Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Slog (Dominion Tier 2 Dom of Vjun and Aargonar)



The fighting they would encounter would ether be extremely intense or sporadic depending on how much the Mercosa had committed to the ongoing battle, and as far as he had seen so far he was expecting to be disappointed.


A big unguarded grin broke out on Alexandros's face, perhaps today would be a glorious day.


Bhakt Wemk

The Prospective Weapon Master

As Bhakt made his way to the front he felt something strange, he felt completely renewed. He found himself running toward the front line. Soliders all around him cheered as most knew that some of the commanders had fallen to the mortar strike. Just before he reached the front he leaped assisted by the force sevaral meters into the air. He'd never done something like this. He'd honestly never felt this connected to the force before. All the darkness...simply gone for the moment...he wondered if this was what Jedi felt like all the time...completely at peace while the galaxy around them fell apart. He came down from his leap and swung his ax downward and completely bisected an unsuspecting Mecrosa. The battle seemed to stop for a second, all the Dominion forces looking at him with new found hope, and the assassins slowly backing away in fear. Bhakt raised his ax to the sky and roared triumphantly. Then pointed it at the castle that now seemed so close and only said one thing...

"For The Dominion!!"

[member="Cedric Grayson"] [member="Grace Darkson"]
Shorarri hefted the heavy gun as the alarms sounded and let out a satisfactory roar. [Let them come!] The wookiee cried out. And, as if by summons two Sith rounded the corner. Shorarri hefted the large autocannon and pulled the trigger. The spool began to spin then with a deafining roar the gun fired. The Sith atempted to block the bullets with their lightsabers, but as the rounds connected they exploded. Shorarri had a grenade launching mini gun and he nearly pooped himself when he figured it out. As the little Sith bits slid off the wall Shorarri was sure to set the gun to safety and careful not to aim it at anybody...

Post 4

Grace's eyes shifted from the horizon as the young Archlord started speaking, the teen's words spoken with a confidence that was rare in one so young. For a moment, she wondered what had changed him more: the death of his parents, or the mantle he had been given. Whichever it was, the youth seemed to act with the measure of one much older than his years. She could see him becoming a great leader of men, perhaps even of the galaxy.

Shock overcame her features as he continued. He was rewarding her with the castle? What had she done to earn this? Loyalty was one thing, but a place like this was a massive gift. Sure, she had stayed trough the horrors of Atrisia, and helped where she could in the battles of Miral and Krayiss Two. But this? This was massive.

How could she say no?

"You honor me, Archlord." Her words spoken at long last to the youth, were accompanied by a bow, simple and utilitarian. Nothing like she would have done in a court, but enough to indicate respect and honor. "I shall endeavor to not disappoint you."

[member="Cedric Grayson"]

The words panged upon Cedric's mind like a broken chorus. Cries of war were shouted from a thousand throats. Similar shouts came from those they assaulted, though these were ones of fear. To these individuals, Cedric offered no aid. He knew well that the Dominion's warriors were a terrifying force to behold once they rallied, but a bit of extra help never hurt. His mind touched the weakened consciousnesses of the Mecrosan defenders. Where he had burned away the negativity before, now he nurtured it. His presence was like that of the reaper awaiting the death of those he watched. It was a cold, chilling thing; a vision of sorts the promise ultimate destruction at the hands of the enemy.

Bhakt would likely notice many of the Mecrosans surrendering. Others simply clung to their weapons, fighting with all the vigor of an enfeebled old man. The gates of the castle found themselves unguarded, the warriors that had manned them having fled further into its depths.

"I know that you will not Grace," he said, his tone taking on the familiarity that one would expect between friends. "You must uncover the secrets of Krayiss Two and this castle. My father took you on because he saw your potential. I see it as well. With you, the Sith might very well be reforged into a force of creation rather than destruction. The Light and the Dark must coexist. Your presence here embodies that understanding."

Reality returned to Cedric after he had finished speaking. It was always a disorienting sensation, but he managed to keep himself from toppling over. "What are you ambitions? What are your fears?"

[member="Grace Darkson"], [member="Bhakt Wemk"],

Bhakt Wemk

The Prospective Weapon Master

Another pitiful Mecrosa fell to his ax. This was quickly turning from a battle to killing field against the Mecrosa. Bhakt normally would question why it was easy now, but he felt too good to bother with any questions like that. As the battle went more and more Mecrosa either surrendered or retreated. Bhakt looked at the surrendering assassin's and motioned for soliders to come and take them away. The Nikto smiled, in his pirate days those men and women would have been executed by Bhakt himself. He felt even better as he realized the effect fighting with these soldiers was doing to him. Yes he still spilled blood, but at least it was for a cause now, for something greater than himself.

