Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The whip - [hutt cartel dominion over Sleheryon]


Insert Hilarious Title Here
Location: Palace kitchen
Objective: Celebrate with [member="Thrukk Gulpdar"]
Ally of the Hutt Cartel
Ship: N/A
Post Count: 14/20

Nyx chuckled as she sat at the table, her bottle dangling from her fingers.
"I've found that peace is overrated."
The mercenary looked around her, a smirk on her face.
"I don't think these idiots had any idea what hit them."
It was a bit of a shame that all of her mercs were dead, but it didn't really matter that much.
More money for the rest of them.
"Hah! An literally in some cases. First fella didne see auld thrukk comin'. Shoods hae seen his face as his eyes rolled back intae his heed," Thrukk laughed. He mimed slamming down his metal fist onto someone's head using the table, sending ashes spreading across its surface.

"So 'at lecht stick ay yoors," he said, referring to the lightsaber he'd seen. "Jist a momentae ye hae aroond or dae ye ken hoo tae use it?" he asked, before taking a long drink from his draught.

Location: On They Way To Slaver Barracks - Crashed Near The Forest.
Objective: Kill A Few Slaves
Allies: Hutt Cartel And Co
Enemies: Anyone Who Oppose Him.
Ship: (Wrecked) BT-7 Thunderclap
NPC: All Dead Or Dying
Post count: 4

As Cadan continued to stalk the party, he eventually caught his first actually sight of them. The party seem to be content with following the lead of two people.

"Good evenin'." Cadan announced as he blasted two shots of his gauss rifle into the air. Under his helmet a smile crossed his face. The people look like slaves. "What is we all doin' out 'ere?" The pirate shouted from about 20 meters away. But he was still walking towards the group.

[member="Catalys Maijora"] [member="Lady Kay"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Location: Forest east of the slave camp

Objective: Get to the ship

Enemy of the Hutt Cartel

Ship: Modified Corellian Blockade Runner

NPC: 3 Crew members running the ship, 15 slaves, with another 30 waiting in the ship

Posts: 11

[member="Catalys Maijora"] [member="Solan Charr"] [member="Cadan Tazi"]

The sounds of the rifle shots so close to them made everyone pause and feel less relaxed as they were taking a break to drink. Kay stood up as she was drinking from the stream with the others, slowly getting out her blaster and holding it behind her back. She glanced over to Catalys. The ship they were to escape on was mere minutes away. They just had to get there.

Kay gestured with her other hand for him to take the others and head to the ship. Cadan was an army of one and she figured that she could handle him, or at least get away. Besides, she recognized his voice from when she was attacked and nearly kidnapped by him and a few of the Jackals not so long ago. At least now she knew who was behind the current invasion. [member="Sempra the Hutt"] was not going to be happy to find out that she was there. Though in all fairness, she was there first before his invading army was. Yet still she was stealing away some if his spoils.

"What are we doing? If you hadn't noticed sir, there is a big battle out there and we are just trying to avoid it."
Location: On They Way To Slaver Barracks - Crashed Near The Forest.
Objective: Kill A Few Slaves
Allies: Hutt Cartel And Co
Enemies: Anyone Who Oppose Him.
Ship: (Wrecked) BT-7 Thunderclap
NPC: All Dead Or Dying
Post count: 5

A laugh echoed through Cadan's helmet. "So you is either a deserter, a thief, or an enemy." He said as he continued to march forward. "Either way you is gonna die." Pirates had such a way with words.

Luckily for Lady Kay, Cadan hadn't recognized he from the robbery, so he assumed she was just some ignorant women destined to save a few worthless slaves. Cadan raised his gauss rifle, aim and fired. Although, still a bit knocked about from the crash the bullet would simply glide right pass Kay.

[member="Catalys Maijora"] [member="Lady Kay"]
Location: By Kay.
Objective: Try not to get shot.
Allies: [member="Lady Kay"]
Others: [member="Cadan Tazi"]

Catalys saw the shots go by and began to wonder who the hell was firing at him. "What's going on?" He looked over to Kay and then back towards Cadan, it seems that for a few recent moments the agent had spaced out for reasons unknown. Now that he was back and concentrating he was looking for a sitrep. If the man shooting was with the Cartel this might make his situation an awkward one between the trio but hopefully that wouldn't happen; or at least he hoped.

The agent held his rifle in hand, prepared in case a firefight broke out.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Location: Forest east of the slave camp

Objective: Get to the ship

Enemy of the Hutt Cartel

Ship: Modified Corellian Blockade Runner

NPC: 3 Crew members running the ship, 15 slaves, with another 30 waiting in the ship

Posts: 12

[member="Catalys Maijora"] [member="Cadan Tazi"]

She held her breath as Cadan fired and missed. She figured that it was a warning shot, not at all realizing that he had meant to hit her. "I'm neither of those things. Just an innocent bystander." Kay saw Catalys join her side and that gave her a bit more confidence. "You are outnumbered sir. I suggest that you just leave us be and forget that you ever saw us. We're not worth your time as we have nothing for you to loot."

She started backing towards where the ship was, moving slowly. The slaves were already heading over there as the pirate was distracted.
Location: Forest East of the Slave Camp
Objective: Cause problems
Enemy of the Hutt Cartel // Allies

Lady Kay
Ship: YT - 1930 - The Last Ronin (Modified)
NPC: 2 Crew pilots
Post: 1 of As many that is needed

Does hope ride alone? Are there any heros left in man?

