very horrors of such atrocities had left a scar on the land. The sith were hunted to extinction through multiple generations in the greatest mass murder ever committed by sentient beings.

There was a history here, to this planet. Yes there was darkness and terror and horror of all stripes perpetrated by a darkside tradition. But there was also sadness and loss beyond measure. People forget that here, on Korriban, there were children who played games, and men and women who toiled to make a living. It was more than just Dark Jedi and Sith Priests. And yet all perished just the same under the indignant and righteous fury of the Jedi and their Republic allies.

Sirella found a little abandoned shelter that had once been a minor temple of an ancient city. It was all that remained of the once vibrant community. When people left a place a part of it went with them, and a part of them remains. If you went anywhere on Korriban, where it was quiet, sat and listened after awhile you will hear them. Echoes of all the conversions, every thought and every word that was exchanged. Long after they are gone the voices of the Sith remain, lingering in the walls of broken temples and homes.

She did not go inside, but took to it’s steps, the outer altar from which sacrifice was made. There she observed every stone for a moment before discarding her clothes and sitting on the sunbaked stone. In silence she began to meditate. Around her form from the dusty mesa grew the poison creosote, it’s natural circle providing focus for her endeavours. The plant, brown and dead split from energy forming in the air. Darkness surrounded her as she called the spirits of the air. Even in nature there was hierarchy, the big fish eating the small, the predator hunting the prey, and all returning to dust. So to was there a hierarchy in death and those who would be bound struggled against their masters.

Her body began to float as the air grew cold and wind and sand swirled about her form. “I work my worship below the open sky,” she said in the ancient tongue as her body began to float. “Like my forebears before me.” Wind and sand mingled answering her calls. “I have cast off the costume of other worlds and come to you, bare and chaste.”

Power ignited within the air and Sirella’s hair began to stand. There was heat and lightning and the sun eclipsed behind the thickest and darkest clouds one could conceive to conjure. “I beseech thee, lend us your aid.”

A loud crack echoed and reverberated across the horizon. Thorns began to burst from Sirella’s skin, puncturing flesh and extending outward from her. The first movement has been spoken, a voice in the wilderness calls forth. It was one and many, deep and high, with the only consistency being the power contained within. We take pleasure in this, for the vile language of our conquerors was not employed.

Sirella could see the spirits now. The priests of old, their form mingled with smoke and dust carried by the wind. Branches and vines start to sprout from the woman and pain increases. She calls out. Yes little sorceress, the voices reply. If you seek to control us, you shall be tested for only in holy agony can you understand that the galaxy is of us. Pain unimaginable sparked from from her form as she began the binding ritual. We are born under it’s starlit canopy and when we die we return to it. The force presence felt on a million worlds. The woman vomited up a dozen thorns and looked down a sneer of malice and hate upon her face. Good, use this.

Raising to her feet she brought her hand up and commanded in ancient sith they obey and yet the spirits would not be bound. The first movement is complete. replied the spirits. The second movement is spoken.

Look out little witch upon the sands. This is the world you would rule. As the battle of wills commenced Sirella could feel the tingling at her mind. She followed and enjoyed the sites of the sands, the temples, and the little city that had been rediscovered by [member="Cerita Sarova"]. Look we can see across the planet. This is the present time, and as they spoke Sirella could see. [member="Velok the Younger"] had arrived with his ragtag fleet. An intrepid little Whiphid who had yet to earn the full measure of respect. And yet his scheme to free Korriban may yet prove useful. This is the wisdom you have gained from lying in dirt at the root of trees.

The images changed. Now there was a woman in a building that Sirella recognized, not specifically but in general terms, to belonging to Korriban City. One of many domiciles behind the walls of the city. She was tied up with cuts upon her arms. Blood dripped down her body into her hair and fell onto a coil of ropes. All this is happening, all this we see. Watch how the blood flows playing over white rope. She is attempting to divine the future. The spirits laughed a cackle unheard for a millenia.

Suddenly there was a fracturing, as if a thousand panes of glass broke at once reflecting the image. Observe modern magic. Induced by drugs and fueled by spice. It was madness and yet pleasing mingling sensation and emotion. Nine million different facets of this being, all pushing and pulling for supremacy. Scents flared and suddenly Sirella smiled. Ah yes, you can smell the perfume. Good… Cackling the spirits continued. At this moment there is seduction here. Lips and finger tips reaching with desperate friction and a wet nightmare conclusion, Sirella broke the spell at the fractured faces reunited and formed melting and beginning to warp into that of a Kissai.

Fire erupts across her body dissipating to revealing the pooling legacy of humanity, not that she was ever human, behind. The second movement has finished…

Anger erupted from Sirella as she looked at the spirits, “I will not be possessed or bound,” she called raising a hand. “We are the inheritors of the Kissai, your time has passed, and you shall obey.

Lightning and darkness mingled in the air as spirit attacked Sirella and she replied in kind. The final blow came and an explosion of power erupted emanating out from the woman and the spirits vanished. A smile formed on Sirella’s face. The pool of melted fat and skin and burning hair where she had been set alight remained. It was of no concern.

