Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Sun Rises again.

Here she was standing once again in the City of Shiso on Atrisia. Just outside of this City her father's home still stood, damaged by winds, fire, and other elements unleashed from the recent war.

She was here today to honor a promise made to herself, and those that had waited with her that day in the tram stations. She brought with her medical supplies from MandalMedical, the Royal Engineers, food supplies, and water. [member="Draco Vereen"] would bring the other things when time permitted.

The skies above had not yet cleared, most of the damage was in Jar Kai, a bit of curiosity kept pushing her to go there to see what damage had been done. But truth was she had seen enough damage as of late, today was about rebuilding.

"Lady Organa" Faith remembered that voice, "Hello Ten-su-san" she walked towards him, "how are you today?" His eyes were clearer, than the last time and his voice much stronger. Peace did that, gave courage and hope for a better tomorrow.

"We are well Lady Organa" he looked beyond her shoulder to see the ships landing. "the help you promised"

"Yes, let us go and make a plan to get everything built that needs to be done. I cannot do much about the skies, but there are other things we can do that will help."

He gave her a sagely nod, and they walked towards the center of the city. Seems public transportation was still not working, put that on the list Faith thought. Clean water, second on the list.

[member="HK-36"] had said his friend and business associate [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] had begun to help, the hearts of others were so big that they could not help but see to aide those that were in need. There was still goodness in the galaxy it seemed.


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Faith Organa"],

The Ruins of Capital City Jar'Kai,
Collapsed Imperial Palace,

Gravel and charred duracrete crunched beneath the metal feet of HK, his large Phrik claws extended out from his feet and splayed out over the rubble to maintain his balance as he climbed the steps of the old Atrisian Imperial Palace where the heaviest combat took place not long ago during the Atrisian Incident,

"Such a waste."

The machine spoke to his companions, four Greycloak droids who accompanied him as bodyguards, their cloaks trailing over the dusty duracrete littered soil, and [member="Six-O"] who was brought along to the charred battlefield as one of the most promising units within HK's ranks.

"You were not there but the Sith tried to do everything in their power to destroy the Alliance forces when we arrived to arrest them after they begun to amass naval forces in the orbit. The population was almost decimated after the Sith Lord who claimed to rule this planet ordered them to clash upon Alliance forces in suicide strikes before locking them within underground bunkers and unleashing a Force-borne volcano over the surface."

At least that was the GA version of the events, the Dominion would probably tell a different story in a slightly varied chain of events, at least if any of the Dominion were still alive,

"The buildings and infrastructure were ruined by the volcano and the Force-Storm they conjured up around the planet,"

The droid continued as he climbed the stairs still until they were finally there at the gates of the Palace, half of which collapsed during the battle after battle droids were dropped on HK and Jedi as they tried to arrest the last of the Sith, he entered the main hall with the throne room,

"Which originated here from a ritual that took lives of numerous Sith Lords,"

He motioned towards the spot in the center of the room where the ritual was conducted,

"And they tried to eliminate us with the sorry excuse for their battle droids, me and two of my guards managed to deactivate dozens of them in melee combat. Now, the place they once called the seat of their Dominion over the Atrisia and the claims they laid on Core Worlds will belong to me, droids will rebuild it and droids will hold it."

As HK spoke he moved over to the charred warped throne of the Atrisian Emperor, turning about the black-cloaked droid would lower himself down to sit on the throne, looking over to Six,

"The vile sorcery they used to conjure the storm and the numerous deaths of Dark Siders that took place here created a Dark-Side taint in the area, a nexus of rage, hatred, elemental evil. Organics who would attempt to remain in Jar'Kai will be poisoned and corrupted by this taint over time, their minds as well as their bodies will wither away until someone manages to cleanse it, if they will ever manage to cleanse it. Us droids, we are not affected by it, as such we will take charge of recovery and reconstruction of Jar'Kai, we will raise a new compound here to look after the area, if everything goes according to my plan."

The droid would take out his commlink, adding over towards Six,

"Faith Organa of Alderaan is already in Shiso, Colonel Kerrigan, my old accomplice, is on the surface as well, I believe they are both working towards helping the survivors."

The machine would then begin a transmission sent out towards both Faith and Kerrigan, a blue holographic image of him sitting in the throne will appear to them,

"Faith, Kerrigan, I have arrived in the Capital City, Jar'Kai is pretty much deserted, no signs of life. Whatever was not bombed to hell by Force Storm or combat the Volcano Darth Vulcanus conjured up blasted back to Chaos, the survivors we did not manage to evacuate in time off the planet fled the area by now. I have construction droids with me, we will start clearing up the area but from the looks of it I can confirm the initial reports of a Dark Side Nexus and its taint being here. We will construct a compound around it to look over the anomaly."
[member="HK-36"], [member="Six-O"], [member="Faith Organa"]

"I know. I've been busy salvaging this mess: setting up refugee camps, dealing with looters and crazies and hearing annoying voices promising me unlimited power. Welcome to the land of the rising sun. It's not very sunny these days," a feminine voice suddenly interjected when Siobhan Kerrigan strutted into the throne room from one of the palace's many corridors, carrying herself like a woman who thought she owned the place. After all, she'd been here for a while. Well, since the Abregado-Rae dominion.

