The clearing she caused gathered the attention of other friendlies nearby. The Sith Lord and a Mandalorian, the latter she had little to no respect while recognizing the warrior’s skillset for destruction. Naturally, killing and destroying was what they specialized. Just another pawn for the Sith’s expansion was what the Mandalorian and the Zealots were. The former gained her respect and envy, knowing at a glance she was more skilled in the ways of the Force.
“I would recommend scorching…indiscriminately,” she said to the Sith, paying no attention to the Mandalorian although he would hear Heca’s dialogue. The walls around her mind became more sturdy, not for the carnivorous sentient plants, but rather for the Sith Lord near her. Deception was a common plot amongst their ilk, all in the name of power and ambition…or whatever else they desire. The little Mori knew about Heca, the better.
Necessary to work together, but little trust she had in the Sith.
“Perhaps a thermal detonator for us to begin,” offering a chance for the Mandalorian to speak up and offer assistance if he had the particular grenade on his person. Disgusted as he ate the flesh from one of the deceased plants he killed.
No wonder why their culture regressed and declined.
“I would recommend scorching…indiscriminately,” she said to the Sith, paying no attention to the Mandalorian although he would hear Heca’s dialogue. The walls around her mind became more sturdy, not for the carnivorous sentient plants, but rather for the Sith Lord near her. Deception was a common plot amongst their ilk, all in the name of power and ambition…or whatever else they desire. The little Mori knew about Heca, the better.
Necessary to work together, but little trust she had in the Sith.
“Perhaps a thermal detonator for us to begin,” offering a chance for the Mandalorian to speak up and offer assistance if he had the particular grenade on his person. Disgusted as he ate the flesh from one of the deceased plants he killed.
No wonder why their culture regressed and declined.