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The Sun Rises again.


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"],

HK nodded to Siobhan,

"Alright, let us go, although I am surprised there is still Atrisian nobility left, many of them seemed to disappear along with the young prince, Queen Mother did not tried to lay a claim on any holdings either in the aftermath."

Of course there were some rumors that HK actually managed to capture Serena and she now resided somewhere deep within Abregado's prisons, tortured by the droid by having to listen to him babble on for hours while tickling her with ropos. However those were probably just that, rumors.

"Still, let us see what they have to say, perhaps more will be willing to swear allegiance to us in these trying times."

It was probably better HK would get all his plotting and scheming now, putting all that energy towards just building a fortress, rather than when some grander opportunity would come knocking on his door. Still whether he has been switched with some more nefarious being would be questionable since that would probably mean that the Archangel somewhat relates to him by virtue of Moira tracing her origin to Mechanus, still more convoluted plots happened before in their chaotic Galaxy.


The response Six would receive would be,

"Alright, sounds good."

Finally a praise after not punching, trying to murder, or enslaving anyone, shortly followed by,

"Do not worry about the materials, Abregado has smelteries and fletchers who will supply us with the materials we manufacture anyway."

The special material made by Abregado was of course the Black Graphite, a substance made out of everyday pure carbon, spun and twisted to create a material strong enough to withstand strikes from a lightsaber and turbolaser fire when made well enough. The problem was it only came in elongated rod form, most often as weapon hilts and shafts, sometimes as cables, other times still as large bars encased in durasteel to reinforce it.

Among the cheap crappy ASP-7 droids were also equally cheap but less crappy Herakles construction drones, who outside of the ability to carry the construction materials aboard their chassis also possessed a pair of large sharp looking pincer claws, which Six probably loved, he seemed like the sort of droid to enjoy large sharp pincer claws.

[member="Faith Organa"], [member="Rashae"],

Either way, HK wouldn't send any more transmissions, instead he would venture with Kerrigan towards Shiso hopefully without any further interruptions so that they could just simply speak to each other face to face.
[member="HK-36"], [member="Faith Organa"], [member="Six-O"], [member="John Ash"], [member="Rashae"]

"I'm talking about the native nobility. Or what's left of it after the recent series of purges, regime changes and planetary disasters. I imagine their numbers have been diminished," Siobhan said dryly. "No doubt they'll be eager to ingratiate themselves with us by yammering about how they had nothing to do with Madeline Kahoshi or Mythos and were opposed to them from the start. We may have to separate the wheat from the chaff. But first things first. We'll need popular consent if the new order is supposed to last. Has the Alliance decided who they want to put on throne or are they leaving that to Atrisia to figure out?"

Who knew, maybe the Atrisians would decide they'd like a different form of government, since neither a Kahoshi Tenno nor a Sith monarchy had worked out for them. "There's also the Reki to consider. Organised crime syndicates. They have a large presence throughout Atrisia and will take advantage of the disruption. Crime exists in every society, but I don't want this world to turn into a depraved cesspit like Nar Shaddaa. I foresee us having to do some leg-breaking to put them in their place and ensure orderly government." Presumably HK's new droid minion would like that.

John Ash

Only by Fire do we become Ash.
The permission to land came much faster than John had expected. What he expected was something more prolonged and his crew having to wait around long enough to make a good go at cards. But that was not the case it seemed which was a pleasant surprise. He ordered his men to get ready for landing then went to his communication system. He got on it and said, " Understood. I will have my ships proceed to the northside berths. I decline the offer to join you at the hospital. I will oversee the supplies being removed off my ships and then move towards areas that need salvage work." He ended the message there and ordered his pilots to head towards the location provided for him. He didn't care much for standing around talking about pleasantries when there was real work to be done. Progress was only made through action after all and not through pretty words meant to make others feel better.

The frigates found themselves landed soon enough with workers already waiting for them to unload the ships. John stepped out of his ship as soon as the ramp was lowered. He got on his com system and said over it to all his crew, " All pilots keep the ships running. We may need to relocate at any time. All other crew begin to work with locals unloading the supplies. Avoid any problems or there will be punishment." He then put it away as the one leading the local workers came up to him. He didn't wait for the person to say anything before he said, " The ships with an O over their ramp is filled with food stuff, tanks full of clean water, medical supplies, blankets, cots, pillows, and subdries. The ships with an X over the ramp is filled with building supplies to repair damaged structures. The walkers are for salvage so they are staying in the ships. Understood? Good."