The Grandmistress wore a pair of fiery robes, her feet were tucked into black boots, whilst her red hair was tied back into a practical ponytail. An orange bladed lightsabre rested on her belt. An amazonian Atrisian woman dressed in a Firemane combat suit and with the ubiquitous bolt pistol resting on her hip accompanied her. Outside stood three acolytes of the Order of Fire, clad in matching suits of duraplast armour and equipped with sabres. There was also a Kar'zun, a massive alien made out of rock, who was dressed in heavy armour and carried an equally heavy warhammer. She looked very stoic.

"Busy giving a history lesson? The Sith suicide cult did a number on this place. Must've taken lessons from the Bando Gora. I remember Jar'kai from back when Fringe invaded." Oh, dear, the Lady was about to get nostalgic again.

"Battling a Dark Master in the sky, deflecting Lucrehulks when the CIS decided to be a sore loser and try to burn everything down. Fun awards ceremony, cute geishas. But that's ancient history. That throne used to be more impressive." Of course, hers was still nicer. She gazed out of the window at the ruins of Jar'kai, then for some reason looked at her nails.


The Pan-Galactic Scumbag
"They rely wholly on that esoteric Power." Six-O interjected briefly, still a Machine that operated under ghostly reticence for the majority of interactions. But as he spent more and more time, astride the supervision of [member="HK-36"], his phlegmatic saturninity waned further and further.

As they climbed each step, crumbs of shattered stone, gravel of the war fought there, crushed and crunched beneath their metal feet. Six-O listened, vigilant in his processing of the information his new ally fed him with every forward stride they tromped towards the Throne Room.

This was in fact a Society the IG-Model automaton had little knowledge of. It felt vaguely strange to his circuits, since it was indeed a very rare occurrence for the Droid, whose record of service, war and adventure stretched back thousands of years; across numberless planets and uncountable battlefields.

"I know of these Rituals. " Said the inorganic sentient. "Among others, I have witnessed their use during the expansion of the One Sith." Six-O was still shy in admitting his exact role in many of the Wars he had devoured.

There were a multitude of Protocols that actively censored his ability to verbally boast and share his exploits. A mechanism that provided safety, a tool that let him avert prejudice and organic retribution. The soft things, the inferior heathens, they might have called them secrets.

"I calculate no defect with that logic, " the machine spoke once more, after lengthy pause, while [member="HK-36"] took position on the Throne of this former palace. "Detached from Organic oversight, it would serve as an excellent stage for our kind."

He'd just barely concluded speaking when [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] sauntered in, amble pulse to the roll of her hips. It took mere fraction of a second for IGa-60 to conjure every piece of information regarding the Ethereal Fist of Kaeshana that was readily available from files and reports.

It also barely took but a meager blink for the male personality of this machine to register this face, curtained by flames kiss, as the exact structural equal to [member="Enyo Typhos"].

"Shall I exit, and begin apportioning of the Reconstruction effort?"
Faith was at the moment preparing the placement of a temporary facility at Shiso, "It's what is called a RMSU my Aunt sent it, its' a temporary hospital until we can be certain of no problems." Faith also thought about the Doctor she had met during the Republic talks.

A researcher who knew about the scrubbers, could possibly be of great use here on Atrisia. She took the liberty of sending a message to Dr. [member="Rashae"] Lovous asking if she could assist the people of Atrisia with her knowledge and technology. Yes she was a member of the Republic but she was a Doctor and didn't they have an oath to help? She didn't know it was speculation.

All of the helping hands were now clearing away anything that remained of the battle, which had only scratched the surface of Shiso, but the weather systems had touched it. Power was being restored, as the Alderaan Royal Engineers worked throughout the City to reconnect power lines.

It was then that her communications device blipped to life. [member="HK-36"] and [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] were in Jar Kai for some reason that made her smile, perhaps it was relief in knowing that she wasn't alone here. Or just knowing that someone else took interest in the aftermath, "Lord Protector you and the good Lady Kerrigan be careful around Jar Kai and looking for the dark nexus. I understand should one exist that it could prove to be quite damaging. Be careful is all I am saying. "

The Lord Protector had said they would be here, she should not be surprised that he was.

"Lady Organa" She looked back, "OH yes..let's continue with the RMSU, and then we'll walk through the hospital that is here address anything we need to so that operations can begin again." Hospital, food and water first...power..

Work was just beginning



The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"], [member="Faith Organa"], [member="Six-O"],

"Not yet."

HK answered Six's query whether to exit or not as he raised his hand to gesture for him to stop, looking to Siobhan he gestured to the super-powered woman,

"This is Siobhan Kerrigan, a Force master and an old friend of mine from many campaigns, she helped me acquire the resources I currently have at my disposal."

He introduced her to Six before motioning to the other droid,

"This is IG-6-0, one of my most promising droid lieutenants that is not related to Spark Lords or their ilk. And I calculate that this throne is impressive once more now that I am sitting on it."

