Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Silver Jedi Come (Dominion of Malachor V + Sith Order Rebellion)
The Thurra System
Hurom, Thule

As the Dark Lord's broadcast continued to play on loop across the entire planet, the second phase of his takeover was put into practice. The myriad of gunships and dropships quickly congregated at predestined landing zones, soldiers, droids, and engines of war spilling out of their holds like wasps from a hive. Engineers and droid laborers began to construct small-scale prefabricated outposts around the landing zones, the speed and swiftness of their construction the product of years of training and precision planning. These types of new settlements would be situated outside of the cities and energy plants, the latter of which facing direct intrusion as several companies of Blackblade Guards backed by battle droids stormed the facilities to detain all non-essential personnel and relocate them to prison camps built in conjunction with the outposts.

After a plant had been overrun, the Guardsmen would set up defensive barricades and automated sentry turrets at every conceivable chokepoint within the structure. They would reinforce certain walls to prevent encirclement, and sappers would plant controlled explosives along the facility's most important machinery as a fail safe should their position be critically compromised by enemy combatants. As a third precaution the entrance to the facilities would be further reinforced by makeshift permacrete barriers with a HART battle tank parked with its back towards the building so its main weaponry could target anything approaching the point.

The cities would be a different story as they were too massive to optimally control every access point or back alley, at least not with the force that Carnifex had brought to bring the world to heel. But what they lacked in overwhelming numbers they made up for in superior training and uncompromising ruthlessness. They had no qualms at putting civilians in harm's way if the situation demanded it, and they couldn't be swayed with words or bribed with cheap credits. And these soldiers were especially resilient, for not a single one of them was non-Epicanthix. They were groomed from adolescence by Carnifex's regime to become unwavering killers, unshakable in resolve and completely resistant to the mind tricks employed by the Jedi to avoid conflict or even the mind controlling power of the Sith. Carnifex couldn't control them with the Force even if he wanted to, and it was through alternative conditioning and religious fervor that they swore loyalty to him with such conviction.

Once the camps outside the city had been hastily erected, they would make an effort to break through the main entrances. If that was not a viable option then the sappers within the invasion force would dig beneath the walls and mine them to the point where a suitable infiltration access way could conceivable be created without complete structural collapse. Once inside more HART battle tanks would be deployed to reinforce the ground infantry alongside stronger battle droids, and combined they would begin to sweep the city streets to ensure that all citizens obeyed the curfew imposed by their resurgent King. All who failed to obey or were too slow to obey were quickly disciplined, their ribs and limbs broken by the callous boots of the Blackblade Guard before they were hauled off to languish in a fetid prison camp. Those who proved too unruly would be immediately executed, and their bodies hauled off to be dumped in a mass grave somewhere in the bleak Thule wilderness.

Above the city skylines Sith fighters and bombers would fly in an endless circuit, the shrieks of their ion engines sometimes blaring louder than the incessant monologue of the Sith Lord. It was another reminder of the destructive power that he could unleash upon them if displeased, another method to ensure that they either stayed in line or be put to the sword. Meanwhile the shuttle carrying the Sith Lord would idle over the Sith Temple's roof, and from there he would leap down to land atop the weathered stone alongside hooded compatriots and servants of similar ilk. From here he could survey all that he sought to covet, and he found the renewal of oppression gratifying. For too long had these wretches been able to breath a sigh of relief once the yoke of Imperialism had been torn free by the Republic, but that time was finally going to come to an end.
​Location: ​On board No Land Beyond​, Thule, Thurra System
Objective: ​Provide escort for Commonwealth marines
Allies: ​The Silver Jedi
Enemies: ​The Sith
ATTN: ​[member="Dean Letham"] | [member="Mia Conner"]

With a quick acknowledgement, Corrax swung his legs off the flight stairs and into the seat of his X-22 Drexl​-class Starfighter. Truth be told, he wasn't totally certain he wouldn't rather be in the Scythe​ for this one, but it had been his call. It was all hands on deck, and he'd decided that it would be better to put Red-​squadron in the Drexl's​, as they had logged more flight time in the small craft. A full squadron compliment was 16 Drexl's​, though they typically launched in units of four due to typically being used as a recon craft. Today they'd launch in the full compliment of 16 fighters. They'd still be broken up into flight groups of four, with each group having some degree of autonomy.

For some time, Corrax had considered moving ​Red-​Three - [member="Mia Conner"] - to a different squadron slot, giving her command of her own flight group, but was glad today that Red-​Three would be in his flight group. It was going to be a bumpy one.

Initiating pre-launch protocols, Captain Talrus flipped a toggle in front of him and opened a channel to Red-Squadron. "Red Squadron, Red​ Leader, switch comms and check in by flight groups," he said as he went about his business.

Here come the fireworks,​ he thought as he listened to his flight group check in.

After a few tense minutes, the order to launch was given. Following the MPD's, Corrax' was the first Drexl​ through the MagCon shield. Upon hitting open space, blankets of green and red splashed across open space ahead of them. It was a massive fleet battle.

"Red​-Squadron, break by flight groups and find an MPD to cut a path for! One-Flight, on me," he ordered, switching over to flight group frequencies. He cued in a particular MPD and reactivated his helmet comm. "MPD designated ​Alpha-​7 is ours, break by pairs and clean off hostiles."

Corrax suited actions to words, and redirected to take a position aft of the designated MPD, searching for targets.
The Thurra System

Thule was one of the ancient Sith worlds. Following their defeat in the Great Hyperspace War and the genocidal campaign unleashed by the Republic on Korriban, Sith refugees had fled here, continuing the fine tradition of magocratic dictatorships. During the Clone Wars, a great battle had been fought here to destroy a superweapon called the Dark Reaper.

