Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private The Unyielding Stone

Darth Libertas Darth Libertas
"It has indeed. I am very curious to see what you intend."
Her gaze travelled to her associates in turn. Both shared the looks of those who had been through their own share of troubles. Perhaps they were even those who followed Libertas' philosophy of strength overcoming weakness and self actualisation.

"I am pleased to make your acquaintance," she said politely. There was no reason one could not be civil even when discussing very uncivil concepts like slaves, Jedi and Sith.

"What is the situation, and what do you mean to do here?" she asked after a moment.
In the Darkness there is Truth
Arv'zorak Arv'zorak

"The Jedi have come keep people chained. We kill them," Nur Jahan stated nonchalantly.
"Now, now, my dear, we shall be having a polite chat," Libertas said jovially. "And maybe we shall kill them. But we wouldn't want to create a bad impression on the flock, would we?

"I want nothin' from the Jedi. Not like they were there to rescue us. We did it ourselves. But some folks are ready to hear 'em out, and I don't want 'em to get slaughtered cause they're in the middle of a religious pissing contest," the Weequay girl said firmly.

Libertas did not look fazed by that. "Compelling someone to follow you through force alone creates obedience - until someone stronger comes along. No loyalty though. The Jedi expect us to charge in and butcher anyone who doesn't bow. So we Kiera, you can get inside the compound, can't you?"
The former slave nodded. "Can't deny me unless they want to cause a ruckus."
"Could be a trap," the Mon Calamari pointed out.
"And that is why you'll be in the shadows on the lookout."
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Darth Libertas Darth Libertas

Jade said nothing a moment as Libertas and her two companions discussed matters further. She would pause even longer before speaking.
"Without loyalty to a cause or an idea there is no stability. You must make your own morals, but if they are not followed then all will fall into ruin."
Again a rather curious thing for a lone wolf rebel to say, but Jade never denied the need for law and order...just that it need not necessarily be constrained by the old ties of fear, religion.

"Come, lead on. I would see this situation and these Jedi myself."

Did she understand she was stepping into the lion's den? If all was not to her liking there was a good chance she might be attacked by one side or the other. It was a thought but not one which gave her undue pause. Confidence or a fatalism? It was unclear.

They passed some armed former slaves here and there. They looked a ragged bunch but keen eyed and determined. They let them pass, though only with some sideward glances at the strange posse.
In the Darkness there is Truth
Arv'zorak Arv'zorak

The situation looked as grim as their surroundings. The slaves seemed to have taken over an abandoned warehouse. They were a ragged, scarred bunch, armed with a variety of weapons from blasters to archaic slugthrowers or axes. A full half of the building was a pile of rubble. One former slave approached them, accompanied by two off-siders. She was a Twi'lek and did not look happy. One of her headtails was short than the other, having been viciously cut. "You," she spat, "do you have any idea what you're doing? Who you brought here?" she demanded of Kiera.
"The woman who kept the Cartel off our back, Tann," the Weequay retorted.

"Don't play coy with me. As if she did it out of the goodness of her heart. She's a Sith. She lied to us."
"Technically it wasn't a lie. More an omission," Libertas could not resist pointing out.
Her fellow Twi'lek glowered at her. "You're not welcome here. We didn't break our chains just to put new ones on."
Other freed slaves seemed to have noticed the commotion. One had rushed back into the building - probably to alert the Jedi. Already their Force presence could be felt. Many eyes were trained on the new comers - and a couple guns. However, other slaves looked wary or hesitant.

Nur Jahan looked to Libertas, who shook her head. "Oh, I like you," she told Tann. "You're not afraid of someone with a glowstick and fancy powers. You want to make your own choices. I respect that. But ask yourself, who kept those Cartel hunters off your back? Doubtless you'll say I did it out of self-interest. That would be correct, but can say your Jedi friends are selfless paragons? I want people with your fire, who'll fight to take what's theirs, not cower until a saviour arrives to hand their freedom to them. All I ask is a few moments of your time. I wager that at least some of your comrades would want to hear me out, and surely you would not want to deny them the right to exercise their free choice - the very thing you fought for."
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Darth Libertas Darth Libertas

The Kar’zun carefully watched and considered the situation. Several of the slaves looked at her with either fear or awe as she was by far the largest being in the warehouse.