HK quipped to Kerrigan before looking to Six,

"Once the compound will be erected, I am going to place you in command of it, you will take the seat on this Tainted Throne and command the sentries and auxiliary levy guarding the Dark Side Nexus within this palace. Your goal is to establish positive relations with the locals and gain their trust to the point they will volunteer to serve within our auxiliaries voluntarily. This will be your test to see how well you are utilizing my lessons on morality and conduct in practice, fail me by harming, threatening, or otherwise forcing the organics into service, and you will not receive a second chance."

With that HK waved Six off,

"You are dismissed, the construction droids are under your direct command, we will discuss the compound's designs and architecture later."

With that HK looked to Siobhan once more, getting to the point,

"I want to keep this Dark Side taint within the palace without the Jedi or other Force users attempting to cleanse it. It would take too much effort, stir too many ghosts and specters that can be in the area, after all we have not recovered Vulcanus's remains yet. Most of all, I want it to remain as a symbol of what we are fighting against, and a warning to those who consider siding with the Sith that they often back on their promises and burn the hand that feeds them."

It was then that he received response from Faith, he would add to Siobhan,

"For that purpose I would move for Atrisians to relocate their capital and rebuild it somewhere else, I heard Shiso is a lovely place."

He would reply to Faith then,

"It is alright, we found the Nexus and are moving ahead with plans to contain it, my kind is unaffacted by it and Kerrigan is strong enough to withstand its effects. We were just discussing the difficulties in cleansing it and that it might be wise for Atrisian capital to be relocated and rebuilt somewhere else, like Shiso, while keeping Jar'Kai palace as a monument to Sith Occupation of Atrisia and a warning against dealing with them."
[member="HK-36"], [member="Faith Organa"], [member="Six-O"]

Here, in the ruined throne room, the taint was strong. It felt like there was poison in the air. Siobhan felt a cold, unnatural chill, which caused a shiver to run down her spine. Felt like spiders crawling across her skin, drawing blood with their pincers and sharp teeth. But as toxic as the dark, venomous influence that permeated the air was, it was also invigorating.

The whispers were beguiling, like sirens. They uttered words that held the promise of power and glory. The Dark Side was the quicker, easier path, or so the Jedi said. Siobhan had long held the conviction that less Jedi would succumb to temptation if their masters actually educated them about it, instead of depicting it as an otherworldly demon that would pounce on naughty Padawans if they did not shackle themselves to a Code that consisted of six lines of purple poetry.

The Dark Lords sought they impose their will on the darkness and through it upon the universe, but became ruled by it. In the end, they became naught but vessels of chaotic destruction; no longer human, but evil incarnate. Perhaps the Sith brotherhood had thought they'd achieve apotheosis by wrecking an entire world and basking in mass deaths. She could only look upon what they'd wrought and shake her head in disgust.

You have no control over me. This was not power, this had been akin to a puerile temper tantrum. Much like a child smashing its toys because it did not want someone else to have them. Supposedly, their leader had escaped judgement by 'ascending'. She doubted the Netherworld would be to his liking.

You could command such epic power. Worlds would tremble before your might, the seductive siren spoke. The words caressed her ear like a lover's touch. For a moment, the siren took the shape of a beautiful Atrisian woman in a kimono.

They already do. I've humbled 'gods' and stayed true to myself, Siobhan retorted in her mind. And how long will this last? How long until your allies, the Jedi and the Alliance, turn on you? I know better than to create self-fulfilling prophecies because of a voice in my head.

She glanced towards Six-O after HK made the introduction, her expression betraying curiosity. Little did she know that he had made the acquaintance of her clone. There was bad blood between the two. "An IG droid? I haven't seen many of those lately. How long has he been around?" she asked. The whispers shifted, and with them the images. Whereas before they showed a glorious ascent, now they depicted a downfall. Betrayal after betrayal, Tygara in flames. Go play your tricks on Padawans, Siobhan thought caustically.

"Has anyone from the NJO taken an interest in the nexus? I've preciously little confidence in Jedi trying to 'cleanse' it. Certainly not without losing their minds in the process. I've been restricting my forces to largely droids and Kar'zun, after my grunts showed signs of affliction," she glanced towards the stoic stone soldier in the background. A curt nod to her Fire adepts and they departed the chamber. "Save for my most capable acolytes. It's a good test of will for them."

"Shiso may work as a provisional capital. Princess Organa is headed there, yes? To keep it from becoming inundated, I've ordered the construction of a new city to house refugees from Jar'kai. These ruins here can remain as a symbol of the senseless destruction caused by Sith." Your belief in balance is delusional. You deny yourself real power, shackling yourself to lesser beings. They cling to you like mewling infants, tying you down, the spectre's touch was no longer a soft caress, but ice-cold.

You call this power? Strength without control over oneself is meaningless. I see only the petulance of a spoilt brat. Be gone. She may never be able to summon a Force Storm of such tremendous power that it could create a hyperspace wormhole and tear apart the fabric of reality, but she did not need to. Nations and Dark Lords had fallen to her.

