Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public The Void Force Witch

The Lost Grandson of Palpatine
"Course you don't believe , why should you? Your only the descendent of a crazy man, I am a decendent of someone powerful enough to put her spirit in inanimate objects to live forever, because of course I am. I fell in love with someone not even in his proper time, someone who could very possibly turn to the dark side. Dam, I wish my parents didn't abandon me on the steps of the Jedi council when I was five." That was classified information, only known by very few people, TJ not included. Everyone who didn't need to know was told that her parents had intrusted to the Jedi. It would be a file Ayumi could access, and would prove that it really was Venessa-Void Kenobi in TJ'S body, because that wasn't something that you tell someone you love if you don't want them to feel sorry for you

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
"Everyone has the possibility of turning to the darkside. It is what comes from giving into the force.... and if you were abandoned with the jedi then you have parents you never knew like many jedi. Creating a false attachment to people who could be any number of tropes means very little." She said it and stayed there.... be it this vanessa or TJ there didn't seem to be much difference both wanted to be seen as special from something or have the dramatic past. She blinked for a moment but continued to run scans in the library. "And being descended from someone whether it is one generation or a dozen means little if you only dwell on it. I chose long ago to be a jedi and senator first... a bloodline second."
The Lost Grandson of Palpatine
"I happened to know what your thinking, but attention for myself is always a biproduct of attention for others. Remember, I told you that TJ was a Palpatine, I told he isn't in his time, I'm the one who brought attention to TJ, and he didn't like it but he doesn't tend to understand how to understand how to stop the conversation. Now, I just wish I knew where my body was"

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
"Cute parlor trick must endear you to people when your personality of self importance fails." She said it with a bored look on her face. The girl revealing that the boy was a descendant meant very little it was the only thing that seemed to be a contribute to a conversation.... and for being so serious now they seemed non-nonchalant about a body swap... if the victim didn't care why would she need to. Ayumi though walked to rejoin the jedi and turned back looking at the girl boy. "Come along, we'll watch the drones who were searching and monitoring the area." She patted her thigh turning back around and walking with little regard if they followed. Seemed they would just appear anyways so might as well invite them along.

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
Ayumi walked with the others, taking the time with the other jedi as she was getting many of the reports they had. She could see some other parts of it as well. SHe was bringing it up to her interface as well as some parts when she entered the advanced modules they set up to observe and resupply. She went to a console and took a seat while bringing up the jedi network and their drone footage with a look on her face. Trying to get much of the information about what had happened.

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
Syumi observed the footage and... wasn't sure what she was seeing. She didn't know the scenario that had played out and looking at the one person who might be a witness they were not very forthcoming... which did little for progressing an investigation. Her fingers dancing over the hardlight produced little to no results for the term void force within the archives. "Are you going to offer to help child? This is searching for your companion. Me and the jedi here have little to follow on without input from you. Lets start with the easy things... explain your void force since no one else in the galaxy has information about it?"
The Lost Grandson of Palpatine
"A version of the Force which is a mixture of light and dark making it stronger than both. Most hide it because Thier ashamed because it has such a bad rap, those who don't tend to be scorned or working with the Sith."

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
"So they are like any other grey jedi in the galaxy that uses both sides of the force... or the bendu, or the witches or the shapers or paladins or... I could keep going there is little to be hidden since everyone can do it." She said it while listening and remained seated pulling up more information... mixing the darkside with the lightside sounded... average. With the philosophical stronger then both most preached to justi9fy giving into temptations and base instincts. The arguments rarely had merit aside from it being what they thought and felt. Feeling over facts and results as grey was generally beaten by light and dark users more soundly now.

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
"SO it borrows techniques from the Dathomiri I see." She said it and continued to work the console putting in some information. The silvers grandmaster might be interested as well she studied dozens of force orders and traditions... if not more if she had heard tell of it who knew but it would go a long way and Ayumi. "Any other information it has taken from force groups that should be known... as a means for the jedi to handle it if they encounter it. We alreadyy know what to do for mind control and possession sith and witches have similar skills."

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
She looked at him. "WHen you just shake your head like that... it doesn't actually add to the conversation. I would suggest if you want to function in society and the galaxy follow a headshake up with some words or a thought from that space between your ears." She said it and brought up more information on the screen reporting to them. There was something discovered out near dressel that they were investigating and scouts were reporting missing people on Krant which was nearby. SOmething to look into later but here on Tattooine well. "We'll send scouts towards the nearest ports, on foot in the desert doubtful such a being will get far once it really starts getting hot. So recovery efforts should be fine."
The Lost Grandson of Palpatine
"FINE!" Venessa-Void yelled. "Your dealing with something older than the Jedi and you think it's going to be fine," She points to herself. "None of this is fine, I'm in the boy I like body and I don't like it. My body could be anywhere on this planet as the being is stronger than me. So, no nothing is fine, in all honesty I'm surprised that this body hasn't shut down from stress." At those words, she fell to the ground, unconscious

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
"We've dealt with things older then the jedi before. It is kind of a thing nowadays." She said it and shrugged listenignot the rest and then. "And cue dramatic scene of going unconscious. Medic." She said it and looked at the girl. "You got potential but if the thing can only take over a body of a teenager and isn't making waves as it is right now... no disturbances, no attacks... They don't have that much power going into it. We'll raise alerts when she is tearing rifts in space and time and sending legions of undead."

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
Ayumi's fingers moved across the keyboard as the AI alerted her to what was happening on the floor while the others were comign in with the medical team. "Interesting." She observed and watched more while the others went to work to move the girl into a medical bed. "Nightmares are... different but projecting them does little. Manifestation requires power a lot more then most bodies can produce without a ritual it is why the nightsisters don't do it all the time." Was was saying it to one of the medical biots that stood there shrugging. THeir flesh force dead and proximity to it would make force influence null which worked for treating force users.

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
Ayumi looked at the shivering girl as she was being set in the medical equipment. "The temperature controls should prevent that... scanners on the body... lets see what is happening. LIkely the mind swap is somehow involved. Possession isn't meant to last for extended periods the body eventually fights back." She said it but was looking at the screens while the medical biots went to work keeping it up. Worse case scenario they call in the Kiyomi medical SSD and used a hushed casket to preserve the boy girl in stasis.

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