Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction The War Game on Taris | SJC & MU

Aro Vizsla


Red Team Best Team: Eliz Krayt Eliz Krayt | Kreslin Westwind Kreslin Westwind | Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr | Cadere Cadere | Darlyn Excron Darlyn Excron | Marimax Mortui | Taozi Fuyuan Taozi Fuyuan | Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri | Jyoti Nooran Jyoti Nooran


Location: En route to bridge with Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr and Eliz Krayt Eliz Krayt

Aro only nodded in response to Beltran. The role suited him well enough, and at least the plan was finally underway. He also felt significantly more confident in their chances of victory considering his fellow VIP guard seemed to be the logical, capable sort. He could work with that.

"I'm gonna go invisible. It'd be much easier for me to go unnoticed."

“Wait - ah, nevermind. Just don’t go too far.” He was about to protest but was too late, Eliz already switched on the generator before he could say anything. While both his helmet and cybernetic eye possessed the ability to see infrared, he didn’t want to needlessly strain himself if he didn’t have to. He would’ve preferred if the kid had disguised himself instead, but he seemed to be the eager type as if he had something to prove.

Well that was fine too. Aro had also been like that at some point, so he could understand what the kid was thinking. No matter how it went down, hopefully the kid would learn something from today.

As they got close, he turned towards Beltran. “Any thoughts on where you want to position? We could draw some attention to ourselves in order to give our VIP a stronger chance at remaining hidden.” If the kid choose to do so. The bridge was pretty open, with only scattered and makeshift cover to break up sightlines. Not ideal from a defensive standpoint, but he had some ideas for how they could proceed if they wanted to change their defensive to an offense and take the bridge. Though he wanted to hear what others thought first.

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Tags: Cato Harth Cato Harth | Sakadi Marathi Sinvala Sakadi Marathi Sinvala | Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor | Mig Gred Mig Gred | Ki'an Vizsla Ki'an Vizsla | Risen Risen | Aveline Cuiléin Aveline Cuiléin | Kranak Vizsla Kranak Vizsla | Darlyn Excron Darlyn Excron | Taozi Fuyuan Taozi Fuyuan

Nodding his thanks as Caltin ceased his attack on the crane, Adenn focused fully on Darlyn. Chuckling as his brother in law spoke, Adenn nodded his appreciation. It was good to see that Darlyn was taking this seriously, he'd have too. Firing as he was, and so fully focused on Darlyn, Adenn saw the detonators come free, even as Darlyn threw his lightsaber at Adenn. Had Adenn known it was Caltin who made them come loose, he would've ceased his fire for a few moments, but to Adenn, it simply looked as if Darlyn hadn't properly attached his detonators. And that was on him, but it was to be expected, Darlyn hardly ever carried extra weapons.

As for the lightsaber careening at his face, Adenn simply kept his beskar shield in place, keeping his fire up in the firing slit, even as his robotic arms shot around it. The lightsaber hit the shield and scratched the paint, but it had been designed to resist explosives, a ligthsaber was almost nothing next to that. If the attacks were concentrated, it would eventually break the shield, but a simply fling of the weapon wouldn't do much. That said, the glow was somewhat distracting as it whirred through the air and eventually back, but Adenn kept his fire up the entire time.

Then Darlyn attacked with lightning, and it also hit the shield. Coupled with the personal energy shield he had, most of the lightning itself didn't do damage to him, though it did drain energy from his shield. What energy did make it through simply passed over Adenn's armor and into the ground, thanks to grounding boots. The true damage of the attack was the concussive force, as it shoved Adenn several paces back before he could hold himself into place. Activating magnetic boots, and straining his legs, Adenn wouldn't move any further back unless he wanted too.

Unfortunately, the lightning and the subsequent push had forced Adenn to brace himself. That meant his main gun, the E'care, was no longer firing. Sure, his extra arms were firing away with slugs and blaster bolts, but the explosive shots were no more for as long as the lightning went. Grinning beneath his helmet at this reason, Adenn tried to keep track of Darlyn, readying himself to switch weapons should it be needed.
"Come on ner'vod, that all you got?!"


//: The Swamp Route //:
//: Jyoti Nooran Jyoti Nooran //:

The others moved and guarded the VIP, which meant that Allyson could move freely within the environment, and do what she did best, hide in the shadows. She crouched quietly and slapped the side of her head; it was frustrating to have a device that was limited to her control.

Blinking, she finally found the cybernetic adjusting to her vision again, and what she could control through the Force balanced out. She sighed softly as she scanned the general area. Everything came back as data on the internal hud that appeared in the vision of her eye. Nothing was visibly around her; she figured as much since the Corellian expected everyone to follow the bridge's typical paths and the canal.

Instead of following the crowd, Allyson took to the swamp. Which as she stood in knee-high water, she instantly regretted it. The swamp provided cover, which only helped the Shadow hide, especially when she needed to drop the force camouflage that kept her hidden from most. Wading through the water, Allyson tried to think of the warm beaches that she would rather be swimming in- instead of the muck she was actually in.

