Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Silver Jedi Come (Dominion of Malachor V + Sith Order Rebellion)

Connor Harrison

LOCATION: Silver Jedi Outpost; Korriban
ALLIES: [member="Dune Rhur"] | [member="Auron Song"] | [member="Jericho"] | [member="Suravi Teigra"] | [member="Charzon Loulan"]
ENEMIES: Sith on Korriban
ENGAGING: [member="Haytham Kaze"] | [member="Nulgath Zardai"]

This Sith was all talk – but whoever his armour was, Connor had to find out and get some of that for his own unit. As Connor pushed out, Haytham came closer and launched his own Lightning attack; the two bolts clashed together, causing erratic forks to shoot out and bright light flare between the pair.

The Rogue Master knew this ways. Others accepted him for what he was; if the blind view of Sith was all Jedi who used the Force as a tool meant they were lower than them, they were the fool. Connor would use any and all means at his disposal to fight and destroy agents of the Dark Side, not just simple tricks and magic. Fight fire with fire; be the expendable Jedi he had to be – get his hands dirty to stop others doing the same.

As the power between the two swelled, a barrier suddenly flashed up before him and Haytham’s attack splayed out and vanished. Connor cut his attack and curled his fist up, feeling the burn and holding it close as he surveyed the energy field that had come from nowhere.

He span around; nobody behind him. Then, across the way to Haytham, an older Sith looking like years of corruption had riddled him stood by with his hand out to the Jedi.

Listening to his voice speak out, Connor held his hand out and called the saber to his palm that was beside him. He gripped it as he breathed heavily at the welcome break in the fight. This old man seemed more like the Sith of ancients; not born out of bloodshed but out of tactical, calculating warfare that took months and years to accomplish, not just minutes on a battlefield.

Reaching up to his com, he activated the signal once more to those on Korriban and also Grandmaster [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] where he would be reached.

”Thurion, I’m on Korriban – this is escalating into something apocalyptic. We need to take out the city or get the hell out; they’re splitting us up across the sector! We’re fodder!”

Haytham Kaze

Judge, Judgury, Judgecutioner
Silver Jedi Outpost; Korriban.
[member="Connor Harrison"], [member="Nulgath Zardai"]

In regards to what Nulgath saw, there was no Triumvirate markings on the cloak Athyssius bore, as cool as they would've been to have a faded, crimson symbol on the pure blackness that was his cloak. Alas, it was merely plainly black. The only way to know what Sith organization he affiliated with was to ask him personally, or to have seen him fight on Ruusan, when the Triumvirate had been stripping it from the dying hands of the Techno Union, or protecting it from the largest fleet the Silver Sanctum Coalition had ever amassed, and was beat back by a lesser Sith army. Orcus had said they would win. And they had. And then Athyssius killed his Master, and took his weapons for himself.

Some were modified, others were not.

But this Sith here? In all his time with the Triumvirate, he had never seen him before in his life, or felt his presence.

And then he started to speak to him, as if he knew who Athyssius was.

Who was this guy anyway?

The Dark Lord of the Sith was going to cut him short.

"Shut. Up.

You're nothing to me."

He didn't even bother to look at the Epicanthix. Instead, he looked out and away from the both of them. He walked to the side, as if neither of the two existed. Many miles away he could feel the death that was occurring in Korriban City. Hundreds were dying. No... Thousands. Hundreds of thousands. The Silver Jedi Outpost was closeby, he could discern that it wasn't coming from there, but even further from that. Athyssius's fists clenched tightly. His teeth tightened against each other as he turned to face the Jedi.


That's what Darth Athyssius felt on the other side of the planet.

"Is this what you stand for Jidai?" Doubtful was he that the Jedi knew a thing about him besides actions long ago cemented in the past, but Athyssius had joined the ranks of the Sith for peace. He didn't dislike the Jedi, hadn't, not when he had left the Galactic Republic. But they had made too many mistakes, too many slights past by her Republic. He joined the Sith Triumvirate, and entered the ranks of the One Sith to bring it down from within. They had been barbarians, monsters. They needed to be eradicated. Then the Silver Coalition attacked Ruusan. There too, they had killed thousands of civilians at Olomondo City.

His Crushgaunts clenched tighter.

"We will see each other again, Connor Harrison.

I'll be burning your Voss."

And promptly, he turned, dropping down to pick up his rifle and slotting it back onto his belt. Business elsewhere. Other Jedi to kill. Deaths of civilians to stop. Back the way he came.

Connor Harrison

LOCATION: Silver Jedi Outpost; Korriban
ALLIES: Silver Jedi on Korriban
ENEMIES: Sith on Korriban
ENGAGING: [member="Haytham Kaze"] | [member="Nulgath Zardai"]

Connor looked from behind the Force barrier to Haytham and where he walked, looking outwards. There was nothing to see, but on the horizon, the sky was lit up. A glow. A haze rising. Flashes of light in orbit caught Connor’s eye and trials flew down and shot up from the ground as small flashes peppered the landscape. He swallowed hard as a chill ran up his spine.