“Now rise,” she commanded. And from across the shifting sand she did rise. “Those who carved their mark into this planet, those whose ancient structures still stand, rise.”

Mummified corpses from the temples, tombs, catacombs, and domiciles all began to rise. Warriors of ancient times whose like had not been since since the beginning. Some were armed with deadly lanvarok, others with shikkar and mundane blasters and still more were risen with naught but their bodies.

Sirella got dressed taking the comlink from the pile of clothes. “The first movement is complete,” she called to @Velok the Lesser as her 'army' moved to protect the city of New Korriban. It was a Sith city, and no invading Jedi would subjugate its people.

[member="Grimoire"] | [member="Matsu Xiangu"] | [member="Enyo Typhos"] (I believe you all are landing)
Location: Outside OSJ headquarters
Objective: Defend their own
Allies: [member="Dune Rhur"] | [member="Auron Song"] | [member="Syn"] | [member="Connor Harrison"] | Silver Jedi on Korriban
Enemies: [member="Velok the Younger"] | [member="Haytham Kaze"] | [member="Matsu Xiangu"] | [member="Darth Raxis"] | [member="Enyo Typhos"] | [member="Grimoire"] | Any Sith on Korriban

The warrior heard the voice of Connor Harrison stating that he was here, followed by Dune Rhur's stating that he was the one that would be their eyes and ears at the command center, it was good to hear that some reinforcements had come and someone was taking overhead command. It was all comforting for the warrior to know he was going backed up by some of the greatest bladearms and minds. "Good to hear from both of you. Thank you master Rhur, I am not one who can operate in such a manner." Jericho calmly stated as an attempt to compliment the fellow master. "Has there been word about other reinforcements since I left the command center? If we are to make a retreat off planet I don't want our people to be shot right back down."

"Master Harrison, How many are with you? The numbers of our foe are vast be ready for a fight."

Jericho never had a mind for politics but understood the mind of a sith, this was planet was infested with the dark side of the force this was a home for the sith and their followers. Its cold landscape gave a chill down the spine of many Jedi while it gave warmth to those of the darkness; Jericho knew this feeling, the darkness and light within danced together in harmony unless he was at place where the dark side was strong when he was the darkness tended to take lead and manifest more. The warrior took in another deep breath before walking several more steps foreword and creating another wall. Feelings, politics, and thoughts aside Jericho was here for one reason and it was to defend those who were of the OSJ every single one. He had a Job to do.

He felt the uneasiness grow within the young man, the temptation of the dark side was strong here and there was a battle looming to come. It was understandable to be uneasy in times like this for one reason or another. He glanced back to the young man but before he could say another word there was yet another disturbance in the force he could feel a strong shift in the air itself that gave the warrior a horrible gut feeling. A great number of sith were coming down swarming them and then now there was this feeling as if more was to come, though he didn't know what. Turned to face the handful of Jedi Auron, "Muster courage.....We are the first line of defense...Let us show the sith just how strong our light can be, no matter what they throw at us, we will show them our will, our light, is stronger." He warrior roared as he unleashed his own dominating aura in hope of strengthening their resolve.

Uncharted Space
The Inner Sanctum aboard the Sith Warship, Ruination

The lights had been dimmed, and no intrusions upon his intimacy would be tolerated conducted today. The exquisitely plush interior of the most secluded chamber upon the Sith Warship Ruination was cascaded by a eerie blue illumination originating from a holographic map of the Stygian Caldera, and various indicators of dark blue and bright red arrows moved to and fro across the vast expanse of space. A pair of baleful eyes tracked each movement, each subtle variation in course trajectory and every technical readout of what was transpiring while a wry smirk plastered itself across rugged patrician features. The individual whom that smirk belonged to sat in a chair of uniquely ornate design polished black metal, his posture lurching forward as he stared transfixed at the shimmering image before him.

Not far away from him stood a monolith of his grotesque victories, a basin erected atop a marble pillar filled with the ashes of countless slain Jedi Masters. Atop it sat a helmet of grisly baroque design with a pair of curving horns jutting from the jewel-encrusted forehead, its empty visor sockets turned to face the holographic display to stare bewitched in dark conjunction with its fearsome owner. Each scrap of information that rolled across the display had been painstakingly observed and collected by a vast network of spies spread all over the old Sith worlds, a contingency group that had been in place ever since the fall of the Old Empire to monitor the cradle of the Sith. For decades they relayed news back to their dark master, cataloging every occurrence that transpired with unwavering devotion and attention to detail.

Now they purposefully put themselves into harm's way to chronicle the inferno that began to sweep through the Stygian Caldera, the resurgence of the ancient power that once held dominion over that swath of space. Finally those insurgents had sprung from their hidden foxholes with a fervor that the Dark Lord had not witnessed in a pair of youths in a long, long time. Perhaps it was time to emerge from the shadows of observance and thrust his hand into the scalding flame. With but a keystroke on a keypad built into the armrests of the throne and an encrypted signal would be transmitted to the flagship of the fleet massing near Korriban.