It was only appropriate that the Sith return to this planet. Especially since one of the leaders of this insurrection just happened to be a certain [member="Darth Carnifex"], also known as Kaine Zambrano. By now, his forces were occupied reminding the local populace of the days of yore when he had ruled their world with an iron fist. False prophets had led them astray and planted misguided notions of freedom in their minds, but they would soon learn to goosestep again.

It was only fitting that one of his old business partners show up to aid the cause, for a price. Archangel had done business with the God-King of Panatha shortly before the Sith Civil War that had ended with the Dark Lord's death on Coruscant.

With barely a ripple, the Ascension manifested at the edge of the Thurra system. Standing aboard the bridge, Callisto gazed out of the viewing port into the fathomless void. A stygiuum cloak and sophisticated stealth systems made it the ideal processing ship. The heavy cruiser was not a warship per se and thus no match for the fleet the Sith Lord had assembled. Instead, it was a cloaked factory ship, serving as a mobile base for Archangel's nefarious schemes. Archangel had brought toys, namely HRDs, battle droids, Harvesters and small wasp droids. The latter would be particularly useful for a surveillance state, for they were barely detectable and ideal spies.

Archangel had known of the Sith Order's desire to wrest control of the Stygian Caldera from the grasp of the Silver Jedi and, having identified Thule as a possible invasion zone, a few agents had been placed on the planet amongst the population in advance. Soon deployment would begin, after a message to the once and possibly future king. Pacification efforts would be coordinated with the Sith Lord's commanders to avoid misunderstandings.
1x XoXaan-class Star Destroyer
2x Azalus-class flak frigate Mk1
1x Peregrine-class armed freighter


Velok relaxed fractionally. No trap was waiting, no fleet, no pursuit, just as when he'd jumped to Bosthirda. That system had been a quick, clean sweep: only a handful of tiny defense platforms and tissue-paper monitoring stations. There might have been more outsystem or in deep space, but so far as he could know just now, the Silver Jedi were blind in the Bosthirda system. Their preparations there had been cursory and last-minute, and his long-range guns had done their work quickly enough on his way through the system.

The Dromund system was another animal entirely.

For all the place's barrenness, many corporations had at least some kind of presence here, the Sith Empire's last capital. He ignored corporate assets. What mattered most was identifying and cleaning out the SSC presence precisely, at least as much as possible. Like Bosthirda, this system had Flower defense platforms - tiny fragile things - and equally tinfoil monitoring stations of capital scale. Unlike Bosthirda, this system had dozens of those defense platforms around several planets and moons. And also unlike Bosthirda, this system had a Citadel-class defense station that outgunned his flotilla by a serious margin. It was, however, only a single orbital station. Child's play to keep the planet between his flotilla and the station on his way through the system, long-range weapons blazing merrily. Cleaning out the entire system simply wasn't possible, even if his sources were correct and the station had left with the Firemane vessels. The Flower defense platforms, hundreds of them, had been scattered among too many places. If he lingered, he would certainly be tracked down.

The other issue was that, insystem at Dromund Kalakar, he detected not only a half-built shipyard but a Sasori defense force. Best to avoid that entirely. Same went for the Dromund Fels fleet staging point outsystem.

The flotilla continued on, aiming to jump toward Jaguada. Its long-range weapons continued to target and fire upon anything OSJ-affiliated within reach. Cleansing the system wasn't an option, but he could still put a major hole in the system's monitoring and defense platforms. Worst case scenario, he drew some attention and got some pursuit. The Ch'hodos intersection's deep-space monitor had just picked up traffic, one group heading for Ziost and another clustering at Ch'hodos itself. Sensibly, someone up there was prepping to control two of the three rimward routes, and snare him there.
LOCATION: Korriban - Entering City
ALLIES: [member="Enyo Typhos"] | [member="Silas of Ossus"] | [member="Darth Raxis"] | [member="Haytham Kaze"] | [member="Sirella Valkner"]
ENEMIES: [member="Connor Harrison"] | [member="Jericho"] | [member="Auron Song"] | [member="Dune Rhur"]

The first of the Undead to the city streets were overwhelmed by the sheer abundance of fodder, losing what little brains they had to the promise of sating their endless hunger. The first lines were cut down before they had the chance to feast - the Silver Jedi had seen their ilk before, knew it was the heads that must be targeted to cause any lasting end to the onslaught. But their power was in numbers and speed gifted by sorcery. Eventually their tide was too overwhelming, clawing over each other’s backs in a wall that grew until it collapsed atop the first of the defending Jedi.

When the spaces were filled by gnashing teeth and tearing limbs, no more room to jostle for a bite of a Knight disappearing under a mound of writhing corpses vying for a taste, the rest continued forward. Next the horde fixated on a turret emplacement, once more crawling over and under each other like insects to honey as they each tried to be closest to vomit great torrents of acidic bile on the metal. Dozens of them were ripped apart by turret fire as the city rose to defend itself, their bodies torn apart for good just as they shared their destructive capability to bring down the defense. Those below the thrashing top layer of bodies fell victim to the spray of acid from above, melting in to one disgusting and half-‘alive’ mess of rotten flesh worming and wriggling against its own inertia. Eventually their combined assault melted the base of the turret which struggled, leaned, bent, and broke with a great crash on its side in the sand.

And still the Undead moved on, leaving behind their wounded for greater pleasures.