”I stand for what, Haytham?” Haytham made his exit clear, but Connor wasn’t ready for him to go. No! Not yet! ”STAND FOR WHAT?” He bellowed out - it was one thing to threaten him, but not his home and those he cared for.

The Force barrier was there for his own safety as well as Haytham’s he imagined, and an armoured fist hit at it but nothing wavered. Something was happening across the planet, and something wasn’t right.

He looked and moved over to stand parallel the mysterious Sith on the other side of the barrier.

”Who are you? Hm? And why this?” Connor hit the barrier again with his hand. ”What’s happening out there? Tell me!”
Location: Korriban's Atmosphere - Ebon Hawk
Allies: Silver Jedi Order, [member="Matsu Ike"] (coms), [member="Connor Harrison"] (coms), Other SJ on Korriban (coms)
Enemies: Sith, [member="Darth Praetorias"], [member="Charzon Loulan"], Anyone who participated in the bombing of Korriban

He hoped he was dreaming.

He couldn't stop the Hawk from plummiting,
He couldn't even force himself to move.

How many had died in the bombing of Korriban? Why was he forced to witness it? Why was he forced to witness the SLAUGHTER of millions of innocents, not just Sith. Whoever was responsible for dropping those bombs was a murderer, plain and simple. Innocents hadn't done nothing wrong, many of them were trying to live their lives. They'd just been slaughtered by whoever dropped those bombs, it was unfair. Someone had signed a million people up for death, they hadn't thought of what their action would lead to. He almost didn't want to believe what had happened, he wanted to be dreaming, he really wanted to be.

T3J8 woke him up, his beeps of panic. The ship was falling, the ship was falling fast. Kei had ignored everything when those bombs dropped, he hadn't thought about the ship. He grunted quickly, pulling back on the throttle, pitching the ship back to try and level it out, the flaps of the ship opening to try as hard as possible to slow the Hawk down. Kei was fighting for control of his own ship, the rubble of Korriban City getting closer and closer to him. He felt the bottom of the ship begin to skim the ground, and finally Kei guided her to a stop. It wasn't a pretty landing, but he was pretty sure he'd kept enough of The Hawk intact so he could take off again.

Once he found out who the hell was responsible for this.

"T3, scan the holonet, I want to know exactly who the hell is responsible for this"

He thought it and said it, no filter at all. He felt the echo in the force, the numerous amount of people dead. It felt cold and it felt empty. He needed a way to inform Matsu, he needed to make her aware of what had happened if she wasn't here already. He flicked a few buttons, opening a small holomessage ready for him to record in. Hopefully Matsu would recieve it and see the pure look of shock on his face.

T3 beeped again, Kei gasped.

The message was still running, Matsu would be able to see everything when she opened it her end. He prayed to god that T3 was lying, though something told him that the droid was being deadly serious. He restarted the message, glaring right at the holocamera built into his control panel.

"Oh...god. Who gave the order? They bombed Korriban City. We bombed Korriban City"

He ended the message, just that. He ordered T3 to project the message, every Silver Jedi on the planet would get the news. They, the Silver Jedi, bombed Korriban City. They were responsible for the death of millions upon millions. He ordered T3 again, he didn't have time for plesentries. He wanted out, he wanted out and he ordered T3 to make The Hawk flight worthy again. He wasn't a fighter, he wasn't going to fight with those who bombed planets.

He just had to wait five minutes for T3 to get the ship flightworthy again. Until then, he waited in a ruine ship in a ruined street in a ruined city. Korriban City.
LOCATION: Descension.
ALLIES: The Pain Ft. [member="Enyo Typhos"] | [member="Matsu Xiangu"] | [member="Munin"] | [member="Sumiko Tanaka"] | [member="Enyo Typhos"] | [member="Sirella Valkner"]
ENEMIES: Ow. Ow Ow Ow Owwww. Also: [member="Dune Rhur"] | [member="Thoja Arlos"] | [member="Syn"] | [member="Suravi Teigra"] | [member="Jericho"] | [member="Auron Song"]

He was flying.

Strange, he could remember the sand under his feet just a moment ago, flying... there was a light in his eyes and it hurt, but it was nothing like the fire burning through his veins and clutching down his throat. Silas couldn't scream, couldn't speak, couldn't move either, all he could do was... fly. It felt like hours later, but perhaps it had only been seconds; time was difficult to measure when agony stretched out.

The young pup tried to open his eyes, something sticky trickled in and it burned.

Nearby the sound of whining reached him. He forced open an eye and saw the remains of one of his pets, half its body disintegrated from waist down, but still trying to move... it crawled around the sand, claws digging deep in an attempt to pull itself forward.

But where was the other on- feth.

Clarity suddenly broke through the fog like lightning forcing its way through. A previous conversation with Xiangu, the plans made and the plots being set in motion, the role of one of the pets.... and the contents of its body.

