Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Terminus Facility (Ground)

Kalius Aegrus

By now, everything was set. The artillery, anti-air, and infantry positions that sat in the rear lines had been entrenched already. Fortifications dug with shovels, plastoid barriers, and numerous other explosive traps and anti-personnel cannon positions had been set up. Above all, it was best to stay hidden. The Stormtroopers of the elite 501st and their Scout Trooper counterparts had already been adorned in camouflaged armor, and now the area had been concealed by a large number of sensor-blocking camo

They were safe and secure, for now. As for the rest of their allies out there, the same couldn't be said for them.

The forty AT-ST walkers were busy carefully, yet steadily navigating the terrain. They were a light scout force, purposed for the singular mission of discovering enemy infantry or strongholds and besieging them while help came on the way. For now, Jay figured them best to be advancing slowly for now. Their sensors and scanners were hard at work and moving cautiously always helped.

Then came the platoon of Scout Troopers on their bikes. Most of the entire platoon was highly divided, with each Scout pairing up with a battle buddy and breaking off. They weren't known to operate in large units, so pairs and trios only allowed them to maintain maximum stealth capabilities while being able to zip past, or ambush isolated infantry and light armor units. A few sniper and recon teams had set themselves up within site of the shield generator, hiding themselves in foliage before setting up vantage points in the trees or reporting back to HQ through secure, encrypted HoloNet lines.

"Sir, allied forward scouts have laser designated several targets. Barrage profile suggests a heavy armor column. Permission to fire?"

Jay nodded, peering out of the viewport. "Fire when ready."

Almost instantly, seventy artillery pieces fired their armor-piercing payloads on the designated positions. While they were surely firing out of the line of sight, the lasers only tripled the accuracy of their barrages and through past experiences, they usually hit right where the lasers were aimed. Jay could only hope that the Scouts had marked the lead vehicles.

A pause occurred, lasting only a few seconds before the artillery reloaded their canisters and fired again. With the amount of firepower being dished out, Jay was thankful he wasn't on the receiving end of such carnage.

  • 3 x Infantry Companies (240 Elite Stormtroopers) [Stationed at 22.03, 23.03, and 24.02 - Heavily fortified, concealed.]
  • 1 x Mechanized Infantry Company (40 Scouts on Bikes) [Advancing from 31.11 to 29.13 - Spread out in pairs, concealed.]
  • 7 x Artillery Batteries (70 SPMA) [Divided evenly at 22.01, 23.01, and 24.01 - Firing on Skochas at 20.28, AP rounds.]
  • 1 x Anti-Aircraft Batteries (10 AT-AA) [Stationed at 23.02 - Heavily fortified, concealed.]
  • 2 x Light Armor/Walker Companies (40 AT-ST) [Advancing from 31.11 to 34.15]
[member="Tmoxin Temi"], [member="Draco Vereen"], [member="Darth Venefica"]
My Hulls were advancing quickly, hitting open ground and starting to accelerate. Fire. Fire from the sky rain down upon the foremost unit, my Skocha's from SABER Company. Screams of destroyed and defiled tanks died quickly as high velocity rounds poured from the sky. Even Saber One was struck through the drive unit. "BAIL!" I yelled to the crew and we leaped from the vehicle post haste. We were lucky it didn't detonate, but it was useless now anyway. I took a quick survey of the situation from the ground. All of SABER Company was either destroyed outright or crippled, and their crews weren't going to be any help out here.

"Get back to the forward Command post," It was the best I could do for them. There was still a battle to be fought and a war to be won. "SWORD One, come and pick me up. Papa Dragon is down." A few seconds of silence over the comm's. "On our way up, Master Chief." Was the reply followed by a short pause. As other units passed myself and the few small remnants of Saber company's crews I waved them forward until Sword one picked me up. "Papa Dragon back on the Comm. I need some support out here. Somebody figure out where those guns are and hit them up."

The Reliants in front advanced forward unabated however, still pushing on the main facility. "Spear, Glaive, Halberd, and Polearm Companies to Papa Dragon. We have a bead on the droid formations, orders?" Called the senior tank commander. I had to think for a moment, but the loss of Saber had hit me hard. "Light em up, all guns. Papa Dragon, out." A furious fire errupted from the left side of the vehicle wall, sending rounds from every weapon trained on the massed droid formation. The infantry and AA batteries advanced slowly remaining in the protection of the jungles, searching for enemy scouts and ambushers to execute and destroy.

Video of Awesomeness

Tag Box
[member="Xieza Blade"] [member="Orick T'ane"] [member="Hakora Feanor"] [member="Darth Venefica"] [member="Tmoxin Temi"] [member="TJ-1467 Jay"]

Troop Commands
Faction: Republic
Team: Team 2
SABER, Heavy Armor- (0 Skocha-class Main Battle Tanks), Destroyed or Crippled
SWORD, Heavy Armor- (10 Skocha-class Main Battle Tanks), -->20:26, Advance all forces
GLADIUS, Heavy Armor- (10 Skocha-class Main Battle Tanks), -->19:27, Advance all Forces
RAPIER, Heavy Armor- (10 Skocha-class Main Battle Tanks), -->21:27, Advance all Forces

SPEAR, Heavy Armor- (10 R-10 Reliant-class Main Battle Tanks), -->19:25, Advance, Form Armored Line--> Fire All Weapons on Droids at 20:17
GLAIVE, Heavy Armor- (10 R-10 Reliant-class Main Battle Tanks), -->21:25, Advance, Form Armored Line--> Fire All Weapons on Droids at 20:17
HALBERD, Heavy Armor- (10 R-10 Reliant-class Main Battle Tanks), -->18:25, Advance, Form Armored Line--> Fire All Weapons on Droids at 20:17
POLEARM, Heavy Armor- (10 R-10 Reliant-class Main Battle Tanks), -->22:25, Advance, Form Armored Line--> Fire All Weapons on Droids at 20:17

AUREK, Mechanized- (4 LLV-1 Myrmidon APC, 40 Troopers [Armor, Equalizer SAW]), 20:24, Advance on Main Facility
BESH, Mechanized- (4 LLV-1 Myrmidon APC, 40 Troopers [Armor, Equalizer SAW]), 20:25, Advance on Main Facility
CRESH, Mechanized- (4 LLV-1 Myrmidon APC, 40 Troopers [Armor, Equalizer SAW]), 21:26, Advance on Main Facility
DORN, Mechanized- (4 LLV-1 Myrmidon APC, 40 Troopers [Armor, Equalizer SAW]), 19:26, Advance on Main Facility

