Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Smuggler's Moon


Active Member
Vual gets pushed back after his onslaught of attacks, just in time to as the ship fired openly upon [member="Yuroic Xeraic"] the pureblood's red eyes would glare up at the ship, noting the symbol before using the confusion and panic to slip into the crowd as his blade fizzles away.


After a moment, he begins to manipulate the force to jump onto veranda's around the place, simply to get to the roof and from there he would jump towards the ship's wing, on the left side but not with the intentions of landing on it, but to glide over it and place a tracker upon the wing. Once he does this, Vual makes his way through the crowds and once again, returns to actively concealing his presence.
"We've gotta fly, we've gained unwanted attention." he'd say his hand's moving over the terminal slamming it down with a 'thud'. "Local law enforcement, or just other pirates that aren't to happy with us shooting up their home."
Buzzing to life with a low heavy hum that resonates deep within the bowels of the ship, breaking from the receding grey atmosphere and into the twilight of space.​
"But, he has stuff that I want, did you see those swords, they looked like they would be nice on a rack above my bed." Thraxis would say, looking down with sadness, though he knew the captain was right, they had to leave or else they would be killed with the Jedi.
Yuroic watched in horror as the ship opened fire at him, no armour or Force was getting him out of this one but his cunning could capable of saving his hind. He launched himself forward into the crowd as they fired upon him. He ducked into a large crowd and watched as they killed dozens of innocent people. He swore to himself they would suffer next they meet.

He darted away, making sure he wasn't followed he hid back in his hideout seeing Fletcher there he hid his scowl and gave a friendly demeanor as he removed his breathing mask and lowered his hood.

"Hi, I'm Yuroic Xeraic. Mostly known as the assassin on here, so how we gunna get you back to the academy?" He smiled warmly as he scratched his slightly stubbled jawline.

[member="Fletcher Lorcan"]
"Thanks for everything, I'm Fletcher Lorcan and I guess you know I'm a padawan by now." He said, folding his arms and sighing. "Did you used to be a Jedi?" he asked curiously, noticing that the man owned a training lightsaber from earlier when they were attacked. It would at least explain some sort of motive for protecting him.

"I don't know. I don't have any way of contacting my master or any other Jedi." he said, frowning with worry. He hadn't been left alone on a strange planet, well moon, like this before...

[member="Yuroic Xeraic"]
Yuroic grinned to the Jedi, he knew fairly early on that the kid was not much more trained than he was before he left but it didn't matter as he watched the Jedi him down as he moved about his small hideout, adjusting some of his equipment and belongings.

"Yes, well you don't have the full stature of a Jedi yet and you are a tad young. Also I have a Jedi many years ago, but I exiled myself from the Order, a difference of opinions." He continued to smile as he turned away and took a deep sigh, he needed to process all that has happened today but first he needed to help the boy.

"Right, which planet is the academy based on now?" Yuroic asked with no knowledge of the Order's movements.

[member="Fletcher Lorcan"]
Fletcher smiled gratefully at the man. "I'm so grateful for everything you've done up to now, you don't have to take it upon yourself to get me back to the Academy." though really he needed the help and he knew it, he'd already gotten this man into a lot of trouble today and felt guilty for it.

He shook his head, smirking. "Everyone always tells me I'm young. I'm almost eighteen though, okay well not really but..." he wasn't even exactly sure of the date he was born, only the year.

"I go to Yavin 4. But I have no idea where this moon is or how far away we are. I've been gone all day now, my master will be worried.."

[member="Yuroic Xeraic"]
He nodded his head as he tapped his nose gently as he winked to the boy. "Don't worry about it, I'm not that much older than you myself, but I think our best bet is to get to the docks near the refugee sector. There we can find you a ride, whether its free or we get you on board as a stowaway." He grabbed a few items then threw some more ordinary clothes at Fletcher.

"Here, wear those and the Bounty Hunters and that Sith Acolyte won't be able to find us so quickly." He smirked as he turned away to pull out parts to attempt to make his own lightsaber, a real lightsaber not just the practice saber he carried with him at all times. He wanted something real in order to bring more hope to the people of Nar Shaddaa.

"I would offer some form of communication device but unfortunately I haven't been able to loot one that is capable for serious long range." Yuroic continued to talk as he wanted for the boy to finish getting dress.