See, the Sith weren't good people, they were pragmatists at best and at worst... well, you didn't want to know. The point was, one of Xiangu's Kindred had a vial inserted into it - a vial with a dangerous biochemical agent. The plan had been simple, get it into the Jedi Outpost, spring it there without their knowledge and then have them infect one another without them knowing it.

Now, though, now that plan got immeasurably more complicated.

Because now his eyes noticed the limp and fractured body of his other pet, a few meters away. Body broken... vial broken and if Matsu's words were true (and he had no reason to disbelief her) it was already spreading.

Silas started to crawl.

He wasn't gonna give up just like that.
In the Darkness there is Truth
Location: Korriban
Allies: Sith, [member="Haytham Kaze"], [member="Nulgath Zardai"]
Enemies: [member="Connor Harrison"]

There was a bright flash of light, then Sumiko felt the lives of countless beings being extinquished when a Silver fleet rained down hellfire upon Korriban City. She looked to the sky and saw the flashes of light coming from orbit. Thousands of lives screamed in agony through the Force, before they were silenced forever.

Unlike some of her companions, Sumiko did not react with outrage. She was a sociopath who did not care about ordinary people. However, what disgusted her was the delusional, blind hypocrisy of the so called defenders of light and their notions of righteousness.

"Go, my pets, and feast upon all Jedi and their minions. Spare the rest," she commanded her beasts. She did not order them to ignore civilians out of sentiment, but cold, rational calculation. "Ah the Jedi, my favourite collection of hypocritical Lightsiders. They did this to us once, you understand. Purged us with fire and genocide. Always maintained the high ground that it was our fault, and we should be thankful to be purged in such a way," Souldrinker rasped inside her mind.

Ahead of her, she could see the Rogue Jedi Master called Connor Harrison. He seemed to be in a state of considerable emotional upheaval. "Congratulations, Jedi, your ships just bombed an inhabited city. As if you hadn't embarrased yourself enough, you handed the Sith their greatest PR victory,"

then she slammed her mind against this. It was a two-pronged assault. The first part was textbook: Overwhelmning light, sound and sensation. Intended to disorientate the target. The second was derived from the techniques of Darth Zannah. It would begin as a sharp pain in the skull as she hurled a psychic javelin against his brain in order to carve through it and slice it in twain. The javelin exploded into thousands upon thousands of hot shards.
Location: Korriban City
Enemies: Blood loss, maiming, the Holy Jedi Empire, [member="Suravi Teigra"] (?), [member="Charzon Loulan"], possibly [member="Syn"], [member="Jericho"]
Allies: [member="Sirella Valkner"], [member="Matsu Xiangu"], [member="Seren Ordavo"], the Dark Side, Kerrigan stubbornness.

In an instant, the sky was on fire and thousands of lives were extinguished within the blink of an eye, at the press of a button. Then there was silence: The silence of a graveyard, only broken by the wailing of the wounded, those who were dying and those who searched for their loved ones in the rubble.

Doubtless many more would die ere the day was over. Just another killing field in a bleak, grim galaxy, only, for a change, this atrocity had not been committed by those who wore black robes and carried crimson lightsabres. A substantial portion of the ancient, proud city had been annihilated.

The Clone of Siobhan Kerrigan had survived, though barely. She was no Master of the Force and could not tank the punishment that she had been subjected to, but she lived. Her body was broken and shattered. Her armour had probably allowed her to survive.

Slowly, the young clone crawled out of the rubble she had been buried beneath. Everywhere around her, she could see naught but destruction. Bodies had been vaporised, leaving only ash, buildings broken. The air was thick with the scent of death, the dark side had grown even stronger, for each murdered soul fuelled its power. One of her had been severed, along with a leg. The remaining one was a mess. The sand felt boiling hot beneath, or perhaps that was just her confused mind.

Agony flooded her body, feeding her rage. Rage built up inside her: Against Archangel for sending her here, against the Jedi. She wanted to see the hypocritical, murdering Burlap Brigade burn in the fires of Chaos. Her rage alone seemed to keep her going. An animalistic howl escaped her throat. Her anger was even stronger than when she'd learned that her sister had created her as a host to transfer her essence into.

She was the clone of Siobhan fething Kerrigan. As much as she hated her template, she'd inherited her stubbornness. She would not die on this godforsaken hellhole. A fire burnt inside her, as brightly as the hellfire that had been unleashed upon this town. All around her, she could hear the wails and lamentation of ghosts, crying out for vengeance. Their voices rose to the heavens like a chorus of anger and she answered. "The Jedi did this to you. Kill them. Kill them all."