Matsu moved toward the city directly behind them, hood pulled up over her head and a half-cowl covering the bottom half of her face and nose to keep dust from compromising her respiration. The Jedi knew of course that holding a planet of ancient Sith significance would no doubt invite this sort of violence and they had been ready - battle was already well underway when she and Enyo came within reach She did not see any of the Silvers she was familiar with, nor anyone that wasn’t already embroiled in a fight for their life, but it was only a matter of time.

But another woman - unfamiliar, affected, and marked by the same affinity to a necromantic art that drew Matsu like a moth to flame - caught their approach first. It was only her amber eyes that showed from the shade of her hood and the cover of her mask, but she nodded in response before tilting her head. A curious predator. "As well as can be expected." She paused, sensing a shift as her Children grew excited about something within the walls ahead. "I am Matsu. Was it you who raised them?" She almost sounded reverent.
LOCATION: Incoming.
ALLIES: [member="Enyo Typhos"] | [member="Matsu Xiangu"]
ENEMIES: Jedi...hi guys & [member="Auron Song"] Soon™ :wub:

"Ohh... you're an ugly one, aren't ya." Silas mumbled out while studying his two little new pets. He punched one in the... well, it wasn't much of a face- half-decayed, a gaping hole where a cheek was supposed to be and only enlarging the mouth itself. Lots of teeth on that one, but he punched it regardless when it tried to bite him. This was one of the things Onley and him had learned across the years... see... there are lots of sentients out there.

But sentient or no, everyone got an animal inside of 'em. Some got it under lock-down, others suppressed and some rode the wave until blood covered the streets. Yet, there was one stable point, one particular thing ya always kept in mind: establish dominance and the animal falls in line.

The Sith strode off the hangar, two new friends in tow. He pulled up his scarf, the winds carried the biting sand, but the scarf kept it away and kept him focused. Matsu and her new little friend had gone forward already. In their wake an onslaught of undead... he could smell 'em. Putrid, stench that rose to the air and made ya wonder.

But Silas didn't follow 'em. He had his own little job, his own mission. He could sense it in the air, just as the undead, it was change.

And it was good.

His steps crunched against the sand and he simply walked. Some sentients were always in a hurry to get from A to B, but Silas had faith.

Faith in the weight of the axe in his hand, the sweat trickling from his temple and being absorbed by the scarf, the dust collecting in his boots. It was real. It made life less complicated.
Location: Korriban
Allies: [member="Matsu Xiangu"], [member="Sirella Valkner"], [member="Silas of Ossus"], [member="Darth Raxis"], [member="Haytham Kaze"], [member="Vulkan"]
Enemies: [member="Jericho"], [member="Connor Harrison"], [member="Auron Song"]

The ravenous hordes of undead flooded Korriban, filled with hunger for the flesh of the living. They fell upon enemies of the Sith like locusts. Many would fall, for by now the Silver Jedi were probably used to zombie apocalypses, but eventually the flood would be overwhelmning.

Jedi and Antarian Rangers would vanish inside the ocean of zombies, and the only thing anyone would hear would be the gnashing of teeth, the ripping of flesh and desperate screams of pain that were soon silenced. Here and there, a defender of the light would arise again, born again as a undead monstrosity. Horrific scenes of violence would take place as the zombies ascended over the corpses of their brethren. Flesh would melt away when the beasts spat volleys of acidic bile. Those were ghastly, horrible scenes of stomach-churning violence, but the clone did not turn away.

Enyo followed Matsu as they made their way to the Sith-occupied city. Her ultrachrome armour gleamed in the bright, merciless sun of Korriban, shielding her from the grit, dirt and the sand. The screams of the zombies' victims echoed. Both were drawn like moths to a flame to the Sith Sorceress. Enyo cocked her head slightly when Matsu spoke, a verbal tick she'd unconsciously picked up from her HRD caretakers. The Zombie Queen sounded almost...reverential? The thought sounded perplexing to the clone, but it appeared to be the most appropriate word.

Sirella Valkner. Big player in the old Sith Empire, member of the Tion cabal...Moira had briefed the clone. Roche. A Pyrrhic victory for The Kerrigan, who tore down a roof over friend and foe alike to secure a tactical objective. "You refer to my sister," she spoke. Not her template, her sister, even though Siobhan only saw her as a copy whose sole purpose was to serve as a host for the Countess to transfer her essence into. The image of a zombie sinking its teeth into her older sister's throat and tearing through her flesh was a pleasing one.

Intense hatred radiated from the clone's dark aura, further amplified by the dark side energies that permeated the city ahead of them. "We disagree on many things, especially politics, Lady. Actually everything," Understatement of the year.

Her tone was respectful when she addressed Sirella. Enyo was no one's vassal, not even a Sith and mainly here to represent her mechanical handlers, but she was conscious of the fact that she was inferior in power. "Moira Skaldi sends her regards. Archangel is deploying units to assist, for when the Jedi actually attack."

By now the dropships had unloaded their contingents. The implacable fury and hunger of the ravenous undead that were already engaged in combat would be backed up by the precision, cold logic and ruthlessness of the droid, armed with blasters, bolters and other weapons. Defenders of light would be cut down, crushed by an HRD's iron fist or seized by the tentacular grip of spiderlike Harvesters swooping down from the sky. Droids would not tire, they would not feel fear, pain or doubt.

Some would be moved to help guard Korriban City, others would support the zombies in their onslaught, though a good portion of the heavy hardware would be kept in reserve for now to protect the city. By now, Korriban City was a Sith stronghold, and the addition of combat automatons, heavy weapons emplacements, mines and so on would strengthen it even further. Tiny wasp droids were in the air. Almost undetectable, they could perform surveillance duties or inject organics with various toxins.