Tann meanwhile wavered slightly. “Just so you can throw more lies?” she demanded, though more hesitantly.

Jade spoke for the first time. “You do not know the truth or otherwise of what she will say. Will you not allow your people to make their own decision?”

Tann glared up at Jade. “And what are you? Some sort of thug the Sith has to intimidate people? We won’t be cowed!”

“I am at present an observer. And I would hear what she and the Jedi have to say.”

There was a murmur of agreement from the other slaves.

“Well…alright. But no tricks,” Tann finally said and stormed off.

Jade gestured for Libertas and her posse to lead the way. Her eyes instead raised to fall upon the distant Jedi. This would be interesting indeed. She could feel them, and though not well attuned to the strength in the Force comparisons she could tell they were both strong.
In the Darkness there is Truth
Arv'zorak Arv'zorak

"My name is Libertas, as many know by now. And yes, I am a Sith. I'm also a Twi'lek whose home was raided by slavers again. To save themselves, our leaders decided to appease the corsairs by selling them some of their own. Those they deemed expendable." She looked upon the assembled slaves. "You all bear the scars of slavery. You've all suffered under your master's lashes. You know more than anyone else that you can't appease beasts. All you do is encourage them to take everything. I chose a different path. One that would give me strength to fight back. The Jedi would not offer that. Too remote. Too unimportant. So I chose the Sith to obtain the power to put the oppressors to the sword, and teach my people how to keep their freedom."

She paused. "I extend the same offer to you because you're strong. You didn't wait for saviours; you didn't bow and scrape in the hope that your masters would be 'kind; you took your life back with your own two hands. You broke the slavers who chained you, but there are many like them who want you as chattel. You don't need a saviour. You want someone who can give you the tools to fight them."

"Nice speech," a male voice spoke as the crowd parted a bit to let a man dressed in Jedi robes through. He was a Kel'Dor and wore the mask the members of his species were required to wear when away from their homeworld. Libertas spotted a younger woman at his side. She was a Devaronian. The Master looked weathered and grim. "True, perhaps, from a certain point of view. The best liars lie with the truth. Tell me, have Zambrano and Metus grown so desperate for conscripts to sacrifice in their wars that they send a minion to Nar Shaddaa?"

"I wouldn't know. It'll be a cold day on Tatooine before I serve either tyrant."
"They're not the 'true Sith', but you are and happen to be the benevolent one?"
"Not benevolent, just realistic. I could ask you the same question, Master Jedi. One of your Orders is in bed with the Sith Empires you denounce, the other is so fanatical that it tolerates the murder of children who had no say in being conscripted as Sith. Are you with either?"
His face was cold and hard. "No, I serve the people, not any nation."

"Then we are both either hypocrites or are better at making priorities than our main groups."
"You twist my words. But I see see another warlord taking advantage of innocent people's misery," he said resolutely. "When the Sith speak of freedom, they mean only freedom to do one thing: to make themselves mighty by putting others in chains."

"And when the Jedi speak of peace, they mean peace for capital and nobility to do as they please, lording it over the proles because true change threatens their precious harmony," Libertas responded, though her tone was even rather than angry. "But this not about religious minutiae, it is about these people and how they choose to secure their freedom in a bleak, cold galaxy."
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Jade observed the argument quietly, stoically. This was very easy for her.
It was perhaps unwise to step in given that she knew so little about the sects, however she felt she was in a unique position. The freed slaves around them seemed either in awe or at least fear of the Force users and did not seem willing to interject. Thus, whilst Jedi and Sith debated over their heads they needed someone to ask questions which might actually give useful answers.

"Jedi, Sith. I know little of your communities, but I see you both now argue of empires and nations far away. What is important for the people here is what you will do with them, for them, to them."

