Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction The War Game on Taris | SJC & MU

Location: Taris, Abandoned Apartment Complex, Red Team HQ
Objective: Win
Equipment: Z-6 Rotary Blaster Cannon
Allies: Kreslin Westwind Kreslin Westwind | Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr | Aro Vizsla | Darlyn Excron Darlyn Excron | Marimax Mortui | Cadere Cadere | Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri | Jyoti Nooran Jyoti Nooran | Eliz Krayt Eliz Krayt
Crane: Adenn Kyramud Adenn Kyramud | Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor

Riit just threw up his arms and was about to give Adeen a pretty obscene gesture, before he thought better about doing anything to the leader of his clan. He grumbled as he turned towards the edge of the building and just began throwing Rotary Blaster shots down onto the heads of the members on the lower levels of the buildings. Ki'an Vizsla Ki'an Vizsla being someone that he let more than their fair share of blaster bolts towards. As Riit was on top of the building his shots were more of a suppressant than meant to take out any important targets, allowing for some pressure to be taken off the members of his team.​

Alor of Clan Gred, Mando'ad'jetii

Equipment: Nonlethal version of gear in bio.
Tags: Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor Sakadi Marathi Sinvala Sakadi Marathi Sinvala Adenn Kyramud Adenn Kyramud Ki'an Vizsla Ki'an Vizsla Risen Risen Aveline Cuiléin Aveline Cuiléin Kranak Vizsla Kranak Vizsla Zephyr Krayt

Mig chuckled at Ki'an, and continued to moving. Then the other Mandalorian broke off to help Mastwe Sinvala. Mig nodded, adding "Good luck, tat," He would continue, but would soon spot a flashbang. He didn't have time to react before it went off, leaving Mig to watch a bright flash and hear a loud bang. He rolled to the side, closing his eyes and waiting for a moment. He had to try and clear up his vision for now. When he could see again, he would whirl out, aiming his Trayc'kad in blaster mode before trying to see who was there.

Zephyr? This would be fun. He opened fire with stun blasts, having already made sure he was nonlethal.

"Not that I don't appreciate the backup. I've got this."

It was only because of the HUD covering his eyes that Cadere Cadere couldn't see the Lorrdian roll his green eyes. The Ranger bit back a slight rebuke. The younger Jedi wasn't even supposed to be here. He was supposed to be backing up Jyoti Nooran Jyoti Nooran in the swamps below. Still, Beltran had no interest in getting into a voiding match with the Kiffar. If Jedi Tynen wanted to face Sakadi Marathi Sinvala Sakadi Marathi Sinvala all by himself, Beltran would let him, but not before he sent a small burst of parting shots at the Blue team Jedi for good measure.

Glancing back at his partner, Aro Vizsla, he caught the Mando's gesture and nodded.

"Darlyn to team: Crane is half rigged to blow now. Keep an eye up, I'm going to try to rig the other end to make it a straight drop but no way to guarantee that. Big Jedi got past me and I'm occupied with Adenn. Keep your ears open for him."

There was only one "Big Jedi" that Beltran was aware of on the other team and that was Jedi Master Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor . Beltran had worked with him on Circumtore and found the large man to be eminently capable. If Beltran had to choose an enemy to get passed their lines, he certainly wouldn't have chosen him.

"Copy," Beltran radioed back to Darlyn Excron Darlyn Excron . He didn't really see the why of rigging the crane to blow, but one of the most important precepts of Special Operations was: Trust the man on the ground. If Darlyn believed that blowing the crane would better their position, then Beltran had to trust that it was so.

To Aro Aro Vizla, Beltran spoke directly. "Jedi Vanagor has gotten through our lines. If he finds Miss Stardust, this wargame will be over in short order. He's very good at what he does. I suggest we withdraw and leave Jedi Tynen to hold the bridge himself like he seems to want. If we can get to Miss Stardust before Jedi Vanagor arrives, perhaps we can take him out and leave the other team without one of their best."

