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The Sum of Two years worth of Welcome threads [Archived by Caius Flavian 27MAY16]

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Good evening,

I have made a new Padawan named Jakub. He wants to follow the path of the Consular. He likes peace, rainbows and bunnies.

Seriously though, the combat-oriented styles are usually more popular. I can totally dig that because some of the coolest canon characters are Guardian-types. Also, the flashiness of Ataru and Juyo/Vapaad is visually appealing.

Anyway, I wanted to try something new. Thanks for havin' me!
[member="Uri Aureleos"]
Close enough, but it's como estas as I am not your boss or your grandma ;). Or maybe I am....

[member="Maria Natalja"]

[member="Seraphina Shel'tah"]
Hello pink Twi'lek dancer!

[member="Marona Rayheart"]
Hi Marona/Ariana Grande. Your avatar is quite fetching.
[member="Jakub Neuvirth"]

In school we were taught 'esta usted' was for someone who you were either newly acquainted with or some one you show respect to. :p

I will make a note that you are not my boss or grandma. :) Or are you...?

NAME: Ardeo Sophos
FACTION: The Jedi Order
RANK: Padawn
SPECIES: Human/Echani
AGE: 16
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 5 foot 10 inches, about 1.7 meters
WEIGHT: 129lbs
EYES: Emerald Green eyes
HAIR: an untarnished silver color
SKIN: a slight pale tan
FORCE SENSITIVE: still being young he has not reached his full potential, but even as a small child it was apparent he was extremely strong with the force.


Strengths: Ardeo is a well spoken padawan, and is skilled in negotiations, even when it's just a simple argument. His force powers are strong, and he doesn't lack skill with a lightsaber, but his saber style is known for it's extreme speed and precision, not power. A good powerful parry may often result in him loosing grip in his saber. He is very compassionate, and cares for his friends, which can be an easily exploited weakness, but that same compassion, mixed with his natural leadership skills draw many allies to him. A force power that emerged through his training is the ability to predict his opponents next move, at first he sees multiple outcomes, but as his apponent begins to commit the attack becomes clearer, the weakness in can sometimes be his inability to react fast enough to a very good feint.

  • Green training saber
  • Master Hun'ar O'nur's lightsaber(damaged)
  • Force amplifying pendant given to him by Master O'nur
  • Jedi garments
  • Jedi water proof robe
  • com-link
  • Holo-com
  • Saber Technique forms book
  • Basic force abilities book
  • almost all the components to build a lightsaber
Force abilities:
  • Telekinesis -intermediate
  • Jump-intermediate
  • sense-intermediate
  • heal-beginner
  • speed-advanced
  • meditation- beginner
  • Force Ominor-intermediate-(allows Ardeo to predict an opponents next attack in battle.)
  • Force absorption-beginner
Saber skills:
  • Form IV-Ataru-Specializing in speed, and precision attacks
  • Single saber-intermediate
  • dual saber-beginner
  • Saber staff-theoretical
Ardeo is tall, and thin, but in very good shape, aas any jedi should be. He has long silver hair in the style of a jedi, and wanting to keep old customs alive he has a padawan braid woven on the right side of his head, it would almost blend in with the rest of his hair, if not for the emerald green tie at the bottom. He wears a traditional jedi outfit including a under tunic, tunic, tabbards, obi, and belt. The outfit is as silver as his hair, but the tabbards have intricute jedi rune patterns in gold on the fronts. He has white cotton pants, and brown boots. on the left side of his belt two nearly identical silver lightsabers, with gold accents are clipped next to each other. Ardeo has a gentle, and kind face, with a smooth complexion.

Ardeo was born on the planet Krant, to Emerus, and Jade Sophos. Jade was half echani, so Ardero was born with some echani traits. They were kind and loving parents, and Ardeo was fond of them, but when he was 10 he was discovered to have a strong connection to the force, and a jedi was sent to begin basic jedi training with Ardeo. Even at 10 Ardeo was attentive, and excelled in force training. He wasn't lacking in saber skills either, and once he had become exceptionally good with a single saber, he moved on to other saber forms, and studied in dual wielding, and his next step was to tr, aain in saber staff, but his training was interrupted. Master Hun'ar O'nur, the Vurk jedi, who had been finishing up his basic training so he could be taken on as a padawan full time, had recieved orders to check out a distress beacon picked up on Yavin 4. Massasi warriors were known to inhabit the planet, so it was likely someone landed and was attacked. O'nur, who had already begun to entertain the possibility of taking Ardeo on as his padawan, decided to take the now 15 year old jedi with him, and once the mission was complete he would take him to the jedi temple.