FALCON, Anti-Air Battery- (10 R-10-AA Tempest Anti-Aircraft Tanks), -->21:30, Hold Rear Guard
HAWK, Anti-Air Battery- (10 R-10-AA Tempest Anti-Aircraft Tanks), -->19:30, Hold Rear Guard

ALPHA, Infantry- (80 Troopers [Armor, Equalizer SAW]), -->19:29, Dig In, Protect AA
BRAVO, Infantry- (80 Troopers [Armor, Equalizer SAW]), -->20:28, Dig In, Protect AA
CHARLIE, Infantry- (80 Troopers [Armor, Equalizer SAW]), -->22:29, Dig In, Protect AA
DELTA, Infantry- (80 Troopers [Armor, Equalizer SAW]), -->22:30, Dig In, Protect AA
Hapan Princess picked up the transmission from Swamp Child reporting the Dagobah Knights’s position. They appeared to be north east of the 182nd Legion. “Roger, Swamp Child.” The Commander quickly relayed her coordinates back.

“Report of a direct hit from the 501st on enemy targets!" Sgt. Major Ulysses said with gusto, always eager to deliver his mercurial Commander some good news.

"Good let’s keep the scouts out there as long as possible so we can get a clear picture of the entire field."

Once the bikers reported and lazed their positions, they would quickly move off to spot another enemy position.

“What is the situation like at the facility, Lieutenant Leeda?” asked Tmoxin. “ OG-9 homing spider droids, IG-227 Hailfire-class droid tanks, A-DSD advanced dwarf spider droids," he radioed back.

“I want the light walkers in the front of the pack to utilize their Ion Cannons. Those units will take out the droids defending the facility and the Viper will be behind them to disable to the shield generator." Once Commander Temi digested all of this information, she ordered Sgt. Major Ulysses to relay it to the 501st and the Dagobah Knights.

15 bike scouts at 18:25 (concealed) lazing Republic 10 Skocha-class Main Battle Tanks at 20:26
10 bike scouts at 20:31(concealed) lazing Silver Jedi LW-1 Light Walkers at 23:33
1 Heavy Walker on hex 08:10: advancing
1 Heavy Walker on hex 08:11: advancing
1 Light Walker on hex 09:13 advancing
1 Light Walker on hex 09:14 advancing
1 X-1 VIPER on hex 07:09 advancing
25 scout troopers at 18.18 (concealed) lazing NPC x14 Infantry divisions and NPC x6 Mechanized Infantry Companies at 21:18

(OOC: Agreed upon conditions with The Republic are that the enemy needs to be within 2-3 hexes to engage the bike scouts)

[member="Valiens Nantaris"] [member="Darth Venefica"] [member="Draco Vereen"] [member="Xieza Blade"] [member="Karrie"] [member="Darth Kentarch"] [member="Seanna Vel"] [member="TJ-1467 Jay"] [member="Orick T'ane"] [member="Grozurra"] [member="Hakora Feanor"]


Princess of Baalia and Senator to the Galactic Sen
All Hell has broken loose, I saw thatDraco Vereen had went down then I hear him on the comm . I turned to Jacedeon, a member of my staff stood near to me.

"Make your way to Draco Vereen inform him that Alpha, Bravo and Charlie Infantry Companies along with Falcon and Hawk AA Batteries will continue searching for enemy scouts and ambushers while advancing on his position and provide him cover.

I watch as Jacedeon moved away from myself. Then into the comm I order.

"Spear, Glaive, Halberd, and Polearm Companies move forward with all due haste and provide support for Vereen's tank companies."

"On our way Princess." I hear over the comm as the tanks lumbered forward past me.

Tag Box
[member="Draco Vereen"] [member="Xieza Blade"] [member="Orick T'ane"] [member="Hakora Feanor"] [member="Darth Venefica"] [member="Tmoxin Temi"] [member="TJ-1467 Jay"]

Faction: Republic
Team: Team 2
SABER, Heavy Armor- (10 Skocha-class Main Battle Tanks), 15:31, Push forward and eliminate any enemies discovered
SWORD, Heavy Armor- (10 Skocha-class Main Battle Tanks), HEX, Hold off battlefield
GLADIUS, Heavy Armor- (10 Skocha-class Main Battle Tanks), HEX, Hold off battlefield
RAPIER, Heavy Armor- (10 Skocha-class Main Battle Tanks), HEX, Hold off battlefield

SPEAR, Heavy Armor- (10 R-10 Reliant-class Main Battle Tanks), 16:31, Hold the left flank and provide support for infantry
GLAIVE, Heavy Armor- (10 R-10 Reliant-class Main Battle Tanks), 14:31, Hold the right flank and provide support for infantry
HALBERD, Heavy Armor- (10 R-10 Reliant-class Main Battle Tanks), 16:33, Protect Mechanized Infantry
POLEARM, Heavy Armor- (10 R-10 Reliant-class Main Battle Tanks), 14:33, Protect Mechanized Infantry

AUREK, Mechanized- (4 LLV-1 Myrmidon APC, 40 Troopers [Armor, Equalizer SAW]), 15:32, Provide Support for Armored Escort
BESH, Mechanized- (4 LLV-1 Myrmidon APC, 40 Troopers [Armor, Equalizer SAW]), 15:33, Provide Support for Armored Escort
CRESH, Mechanized- (4 LLV-1 Myrmidon APC, 40 Troopers [Armor, Equalizer SAW]), 15:34, Provide Support for Armored Escort
DORN, Mechanized- (4 LLV-1 Myrmidon APC, 40 Troopers [Armor, Equalizer SAW]), HEX, Hold off battlefield

FALCON, Anti-Air Battery- (10 R-10-AA Tempest Anti-Aircraft Tanks), HEX, Hold off Battlefield
HAWK, Anti-Air Battery- (10 R-10-AA Tempest Anti-Aircraft Tanks), HEX, Hold off Battlefield

ALPHA, Infantry- (80 Troopers [Armor, Equalizer SAW]), 14:30, Sweep jungle for enemy ambushers
BRAVO, Infantry- (80 Troopers [Armor, Equalizer SAW]), 14:32, Sweep jungle for enemy ambushers
CHARLIE, Infantry- (80 Troopers [Armor, Equalizer SAW]), 17:31, Sweep jungle for enemy ambushers
DELTA, Infantry- (80 Troopers [Armor, Equalizer SAW]), HEX, Hold off Battlefield
Hakora stood on the top of HW-1 looking on the war to come. He wasn't a tactition, only a fighter so this whole battle was above him. He was use to being a Knight, but now he was a Pawn. He looked at the army around him. With nothing else to do he began to focus on the Force letting it surround him. He focused his hands in front of him making an invisible ball that he would continue to move his hands around. Then a spark formed in the invisible ball and grew to a fire ball that he would continue feeding and condensing until they were in range of the enemy.