Location: Elom atmosphere
Objective: Board the Judgement
Allies: [member="Kära Vi'dreya"] | [member="Thyrian Hearthfire"]
Enemies: Childbirth

He'd been through childbirth before. Back when [member="Coci Heavenshield"] gave birth to Théodred the circumstances had been in their favour; the warmth and hospitality of Tháinbroek and his father provided everything needed for the miracle of birth that was his son. He had the experience to make Kära as comfortable as humanly possible, and with his biological mother's tragic fate as she brought him into the world ever present in the back of his head, he unfortunately also knew the many risks involved.

"Kära, listen to me: You're doing fine, just fine." His free had settled upon her forehead, now hot from exhaustion. "ETA two minutes, Grandmaster," the pilot's voice came from the cockpit. Thurion looked upon his childhood friend as she called out to her Phoenix, and offered her a kind smile. "He'll be with us soon, little one. Just hold on for a bit longer." The back of his hand gently caressed her soft cheek. "You asked me to help redeem your past, Snowflake. Here's how..." he spoke to her as their eyes met.

He placed a hand upon her belly rising and falling with each of her laboured breaths. "This child is pure, made from the love between you and Thyrian. There is no evil in him; no-one is simply born malicious into this world. Be the mother this child deserves - the mother that every child deserves." Thurion then leaned closer for a kiss upon her forehead. "I have faith in you, Kära."

Suddenly the shuttle shook a bit as the landing gears were extended, and moments later they came to a standstill. The engines could be heard dying down followed by the sound of the ramp lowering. "We made it," Thurion declared joyously as a medical team had already been assembled and awaited their arrival. Of course, the first to enter the shuttle was not one of them, but rather the King himself.
Location: Exiting hyperspace around Ziost.
Objective: Investigate Burnt out Relay Station.
Allies: None.
Enemies: None.

“Are you sure?” Mira asked, checking the scene in the cockpit.

Pixel let off a series of beeps and then a long wail.

“Yeah, I’m certain you wouldn’t be able to forget that ugly mug of his, I know I can’t.” She chuckled as she looked out the canopy to the blue-white lines of hyperspace. “You realize that we’re probably headed into a world of hurt here, right?”

The BB unit let off a flat toned grunt followed by a loud, high pitched groan.

“Well, stay out of the way and I’m sure you’ll be just fine.” Mira chuckled softly and looked down at the navcomputer readout. “When we break out of hyperspace, begin scans – make sure we stay out of the way of any conflict.”

Pixel whistled and beeped.

“What do you mean it stopped transmitting? Do you have the last known location?” Mira looked over her shoulder.

Pixel rotated and grunted with a flat tone.

“Alright, alright. Just get a lock onto that location and we’ll start there.” Mira turned back to the front of the cockpit. She nodded to herself. “We have a place to start.”

The XJ Prototype exited out of hyperspace with a burst of light and energy, and Mira’s jaw dropped as she saw the one ship on one side, versus countless others on another. Of course, like the good droid that he was – Pixel began scanning between the ships. “Hey, no, stop!” She shouted through the internal communications. The stealth fighter continued to passively scan the vessels around them as they pressed through towards the planet. She had intended for the droid to scan for threats or other things - not what he was currently doing.

Pixel let off a soft beep inquisitively.

“Do you realize what you’re doing!?” Mira began flipping switches, turning off the scanning sensors in an attempt to override the command she had given the droid.

Yet another dissatisfied grunt as the droid locked her out of the system. “This isn’t a game buddy, shut it down – now!” The BB unit let off a loud wail before shutting off the scanners.

Mira grimaced and put both hands back on the flight stick, cruising towards planet’s atmosphere. “Let’s just get there and get what we need, alright?”
Location: Thurra System, Thule ~ aboard the CRS No Land Beyond
Objective: Mutual aid Jedi, hip check Sith
Allies: Commonwealth and OSJ
Enemies: Black Empire

Klaxxons aboard the CRS No Land Beyond blared as Battlegroup Alexandria reverted to realspace into the Thurra System where the Sith Fleet had taken up position over the Outer Rim planet of Thule. The Commonweath had arrived to give mutual aid to the Silver Jedi and give a hip check to [member="Darth Carnifex"] and his Black Empire.

Mia Conner had been resting in the pilot's ready room and was already dressed in her flight suit when the alert sounded. "Raven" donned her helmet and gauntlet gloves, then made her way quickly out into the main hangar. Orders were given and received from Commander [member="Dean Letham"]. For this sortie, the seasoned pilot would be delivering Staff Sergeant [member="Eli Brooks"] and his marines to ground in one of the MPD-11a's. Oh this was going to be fun, not, but the golden blonde never complained. She was a consummate flight officer and would do her job to the best of her abilities without complaint. Getting her package to its destination safely was her main concern.

Just as Mia was entering the dropship to hustle into the cockpit though, she was stopped by another pilot, whom was told to take over as Conner was being reassigned to Red Squadron. The ex-Imperial was a jack of all trades when it came to flying so she was pulled in all directions sometimes, but it would be nice for once to assigned one way or the other for mental prep, ya know?!

Nodding to the other pilot in understanding, the golden blonde turned around and jogged over to her awaiting snubfighter. The Drexl-class starfighter wasn't your standard escort/fighter type though. The X-22 had been developed for recon primarily so again, this would be fun, not. The one thing the Commonwealth didn't have were top of the line ships. I guess in time, but did they have that luxury with all the bad guys surrounding them?