The astrographic image would flicker out of existence to be replaced by a three-dimensional representation of whomever answered his haunting call~

[member="Velok the Younger"]

Connor Harrison

LOCATION: Silver Jedi Outpost; Korriban
ALLIES: [member="Dune Rhur"] | [member="Auron Song"] | [member=Jericho] | [member=Syn] | Silver Jedi on Korriban
ENEMIES: [member="Velok the Younger"] | [member="Haytham Kaze"] | [member="Grimoire"] | [member="Matsu Xiangu"] | [member="Darth Raxis"] | [member="Enyo Typhos"] | Any Sith on Korriban

Connor led the Knights and Rangers, armour and rifles clanging gently as the skies above them were clear, but reeked of darkness. He strode with confidence to the outpost and heard Jericho first before seeing him and his legion.

"You put my handful to shame, Jericho," Connor said, coming to stand beside him. "I knew this day would come."

He surveyed the planet before them, and raised his hand to touch the com on his helmet for a private signal.

"Glad to have you with us, Dune," said Connor, never one for formal rank and all that "Master" greeting. "We're going to have some desperate Sith knocking on the door soon. If the worse comes to the worse, get the Silvers off world and order an ariel bombardment as a parting gift. It's not worth losing lives over. Including your own."

The Jedi Master turned to Jericho.

"They're already here aren't they. And I bet they're going to use all the tricks in the Sith book to claim this planet. I think we should show what the Silver Jedi are all about. Defenders; not door-mats."

A sly smile creeped out from his bare chin.
SJO Command, Korriban
A: [member="Jericho"] [member="Connor Harrison"] [member="Auron Song"] [member="Syn"]
E: [member="Grimoire"] [member="Sirella Valkner"] [member="Matsu Xiangu"] [member="Enyo Typhos"]
Post III

"Nothing yet, Master Jericho. Just Master Harrison and his friends so far," he replied. A powerful sensation of sickness hit him the pit of his stomach. Some kind of disturbance in the Force! The Bith's mind reeled and he had to steady himself on the console.

He drew in a deep breath to calm himself. There is no Emotion, there is Peace. He recited the first line of the Jedi Code and it soothed him. The Code had served him well all of his life in that way.

"Attention Masters Harrison, Jericho and Syn: I have sensed a disturbance in the Force. I don't know what it is but it feels malevolent. There's something unnatural out there."
Location: Ziost, TSO vessel "Mirial Accord," skulking on the main bridge
Objective: Don't go first, don't go last, and don't volunteer
Allies: [member="Darth Ignus"], apparently [member="Onley Xiangu"]
Enemies: Way more Jedi than I care to count

Niysha hated ships. It was a wonder how she kept getting stuck on them.

The longer she thought about the path the Force had led her to this point, the more she became convinced of the wild falsehood of what Jedi swore to be a "benevolent" Force. Her life had been going just fine so many months ago. Lord Adekos had discovered her and taken her under his wing, she was allowed to grow as a student, and kept from any personal danger. The way things had been going, she would have slowly risen to power without the need to throw her life away in other people's wars. Patience and planning. Information and cultivation. No need for all of this flashy nonsense.

Then Adekos had to go and die. Months of wandering the galaxy's drifter hyperways, cut off from anything resembling a home had left her cynical and cautious even in excess of when she had been scouted in an academy on a civilian Sith world. Months of being without support and having no marketable skills had left her hungry and sharpened her capacity for manipulation (and, at times, outright cowardice). And months of being alone, not even willing to call herself Sith? That had left her with a perhaps unhealthy, burning need to be part of something.

Two weeks prior, Niysha had been contacted by an agent of a rising Sith movement to subtly wrest control of ancient Sith space from those who did not deserve it. As she was given to do, she hesitated. She'd already thrown her lot in with a flagging ship once, and look where that had gotten her. A couple of days of observation told her that at the very least they seemed like they could make something happen, especially if they remained cautious and quiet. She agreed and found passage to their staging point...only to be immediately roped into a full-scale assault and thrown at the Jedi frontlines.

Things were not going at all as she'd planned.

A ship full of Force-blind soldiers and officers scurried around Niysha, giving her not a tiny portion of the berth of respect they were giving the Darth at the helm. That was fine. She was alright with being lost in a crowd. Her name was on the roster as one of a tiny number of Force-users on the ship, which meant that like it or not, she would be called on to do something during this attack. Until that time, she stood silently on the bridge and watched.

It seemed, at least, that this commander seemed to not be a complete fool; engage the Jedi who so loved to attempt to reason people out of their decisions in conversation, prepare for a surprise attack just in case they were as hypocritical as they always seemed to be. Attempt diplomacy and bargaining first, violence as your second option. A more optimal "plan B" would have been a devastating surprise attack, but beggars couldn't be choosers, and in this situation, Niysha was every bit the beggar.
LOCATION: Ziost - TSO Vessel 'Mirial Accord'
OBJECTIVE: Try to ask questions first, THEN shoot.
ALLIES: [member="Darth Ignus"] | [member="Niysha"]
ENEMIES: [member="Coci Heavenshield"] | Lots and lots of Jedi.

