Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction The Solution for Overwhelming Odds (Darkwire)

thoughts | speech

Dammit to hell, that sucked! he thought as he tried to choke out a few words. Thankfully, it was only temporary, as he rubbed the side of his throat where the muffin torpedo'd into. Looking up at Ruby, he could see she had this wicked look on her face, and a twinkle in her eyes that almost scared him, if just a little. He barely had time to react as the alarm bells went off in his head, though. Ruby came careening toward him, this look of almost sadistic satisfaction in her eyes, yet, he felt nothing dark about it through the Force. Instead, she gave off the vibe of someone who was genuinely having fun. Not gonna lie, Johnnyboy, you've met people like this before... Sure you want to keep going this route?

Ruby's boot came thundering into his own rib cage, and as it did, he tensed up every single muscle fiber to brace for the impact. She had some good strength in those legs of hers, he had to give her that. Still, he had to remember, just because he could take it, didn't mean it was a good idea to show that off. Don't want anyone catch on, Johnnyboy. Remember? So he played it up a bit, and winced, letting out a few grunts as he tried to protect himself from the couple of kicks that came after the initial boot to the ribs.

Suddenly, and much to the young netrunner's surprise, she seemingly jumped back, her face contorting first into disgust, and then contemplation in the blink of an eye. Johnny could sense doubt coming from her, and he grinned just a little bit. Let's play along, shall we, Johnny? he thought as he rolled himself forward in a somersault. As he came over full circle, he used the momentum to push himself forward, and launch his body, shoulder first, at her midsection, intending to tackle her to the ground. Just, this time, he was careful not to do so much damage this time. In fact, it was even more strange, as he began to laugh a little as he moved. He felt a sense of fun in this all as well, maybe even a little bit of happiness to boot.

That was most assuredly not the norm when it came to what Johnny Diamonds felt in his core most days, not by a longshot.

"Feth yeah!"

The young shadowrunner grinned in triumph as her stun baton connected with the woman's waist, sending her back. It was the first real hit she had scored all day, and Daiya felt the whoop surge through her body. Her face lit up and her lips peeled back, flashing a toothy grin at Samnai. Part of Daiya knew this was just a sparring match, but another part of her knew she needed to come out on top of it.

"Gotcha now," the teen taunted, her eyes catching sight of the glinting durasteel off the woman's knife. Daiya's mouth straightened out, her jaw setting against her teeth. So that's how it was going to be now. She took a breath, a small shake jerking her head toward her opponent. "Don't think your knife's gonna do much..."

Daiya tilted her head down toward her arms and the rest of her body, indicating the armor she wore.

She was ready to rush in again when Peyton stepped forward, tossing a stun baton to Samnai. Daiya heard a growl emanate from her own throat, taking an ungainly step forward. The teen took that same step back, her eyes shifting from the new opponent to the old, widening with alarm to see Peyton bring out a baton of her own. The dry crackling noise filled the air, giving it a sharp tang that sent her throat dry. She blinked back a swell of misgivings, swallowing back the regret the piled onto her tongue.

"If I had my blasters, I would totally feth you both up..." But she didn't, and Daiya couldn't summon them with mere words. They lay on the other side of her opponents now, so Daiya only had one real option.

The teen ran forward, keeping her baton within reach to ward off the freedom fighter's attack as she swept by. Before she could come close enough to make contact with either of them, Daiya dove toward the ground, tucking herself into a roll. With any luck she could sweep Samnai off her feet if the woman ran toward Peyton instead.

Daiya didn't care enough to try to down either of the women, just to avoid their stun batons attacks as long as she could.

Samnai caught the baton and mentally cursed at Peyton Steele . Did she really have to add to this!? But the thought vanished after a moment as she half-focused on Daiya Daiya , the other half firmly kept on Peyton.

She was tempted to snark back at the brat’s taunt, but held it back. All she needed was for her to come closer—then she would take her revenge.

Jumping out of the way, Samnai avoided Daiya and swept her knife at her, then activated her baton. She also went further back from both the girls, for good measure.

Johnny Diamonds Johnny Diamonds Ruby Jaxx Ruby Jaxx R RAV

Peyton Steele

Peyton had her view on the two girls, the other two, Johnny and Ruby, well that was being watched over by the Sullustan Cuan Kunn. The Sullustan didn't really know the concept of food fights. He understood standard bar room brawls and starfighter dog fights. The pilot was moving closer as the man was on the ground and the woman was taking advantage of that. The fight was more or less over and he didn't want to have to fill out any reports… Did Darkwire have a report system for that?

Before she jumped back, Cuan's hand was on his sidearm, set to stun. He could stop one person without it, but two? He didn't think so. As the man got up, the weapon was in his hand. A shot fired down to the ground near the two, the telltale sound of the stun shot echoing.

<<Enough you two. Combat is over.>>
He didn't see the flirting in it, if there was any. Peyton would have, but she was much better at the closer-humanoid-thoughts.

Meanwhile, the blonde was over with the younger pair. With one baton tossed out to Samnai to even the odds, Peyton just smirked. She hadn't expected the challenge from Daiya. "Not so sure, powderpuff." She retorted. "I am not getting into this fight." She had the Force, and years of experience on these two in different combat situations.