[member="Darth Venefica"] [member="Xieza Blade"] [member="Orick T'ane"] [member="Tmoxin Temi"] [member="Grozurra"] [member="Darth Kentarch"] [member="TJ-1467 Jay"] [member="Karrie"]
Post Legend
GREEN = LOCATION [general, can be used for anyone / anything]
YELLOW = IDENTIFICATION/SEARCH OF [I am scanning for you, attempting to locate you via sensor probe, line-of-sight, etc. Please reply as you would if I had shot at you, in order to confirm / deny positive identification.]

Faction: Galactic Republic
Team: TEAM # 2


1: Assist in scouting operations. Continuously update allied forces of self-situation.
2: Attain high ground along EASTWARD RIVER FORK (HEX# 34.20).
3: Provide Overwatch of EAST SIDE of Terminus Facilities and the River's fork.
4: Engage any hostile forces.

Current Location (Hex #): 35.25
Location (Detailed): Skirting the EAST BANK (RIGHT BANK ON MAP) of River.

Unit Type: Main Battle Tank, Armored Personnel Carrier​
Strength: 4 vehicles​
Infantry Company​
Unit Type: Infantry, Anti-Tank, Reconnaissance, Long Range Marksmen, Saboteurs)​
Strength: 80 soldiers (4 x 20 soldier platoons, 1 platoon per C1M2A APW)​

I am fielding a vehicle I just got approved. I would love to test it's capabilities and equipment against a vehicle built for mechanized warfare. If anyone is interested in a 4 on 4 tank fight, let me know!

DISCLAIMER: I technically have not established any means for having paid for this vehicle (still unsure how the economy works here). I included it as a test run of the walker, but if anyone has any OOC issue with me using it for this RP, please let me know and I can replace it.

[member=Draco Vereen]
[member=Xieza Blade]
[member=Orik T'ane]
[member=Hakora Feanor]

[member=Darth Venefica]
[member=Tmoxin Temi]
[member=Darth Kentarch]
[member=TJ-1467 Jay]

Ali flicked at the unfiltered cigarette between her fingers with her thumb, knocking the growing bud of ash from the cherry and watched it burst into a small cloud before peppering the forest floor. It was raining in her neck of the woods, and thunderclouds were billowing in the EAST. Ali herself was standing beneath the right, center leg of the lead MAT-TE, designated Alef-One. Alef-Two, -Three, and -Four were dispersed throughout the surrounding forest, hidden by the dense growth of the understory. Large, girthy trees made travel somewhat slow, as Ali wanted to navigate around them rather than give away their position by knocking them down. Ali wasn't even sure the vehicles could, the trees were massive in some places.
Some hours before, when they'd made landfall, the dismounted soldiers had helped camouflage the MAT-TE's in a mixture of netting and local foliage. After having strapped netting to the barrels of all the weapons, the main armor and the legs, the lower boughs of trees had been torn down and secured to the outermost body armor. More had been tied to the outer portions of the walker's six legs, and the barrels of both the front and rear anti-personnel cannons had been wrapped with vines and other bits of brush. The main cannon of each vehicle had been likewise draped with camouflage netting, which was then sprinkled with local flora. By the time the job was done, Ali had had a hard time spotting the vehicles by eye from fifty meters away. They were least visible when viewed through denser lines of trees.

"Hey, Captain." Ali glanced up and saw her assigned First Sergent, Janice Deggers. The woman had removed her helmet and was approaching Ali from the rear of the vehicle. Water was dripping from the skirt armor, forming small puddles in the forest floor between the massive vehicle's mechanical legs.
"What, First Sergent?" Ali asked, bringing her cigarette to her lips and drawing from it. Smoke curled lazily from her nostrils, billowing outward as she exhaled. Rain drops cut through the smoke and sent the sprawling clouds awry. Janice came to stand beside Ali, leaning against the center leg's inner support strut.
"It's Vereen's forces, ma'am. He just lost almost all of Saber Company from an artillery strike." Ali looked over at Janice, frowning. She drew from the cigarette again and then flicked it away. It landed in a shrub some meters away and smoked lightly for a while before the water soaked into the paper and put the coal out.
"Guess it's time for us to get moving then, huh?" Ali said, pulling her helmet over her head. She wore her mother's beskar'gam, with the cracked chest plate that had been reworked to smoothness. The armor was lightweight, made mostly of durasteel plates, save for the chest and back pieces. The Verpine Assault Carbine of her mother's design was hanging from a clip on her shoulder armor, though Ali didn't expect to need it. Not for this fight. This is a vic's fight. Ali thought, looking up at the MAT-TE and slapping its hull with a gauntleted hand.
::Alright folks.:: She called over their local, secure comm channel. ::We're moving out, nice and easy. We've got _______ klicks North to head and then we'll be setting up around the base of that ridge line at the fork in the river. Alef-Two and -Three, you'll be watching the river itself, with one of you covering the two forks. You'll be providing overwatch for Xieza Blade's forces. Alef-One and -Four, we'll be watching over the East Fork of the river, in case any hostile forces there attempt a crossing. Once we've set up position we'll push out the small scout walkers across the river to clear our crossing. If it's good, we'll push North of the river and swing West, looping around the West Fork of the river and coming at the facility from the North. Platoon Leaders, pass that on to your soldiers, let me know when you've completed back briefings.::
Ali received a series of confirmations from her Leftenants via text as she followed First Sergent Deggers in through the rear hatch of Alef-One. The interior wasn't as cramped as she'd expected it to be, but then again her mother had spent a good five years designing the damn thing. She climbed passed the seated infantry soldiers, who were all squashed together with the muzzles of their rifles resting on the floor of the vic. The soldiers were arrayed into three rows of benches, two lining either wall and one running down the center. The center row was longer and faced to the right, leaving enough of a gap between it and the other two benches to afford plenty of maneuvering room for its occupants.
Further into the vehicle, near the front, was a thick bulkhead wall with a hatch built into the left side. Beside the hatch, attached to the wall was pair of medical shelves for patients and the complimentary medical and field surgery droid.
Through a hatch were the commander's seats and the three gunnery positions. The main cannon was positioned against the back of the chamber, the secondary and tertiary cannon operators were positioned facing one another on either side of the forward section of the chamber. Between their stations ran a small set of stairs that led to the cockpit.