Atlas Kane

Location: Korriban City Gate, Sith HQ
Allies: [member="Velok the Younger"], [member="[/FONT][FONT='times new roman']Sirella Valkner[/FONT][FONT='times new roman']"], [member="[/FONT][FONT='times new roman']Haytham Kaze[/FONT][FONT='times new roman']"], [member="[/FONT][FONT='times new roman']Grimoire[/FONT][FONT='times new roman']"], [member="[/FONT][FONT='times new roman']Matsu Xiangu[/FONT][FONT='times new roman']"], [member="[/FONT][FONT='times new roman']Darth Raxis[/FONT][FONT='times new roman']"], [member="[/FONT][FONT='times new roman']Enyo Typhos[/FONT][FONT='times new roman']"], [member="[/FONT][FONT='times new roman']Silas of Ossus[/FONT][FONT='times new roman']"], [member="[/FONT][FONT='times new roman']Vulkan[/FONT][FONT='times new roman']"] and any other Sith in the vicinity
Enemies: [member="Kei Garnik"], [member="[/FONT][FONT='times new roman']Dune Rhur[/FONT][FONT='times new roman']"], [member="[/FONT][FONT='times new roman']Auron Song[/FONT][FONT='times new roman']"], [member="[/FONT][FONT='times new roman']Jericho[/FONT][FONT='times new roman']"], [member="[/FONT][FONT='times new roman']Connor Harrison[/FONT][FONT='times new roman']"] and any other Silver Jedi
Objective: Observe the Jedi's atrocities; Investigate the ship's crash-site.

Oh boy, nearly none of my tags worked, however most are not affected by this post, so that is alright, I think.

"Thank you, though I am not quite sure what you mean by fire-"

An explosion interrupted him. It had come from inside the city. Then another one happened, and another one, and then even more.

Praetorias looked towards the city, it was being bombarded. But the Sith didn't have any Fleet in Orbit capable of bombardment anymore, did they? No, Velok had ordered his fleet to go to another part of the system. So who was doing this? It couldn't be the Jedi, could it? But it had to be. Unless one of their allies had turned against them, no one else was in the position to bombard the City. Time would tell, he thought.

He made sure to get away to a place he deemed far enough to be safe. He looked at the city in amazement. Who would be foolish enough to cause so much destruction to a city filled with civilians? The main Sith forces had only taken the walls and established a perimeter around the city, they hadn't assaulted the city, yet still, a bombardment was taking place. Praetorias could feel as life after life was extinguished by the explosions. So much pain, so much suffering, and all of it because of some foolish admiral's decision to preemptively bombard the city. To someone with better morals than the Sith Lord this might have been an atrocity worth grieving over, but to Praetorias it was almost funny. The Jedi and their allies were at it again, exterminating the lives of even more innocents. History does indeed repeat itself.

Once the bombardment was over Praetorias spotted a ship coming down. It was of unknown allegiance, neither visibly Sith nor Jedi, but he when he stretched out with the Force, he could feel someone aboard, someone who could also wield the Force. It's trajectory seemed to point inside the city. Praetorias became curious, he already had the desire to see the carnage that had happened inside the city for himself, but the potential of a Jedi on the ship made it more tempting. He made his way back towards the gate and inside the city itself. The ship had not crashed far from it and he would still be able to reach his allies within seconds, if they required his aid, all it would need was a simple telepathic message or some other form of communication, but Praetorias was certain they knew that, they were capable Sith Lords and intelligent sentient beings after all.

The Lord set out towards the ship. He could feel that the person who had been inside it was still alive, so the ship must have landed more safely than its flight had indicated. Seeing the dead bodies strewn about the streets gave the Sith Lord an idea. He used the Force to tear up his robes a bit and masked his presence in the Force, making him appear like just another innocent who had been caught within the crossfire. Now, it was not the best disguise, but it might give him the element of surprise, should a fight break out between whoever he had sensed and himself.

When he arrived at the ruined street that served as the temporary landing zone for the ship, he made sure to slow down and assume a more wounded posture, giving his walk a limp and holding his side should do the trick. With that he approached the ship. "Hello? Excuse me? You there, could you please help me, I've survived the attack but I fear that I am not entirely unscathed." He said, trying to imitate the sound of an oblivious aristocrat who had lived secluded from all the "common folk" around him.
Location: Some Ruined Street, Korriban City, Ebon Hawk
Allies: Some Silver Jedi
Enemies: [member="Darth Praetorias"], [member="Charzon Loulan"], Everyone who participated in the bombing of Korriban

He watched the man slowly. He'd headed out into the main hold and dropped the ramp while T3 was working, he wanted to go and inspect the damage of the city, of The Hawk. He wanted to go and see exactly what The Silver Jedi was capable of. They were obviously capable of bombing innocents, but what damage could they do? It was obvious just by looking behind the man, half a building had been turned to dust. The road that he'd guided the Hawk down onto was cracked and melted, the bombs had obviously hit hard in the area. The bombs, it almost didn't seem real, the bombs that had rained down on the city.

He hated the Silver Jedi, he really did.

"Get aboard, I'll see what I can do with the medbay I have"

He watched the man with distrust in his eyes. He couldn't feel anything in the force, the man seemed legit, but he still wasn't trusting. It was still a time of battle, civilians could of easily been roped into the fighting. He wanted off world, he hated Noriko for roping him into this. He questioned if he was fighting for the wrong team, the Sith hadn't commited genocide, not yet. The Jedi, the Jedi had just bombed a planet to hell.