[ Red Three green to go. ] Conner keyed over her helmet comm, then she awaited the launch sequence. After Red One and Two launched, Raven feathered the controls of her snubfighter, then shot out of the magcon with her wingman Red Four on her six right into the fray. Their job was to clear a path for Alpha Seven's MPD and that is what they would do.

[Roger that, Red Leader. ] she responded to [member="Corrax Talrus"], then maneuvered so that her wing pair was to be to the starboard for the escort of the dropship as they descended through the chaos.

Haytham Kaze

Judge, Judgury, Judgecutioner
Silver Jedi Outpost; Korriban.
[member="Connor Harrison"]

Oh how he hated abilities such as the one that the Jedi employed. He couldn't say as to how he manipulated the Force in some way, but he'd delegate it to some secret ability of the Kro Var. Or some manipulation of the heat from the lightsabres. He huffed. The constricting grip came first, and then it was the heat that followed soon after.

His underarmour kept him safe for the most part from the heat. Kinetic Impact Gel had the same properties as Thermal Gel, it took the place of armourweave. He never left the crib without it.

While he was gripped however, he gathered the Dark Side of the Force.

A shot a force blast right in the chest of the Jedi Master just in front of him. Almost impossible to dodge in such close proximity. Athyssius did use low level Sith Magic after all. The thing about that however, was his raw power in the Force, thus multiplied numerous times over by the power of the planet, and his extensive experience with using the ability on Bespin, Ruusan, and other planets such as Arkania, saying he was good with it was an understatement.
Location: Korriban - Silver Jedi Outpost
Allies: [member="Matsu Xiangu"] [member="Sirella Valkner"] [member="Silas of Ossus"] [member="Darth Raxis"] [member="Darth Carnifex"]
Enemies: Jedi

"...Soon, Tyrannus... soon you shall drink of sanguine purity..."

The death of Sith was a necessary step in cleansing the galaxy, those stragglers that dare wander aimlessly and without true vision. The One Sith, more specifically, deserved a good purging from any known capital and dark pit they might slither into like the abominable failures they are. But it wasn't enough... it would never be enough.
There was something about being the genetic duplicate of The Butcher King that stirred a frenzy within, a hunger to devour the light and engulf others in a presence of dread and macabre curiosity. Darkness would befall the Jedi here without anything to stop it. Very recently had Darth Eversor given his allegiance to a coup known as the Iron Empire; defectors of the Sith, supposed newly turned leaves that wished to escape the tyrannical grasp of what the dark spawn was meant to usher in. There was a weak spot for them in the twisted being's absence of a heart, and that is exactly why he abandoned their cause.
There was no sympathy nor care in the heart of a devil. Only selfish desire and the vision of a future built upon bones and ash.
The true calling and purpose for Darth Eversor was at hand. Absolute death.
Upon entering the outpost already impregnated by forces converging and assaulting the Jedi and their assets, a ghastly armored individual wielding a large warblade casually strode into the fray almost seeming like a dark spirit with the tattered midnight cloaks and robes adorning the foul mantle of the one who made it a personal vendetta to purge the stars of such filth. The feeling of light being snuffed out was quite teasing, and the God-King's prime executioner longed for a taste.
Long, defiant strides turned into a charge as the Darth almost seemed to glide upon the air through the Force as he rammed his blade to skewer two young Jedi whose reluctance and inexperience could be sensed like blood for a shark, their bodies splayed open from sheer force as they were cast free from the wretched greatsword to the ground in humiliation. But it was only the beginning.
Through the Force, Darth Eversor's left hand began to writhe and twitch as a dark energy began to build with a disgusting aura. It would drain the morale of those trying to defend this city with its unnatural and sickening broadcast of negativity. Soon more valiant hearts seeking to rid their realm of such tainted embrace attempted to tackle the threat head-on, but it was already too late. Raising his gauntlet skyward, the dark entity cast the amassed dark side energies to the ground and unleashed a miasma of corruption and malice.
They screamed and fell to their knees as their flesh began to crackle and burn with putrid damnation, convulsing and slowly beginning to die while they could only watch their kin die to superiority. One still remained upright, however. They would be the one to learn and remember this day. Approaching the man that stared daggers from his weakened position, the former Sith grasped a tuft of his hair and leaned his head back so that hey may gaze into the eyes of death personified. The pride and royalty of Panatha.
"...Is it truly justice and absolution you want to bring to this galaxy? I believe I do your job much more efficiently and with much more respect earned where it is due. So tell me, what is it you -truly- desire? A cleaner conscious? No... I think it's death. Burn with the rest of them in your own brand of hell, Jedi dog."
Before the man could utter a word, Darth Eversor beheaded the degraded servant of light.
There were much greater things ahead of this mere scuffle.

Connor Harrison

LOCATION: Silver Jedi Outpost; Korriban
ALLIES: Silver Jedi on Korriban
ENEMIES: Sith on Korriban
ENGAGING: [member="Haytham Kaze"]

Connor gripped and started to grip harder as the blast shot out from the Sith like a hammer catching him right in the torso, and it send him backwards, crashing across the dirty gravel floor with a groan.


He turned and pushed himself up, rock falling from his armour. "God dammit," he mumbled to himself as he stood to face the Sith, once more still standing still waiting.

Catching his breath, and summoning a brewing frustration and resolve for blood that lay deep down inside the Rogue Master, Connor clenched the heavy fists once more and ran. He ran to the Sith and then threw out his left hand for the first part of the attack; a wild crack of Electric Judgment the flashed and shot out in a green fork of energy as a distraction. Then with his right, he twisted his hand as he imagined it inside the Sith's very own head.