He was not used to the diplomatic side of all. At first he'd agreed to assist Darth Ignus because it had seemed new and different, but now his trigger finger was itching. It wasn't that he didn't see the value of talk and dealing; if his Father had taught him anything it was that having a strategy was paramount. But Onley just loved to fight, and his strategy usually involved physical violence sooner rather than later.

The half-Arkanian teen stood next to the Mirialan, quiet as usual out of deference to someone who outranked him. The structure of society was also something he was getting used to having spent much of his life isolated with Silas of Ossus, Jared Ovmar's son, on various planets being tested and challenged. There is no diamond without pressure. But he was capable of swallowing his pride when it was required, and he nodded quietly when Ignus directed him to something.

There were dozens of others milling about at their jobs behind him and the Darth, focused perhaps in the attempt to look busy enough that they were too important to be called to something else. The silence of the Jedi's response was deafening as time seemed to stretch between Ignus' offer and the lack of recognition. He wasn't so worried about the Mirialan losing his calm, pointed determination so much as what would happen if they continued to hear silence on the other side. He kept his mouth shut - his usual sarcastic humor would probably add nothing to an already quietly tense situation.
Location: Silver Jedi Headquarters, Korriban
Objective: Defend the city, resist temptations
Allies: Order Of The Silver Jedi, [member="Jericho"], [member="Connor Harrison"], [member="Dune Rhur"], [member="Syn"]
Enemies: Invading Sith, [member="Velok the Younger"], [member="Haytham Kaze"], [member="Matsu Xiangu"], [member="Darth Raxis"], [member="Enyo Typhos"], [member="Grimoire"]
Post: 4/38

Auron's eyes flicked over to Masters Harrison and Rhur, both of whom he had only been aware of through tales across the Order. It strengthened his mind to know that others had arrived, other Masters of the Order who had come to aid in whatever capacity. The knowledge gave him a larger sense of peace to embrace over his concern. But still the storm was coming. He looked above to see the enemy - that terrible enemy - coming for them all, raining down like volcanic lava towards them. Suddenly, all petty concerns and minor contemplations pertaining to his life disappeared in an instant, as if they were a mere candle snuffed out by an unnamed breeze. Master Jericho's Force impression upon himself and his allies was almost overwhelming, but it gave him the strength, resolve and inner peace he had desperately needed. He took in a deep, long breath through his nose and out through his mouth and quietly muttered the code of the Song family to himself.
"Only in silence, the word. Only in dark, the light. Only in dying, life. Bright the hawk's flight on the empty sky."
As many around him had already done so, Auron thumbed the ignition button to his lightsaber and its dense green blade shot out its hilt, humming fiercely. He was ready.
Starship - Hyperspace - En Route

Endless streaks of hyperspace consumed a command group of warships traveling towards the Stygian Caldera.

Aboard one such ship, Catalys Maijora led the remnants of the Primeval Fleet, a familiar foe to the Silver Jedi and on the very stage they suffered their defeat at the hands of this Wild Space zealots. Much has changed, however, since their last encounter. The Primeval no longer had a foothold on Sith Space, nor did it remain a direct threat to the Silver Jedi and their allies.

The Umbaran exhaled through his voice modulator, releasing an ominous hiss. "They need to be reminded... Of their defeat," he began to address the fleet.

"They hold worlds that do not belong to them--our worlds. The fleet has been in exile since the death of Aj'Rou; we have survived the rebellions of the core. Set fire to ships above Ruusan. What have they done? Drank poisonous waters from the font of hubris that now consumes them." Across the many ships, throughout their countless halls, the men and women of the Primeval Fleet remained silent. No cheers or applause, but a firm belief in their cause.

Continuing their approach, the warships will soon arrive at the fray.

[member="Velok the Younger"] | [member="Reshmar"] | [member="Darth Raxis"] | [member="Gir Quee"] | [member="Darth Ignus"] | [member="Jerek Zenduu"] | [member="Aisha Marc"]
Major Faction


Nimir-ra to Iella, Jedi Shadow
Location: Korriban Tombs
Allies: [member="Dune Rhur"] [member="Jericho"] [member="Auron Song"] [member="Nagate Hei"] [member="Kära Vi'dreya"] [member="Connor Harrison"]
Enemies: Sith

Syn was looking at the others when they were looking around and he sensed it as well. Staying there with a nod of his head when he spoke seeing the other three masters while presenting it. "Yep." He turned around and standing there with the short hair shifting in the breee, the sash over his eyes and the swirls of thin short hair across his body that made the shirtless jedi master standing over it almost blending until he spoke. The black synthmesh pants for himself that had the pouches with his sabers on his hips. He could sense what was out there and stood ready for it as the sigil and star on his chest with the chain gleamed ready for anything. "More zombies and the usual fare." He had a plan of attack with Connor and Jericho here there was a whole lot that they would be able to do compared to many of them while sticking around here. "So usual plan for dealing with them and we can even divide it up." Syn grinned pounding one clenched fist into his opened palm as the force energies swirled around him. The muscles tensing and bulking up a little as he went with force body and enhanced himself. "I'll take the middle, Jericho you go left, Connor take the right, Dune you call out and take what you can, padawans I recommend taking on which ones scream and get past us. These things are already dead so ah well I guess the whole things about innocent sith and jedi killing people will be full on the table. The sith value the lives of the dead it is why they slaughter so many after all." He smirked though prepared to fight them. "Prepare yourself.​
LOCATION: Ziost, New Adasta
OBJECTIVE: Sow Discontent, Remind Everyone that No One on this Planet Would Welcome Back the Silver Jedi After they Already Failed to Defend it Once