Slowly making it to the ridge, she dropped the cover and hid in the brush. As much as she wanted to play along with the rules, she decided her target would be one person and one person only. Jyoti Nooran, the woman, was her mentor and best friend. The woman had taught the spy everything she had known, even when things were bleak - Jyoti was always there to set Allyson back on the right course. Today though, it was Allyson's chance to show off to the Echani.

Feeling through the Force, she tried to figure out where the woman was stationed.

Equipment: 1x Lightsaber | FF-CAR1 | Personal Light Armor | Mantellian Vambraces
Allied Tags: Eliz Krayt Eliz Krayt | Kreslin Westwind Kreslin Westwind | Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr | Aro Vizsla | Darlyn Excron Darlyn Excron | Marimax Mortui | Taozi Fuyuan Taozi Fuyuan | Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri | Jyoti Nooran Jyoti Nooran

Her ( Sakadi Marathi Sinvala Sakadi Marathi Sinvala ) presence grew stronger within the Force and before Cas could even glance toward the bridge and see where she was, he felt something non-corporeal grip his ankle before jerking his entire body toward the bridge. At this trajectory, the landing would be fatal, the Jedi fought against the velocity and flipped his body backward where the front of it faced toward the bridge he was about to meet.

Extinguishing his lightsaber and calming himself, it felt as if the galaxy moved slowly while Cas placed his arms in front of him and once again called upon the Force's energies. Proficient in telekinesis, Cas turned it inward and took control of his own body with the Force's aid and just before fatally impacting with the bridge's surface - he halted his descent. Floating merely inches from where he would have crashed into "That actually worked." he admitted to himself in surprise, before releasing his hold over his own body with the Force and dropping to the ground.

Glancing up, he saw the familiar figure of his former Master and quickly rolled backward and onto his feet to gain some distance from her. Igniting his lightsaber once more "Cheap shot, but you gotta know you trained me better than that." he teased. Holding a finger out, telling her to wait, Cas reached to his comm ::I'm a little indisposed right now, something came up.:: and alerted his teammates with little explanation as to why he couldn't stick to the original plan. Was there an initial plan?

With a twirl of his lightsaber, Cas' knees bent as he prepared to rush at Sakadi without as much as a warning but he stopped before he even started as the looming shadows of small spherical objects began to descend from the sky. Glancing up, he saw a multitude of thermal detonators, ready to do what they did best, on their way to the bridge "Come. On." he muttered to himself in frustration, kissing his teeth as he did so. Turning his attention to a collapsed support beam, the Jedi Knight's right arm reached out in its direction and with the support of the Force Cas flung his arm upward and in-turn the support beam followed. Heading straight to a cluster of detonators, hopefully that'd minimise the blast radius and at the very least keep him out of the blast zone.
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As he moved from one position to the next, utilising cover wherever possible, he was sure to stay aware of the situation above him. He trusted Kranak could handle it but he didn't want any nasty surprises and was checking to make sure his own allies above him were doing well. The benefit of having a jetpack meant traversing between the levels was a non-issue.

Ki'an noted how Sakadi was engaged in a confrontation on the bridge but he could recognise her as a Sephi and the one she fought was likely a Kiffar given his facial tattoos and with the lifespan of a Sephi greatly exceeding that of a Kiffar, he assumed she would be the more experienced in the battle and there was currenly no risk of being shot at from above so quickly reverted his attention back to the matter at hand as they continued to move towards the opponent's building.

While looking ahead to keep an eye on any potential appearing enemies, his foot slipped on the edge of a patch of damp moss and he fell onto his right knee as the lower half of his left leg was submerged in the the murky water. He soon pulled his leg out and got back to his feet to continue. ::I'm starting to regret taking this route.:: He thought aloud to no one in particular, not realising he had accidentally activated comms when he hit the ground. ::This stuff stinks.:: He said to himself ::I am so going to need a shower after this:: He concluded his thinking aloud.

It was unusually quiet which was either great for their team or concerning. There was a lack of opposition on all fronts with the battles above being relatively balanced in their numbers while those below traversed the swamp freely.

Cadere Cadere Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor Sakadi Marathi Sinvala Sakadi Marathi Sinvala Adenn Kyramud Adenn Kyramud Cato Harth Cato Harth Mig Gred Mig Gred Risen Risen Aveline Cuiléin Aveline Cuiléin Kranak Vizsla Kranak Vizsla

Sakadi's slow-paced stroll came to a full stop when the Kiffar she had flung in her own direction finally came within reach. Sakadi's gaze was fixed on him as made his miraculous landing, but she made no move to intercept the Kiffar and finish their encounter then and there. Had he been a real opponent, a Sith for example, she would not have hesitated to dismember him before his feet touched the ground. But now, even her lightsaber remained unignited.

