The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"],
HK nodded to Siobhan,
"Alright, let us go, although I am surprised there is still Atrisian nobility left, many of them seemed to disappear along with the young prince, Queen Mother did not tried to lay a claim on any holdings either in the aftermath."
Of course there were some rumors that HK actually managed to capture Serena and she now resided somewhere deep within Abregado's prisons, tortured by the droid by having to listen to him babble on for hours while tickling her with ropos. However those were probably just that, rumors.
"Still, let us see what they have to say, perhaps more will be willing to swear allegiance to us in these trying times."
It was probably better HK would get all his plotting and scheming now, putting all that energy towards just building a fortress, rather than when some grander opportunity would come knocking on his door. Still whether he has been switched with some more nefarious being would be questionable since that would probably mean that the Archangel somewhat relates to him by virtue of Moira tracing her origin to Mechanus, still more convoluted plots happened before in their chaotic Galaxy.
The response Six would receive would be,
"Alright, sounds good."
Finally a praise after not punching, trying to murder, or enslaving anyone, shortly followed by,
"Do not worry about the materials, Abregado has smelteries and fletchers who will supply us with the materials we manufacture anyway."
The special material made by Abregado was of course the Black Graphite, a substance made out of everyday pure carbon, spun and twisted to create a material strong enough to withstand strikes from a lightsaber and turbolaser fire when made well enough. The problem was it only came in elongated rod form, most often as weapon hilts and shafts, sometimes as cables, other times still as large bars encased in durasteel to reinforce it.
Among the cheap crappy ASP-7 droids were also equally cheap but less crappy Herakles construction drones, who outside of the ability to carry the construction materials aboard their chassis also possessed a pair of large sharp looking pincer claws, which Six probably loved, he seemed like the sort of droid to enjoy large sharp pincer claws.
[member="Faith Organa"], [member="Rashae"],
Either way, HK wouldn't send any more transmissions, instead he would venture with Kerrigan towards Shiso hopefully without any further interruptions so that they could just simply speak to each other face to face.
HK nodded to Siobhan,
"Alright, let us go, although I am surprised there is still Atrisian nobility left, many of them seemed to disappear along with the young prince, Queen Mother did not tried to lay a claim on any holdings either in the aftermath."
Of course there were some rumors that HK actually managed to capture Serena and she now resided somewhere deep within Abregado's prisons, tortured by the droid by having to listen to him babble on for hours while tickling her with ropos. However those were probably just that, rumors.
"Still, let us see what they have to say, perhaps more will be willing to swear allegiance to us in these trying times."
It was probably better HK would get all his plotting and scheming now, putting all that energy towards just building a fortress, rather than when some grander opportunity would come knocking on his door. Still whether he has been switched with some more nefarious being would be questionable since that would probably mean that the Archangel somewhat relates to him by virtue of Moira tracing her origin to Mechanus, still more convoluted plots happened before in their chaotic Galaxy.
The response Six would receive would be,
"Alright, sounds good."
Finally a praise after not punching, trying to murder, or enslaving anyone, shortly followed by,
"Do not worry about the materials, Abregado has smelteries and fletchers who will supply us with the materials we manufacture anyway."
The special material made by Abregado was of course the Black Graphite, a substance made out of everyday pure carbon, spun and twisted to create a material strong enough to withstand strikes from a lightsaber and turbolaser fire when made well enough. The problem was it only came in elongated rod form, most often as weapon hilts and shafts, sometimes as cables, other times still as large bars encased in durasteel to reinforce it.
Among the cheap crappy ASP-7 droids were also equally cheap but less crappy Herakles construction drones, who outside of the ability to carry the construction materials aboard their chassis also possessed a pair of large sharp looking pincer claws, which Six probably loved, he seemed like the sort of droid to enjoy large sharp pincer claws.
[member="Faith Organa"], [member="Rashae"],
Either way, HK wouldn't send any more transmissions, instead he would venture with Kerrigan towards Shiso hopefully without any further interruptions so that they could just simply speak to each other face to face.