Somewhere in New Adasta, in the crowded city center, a swarthy man was talking. His accent indicated he was a native here, as did the fact that he was flatly outraged by the presence of the Silver Sanctum. He gesticulated wildly, raising his voice and attracting hundreds over to him.

"The dejected, the defeated, Silver Jedi are coming back to the planet they lost." He yelled. "Does no one remember? Am I the only one with the sense, or the audacity, to recall? The Silver Jedi are worthless. They are not our friends, they are nothing but expansionists- expansionists without even the ability to defend their ill-gotten territory!"

Grumbles of agreement followed. What had the Silver Jedi ever done? Aside from... Expand. Well, to be fair, they also tried to invade Ruusan recently. How had that gone?

"When the Primeval came here to attack and enslave us, they were all that stood in the way. And how did it end? Were we saved from the encroaching darkness? NO! They were slaughtered, massacred! Their armies were cut through, their defenses mowed down! Smoke choked the sky and our dead littered the streets. We were promised protection in exchange for our cooperation. We cooperated, to be sure, but were we protected? Hardly."

Maybe if the Silver Jedi had something to show for themselves. A lot of people still remembered the Netherworld Crisis. They remembered the Silver Jedi rushing to expand into empty Sith tomb worlds instead of helping their own citizenry. Private corporations in the largely autonomous Tion Cluster had spent more time coordinating a response to the crisis than the Silver Jedi had. Did anyone remember?

How could they forget?

"How many thousands did we lose during the Primeval occupation? How many sacrificed to their wretched Gods, slaughtered in their profane rituals? How many drafted into their armies? I say no planet has felt the sting of the Primeval as we have, and all thanks to these fools! An entire generation wiped out because the Silver Jedi, our most honorable patrons, failed to take the Primeval threat seriously! And did the Jedi return for us? What help did we receive? None! We were left to languish first under the boot of the Primeval."

They had always been painfully passive, the Silver Jedi. They had been passive to the One Sith threat. Wherever they went, the Silver Jedi never really did leave sweet memories behind. Most people remembered their founding, how they split from the Jedi Order just in time to leave their beleaguered brothers and sisters behind to face the One Sith... Alone. Maybe if they hadn't split the order, the One Sith could have been contained effectively. Things would have been different. People would still be alive.


There wasn't a real way to find out, was there?

"And then the Primeval collapsed. Not because the Silver Jedi battled them into submission! No, they only watched from the sidelines, sitting on their hands as nature ran its course! But did they, our stalwart protectors, return to us then? Show any interest in our recovery? Hardly. Because we were but a shadow... A ruin, destitute and of no use to them. Ziost was not worth their precious time."

Some people had always been fascinated by the Silver Jedi's movements during the Netherworld Crisis, ignoring populated worlds for ones that had Sith ingrained in their histories. They were less Jedi and more... Fetishists. Obsessed with ruins and dark artifacts. What did it say about them that they hoarded these worlds so impulsively? Perhaps they had stared too long into the abyss... What else could they have been doing while the galaxy went up in flames around them?

"But we recovered. We recovered on our own! We rebuilt the cities, we buried our dead, and we bore the burden of their failure. Now they want to come back? Now that the hard work is done and we can afford to pay their obscene protection fees? This is no government we are to be part of- this is a mob! A mob of weaklings and cowards! Away with them, I say! Send them back to Ossus where they belong!"

This was, of course, not just the swarthy man who was raising these points. Everyone on Ziost with even a quarter of their senses intact would be able to point out how disgusting this whole situation was. Why would their duly elected officials ever want to come crawling back? As these memories returned to the forefront of people's minds, public opinion would retreat away from the Silver Jedi. Why it would have ever turned towards them was a mystery to the sane and the observant.
Location: Outside OSJ headquarters
Objective: Defend their own
Allies: [member="Dune Rhur"] | [member="Auron Song"] | [member="Syn"] | [member="Connor Harrison"] | Silver Jedi on Korriban
Enemies: [member="Velok the Younger"] | [member="Haytham Kaze"] | [member="Matsu Xiangu"] | [member="Darth Raxis"] | [member="Enyo Typhos"] | [member="Grimoire"] | Any Sith on Korriban

"Aye, I felt it as well, Master Rhur, be wary of what is to come. As you are be our eyes and ears but ensure escape routes or clear and defense remain up. As I told the captain, the main priority is our people." Jericho said Dune over the comm-link to the command center. The warrior faced over to Connor and gave him a nod to his sly grin then another to Syn who of which finally made his way to Jericho's side as well. Both of them had the feeling of confidence to them and both were able to make fun of the Sith and their tricks. In contrast to the two Jedi masters, Jericho understood just how much power and darkness that was looming over them nor he wasn't the type to crack jokes as they were. But he trusted both as well as all the other Jedi that were with them. "Yes, Master Harrison, the sith will see just what we can do. I will not fail your confidence." The warrior remarked to Connor statement about being defenders and not door mats. He looked over to Syn, the man he has fought leviathans with and knew just what he could do saw him empowering himself with the force and gave him a nod. "Don't be too foolhardy now, Master Syn. And try not to let anyone get passed you. I put these walls up so they don't have to fight."