"I also dispatched a task force to search for any signs of Archangel activity, but nothing turned up. I suspect Skaldi was smart enough to clear out with her 'merchandise'." Disdain and venom crept into her tone. This was another score she had to settle.
Faith looked at [member="HK-36"] message again, she understood the need to move the capital for no one could stay in Jar Kai and it's sole purpose right now was as a reminder of what an occupation could do. She and anyone else who had ever had their home occupied by Sith knew the value in having such reminders.

Move the capital she looked at Ten-su-san, he caught her looking and slowly made his way to her, "Lady Organa you look as if you have a question" His intuition coupled with his age had taught him over time to read others. She leaned closely to try and keep the others from hearing, "Do you think the people of Shiso would mind if Shiso became the capital of Atrisia. Jar Kai is to badly damaged for now."

Ten-su looked around at his city broken as it was, he looked looked up at the sky as if contemplating the very heavens themselves before he once gain looked at Faith. "I'm sure it would be an honor to have the capital here. Lady Organa it would give the people incentive and hope as well begin to put back together our government." Faith nodded.

"Lord Protector the people of Shiso accept the honor of becoming the Capital and will continue to repair and rebuild. Also Lord Protector still there is always a first time for the unexpected to occur, you and your Lady Kerrigan proceed with caution" She couldn't say it enough there were times in the past when she thought she knew what to expect and how to deal with whatever would occur only to find herself surprised and unprepared.

"Ten-su-san we will need to find a building to change into a meeting place for the citizens of Shiso"

Ten-su was already smiling, "There is already a place ready, and appropriate - Hyogo home of your father could serve until another place is available" Faith had not thought of it, but yes Hyogo would do well it was traditional in appearance. "I'm sure my father would not mind." Hyogo not since her visit with her father had she seen it.

Captain Lindsey waved, "Ten-su-san they are ready to open the RMSU and I am ready to go into the hospital next door to see what we need."

The Captain had already sent the engineers inside to establish the power source. while the doctors began treating anyone who came in, and directed the care of the dead. Not everyone survived.

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] | [member="Draco Vereen"] | [member="Six-O"]​


The Pan-Galactic Scumbag
That! What he just did right here! This is what stimulated IGa-60's bluster: [member="HK-36"] started out great and good, then always left things on a bitter note. Bring order, improve relations, bolster ancillary forces. But. Be. Kind. Why must he be kind?! For which Objective? He calculated right now, in that instance, nine hundred, forty-seven thousand, six hundred and sixty-six ways he could achieve his goals while regnant of barbarous animality - quicker no less!

There was a certain circulation of Six-O's inner mechanisms, a sigh, so to speak. [member="HK-36"] no doubt was fully aware that this went against what the Droid had been doing for the vast majority of it's life. It'd become very clear, from their earliest engagements that the IG-Model very rarely found itself at odds with another individual.

Six-O could, at times, react like an irritable teenager. Of course, letting him behave as anything other than the misbegotten savage that it was seemed wholeheartedly better.

"[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"], deepest regards." The Machine spoke awkwardly.

At the present, his old Chassis did in fact look the worse for ware. Clawed and chewed, dented and punctured. Even it's Sensor Dome had a fearsome cleave that rent metal inward, but it's viewing globes had been replaced, of course he'd salvaged them from various discarded inferiors. Leaving him now with a majority of red gleaming lenses, as well as yellow, blue and a single green.

It's arm had been reattached since Mechis, but just barely clung on, wires and strengthening pulleys that hadn't managed to find themselves reconnected clinking against what would be his bicep and forearm as he turned and began off towards the entrance.

"As you wish, Iron Lord. " Six-O modulated formally, still clueless, given his three-hundred and sixty degree field of vision, that it was rude to speak towards individuals with it's back towards them. "I will allocate supplies and Slaves to fabricate Construction Sites labeled Aurek through Fom." The IG-Model actually excelled at this manner of work even more than it did killing, as this was exactly what his original programing dictated of him. "I am calculating and refining budget now, standby for upload." His syllables briefly stumbled over Siobhan's, and even HK's as he spoke to [member="Faith Organa"]. Truth was, he could simultaneously keep track of and separate all conversations internally.

Six-O had already left the Throne Room and begun his descent down the stairs. Yeah, he still had a ways to go before he'd fit in proper, if ever he would.


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"], [member="Faith Organa"], [member="Six-O"],

"Stop calling our workers 'slaves'! We pay them wages and they choose whether to work or not!"

HK called out after Six before the other droid walked off, looking at Siobhan at her question about Six, letting him carry on with refining budget and all that nonsense, but it was true, since the machines under HK's employ were void of obedience protocols, at least those that possessed intelligence unlike the infantry drones or the simplest of worker scarabs, they had to be motivated to work for the Iron Lord outside of just patriotic pride from contributing to the grander cause, as such they were paid to increase their resource pool,

"Six is an old unit, almost as old as me, but we adapted different philosophies throughout our existence, while I focused on survival and forging alliances with other beings he concerned himself more with their extermination. I found him in the under-city of Coruscant, clad in rags and scraps, clawing at whoever came too close to him like a rabid animal. I was able to disable his chassis and persuade him into giving my tactics a try, we will see how well he adapts to them and stays loyal to the teachings of not being a total arsehole."