Cas rolled backwards, taking an immediate guard stance with his lightsaber ignited. Again, Sakadi remained unresponsive. Only the slightest tilt of her head and quick glance up and down gave some sort of indication that she actually paid attention. Outwardly, she was aloof and detached. But in the Force? Everything pointed at something akin to a volcano being about to erupt.

Her eyes lingered on his stance as he quipped. Cas was right. She had trained him better than that. She had taught him the foundations of lightsaber combat, ranging from theoretical knowledge to helping him develop techniques of his own. She knew exactly what the Knight could do. To her, he was an open book. A book she had been reading for the last five years.

But her attention was not fully on the Knight. She sensed it. The slightest indication of danger in the back of her head, and so did Cas. She briefly glanced up, but did not need to decipher what was falling from the crane. For the Force told her everything she needed to know. Namely that she had waited long enough, and that this was her opportunity.

Sakadi had a no-nonsense approach to lightsaber duels. Yes, every step she took and swipe of her blade was graceful, but any opponent could tell that her techniques were still highly pragmatic.

First, her free hand closed into a fist as she exerted her will through the Force again. She took hold of the sixteen moving objects through the Force, accelerating them and curving their paths as she herself burst into motion. Sakadi timed it well, choosing the exact moment when Cas came up with his own solution.

Sakadi moved lightning fast, slightly to the Kiffar's left to attack his exposed side. Her lightsaber ignited, right as the detonators evaded the support beam. The detonators curved in the direction in which she moved, all of them raining down near the entrance to the southern (Team Red's) building. Meanwhile, the Sephi herself performed a series of three thrusts with her white blade, aimed at the Kiffar's hip, side and just below the armpit. She hoped that, with the Kiffar still distracted by the support beam he threw, this rapid assault would be enough to end their duel before it even began.

Cadere Cadere (And everyone on their way to the bridge)


Location: Taris, Abandoned Apartment Complex, Red Team HQ
Objective: Win
Equipment: Z-6 Rotary Blaster Cannon
Allies: Kreslin Westwind Kreslin Westwind Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr Aro Vizsla Darlyn Excron Darlyn Excron Marimax Mortui Cadere Cadere Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri Jyoti Nooran Jyoti Nooran Eliz Krayt Eliz Krayt
Crane: Adenn Kyramud Adenn Kyramud Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor

Whilst the whole event started he sat at the back of Red HQ and smoked on a large cigar, watching and listening as the rest of the team strategized and figured out a plan of attack. His ears open and his mouth silent he listened as his compatriots figured out their plans and then soon enough the games had begun. They rushed off towards their respective duties as Riit sat there taking a long slow drag out of his cigar as he watched the rest of his team go, glancing over at the VIP with a smile as he did.

Finally, standing up off the crate he spat his cigar out and pulled the Z-6 from off his back. The sound of small skirmishes already sounding around as the two teams began to engage each other across the three fronts. He began to make his way to the top floor, where the combat to take the crane's passage between the two buildings had already begun. He heard some massive fighting towards the top, knowing that not many of his comrades had gone up to the roof he let out a soft sigh as he prepared himself for a fight. Pulling his helmet over his head he looked toward his ally Darlyn Excron Darlyn Excron and began to lay down a barrage of blaster fire across the bridge and towards Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor .

"Oi, let's hurry up and take this route, so we can get this thing over with." He said over to Darlyn his voice amplified by his helmet.

His blaster cannon began spinning up slowly before bolts were flying towards both the of the combatants at the crane a field of blaster shots hitting anything that came in its way as he let loose his old friend.

Riit was mostly worried about Caltin, who had already made it across the bridge, but he was taking some damage from Darlyn. There was also the problem of his clan leader being on the other side of the bridge, he had to make a good impression, so he hoped that him and Dalyn could get some work done whilst they were at it.

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Alor of Clan Gred, Mando'ad'jetii

Equipment: Nonlethal version of gear in bio.
Tags: Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor Sakadi Marathi Sinvala Sakadi Marathi Sinvala Adenn Kyramud Adenn Kyramud Ki'an Vizsla Ki'an Vizsla Risen Risen Aveline Cuiléin Aveline Cuiléin Kranak Vizsla Kranak Vizsla

Mig would continue forward with Ki’an close by. It was quiet, but he didn’t feel anyone else near. This was.... odd.... Then there were explosions above them. What the heck were Adenn and Darlin doing?! Trying to kill each other? Mig just sighed, quickly walking through before hearing someone fall behind him. He looked back to see his Vizsla partner half buried in the swamp.

“Ah come on. Not as bad as being thrown into Varactyl dung, or having fertilizer dumped on your head.” He then chuckled a little before moving forward. “But yeah. You’ll need a shower after this.” He would continue forward, reaching out before seeing the door to the other building. He smiled a little, already having an idea.