It was then he looked back to the young man that first came to him, as unsteady and nervous as he was, he seemed to have steeled himself and his green saber ignited and held firmly in his hand. "Good. Remember what I've told you, young one. Don't be reckless." The warrior stated calmly as took in a deep breath and long exhale. The over seven foot tall man at the size of a giant empowered himself like master Syn. His body bulked and his armor as designed adjusted to his change in size. He took out his great saber and its golden light lit the area around them. When the warrior did the other jedi did the same.
Location: Ziost
Allies: [member="Darth Ignus"] | [member="Onley Xiangu"] | [member="Darth Vizios"]
Enemies: [member="Solan Charr"] | [member="Tricia"] | [member="Rozalyne Kurganova"] | [member="Gir Quee"] (If there are others can you all tag them as allies when you tag me so I’ll know.)

New Adasta was a Sith city. The Jedi were arrogant in their claiming of it. Centuries upon centuries of history and a millennium of loss had prepared the place for this day. There was excitement and hatred and fear all of which could be exploited. In modern history the planet of Ziost first came into the hands of Sith Empire who built it up and created factories on the planet. Then they disappeared being driven out by their enemies. From this point the planet remained neutral for a time until the Silver Jedi had come during the netherworld catastrophe to loot it of artifacts. The Jedi settled in after that until the Primeval came and 'liberated' the world for their insane cult. When Primeval fell the Jedi made no attempts to retake the world until Nyra’s little band began operating in the area.

Nyra knew the truth, they were here for spite. There was no great strategic resource, no great population. They were here to spite the Sith and oppress a planet long revered by a proud and ancient people.

Focusing now Nyra changed, transforming flesh and growing fur and growing until finally she was at the proper height and stature. Yes she was the spitting image of [member="Velok the Younger"], and for the next few minutes she’d be Velok.

Nyra/Velok stood in front of the recording device and waited. “People of the Esstran sector, of the Sith Worlds we have come in peace. Me and my associates have arrived to do our Duty to you as Sith. You are our people. We launched a relief mission to the Sith City on Korriban that had long been neglected by those who would claim to govern them, however as our relief ships dropped out of orbit they were attacked by the forces of the Silver Jedi.

Why are the Jedi here? Why does any advanced civilization seek to destroy another culture? Because the land is strategically valuable, because there are resources that can be cultivated and exploited, but most of all, simply because they can. We are now an enslaved people. Slaves to the machinations of a Jedi Order who cares nothing for you.

No dictator, no invader can hold an imprisoned population by force of arms forever. There is no greater power in the universe than the need for freedom. Against that power tyrants and dictators cannot stand. The Jedi learned that lesson once. We will teach it to them again. Although it take a thousand years, we will be free.”

A smile appeared over her face as she stopped the recording. “Ruff ruff ruff” she said imitating the large whiphid in a way she found comical. Nyra reverted back to her previous form as she transmitted the pirate broadcast.

“Time to move,” Nyra said stepping away from the console. A small thermal device exploded leaving no trace of the pirate signals origin.

Everyday people were out now and Nyra was with them, among them with sorcery concealing her force using nature. It was a complicated spell but one that was important to her people who used the force. Hiding in plain sight she began to do her rounds...
LOCATION: Incoming.
ALLIES: [member="Enyo Typhos"] | [member="Matsu Xiangu"]
ENEMIES: Jedi...hi guys & [member="Auron Song"] Soon™ :wub:

"Auntie..." Silas mumbled out, slow grin tugging at the corner, while studying her for a brief moment. "You shouldn't have."

"Thank you."

He had already picked out an individual - thick bull-necked human with a thick mustache - who was trying to resist against the pair of guards holding him. Silas had picked him specifically because of the scowl lingering, after the first crewmember had been picked out by Xiangu a moment ago.

Silas had little use for weakness.

There was an upward bounce to his walk now, though. Happiness rolling away from him keenly and Matsu would be able to sense it through her mentalism, he left the two of them to their own devices for now - he had pets to study. Behind him the two Sith troopers dragged the straggler with them through the doors towards Cabin A & B.

"How did you figure it out?"

Silas didn't reply for a while. They simply walked, the silence broken apart in steady intervals with the heavy guttural breathing of the human.

A minute or so passed and then they were there. Cabin B. The scratching of the claws could be heard from outside, but it didn't bother Silas all that much anymore.

"What?" He finally asked then.

"That I was going to kill her."

