After being flung, caught, and still airborne for the most part, the six detonators that had been caught and curved by
Sakadi Marathi Sinvala
were going off, one after another. Six thermal explosions, the detonators would certainly be able to do some damage to the buildings, some more than others as the building didn't land fully into their explosive radius. All the same, the two thrown back to
Caltin Vanagor
would be more a threat to him,
Taozi Fuyuan
, and now
Sebas Stronoff
. Thankfully though they were being pulled violently, the eight that where caught on the crane only found themselves nicely lodged into critical locations on the crane itself, so he ought to thank Sakadi for that when he got a chance.
He should probably notify them about that.
"Darlyn to team: Crane is half rigged to blow now. Keep an eye up, I'm going to try to rig the other end to make it a straight drop but no way to guarantee that. Big Jedi got past me and I'm occupied with Adenn. Keep your ears open for him." Message sent, delivered, and ready for them to do with as they pleased. Which left Darlyn to focus on beating his friendly rival in his brother-in-law. He wasn't surprised that nothing really seemed to be affecting him, those arms of his were still pinging away at Darlyn's armor at an annoyingly nasty rate. However, while the lightsaber didn't manage to do more than free his hand and distract
Adenn Kyramud
, the lightning did push him back. He hadn't expected more than that, but the lack of exploding slugs meant Darlyn's major concern was being tended to in that moment, letting him breathe despite the slugs and bolts pinging off the front of him.
Other Mando's used something to dissipate lightning, he'd seen others' beskar'gams do that. But if Adenn wasn't shooting his main gun that meant he couldn't, and that information was valuable. Lightning was keeping him at bay.
"Of course not, I just needed you to calm down so I can get in stabbing range!" Darlyn caught his white lightsaber as it flew back to his hand naturally, and flung it again, this time almost like a javelin. He wasn't as trained as Adenn, or his other mandalorian brothers, but the Force would help him here. His target was that nice little firing slot, a flash that close would suck, he imagined, to deal with. Hit or no, he'd want Adenn to fling the weapon aside, or do it himself. Samhain's parts would draw together eventually regardless of who tossed it.
Then he heard a shout, and felt the bolts from
Sebas Stronoff
pinging against his back. Oh he was furious about the interruption, and he would've spun around on him for that if he wasn't aware that Adenn would 100% take advantage of that. Best he could do was warn him, he supposed.
"Watch your fire, maybe deal with someone else. Adenn's gonna have his hands full anyways. Might I suggest the Jedi on the roof with you, at this present moment?" He'd come alone, mostly, hoping for either no resistance or just Adenn. He 'knew', or at least believed, the presence of others would result in him forcing himself to diminish his combat abilities in response. For fear of harming teammates.The thought that he might have to now was distracting and frustrating.
The distraction was long enough a lapse for Darlyn however, that several bolts managed to ping off his helmet almost simultaniously, sending his head reeling back a moment in shock. Not really pain of course, with his body in the state it was, but it was enough to slightly distort the helmet's systems, and really annoyed Darlyn. Truth be told, it did cause some pain and strain on Darlyn, he simply wasn't able to feel it, though he'd probably have a nasty headache the next day. The result was making Darlyn
exceptionaly angry at Adenn, and he demonstrated as much by drawing the Charric Hand Cannon on his hip and releasing the first four shots on approach.
He disengaged the purple lightsaber to safely outstretch his fingers, and sent more lightning again. There would now, obviously, be a brief window between the two blasts, and this second was a little less potent than the other as he had to keep enough of his hand closed over the lightsaber so as not to drop it. The goal was to allow him to, now, close the full distance between them, and make those gun arms of Adenn's a hinderance, or at the least get the real fun started. Darlyn was a much better saber duelist than the last time they had a bout, he was confident he could win. Every so often, he'd allow a few detonators to be loosened and fall onto the crane, to lodge and prepare. A total of 18 now were lodged onto the crane...