Ali nodded to Leftenant Phoebe Munson as she passed the woman. Munson was sitting in one of the command chairs, her Platoon Sergent sitting across from her. Ali took her own seat, the vehicle commander's space across from the main cannon operator, and activated the holographic projector built into the roof of the chamber. The visible battlefield around them appeared in the air, showing the positions of their friendly forces arrayed West-to-East on either side of the river. Ali and her four walkers were at the furthest right limit of the allied force, ready to take position at the river's fork.
Keying her commlink with a series of eye movements, Ali brought Xieza Blade up on comms and attempted to contact the young man. ::Blade, this is Ali Hadrix, Galactic Republic Intelligence Ministry. I'm the arsehole hanging off your three o'clock. I figured we'd better coordinate. Just wanted to give you a heads up, artillery just tore into one of Draco Vereen's companies, lost a bunch of vics already. I'll be advancing, but more slowly and quietly. We're heading North, to the river fork. Once we get there, we can set up overwatch for your forces to advance across the river, if that's where you're wanting to go.:: Ali sat and waited for a response as she felt the vehicle shift beneath her ass and lumber forward through the forest. They were going to maintain a steady, but slow pace, Ali wanted to keep the advantage of concealment on their side as long as possible, and the forest went on for quite some ways.

Hex #: 35.25 NORTH to Hex #: 34.20
"Alright boys, shift over to give us a better fire lane on those droids, we gotta down them in a hurry. [member="Xieza Blade"] , if you could swoop on the other side of that facility that would be best. Hit them from both sides." I called over the comm's hoping that my allies would coordinate with me. Allied forces were starting to spread out and fewer would be arriving constantly. I had the tip of the spear, but I was about to hit the shield wall. Artillery had already blunted my attack strength, but not to an incredible degree. If we didn't destroy that factory soon, we would be outnumber by the droids, even if we worked with the Sith. "Silver Jedi Order, if you can take out that factory asap that will save the day, hold off on that Shield Generator though, I want it incase the Sith have planned bomber runs." I called again.

My tanks shifted over and up, I got a call over the comm's "Sir enemy scouts behind our lines, engaging." Those were my infantry, how the feth did they get scouts that far back. "Light em up, Charlie and Delta." I said, only seconds later another voice came over the comms, "Scouts located behind armored line sir, engaging." More, that close, these bikers must be insane, but I had many more things to worry about. So far I was the only one to begin firing on the ever increasing droid forces, and I wasn't sure I could keep up with their production. I needed help to down this many, "Papa Dragon, back on the comm, [member="Karrie"], have your force swing left of my line and provide fire support until more help arrives. We gotta drop these clankers before they bust us a new one." I called, hoping they would hear and obey quickly. This was going to be rough, and with enemy artillery dropping shells on us, it was going to be rougher. We needed to capitalize on our numbers before we became outnumbered.

"Mandalorian Forces, if you could help take down Sith Allied Artillery, with the Silver Jedi and Orick T'ane's taskforce I'd be mighty obliged. Orick you have enemy walkers incoming hot, If you can keep em busy for a while that would buy us time to take the facility." I called out to the last of my allies. It was going to be difficult, but we needed to drop some Sith as well, and if we allowed their artillery to keep firing unanswered they might route us.

Tag Box
[member="Ali Hadrix"] [member="Hakora Feanor"] [member="Karrie"] [member="Tmoxin Temi"] [member="TJ-1467 Jay"] [member="Darth Venefica"] [member="Darth Kentarch"] [member="Valiens Nantaris"] @Orik T'ane [member="Xieza Blade"] [member="Grozurra"]

Troop Commands
Faction: Republic
Team: Team 2
SABER, Heavy Armor- (0 Skocha-class Main Battle Tanks), Destroyed or Crippled
SWORD, Heavy Armor- (10 Skocha-class Main Battle Tanks), -->20:25, Advance all forces
GLADIUS, Heavy Armor- (10 Skocha-class Main Battle Tanks), -->19:24, Advance all Forces--> Fire all weapons on Droids at 20:17
RAPIER, Heavy Armor- (10 Skocha-class Main Battle Tanks), -->21:25, Advance all Forces

SPEAR, Heavy Armor- (10 R-10 Reliant-class Main Battle Tanks), -->18:23, Advance, Form Armored Line--> Fire All Weapons on Droids at 20:17
GLAIVE, Heavy Armor- (10 R-10 Reliant-class Main Battle Tanks), -->20:23, Advance, Form Armored Line--> Fire All Weapons on Droids at 20:17
HALBERD, Heavy Armor- (10 R-10 Reliant-class Main Battle Tanks), -->17:24, Advance, Form Armored Line--> Fire All Weapons on Droids at 20:17
POLEARM, Heavy Armor- (10 R-10 Reliant-class Main Battle Tanks), -->21:24, Advance, Form Armored Line--> Fire All Weapons on Droids at 20:17

AUREK, Mechanized- (4 LLV-1 Myrmidon APC, 40 Troopers [Armor, Equalizer SAW]), 19:26, Advance on Main Facility
BESH, Mechanized- (4 LLV-1 Myrmidon APC, 40 Troopers [Armor, Equalizer SAW]), 19:25, Fire at Scouts at 18:25
CRESH, Mechanized- (4 LLV-1 Myrmidon APC, 40 Troopers [Armor, Equalizer SAW]), 20:25, Fire at Scouts at 18:25
DORN, Mechanized- (4 LLV-1 Myrmidon APC, 40 Troopers [Armor, Equalizer SAW]), 17:26, Fire At Scouts at 18:25

FALCON, Anti-Air Battery- (10 R-10-AA Tempest Anti-Aircraft Tanks), -->21:30, Hold Rear Guard
HAWK, Anti-Air Battery- (10 R-10-AA Tempest Anti-Aircraft Tanks), -->19:30, Hold Rear Guard

ALPHA, Infantry- (80 Troopers [Armor, Equalizer SAW]), -->19:29, Dig In, Protect AA
BRAVO, Infantry- (80 Troopers [Armor, Equalizer SAW]), -->20:28, Dig In, Protect AA
CHARLIE, Infantry- (80 Troopers [Armor, Equalizer SAW]), -->22:29, Dig In, Fire on Enemy Scouts at 20:31
DELTA, Infantry- (80 Troopers [Armor, Equalizer SAW]), -->22:30, Dig In, Fire on Enemy Scouts at 20:31
" Hurricane actual, this is trouble maker, we need to push forward, Papa Dragon is in danger of becoming caught in a bad spot." Orick was listening to the chatter and knew that the strike force needed to get into the action. They were too far to the west to be as helpful as he wanted them to be. They would need to push forward and engage the Sith forces so that [member="Draco Vereen"] and the rest of the team could focus on the droids.