She looked to the Jedi. "You, Jedi, what do you plan to do?" Back to Libertas. "And to counter? Only by knowing truth can they make the right decision."
In the Darkness there is Truth
Arv'zorak Arv'zorak

"Of course," the Jedi Master said thoughtfully. "It's the people who matter. I want to give you a chance to start over. I have a ship. I can take you to a world far from the grip of the Cartels. Alderaan or even Arkas. Alderaan's Queen is a compassionate woman who welcomes refugees. And many former slaves have made their home on Arkas, living by their own laws. It's far from the Sith - or Jedi, for that matter. I know organisations on both worlds who work with freed slaves. You'd be free to live your lives. You can get jobs and an education. The Force is strong in some of you. I can teach you to use it to protect your people."

"Alderaan is indeed peaceful. And often assaulted," Libertas remarked dryly. "Arkas at least doesn't have that problem. If you want peace, by all means take the Master Jedi up on his offer. I don't offer you peace, for there is none, save for what you make yourself. I offer you revenge against those who'd chain you. Justice. What do I ask in return? That you stand with me. I demand of no one to bow and call me Master. Anyone who wants to may leave. You'll get paid and I have soldiers who can train you."

Her eyes - one cybernetic, one organic and a sulfuric yellow - took in the crowd of slaves. "The Force is indeed strong in some of you. But more than that, some of you who aren't sensitive to it have the potential. It only needs to be activated. I can give it you."
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Darth Libertas Darth Libertas

There was a murmur in the ranks of those listening to the speeches. Jade however was silent. Once she would have been happy herself to take the Jedi offer. To get away from her home on Kaeshana, to find a new place to settle, a new place to thrive.
But things had changed for her. She had been mistreated, her friend was dead, her people had been sidelined and left behind to perish. And that was even without accounting for the centuries of persecution and near genocide.

"I come from a world far away few of you will know. My people were beaten, enslaved, nearly exterminated. The choice the Jedi offers is one of safety, of preservation...of cowardice. Take it if you will. The Sith offers justice, retribution. It is the more dangerous path, but can you, any of you, think to run away and leave others to suffer?"

She looked to the Sith. "I admit I know little of Sith, and I know not if her words are true. However if I had a chance to enact true justice on my oppressors I would want to explore it."
In the Darkness there is Truth
Arv'zorak Arv'zorak

"Or we can settle somewhere, make things safe for the young and old, then fight back. On our own terms. Without being reliant on any Sith," Tann argued hotly. "Jedi aren't great, but have you ever met a good Sith? A Sith who doesn't keep slaves?" she let the question hang.
Kiera looked thoughtful as she glanced at Libertas. "Can you really do it? Give someone the Force?"

There was no wavering in Libertas' expression. "Yes. It's an ancient art. The effects won't be the same for everyone, and it is knowledge I don't share willy-nilly. But for those who prove themselves, it'll be a pathway to many abilities."

"At what cost," the Kel'Dor stated. "I'd ask her about that. The Force isn't a toy that can be handed out like candy."
"No, it must only be hoarded by the elite, even though being born Force-Sensitive is just a genetic fluke, not some blessing handed down to us by a sky god," Libertas said evenly.

"Nice dodge," the Jedi grunted. Looking towards Jade, he added. "You bear many scars, Kar'zun. Your people have suffered. The Eldorai committed horrible crimes. But the perpetrators are dead. And if you wanted to help your people you'd join them. They're building new communities, away from the Eldorai."

"I don't want to scurry away and hide like a rat. Or be dependent on someone else's generosity. Relocation sounds great, until we're treated like dirt the moment the cameras have been switched off. I would require proof that you're being straight with us. And we gotta deal with the Cartel's goons before we can leave this moon," Kiera spoke, "but I'm open."
Tann looked grim and about to argue the point. "We're going to decide this among our people," she said flatly.
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Darth Libertas Darth Libertas

Jade's eyes narrowed slightly. "The Eldorai who nearly exterminated my people are dead, true. But many committed horrible crimes even in my life, and still live today. Indeed, they still send their assassins after me as part of their quest to destroy us. And you speak to me, Jedi, as if you know me, you do not. I have stayed with my people, I am a lawspeaker, I have aided them, but everywhere our enemies follow us."