He muttered slowly to himself, sighing.

"God I wish I had of just stayed home"
Location: Outside the Silver Jedi Outpost, Korriban
Objective: Get it together, find the rest of the Jedi, gather clarity, stop the Sith
Allies: Order Of The Silver Jedi, [member="Jericho"], [member="Connor Harrison"], [member="Dune Rhur"], [member="Syn"], [member="Kei Garnik"], Song pride
Enemies: Shellshock and confusion, The Sith, [member="Velok the Younger"], [member="Haytham Kaze"], [member="Matsu Xiangu"], [member="Darth Raxis"], [member="Enyo Typhos"], [member="Grimoire"], [member="Silas of Ossus"], [member="Darth Praetorias"]
Post: 6/38

When a man is forced to face the most inscrutable darkness - a black that threatens to swallow the good and the beauty of the universe - then he must remove all doubt and be prepared to sacrifice things he would never consider before. This, Auron had accepted some degree of, but until these moments he had never fully understood it. Around him, a storm of chaos persisted; the unbearable cries of the dying and the undead, the clash of lightsabers, the strikes of lasers, the sonic booms of heavy, earthen explosions, and a persistent and excruciating ringing in his ears. Overhead, fuzzy from distorting vision, there was fire, and he could no longer make out from what side it came. He was dizzy, sick, covered in dirt and blood with his robe torn and stained, and barely able to process that which surrounded him. He could hear breathing heavy in his own ear, rivalled only by the thump, thump, thump of his heart that threatened to burst itself out of his chest. Everything was slow, and all was red.

No... Get. It. Together.
The young Jedi breathed quickly and heavily, as feeling began to return to his body. He became aware once more of where he was, what he was doing. He was sitting amidst a battlefield, on Korriban. He had his lightsaber still, clenched; a minor miracle amidst an unnatural and hellish purgatory. He had to move, he had to keep going. No matter what, he could not give up. With all the energy he could muster, he pushed himself up from the ground and attempted to focus his vision, his hearing and his attunenment to the Force. His leg twinged fiercely and his whole body ached, and he pushed as much as he could to strengthen himself. He began to become aware of others around him; the battle was still in full flow, only the scent of death was more prevalent than ever; unbearably so. Thick smoke and dirt began to fill the air around him, and he had trouble breathing regularly as a result, but he persisted. He needed to find his allies. He reignited his blade and looked forward, staggering ahead.
Objective: I dunno, maybe I will change pace and save people just to be different, gah.
Allies: [member="Enyo Typhos"] [member="Sirella Valkner"] [member="Ostanes"] [member="Silas of Ossus"] [member="Seren Ordavo"]
Enemies: Everybody Else
Location: Korriban, Ruins (not the new ones)

Sometimes when you stare into darkness, you find it stares back at you. Other times, you discover it is simply void. Utter blackness without end, without reprieve, without a single voice to accompany it and personify it. Which is worse, the terrible knowledge that the void has sentience, or the infinite loneliness of darkness.

The Smoke Demon glared into Vulkan's soul seeking anything to become, any great fear, any hidden thought of horror it could embody. But those things, that humanity, had been lost long ago. Now all that was left was hunger.

"Fear Itself." Vulkan muttered to himself and the black swirls of coiled around him, and turned its attention outward, watching for a victim, bent to the Sith's will. Vulkan rose from the dust and scattered the remnants of his ritual, the runes he had carved in the sand, burying the physical evidence quickly. He did not want others to realize how weak he had become since his resurrection, not that he was worried someone would discover who he was, but just that he was weaker than he let on.

With a steady pace, the Sith began making his way towards the ruined city with a wicked smile behind his mask as he drank in the essence of fear and loathing that radiated from that place. So many were terrified, trapped by their minds or by rubble, and from them, the Sith fed. Even as he approached he could smell the sweat and adrenaline in the air, taste it with his forked tongue.

The Sith Barabel stopped and looked down at several dust covered people, running, crying, from the city. "What happened?" He asked, feigning interest. He knew, the Sith Fleet had bombed the planet. From his time with the One Sith it wasn't surprising. The black smoke around him clung close, swirling. It lurched forward at first but was quickly restrained by the Sith.

"We don't know, everything just happened. Explosions, fire. They just started bombing the city."

Vulkan snarled behind the mask and waved a hand at them, the black smoke pouring into her body. She screamed, but Vulkan was already moving past her, red lightning bursting from his fingers into the three others with the woman, tearing at their souls and siphoning off their essence into the Sith, when she became translucent and then faded from sight. A moment later, the smoke swirled around its master's form again, engorged with the life of another.
[member="Judah Dashiell"]

Siobhan was far away from the killing fields of the godsforsaken tomb world known as Korriban. As a matter of fact, she was on Arkas. Night had fallen upon the beautiful planet and she'd retired to her bed, after having spent much of the day supervising Firemane development projects.