From the Sith Poison of Matsu Xiangu to the crippling might of the Taung spirit, Connor knew the mind was a crucial tool for any sentient being, and so went for this Sith with all he had. Funneling into the brain mass that made all warriors human, Connor gritted his teeth as he pulled apart the Sith's inner thoughts and visions - and it was there he glimpsed her. [member="Joza Perl"] - writhing on the dead flowers; making love to the Sith. Violence. Lust. Passion. Heart-break.

It was Haytham. It was HIM.

The frustration parted as quickly as it came, and in it's place arose the rage born out of hearing her stories and seeing her scars.

Connor snarled and pushed as hard as he could into Haytham's mind, spiking as much erratic Force energy as he could whilst running to once again take him out, but this time, for a punishment much more worse than any other Jedi would administer.
Location: Outer gates
Objective: Fight the undead
Allies: [member="Connor Harrison"], [member="Syn"], [member="Dune Rhur"], [member="Auron Song"], Other Silver Jedi
Enemies: [member="Matsu Xiangu"], [member="Grimoire"], [member="Silas of Ossus"], [member="Darth Raxis"], [member="Sirella Valkner"], [member="Enyo Typhos"]

He could hear it all, the echos of war, the sounds of clashing sabers and blaster, the sounds of monster's growl, the sounds the screams of pain to the very last breath of life. The warrior could deal with the undead, it was easy to cut them down; what was hard was having to see those under his care raise again only for him to cut them down again. Deep down under the rugged and tough skin of the warrior it made his heart sunk having to do that. It was something he hated to do. The waves of humanoid and monstrous zombies came flooding more and over the walls he had made and eventually due to the sheer numbers his walls crumbled easily hitting many the jedi that remained. The attacks were more swift than the last time, Jericho before was able to slow them with ease but they were faster and stronger than before.

"Retreat!" The warrior order to those who could hear. "Defend the gates! Young one, stay close!" He ordered Auron.

Was it because they were empowered with the dark side of the force here in the home of the sith? Was it because that surge of unprecedented power from earlier? Then it came to him. "Matsu..." The warrior whispered quietly to himself; it had to be her or least she was one of the heads behind this. First, Dromand Kaas now korriban? Was this attack similar to the last? A random attack, or was it connected to test how strong the forces of the silver jedi were within the planets that once belong to the sith? It made sense, tactically speaking. maybe from the information gathered Kaas, they planned this attack. Though all of this was an assumption within the warrior's mind but as it seemed when one question may or may not be answered, only more question sprouted out when the warrior just had to question. Who were the ones leading this attack? After seeing his defenses crushed so easily and the Jedi either being pushed back or turned it was the only choice he believed he had.

"Master Rhur. I leave you in charge of the remaining defenses, open comms and order a swift retreat back into the city, fire the cannons at the horde. We still need to hold until reinforcements come."

As the warrior relayed the message, he narrowly caught the strike from a rampaging rancor, he quickly threw up his golden saber into the sky and gripped one of his large finger and its wrist. The warrior then kicked at it's ankle then used the momentum to throw his shoulder slamming the great beast's head into the ground, effortlessly the warrior then placed a foot on its chest and ripped it's arm clean off and used it to bash away a number of incoming undead. The undead rancor let out a grisly roar and made an attempt to take a bite out of the master before the saber came down through it's skills then flew through its face and back into the warriors hand, all in one fluent motion. Followed this fluent motion there was another echo of force entered the grounds of battle that of corruption and death amplified by the dark side already streaming all over the planet. More and more sith were popping up like weeds or cracks in the desert. Always engulfing others with their hate, their malice, it was their strength and their power. But then again unlike he Jedi here, it was his as well, fire formed in the master elemental's eyes. He deactivated his saber and reattached it to his hip.

Earth around him began to shake around him since the jedi around him have either retreated or turned. With each step the the earth would shake around him causing beasts to lose their footing. Those that didn't attempted to pile onto the master only to turn to ash by a brilliant white flame. The warrior stood tall and flames circled his arms, his cloak and armor left unscathed by its power. He had felt the stronger aura emanating from Korriban City not to far off from the outpost. "Syn." He called out with is voice amplified by the force. "Time to cut the head of the snake." The warrior growled. The sith enjoyed seeing power, it was time to show them what he really could do.
Location: Elom
Objective: Everybody Wants to Rule the World
Allies: The Sith Order, logic and reason
Enemies: Where are you guys, seriously?

"Now is the time!" The diminutive alien spat out. "The people of Elom for too long have caterwauled to the call of eternal peace! For too long, they have allowed human off-worlders to dictate their terms. For too long, you have had your industries curtailed, your militaries weakened, conquered by one dictator after another. Under the reign of this new Sith Order, under our glorious banner, you will be free to conduct your own affairs! Free to maintain your own industry. Free to live with your brothers and sisters, Elomin and Elom, in harmony and perpetuity. Allow yourselves the opportunity! Protect your industry, your planet, your world!"

The men and women around him nodded. Nationalism, It was so easy to inspire the poor and a saddened. So easy to turn weakness into strength. So easy to fan the fires of angry men who felt they could be making more, so easy to define the cold, principle logic and let it burn into haughty indignation at the savagery and cruelty of the galaxy. "With barbaric mandalorians, and weak, sycophantic Jedi, do you believe in your supposed protectors? Do they stand here, to fight for you? No! As we speak, forces of the Sith Order march upon worlds abraod, and your supposed protectors flee as cowards ought. It is truth and reason! Only those prepared for war can truly defend a lawful peace! Only those armed and protected can protect the wealth of this world from those who would despoil and ravage it!"