She turned to the assembled crowd. "These Hutts and their minions are vicious, they do not forgive or forget. You might flee to a distant star, but they will follow you. For vengeance, for profit, to make an example. You are but a small issue to them, and if you flee they may pick you off like lone crystal growing from the wall. But if you unite your strength and hurt them you will be too big to break easily. And dying in your beds many years from now, always checking the sky in fear, would you not give it all for one chance to take a stand, to tell the slavers that you are free and you will make them fear you!"

She looked around to each of them, perhaps surprising even herself with the unusual verbosity she'd shown.
"But as I said that is something only for the brave and the strong. The rest should go with the Jedi if they cannot fight. Those that can should join the Sith."

Jade fell silent, waiting for the group to decide.
In the Darkness there is Truth
Arv'zorak Arv'zorak

Behind his mask, the Kel'Dor Jedi narrowed his eyes. However, he did not lose his cool. "Hatred of an invader or tyrant is a most humane feeling. But it is born with such a pain of heart and torment of the soul that Force forbid anyone to be consumed by it."
"And some only have hatred left, because the galaxy has taken everything else and still keeps grinding them down, Master Jedi," Libertas commented.
"Think there's been enough speeches," Tann cut in. "You've both said your piece. We'll decide among ourselves, then call you." She turned away and the slaves began to disperse.

"What a riveting meeting. A pleasure, Master Jedi," Libertas spoke in a chipper tone. Probably because she knew it would annoy him. If she had wanted to goad him into something, it did not work, though he looked annoyed.
"Your words are poison."
"We both peddle dreams, Master Jedi. Except one of ours comes true and the other does not. Time will tech which does. I bid you a good day."
"Our next meeting will not be this peaceful. But I won't endanger innocent life here." And with that he turned away.

"Master, are we really going to let any of these slaves go with the Sith?" His Devaronian Padawan asked him. Her voice was low, but alarmed. "She's evil. There are no kindly Sith. She'll exploit them."
"Of course she will."
"Then why?"
"Don't I draw my lightsabre and end her right here, right now? A Jedi must be righteous, but it's a thin line between that and self-righteousness. The Sith is evil, but as far as the slaves know, she's not much better or worse than we. Trying to stop them would make us look like hypocrites and drive more of them away. We must pick our battles. It's something our crusader brethren have understood no more than the Sith-loving pacifists." Like those fools prostituting themselves to the CIS, he thought bitterly.
"Yes, Master," the Padawan nodded, feeling a bit chagrined. "It just feels...wrong. Like we're standing aside and letting injustice happen."

"The stories make it all seem easy, don't they?" he asked rhetorically. "Luke Skywalker, Obi-Wan and so on - they all swooped in and saved the day, no matter the odds. The stories don't mention all the times when there was no golden path and all our heroes could do was pick the least bad choice from a host of bad ones because no one, not even the mightiest Jedi, can stop all evil in the galaxy."

Meanwhile, Libertas looked at Jade. "An eloquent speech truly. I can tell it came from the heart. It had an effect on them." She glanced at Nur. "You were quite right about this Jedi not being a fool. A refreshing change."
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Darth Libertas Darth Libertas
Jade stared at the Jedi, unblinking, then looked aside. "It is easy to lecture those who have lost and seek justice when you have not experienced the same," she commented.
"At least you stand by your convictions however. You genuinely want to help these people, that does you credit. It is a pity that what you want for them is the path of weakness and inaction."

The Jedi departed, and Jade was left with the Sith and her minions. "It was the truth," she rumbled. "Truth is important. Especially for those you wish to join your allegiance." Was she offering a warning comment for Libertas? It was hard to read any expression on the stony face.