This wasn't what she wanted to set up, more non-weapons at the beginning and get people to the range, but the girls continued to escalate. So long as no one cut the other, it could continue. She hoped Cuan was having an okay time with the others.

Daiya Daiya Samnai Rouber Samnai Rouber Ruby Jaxx Ruby Jaxx Johnny Diamonds Johnny Diamonds R RAV
She watched as Johnny Boy got to his feet and found momentum. His form was barreling towards her again. Ruby took the shoulder to her midsection; her reactions were always a bit sluggish. The two of them tumbled backwards to the ground. Were they both laughing?

This time, he was there atop her – and Ruby was about to spit in his eye when a stun shot hit the ground right next to them. She blinked hard. Ok, that was a bit close, wasn't it, Cuan?

Then, she realized that Johnny was still positioned on top of her.

"Get off," she growled and did her best to push him away.

Suddenly, her skin itched. She was probably allergic to too much contact with other people. Ruby shook her arms out and moved off to a corner to sit alone. Even now, separate from the rest of the class, she felt like her face was burning up.

The light feeling in her chest was gone, replaced by the usual tightness. However, there was also something else… maybe it was heartburn. Ruby crossed her arms, her standoffish glare was back – hoping to keep the others – or well, him – at bay.

This was why Ruby liked to keep people at arm's length, literally.

Let people get too close and they see what's inside, what's hidden and vulnerable.

Johnny Diamonds Johnny Diamonds , Peyton Steele, Daiya Daiya , Samnai Rouber Samnai Rouber
The young shadowrunner completed her roll, scurrying into a half-crouched, half-poised position. She could feel the grip of the blaster against her palm, tightening her fingers around its comforting presence. It was reassuring, and almost instantly Daiya felt back in control again. She was ready for the fight, even if Samnai was older and more experienced, while Peyton was—

Not in this fight?

Daiya blinked, glancing from the freedom fighter to the the knife-wielding woman she had started with. She came today expecting a lesson and training, not whatever this was. Her eyes darted warily, were they in on this together, had they planned it? Her palms grew damp around the blaster in one hand and the stun baton in another, she'd have to shoot Samnai, the woman seemed to escape all attempts to grapple with her so far. That just left Peyton, who had called herself a freedom fighter in the tatt-chat. Daiya didn't know what that meant exactly, she just had a feeling the stun baton wasn't going to be enough.

Better to take her chances on the day's teacher than the chick with the knife.

"Aww, feth this." The young shadowrunner shook her head, lowering her arms a little. Not much, not enough to actually surrender. Just enough so she could bring them back up again. She took a step back, glancing from woman to woman in front of her, keeping them both in her vision. "Enogh of this chit. Show us the real moves, teach."

She folded her arms across her chest, awkwardly with the weapons still in hand. Maybe she would feel good enough to drop them, at least her blaster, so long as Peyton was willing to do what they came here to do. Daiya flicked her head, blowing at a lock of hair that had fallen across her glistening face, her lungs starting to recover from the match with Samnai. She barely spared the woman a glance, except to make sure that the older Shadowrunner stayed firmly out of reach.

Her armor would take care of the knife, Daiya just wanted an opponent who wasn't so well matched. Maybe Ruby, who was looking well-beaten, off in the corner by herself.

"Hey Ruby," Daiya tilted her head, motioning her friend's sister over. She grinned at the elder Jaxx, nodding. Yeah, Daiya could take Ruby, no problem. "Come over by me!"


thoughts | speech

Man, he hated to admit it, but this was most likely the happiest he'd felt in years. Even if it was just for a few seconds or so. Still was kinda nice. Still, he saw her look like she was gonna hack a loog at him, and he put a hand up quick as he could to block it. No more weird slimy chit on his face today, that was for damn sure. Jam was one thing, but saliva? Oh feth no. Yet, instead of feeling slime spit hit his hand, he instead saw a bit of a flash next to him. REAL close next to him, and Ruby. A Stun shot? He looked over, and quirked an eyebrow.

"Like, what gives, man? Find your own fight, scarecrow."

And then as he looked away, back to Ruby, it seemed as if Johnny had the same realization at the exact same time. He was still on top of her.

"Get off," she growled and did her best to push him away.

"Yeah, uh, chit. Sorry..." he said, as he tilted himself backward as she tried to shove him away from her. He ended up almost going ass over teakettle, but managed to keep the motion going, and did what looked to be a sort of handspring flip, the result being himself upright on both feet once more. She sorta shrugged it off from what he could see, and moved damn fast into a corner. Don't even try, Johnny D. Just leave her be, now ain't the time. Space, bro, remember? You like that too, space. He had to agree with his instincts once more, and looked over as Daiya called over to Ruby. He could feel her intent as she spoke. He could feel the deviousness, the selfishness through the filaments of the Force. Quirking a brow, he called out to her after she called out to Ruby.

"Hey, half-pint. You want a real fight? How about a round or two with ol' Johnny D. Bet ya a hundred in cold, hard creds that you cant get me off my feet before I knock you down another peg." he said with a grin.


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