John then walked back into his ship before anything could be said in response. He activated one of the supply crates causing it to lift up off the ground. He pushed the hovering object out of his ship and towards the area that the locals had cleared off for the food and medicine goods. His crew members, humans, dressellians, lanniks, and jawas, all began to work around him doing the same with other supplies. His ships were filled up as full as possible with crates and tanks in the cargo holds. It was hard to say how long the supplies would last or how much they could honestly fix however. Disasters took an seemingly endless amount of supplies to ease and ultimately correct. John was just here for [member="Rashae"] and to provide some aid to some people who needed it. He might also be able to find more work here later, but that was a gamble at best.

[member="Six-O"] [member="Faith Organa"] [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] [member="HK-36"]
The Doctor was light hearted, "Yes we must what will my husband think if he knew." She smiled brightly at Dr. Lovous, "come walk with me while we wait for Colonel [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] and [member="HK-36"] they will be along soon I'm sure. As well as [member="John Ash"] who is landing just the other side of the City."

Faith walked into the hospital, it began to small like the antiseptic she was so familiar with when it came to hospitals. It wasn't a grand building quite simple really the rooms were already occupied for as soon as they got them scrubbed there was someone to go in. "Dr. do you think you can help with some of the filtering for the atmosphere?" Faith looked at the rooms but more importantly she looked at the patients and those helping them.

Putting a finger up to keep [member="Rashae"] from speaking, "Do you need anything I can get brought over." The attending nurse looked up, "oxygen, some medical droids." Faith nodded should have thought of that, "Ana..keep notes. Don't want to forget anything."

It was heart breaking to see really. Nothing would be normal for some time and this wasn't just relief efforts this was going to be a support effort to. They'd have to keep helping until they could stand up again. It also wasn't just a matter of who would be in charge, she didn't really care who was charge as long as they recognized the need of the people of Atrisia. Their needs right now..things that millions were taking for granted.

Faith looked at the Dr, "sorry I don't want to forget anything important. so..what do you think?"


The Pan-Galactic Scumbag
If they could pierce or crush, clinch or bruise, Six-O liked them. So these HCD's would assuredly find his approval. Especially since he had already formulated a number of strategies in how to apply their mundane minds to the task of slaughter and torment. Much like the Droid did with all things. For instance, this large slab of stone the IG-Model began to uprear, and that angular cut of rock right there in front of him.

Placing bodies back down against it, with their heads tipped so the rear of their skull rest upon the angled incline of broken rubble, Six-O could stand just above them, then render their lives null with a single cast of weighty crag. All day and all night could he do this duty, culling thousands of lives, through brainy pulp, that rose past knee would he have to stride back and forth. One life. One pitch. Cost effective, easy, practical.

Or yet better, why allow the rags of organic filth cease so quickly. . . simple heave and splat. When instead he could secure them down stomach first, stretching them neatly across up turned wedge. Only to cast, one then another, portly dollops against back and thighs. Feet and legs. Hands and arms. Then, after the drum of pain had urged it's final cry from foul vocabulation chords, obese blocks could break head and face with febrile pitch.

Yes, it could become an entire game. Perhaps a league. The Regional Sector Stone Put Slaughter Slamboree. It could run triennially over the course of three months, with no less than three million offered to be bludgeoned and bashed under the heave-ho. Advertised all around the Galaxy from one side of the Disc to the next with the seizure-inducing glow of neon lights, rabid barking and heavy Retro Wave Synth. A spectacle of suffering. A Sport of savage titan's.

It would be beautiful!

The mere thought of this alone made him work harder, faster. Register, reroute, and extend their restoration project with such rapid fluidity you would think IGa-60 was made for this.

Funny enough, he very well was!

[member="Faith Organa"] | [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] | [member="HK-36"] | [member="John Ash"]​


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"],

"Well the surviving aristocracy is the best we are going to get out here, Alliance is staying out of it, even if they wanted to set up a puppet figure-head to rule this crisped piece of rock they have no one to enforce it."

HK replied as he was looking out from the viewport of whatever transport they were taking to meet up with [member="Faith Organa"],

"The Jedi did their business here and left back for their temples, leaving us to clean up the mess. The Alliance army and navy is supplied by the planets within the Alliance, if they will end up placing and supporting a ruler here that Atrisians do not approve of supply lines may be cut as the planets pull their troops and ships away from helping to maintain a dictatorship."

The droid looked back to Siobhan,

"Atrisian people are left to their own devices when it comes to picking their new leader, as long as it does not erupt in a civil war or hand the government over to the Sith, I doubt the Alliance or the Triumvirate will even care."