The slaves would meet, discuss, and it seemed argue a lot. Tann and Kiera especially were very animated. The result would certainly be a split, but who would get whom, and would one side gain a majority from the split?
In the Darkness there is Truth
Arv'zorak Arv'zorak

"What are you insinuating?" Nur Jahan asked sharply.
Libertas raised a hand. "You'll find I'm a woman of my word...provided it is reciprocal."

The discussion - or rather argument - among the slaves was animated to say the least. Indeed heated was a good word.
"We broke our chains and now you want to put them back on?"
"Don't twist my words. We must stand on our own two feet."
"What happened to unity? And comradeship? We should stick together. There's no one we can count on except each other."
"Then we stick together. We take the Sith's resources, do some jobs for her, get our revenge. We do our own thing."
"And the kindly devil will just accept that? It's a frakking trap."

"She's not kind. I don't trust her. But she speaks our language at least. And as if the Jedi are the big heroes. What have their Masters done for us? They destroyed cities, too. We ain't even people to them, just victims to rescue so they can look good. The Jedi says we'll be welcome on those planets he wants to resettle us on. How long will that last, huh? Until they decide we're a burden. We'll get the crap jobs and sometimes get paraded around to give speeches about how grateful we are."
"I'd never let that happen. If some rich shit crosses us, it'll be the last thing they do, come what may. But there must be more to our lives than vengeance. We must think of everyone among us. Our people deserve a new life after all their suffering."
"And what about all the people how are still chained?"
"We can't save them all. We can strike back - when we're ready. We can't fight oppression while serving an oppressor."
"If she helps us take down the Cartel, she'll have proven herself. Jedi, Sith - two sides of the same coin. I say no to hiding. I say yes to strength."
"And if you're a Sith told you to fight us, would you?"
"No. Would you if you're a Jedi?"
"No. I won't kill a comrade, even a foolish one."
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Darth Libertas Darth Libertas

Jade nodded. "I am faithful to those who show faith, do not fear," she rumbled.

The former slaves argued, under the watchful eyes of the Jedi, Sith and the Kar'zun.
Whilst she waited she glanced at Libertas.
"There are many of the vile slug creatures on this world. And many other beings of greed and cruelty. Whom shall you strike? I know only too well that a small group can only do so much before the tide of repression strikes back with blind, indiscriminate fury."
Often not caring or knowing who was rebel or loyalist. Often times it did not actually matter. Examples had to be made, and it was often the number rather than the identity which was important.

At last the slaves had resolved into two groups, each eyeing the other resentfully. The 'Jedi crowd' was bigger, but composed mainly of the less martial. The old, the young, the frail or the slender. The 'Sith group' were composed almost entirely of fighting age beings and was smaller.
The two groups turned their backs on the other and looked to their separate mentors.
In the Darkness there is Truth
Arv'zorak Arv'zorak

"Of course. And there always more waiting in the wings. I have one particular target in mind. It won't bring down the rotten edifice, but send ripples through it," Libertas said. She likes her fancy word play. "He represents the new visage the Hutts want to present to the world. Clean, respectable, and with no slaves, only 'indentured labourers'. A lot of the money is funnelled through him."

Finally, the slaves seemed to have made their decision. A group that had once stood united against oppression had been cleaved in twain. Hopefully both would not come to a bad end. Or eventually express their disagreement through violence against one another.

"So we made our decision," Tann stated flatly. She was unhappy, but resolved. "We're going to resettle, and strike back when we have the means, on our terms." Her group had some martial characters, but they were less numerous. She looked at the Kel'Dor Jedi and his Padawan. "We want resettlement with dignity. No ghetto on the outskirts, we're involved at every stage of the negotiations."
He nodded grimly. "You have my word."

"Yeah, so we're going with you." For a moment there a look of discomfort on Kiera's face as she looked towards the other group. Then it was replaced by resolve and more than a little resentment. "But we won't fight our comrades. Or stomp other slaves. That's nonnegotiable."

"Acceptable. You've chosen strength." Libertas glanced at the Jedi. "I suppose that was democracy in action, Master Jedi. Direct democracy even. Always heartening."