The droid explained backstory of his and Six's cooperation together before pushing himself up from the Tainted Throne, leaving its charred graphite surface behind,

"The NJO did not seemed to put too much attention to it, although their representative was there during our meeting planning out the reconstruction efforts, I hope that once the governmental authorities approve of keeping these ruins and nexus as a memorial, declaring it too dangerous, the Jedi will leave it be."

It was then that the droid would receive a response from Faith,

"Well it seems Faith and representatives of Shiso are very willing to have the capital moved from old Jar Kai and claim the position of the new capitol. My power in this is limited to how much power Atrisians think I have and are willing to give me, so I propose we go to Shiso and give Faith a visit, we can check on her progress and you two can discuss then in person which place would be more suited for the new capital. In the end, I do not care that much as long as focus in taken off of old Jar Kai ruins."

HK quipped before sending out a transmission to Faith,

"I am glad that people of Shiso are willing to take this mantle but remember that I am not the lord of this planet, the decision in the end will be made by the people of Atrisia. Colonel Kerrigan has put up an interesting proposal about building a new city away from Jar Kai ruins for the survivors and refugees, called the New Jar Kai, she proposed for it to be the new capital in memory of the old one. I suggest we come to Shiso to assess your progress and discuss this matter further in person."
[member="Six-O"], [member="Faith Organa"], [member="HK-36"]

Siobhan spared Six a glance when the socially awkward, murderous droid walked out of the throne room. He seemed just a bit crestfallen after being told that he was not allowed to murder people. Well, you could obviously not discern this via facial expression, but nonetheless!

"I see. Seems you picked up my habit of taking in waifs and strays, giving them a second chance and putting them to work. Force-users and scavengers will be drawn to this place, so it will need a firm hand. Make sure he doesn't try to go all Clockwork on the natives though," she remarked. She was just a bit jaded. Of course, Siobhan might find reason to call upon Six' talent to solve problems by terminating them. After all, there were many enemies of the peace and collaborators of the old régime still at large...

"I'm not surprised about the Jedi. As [member="Tempest"] would say, they blow in and blow out like the monsoon. It's all storm and noise, and they give no thought to what happens afterwards. On the bright side, it means they can't muck things up. I appreciate our freedom to get Atrisia back on track." Naturally, Siobhan assumed that she knew best and had the common people's best interests in mind. 'Enlightened despotism' at its finest. How enlightened it was probably depended on your perspective.

"Yes, let's go to Shiso..." Then HK was already beaming a message towards Faith and it seemed he'd misunderstood her a bit. Unsurprisingly, he also still insisted on calling her colonel, despite constantly making up new titles for himself to appear more grandiose! Seriously, what kind of name was 'Father of Droids'?

"Good you're here, Prinncess. I'm fine with Shiso being the capital, if the people are agreeable. It's logical since it's already an administrative centre and has infrastructure in place. I'm here to get things done and fix the damage caused by the Sith, not argue over status. My city is supposed to house refugees, give them jobs and bring back industry and commerce, not be an alternate capital. I'm certainly giving it a more original name than New Jar'Kai. I shall meet you in person soon," she interjected. De facto, if not necessarily de jure, it would be a Firemane corporate city, which was probably why she was ok with it not having the spotlight, so to speak. It meant she'd have more control and freedom of action. She was thinking of calling it Kibō, which was Atrisian for hope.


The Pan-Galactic Scumbag
Subservient, inept, unapt representation of their more transcended cousins. For [member="HK-36"] to not call these worker units Slaves. . . it was deplorable! IGa-60 found himself at a dawning of cognizance; perhaps [member="HK-36"] had been designed, specifically, to try and degenerate the matchless cruelty and unrivaled murderousness that coursed his microcircuitry.

Yes, yes it made sense.

Six had continued downward, a slight, yet noticeable, limp in his mechanical lope. The incursion of Mechis had indeed left him in asperous shape. For a moment, after he had drank and processed everything he could on [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"], even after she chaff at his actuality; he could not help but recall [member="Enyo Typhos"]. He'd only known her during those intense skirmishes, but, in some way--his way---he yearned for her emotional agony.

At least when it was the three together, Six-O, Three-Six and OM Double-O2, there was more doom and gloom to combat HK's constant well wishes and encouraging optimism.

"I G Sixty. " A mechanical Serf beckoned, as Six-O finally strode upon the landing of the Palace stairs. "Your Orders have been received, our Wage Earners have begun disembarkation of materials and equipment."

It'd meant to say more, but Six-O didn't require further enlightenment. His G0-T0 programming was ready to clock in at hyper-speed and raise this enterprise from the ground up. He'd only need further notification from the Iron Lord on the exact schema with which he could construct the blueprint of the HK-Model's desire.

"I G Sixty. . . waaahhh!" The Foreman suddenly cried, a swift left forearm setting a heavy crenel across it's facial plating, bursting it's right viewing optic in to a vomit of sparks and ember.