As Beltran began to move away from the bridge, another Mandalorian rocketed up toward the bridge from below. Beltran recognized the armor of Ki'an Vizsla Ki'an Vizsla from the exercise's briefing. "Nevermind," He called out to his ally. "You take on your brethren and hold the bridge, I'll move to engage Vanagor myself!"

With that, the Lorrdian withdrew from the bridge as quickly as he could, firing off a pair of shots at Ki'an Vizsla Ki'an Vizsla before turning a corner. He began to move rapidly through the corridors up to where they had stashed Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae . Calling out through the com's, Beltran spoke. "Jedi Vanagor is through the our lines and it appears that our side has lost visual on him. I'm heading to you now. Hopefully we can set up an ambush of some kind for him. Be ready and don't take any unnecessary risks."

The Twi'lek Mandalorian's inclusion on the team as their VIP had been a last minute change, the result of Eliz Krayt Eliz Krayt becoming ill. He recognized her name from battle reports on Myrkr, but he hadn't met her personally. Mandalorians, like Jedi, could be very temperamental people. Perhaps she would cooperate and allow Beltran to face Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor with a coordinated counter-assault, or perhaps she would do what so many others had already done and go off on her own. It was anybody's guess at this point, but Beltran had to at least try and keep their team's VIP safe.

That massive Jedi. That Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor .

What an annoyingly smart man.

Had he recognized Darlyn's trick? Figured out the way to disrupt him while he was completely and utterly focused on Adenn Kyramud Adenn Kyramud ? Or was it just a normal response, that happened to break his concentration? Whatever it was, Darlyn would respect it later, compliment him on the quick thinking. But for now, instead, he was more focused on being suddenly aware of how he was moving across the crane, as his foot missed its step and caused him to stumble. That bit of wind broke his unconscious focus, and the two bolts of electricity the man created followed up on it. The first caught him right in the back as he stumbled, and actually caused him to react by turning, as if he could retaliate in that instant. This only caused the second bolt to strike his gun-arm, the shock of being struck twice by lightning, of all things, causing him no small amount of pain even with Body active. More concerning, it made him drop his gun, which clattered and fell off the side.

Thank the Force Adenn was too busy with the lightning he'd shot at him to retaliate.

He huffed, and puffed, for the brief moment of 'reprieve' he had as Adenn retracted his arms, changing to his own melee weapon of choice... an axe. Odd choice, Darlyn hadn't fought many axe-wielders before. This could be a potential problem, if he didn't adapt quickly. And now being aware of his motions, he'd have to get back into his natural groove soon, or he wouldn't have the chance to adapt. What a wonderful challenge!

"A dance it will be!"

He flicked his left wrist, both flinging two more grenades into the crane to lodge and set as well as sending his white lightsaber up into the air, above him, from where it had flown past Adenn. The hilt naturally curved in the air, aiming to land in Darlyn's hand. Before it could however, Darlyn had to ignite his purple (Oiche) blade again, and use the angry blade in an abnormally clumsy defense against this first swing. Darlyn made a half-step back, and swung Oiche's blade outward, connecting with the axe and managing to keep it from smacking into him, though it barely whiffed from how horribly his initial defense was, and he felt the force behind the swing.

At least it gave the White saber (Solas) time to reach him. The weapon impacted the palm of his hand audibly, before the white blade lashed out in retaliation down at Adenn's shoulder. The strike was just as clumsily thrown as his defensive motion had been, but it was something.

Her first and second thrusts were parried by the Knight's armour. His second parry was meant to unbalance her, but the Jedi Master was both light on her feet and always on the move. She danced back with the force he applied, coming in with the third and final thrust. The Kiffar swivelled, now using his lightsaber to force her blade off trajectory. Once their yellow and white blades connected, Sakadi swiftly twirled on the ball of her front foot to negate the strength behind the Kiffar's blow.

As she spun, the Jedi Master took her blade in a two-handed grip. Upon completion of her rotation, Sakadi took a wider stance herself, emphasizing on a strong core and footing as she held her own blade low. The problem with an upward blow like the one Cas was about to perform, was that the strength and weight behind it were limited if not met head-on. The Sephi's blade would follow the same trajectory as the Kifar's, but she pushed and guided it further upward, passing by her body without causing any harm.