Silas frowned, before shrugging. "I didn't. Just didn't like your scowl."

That deflated the human, eyes suddenly dimming from their earlier ferocity. Before he could summon the courage to say another thing, the guards already threw him through the door and only screams followed. For a moment the Ysanna just stood there, before shrugging again. Ah well.

"You two should get back to the bridge, I got a date with a few ugly critters."

They didn't even wait for confirmation.
Location: Daragon-class Colony Corvette Shadow Runner, near Ch'hodos
Objective: Rally
Allies: [member="Reshmar"], [member="Jerek Zenduu"] | [member="Aishas Marc"] | [member="Rozalyne Kurganova"] | [member="Tricia"] | [member="Coci Heavenshield"]
Enemies: [member="Darth Ignus"]?| [member="Velok the Younger"] | [member="Haytham Kaze"] | [member="Darth Raxis"]

"Got them on the horn for you sir. They want holo."

Gir rose up from his chair and ambled to the bridge's central holo-projector. The device began to hum before light coalesced to form the image of a man in his late twenties wearing the distinctive black uniform of a Directorate officer. We seem to be everywhere these days. Gir didn't recognize the man, but judging by the man's expression, he clearly recognized Gir. The man appeared to glance at Gir's lack of uniform and hesitated.

"Let's skip formalities," suggested Gir, "there is something major going on, isn't there?"

"Simultaneous incursions by warships claiming to be operated by Sith or their accomplices at Korriban, and possibly at Zoist now as well."

"Rather disparate ends of the Caldera," observed Gir, "and my vessel just encountered some raiders as well. We will likely be seeing more of them."

"That is my impression as well, and one shared by other captains," affirmed the man, "we are in the process of locking down key points within the Caldera to prevent free transit across the area."

Gir nodded. While it would be close to impossible to interdict an entire Stygian Caldera, the nebula's dust combined with the natural mass shadows of planetary systems made practical and efficient transit possible between different worlds occur in only relatively small area of space. These areas developed into the various hyperlanes which could be controlled with the proper application of force at key worlds. Ch'hodos is a lynchpin for the Nache Bhelfja and Zorfe Trete trade routes. Whoever controls it controls much of the traffic to and from Zoist and Korriban...aside from a section of the Nache Bhelfja. Gir made a mental note to ensure that someone had secured that section or was in the process of consolidating control over either Zoist or Korriban. We may have to move to reinforce the forces in those areas quickly...once I get onboard a ship with real command and control facilities, I will have to take stock of what we have available before we act...but I'm getting ahead of myself...

"You are on the Paladin?" asked Gir.

The other man nodded, "I am."

Gir turned to his first mate, "I am placing you in command of the ship. I will be transferring over to the Paladin."

"I will send a shuttle for you now then," said the other man, "the other forces of the Silver Jedi and Directorate are just beginning to coordinate. I have a call on the line from the commander at Zoist."

"Take it," advised Gir, "and inform me about its contents once the call is done. I am going to put my affairs on the Shadow Runner to order while I wait for your shuttle to arrive."

"Yes sir."
LOCATION: Korriban - Landed outside the City, approaching
ALLIES: [member="Enyo Typhos"] | [member="Silas of Ossus"] | [member="Darth Raxis"] | [member="Grimoire"] | [member="Sirella Valkner"]
ENEMIES: [member="Jericho"] | [member="Connor Harrison"] | [member="Dune Rhur"]

In battle Matsu was an entirely different creature. The quiet spider returned to her roots, fueled by elation and adrenaline as her Children rattled the bay doors she and Enyo strode past. The words the woman had said (i wear her face, but I am nothing like my sister) rattled around in Matsu’s head but once again she shoved them aside along with the uncomfortable notion that there would be something missing from her life without Siobhan to hate.

She nodded to the man behind the bay door controls, initiating his press of keys that at once lifted the only thing
holding back her creatures and lowered the massive hangar’s ramp.

The Sith Lady came to stand at the edge of the ramp, red dust thick in the air from the ship’s massive engines. It swirled as her children cut through it, hundreds of foul, rotten Undead pouring around her and Enyo with nothing on their empty minds but curing some unnatural hunger. As they ran past her she twisted her sorceress’ hold over their simple minds. Jedi defense encampments and Jedi only - do not feast on anyone who is not a Jedi. There will be enough food for all of you. Usually she wouldn’t hold them back but this was important. Strategy must be observed. They howled and screamed, an unstoppable tide of the damned seething towards the shore, their glowing red eyes sea-foam tip of waves threatening to swallow the city. They could feel no pain and knew no fear, and they would crawl to the finish if there was but a piece of them left.

Sand spit up from under their sprinting steps, the faster of them pulling away from the more gargantuan of the pack. Undead Rancors and Abominations made the ship shake underneath their feet as they unloaded themselves, trudging massive and starving across the sands. Their claws dragged through the desert, leaving trails in their wake. Elsewhere Matsu could feel Undead raised by a hand not her own - interesting. Looking to Enyo, she swept her hand out as if to say ‘after you’. Had she a mouth she might have smiled.