Olom's voice grew louder, the Force echoing and amplifying his tone, stoking rage within them. "The cowardice of mystics will not save you! The plotting of politicians will not save you! The armaments and preparations of war, that is what shall save you from this galaxy of tyrants and despoilers. I come, not to bring you neither my own rulership or command, but the power to take it for yourselves! Who is with me! Who desires PEACE THROUGH POWER!"

Fist were raised, sharing the bellicose slogan and chanting. "PEACE THROUGH POWER! PEACE THROUGH POWER!" Men and women applauded and marched, following the robed Sith towards his ship. He smiled and pressed a button as droids came out of the ship, unloading crates filled with weaponry. "Arm yourselves, people of Elom! Make a new future for this world, free from the tyranny of Jedi! Arm yourselves, people of Elom! PEACE THROUGH POWER!!"
Major Faction


Nimir-ra to Iella, Jedi Shadow
Location: Outer gates
Objective: Fight the undead
Allies: [member="Connor Harrison"], [member="Jericho"], [member="Dune Rhur"], [member="Auron Song"], Other Silver Jedi
Enemies: [member="Matsu Xiangu"], [member="Grimoire"], [member="Silas of Ossus"], [member="Darth Raxis"], [member="Sirella Valkner"], [member="Enyo Typhos"]

He looked at what was happening within the force as they came, this was one of those moments when you were going to get to cut loose and stop holding back like he had to with most enemies. The tensing of his muscles as he moved and the sound when the boot crunched against the sands of the planet were a welcomed sound before he swung. One arm going out and the kinetite ball smashed into the face of a zombie flooding towards him as the solid ball was released and smashed through bodies. A second swing and her released the other one he had in his hand and sent it far back into the horde as it rolled over the bodies smashing them into the ground and small explosions of gore.

The balls were after all able to crush bunkers, frail and dead corpses were not an issue when he charged tackling another zombie with his hand grabbing his head and leaping up. The feeling as he twisted the beings head, pulled him up with his twist and slammed him down into the horde with a shockwave into them as he smashed the body twisting around. One hand grabbing another by the rib before he was using him as a club to send different ones flying into the air before his kinetite balls came back and left chunks there dropping on the area. A piece of body in his hand while he tossed it aside impaling it into the skull of another that crumpled over. The energies were swirling and he felt it.

The energies were swirling around him while he continued to wade into the sea of corpses smashing and forming an aura of protection over himself. The barrier smashes allowing the force energies to dissipate in blue whisps of energy until her lept back up into the air and corkscrewed releasing a roar and shout before coming down with a force blast to make a hole. The blood was boiling from the battle when he was seeing more of the sith but there was no reason to bother with them. For now he could handle this as the defenses he had been speaking about were moving in and ready. Ranger's firing anti sithspawn cannons that sent shockwaves all around him the jedi master was navigating.

He allowed the energies to send him back towards the wall as more energy was coming to him, staying with it when he kicked a head towards the fighter Jericho who was going full jedi brute a reflection of the new super soldier program they had developed. It gave the others with them Connor time to work on his duel but he was needing to work on that whole thing when they didn't have an army coming at them. He was looking out at the sea and went back at the fight allowing the rangers to continue the fight and the shots while others were using the multipurpose rifles in the streets. The plasma cannon able to melt the enemies and creatures that were coming at them before the jedi master dropped down.

The gore on his bare chest while he popped his neck ready to duel more and fight as some of the creatures were coming at her and he reinforced the force aura charging back into the fight smashing into another zombie. before he twisted and grabbed his shoulder swinging him around sending more up for Jericho as he spoke. "Batter up." He said it with a deep voice kicking one of the beings with a force kick that sent a blast through a thick line of them leaving dust and meaty bits to many more of the things. He pushed forward punching through the head of another as he grabbed the section of spine that was jutting out and rotated himself smashing through the ones that were there.

Haytham Kaze

Judge, Judgury, Judgecutioner
Silver Jedi Outpost; Korriban.
[member="Connor Harrison"]

The grasp around his throat was gone, Athyssius was free of it and Connor Harrison was sent back and away from him.

He shook himself loose, rolling his shoulders back as he watched him get back up to his feet. Athyssius blinked, and then the Jedi was charging him. His lightsabre returned to the centre of his being, just as it had before. Standard Jedi training and discipline. Easy.

The Electric Judgement came at him suddenly.

As a Padawan himself he had faced Sith Lightning plenty.

It was his first encounter with Electric Judgement, but the outcome would be the same. He caught the wild emerald lightning on his lightsabre, and he cast it out to the side and off of his blade, effectively deflecting the attack, a pile of sand shooting up into the air, while simultaneously transforming into a miniature, contorted, glass sculpture.

And then his mind's barriers were bypassed and for once in his life, he hesitated.

What is he doing?


His teeth grated upon each other. They weren't sharp, at least, no sharper than the average Human's, but if there had been food of some kind going past, it would've been on its way to the proverbial slaughterhouse. Instead, the Dark Lord of the Sith felt the distant realization of the Jedi Master. The Force spiked in his mind, but realization had dawned on the Sith Lord. He had found out who he was, what he had been. His fists clenched.

Despite being a Sith, and having wronged the Zeltron in many ways. All of these were things that the Jedi Master had seen. Choice memories. Choice images he looked for. Athyssius made him see what he wanted now. Sure there was lust, passion, violence, and heartbreak. But there was love, rage, fear, uncertainty, regret. A whole medley of emotions that the Sith Lord rarely allowed to surface, emotions that only [member="Joza Perl"] had been privy too. Emotions and feelings that he had never vocalized.

Athyssius used that.