"I'm done with you, Sith," he retorted coldly, looking towards the slaves who had chosen her, he spoke: "if that's your will, I respect it. May the Force be with you." Then he looked towards the 'Jedi crowd'. "We've got preparations to make. My ship's not far from here, but we haven't much time to waste. My Padawan has medical training for those who need aid urgently. And I have droids who can help with the transport."
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Darth Libertas Darth Libertas

Jade nodded grimly. "I know of this sort. They will pretend they are respectable and honest people but in reality are even more guilty, hiding behind a cloak of righteousness. Many of the Eldorai priestesses were like this."

The Kar'zun looked at the Jedi. "May fate favour your path," she said.
The Jedi paused, frowned. "And you...." He seemed at a loss to understand her role in all this. Was she a minion of the Sith or not? It seemed unclear to his gaze anyway.

Soon the slaves who had followed Libertas were assembled. They were a motley crew, maybe twenty or thirty in number. Many had weapons, though few had blasters or vibro-weapons, mainly just simple blunt or edged melee instruments.
"So, where do we go now?" one asked.

Jade did not answer, but was waiting just as much to hear the plan.
In the Darkness there is Truth
Arv'zorak Arv'zorak

And so Libertas got an army of freed slaves. Well, not really. It was a platoon at best. Many were armed, but the collection of weaponry left a lot to be desired. The lucky ones had blasters, but many had more primitive implements. It was a testament to their skill that they had managed to break their chains regardless, but right now they would be slaughtered in open combat. The Sith Lady was used to making the most out of meagre resources. The Sith Empire and the Confederacy of Independent Systems might have had legions of loyal goons in endless supply, but she did not. This meant she had to actually take an interest in keeping casualties low because a soldier was an investment.

"For starters, I need a better idea of your skills. Anyone here have any skills with demolitions?"
"I do," Kiera spoke up. "I can make bombs. A bunch of used to all the dangerous crap in factories. We learned how to handle them."
"Good, then get your people organised. Anyone who can slice, handle explosives or drive, make it known to me. And you'll handle distribution of the tools. I have some equipment on my ship, but we need more. Fortunately I know a dealer," she glanced at Nur Jahan and Jade. "I trust you two can make a visit and...negotiate?"
Darth Libertas Darth Libertas

Jade was remarkably good for a Kar'zun at inference, simile and metaphor. Years of experience in the galaxy had given her quite a good understanding of how these people said things without saying them, and when they said something they might not mean it. Kar'zun, on the whole, were pretty straightforward. If they didn't like you, they tended to tell you to your face. Jade had swiftly discovered this was not always wise....

So as Libertas said this, she understood what was being said.
"Yes, we can. Give me the details and we will visit and negotiate for the necessaries." She said it in such a flat way that there was almost no change of intonation.

Presumably receiving the details, she would depart with Nur leading the way. Small talk was not something Jade did much, but she was curious.
"Are you the student of the Sith? Her bodyguard? Her concubine?"
The last was again said so flatly that it wasn't clear if it was a joke or not.
In the Darkness there is Truth
Arv'zorak Arv'zorak

"Her name's Vigra Obel. Sullustan. Here's the address." Many years ago, Vigra had already sold nerve gas to Sumiko and cult of pitiful, deluded fools. It seemed she'd managed to survive their fall.

Nur Jahan twitched just a bit at the mention of the very familiar name, but said nothing. "It shall be done," she said stoically and left it at that. Thus the pair departed. "I am her apprentice," she said very firmly. "She doesn't need a bodyguard and I'd perish ere I sully myself by laying with someone because they have power. Not that she desires such things. What are you to her? Or rather what is she to you?"

It was a stark contrast to Marcion and 'Sister Sakura'. Not that either had demanded such indignities from her, but many others in the cult had been taken to their bed in the delusional belief that this would enlighten them. In the past she would have pushed the bitter memories of both away, but now she held them close and fed on them. The biting memory of weakness fed her anger and resolve.

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