"Troublemaker, Hurricane actual... We're seeing some clearer ground ahead, once we enter we will be pushing forward as top speed."

" Roger Hurricane Actual, Troublemaker out."

[member="Draco Vereen"] [member="Ali Hadrix"] [member="Hakora Feanor"] @Karrie @Tmoxin Temi [member="TJ-1467 Jay"] [member="Darth Venefica"]

Alpha company
4 X Mechanized- (4 LLV-1 Myrmidon APC, 40 Troopers [Armor, Equalizer SAW]) 06.23

160 troops 16 vehicles

Bravo Company
4 X Mechanized- (4 LLV-1 Myrmidon APC, 40 Troopers [Armor, Equalizer SAW]) 08.23
160 troops 16 vehicles.

Charlie company(half company)

2 X Mechanized- (4 LLV-1 Myrmidon APC, 40 Troopers [Armor, Equalizer SAW]) 07.25

160 troops 16 vehicles.

Delta company
2 X AP-ATW heavy walker units 07.24

Echo company

2 X AP-ATW heavy walker units 05.24

Foxtrot company
2 X AP-ATW heavy walker units 09.24

Support company
2 X LLV-2 Baldr-class Assault gun batteries. 07.26

Charlie company(half company)

2 X Mechanized- (4 LLV-1 Myrmidon APC, 40 Troopers [Armor, Equalizer SAW]) 07.27

160 troops 16 vehicles.


Kalius Aegrus

More coordinates, more shells, more firepower than hell itself. Barrages were being sent out like nobody's business. Even the sound dampeners in the helmets of Imperial Stormtroopers were straining against the massive sound output of seventy artillery batteries. Once Jay had received a damage assessment of those Heavy Armor units, he was very pleased with both himself and that of his allies. Teamwork was key and those Scouts were doing their job and then some.

"Keep up the fire on those Heavy Armored lines. Focus on the big boys, we'll worry about infantry later."

Before he could utter another word, more reports and lazing coordinates chimed in. "Sir, the Scouts have targeted another armored cluster, this time they've got some infantry with 'em and they're firing on our Scouts." The other officer glanced at a sensor screen, "Fire?"

"Go ahead, Lieutenant. Use both AP and HE rounds this time, but prioritize effects on those tanks."

The man nodded, "Roger, firing for effect."

Once those commands were out, everything else was still. The Scout troopers had paused in their little ridgeline and the forward units now began to carefully pick off droid infantry. Silencers and flash suppressors became their best friend in their efforts to drop battle droid by battle droid.

Those AT-STs were still lumbering forward, cautiously advancing towards the river's fork before they would halt and erect defensive positions. The infantry back in their entrenched fortifications near the artillery pieces would also begin to advance forward in little squads, setting up trip mines, booby traps, sensors, and various other counter measures that would make life hell for a forward scout.

  • 3 x Infantry Companies (240 Elite Stormtroopers) [Stationed at 22.03, 23.03, and 24.02 - Heavily fortified, concealed.]
  • 1 x Mechanized Infantry Company (40 Scouts on Bikes) [Stationed at 29.13 - Spread out in pairs, concealed.]
  • 7 x Artillery Batteries (70 SPMA) [Divided evenly at 22.01, 23.01, and 24.01 - Firing on Skochas/Infantry at 20.25, AP/HE rounds.]
  • 1 x Anti-Aircraft Batteries (10 AT-AA) [Stationed at 23.02 - Heavily fortified, concealed.]
  • 2 x Light Armor/Walker Companies (40 AT-ST) [Advancing from 34.15 to 34.16]
[member="Tmoxin Temi"], [member="Darth Venefica"], [member="Draco Vereen"]
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[member="Darth Venefica"], [member="Draco Vereen"],[member="Tmoxin Temi"], [member="Xieza Blade"], [member="Lurcano Car'dann"], [member="Karrie"], [member="Orick T'ane"], [member="TJ-1467 Jay"], [member="Darth Kentarch"], [member="Hakora Feanor"], [member="Ali Hadrix"]

Grozurra continued to play the bagpipes from atop the head of a Mammoth. As he did so, he listened to the radio chatter of his people and to the battlefield around him. In the distance, somewhere to the North East, he heart the unmistakable sound of cannon fire. Not long after, the whistle of falling artillery landed somewhere to the East. Judging from the sound of the explosions, it sounded like the barrage had managed to find its mark.

"Did that hit anything?" Came one voice over the Mandalorian Protectors' encrypted communications network.

"I think so. Republic comms are showing increased activity." Came another voice.

"Anyone see where it came from?" Came a third voice.

"Sounded like Artillery." Responded the first voice. "Somewhere to the North East."

"Column pivot 45-degrees to the right. Continue forward advance and move to intercept hostile contacts." Came the voice of the division leader.

"What about the Republic formation?" Asked the second voice.

"You know how to march, same as them." Retorted the division leader. "Split ranks and weave through their formation."

"Copy." "Copy." "Copy." Came the other voices in near-unison.

Grozurra watched the marching column of Mandalorians pivot to their right with the precision of a platoon at drill. He felt the Mammoth upon which he stood as she shifted her weight and followed suit. And throughout it all, he continued to play the pipes. Alongside him on the other mammoths were other drummers and bagpipers filling the air with the music of war.

"Wardroid Platoon Alpha, Bravo, and Charlie. Take flight and scout ahead. I want that artillery found." Came the voice of the division leader.

A trio of "Copy's" chorused one another on the comm network as rockets and repulsors thrust the sixty heavily armed and armored Mandalorian Cavalrymen into the air, above the treeline, and forward beyond Grozurra's vision.