“Ki’an, Kranak. Way to building’s clear. Looks like we can walk right in, and I’m not feeling anyone near the door. Let’s move in and flank them. Or maybe they left the VIP in the building.” He would then head for the door, keeping his eyes peeled for anything.
Location: Swamp
Nearby: Risen Risen

“Some, yeah” The Padawan confirmed when asked if she’d received stealth training. “I know how to hide my presence in the Force, if that’s what you mean” She had seen Desbre go invisible on Deneba, but that was a feat too advanced for herself. At least for the moment. So much of the Force was a puzzle. Even with so many pieces laid out before her, she still felt she was missing a few key ones, and the picture just wouldn’t come together without them.

Aveline wasn't sure why exactly, but she felt she could trust Risen. Maybe it was his calm and clear way of explaining what they were doing, or the confidence with which he said it. It was a comfort to Aveline, not having to wonder about what was expected of her.

Aveline closed her eyes. For a moment she was taken away from the swamp, and there was only the Force. She saw herself as a lone candle, floating by itself over a sea of grass. The light of the candle dimmed, until it became barely visible. Similarly her presence in the Force became cloaked, at least insofar the Padawan could manage.

Sticking close to Risen, the duo left their cover and made for the bridge. She knew if anyone were to compromise their position, it would be her. To her credit she did not dwell on it. She was doing the best she could. Whatever came next was simply down to the will of the Force.

Blue Team Tags: Sakadi Marathi Sinvala Sakadi Marathi Sinvala Adenn Kyramud Adenn Kyramud Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor Mig Gred Mig Gred Ki'an Vizsla Ki'an Vizsla Kranak Vizsla Kranak Vizsla Allyson Locke Allyson Locke Cato Harth Cato Harth Risen Risen
Red Team Tags: Eliz Krayt Eliz Krayt Kreslin Westwind Kreslin Westwind Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr Aro Vizsla Darlyn Excron Darlyn Excron Marimax Mortui Cadere Cadere Taozi Fuyuan Taozi Fuyuan Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri Jyoti Nooran Jyoti Nooran

Zephyr Krayt


Location: Swamp

Granted, it was one of the more vulnerable positions to be in given that those on the ground were almost completely exposed to those above them but that meant it was one of the more exciting places to be in. It seemed the excitement was about to reach him far more quickly than he anticipated because as soon as the door of the turbolift slid open he could see Mig Gred in the distance, directly ahead of him. "Oh no." He said with a defeated tone before throwing a flashbang outside in Mig's direction and jumping behind the cover of the wall on the right side of the door.

Zephyr hoped it would disorientate Mig for long enough to escape the enclosed space of the lobby where he could gather his bearings to take part in the situation he had suddenly become involved with. In any case, he had a blaster in his hand and a shield emitter open on the opposite vambrace, ready to deflect any bolts that might come his way. He hadn't even had time to comprehend if there were any other blue team down in the swamps and if so, how many. His entire focus was presently on Mig until any further challenges presented themselves.

Red Team: Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr Aro Vizsla Darlyn Excron Darlyn Excron Cadere Cadere Marimax Mortui Taozi Fuyuan Taozi Fuyuan Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri Jyoti Nooran Jyoti Nooran Sebas Stronoff Sebas Stronoff VIP: Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae

"I'm gonna go invisible. It'd be much easier for me to go unnoticed."

Beltran nodded. It made sense and would help keep the young man safe as they moved.

“Wait - ah, nevermind. Just don’t go too far.” Beltran let a slight smirk creep over his lips as he listened to his other squad mate, Aro Vizsla caution the younger Mandalorian. If there were ever a group of people less able to take orders than the Jedi, it was the Mandalorians. The fact that this joint war game was already devolving into what Beltran considered to be petty bids for glory (on both sides) was only a matter of course.

Beltran led the group forward, moving rapidly through the hallways. He kept his rifle up and trained in front of them, slowing his advance only to check intersecting corridors for enemies and ensuring that nobody lay in wait every time they turned a corner.

::I'm a little indisposed right now, something came up.::

Cadere Cadere 's voice came over the comlink, alerting their unit that the Jedi would not be able to make it to the swamp. Too bad for Master Nooran, Beltran thought to himself, though he was sure that the Echani Jedi would be able to accomplish her goals even without the aid of the young Jedi knight. When they arrived at a room overlooking the bridge, Beltran could see that the Kiffar Jedi was currently engaged with another Force user ( Sakadi Marathi Sinvala Sakadi Marathi Sinvala ). Beltran didn't know them, though he thought they they looked familiar to him.

“Any thoughts on where you want to position? We could draw some attention to ourselves in order to give our VIP a stronger chance at remaining hidden.”

Beltran nodded. "If we both go on the offensive now, perhaps we can help Jedi Tynen push his opponent back. Eliz Krayt Eliz Krayt , set up here over looking the bridge and cover us. Try not to draw attention to yourself, but if you happen to get a good bead on the enemy go ahead and take them out. If you find that someone has noticed you, com us immediately and begin heading toward our position. In that case, we'll fall back to meet you and set up a defensive position in one of these rooms."