That manoeuvre had brought her past his guard. Sakadi wanted to step in and 'behead' him with a flick of her wrist, but the sound of stun rounds soaring her way made Sakadi draw her saber back instead. The burst of stun rounds came her way, and the Jedi Master performed a series of short and fast combinations guided by the Force to deflect the first two or three stun bolts. She then swiftly sidestepped to her left and reached out. The palm of her hand facing outward, and a ripple moved through the Force. But not one that culminated in a Force push. Sakadi chose a mental assault instead.

Her target was the Knight, who was moments away from landing. Again, his focus had shifted away from her. This time to tell the Ranger ( Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr ) he had this under control. As he did, her attack would find it's way to him, disguised as a telepathic message. It was always more difficult to affect strong-willed individuals. But the bond they had, his divided focus and her mastery over the technique would make it incredibly difficult do defend against.

The sudden burst of psychic energy would be meant to disorientate the Knight, make him lose balance and send the world spinning before his eyes. Again in an attempt to disrupt his landing, and make the confident Kiffar injure himself. Meanwhile, Sakadi stayed on the move. Never being in one place for too long as she shifted from left to right, like a flower petal carried by a gust of wind in the Kiffar's direction. If he succeeded in landing safely, she would be upon him mere moments after...


Aro Vizsla


Engaging: Ki'an Vizsla Ki'an Vizsla
Location: Bridge

Red Team Best Team: Eliz Krayt Eliz Krayt | Kreslin Westwind Kreslin Westwind | Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr | Cadere Cadere | Darlyn Excron Darlyn Excron | Marimax Mortui | Taozi Fuyuan Taozi Fuyuan | Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri | Jyoti Nooran Jyoti Nooran

He was hesitant to leave as Beltran suggested, but after looking back at the dueling Jedi, he relented and nodded in agreement. Since Cas wasn’t allowing help, they weren’t exactly being useful here. He tempered his desire for some action and set off after Beltran, keeping an eye on their surroundings as he ran. But as his head was turned to one side, he was caught off guard by the sounds of an approaching jetpack. He turned just in time to see blaster fire heading straight for him. Acting quickly, he blocked the first couple shots with his vambraces and then slid into cover behind some construction materials to avoid the rest.

"Nevermind," He heard Beltran call out. "You take on your brethren and hold the bridge, I'll move to engage Vanagor myself!"

“Roger that.” He said to his ally’s retreating figure. The owner of said fire was someone he recognized, Ki'an Vizsla. His fellow clansman. Despite interacting with Ki'an several times before, Aro still didn’t know what to make of him. The other Vizsla was bizarrely friendly for a Mandalorian, and he often tried to rope Aro into meeting new people or interacting with others during social events. He also wasn’t a fighter - something Aro would have frowned upon if the other man wasn’t an accomplished medic - so he didn’t have any idea how to interact with him. Because of that, he usually found the other man extremely hard to deal with.

However, in this situation he was feeling optimistic. There were no people Ki'an could force him to talk to, and his medical prowess wasn’t going to help him in a close fight. Taking advantage of Beltran’s quick fire, he ran forward and pushed off the ledge of the bridge, activating his jetpack mid-jump and flying straight for his opponent. He fired off a couple shots as he did, but they were only distractions. Using the momentum from his leap he extended a leg and aimed to shove a boot in the other man’s stomach, hoping to push him off-balance and send him flying back.