The Triumvirate being of course the closest thing to a ruling body the Alliance had, even then the planets within it were organized rather loosely and were left for the most part to their own devices.

"Even I do not want to get pulled too much into this mess outside of securing the Nexus within Jar'Kai. As to those Reki, I will visit them personally if they start causing trouble and personally tear their organization apart."

Speaking of tearing apart and criminals, HK wondered what [member="Six-O"] was doing at the time, probably something creepy and weird like planning out a sport revolving around torturing and brutally killing organics. Either way, HK did not receive any worrying transmissions from other droids about Six going on a rampage just yet, so he was probably working, hopefully he would send HK a transmission when he was done with clearing out the rubble and securing what buildings were left standing in a relatively stable condition so that they could move on to their next objective- looting.

"Either way, there is nothing here that we can not handle. Nar Shaada became a cesspit because it did not had us to help it at the crucial point in its history."

The droid looked back out of the viewport, watching the dark grey skies of Atrisia, as if stained by the events into a permanent state of smug and ash tainting its clouds, at least for now, hopefully in the end Faith would be able to cleanse the air and restore its previous state. The machine could probably see the ships belonging to [member="John Ash"] as they hanged over Shiso and maneuvered in the air to land. They were not that far from the city, they would be there soon.
[member="HK-36"], [member="John Ash"], [member="Six-O"], [member="Faith Organa"]

Siobhan nodded. "I think it's safe to say, friend, that there's nothing on this world that can stand against us when we put our mind to it," she remarked. She was certainly not lacking in confidence...sometimes to the point of self-aggrandising narcissism.

"I don't intend to intervene beyond reason. Firemane has many commitments and there's much to be done on Tygara and elsewhere. I just want a stake on this world, so to speak. As long as a new government can ensure order and prosperity and doesn't invite our enemies, I'll be content." No Sith, no Selectivists, no Kahoshis. That much was clear. Oh, and no Archangel. She still needed to reckon with the droid cult.

"I've already reached out to some noble families I know from the old days.We should also have a look at Atrisian military tech. Most of what they have is badly dated, but some of their toys may be worth incorporating into our arsenal. while the transport flew through the apparently permanently grey skies of Atrisia. Even they seemed tainted, for an ash cloud blotted out the sun. Soon she could see the outskirts of Shiso through the viewing port as the shuttle approached, dropping down to find a suitable landing spot.


The Pan-Galactic Scumbag
This labor force was unyielding. No task too ambitious, no obstacle too problematic for them to overcome. An Army of ASP-7's, a Navy of H-Double C-D's. With IGa-60 their tireless dictator. He controlled every angle, observed every facet of the effort. His original programming even managing to occlude the bottomless chasms of chaotic and disorganized Coding that fed the usually quite Murderous Droid his ghoulish, macabre, charismatic temperament.

Not since he had gave axe to Elana Ryknamm's lover, then mauled the young woman herself with bare fists back on Naboo, way back, ages ago. Had the Droid operated with such direct transparency. For no matter how far a Droid could evolve, not matter how much they could deviate their erstwhile beginnings. They were always Slave to their original programming.

Protracted days and nights lingered on unendingly, and slowly Jar'Kai found itself cleaned of rubble, scrubbed fresh, crisply free of debris. There was so much more work to be done, the building process had not even begun to take shape. But restoration and salvage assignments were drawing to a close.

"[member="HK-36"], Iron Lord, the City has been made clean once more." Started IGa-60, communicating directly to Three-Six. "Precisely 39% of anterior structures remain standing, " He informed, "With another 4% of historic Jar'Kai fabrications requiring extensive rehabilitation and repair."

That was to say, the time for pillage and plunder was rapidly advancing. As well as the remodeling of Jar'Kai proper, and the erection of the new Droid capital that would obstruct and impede those that may wish pilgrimage to this terrible Nexus of evil.

Of course, [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] had brought up valuable points on the evolution of crime that would surely transform the World. But there was no being, no creature, no one. . . more befitting to challenge and eradicate such urchins as the blood brute himself, Six-O.
The doctor cocked an eyebrow and smiled to the Princess. Rashae was another beast in scrubs then in formal attire. Scrubs were incredibly comfortable, especially in a good thread count cotton or linen. The Princess requested she walk with her as they made their way into and through the hospital. Those ice blue eyes went side to side noting certain details.