It wasn't a perfect plan, but to Beltran's mind it was a plan fairly balanced in both offensive and defensive measures. The shroud would likely keep their VIP hidden until he chose to fire and they wouldn't be so far away from him that he couldn't get to them quickly if he was discovered. Really the only glaring weakness came if the other team was able to get passed their defenses on the crane or in the swamp and get up behind them to cut them off.

"Alright, if you're good, let's get after it!" Beltran said to Aro Vizsla.

A few moments later, the Lorrdian would arrive at the bridge, at about the time that Cadere Cadere was sending a support beam flying at Sakadi Marathi Sinvala Sakadi Marathi Sinvala . Raising his rifle, he fired off a burst of stun rounds at the enemy while moving to the side and taking a knee to better cover his Jedi ally. He would trust his Mandalorian ally to hold the other flank and keep an eye behind them while Beltran engaged the Jedi in front of him.
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After being flung, caught, and still airborne for the most part, the six detonators that had been caught and curved by Sakadi Marathi Sinvala Sakadi Marathi Sinvala were going off, one after another. Six thermal explosions, the detonators would certainly be able to do some damage to the buildings, some more than others as the building didn't land fully into their explosive radius. All the same, the two thrown back to Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor would be more a threat to him, Taozi Fuyuan Taozi Fuyuan , and now Sebas Stronoff Sebas Stronoff . Thankfully though they were being pulled violently, the eight that where caught on the crane only found themselves nicely lodged into critical locations on the crane itself, so he ought to thank Sakadi for that when he got a chance.

He should probably notify them about that. "Darlyn to team: Crane is half rigged to blow now. Keep an eye up, I'm going to try to rig the other end to make it a straight drop but no way to guarantee that. Big Jedi got past me and I'm occupied with Adenn. Keep your ears open for him." Message sent, delivered, and ready for them to do with as they pleased. Which left Darlyn to focus on beating his friendly rival in his brother-in-law. He wasn't surprised that nothing really seemed to be affecting him, those arms of his were still pinging away at Darlyn's armor at an annoyingly nasty rate. However, while the lightsaber didn't manage to do more than free his hand and distract Adenn Kyramud Adenn Kyramud , the lightning did push him back. He hadn't expected more than that, but the lack of exploding slugs meant Darlyn's major concern was being tended to in that moment, letting him breathe despite the slugs and bolts pinging off the front of him.

Other Mando's used something to dissipate lightning, he'd seen others' beskar'gams do that. But if Adenn wasn't shooting his main gun that meant he couldn't, and that information was valuable. Lightning was keeping him at bay. "Of course not, I just needed you to calm down so I can get in stabbing range!" Darlyn caught his white lightsaber as it flew back to his hand naturally, and flung it again, this time almost like a javelin. He wasn't as trained as Adenn, or his other mandalorian brothers, but the Force would help him here. His target was that nice little firing slot, a flash that close would suck, he imagined, to deal with. Hit or no, he'd want Adenn to fling the weapon aside, or do it himself. Samhain's parts would draw together eventually regardless of who tossed it.

Then he heard a shout, and felt the bolts from Sebas Stronoff Sebas Stronoff pinging against his back. Oh he was furious about the interruption, and he would've spun around on him for that if he wasn't aware that Adenn would 100% take advantage of that. Best he could do was warn him, he supposed. "Watch your fire, maybe deal with someone else. Adenn's gonna have his hands full anyways. Might I suggest the Jedi on the roof with you, at this present moment?" He'd come alone, mostly, hoping for either no resistance or just Adenn. He 'knew', or at least believed, the presence of others would result in him forcing himself to diminish his combat abilities in response. For fear of harming teammates.The thought that he might have to now was distracting and frustrating.

The distraction was long enough a lapse for Darlyn however, that several bolts managed to ping off his helmet almost simultaniously, sending his head reeling back a moment in shock. Not really pain of course, with his body in the state it was, but it was enough to slightly distort the helmet's systems, and really annoyed Darlyn. Truth be told, it did cause some pain and strain on Darlyn, he simply wasn't able to feel it, though he'd probably have a nasty headache the next day. The result was making Darlyn exceptionaly angry at Adenn, and he demonstrated as much by drawing the Charric Hand Cannon on his hip and releasing the first four shots on approach.

He disengaged the purple lightsaber to safely outstretch his fingers, and sent more lightning again. There would now, obviously, be a brief window between the two blasts, and this second was a little less potent than the other as he had to keep enough of his hand closed over the lightsaber so as not to drop it. The goal was to allow him to, now, close the full distance between them, and make those gun arms of Adenn's a hinderance, or at the least get the real fun started. Darlyn was a much better saber duelist than the last time they had a bout, he was confident he could win. Every so often, he'd allow a few detonators to be loosened and fall onto the crane, to lodge and prepare. A total of 18 now were lodged onto the crane...