Ardeo said goodbye to his loving parents and promised to come back one day. He left with O'nur in his standard class jedi cruiser, sporting a issued saber. The trip was long, and so Ardeo had decided to meditate in his room on the cruiser. In his state of deep meditation he saw violent images. A young boy about his age, but with a dark veil over his face, and the death of master O'nur. He awoke in a cold sweat, but only to the sound of a blaring alarm. A large, and rattling crash knocked him of his meditation chair and onto the floor. Heart pounding, and ears ringing, he staggered up onto his feet. Doing his best to keep his balance, he rushed down the corridors, and into the cockpit. Master O'nur was struggling to keep the ship going in a straight line.

"Ardeo! We have lost propulsion in our right thruster, and the hyper drive is damaged, we are going in for a crash landing."

Looking out Ardeo could see the lush rain forests of Yavin 4, and was astounded to realize they had already made it past the atmosphere.

"What happened! How did we get here so fast?"

"you have been meditating for 32 hours now. A rogue asteroid slammed into the side of our ship. I never saw it coming, I- LOOK OUT!"

The ship drove itself into the trees, and Ardeo found himself unconscious. When he finally woke up he was outside the ship, and Master O'nur was standing in front of him with his saber drawn. That's when he noticed the strange people surrounding him. Master O'nur whispered ti him that these were the massasi warriors, and that the two of them were not welcome here. A teenager however stepped out from among them. It was the boy from his vision, the one with the shroud in front of his eyes. He seemed about his age, maybe a little older. He looked towards Ardeo for a few seconds, but frowned, seeming troubled. He then turned his attention to Master O'nur, and smiled in seeming success. Master O'nur fell to one knee, cringing.

"Boy.... Get out of my head."

"Very well, I have what I need."

The boy turned back towards the group of people. He explained that It's fine, and that we were only here for the travelers who crashed here before us. Ardeo began to understand. They boy had the power to invade minds, and he had stolen information from Master O'nur. The boy turned back to Ardeo, and Master O'nur, and told them that they were welcome to come stay at the guest corders at the massasi temple, until their ship could be repaired, but not to enter any other parts of the temple, it was strictly forbidden, and the penalty was death. He explained that the travelers that sent the distress signal were staying there as well.

Time passed and as Master O'nur was nearly done repairing the ship, Adero spent his time with the teenager. They had slowly developed a deep friendship, that neither Master O'ur, nor the Massasi had seen coming. Ardeo could tell Master O'nur disapproved, especially after he had explained that the massasi were ancient relatives of the sith, and Ardeo had expressed that the didn't care. The boy who Ardeo had come to know as Vi'kas Mirtis, had told him about how he was a miraluka, and not having eyes, he saw through the force, but that he also had the gift of future sight, and the ability to enter a mind, and take information. They had become best friends.

Finally the ship is fully repaired by master O'nur. Ardeo spends one last night on Yavin 4, and is prepared to leave in the morning. In the middle of the night O'nur wakes Ardeo up, and tells himm not to follow him, but that he must enter tha temple, because there could be valuable secrets on the sith in there. Ardeo doesn't like the plan, but he waits as instructed. It isn't long though before Ardeo hears a commotion, and walking out side the ship sees Vi'kas, and Master O'nur face to face. Master O'nur has a box in his hands, and Vi'kas demands that he return it, saying that it is sacred materials to the massasi tradition. O'nur activates his yellow lightsaber, and tries to push Vi'kas back enough to get to the ship. Vi'kas activates a strange black lightsaber, and ducks under O'nur's attack, and stabs through O'nur's midsection.

I rush to my master's side and catch him as he falls. He's failing fast, but manages to tell me to take the documents the the jedi, that it will provide an edge against the sith, before he dies. Vi'kas asks me to return the documents, because it is important to the massasi, but out of anger, and a sense of honor to fulfill my master's wishes, I stand up with the box and begin to walk back to my ship.

"Ardeo! Look I'm sorry your master died, I didn't want that to happen, but he stole sacred texts. I won't fight you out of respet for our friendship, but if you take those, I can't forgive you, and our ties will be severed."

"I don't care! You killed my master, and this was his dying wish. It will be fulfilled." I enter my ship, and close the doors behind me, getting last glimpse at my master, and at the rage filled face of Vi'kas. With the travelers already on board. I leave for the jedi temple on Ossus.

He does not have a personal ship yet.

has not killed anyone yet, and hopes he will never have to.

has not collected any bounties.
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