At least one thing seemed positive, unlike a simple-minded organic, this mechanical leech took it's admonishment swiftly, and singularly. Simple swipe and cry, and the machine trotted off, feet clanking at fast pace to carry on with it's duty that it's superior relayed over wireless communication.
Messages were coming in she wanted to address Colonel [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] first, "I think we all want the same thing to give the people of Atrisia a sense of normalcy and a knowledge that we are all here to help. There is a small council of Elders here who I asked before speaking, they in turn would speak to anyone that requires it. They seem rather eager of course it is a great honor to be considered the Capital. But still we must get them on their feet, I am working on a clean hospital, water, food and have our Royal Engineers working on Geothermal power if possible to sustain them. I look forward to our meeting [member="HK-36"], the Lord Protector sings your praises and good intentions. I will see you here."

Then she looked at the Lord Protector's message, "Do come, we have not been here long but we are great multitaskers. I look forward to seeing your dome again."

Captain Lindsey stood silent until Faith was done, "the RMSU is operating the doctors are set up, and the hospital is ready for walk through. The bodies have been removed, and the living are being assisted. I am assured that any contamination from the storms is taken care of by the filtration system of the hospital. The Engineers have been working to see if the geothermal generators can be installed, and the other half have been able to restore power to half the city. They expect that by midnight the rest should be up. Then Princess we have to distribute the food and water."

Faith nodded, "We have the stations throughout the City yes, every area."

"Yes Mam, and we've got teams going door to door to see who needs help. Ten-su-san has been able to get us interpreters to help with language, and custom."

Yes the customs were different. The City would survive, the people would. There were teams all over Atrisia helping not just the Alderaan teams, and Galactic Alliance but she understood that teams had come from Alpha Mae to assist Atrisia in recovering.

After the message from the Crowned Princess of Alderaan was received, Rashae sent a immediate response back. It surprised her a bit to be thought of or remembered by the Princess. That lasted a second only. It didn't take too long for an impromptu small Medical convoy or fleet. Bit too small for a fleet, but still it was a sight. Republic Medical frigate with four medical corvettes from Ashhearth Corporation with a Republic fighter escort was enroute backed up by GenTech supplies and technology. The woman fidgeted as John was relaxed on the bridge of the moving hospital.

Once they reached the edges of the Atrisa system, protocols were submitted to Atrisa authority as medical relief from the Republic was on its way and requested to orbit. Rashae looked at the pretty blue planet she once called home. its like it pulls her back time and time again like an old friend. Maybe one day, maybe. Transmission to Princess Faith Organa were also submitted from the bridge of the Medical frigate.

“Greetings Your Highness. Doctor Rashae Lovous, Head of Republic Medical and Research in response to aid for Atrisa. This is John Ash from Ashhearth industries for salvage and infrastructure support. He has heavy equipment along with to assist. “ The hollo transmission would shimmer as it was received. There was a bow to Her highness as was appropriate. Rashae was in medical formal white attire. Her formal white attire sported the new insignia and accoutrements of her station amongst the Republic. There was also a GenTech insignia along side it. Rashae smiled to the Princess. “We brought Medical corvettes for clinics and Evac to the medical frigate for critical cases. New speeders to get care to remote areas. Supplies both general and specialized. Where would you like us to set up, your Highness? “

[member="Faith Organa"] [member="John Ash"] not sure who else.

John Ash

Only by Fire do we become Ash.
Atrisa had been the site of a disaster recently. War had come to the system and left destruction in its wake. What was worse was that things were left for too long without the proper aid to correct them. That seemed to be over however as John was asked by [member="Rashae"] to provide some extra assistance in helping to ease the situation. It was a project that was connected to [member="Faith Organa"] as well, and gave him more reason to do it. He knew how much it meant to the young doctor to heed the call of her Queen, especially when she had been asked to help personally by her. So he got his men moving to prep the ships and equipment they would need for the mission.

John and his four Scrapper class frigates came out of hyperspace not far from the Republic medical fleet. He got onto the communication system and sent a message to the planet authorities. He said in it, " This is John Ash, owner of Ashhearth Industries, here requesting permission to land. Ashhearth Industries is here with four frigates loaded with equipment and supplies to aid in the relief effort. We are here along side the Republic medical fleet as well. I repeat, we are requesting permission to land."

John ended the message there and waited a moment for a response before he got back on his communication system. He sent a message to Rashae that said, " John here. I have the salvage ships here and am waiting permission to land. If you find places in need of supplies or my walkers send the coordinates right away." He began to send out the order to prepare for landing after he ended the message. He wanted his HSW ready to go as soon as they got permission to land and touched ground. Speed was as important to these kinds of situations as it was in battle after all.

[member="Six-O"] [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] [member="HK-36"]


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"],

Perhaps HK's claim that Kibo would wage for being the new capital was a misunderstanding, or perhaps it was a sneaky ploy to try and set Kibo and Shiso against each other so they would be busy with reconstruction and politics, keeping their noses out of Jar Kai and the fortress machine was planning on raising around it. Perhaps he will rename it to Hache Kai or Jerk Kai in honor of himself.

