Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The War Wolves


She was looking at her and then at the explosives before speaking and walking. "No we don't kill, it is not the jedi way." She said it and had her saber in her hand but it wasn't activated. Looking at the twi'lek though where she could move down the hallway. SHe wanted to look at some of the other things that they could find. Heading into the hangers as she turned moving a hand out to let the force pull to open the door. "I almost arrested you under suspicion of smuggling sweetie... Do you really want to make me have to because you killed a bunch of people and possibly damaged a ship dooming others."


"Remember, the money is always right."
"Hey, no need to start with the whole lightsaber thing. I mean it was designed for killing if we're being honest, also I'm not a Jedi. I don't have any moral problems with this. Once we get off I blow the ship and no one will ever have to worry about these pirates again!"

Teeubo said while doing a mock surrender. She wasn't sure how the Jedi would react to all this, but so far it wasn't doing so well.

[member="Noriko Ike"]

Noriko looked at her and she didn't touch her saber but she was moving to stand in front of her. "I can't let you do that, we aren't going to kil them and risk harming those we freed here understood." She looked at her, she was almost holding her breath to see what might be happening though when she crossed her arms over her chest. "Just because you are cute doesn't mean I am going to let you do anything you want understood?"


"Remember, the money is always right."
"Aww, and here I thought looks got me anything I wanted. Fine, you win, let me deactivate them," Teeubo kneeled down and deactivated the bombs. "There, now your friends can escape, unlikely that they will but that's not my problem."

Teeubo looked at the control bridge, "The least we can do to help is to deactivate the guns. Just give me like ten minutes, then their defenses are gone. Of course, it will also mean that the ship will lose power, causing a blackout. If they could afford them the backup generators should come on, but the guns will stay off. It's your choice Jedi, I don't have any stakes in this."

[member="Noriko Ike"]

"Thank you and the slavers, pirates whatever they are losing power will be fine. We just don't want the ones we released to be killed and in danger because of us blowing things up." She shrugged at the rest though and moved over to the captain as she looked at her patting her shoulder. "You did good, now come on." She was moving and going towards the hangers to get into the ships. hers was there and they had mostly left it alone with the interior and exterior defenses. Able to repel boarders and those unauthorized as she was going for it. THe other ship they were in the process of trying to unload the cargo.


"Remember, the money is always right."
"I swear they better not have touched my stuff," Teeubo said through gritted teeth. She raised her blaster and took aim at one of the pirates, "We still following that no kill order, or can we get my ship back?"

[member="Noriko Ike"]

"I would prefer you don't kill them." Noriko was looking at the men and she shrugged but remained where she was moving with her ship and touching the panel. A chevron pad coming out she could use as it was activating and the astromech droid was there, it was warming up until she could see a few parts of it. She waited for a moment though to help out the captain if she needed it her ship would need ot better be prepared. "See if you had blown up things and damaged the ship it could have been decompressing while you might have been trying to repair your ship." She said it with a look but it wasn't about being right it was about letting her move to help her out.


"Remember, the money is always right."
"Fine, I won't kill them, stupid Jedi code," she mumbled. She threw a flashbang at the men, landing it under their feet. the men looked at the flashbang not realizing what it was until it had gone off. Teeubo rushed forward and kicked one of the pirates to the ground where he remained unconscious. She gave the other some quick combos to knock him out.

After Teeubo had finished her very dramatic fight, she checked her ship. Everything looked in order, minus the missing cargo. It was probably for the best. She checked her navigation and found that the old coordinates were still locked. She quickly deleted them before the Jedi could see them.

[member="Noriko Ike"]

Noriko followed her into the ship using the force on the men. Hibernation trances that would last for a few hours would be helpful and for the most part not endanger them as it could also help them heal a little. She was letting the force breathe around herself before checking on the twi'lek before her ship was moving out and she spoke. "Ready to go?"

Noriko nodded her head while she looked towards the captain and went towards the co-pilots seat to join and help her out. "Alright lets get going, and head out. My ship can folow us with the slave circuits and my astromech droid." She said it while looking over some of the information to get a bigger idea of their ship from the outside as the ship headed out ahead of them.

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