The fighting died down as they approached the gates only finding feeble resistance and hell even the gates open as the guards seemed to have fled deeper into the castle. Bhakt chuckled and raised his ax giving another battle shout and lead the men into the breach. He began to cut down more enfeebled Mecrosa, not a single one even able to land a blow on the empowered warrior.

"We're inside! Now spread out and find the leaders. We get them and this castle is ours!"

[member="Cedric Grayson"] - [member="Grace Darkson"]


"Come on, forward! Everyone who was on the bottom floor head for the AA battery, those of you who were on the top head for the artillery! @Shorarri You and me will hunt down the control room and whoever's in charge."

Men and woman of all races and creeds started moving through the hallways equipped with whatever gear they could salvage Alexandros lit his sabers and ran forward acting half off of memory and half of of military knowledge on how a base should be built he moved towards the centre to the castle the keep would be the most defensible position, and by getting captured he was already past the biggest hurdle, the outer walls. The grenade launcher was a good trick but it wouldn't work any more if anyone managed to report back to the others. As the prisoners began to take over positions [member="Bhakt Wemk"] , one of the Dominion commanders broke through into the courtyard.

Alexandros shouted over to him, "It's nice to see you didn't forget us! But you should have waited a bit more, there's still a few pests lurking about!"
Post 5

A small sigh escaped her lips as she studied [member="Cedric Grayson"]. Whatever he was doing in the Force, it was taking its toll on the youth. She could feel the strain tugging at his mind, pulling at the barrier he held in place with all his might. It was a mighty display of willpower, espically in one so young. She thought for a moment as she listened to his words. Reforge the Sith? A tool of creation? She paused, choosing her words carefully when she spoke.

"The Dark side is destructive in nature. I wouldn't use the Sith at your disposal for much more than a flamethrower, to point at what needs to be destroyed." The analogy was crude, but fair. Her path was one of death and destruction, and it was her job to point that at those who deserved that. Indeed, that was what the Dominion had received from her in the past.

At the Archlord's next question, the Sith gave a long pause to think. "My ambition is to see unity among the stars. Chaos is a dangerous state for the galaxy." The measured tone she spoke at was one of contemplation and one of careful choice. "My fear is that that would require someone like me to lead it."

The battle meditation had achieved its desired effects. The Mecrosan legions were more or less shattered, their castle breached. The warriors of the Dominion could finish the fight on their own power. Utterly exhausted from the exertion, Cedric pulled his presence from the minds of his men. Few would likely notice any kind of change. Their victory was all too real, and the high associated with it was a natural one. Cedric had simply given it a bit more of a push in the right direction.

"The Sith are a weapon. My father understood that, but some have the strength to lead. A rare few can call upon the bogan without being consumed by it. From what I can tell, you are one of those people," The youth murmured as he returned to his physical self. a thin veneer of sweat coated his pale skin, and his chest rose heavily with each gasping breath. Never before had he exercised his talent on such a broad scale. It was training of a sort for the conflicts down the road, and while he had been successful, it left the young man almost feeling dead.

"You and I share the same goal. I've seen something beyond the stars Grace, something that will devour us all if we do not unite," the Archlord's nose wrinkled in distaste. "I couldn't tell you what it is, only that it seeks to absorb all that we have built into its mass. It was the same great beast my father feared."

A pause.

"Someone like you? You do yourself a discredit Grace Darkson." Sighing, Cedric rose on shaky legs. "She who can call upon one of the most powerful primordial forces in the galaxy without becoming its pawn is more fit to lead than most. Such will and self-discipline is a rare thing. A sign of greatness."

[member="Grace Darkson"]
Shorarri roared as Bahkt Wemk broke into the keep. While it was a surprise it was a welcome one to be sure. [Yes, we must find the commander!] Shorarri roared. And with that began to take off down the hall. Their was a small courtyard that led into the ineer reaches of the keep, but past the court yard lay another set of walls. [I'll take care of it!] Shorarri roared as he raised his Beta Flechette Gun. He fired a hundred rounds in less then a miniute peppering the walls with large holes as if a hundred hand grenades had been launched. The front wall tilted with out it's support and slowly began to crash to the ground. Shorarri discarded the minigun. It's ammunition quickly depleted.