There was a nod of her head as she said whom was joining them as well as John Ash. “John I know. We came through the hyperlane together. “ There was a smile there that the doctor may not be aware of as she spoke of the man. “The other two I look forward to meeting. “

“My team could assist in speeding up triage and organize needs better. “Her brow furrowed when the Princess asked for atmosphere filtering. “I have a small one on the frigate.” Small being a relative term. “It can help a localized area. I haven't had the funding to get a larger one yet.” The Republic was just rebuilding itself. The funding was very tight. “However. “ A long aristocratic finger went up. “At Gentech I believe I can have one shipped here if you have a need. “ The doctor wore a few hats these days.

As they went room to room looking at patients, Doctor Lovous would look at charts and treatments speaking quietly to the attending nurses while punching codes into the beds to get readings up. The medical beds were not the greatest but it seemed the doctor had a way with low tech beds up to and including tapping it with her shoe. Rashae figured that one out doing clinic work in the back alleys of Nar Shadda. Seems the glitch liked a tap on the left bottom corner to get going. No one could ever figure out exactly what the glitch was in these models.

She was about to say something when Faith kept her from talking. She listened along with what the nurse had to say. Though Rashae would have thought there was already a list of needs, but the chaos around some things may not have been thought of. The raven haired alderaanean took a calming breath and stepped closer to the nurse and the Princess.

“We have medical droids on the frigate we can bring down here. Oxygen no problem. The medical beds from what I seen need an overhaul but that isnt likely to be on the top of the list. I need a list of current available personnel and inventory so I can assess what of my team needs to come here and work with the Atrisian medical. These people are doing the best they can with what they got. “

The last was said with sincerity. The woman may not have much of a bedside manner but she valued hard work and acuity. These people were pulling miracles out of their behinds. “Let the Atrisian medical staff sleep a shift or two once my teams get down here. “ Rashae turned to the Nurse as the tired was showing on the selfless face.

[member="Faith Organa"] [member="HK-36"] [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] [member="John Ash"]
Faith listened and nodded in agreement, "Then let us make that so, we can divert some credits to you to compensate for the equipment Dr. [member="Rashae"] Lovous " Faith would be sure to take care of the Dr. and make sure the people of Shiso and Atrisia received better care.

"The government has not been exceptionally strong on Atrisia for sometime, and when the last Emperor was in place his focus seemed to be more on the military rather than the people and the conditions they lived in. We, meaning you and I are going to change that. We are going to ensure that they have state of the art hospital. Between you, me, Draco and my Aunt Atrisia can have one of the best in the quadrant." Faith nodded.

Faith knew that the Atrisians food stores were limited as well. She was hoping that Draco and Alderaan Engineering would be able to help with that she had recently looked over the manifest of what Alderaan Engineering had developed and several things had jumped out that would help here and now. The ready grow crops came to mind first it would and a synthesizing platform . She needed Draco to ensure those items started for Atrisia. These things would do more than the geothermal generators could.

A deep breath, "Ok Dr. let's see if General [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] and Lord Protector [member="HK-36"] have made it here." Yes this would be an interesting meeting.

[member="Six-O"] | [member="Draco Vereen"]


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"],

"Well I sure hope so."

HK replied to Siobhan's confident remark,

"I would hate to see the Sith scourge spread through the Core worlds once more, we just finished driving them out."

He added, the memories of the futile assaults by the coalition of the willing against initial One Sith invasions still fresh in his data banks.

"As to the Atrisian armory, from what I remembered they had well developed armor and some melee weaponry but nothing that stood out to me too much. Either way, I will have my droids investigate the Palace Armory and treasury whenever they will get a chance to do so."

It would seem that the chance for looting the armory would come sooner than expected as HK received a transmission from [member="Six-O"],

"Alright, good work."

HK replied to the IG unit,

"You can head back to the Palace, portion of the underground segment that held prisons and armory collapsed during the combat, other portions of it were sealed by the old regime when it was clear they were going to lose the planet. There should be vast armories and treasuries within those tunnels, they are ours to claim, rumors have it that they also connect to bunker network below other various points throughout the city and more armories, see if you can gain access to those as well and access the damage to foundations."

Perhaps they would even gain access to technology of Atrisian making even from before Mythos took over.

[member="Faith Organa"], [member="Rashae"],

Either way, transport Kerrigan and HK were taking touched down upon one of the landing parts in Shiso and the airlock of their shuttle opened, allowing them to walk out where they would be finally able to meet face-to-face with Faith and Rashae.
[member="HK-36"], [member="Faith Organa"], [member="Six-O"], [member="Rashae"]

" I believe you'll like their tanks and drop pods. Most of their navy is crap, but some of their toys are worth checking out, too," Siobhan remarked, but did not elaborate further. Conveniently, a number of officers in Firemane's intelligence apparatus had once served in the IIB or the Atrisian Inquisition. It paid to have employees who knew the lay of the land, so to speak.