Mandalorian Protectors Army
Team: 2

Army One (85 points)
Light Armor/Walker Company (15 points) >>> 03.31 >>> (Airborne) >>> 12.19
(20x) Bes'uliik MkIi Wardroids + Protector Infantry
Light Armor/Walker Company (15 points) >>> 02.30 >>> (Airborne) >>> 06.19
(20x) Cerberus Wardroids + Protector Infantry
Light Armor/Walker Company (15 points) >>> 04.30 >>> (Airborne) >>> 16.21
(20x) Cerberus Wardroids + Protector Infantry
Light Armor/Walker Company (20 points) >>> 02.31 >>> 02.27 >>> 04.26
(20x) Bev'uliik Ramikade
Light Armor/Walker Company (20 points) >>> 04.31 >>> 04.28 >>> 06.27
(20x) Bev'uliik Ramikade
Army Two (55 points)
Heavy Armor/Walker Company (10 points) >>> 02.32 >>> 02.27 >>> 03.27
(10x) Canderous Tank Company
Heavy Armor/Walker Company (10 points) >>> 04.32 >>> 04.28 >>> 05.28
(10x) Canderous Tank Company
Mechanized Infantry Company (15 points) >>> 03.33 >>> 03.28 >>> 04.27
(4x) Bral Anti-Sith Support Vehicle
(4x) Hyperion Security Special Forces Platoon (40x)
Heavy Armor/Walker Company (20 points) >>> 03.32 >>> 03.28
(10x) Ori'akaan Shukure Company + Shield Platforms
Army Three (60 points)
Artillery Battery (10 points) >>> 02.33 >>> 02.27
(10x) Tracyaat Artillery Walker Battery
Artillery Battery (10 points) >>> 04.33 >>> 04.28
(10x) Tracyaat Artillery Walker Battery
Artillery Battery (10 points) >>> 02.33 >>> 02.27
(10x) Akaan'ade Kyr'amude Battery
Artillery Battery (10 points) >>> 04.33 >>> 04.28
(10x) Akaan'ade Kyr'amude Battery
Anti-Air Battery (10 points) >>> 02.33 >>> 02.27
(10x) Kebii'tra Aranar Flak Turret Battery
Anti-Air Battery (10 points) >>> 04.33 >>> 04.28
(10x) Kebii'tra Aranar Flak Turret Battery
Xieza and his forces continued to push forwards. His army was moving in perfect formation. This made him feel a sense of pride. This was his first battle as the commander of the Vinden Military. The men respected him, even though he was so young. His father had been their king at one point, before the incident. Xieza looked to his side. There stood the man they called The Lion, Lord Aulart. He was a respectable man and used to be one of his father's most trusted vassals. Xieza was taken into his thoughts when suddenly comm activity started to go bizarre.

The men speaking on the other line of the comm were calling out orders. That was, until the sound of explosions could be heard. It was loud and it came from the west of Xieza's army. [member="Draco Vereen"] and his army had been hit by artillery. The men on the comm were now screaming in pain until the sound finally faded out and nothing but static could be heard. A while later, Xieza received a comm message from Draco who asked him to bring his army onto the facility's eastern flank. Xieza agreed to this and pushed his army forwards until they stood upon a clearing. The facility was in the center of the open field. It and the shield generator.

"It doesn't look to be as big as I thought it was."

"It could always be larger underground..."

The sight of droids marching out of the facility startled Xieza. He knew that there was activity coming from the facility and that they were probably the ancient droids who worked it hundreds and hundreds of years ago, but it still startled him. Another comm message came from Draco, who asked him to assault the facility and take it over. This would be troublesome to do alone, but Xieza decided to go ahead with it and try and do what he could. He predicted that Draco, and all the other allied forces, would move in to support him shortly. Xieza called over on the comm unit to inform General Rickard of what was to happen.

"Rickard, we are heavily close to the facility and are about to push to take it over. Stay alert and be ready to rain some hell if needed."

"Up and alert, my liege."

Xieza received a comm message from [member="Ali Hadrix"] , who called for cooperation. He replied.

"My forces on that side of the river are going to be stationed where they are for now. I need them for artillery support. I am well aware of the artillery that just cut through some of Draco's army. It happened near where I am at right now, so it was quite loud. I even heard the screams and death over the allied comm channel."

Xieza then gave the command to approach the facility, and after that, his army broke formation and began their movement into the open field.

"This is where it gets interesting. It reminds me of the old days when I used to do this every week."

"I'm glad you find a certain pleasure in this... anyways, we got to be ready for anything."

[member="Grozurra"] , [member="TJ-1467 Jay"] , [member="Orick T'ane"] , [member="Ali Hadrix"] , [member="Hakora Feanor"] , [member="Karrie"] , [member="Tmoxin Temi"] ,

Faction: Silver Jedi
Team: Team 2

Army A

I-1, Infantry, 80 Vinden Infantry Troops, 23.21, Approach the facility
I-2, Infantry, 80 Vinden Infantry Troops, 24.20, Approach the facility
I-3, Infantry, 80 Vinden Infantry Troops, 24.19, Approach the facility
I-4, Infantry, 80 Vinden Infantry Troops, 25.19, Approach the facility
I-5, Infantry, 80 Vinden Infantry Troops, 25.20, Approach the facility

MI-1, Mechanized Infantry, 40 Vinden Infantry Troops and 4 transports, 25.21, Sit back and provide support for army
MI-2, Mechanized Infantry, 40 Vinden Infantry Troops and 4 transports, 26.20, Sit back and provide support for army

LW-1, Light Walker, 20 M1 Light Walkers, 23.19, Approach the facility
LW-2, Light Walker, 20 M1 Light Walkers, 22.20, Approach the facility

HW-1, Heavy Walker, 10 M2 Heavy Walkers, 24.18, Approach the facility
HW-2, Heavy Walker, 10 M2 Heavy Walkers, 23.20, Approach the facility

All units are ordered to take over the facility and try to cause minimal damage to the facility itself. The units are ordered to eliminate any hostiles that are in sight. They all approach 21.18

Faction: Silver Jedi
Team: Team 2

Army B

I-6, Infantry, 80 Vinden Kingdom Troops, 31.27, Defend artillery
I-7, Infantry, 80 Vinden Kingdom Troops, 32.26, Defend artillery

MI-3, Mechanized Infantry, 40 Vinden Infantry Troops and 4 transports, 33.26, Defend artillery

LW-3, Light Walker, 20 M1 Light Walkers, 31.26, Defend artillery

HW-3, Heavy Walker, 10 M2 Heavy Walkers, 32.25, Defend artillery

AW-1, Artillery Walker, 10 M3 Artillery Walkers, 31.28 , Keep overwatch on Army A
AW-2, Artillery Walker, 10 M3 Artillery Walkers, 32.27 , Keep overwatch on Army A
AW-3, Artillery Walker, 10 M3 Artillery Walkers, 33.27 , Keep overwatch on Army A
“Okay Sgt. Major, I want more good news,” said Commander Temi sternly.