However, it seemed her slumber would be interrupted. Siobhan was a heavy slipper, so it took a bit for Harmony to wake her up. "Lady Mistress, it's urgent. There's important news." Siobhan kept on sleeping, only stirring slightly.

Finally, the Dahomian had enough and splashed her with some cold water. That tended to do the trick! Abruptly, Siobhan's eyes fluttered open. She rubbed them and glared at the interloper. "What...Harmony? This isn't funny at all! You better have a damn good reason," she growled.

"There's news from Korriban. You'll want to hear this, Lady."

"If this is the Silver Jedi asking for my help..."

"If the reports are accurate, I can't see you wanting to help them."

"Ok, out with it? What's got you so flustered?"

"Silver Jedi vessels fired on a population centre from orbit. It's all over the news. There was collateral."

Siobhan blinked. "Seriously? Has this been verified by independent sources? It could be a Sith trick."

"We're checking our sources. COAS is working on the case. But last we heard, there were no Sith warships in Korriban orbit when the attack began."

The Countess looked disgusted. "I thought they were hippies, but I see some of them have returned to the old days of Halcyon. I shouldn't be surprised given Metalorn and Ahto City. So much for guardians of peace and justice. Give Maerys and Tegs a call. We'll have to formulate a response. I want our forces to be alert in case Sith make a house call."

"Yes, Lady Mistress. I guess we're fortunate that there's no Silver presence on our homeworld. By the way, Mr Dashiell has been trying to reach you. He's on the line right now."

"I'll go chat with him. He's sensible. While you're at it, tell Maerys to inform the Queen. I'll be returning to Tygara. We'll have to be prepared in case a crazy Silver decides they can mess with us because they don't like our colour scheme." Siobhan arose from her bed. Since she was in an inappropriate state of undress, she slipped on a robe and got her unruly firemane in order, before answering the call.

Atlas Kane

Location: Korriban City Gate, Sith HQ
Allies: The Sith
Enemies: [member="Kei Garnik"], and the other Silver Jedi that I'll not tag, as it would most likely not work and only clutter up their feeds!
Objective: Investigate the crash-site.

It appeared that the man had fallen for the deception. The Sith Lord was invited inside the ship, so he walked closer. When he was close enough, he observed the young man. No lightsaber, still a young age, no traditional Jedi robes. The man was a Padawan at best, if not entirely unrelated to the Order. "If I may ask, are you here with the Jedi?" His tone was colder now, less like the one he used before. His limp had also faded a bit, turning into more of a casual stride. He was confident this man was no Jedi Master, so he would no longer need his element of surprise.

If not the sudden change in posture, the Sith's eyes would certainly tip the man off, as it became easier to see that they were almost radiating in a reddish-yellow hue. Behind his mask the Sith Lord also started smiling. It had been a long time since he last encountered someone like this, stranded in a destroyed city, all alone and possibly part of the enemies he was here to kill. What made it even better were all the Dark Side emotions that Praetorias felt. They were echoes of those that the residents of the city had felt during their last moments and they empowered the already strong presence of the Dark Side in this place even more.

Once there was a good few metres distance between the Sith and the man, he stopped and waited for a response, one arm hidden underneath his robes, ready to draw his Lightsaber. The familiar metal made Praetorias' excited to be in a battle once more. Far too long had there been peace, far too long had the weapon been deactivated. And if the bombardment of Korriban city was any indication, then more war was going to follow, a thought that the Sith very much enjoyed. The Sith thrived on war, conflict weeded out weakness and bred strength. The Sith Order would only increase in power as time passed, their already formidable Forces would be bolstered by more and more powerful Sith. No one in the Galaxy would be safe, they would exact their vengeance upon the Jedi.
Location: Ruined Street, Korriban City, Ebon Hawk
Allies: Some Silver Jedi
Enemies: [member="Darth Praetorias"], [member="Charzon Loulan"], Anyone who participated in the bombing of Korriban

He wasn't paying attention to his passanger, not really. He closed up the ship pretty quickly, blocking out the view of the ruined city. He was shaking slightly under the black robes, the phrik chestplate and cortoris gauntlets almost useless to him. He wasn't fighting anyone, at least those not involved with the bombing of the planet. He listened to the question from the man with interest, still a million miles away. The place was radiating death, it was almost painful.

"I don't even know. Do you trust your "allies" when they completely bomb a city to dust?"

He didn't even care what he was saying, not really. He wasn't a Jedi, not if the Jedi commited Genocide and wiped out entire cities for the sheer hell of it. That's all it was, the sheer hell of it. He didn't want to be associated with that, it was horrific the lengths that people would go to win a fight. His tone was soft, full of sadness at what had happened, and he continued talking because not even he cared what he was saying.