Location: Taris
Comm-link, Rebreather, Custom Robes
Starship: Starlight Sentinel, (Dilorian in cargo bay)
Companion: Astromech R01R - "Roller", Pilot droid Mu51c - "Music"
Tag: @​
Blue Team Tags: Sakadi Marathi Sinvala Sakadi Marathi Sinvala Adenn Kyramud Adenn Kyramud Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor Mig Gred Mig Gred Ki'an Vizsla Ki'an Vizsla Kranak Vizsla Kranak Vizsla Allyson Locke Allyson Locke Cato Harth Cato Harth Risen Risen Aveline Cuiléin Aveline Cuiléin
Red Team Tags: Eliz Krayt Eliz Krayt Kreslin Westwind Kreslin Westwind Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr Aro Vizsla Darlyn Excron Darlyn Excron Marimax Mortui Cadere Cadere Taozi Fuyuan Taozi Fuyuan Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri Jyoti Nooran Jyoti Nooran
Wondering why there have been no actions from Caltin recently? There's a reason for it. Those thermal detonators that he had levitated and thrown? Somehow that maniac of a Mandalorian, the one on the Red team, somehow managed to catch most of them and redirect some back at him, while attacking his “brother” and using a flamethrower. If the big guy wasn’t so annoyed at what happened, he would probably ask the guy how he managed to spread his focus so far, it was annoyingly good.

Of course, that does not explain why he has not done anything, it is because two of those detonators went down the shaft he was about to take. The third one detonated right in front of him. The massive Jedi Master was barely able to construct a Force Shield in time, but it held and protected him from the blast. He was protected from the detonation but the shockwave blew him back against the housing for an air intake. As he sat there for several moments just glaring out at the crane, the big guy was focusing the Force more on the storm he had created. The wind and rain blowing and indeed diminishing and ultimately extinguishing the flame that was on the monstrous housing.

Getting up and walking over towards the shaft he was about to take to the lift down, the big guy cursed his luck. It was wrecked. He hoped no one was in there when those detonators went off, but could not feel a presence of the Force that would tell him such. So there was one way to go down otherwise, and that was to jump. One last redirected gust of wind at the back of Darlyn would do as a good “payback” for the detonators, hopefully not do any fatal damage, he didn’t want to kill the guy but make him stumble. Of course, a few bolts of Electric Judgment at the Dark Jedi should throw him off and give Adenn a shot at this. Caltin didn't want a "two on one" but Darlyn was not making it fair, it was just a game after all. Satisfied when he was finished, it was off the side of the building.

Here we go.


Location: Bridge
Equipment: 1x Lightsaber | FF-CAR1 | Personal Light Armor | Mantellian Vambraces
Allied: Zephyr Krayt | Kreslin Westwind Kreslin Westwind | Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr | Aro Vizsla | Darlyn Excron Darlyn Excron | Marimax Mortui | Taozi Fuyuan Taozi Fuyuan | Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri | Jyoti Nooran Jyoti Nooran
Hostiles: Sakadi Marathi Sinvala Sakadi Marathi Sinvala | Adenn Kyramud Adenn Kyramud | Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor | Mig Gred Mig Gred | Ki'an Vizsla Ki'an Vizsla | Kranak Vizsla Kranak Vizsla | Allyson Locke Allyson Locke | Risen Risen

This was beginning to become a drag. Wasn't this supposed to be a 'friendly'? Why was everyone throwing detonators in each other's faces as if they wouldn't wipe you off the map if you weren't lucky enough to avoid the blast. Didn't matter, he had to focus on Sakadi right now for he knew she'd be the biggest problem on the opposite team... at least for him. Unsurprisingly, Sakadi timed her maneuver well and it seemed it would be effective.

Fortunately for Cas, he knew her just as well as she knew him. Anticipating her lightening fast movements, he watched closely as she darted to his right side and the Kiffar, with the enhanced speed of the FF-CAR1, lifted his arm to where his wrist and forearm hovered next to his hip Sakadi was attacking. Cas' Mantellian Vambrace took the brunt of Sakadi's first attack. Raising his arm again, he guarded himself against her second attack and simultaneously pushed against the tip of her lightsaber as it connected with his vambrace, forcing her back with his superior strength, giving Cas the time needed inbetween Sakadi's jabs to swivel his body and meet the Sephi's form.

With both hands clasped around his lightsaber's hilt, Cas swung his lightsaber in front of him from his left to right, enhancing its speed with his cybernetic arm and disrupting the trajectory of Sakadi's third strike. Keeping the pressure on her, the Jedi Knight followed up his attack with a diagonal strike, starting from his lower right hip up to above his left shoulder.