The Sgt. Major was silent as he listened into the reports from the Bike Scout Lieutenants: “Commander, we’ve lost some men."

On the Imperial Inquisition frequency, Tmoxin radioed: “501st Legion Commander, I’m pulling the scouts back for now but let me know if you need me to make another run to laze more targets. Otherwise we'll keep pressing towards the facility until we see enemies within range.”

15 bike scouts at 18:25 destroyed by Draco Vereen's units
10 bike scouts at 20:31 destroyed by Draco Vereen's infantry
1 Heavy Walker on hex 08:14: advancing
1 Heavy Walker on hex 08:13: advancing
1 Light Walker on hex 09:17 advancing
1 Light Walker on hex 09:16 advancing
1 X-1 VIPER on hex 08:10 advancing
25 scout troopers pulling back to 9:18 (concealed)

[member="Valiens Nantaris"] [member="Darth Venefica"] [member="Draco Vereen"] [member="Xieza Blade"] [member="Karrie"] [member="Darth Kentarch"] [member="Seanna Vel"] [member="TJ-1467 Jay"] [member="Orick T'ane"] [member="Grozurra"] [member="Hakora Feanor"]
Post Legend
GREEN = LOCATION (general, can be used for anyone / anything)
YELLOW = IDENTIFICATION/SEARCH OF (I am scanning for you, attempting to locate you via sensor probe, line-of-sight, etc. Please reply as you would if I had shot at you, in order to confirm / deny positive identification.)

Faction: Galactic Republic
Team: TEAM # 2

Objectives and Positioning
1: Assist in scouting operations. Continuously update allied forces of self-situation.
2: Attain high ground along EASTWARD RIVER FORK (HEX# 34.20). COMPLETE
3: Provide Overwatch of EAST SIDE of Terminus Facilities and the River's fork.
4: Engage any hostile forces.

Current Location (Hex #): 34.20
Location (Detailed): Positioned at the ridge line on the EAST BANK (RIGHT BANK ON MAP) of River.

C1M2A MAT-TE Main Battle Walker

Unit Type: Main Battle Tank, Armored Personnel Carrier
Strength: 4 vehicles
Infantry Company

Unit Type: Infantry, Anti-Tank, Reconnaissance, Long Range Marksmen, Saboteurs)
Strength: 80 soldiers (4 x 20 soldier platoons, 1 platoon per C1M2A APW)

I am fielding a vehicle I just got approved. I would love to test it's capabilities and equipment against a vehicle built for mechanized warfare. If anyone is interested in a 4 on 4 tank fight, let me know!

[member=Draco Vereen]
[member=Xieza Blade]
[member=Orick T'ane]
[member=Hakora Feanor]

[member=Darth Venefica]
[member=Tmoxin Temi]
[member=Darth Kentarch]

Action Summary
4 x C1M2A MAT-TE Walkers deposited 4 AT-AR's (All-Terrain Advanced Raider) into the forest, each with an infantry squad to scout the North Bank of the River [34.20].
The Raiders will move in advance of the soldiers and will scan the forests for potential enemies. (34.20 ---> RAIDER-ONE = 34.17, RAIDER-TWO = 35.17, RAIDER-THREE = 36.16, RAIDER-FOUR = 33.18)
[member=TJ-1467 Jay] I'm targeting your 40 AT-ST's for a sensor sweep.
It's up to you how many show up on my sensors.

~~~~~~~~~~CPT Ali Hadrix~~~~~~~~~~

So the little prince is just going to hang around, huh? Ali thought, listening to Blaze's return message. So be it, Ali resolved to do what she could for the attacking forces. The vehicle clunked to a halt and Ali was shaken in her restraints. Slapping her chest to free herself, Ali pulled her helmet over her head and sealed it, then grasped her rifle and sat down in the small seat beside the main gunner to check the tacmap. They were stopped on the back slope of the ridge, each vehicle taking position within the forest line. This gave the mass drive turrets clearance enough to peek over the ridgeline to the river banks below without giving away the vehicle's position. If they were spotted, a quick flip of a switch by the pilot would drop the vehicle's legs a meter and the gun would disappear from sight. Alef-3 was in position beside them, some fifty meters to their right, and Alef-2 and -4 were located on the southern slope of the ridge, overlooking the river's main drag and the fork itself. Both pilots reported they had the droid facilities in sight.

::Dismounts, drop hatch when you're ready and unload that walker.:: Ali ordered, glancing back through the small cabin hatch to watch the soldiers disembark. A sliver of light divided her visor in two as the rear hatch split in half to vomit its passengers. The soldiers bailed out of the vehicle swiftly and took positions around it within the foliage and brush. Three of the soldiers returned to the rear of the MAT-TE to unlock the restraints on the folded walker that was stored there. One of them reached out for the wall of the interior and hit the release button there, causing the walker's small platform to slide back and dip downward onto the ground. The soldier linked his helmet with the walker and after a moment of silence the machine began unfolding itself until it stood at half its full height. Whilst hunkered over, the other two soldiers climbed up its sides and lowered themselves into the walker's cabin, sealing it after them. Moments later the walker lurched upward once more to its full height of six meters and the cabin began turning back and forth, scanning the area. The walkers were smaller, better armored and armed versions of the AT-ST walker, and therefore a better choice for a scout vehicle. Their camouflage paint scheme helped them blend in well enough to the surrounding forests; even the viewscreens were painted in a material that was outwardly opaque.
::You good?:: Ali asked over the commlink. Sergent Jaq Alin gave her a thumbs up from the rear of the vehicle. Ali nodded and ordered the hatch sealed. ::Alright, Alin, push your walkers out two hundred meters in advance of yourselves and have them scout out the north bank of the river. Once its secure, push your soldiers to the south bank and set up firing positions. Looking at the tactical map, I'm guessing there's something in the area, but I couldn't say what. We need to know what it is and if we need to back out if we can't destroy it.::
Sergent Alin took a moment to respond. ::Sure thing, Captain, I'll keep you apprised every fifteen minutes.:: Ali shook her head. ::Make it ten, we don't know what's out there.:: Alin replied quickly this time. ::Of course, see you in ten then.:: The line closed for the moment and Ali turned back to the tacmap hovering in the center of the chamber. She pointed out the layout of the land to the vehicle's gunner, an Aqualish named Pom Balaa.
"See that there?" She asked, pointing to the region north of the river fork. Balaa nodded, the vocoder in his helmet translating his words. "Yeah, there are some dense forest before those plains." His helmet turned to glance at her. "You think there's something there?" Ali patted Balaa's shoulder. "I have no idea, but I'd like to find out." She said, standing to make her way toward the cockpit. She keyed open the hatch and sat down in the command chair behind the pilot, looking out the viewport ahead.
"Are you in a good position?" She asked. The pilot, known only as Gerd, an Umbaran, nodded. "I am, Balaa and I just worked it out for the turret." Ali nodded, "Good, keep on comms with the other pilots, and keep your ECM's on passive scanning. I don't want them triggered unless the enemy scans us."
Gerd nodded and Ali left the cockpit, sealing the hatch behind her.
First Sergent Deggers glanced up from her datatablet. "Looks like we're all set, just waiting on the dismounts' scanner reports?" Ali nodded, taking her seat at the other woman's side. "We should hear back from them in half an hour, the walkers move fast." Deggers nodded and returned to her viewscreen.