[member="Fletcher Lorcan"]
He got changed quickly, and made sure his lightsaber was hidden amongst the clothes. It was rare he wore clothes that weren't the standard Jedi attire, and he immediately noticed how much more comfortable the clothes were, something he would have to get used to.

"Bounty hunters." he scoffed. "What does one do with a living Jedi anyway?" he asked as he sat down to put his shoes on.

"That's okay, you've already done far too much for me anyway." he expressed his gratitude again. He sprung to his feet and joined [member="Yuroic Xeraic"]. Today had been far too much of an adventure.
He turned around and looked at the padawan as he scoffed at the idea that Hunters were after him. "Well I think they wanted to sell you, they think that there is still high rewards on capturing Jedi. At least that is the idea I got from them, it was difficult to understand them. They were speaking some form of Galactic Basic but not one I could understand clearly." He chuckled as he threw his hood over his head.

"I'm sticking with you, this is still Nar Shaddaa, you won't be safe until you are outta here on a ship." He opened the shaft for the boy then followed him out back into the open air and realised that this was one of the first times that he walked around Nar Shaddaa without his breathing mask attached to his head. He shivered as he tasted to foul air. "Now you need to walk like you belong here, watch the other refugees and see how they move, because if you do not look like one of them then you will be discovered and then that's when the trouble begins."

[member="Fletcher Lorcan"] [member="Nonadul"]
He sighed and shook his head. "Honestly, can't people actually do something productive? Anyway, I'm only a padawan, It's not like I'm a Jedi master or even a Knight." he smiled and looked at [member="Yuroic Xeraic"]. "I don't think it made sense anyway, they sounded pretty deranged."

Nodding, he took in what Yuroic said and tried to blend in the best he could. "This whole moon is so disgusting, I can't understand how anyone could bare to live here. It's just a nightmare." he said, sticking close to the assassin's side.

"If I get away from this place and you ever need help, go to the Academy in Yavin 4 or Kaddara in Naboo, I'll always be willing to help. I should be in one place or the other."

He shrugged as he walked down the streets of the moon, it was his home for several years as he stopped as he noticed something and moved to one side tugging on sleeve of the padawan. "Nar Shaddaa is a place for people to turn when they have nowhere else to go. This sector of the moon is called the refugee sector because those who fled from the crumbling Republic and running from the criminals and the Empire, they came here, a place they knew they could be free from Sith oppression. Unfortunately there are always those who will take advantage of the weak, and the gangs that thrive on Nar Shaddaa thrive on taking from the refugees. I came here to escape from the Jedi Order, I stayed because the people here need to have someone protect them."

He sighed as he looked to the padawan, feeling like a Mentor already to him as he guided him through the streets until they reached the dock sector, they weren't far from the docks. "Now if you take nothing from this place but what is bad about it then you have learnt very little. Nar Shaddaa is a home to many, less many are cruel, depraved and to you evil. But there are a few, like me, that want to protect those here. You can't judge this moon on the worst of us. It's easy to do that on all planets."

[member="Fletcher Lorcan"]
Fletcher stumbled after Yuroic after he tugged on his sleeve. He admired the way the man had stayed to protect those who needed it, despite the fact he had left the Jedi order. "That's a really good think to do. There needs to be more people like you and less like the Sith." he said, his voice trailing off. It was rare for him to meet someone so passionate about protecting people who wasn't a Jedi, at least not any more. He doubted himself to be even as good as the assassin, as he himself had been drawn to the dark side many more times than he cared to admit.

He nodded in agreement. "Okay, I wont." he said with a smile. "But I wouldn't exactly call this place a tourist destination." he said light heartedly.

[member="Yuroic Xeraic"]
He turned and looked seriously at Fletcher, "Boy, you must know that the galaxy isn't as black and white as the Jedi tells you it is. There is grey and there are Sith who can do good, if you were a Sith I still would have saved you today and you need to know. It shouldn't matter a person's viewpoint or belief, if they are innocent they deserve to be saved and the Sith can be just as good as the Jedi to their people." He sighed, Jedi never seemed to see what he saw in the Sith. The seed of Peace, a hope of one day galactic peace.

He chuckled as he looked around, seeing the lights and skyscrapers of the richer society that lived in another sector of the moon. "Perhaps not but home tends never to be as beautiful as others from my experiences. Now lets find you a ship to get you back to Nar Shaddaa." He gave a toothy grin as he wandered to several pilots talking to them quietly as he looked back at the boy then sighed as he returned back to Fletcher.