[member="Bhakt Wemk"]

Bhakt Wemk

The Prospective Weapon Master
Bhakt looked up to see [member="Alexandros"] and returned a smile to the man.

"Sorry I was out of the fight for a minute, guess I felt like I had catch up to do."

The warrior lifted his ax at the pest comment.

"Don't worry this bad boy is built for dealing with pests."

He gave a guick gretting to the [member="Shorarri"] but the Wookie was already on the move. The big furry guy then hefted what looked like the gun mount off a tank and fired into the walls past the courtyard. Needless to say the big guy shattered the walls and Bhakt motioned for a few squads to follow them through. A few Mecrosa rushed to meet them, but the now joined Dominion forces inside the walls proved far too much. It was now only a matter of time, all that remained would be finding the leaders and either accepting surrender or eliminating them.

[member="Cedric Grayson"]
Post 6

As the Archlord spoke of something beyond the stars, Grace thought for a moment. What was there beyond the stars? Outside the Galaxy? She had heard the tales of Akala and her wrath, seen her friends disappear from the galaxy, only to return with horror stories of an afterlife. Fields of blades and fiery hell, they said. Maybe there was something like that, or even worse, waiting for its turn. If so, they would need everyone to fend it off.

And even that may not be enough.

"The dark side is like a drug." She said simply, watching the troops storm the fortress. Part of her shuttered as she though of what may be destroyed there. But that was what happened in war. Something was always lost to history. "It draws you in with the promise of power, and takes everything from you in the end."

"Only time will tell if I can hold on to my ideals in the end." She shook her head, her gaze turning to the young man once again. "I still crave power. And those who desire power over the needs of their people should not be in control. It always leads to ruin."

[member="Cedric Grayson"]

"You're rather wise." Cedric said with no air of surprise. It was something he seemed to have expected of the young woman, though perhaps that too was a farce. The expression he were was one of neutrality. His arms folded about his chest as his head tilted back, his gaze shifting toward the heavens above. There in the upper atmosphere awaited the Chimaera and similar vessels - enough ships to turn this entire world into ruin should their captains wish it.

"How fleeting life is," the youth mused, his brow furrowing. "I think you'll be fine. Have faith in yourself; it's all you can really have at the end of the day." Sad gray eyes fell to Grace, and the smile Cedric wore reflected that depression. It was a miserable little thing, a simple twist of the lips that was anything if not a falsehood, and he wore it particularly well. "To crave power is to be human, or any other kind of sentient really. It's how people work. Nothing worth damning yourself over."

Red-clad shoulders lifted in a slight shrug. "We have a lot ahead of us Grace. I don't know if we'll see our goal accomplished in our lifetime, but we'll push toward it. I want to preserve everything that we can before it all falls to dust," the words were spoken with a passion unseen from the youth previously. His emotions were often a diluted thing, and his reactions to the world were muted: political at best. When he spoke of his goal however, there was a real desire to succeed.

Ambition. A dream.

"You can call me Cedric by the way," he huffed a quiet laugh, "Having everyone call me by my titles can get kind of tiring. I can't play the role all the time, you know?"

[member="Grace Darkson"]


Post 14

Alexandros charged through the gap opened up for by [member="Shorarri"] and his grenade launcher, sabers flashing he cut down several men before some started to throw down their weapons and surrender, of course not everyone did, the keep was right in front of them still raining fire down on the Dominion forces. It was time to change that, Alexandros pressed against the wall and started cutting, in a matter of seconds there was a hold big enough for him, or two normal sized men, to fit through. As he walked in it appeared he was in some sort of communications room, judging by the equipment and the fact that all other the occupants were practically begging to be taken prisoner, the end was nigh and lady luck was smiling on the Dominion.

[member="Bhakt Wemk"] | [member="Shorarri"]
Post 7

Time will tell.

The phrase echoed in her mind. How long would they last? This boy-king who lead his armies through his mind, who wished to bring order to the stars, would he live to see his dream? Would his descendants? Or would the galaxy's nations simply squabble among themselves as the people they swore to protect burned in the struggle? Time would tell.

"I agree. There is a lot left to do, and not nearly enough time to do it." How long did they have? twenty years? Thirty? The galaxy was vast, and she doubted they could unite so much in so little time. No, she wouldn't see the dream fulfilled. Whatever end result may be, she doubted her path would see the end. Death always came sooner to the Sith, after all.