Location: Bridge
Equipment: 1x Lightsaber | FF-CAR1 | Personal Light Armor | Mantellian Vambraces
Allied: Zephyr Krayt | Kreslin Westwind Kreslin Westwind | Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr | Aro Vizsla | Darlyn Excron Darlyn Excron | Marimax Mortui | Taozi Fuyuan Taozi Fuyuan | Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri | Jyoti Nooran Jyoti Nooran
Hostiles: Sakadi Marathi Sinvala Sakadi Marathi Sinvala | Adenn Kyramud Adenn Kyramud | Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor | Mig Gred Mig Gred | Ki'an Vizsla Ki'an Vizsla | Kranak Vizsla Kranak Vizsla | Allyson Locke | Risen Risen

This wasn't as fun as he thought it would be. Cas had thought getting to trade blows with his former Master would serve as some sort of catharsis for him, but it didn't magically solve their issues nor did it make him feel better or less angry at her. In fact, it made him feel worse and it wasn't just because of the sudden wave of vertigo he'd feel come over him mid-jump. Initially believing it to be a telepathic message, he let his mental guard down and allowed Sakada to penetrate his mind - as quickly as it came through, he generated a mental wall in his mind and saved himself from the harsher effects.

Although, what managed to get through was still super effective and caused the young Jedi to become disoriented and sickly. Stopping him from landing safely, Cas fell on his face before bouncing from the impact and spinning onto his back, skidding across the floor. He let out a groan, the Kiffar had taken some serious damage in his time as a Jedi Knight ranging from losing his left arm, scarring his back, fighting on a broken rib and nearly killing himself from Force exhaustion. What he was feeling now ranked about... twelfth on his list of worst pains. Fortunately though, with all the injuries he'd sustained, he'd developed a high pain tolerance.

He saw her headed his way, and she was coming fast. Thinking fast on his feet, Cas stretched his arm out and positioned it in the direction of a crate behind Sakadi. His goal was to hurl it at her, and when she would focus her attention handling it, he'd surprise her with by aggressively hauling her toward him with the aid of the Force. At the speed she was going and the added force of his pull, Cas speculated it'd be enough speed to get her to him and effectively end their confrontation with a blow to her body... or head, whatever came first.

Then... he lowered his arm to his side and extinguished his lightsaber. This was completely inappropriate timing, but at this point he didn't care, Cas just wanted this to be over. "This is stupid..." the Kiffar's voice would echo in the Sephi's mind "Me and you fighting is stupid - and I don't mean right now. Sakadi, I love you, you're my sister. The sister I always needed. I know I messed up by not telling you... but we've been through too much to let this be it between us..." lowering his head, he reattached his lightsaber to his belt "I won't fight you anymore." Cas braced himself, ready for whatever was coming. But at this point, him mending things with his former Master was more important than winning this game.

Location: Bridge
Engaging: Aro Vizsla

The Mandalorian was not too keen on facing his fellow clansman as he was aware of the other's capabilities. Even being eight years his senior did not guarantee him victory. With age came experience but not necessarily skill. He knew Aro to be an accomplished warrior and he was unsure how his own skills compared, not that he would be questioning that for long, but he hoped that a prior insight into the other's abilities might allow for some degree of predictability which could aid him.

The other Vizsla would be in his element whereas many other previous encounters included a social factor which Aro wasn't quite as skilled at though it was where Ki'an thrived. Now the tables had turned and he would be able to display the skills that made up for his lack of people skills but Ki'an was determined not to lose the fight or at least... not to lose easily. It would be expected of him to be the more skilled, being the older of the two, but he wasn't sure if that was the case.

Ki'an deflected the bolts back towards the bridge using the shield emitter at his wrist, just about as they had been unexpected since his focus was on Aro. With the momentary distraction, he didn't have enough time to avert Aro's attack and took a shot to the chest plate but caught on to deflect the second one though he didn't move out of the way quickly enough to avoid the boot to the abdomen which sent him flying backwards.

The distance between them would mean nothing since they were in jetpacks. Ki'an had never faced an opponent in a jetpack before but it was proving to be bothersome. No longer was it easy to escape your opponent.

In the few seconds he had, he shot up and drew his second blaster, keeping on the move to be a harder target since he had forgone his shield emitter. He turned around whilst moving and flew backwards to keep a visual of Aro and fired blaster bolts at him whenever he was able to do so. If his ally would catch up then he would take evasive measures using the stun baton attached to his back.