"Well I can't seem to find anyone who is heading to the Jedi Academy, not even to Naboo either." It was difficult to find a pilot able to fly him to anywhere he wanted to go so he needed to keep note of the fact he needed to learn to fly.

[member="Fletcher Lorcan"]
[member="Fletcher Lorcan"] [member="Yuroic Xeraic"]

"Sreda, Mira, hakn min sikn clekavuloe," Nonadul instructed her daughter. The two were gliding along with the crowds, looking for pockets to pick in order to get their next meal.

​Miracloe nodded and watched the people with an expert eye before turning to look at the woman. "Mom, are you sure we should look here, in the docks? There's rarely anything worth taking."

Nona jerked her chin at the people. "Palsae, groe den blacoe ghey wokel lae blei ghon. Rleardi wokel bobol rei, halikae dhogu vali dhir min?"

The girl let out a sigh and looked around again, her eyes sharp as needles. "Everyone moves the same way, except..." She wrinkled her nose, pointing to two figures not too far away. "Those two, the ones talking... The shorter one doesn't move like the natives do."

The female grinned, her tail hitting the ground a couple of times. "HM..." She looked at the figures her daughter pointed to, something troubling her. But she couldn't put her finger on it. "Secvi min, groe ghey brekae hal gur ."

Mira shot her a strange look, but did as she was told. Nona, meanwhile, pulled her tattered cloak closer to her, moving forward inconspicuously. When she was close enough, the female tapped into the Force and finally realised what was bothering her -- the other two were 'Users as well. Interesting. But would they have any valuables?
After being raised on a belief for so long, it was hard to think of opposing it. "From what I've seen, all the Sith want is power, control and all the Jedi wiped out. They are heartless, cold and cruel and will do anything for themselves but not for others, and yet I haven't seen or met a Sith to disprove that idea." he said as though it were a fact. It was something the Jedi tried to feed every youngling as soon as they started their training. "They are nothing like the Jedi. The Jedi are fair and protect the innocent. Sith take for themselves and give nothing back in return."

He stuck close to Yuroic, keeping his head down. "I'm sorry I got you into this." he resisted looking around the docks.

[member="Yuroic Xeraic"] [member="Nonadul"]
He chuckled as he heard Fletcher recite the Jedi teachings nearly word for word. He flicked the boy's forehead "Aye that was what you were taught but think, use your eyes. The Sith used the "Darker" side of the Force but the Jedi kill just as much as the Sith. The Jedi aren't protecting the people here." He sighed then winked to the boy.

He noticed a strange alien studying them, he had gained a keen eye for the movements of others in the crowds. He tapped the boy's shoulder and pointed out the alien. He looked around for her second, there was always a second in these situations

[member="Fletcher Lorcan"] [member="Nonadul"]
"Ow." he put a hand to his forehead, though it didn't really hurt. "No one can protect the people here, they're making it worse for themselves." he muttered under his breath. He refused to believe that the Sith were anything less than evil, it was all he knew. Dark siders had never exactly been the kindest of people anyway.

He turned around and stared at the alien, having never seen a species like it. "Do you think she wants to be our friend?" he whispered jokingly. He could dip in and out of being serious, something he wasn't praised for by his peers.

[member="Yuroic Xeraic"] [member="Nonadul"]
[member="Yuroic Xeraic"] [member="Fletcher Lorcan"]

"We've been made," Mira groaned. The girl tugged on her mother's cloak. "Quick, let's go before they report us or something."

Nonadul hushed her. "Lei ghey ni bolic. Noo, wokel imlonl wonoo menoe haneki sikn Lunosinior gabridoe, groe Minni sl ni bensi ni vl kav hal sinseked." She shoved one hand into a pocket casually, her fingers brushing one of the smoke bombs. The female had an idea.

And, having been raised by the woman, Mira knew exactly what she planned. "Mom, please don't tell me you're serious! Let's just find someone else!"

The alien used her tail to pull her daughter along, grinning slightly. "Halikae? Minni ghey juskae mcy hal vida kyoe lei ghey. Le hevl vali mak haneki wokel imlonl wonoo ."

Stumbling slightly, Mira scowled. "Mom!"

"Ah, ah, nok blenda. Vali cnous wokel hecsercoe." Hand still wrapped around the smoke bomb, the Cernun walked towards the pair again. The short one was staring at the two, and Nonadul made a note to search him first.

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