"It has been a pleasure, Cedric." She cast a weary smile to the Archlord, nodding her head. "But if you'll excuse me, I'll go see to the cleanup of the castle."

[member="Cedric Grayson"]

Cedric found himself huffing a quiet laugh. Discussing philosophy and dreams of the future in such a dismal place was comedically ironic. He found himself chuckling at the absurdity of it all, though such humors ceased as Grace spoke once more. He gave her a slight nod of the head and a simple wave. He hadn't expected her to linger long. The castle, so far as he could tell, he been captured. Whatever treasures awaited in its vaults would likely be plundered soon. It only made sense for her to jump at the chance to be at the head of the hunt.

"Make sure the captives are treated well. I'd like them moved to the capital city so we can try them properly." Cedric mentioned as she turned to leave. His gaze fell to [member="Vorian Adasca"] one final time, the Jedi Knight lost in his meditations. That man was going to be of interest.

"Whatever you find within the castle is yours, though I'd advise sharing anything that seems particularly interesting." He added as she left. Any knowledge would be useful to the Dominion, regardless of how forbidden it might have been by the old orders.

And then he was alone once more.

[member="Grace Darkson"]

Bhakt Wemk

The Prospective Weapon Master

A quick parry and stab laid out yet another Mecrosa as they stepped through what seemed to be the control room for the compound. Several men and woman with more elaborate robes and jewlery knelt before the 3 Dominion commanders. Bhakt was the first to speak up.

"So are you folks the leaders here? If so then I'm assuming this is display before me is an unconditional surrender?"

Bhakt looked back to the others and nodded happy that the hard part at least seemed to be over.
Post 8

A small smile crossed her face at [member="Cedric Grayson"]'s laughter. He could find humor in the strangest things, it seemed, and that could serve him well. Part of her wondered what the Sith'ari would have thought of his son. Was this the sort of leader that the elder Grayson would have wanted? Or had the man wished for something different.Maybe something harder, tougher. She'd never know. Maybe that was for the best.

Careful movements brought her through the army to the gates of the fortress. As one of the troops held his blaster to the head of a whimpering Mecrosa, she barked at him. "Take him to the others. The Archlord wants them to be taken to the capitol." The soldier looked at the commander, who nodded. Her steps into the gate gave her pause, and she drank of the energy here. There was power here, tasting of rage, anguish and regret. She let it pour over her as she stalked towards the control room. Her footsteps would echo behind [member="Bhakt Wemk"] as she approached, finally leaning on the door with a coy smile.

"Well, looks like it's been a good day for you all."

[member="Shorarri"] [member="Alexandros"]
Shorarri followed [member="Alexandros"] through the hole. He gathered up his vibrosword and growled menacingly at one of the technicians. The man threw his hands up with the rest and Shorarri chortled. He gathered up the prisoners and began to bind them together. As they hustled out the hole Shorarri began to continue forward through the castle. He was immediately confronted by enemy troops. Shorarri primed one of the grenades from his bandoleer and threw it at the enemy. A loud boom could be heard from the hall and Shorarri grunted. [member="Bhakt Wemk"]

The shadows of the great ocean whirled about Cedric like vultures in search of carrion. They followed him as he strode away from the clearing, clawing at the edges of his mind like a forsaken mistress. They called to him from afar, their voices distant and broken yet tangible all the same. They wished to feat upon his mind, and those that he had pulled into his web of influence. Cedric denied them with mental walls of iron. Their clawed fingers could only scratch upon the surface, never piercing the barriers.

And then they were gone.

The shadowy creatures of the Netherworld never had much tenacity. They tended to give up when presented with anything resembling a challenge. Such thoughts assured the youth as he made his way toward his vessel, the two soldiers that had served as his escort following along. The fact that the beasts could be deterred with such a minor resistance was encouraging, but the reality of the situation did little to give his mind any peace. These creatures were coming beyond the veil to seek him out.

Their influence had grown.

Shuddering at the thought, Cedric lowered himself into the passenger's seat and closed his eyes.

A great war was coming, one unlike anything the galaxy had ever seen before. The fabric of reality itself had been shredded, and the daemons of the beyond were making themselves known for the first time in recorded history.

As the vessel touched off from Vjun, Cedric felt his hands trembling.

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