Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The War Wolves


She gave a nod of her head and walked over towards her offering an arm to her back. "Hey now, we'll figure it out and if you want. We can get you a new ship.. one with better safeties for handling pirates." She said it with a small look on her face of concern but stopped when she reached out with the force opening her mind to the minds on the ship to sense where they were concentrated.. she wouldn't be able to do much good if they saw her escaping as the security monitors were there before the jedi master herself. A small smile formed though. "This will be worth it." She was hooking up the icebreaker to the lock while working on it.


"Remember, the money is always right."
"Hey! Don't talk dirty about my ship. It's very important to me that we get it back. You can take one of the pirate ships if you want, but they are all garage in comparison of ours."
Teeubo saw the Jrmedi use the force and looked around, asher Instinct was to look for guards. She knew that the Jedi had probably already done some sort of force thingy, but this just set her at ease.

[member="Noriko Ike"]

"Well what kind of dirty talk would you prefer?" Noriko said it and winked while she was moving and the icebreaker popped the cell oepn. The jedi master moved through quietly and was checking the other cells without opening them just yet. A few sleeping prisoners, some slaves and some that looked dangerous. She opened their cell so they would be able to cause some distraction and problems. Then the other ones because it would be easier to have it look like a malfunction across the whole security and cargo area then just one or two cells that were occupied. Noriko was looking for a console and saw a vent able to lead into the next room as she motioned. "Up there."


"Remember, the money is always right."
"Great, I get to climb through vents. Just what I wanted to do today." Teeubo kept guard as the Jedi climbed to the vent, she was watching for any trouble. The prisoners we're running to get out and causing quite the commotion.

[member="Noriko Ike"]

Noriko looked at her and started getting itno the vent, holdng herself up while she offered a hand to help her up then they could both get into it one after the other. "Vents are better, we're both small enough... well okay, I am smaller then most and can get through. If you are feeling stuck, we'll get out as quickly as we can alright?" She said it and smiled. "We're in this together, I still have to try and maintain being professional with you and all that." Noriko was climbing into the vent and looked back in the tighter space. "Now come on and don't look at my butt these rags they gave us don't have.... just don't make me all self conscious alright."


"Remember, the money is always right."
"Uhh, right." Oh geez why did it have to be vents. Are Jedi always so flirtatious? She could fit comfortablelly enough to move around in the vents. Teeubo made a huge effort not too look forward, just following the movement from her peripheral vision. While moving around she recognized the area where they stored all their stuff.

"Hey, take a left up ahead. We can change back into our clothes. It would be much better than this... fashion choice."

[member="Noriko Ike"]

Noriko looked back over her shoulder and gave a nod of her head whens he went towards the vent. Stopping mostly so she could roll over onto her back and leverage herself up tucking in close and contorting with the force.She got her legs above herself and was now facing the twi'lek with a smirk on her face before she was kicking the vent and pushing harder to pry and bend it open. The sound of the metal before she started to climb out then was looking at her when she held onto the edge and hopped down. "Want me to catch you?" She said it more as a joke but stood there just in case since coming out would mean going decently face first down.

Noriko looked up at hr as she was coming down and used the force to enhance herself as she caught the twi'lek with a grin. "Well captain... since you are in my arms. I never did get your name on the ship before we were captured. I am Noriko." She offered a loo though and was letting her down before looking around and she could get into her pants and boots at least. The top she had been wearing was thrashed as they had torn it trying to get it off of her. So she improvised tying it like a tub tobe over herself. Hair cut short and at the ready. her saber on her hip and her thigh pack with a smile back at the twi'lek captain as she gave a little wiggle. "All ready, how about you?"


"Remember, the money is always right."
"I'm Teeubo, and thanks for catching me " Teeubo looked through the room and found her cloths. The pirates hadn't done anything to them yet, very lucky. She put the on and strapped her DL-44 to her hip.

"Ready when you are."

[member="Noriko Ike"]

Noriko looked at her and had a smile on her face while she looked at the weapon and stepped over looking up at the twi'lek. "Well Teeubo, lets go and have a little fun shall we?" She oepned the door and held a small stun rod for herself before she was moving around. The hallway of the ship was mostly empty but there was the sounds of fighting in the distance. Prisoners could be annoying to say the least and when they got weapons they generaly wanted to make use of them... which was good for the pai of them who wanted to leave. "We should make sure their tractor beam is disabled so they can't just reel us back in and any surprises they mgiht have done to the ships. "Can't get in there and discover a bomb.. or that they took my chair...... or raided my underwear drawer."


"Remember, the money is always right."
"They better not have touched my ship! If I find one thing out of order, I'm blowing this ship!" Teeubo looked around the corner of a hallway too see a gaurs and a prisoner fighting. The guard used his stun baton and beat the prisoner to the ground.
"Want to get involved?"

[member="Noriko Ike"]

Noriko looked at her and she wanted to say no it would get in the way of helping everyone but... damn being a jedi sometimes she knew she would have to help. That was what made it dangerous after all. "yeah we should, we need to get to the bridge and help everyone be able to escape but this will have tod o for now." She was moving and quickened her pace as she started to run, allowing the force to guide her as the saber staff activated and the jedi master spun it around to knock the pirates weapon away with a surprised gasp... then she cleaved it in two sending him into the wall. Looking at the slave with a grin on her face before motioning. "Come on, we can get there this way."


"Remember, the money is always right."
Teeubo caught up with the Jedi and gave a small whistl. "That's some impressive work, but that probably made a lot of noise. We should get out of here while we still can."

[member="Noriko Ike"]

Noriko gave her a nod as it was getting a little louder but she flicked her eyes towards the rooms. "We have a little time, seems a shame if case they have taken your stuff. You might be able to find something of value here." She was uncertain but well if they were going to arrest them or stop them all of this stuff would prove a situation. She was moving and reaching out with the force itself until she slid her saber back on her hip with a small smirk.


"Remember, the money is always right."
"I can lose some cargo, besides it's a good excuse not to deliver it. We should be quick about this. Once we get on my ship we jump."

[member="Noriko Ike"]

"Agreed." She said it and entering the bridge area she could see some of them. Ducking to the side and pulling at the twi'lek for a moment to do it they were distracted trying to get another slave who had been trying to attack them. No real problem or equipment that could be coming their way until she was moving. Pulling a console at them so the jedi master could pin them and rush running forward to kick another one int he gut while she pulled his head back to knock him unconscious.

"In classes." She said it with a smirk on her face when she stood up prepared for anything. Hands going towards the controls when she started flipping the switches to deactivate locks and power going to the doors. SO they woudln't be able to just restart and trap them in here. "We get a full education to better learn how to help people and save things." She was trying to do it while holding a free hand out to render another one fo the slavers pirates whatever unconscious.


"Remember, the money is always right."
Teeubo checked the halls outside to make sure that there wasn't anyone sneaking up on them. Once she made sure the halls were clear, she gave a devilish grin as she planted detonators. She rigged them to blow with a push of a button on her wrist, "Don't have to worry about pirates if the pirates are dead," she mumbled to herself.

She stood up and made her way back into the room, "Hallway is a no-go. We need to find a new exit."

[member="Noriko Ike"]

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