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Public The Void Force Witch

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
"Oh." She said it and just stayed looking. "NOw there is a reason for the non-plan?" SHe said it and internally rolled her eyes hard. Like working with senators who backtracked and changed their words or meanings if the situation needed it. Her interface bringing up information for her eyes when she was bringing up her ship and its drones to search the desert for the jedi research teams. "Blood leads to blood, sounds like something that would be said by a senator... shallow and ultimately meaningless."

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
HEr eyebrow raised up. "I am as are others, a name means little without the skills to reinforce it. My family has spent years building itself back up and we aid the galaxy not seek to rule it." She said it staying there and looking through the visors interface when she could check on a few of the parts in the ship. The drones were feeding them information for what they were doing here. She knew where to look thanks to the jedi research teams. "And if you are going to try and claim something then you should always have a plan."

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
She looked at him and walked towards the dunes, half uncovered ruins were not exactly easy to find on a desert even with drones but they helped. The jedi research team in their robes also helped with their biots there, her interface connecting and giving what information was needed. "Senator." The one Mk IV spoke standing there int he white outfit as well as some of the research team. "Welcome." Ayumi bowed and spoke with a smile. "THank you but I am not a senator anymore.. I get to be free and run Upcity now." SHe said it and Upcity was well thankfully out of Denon's politics compared to the rest they just made their credits and developed.

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
Ayumi couldn't tell if the boy was following or wandering off. Her eyebrow raised but then went back to the jedi reseaarchers who were laying out the information on her interface so she could see what they had discovered and what was being uploaded to the archives for the various orders to be able to use. Her interest had been largely satisfied the boy was... basic enough that he likely wouldn't cause problems for others and whatever he had been talking with and following well... she shrugged it hadn't done much of importance or interest to make a mention in her reports to them. Just something to note and if needed could be followed up if the grandmaster of the Silvers got bored.

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
The sounds of an explosion came. "Report." She said it and looked at them as they were getting nothing... no damage to ruins and sensors. "I see, ssend a team in to investigate I guess." The biots nodded and were prepared for anything that could be done here as she brought up more information on her scanner. The wrist one going over the area and feeding into her interface as it flashed on her ear. "There is not much, the ruins were only for an outpost that the obsidians worked to use a little at a time." Sophia and Feena would have likely been involved which meant it was maybe made for healers which meant medical equipment if they needed it."

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
Ayumi walked with the other jedi as they entered a ruined section of it. A half built library that they were working in when the faux explosion happened. She motioned with her hands towards the floor and the boy. "Search and bring in a medical unit. whatever he is doing in here seems to have failed." SHe said it and looked at the boy starring down at him before she was moving and prepared for any number of things that could happen. "We'll check on a few other things here but I want him directed towards the Kiyomi.... Cathbodua can heal him... though that might be cruel she isn't as people friendly as me."
The Lost Grandson of Palpatine
TJ coughed. "Don't move me, not yet till I understand what happened... Ok, I may look like TJ, but I think that our minds were swapped." Turns out the explosion had swapped TJ and Venessa-Void 's minds. "The book caused it. I should've known."

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
She looked at the boy and spoke. "Scanners, if such a thing happened we want to have proof since only instances of body swapping is clone bodies and spirits." She said it and looked down at the new science experiment.. if he was able to swap bodies and minds with someone else then it was something that should be studied in case it could be weaponized by sith forces or groups that mean harm.

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
She looked at the boy and raised an eyebrow while the other jedi were running scans. "I see. please explain more as there is no documented occurance of what you are talking about outside of badly written fanzines about science fiction holodrama's." SHe said it with a look on her face and if a book could take control of someones mind... a book in a half built ruined library on a desert world no one of importance visits.... there was leaps of logic and then there was stretching and breaking believably.
The Lost Grandson of Palpatine
"The book is the book of Void Force, it was sent here to be kept safe and then suddenly without warning everyone based here left. The book isn't a normal book, it has the spirit of another Void Force Witch in it , one that needs a body, and someone easy to munipulate. The book must have wanted my body, but knew I wasn't easy to munipulate, so it swapped our minds. Why did TJ follow me in?" Venessa-Void was clearly distraught over the situation

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
"So a book, containing the spirit of a witch who can use the force in a way that no one has ever heard of.... and is clearly dangerous.... was sent to a ruined academy that at the time would have been under the construction from former jedi who were in an order with darksiders." She said it and the suspension of disbelief was getting quite.... thin or already broken.... then add a new and powerful technique no one else in the galaxy has ever seen or heard about outside of fiction.... "Well good thing we have some fo the best scanners and biometric equipment to figure out the mysteries here."

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
"It sounds more then crazy, like something no one would believe or trust in. It isn't even a vague explaination for what happened and seeks to only reinforce the original notion that you want attention and to be special compared to the rest of the galaxy." She said it and looked at the initial scan data. "No abnormal fluctuations, no strangeness detected. IF this was bleed out from Waru and his dimensions anti force it might be something but not even a bedlam or wutzek detection and if something like that was going to happen they would be the best chance for it." There were a few other explainations maybe... few to none that could be proven... even less as the jedi teams were making notes of the environment but mostly for what they would be restoring rather then who was inside.

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