"You seem quiet, Master Sinvala? Something on your mind?" he quipped. Stun rounds then flew passed him, triggering Cas' subconscious reflexes to backflip out of the way and unintentionally create some distance between him and the Sephi. Realising the shooter was Beltran, his brows crinkled into a frown "Not that I don't appreciate the backup. I've got this." Cas proclaimed pridefully. Beltran was better off guarding their VIP, Sakadi was a powerhouse in the Force - like a supercharged battery - and it was best he'd keep her occupied seeing as he had the better chance of lasting against her due to knowing how she fought as well as their bond in the Force.
Remembering Wildflowers

Objective: Protect the VIP
Location: Under the Bridge
Dramatis Personae: Aveline Cuiléin Aveline Cuiléin (nearby)


The closer they got, the greater the scale of the battle raging above. Like monoliths, the ruined buildings, the teetering crane, watched the war game unfold. Though at this point it was hardly a game — the light of each explosion cast the swamp in apocalyptic shades of rust. Risen was beginning to understand that all the talk of weapons set to “stun” was a mere formality.

Still, Risen had taken the task of escorting the VIP, and he had done it well. Their walk was quiet. The wide swamp likely crawled with enemies and allies, but none had presented themselves. It was easy to imagine that they could hide undisturbed.

Then, the flaring of sabers. The beating of gunfire. They were nearly under the bridge now where Risen saw Master Sinvala holding ground. One Master in the sky, one along the battlements.

And then there was Risen, trudging the depths beneath them. Well, it was all the same to him. The padawan, Cuiléin, had fallen in line — perhaps the first ward he’d taken that actually listened, even if this was just temporary. Was she simply more disciplined than the rest, or had there been some change in him? Her presence flickered like fire under a sheet. Not invisible, but nearly so beside the blazing presence of Master Sinvala above.

But fire scatters ash, always. Another rapture of cannonade echoed above. Fetid water rippled at the vibration. Without thought Risen allowed precious breath to escape into the air in ribbons of pale blue. Sail, like a master painter’s brush, wove Force-infused breath in a whorl around Risen and Padawan Cuiléin. Heavy falling stones caught in the wind were scattered.

Risen dashed to the padawan — the VIP — to take cover. His display of Force was brief, momentary like a gust, but could have been seen by someone paying attention. As they dropped back into stealth beneath the bridge — Risen held his breath to subdue his presence, as before — he hoped that no more debris would endanger their position.

And he hoped, as his lungs burned, that he could take a breath soon.

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Red team
Inside a building
Objective - be protected?

It was at random call but stardust had to take it, eliz had suddenly gotten sick and they needed a replacement for him stat and well stardust was on planet overseeing the battle for some odd reason so she fit the bill given her rank and all.

So she sat within a building listening to the sounds of chaos all around her, honestly it was quite funny to think this was merely training in which she was constantly reminding herself so she didn't accidentally turn some man into ash...which reminded her that she needed to switch her sabers to training mode. Sighing she peeked out the window looking towards the crane and drew a westar as she set it for stun and took a pot shot towards it no one in particular as she was trying to stay hidden so they not know her location

All around star was having a grand time and proud of her vod both sides

Aro Vizsla


Nearby: Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr Cadere Cadere Sakadi Marathi Sinvala Sakadi Marathi Sinvala

Red Team Best Team: Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae | Kreslin Westwind Kreslin Westwind | Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr | Cadere Cadere | Darlyn Excron Darlyn Excron | Marimax Mortui | Taozi Fuyuan Taozi Fuyuan | Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri | Jyoti Nooran Jyoti Nooran

Location: Bridge

As they got moving, he followed Beltran’s lead, covering him as they swept the corridors on their way to the bridge. When he spoke again with a plan, Aro nodded his head once in support. So far he liked how the man thought. He had been secretly itching for some action so he liked the thought of going on the offensive for now. Their VIP had been swapped from the Krayt kid to Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae but the rest of the plan hadn’t changed. She was still holed up in a building that he kept an eye on as they pushed forward towards the bridge. He wanted to maintain a careful distance. Not too little to draw attention to her hiding spot, but he also wanted to be able to get back and provide backup quickly if needed.

Comms were coming in suggesting that his teammates were locked in struggles of their own. His expression was hidden beneath his helm but a single eyebrow raised as he heard that the crane was half rigged to blow, and more importantly, that a big Jedi had gotten past their defenses there. Nothing on where the Jedi was headed yet, so he kept his head on a swivel as just in case they decided to head here.

When they hit the bridge and Beltran took one flank, Aro automatically took the other. But as his ally fired off a few shots, he hung back and kept his eyes locked on the target, waiting for a better opportunity to fire. However, he eased off completely and held his fire when Cas expressed confidence in his abilities to win the 1v1. Alright then, he’d let the knight handle himself for now. He signaled to Beltran that he was going to back off a little and switch to keeping an eye out for other enemies.

He moved back a few feet and kept a constant scan; rotating from the battle in front of him, to the sides of the bridge, to behind them, and lastly checking the building their VIP was in. He was trusting that Beltran would quickly jump in to help Cas if he started losing. And, despite what the Jedi knight wished, if he took too long or started getting overpowered, Aro would also jump in to help push the enemy Jedi back together. Time was also a factor here, and he didn’t want to waste a bunch of time being exposed for nothing.

