Queen of Alderaan
Here she was standing once again in the City of Shiso on Atrisia. Just outside of this City her father's home still stood, damaged by winds, fire, and other elements unleashed from the recent war.
She was here today to honor a promise made to herself, and those that had waited with her that day in the tram stations. She brought with her medical supplies from MandalMedical, the Royal Engineers, food supplies, and water. [member="Draco Vereen"] would bring the other things when time permitted.
The skies above had not yet cleared, most of the damage was in Jar Kai, a bit of curiosity kept pushing her to go there to see what damage had been done. But truth was she had seen enough damage as of late, today was about rebuilding.
"Lady Organa" Faith remembered that voice, "Hello Ten-su-san" she walked towards him, "how are you today?" His eyes were clearer, than the last time and his voice much stronger. Peace did that, gave courage and hope for a better tomorrow.
"We are well Lady Organa" he looked beyond her shoulder to see the ships landing. "the help you promised"
"Yes, let us go and make a plan to get everything built that needs to be done. I cannot do much about the skies, but there are other things we can do that will help."
He gave her a sagely nod, and they walked towards the center of the city. Seems public transportation was still not working, put that on the list Faith thought. Clean water, second on the list.
[member="HK-36"] had said his friend and business associate [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] had begun to help, the hearts of others were so big that they could not help but see to aide those that were in need. There was still goodness in the galaxy it seemed.
She was here today to honor a promise made to herself, and those that had waited with her that day in the tram stations. She brought with her medical supplies from MandalMedical, the Royal Engineers, food supplies, and water. [member="Draco Vereen"] would bring the other things when time permitted.
The skies above had not yet cleared, most of the damage was in Jar Kai, a bit of curiosity kept pushing her to go there to see what damage had been done. But truth was she had seen enough damage as of late, today was about rebuilding.
"Lady Organa" Faith remembered that voice, "Hello Ten-su-san" she walked towards him, "how are you today?" His eyes were clearer, than the last time and his voice much stronger. Peace did that, gave courage and hope for a better tomorrow.
"We are well Lady Organa" he looked beyond her shoulder to see the ships landing. "the help you promised"
"Yes, let us go and make a plan to get everything built that needs to be done. I cannot do much about the skies, but there are other things we can do that will help."
He gave her a sagely nod, and they walked towards the center of the city. Seems public transportation was still not working, put that on the list Faith thought. Clean water, second on the list.
[member="HK-36"] had said his friend and business associate [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] had begun to help, the hearts of others were so big that they could not help but see to aide those that were in need. There was still goodness in the galaxy it seemed.