Sakadi Marathi Sinvala Sakadi Marathi Sinvala Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor Adenn Kyramud Adenn Kyramud Mig Gred Mig Gred Kranak Vizsla Kranak Vizsla Risen Risen Aveline Cuiléin Aveline Cuiléin
Tags: Darlyn Excron Darlyn Excron | Taozi Fuyuan Taozi Fuyuan | Sebas Stronoff Sebas Stronoff | Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor | Mig Gred Mig Gred | Ki'an Vizsla Ki'an Vizsla | Risen Risen | Aveline Cuiléin Aveline Cuiléin | Kranak Vizsla Kranak Vizsla | Sakadi Marathi Sinvala Sakadi Marathi Sinvala


With his concentration split between Darlyn and Riit, Adenn didn't see fully what happened to either. He simply knew that Riit turned to focus on other targets, and Darlyn was zapping himself with lightning. An interesting tactic to be sure, but not one Adenn could capitalize on, simply laugh at. Oh well, at least they were close enough to bash each other in the face now.

And then they were close enough for melee, though the defense Darlyn showed was hardly what Adenn expected. It was almost atrocious, that meant this axe trick was really throwing Darlyn off. That made Adenn grin; just another thing to mock Darlyn with, until he eventually learned in their spars or against others. It also meant that Adenn wouldn't be merciful, somebody had to win after all. But his brother in law wasn't going to let it be easy, and go down fighting like a true Mando.

The blade came swinging down to strike his shoulder, only to hit the pauldron and screech off and down. Adenn's armor was beskar as well, along with other properties just as good at blocking lightsabers. The worst it'd do without concentrated hits was scorch the paint. In retalitation, Adenn slammed his shield forward, hoping to bash Darlyn in the face and chest with his shield. Adenn would advance then as well, pushing forward with no regard to Darlyn, and aiming to keep his advantage fully.

"Have the jetii made you soft, ner'vod?" Another step and another shield thrust. "Come on Darlyn, fight!"

He followed that up with another two axe swings. One from left to right, and then the opposite direction. Adenn was not going easy, but then again, they both never did. But Adenn felt Darlyn needed some more encouragement, so he simply didn't relent in this advance. Shield and axe equal weapons, and neither resting to fight. Adenn himself simply had a grin on his face, watching for anything more, waiting, and simply happy for a challenge.

Zephyr Krayt


In the short amount of time that Mig was distracted, Zephyr rushed out of the doorway and used his jetpack to boost himself up onto one of the abandoned vehicles in the swamp in order to gain a vantage point against Mig. Using his shield emitter to protect himself against any return fire, he fired a few stun bolts towards Mig while defending against his bolts.

The Mandalorian wasn't sure how he would fare against his elder and more experienced counterpart. Close range combat was far from his area of expertise but he had little choice in the matter now. Now he had to do all he could to at least hold his ground against a clan Alor. Both his desire to prove himself a worthy warrior and his competitive nature were at play in the game.

Mig Gred Mig Gred Red Red Team

At first, Sakadi didn't slow down. She had seen him preparing his next chain of attacks, but also his hesitance. The latter was what prevailed. She felt how he reached out through the Force without malevolent intent, and made the decision to listen.

"Me and you fighting is stupid - and I don't mean right now. Sakadi, I love you, you're my sister. The sister I always needed. I know I messed up by not telling you... but we've been through too much to let this be it between us..." lowering his head, he reattached his lightsaber to his belt "I won't fight you anymore.

She didn't lower her saber. Her expression remained stoic, and her pace didn't slow until the very last moment. Sakadi said nothing as she came to a halt only inches before him. She simply stared, her lilac eyes meeting his brown eyes.

A few seconds passed.

Without warning or indication, she raised her hand to gently flick his forehead. "If this were a real battle, your team would have just lost their most honest and kind Knight." She calmly conveyed, deactivating her lightsaber as she took a step back. A small sigh escaped from the Sephi's lips. "Fine. You win. I yield." She appeared outwardly calm and tranquil, but Sakadi imagined Cas knew her well enough to see right through her. It was a fact, after all. She couldn't handle anything that got personal.

"If you want to go ahead, you can."

Cadere Cadere


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