~~~~~~~~~~SGT Jaq Alin~~~~~~~~~~
::Alright boys, the walkers have hit their two-hundred meter mark, let's move. Wedge, keep it spread out, but in sight of one another.:: Alin checked the fit of the magazine in his rifle and started walking, making his way through the brush with booted feet. The other soldiers followed his lead, stepping off as well and keeping an eye on their respective lanes. They moved quick, but quiet. They only had four walkers out performing recon, so the scanning would go slower than normal, but they'd get it done. Alin just had to make sure they didn't get wrapped up in any trouble too far away from the vehicles.
He had four squads total under his command at the moment, thirty-six soldiers. They were all packed with fortification equipment, including a pair of rocket launchers and a portable surface-to-air missile turret. Two squads were equipped with mortar tubes in case the north bank was already occupied. Looks like we're all set, Alin thought to himself as he continued through the forest. Sensors weren't worth as much in the dense understory, but his HUD filters gave him sight enough to make up for it. ::Keep it close folks, we've only got a couple hundred meters of forest before we reach the banks.:: Alin new that by now the walkers would have reached the river and were preparing themselves to cross it.


~~~~~~~~~~SGT Ylenia Dotru~~~~~~~~~~
"Anything yet?" Ylenia asked her pilot while she worked the sensor controls. The viewscreen she was using wasn't anywhere near big enough to produce a clear picture, but she was making due by jacking her wristcomp into the data feed port in the console's panel. The resolution of her screen was much better, giving her a clear enough view of the river ahead of them. Their walker was positioned within the forest in a crouch, keeping hidden from view while they manually scanned the far bank. The south bank had been empty, as she was hoping, and there was no activity yet to see across the water.
"No, nothin'," Corporal Ernie Gelson replied. He shifted his grip on the control stick and the walker's head turned rightward, observing the beach further East. "Nothing here either." He reported. Ylenia nodded, "Then we're ready to go." Getting on the commlink, she gave the order to move out. ::Let's go, two at a time. Raider-Three and Four, you're first, we'll cover you.::
::Copy that, Raider-One.:: Came the reply. Two of the camouflaged walkers lifted their cabins up and strode onto the beach, striking for the water. They splashed in as deep as they could until their cabins disappeared beneath the surface. After a moment the vehicles popped up from underneath the water and began floating downstream along with the current, but were still making progress toward the north bank. Once the water was again shallow enough for walking the vehicles picked themselves up and powered out of the river and onto the sand. Ylenia smiled as she saw Raider-Three's pilot lift one of the vehicle's legs and shake it. Gelson laughed.
The two walkers disappeared into the forest and Ylenia heard their report over the commlink. ::Forest is clear thus far, Raider-One. Raider-Four has turned back and is providing overwatch for you to move.:: Ylenia confirmed her maneuver then patted Gelson on the shoulder. "Alright, let's get."
::C'mon Raider-Two, we're crossing.:: Ylenia ordered as her walker jerked forward and began to trod down the beach. Gelson hit the water roughly and began heading across, waiting until the water level reached the viewport before flipping a switch on his console. The walker's legs folded upward and its initial momentum carried them toward the north bank. After they reached more shallow water, Gelson reactivated the legs and they were once more lifted into the air.
After they had positioned themselves on line with the rest of the walkers, Ylenia gave the order to press further north into the forest. ::Keep the pace slow and quiet. We move in bounds. If you see anything, you freeze, lower your vehicle and report in. Raider-Three, you're on deck. Let's go.:: Ylenia watched the display and saw Raider-Three lurch forward, vanishing from sight as the forest swallowed their walker. A minute later, their pilot called back, ::We're set.::, and Raider-Two, on the other end of the line, began to move forward. The pilots were practiced enough at this they were able to shift their vehicles forward fluidly, with little hesitation between arresting position and moving to the next. The tactic would prevent all of their vehicles from being sighted at once, which meant that even if one walker was compromised, it wouldn't prove to the enemy that more were lurking in wait.

Some minutes later, having cleared two-hundred meters of forest [34.17], Raider-One froze in place, and Ylenia felt her stomach jump as the cabin dropped without warning; the legs were folding to hide the vehicle's cabin amongst the thick underbrush. "What is it, Gelson?" She hissed. He replied nervously. "I dunno, thought I saw something."
::No one move, we had to halt.:: She ordered. ::Conduct concentrated sensor sweep.:: She began tapping away at her sensor console and their walker's sensor array began searching the forest ahead of them. Beams of invisible knowledge-seeking energy began to reach out into the trees and brush, searching for whatever might be out there. [34.16] The forest was dense, and try as she might, Ylenia couldn't see anything out through the viewport.
::Raider-Four, radio back to Sergent Alin we may have contact and he is to prepare his troops on the Southern bank of the river.:: Ylenia ordered, turning her attention back to the viewport. Outside, the forest was silent, still. Leaves fell here and there, and birds squawked, but Ylenia saw nothing.
"I don't like this." She muttered under her breath. "Prep the cannons and ready the launcher." She demanded. Gelson nodded and turned a series of knobs. A quiet whine sounded from within the cabin and the grenade launcher signaled it was ready to fire on the Vehicle Response Display. "Sensor sweep is about to report," Gelson pointed out. Ylenia looked down to the viewscreen before her.

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