"Every single person who died in this city was innocent, many of them had a wife and kids and we stripped that away from them. They're murderers, they're on the level of the Sith. At least the Sith pretend to be justified in what they do, bombing an entire city can't be justified"

Location: Aboard the Judgement

Objective: Sound the Retreat
Allies: [member="Kära Vi'dreya"] | [member="Thyrian Hearthfire"]
Enemies: The Sith Order

he joyous occasion was soon besmirched by the sudden pain felt through the Force. While sat watching his brother and childhood friend marvel at their firstborn, Thurion's smile was suddenly dropped into a frown, and his hand was raised to his heart. He looked around him as if confused about his whereabouts for a second before rising from his chair to step over to one of the viewports. Something was wrong... so terribly wrong.

Next what happened was the voice of [member="Connor Harrison"] reaching his private commlink. "Thurion, I’m on Korriban – this is escalating into something apocalyptic. We need to take out the city or get the hell out; they’re splitting us up across the sector! We’re fodder!"

Pressing his forehead to the transparisteel while gazing out toward the stars and the infinite void, Thurion raised his communicator to his lips with a trembling hand. "Get out of there, Connor! Pull back any forces in the area and regroup off-world. Enough lives have been lost..."

Thurion then hailed every Silver Jedi vessel and every member of the Order, swallowing hard before giving the order. "This is Grandmaster Thurion Heavenshield aboard the Judgement, ordering all Jedi forces to pull out of Korriban and any other system in the close vicinity. A terrible act has been committed, and we will not add to this disaster by losing more lives to senseless violence. Pull out and regroup at the closest rallypoint. Thurion, out..."

And with that, he slumped back into his chair. Not even the birth of his nephew could bring joy to his heart now.
Location: Close to a tomb forgotten by the galaxy.
This was a damned world. Mythos knew it the moment he landed here in the reign of Zambrano the Hutt and the Primeval. He spent much of his time here as a result, many tombs left undiscovered and many slabs left undecipherable. Groom always wanted to come back too, the sands and the suffocating pressure of the darkside in this world were the things he enjoyed the most. This was a damned world... fought over for thousands of years whilst never giving more fruit than a single city in all of Naboo. Mythos found worth in it, many slabs and ancient trinkets would go for thousands of credits in the hands of collectors Mythos knowing many. The mandalorian crusade had left a sour sting in the market for his clientele many reporting goods robbed and entire banks left in ruin but there were always some who would offer up a good price. Archaeology was more than a source of income it was also an art form for Mythos. He searched for it, he knew it existed and he knew he could perhaps find it here in Korriban.

Texts or scrolls depicting the source of power and rituals and processes to return the sensitivity of the force to an individual or to grant it to one who never had it. He knew it existed as it was briefly mentioned in a shattered wall two clicks from the tomb of Martha Ragnos that was about two hundred miles to his east. He was well armed for this particular visit to the dead planet, his many visits to the planet had rewarded Mythos with connections with the people, the underground market and the criminal element inside the planet. He had earned a few favors and was well regarded as a frequent visitor and a wicked fighter. Well connected and well regarded he was informed beforehand of the current situation in the planet and was advised to come well armed and to travel light and fast as to avoid any trouble. Beneath the sand colored terentatek hide leather and HUD visor, Mythos' eyes came upon the sight of shining box... He smiled. "One step closer'


Atlas Kane

Location: Korriban City, Near the Gates
Allies: The Sith
Enemies: [member="Kei Garnik"], The Jedi
Objective: Deal with the Jedi ally

The Sith looked around the ship, observing the details and trying to see if there were any traps here that might spring at him as soon as he attacked. He stood for a few moments, listenint to what the man had to say, still observing. "Oh, I never trust my allies, at least not fully. You should always expect betrayal at every turn. Bombing a city would not exactly influence my judgement of them much, the reason behind such a decision is what I would like to figure out." He said as he came closer. He abandoned the false tone completely, speaking in a cold, yet arrogant manner.

He was ready to draw his blade, but he chose not to, it would be too easy. Instead he chose a somewhat more subtle approach. He ceased hiding his presence in the Force, something that would certainly alarm the man, but he did not attack outright. Instead he used the emotions of all those that had died here and his own to start slowly draining the Life Force of the man. It had been a while since he last did this as well and the Sith Lord could feel his curse becoming stronger with every day that passed. This would be a great way to make the symptoms subside for a while.

"Power is more than just a justification, it is something we should all strive for. How did those line go again? "Through Power I gain victory, through victory my chains are broken"? Yes, that was it. A lot of truth is hidden within those lines. Only through power can you become free. It is a shame that all these people had to die for a senseless reason, however, I do agree. Their lives could have been spent better serving my Order." He said, as he slowly started draining the man of his precious life. It would feel like darkness was encroaching on him at first, then he would start feeling weaker and weaker, until eventually, perhaps five or six minutes from now, he would fade into unconsciousness and then death. It would allow Praetorias to spend some moments simply talking to his victim, he did always enjoy conversations with them. That is, if the man didn't figure out what was going on and stopped Praetorias somehow.
Location: Some Ruined Street, Korriban City, The Ebon Hawk
Allies: [member="Connor Harrison"], Any Silver Jedi NOT Responsible For The Bombings
Enemies: [member="Darth Praetorias"], [member="Charzon Loulan"], Anyone who participated in the bombing of Korriban

"Your order?"