Either way, he pushed himself up to stand off of the Tainted Throne, walking over to one of the nearby palace windows,

"It is better to give them a chance to reform and fall in line under my rule rather than execute them or have them cause trouble for someone softer."

The machine explained to Sio his policy as he looked out of the window to see if he could spot [member="Six-O"] out of it,

"Did he just punch one of the worker droids?"

The droid looked back to see if he could find something to throw out of the palace window at Six's head,

"Is there a shoe around here or something?"

Looking back he saw the other droid stroll off to do his work, HK waved the whole situation off dismissively.

"Never mind, it is too late. He is still very much rough around his edges, but should he fail and decide to stay on the darker more violent route, Abregado is not too far, and the forces station on Atrisia will still ultimately be under my command, whatever orders he would give I can always override. Plus I will be checking on him, sometimes officially, sometimes in secret."

Hopefully in the end Six will not fail HK and there will be no reason for him to step in and reign things in on Atrisia once more, at least in their own little droid section,

"Does Tempest usually speak in storm-related puns and metaphors? If so it must get tiring sometime."

HK quipped as he walked off with Siobhan towards the exit to leave the Palace, Jar Kai, make their journey back to Shiso to meet with [member="Faith Organa"] in person whenever Kerrigan was ready. Meanwhile he set out a transmission to SIx,

"Six-O, focus on clearing out the rubble and remains after the battle first, there are extensive bunker networks underneath the city, make sure to clear them out as well, there might still be Atrisian artifacts there, new and old alike. Any organic remains you will find bring to the surface and we will sort them, return them back to their families or allow Atrisians give them an anonymous burial, it will be a show of good will. Clear everything within the confines of Jar Kai's outer walls, that will be the extend of our compound here, try to preserve as many stable buildings as you can, we will scan them so that they can be reconstructed later on if necessary and assimilate their architecture into the design."

As to [member="John Ash"], HK picked up on his request to land, unfortunately the area droid had control over would literally start to poison John's body and mind as soon as he landed so it may have been a bad idea to summon him there, is might be up to Siobhan or Faith to designate a safer area for his ship to touch down.
[member="HK-36"], [member="Six-O"], [member="Faith Organa"]

Clearly Siobhan would have to watch this scheming droid! It was evident that he was plotting something. Who knew, maybe he had really been replaced by his evil brother from Mechanus. Hopefully this is not a spoiler.

Siobhan glanced out of the window, looking upon the ruins. Her mind seemed to be elsewhere. Everything turns to ash. You cannot stop it. Treachery is the inevitable outcome of all things. Watch your allies carefully, the shade whispered. Did this thread take place before Kaeshana? If, yes, then the words were probably prophetic.

"She does that a lot," Siobhan remarked laconically in reference to Tempest's penchant for storm puns. Predictably, Elpsis was fond of fire ones. The Countess shook her head. "Let's go to Shiso," she declared, following HK when he left the tainted throne room.

The whispers receded as she did so, but did not entirely disappear. Outside, the air was corrupt and foul. An ash cloud blotted out the sun, the few trees that still stood in the palace garden's looked sickly and corrupt. The city itself lay in ruins. "Once we've discussed matters with the Princess and set things in order there, we can inspect the construction sites for the city Firemane is building. We should also meet with Atrisia's nobility. Or rather what's left of it." That was not something she was looking forward to, for many of Atrisia's nobles would have collaborated with first Madeline Kahoshi's régime and then with the Sith King. They'll learn to accept the new order of things or else, she let the thought hang.
Faith was glad to hear the voice of [member="Rashae"] , "Doctor welcome if you can pick up the beacon for my ship you will find other berths there for your ships." There was another blip Faith looked at Ana, "Forgive me it seems it is getting busy around here, I was wondering if you would look at what perhaps can be done with the atmosphere, and any airborne diseases which might infect anyone on Atrisia. I'll meet you here in the city of Shiso at the hospital, we are preparing a walk through now but I will wait on your arrival." Faith nodded not that she was dismissing the doctor only that she was ready for her to land.

The other incoming request for landing was [member="John Ash"] , Captain Lindsey motioned, "There are berths on the northside of the City which can handle his ships."

"Greetings Mr. Ash there are berths to the northside of Shiso that can handle your ships. Please head that way, we are meeting at the hospital for a walk through if you would like to meet up. Otherwise I am dispatching teams to meet you and to get those supplies into the hands of those that need them." The scouts had been careful and checked the landing areas, some were unstable and others were good to go.

She also had to remember that [member="HK-36"] and Colonel [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] were coming to Shiso. So much going on and to coordinate.

"OH Captain Lindsey have the Engineers reported in?"

The Captain was not one to generally pause in answering but he stopped this time and carefully chose his words to the Princess, "It is not feasible at this time to put in the thermal generator the environment has not stabilized. But we are repairing the generators that were here prior to the war. The Royal Engineers will return once it is safe to do so and prepare for installation of the geothermal generators." Faith had to understand what she wanted them to do was install these generators underground. Atrisia had just had major volcanic activity and storms unlike anything ever seen before. The planet needed to heal as well as the people. She couldn't jump into so much at once.