Location: Swamp to Bridge
Engaging: Aro Vizsla

"Yeah, I haven't experienced that thankfully." He replied to Mig as they traversed the swamps and began to near the entrance. Farming and agriculture were evidently not his area of expertise, nor was paying attention to where he was walking, clearly.

The sound of explosions drew his attention to the commotion above and he paused to observe the battle on the crane before his gaze moved down towards the bridge where he saw two more members of Red team emerge from their building to assist their Jedi battling Blue team's Jedi. Ki'an was unfamiliar with the extent of Sakadi's abilities but assumed it would be difficult for most to contend with two Jedi and a Mandalorian - especially when he knew the Mandalorian.

::I'm going to the bridge to try and stop Aro from getting past Sakadi. There are already two of Red's Jedi there:: He informed his team via comms before shooting up into the air towards the bridge. Jetpacks offered a certain degree of manoeuvrability but they weren't known for their stealth so he knew any actions he took had to be fast as his presence was likely to be anticipated.

In preparation, he drew a blaster but left one hand free should he need to utilise any of the functions on his vambrace or the stun baton. As soon as his eyes were on Aro, he began firing at his fellow clansman but remained in the air, hovering 8 feet higher than him, to allow for better evasion of any return fire and to keep out of melee range. He was not bad at melee fighting by any means but Aro was not someone he was keen to engage in close-range combat with.

Blue Team: Aveline Cuiléin Aveline Cuiléin Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor Sakadi Marathi Sinvala Sakadi Marathi Sinvala Adenn Kyramud Adenn Kyramud Kranak Vizsla Kranak Vizsla Mig Gred Mig Gred Risen Risen
Tags: Cato Harth Cato Harth | Sakadi Marathi Sinvala Sakadi Marathi Sinvala | Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor | Mig Gred Mig Gred | Ki'an Vizsla Ki'an Vizsla | Risen Risen | Aveline Cuiléin Aveline Cuiléin | Kranak Vizsla Kranak Vizsla | Darlyn Excron Darlyn Excron | Taozi Fuyuan Taozi Fuyuan | Sebas Stronoff Sebas Stronoff


Adenn chuckled in response to Darlyn, knowing some sort of attack was coming. He just needed to wait and see what it was. With his shield still up, Adenn peeked through the firing slot to see what Darlyn was doing. Eyes widening slightly at that, Adenn yanked his head to the side, lightsaber passing by with a screech. It left a new scorch mark on his armor, not that Adenn cared, he was more impressed by Darlyn's aim being so good. Calling out with a laugh to Darlyn then, Adenn's voice was impressed.
"Not bad Darlyn! Anyone else and they would have their head gone. You'll need to show me how you did it later."

It was then Riit appeared, opening fire on the both of them. Adenn's shield was still up though, and the shots simply impacted that, rather than doing any true damage. Instead, it only made Adenn annoyed. Someone was interfering, and that someone was part of his clan. Not only that, but they had accidentally shot Darlyn in the back. As such, Adenn readied E'care again, but aimed it at Riit, even as his arms kept firing at Darlyn.
"RIIT!" This was followed by a handful of shots towards him. And they were the full explosive kind, the one he had intended to only use on Darlyn. Said shots weren't safe for a war game, they were for war. Which is why he used them on Darlyn. But Riit was interfering, so Adenn showed his annoyance. "Go fight someone else! Caltin's right there, jumping down even now. Darlyn and I are fighting, and you'll break something if you keep interfering, might even die."

That last statement was followed by another burst at him. Beskar was good and all, but these shots were explosive, deadly, and designed to penetrate armor. And Riit didn't have the same endurance or mentality that Darlyn and Adenn had when fighting one another. That wasn't to disparage him as a warrior, it was simply that he would treat this as training, while Darlyn and Adenn were going at it full bore, and would only stop when things broke. All that he said was rather rushed, but it hopefully got his point across. As it was, Adenn couldn't speak anymore as Darlyn had already shot at him.

Grunting as the fire hit both of his shields, the energy and regular one, Adenn was forced to take another step back, even as the shield dented somewhat. In response, Adenn fired a further two shots towards Darlyn, only for the lightning to stop anything else. He could keep shooting of course, but the lighting prevented him from seeing, and he'd rather not risk the E'care too much. As such, even as Darlyn closed the gap, Adenn holstered the E'care, and in the same motion, grabbed the axe from his back.

Normally he would use his sword, but Adenn had never used an axe against Darlyn, so it would be an unknown. Besides, an axe versus a saber would certainly mix things up. Grinning as he held it tight, Adenn's weapon arms retracted to his back. They could keep firing at this close range, but Adenn wanted this to be personal.
"So ner'vod, let's dance." Raising his shield and axe up, Adenn took a step forward, more than prepared for this engagement. With another chuckle, Adenn swung the axe.

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