He grunted, silently calling himself an idiot. He felt out in the force again, going from calling himself an idiot to mentally beating himself black and blue. This man was giving off quite a lot of force energy, and that would explain why he was questioning about the Jedi. He'd walked into a trap, today had gone from bad to worse and now it'd gone to even worse. He had no plan, he couldn't get to the armory of the ship because he'd probably be sliced down the moment he even made a move. He just needed to keep playing the game, keep playing the game until either T3 come to his aid or T3 got the ship airborne.

Instead he crossed his arms, forcing the sadness and hurt to drop from his face. Inside he was a mess, on the outside he was trying to act somewhat strong. He studied the man carefully, taking in the details about him. He looked to be unarmed, but chances are that was a roux, chances are he was armed and dangerous. He wasn't sure what he could do to get some space between the two men, get enough space to try and pull his blaster, take the shot.

No, no shooting. There'd already been too much death.

Then he felt it, the day going from even worse to "oh my kark you moron" levels of worse. Imagine all the happiness being sucked from you, replaced by this dark energy. Well Kei had no happiness left but you get the drift, the dark was closing in on him. Whatever this man was doing was weird, and chances are Kei wouldn't survived this. He should of learned to bite his tounge, pretend he was just a crashed smuggler, the Ebon Hawk was a smugglers ship after all, owned by Revan and Meetra Surik and all that. The old stories, that was it. They were old stories, old legands like the Skywalkers. The Death Stars, the Empires, all stories, all legands.

Probably true to be fair.

Kei had to keep playing the game, that was how to win. To win you kept playing, try and outmatch the opponent, make him believe something different while you formulated some sort of plan to get yourself out of the game. He was an avid gamer as a kid, like most kids he owned his copy of spacerace and "superdeathstarII" and whatever else was out, you just had to play to win. Play to win, that was it, that's all he needed to do.

"Talk to me about your order"
Solan luckily wasn't that stupid to walk into the shop without any protection, his eyes staring at the far door and dropping the moment the force presence rippled and the door shattered and sent wooden and metal pieces cutting into the walls and the counters, one of which he hid behind. It only lasted for a second but once done he slowly rose and looked at the now exposed hallway where he soon found a rather interesting woman standing there. It was clear this one was no longer a simple citizen and he had seen Alexandra's notes on the process he assumed had just been completed here.

To be completely honest, he enjoyed that some sith had tried to come back to life.

"Hey there Beautiful, hope I'm not intruding on your own episode of the invasion of the body snatchers... but I am supposed to be on the lookout for your kind. I suppose that asking you to return to Chaos or at least out on a date is out of the question?"

Solan held no sabers at his waist, nor no blaster or vibroblades. Instead, the only thing visible on him was his seed pouches and a bright crystal for any of those who could see the force. That Crystal resting in his breast pocket on the inside of his jacket. Even his stance seemed to lack a yearning to fight as he went about brushing himself off now to get any bits of wood or metal that had fallen on him off, creating likely the strangest enemy that Vitium probably had faced... well maybe not the strangest. Solan was a strange one but at least he was sane.

She would see one of his eyes keeping a small focus on her, not leaving her form until he was certain he could contain the damage that might be caused by the creature. He had no idea who it was that was in front of him, no idea if she was a psychotic or calculating sith. He hoped this was one of the less twisted individuals of their kind, someone who could be talked into leaving the planet without a fight. But there was really only one way to find out.

"So, my name is Solan Charr. And you are?"
Location: Korriban
Enemies: ???
Allies: ???

For the moment the corrupt epicanthix ignored [member="Connor Harrison"]'s questions of what was occurring. Nulgath watched [member="Haytham Kaze"] walk away from the scene with the utter most arrogance he had ever seen in a long time. This was to be expected. Nulgath was no fool. His sudden reappearance would be treated in such a manner as this but even so, He was at the slightest entertained by how much had changed since he had last interacted with the physical plane.

" How.. Childish." He said to himself watching Haytham walk away. " Dont you agree?" Nulgath turned to the Jedi trapped inside his force barrier. After staring at the jedi for some time Nulgath finally looked away at the unnatural glow in the horizon and closed his eyes. Within the force the screams of hundreds of thousands of souls echoed in what sounded like a cry of despair. " Can you not feel it?" Nulgath raised a slight brow. " Falling skies, lights stabbing the eye and the surge of cold followed by echos of despair." Taking in a deep breath Nulgath relished in the deaths that were caused in the bombings. Consuming the very essence into his being, Feeding off the darkside of the force.

Dropping the barrier on Connor. A unseen gaze remained on the Jedis overall figure. Nulgath stood his ground looking up the skies and space.

" Bombardment."

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