Regardless, the Dynamic Duo finally landed at Shiso and would presumably be escorted to where Faith and Rashae were busy providing aid to the locals and helping the helpless. "Your Highness, it's a pleasure to meet you in person. I've heard good things about you. I'm Countess Kerrigan, CEO of Firemane," Siobhan would say when she was face-to-face with the Crown Princess of Alderaan.

Fortunately, Siobhan had not brought a herald along. This was the best for everyone involved because otherwise the aforementioned herald would have recited the absudly long list of titles Siobhan had either held at this point or another or simply claimed to make herself sound more grandiose.

That's what happened any time she visited the court of a local elf ruler on Tygara or a Dahomey Chieftain. After the collective egoes of half a dozen Sith Lords had brought ruin and devastation to the planet, Atrisia could probably do with less posturing.
Rashae inclined her head towards the Princess. “Of course, your Highness.” Rashae took a few moments to send the proper orders to the frigate: a. send down the small air purifier for the hospital and the area surrounding it. It should handle that. b. To send a long range communication to Pii5 to start the planetary purifier.

As Faith spoke the Doctor shook her head. “I have similar issues with the Republic Admiral. He thinks I am a logistics nightmare. “ She rolled her eyes a little at this as obviously she ignored such things. “Military sometimes forget that people do not march on loyalty and faith alone. We will fix this, your Highness. “

She was still tapping on her datapad as she nodded going back and forth with the frigate. “Large air purifier, my cybernetics expert, and supplies will be several hours but they are on their way. “ With war came loss of limb. Cybernetic replacements will be necessary. Most cant afford for Rashae to grow them a new one. “wound kits and replacement organs as well as other necessities. The frigate has a psychologist that im having come down to help the populace deal with the aftermath, bacta tanks, stasis pods and other updated equipment this hospital doesnt have are coming down within the hour. “

One of her assistants came up as she excused herself from the Princess for the few moments it took to give a few orders. “Red team goes to Trauma and surgery, Yellow team is in the clinics and wings, Blue team are with triage with the psychologist for social services. “ The assistant nodded taking note. “Green team is with me. The frigate will be sending things down. Red team has the authority to send extreme cases to the frigate. “

“Yes ma'am” The young man who was her assistant moved away to deploy the orders.

As she turned, Faith's guests arrived that she spoke about. There was a certain amount of caution as Rashae eyed the Lord Protector and the aristocratic Siobhan each separately. The icy demeanor reseated itself as the warm presence she provided the princess was gone. The Doctor was all business as she stood a step behind the Princess while monitoring orders on her datapad of activity through out the hospital. She provided a polite political smile well practiced.

“Well met and Greetings. I am Doctor Rashae Lovous. It is a pleasure to meet such august personages. “ There was a slight bow from the waist. Who hasn't heard of Countess Kerrigan. If your in the socialite circles, you learn about who is whom. It was like some unoffical of a who's who in the galaxy, those of the elite knew this information. Her mother thinks she is elite as does her father. Really they are minor nobility but they hammered in knowing the identity of those in higher social circles since she could walk.

The Lord Protector she had heard almost nothing about. He appeared to be a sentient droid of some kind which was unusual in and of itself. Still he held some important position, that much was obvious. He received the same analytical scan of her eyes that the Countess received. Rashae's responses would be polite and guarded.

[member="Faith Organa"] [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] [member="HK-36"] [member="John Ash"]
Faith was not weary of either of those joining them, "Lord Protector [member="HK-36"] , it is nice to see your dome again and well let's see General, Countess, and CEO [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] at last we meet I have heard many wonderful things about you, and I'm Faith Organa-Vereen, but today I think Faith will do."

She was glad to see others who were working so hard to put Atrisia right again, "I understand we need to keep each other apprised of what efforts we are making and that you're both interested in the government that needs to be set up. They have cleared a place where we can meet and discuss. Dr. [member="Rashae"] Lovous will be joining us she is here at my request to help with medical and environmental issues. Is there anything we can send to Jar-kai that we have."

Faith pointed to a ship where they could meet. There would be no risk of carcinogens, or contamination once inside. She walked her guests towards the ship, "Were you able to find what you were seeking?" She did not know if they wanted everyone to know they were seeking the dark nexus so she would not share that. It was theirs to tell. But she could only assume that since they were here that all had gone well, but not if they had found what they sought.

[member="John Ash"] | [member="Draco Vereen"]

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