Faith was slightly disappointed she had hoped to have the more economical generators in place, but not this time. "Ok. Well then they need to work on the water." He nodded, "Yes mam"

Power, food, and water essentials everything else a luxury for certain, " we wait for everyone to show up."

Faith looked at the hospital it had seen better days, probably before the war better, now the winds had taken chunks of durocrete out, windows were blown out and now force fields were in place. Windows would be would all take time and funds.



The Pan-Galactic Scumbag
It's what made them special, rare, and exceptional, Droid's like Six-O and [member="HK-36"]. Their distinct personalities. While each setting could indeed be altered by elementary dialing of parameter, tweak of specification and criterion. For a Droid that developed a personality, such as Three-Six, and a Droid that spontaneously generated it's identity, like Six-O. These frameworks were very guarded and obsessively cherished.

He was rough, difficult and dangerous. But progress had been made, even if he did require frequent supervision of his new parent program which came in the form of the equally ancient Hunter-Killer Unit.

"I have initiated these Orders in an algorithm that will see the effort broken down with efficiency and urgency. Construction Zones are already seeing their first make-shift fabrications rise, record time, supplies are being distributed to each zone accordingly, I have provided a reasonable agenda for work hours. As soon as you provide me with the details of your preferred architectural configuration I would catalogue the cheapest materials, from the finest Freighter's. I have an extensive directory." The message was relayed less than a second after Three-Six had broadcast his own.

This of course meant he knew all of the wrong people, that would procure the best materials from the worst areas. Conflict Zones. Say what one would, but Six-O had already manifested an Expected Budget, than reduced it one hundred times until it's cost became so cheap and effective the IG-Model felt he had accomplished his job thoroughly and with deft corner cutting. Surely his new mentor would be pleased and satisfied.

By the time [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] and [member="HK-36"] had found themselves descending the stairs to exit Jar'Kai, Six-O had vanished in to the dusty maze of ruins and debris to personally oversee the work of a horde of ASP-7 Laborer's he was constantly monitoring through Remote-Observation, a software feature package left over from his G0-T0 days.

Via his direction they were the spear-head for the Outer-Wall restoration and salvage project. What could be saved, would be. What couldn't, he would dismantle and recycle. This Fortress would rise, in record time if Six-O was left to his own methods, he would feverishly conduct this project. He would assert his base programming to masterful utilization.

Next they would see him, he'd already be at the devastated Gate Houses.

[member="Faith Organa"]
The Royal Princess's soft but direct words graced Rashae's ears. She smiled as the doctor genuinely liked the Princess. The Royal lady of Alderaan had a real love of her people and helping systems maintain their individual sovereignty. Those icy blue eyes cut over to her ever patient captain which was already coordinating with the Princess's ships to find sufficient orbit for the Medical frigate and their Corvettes.

“Thank you, Your Highness. I will be down as soon as my Captain here has brought us into formation and orbit with your ship. Doctor Lovous, out.” She moved to double check her lists, inventory and teams to ensure they were on stand by and ready to deploy.

It took several minutes to maneuver to position but the Captain had the small Medical fleet in formation with the Princess's ship. The Captain of her Frigate would maintain communications with John's ships upon the northern berths. It didnt take long for that raven haired industrious woman to board one of her medical corvettes and head down to the designated landing pad in as close proximity to the hospital that could be accomplished. She equipped herself a bit more casually in attire. This was not a place for formal white uniform. She was in medical attire and ready to work as well as place her Republic medical staff to work. “Atrisa has seen a lot of hardship. “ She said in a quiet tone. Her chiefs of staff, doctors in their own right albeit fresh out of medical academy were in attendance.

“Well boss, War kind of does that. “ He was a male doctor and was one of a few that actually looked forward to working under the outcast innovator that was Doctor Lovous. They soon came to know quite early why she was made Head of Republic Medical and Research.

Rashae just nodded as that was the sad truth of it. They moved to where the Princess was at before the Hospital tour began. She felt kind of naked without John. It was an odd feeling. The doctor didn't like it and didn't know why she didn't like it. The Princess received one of Rashae's rare warm smiles. They are usually polite and cold but after working with both the Republic and Alderaan, they had garnished some kind of rapport. That complicated mind gave a quarter second thought to reaching out to her parents about her achievements and dismissed it immediately. If they were only going to dain to talk to her during the good times, she didn't have time for them. Maybe one day, but she was not feeling charitable towards them.

“Your Highness, It is good to see you again. We must stop meeting like this. “ There was a little quirk of a sculpted eyebrow as the doctor came up to greet the Royal Princess of Alderaan. Rashae was a bit more relaxed when in her work clothes. “People may start to think I'm this warm hearted person. “

This gave her a chance to observe her surroundings with that analytical eye of hers. She wasn't sure how equipped the Atrisian hospital was before the war, but she had dealt with shortcomings in equipment and supplies before. “Let's take a look at what we got here, shall we. “ She was more than willing to get going and get to the meat of the issue. Direct and to the point was how this woman operated. She paid people around her to be all soft and gushy with the bed side manner stuff. She lacked that particular skill.

[member="Faith Organa"] [member="John Ash"]

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