He flooded the Jedi Master's own visions with what he hadn't looked for, intending to overwhelm his own senses to distract him.

Those emotions were called upon in those moments. There was no thought to it, there couldn't be, he had never lost control as as he was now. He rooted himself into the ground, and he screamed in the Force. A Force Scream right for the Jedi's face, but that was not all. It was deafening for sure, it likely would've made his ears bleed if he didn't wear a helmet, but deep within, the Dark Side in its purest form took hold, and strengthened him.

Force Rage.

As the Jedi attempted to run through him, Athyssius stood his ground and took him head on. He most definitely slid backwards, but he wasn't going onto his back again. A grapple. Pure and simple.

"You're not leaving here whole."
KORRIBAN > En route to Ziost
Location: MC42 Nadesico (Corellia Digital Fleet)
Objective: Support the Silver Jedi
Allies: [member="Gir Quee"] | [member="Jerek Zenduu"] | [member="Reshmar"] | Order of the Silver Jedi
Enemies: [member="Velok the Younger"] | [member="Darth Raxis"] | [member="Haytham Kaze"] | Sith Fleeters

"Jedi starfighter is aboard, Captain."

"Very well," the aged Ranger answered, adjusting her posture in the command chair as she looked over the bridge. "Helm, prepare to make the jump to lightspeed."

"Aye, ma'am."

Turning her head, the fading blonde directed her attention over to the com-scan officer. "Launch hyperspace probes. Wide dispersal pattern. And leave one in the system, in case things flare up here."

"Yes, ma'am."

Eyes forward, the steel blue irises stared out into the sea of stars that was the same as those she'd looked out on for the better part of fifty years. And people said retirement was boring.

"Punch it."
SJO HQ, Korriban
Post IV
Allies: [member="Jericho"] [member="Auron Song"] [member="Syn"] [member="Connor Harrison"]
Enemies: [member="Matsu Xiangu"] [member="Grimoire"] [member="Darth Raxis"] [member="Silas of Ossus"] [member="Enyo Typhos"] [member="Sirella Valkner"]

From within the control room, Dune had done his best to coordinate things. Civilians had been pulled out as quickly as possible but still there'd been casualties as the zombies streamed past the defenders. The Jedi had only bought them time.

Now they were being pushed back within the city. Rangers and Jedi were falling back to defensible positions against the stinking horde. The Bith remembered all too well the stench they gave off. He couldn't fathom the mental illnesses the Sith who cavorted with corpses would have.

"Understood, Master Jericho, activating automated defenses now," he replied over the comm and a technician brought them online at his nod. Cannons and turrets would be waking up and starting to cut down the shambling corpses. A kind of final mercy for those violated in their graves.

"These Sith seem obsessed with the dead. Perhaps it takes a horde of zombies to cover their body odor," he commented to the room and it helped ease the tension as the technicians chuckled.

Sor-Jan Xantha


"...we should increase patrols along the border with the Mandalorians."

The small Jedi was on the starboard bridge of the Venator. Whereas the port managed the navigation of the ship itself, the starboard contained the Sasori Logistics Suite that enabled the stately vessel to coordinate all of Corellia Digital's interstellar assets from a single, mobile headquarters. It had more in common with a corporate board room than it did with its original function, which had been aerospace traffic control for the clone pilots operating starfighters out of the hangar bay. But that was nearly nine hundred years ago. Today, the Intervention fielded a squadron of droid starfighters, which could be coordinated from the main bridge by the fire control technicians.

Instead of his company's board of directors, the small Jedi was on a holo-conference with the Silver Jedi Council. At least, those members who were available. Most of the masters were deployed to the present crisis, which was precisely the point he wanted to make. "The Clans may perceive the situation in the Caldera as an opportunity, and strike at Rhen Var or one of our other border worlds while our forces are otherwise engaged."

He bore the Mandalorians no ill will. Many of his own personal friends were Mandalorians, but the situation at Ilum and Yavin 4 had left an uneasy peace between the galactic neighbors. Prudence being the better option, he'd rather they reinforce the SIlver Watch in a show of strength than pitch everything at Caldera and forsake their own border security.

As he was on the call, Jorun - his personal assistant - entered the room to speak to the boy. "General, there's an urgent transmission for you from the Nadesico."

The boy nodded his thanks, a wave of his hand placing the Jedi Council on hold and lifting that holographic display off to one side as the image of [member="Junko Ike"] appeared in blue scan lines over the conference table. As he listened to the Jedi Princess speak, Jorun leaned in to add, "Also, the Epistellar Jovian and the Yamoto have arrived at Voss-Ka, sir."

"Very well," the small Anzat uttered in acknowledgment, his tone oddly cold.

One thing he'd been rather vocal in objecting to was the clone army that the Order of the Silver Jedi had access to. All things being equal, the Clone Wars had taught the boy the value of droid armies. Clones were something human. A little too much like slaves for his taste, living beings with their own hopes and dreams... sent off to war with absolutely no say in the matter, because some cloner wanted to play god and some gods damned dictator had delusions of grandeur enough to placate that godhood.

...he supposed that was going to make him complacent in the crime.

The Yamoto was one of Corellia Digital's Liorre-class super freighters. It would have room for between 40- to 60,000 troops. The Epistellar Jovian would then escort the freighter to the Caldera, where it could supply reinforcement to the Silver Jedi.

He was doing what was necessary.

And he didn't like it. Not one damned bit.

It made him wonder if Master Yoda hadn't had similar feelings toward the Clone Wars...

[member="Coci Heavenshield"] | [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] | [member="Connor Harrison"] | [member="Velok the Younger"]​

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