No, Matsu cared nothing for Sith heritage, their old temples or artifacts monuments to a bygone era.
But even she could feel the elation of the slaughter that was about to unfold.

Tricia Kalamack

Sleeps all day.... yawns all night
Location: Meeting Place
Allies: [member="Gir Quee"] [member="Coci Heavenshield"]
Enemies: Sith
Objective: Yawn

Tricia got the message from Coci and was moving among the people as they listened to two people claim the silver jedi had come for the world in force and.... aside from the ships in system she saw no armies, no one going after the people. Coci had come here in secret, as a shadow... which meant low key and without people. More jedi seemed to arrive when the monitoring relays sasori had designed and sent with seeder ships at the beginning of the operation picked up increased traffic and ships. The old being glided up and shrugged while moving and going to meet coci with a look on her face of confusion and boredom. "I forgot how different sith fought, they don't actually have teeth or claws they need to play victim... but it helps that you and a couple arrived with no grand army and the local defense force with the ones in orbit were working together. Hard to oppress yourselves when you are just getting some aid and..." Tricia yawned as she scratched her chest and flexed her power outwards sensing what she could but finding... nothing of interest. For all intents and purposes she doubted there would be fighting this was a political stage and in that game... the loudest one making up the facts for themselves won the day. She'd rather sleep while waiting there and raised herself up to wait for the other small team of jedi. "At least we don't have to worry master heavenshield, once the people realize we don't have designs on them unless they are complete idiots. The works that were being done before can continue."
Major Faction


Nimir-ra to Iella, Jedi Shadow
Location: Korriban Tombs
Allies: [member="Dune Rhur"] [member="Jericho"] [member="Auron Song"] [member="Nagate Hei"] [member="Kära Vi'dreya"] [member="Connor Harrison"]
Enemies: Sith

Syn looked at Jericho with a snicker and a tight lipped smirk on his face. "Maybe but I doubt it most of the sith fall into two groups, the ones who at least admit they are evil and are willing to kill and the ones who cry and whine that they are really the victims and the jedi are evil and mean." He shrugged though while looking out and seeing the other ones there while staying with it. "They have no style no substance just a simple goal of being adored usually and anything that takes away from them being at the center is wrong and they can't accept it." He could sense more things and cracked his knuckles with a smile. "So I don't underestimate that they can do things, that is fact I underestimate their ability to do more beyond the cliche. We're fighting a zombie force from sith for maybe the fifth time now and it has become easier and easier to decimate them. We have developed new equipment with our ranger's and shadows to obliterate darkside beings, crystals to snare and trap their spirits so they can't just take another body, even armor that can literally make them recoil when near it and is created from material that becomes immune to a lightsaber." He didn't need to brag, he didn't need to list more. The jedi had evolved and grown to adapt to their enemies because they always saw the same thing. He was prepared and expecting to smash through this.
Location: Korriban
Allies: [member="Matsu Xiangu"], [member="Silas of Ossus"], [member="Darth Raxis"], [member="Grimoire"], [member="Sirella Valkner"]
Enemies: [member="Jericho"], [member="Connor Harrison"], [member="Dune Rhur"]r

Their transport descended upon the tomb world, throwing up columns of sand and dust in the process. Finally, it touched down, the landing ramp lowered and the vessel's occupants filed out. Before them was Korriban in all its dark glory. The planet itself meant preciously little to the clone. The Sith of old had been wiped out ages ago and the tombs had been raided many times over, but that was not her focus anyway.

The change overcoming the Dark Lady did not go unnoticed by Enyo. Her aura was that of an exultant, glorious predator eager to sink her talons into her prey, but acting with purpose, rather than mindless fury. The dark energies radiating from the quiet spider were almost intoxicating. Enyo soaked up the sensation like a sponge does with water. Yes, she could learn so much from this powerful, horrifying woman. Standing close to her, the clone felt fearful but also empowered.

Hundreds of foul, rotten undead abominations burst forth out of the belly of the ship, eager for prey. Remembering the ghastly slaughter on Serenno, Enyo shuddered a bit, but it was not enough to sway her and turn her away from this path. Enyo could feel their hatred, anger and, above all, their hunger for flesh, for they sought to gourge themselves upon the living. But she also sensed their obedience. Whatever dark power the Sorceress wielded, she could compel these monsters to obey her without question. Sand split from under their sprinting steps, enormous undead rancors and abominations made the ground shake beneath them.

The clone's communicator gave a silent ping, alerting her to the fact that certain devices the Sith Order had purchased recently were arriving as well. Battle droids built in the likeness of human skeletons and HRDs that looked and felt sentient but were driven by the implacable will and strength of machines were advancing, bearing potent anti-Forcer weapons. Machines neither tired nor felt fear, they would fight until their targets or they had been destroyed. Tiny, miniaturised recon droids would provide information and relay it back to their masters.

She saw Matsu's unspoken command and moved forth as they made their way towards the unimaginatively named Korriban City. Undoubtedly there would be plenty of bloodshed soon. Her fully sealed ultrachrome armour gleamed in the bright, merciless sun.

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