Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Smuggler's Moon

"GET UP CAPTAIN! WE ARE ALL IN PAIN! GET UP AND HELP US GET THE PAY CHECK!" he would bark at the captain, losing his senses as the bloodlust started to overcome himself, "WE ARE THE JACKALS! I HAVE A PROBLEM! MY PROBLEM IS WE HAVE NOT FIRED ENOUGH PLASMA IN THEM!" he would continue to bark, starting to regain his sight though still dazed from the blast.
He pushed Fletcher into the crowd of Nar Shaddaa, one thing that Nar Shaddaa had going for it was that if you wanted to get lost in it, you could and you find it damn easy. Yuroic pointed to a venting shaft as they entered the refugee sector.

"You gotta get up there quick. No arguing boy, I'll handle the sith guy. Now when in the shaft, turn left and then keep straight. The shaft will take you to a hideout, the door is locked, broken so no one can splice it open from the outside. NOW MOVE!" He shouted at the boy as he turned to the sith, wielding his two blades.

He force jumped over the Sith then attempted to slice at his legs. He needed to distract the Sith from the Jedi as he swung his blades to attack the Sith more than defend himself, he tried to remember everything he had learnt as a youngling in the Jedi Order before he exiled himself.

[member="Fletcher Lorcan"] [member="Vual"] [member="Thraxis"]
"Didn't you hear that, the bloody red wants them dead we'd be fighting two Jeds and one red." he'd say stumbling to his feat his knee's buckling under his weight. "Besides this is beyond the creds, I ain't getting involved with Reds and Jeds." he'd say dusting his frame down to his knee's. "Not on the ground anyway, get the ship we'll catch up to em."
Thraxis would calm down falling to his knees, "Fine captain, youre the boss." He would look to the skys his eyes finally recovering from the blast, "But we better get them, either one of them, I don't care which, I just want to spill their blood." His head falling back to look at the captain, his body becoming flimsy, he would walk over to the captain, his eyes starting to become depraved of sanity and his bodys expression becoming laxed.


Active Member
Vual easily deflected the oncoming attack from [member="Yuroic Xeraic"] as he jumped over him, before a moment could be taken he launched an immediate attack towards the man's body, in an attempt to cut him open but at the same time was open to easily jump away from an attack of the second saber that the other held.

"One Jedi then."

Vual lets out as he smirks.
Fletcher was shocked at how far this person was willing to help him. He said nothing to the man and nodded silently, doing exactly what he said. He climbed into the ventilation shaft and followed the directions he was given.

As much as he wanted to help, he was exhausted after everything that had happened that day and figured he was more likely to get himself killed.

[member="Yuroic Xeraic"] [member="Flannigan Mcnash"] [member="Vual"] [member="Thraxis"]
"Thraxis, don't get any ideas as you said I'm still the cap'n." Intermittent bursts of artificial white light wrack his data-pad, a sequence of numbers lighting up on the florescent green screen, his hand moving deftly across the metallic keys with an audible groan of static. "Alright on me Jackals, we've got little to no time."
A low heavy hum can be heard, breaking from the receding gray atmosphere a rotund expanse of dented metal can be seen on closer inspection you would note that it is a BT-7 Thunderclap, a re purposed Republic assault ship, armour plating flecked with the refuse of aged paint.​
A mechanical groan that resonates deep within the bowels of the ship, as it hover near the ground tossing clouds of dust into the air. A metallic walking platform extends out and in a shower of piston induced steam the hatch opens up​
He blocked the attack with his vibrosword and swung the saber st his head. Knowing it wouldn't kill him but probably daze or knock him out. He smirked as the Sith called him a Jedi something that he hadn't been for a very long time as he pressured the Sith with more attacks from both his blades.

"Jedi? Uh oh wrong answer sir! Try again!" He taunted as he duelled the Sith apprentice, hoping his mocking voice and attitude would put him off guard as he attacked with his full strength.

'Thraxis would stiffen up and rush onto the ship, not realising he had never put down his blasters, "Come on, were hunting Jedi." Thraxis wouldn't bother to run deep into the ship, he would remain as close as he could to the hatch so he could get to the fighting as soon as he could.


Active Member
Vual would block the overhead assault before continuing on both the defense and offense, the pureblood would take an immediate lunge forward and starts his own onslaught of slashes, for a split second he would manipulate the force to send the distracted [member="Yuroic Xeraic"] whilst in mid fight.
Yuroic would be completely oblivious to Vual's distraction as he watched Fletcher get away, he jumped backwards as the Sith started his own assault as Yuroic blocked the attacks and now went on a defensive stance, his arms moving in a blur as his adrenaline high helped him tap into his Force powers.

"You know, I don't see why we can't be friends. Yes I've now safely hidden the Jedi you were born to kill and yes you trying to kill me isn't very nice. But I'm sure we could move past all that, one day laugh it all off." Yuroic smirked as they duelled publicly in the street. "Why don't we start laughing now?"

[member="Fletcher Lorcan"] [member="Vual"]


Active Member
Vual continues his attacks, during the onslaught he would go to send a hefty boot into the stomach of [member="Yuroic Xeraic"] ready for anything.

"You think I was there for the young one. Ha."

The ancient rustling metal, with its peeling paint and blistered like a bad sun burn, its noisy vibrating engines rattling everything that isn't strapped down, sparking to life the world became illuminated tongues of vibrate fire leaping from the barrels of the engines, managing through the city with twists and turns, catching up with Yuroic and Vual, hovering ominously with a mechanical groan.​


"Fire on the both of them!" he'd shout turning to Thraxis and finally to Cadan, slamming his hand on the dashboard.​
[member="Vual"] [member="Yuroic Xeraic"] [member="Thraxis"] [member="Cadan Tazi"]​
Yuroic was too late to avoid the boot but made a quick recovery and blasted him with a Force Push as he studied the Sith and smirk grew on his face as he twirled his blades quickly.

"Me? How sweet but I'm not looking for a commitment right now... But we can remain friends though."

"Both of them?" Thraxis would look at the captain, confused at the request. "I count one enemy, I wish to kill. The other one I have no qualms with." Thraxis would start to fire exclusively at the foe he wants dead, rather than any others in the vicinity.
Cadan would firstly target the ex-jedi Yuroic. Aiming the ships Heavy Laser Cannons below Yuroic's waist (so basically his legs), he'd fire two shots, in an attempt to severly cripple him. "That should get him."
"I said do it!" he'd shout his grimace turning to a scowl directing it towards Thraxis. "Don't question me!" he'd run his arm across the air in a diagonal slash directing the fire. "Light it up!"
Thraxis would ignore the captain, aiming exclusively at [member="Yuroic Xeraic"], "YOU ARENT GETTING AWAY THIS TIME! YOUR FORCE DONT STAND A CHANCE AGAINST THIS BARRAGE!" he would say, firing a seemingly never ending barrage at his re-found prey, his eyes would lighten up at the mere prospect of finally killing some jedi scum, "I WONT LET YOU GET AWAY! NOT THIS TIME!" His voice becoming engulfed in his own bloodlust.

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