The YT - 1930 rockected past the various fighting above the planet. It had taken a few hits more than Lao had wanted it too, but he was no pilot and that would be something that he had to remedy. But the ship was still flying, and that is what mattered, even though it was battered, beaten, and scared it still flew. The landing was sketchy, but managable for Lao was waiting impatiently at the loading dock and as it lowered he cranked back on the throttle of his speeder and it zoomed down the ramp. Lao then found himself surrounded by the forest. That was not why he was here, he was here to help free the slaves. He was armed with his started gear, a light back pack with some military rations and a few medpacs, a commonications unit in his ear, a set of robes, his lightsabers and his heavy blaster pistol. He was going off to war. After he cleared his ship on his 74-Z speeder bike, he headed in the direction of the blaster fire. He knew only forward, he did not look back at his ship. He showed no remorse. He showed no hesistancy.

He would be near the place he had heard the blaster fire momentarily. He was mentally propared for damn near anything. He knew he was going into a war zone and he was prepared to make war. He had a plan but he didn't have the luxory of help at this point in time, but that didn't matter too much to him. He had the self confindence to come out on top with his particular set of skills and abilities that he had. He took a deep breath, he could smell the various plants in bloom, while he was going to war.
Location: On They Way To Slaver Barracks - Crashed Near The Forest.
Objective: Kill A Few Slaves
Allies: Hutt Cartel And Co
Enemies: Anyone Who Oppose Him.
Ship: (Wrecked) BT-7 Thunderclap
NPC: All Dead Or Dying
Post count: 6

Again the laugh echoed through Cadan helmet. Someone else was coming to join the little party. "You gots plenty to loot!" The pirate shouted as he pointed his rifle towards the slaves. As he did so, he pulled the trigger, sending a slug heading towards one of the slaves. If the bullet was uninterrupted it would cut into the slaves leg, causing him to collapse to the ground in pain.

"I need me some new slaves. And you lot will do perfectly." As he said this, Cadan flicked the rifle towards Catalys and shot. Again this shot was clumsy but it would hit its mark if Catalys didn't move.

[member="LaoTzu"] [member="Lady Kay"] [member="Catalys Maijora"]
Location: Palace
Allies: Hut Cartel

Post: 7/20

"Good luck in finding what you Want Ka-Aver" Tiali walks away from the security Cameras area to the entrance of the palace, Using his Visor he zooms into the battle still going in the distance. Squinting he notices the Thunderclap ship wrecked along with a emergency Beacon automated message ringing through the coms.

"Ah Great, that's probably not good." Tiali's jet pack ignites to life, Thrusting Tiali up into the air and forward towards the wreck. his eye locked on the target it would only be moments before he arrived.

[member="Cadan Tazi"]
"uhu... zure zure..." ka-Aver replied [member="Tiali Orazio"] and huried forth. There would a few minutes of silence from the cellar level before an explossion shook its foundation.

"wooo... might have overdone the explozzivez zome..." the weequay mumbled as he watched the door to the armory being ripped apart. One of his heavy enforcers laid crushed under the rubble, something Ka-Aver shrugged off and climbed over to get inside.

Rows of rifles, pistols, nets and a few more exotic weapons, like vibro swords and a couple of strange looking bows. Ka-Aver scratched his head. Looks more like bling bling then weapons, but noting small finely crafted crystals being attached to them he decided there's where the money would be. If nothing else the hutts pay for this kind of crap. He found cases and stowed them inside. Then he turned to the shelf with vibro blades, might be time to change into a newer one he mused as he plucked with the blades.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Location: Forest east of the slave camp

Objective: Get to the ship

Enemy of the Hutt Cartel

Ship: Modified Corellian Blockade Runner

NPC: 3 Crew members running the ship, 15 slaves, with another 30 waiting in the ship

Posts: 13

[member="Catalys Maijora"] [member="Cadan Tazi"] [member="Tiali Orazio"]

Kay couldn't stop the bullet from hitting the slave, as she didn't want to reveal her Force powers. But at least it just got his calf as he had tried to run. The slave fell down as expected, but a couple of others helped him up. She decided to heal him after they were safely on board the ship.

As Cadan fired his rifle again, Kay moved out of the way of his target, giving Catalys ample space to move as well.

"There are slaves in the camp behind you! Go take your pick from there! This is not a luxury yacht, but a forest. You'll only be looting twigs and leaves." Kay fired a warning shot at Cadan's feet before turning and running after the slaves. She could already see the glints of metal from the blockade runner through the trees. Almost there, almost there.
Location: Forest east of the slave camp
Objective: Offensive
Enemy of the Hutt Cartel
Ships controlled....None, now.
Any NPC forces with you: 0
Post count 2
Lady Kay Cadan Tazi

Lao sped through the forest area, towards the sound of combat. He did not hide his force signature. He did not hide anything. It wasn't his path, it wasn't in his nature or demeanor. He wore his life on sleave. He continued going through the forest and sped by a group and slowed to a crawl. Lao looked quickly, there were slaves amongst the group and another that stood out. One that obviously wasn't a slave but it was then a shot rang out and Lao saw a slave fall. Firing upon unarmed population while they were actively running away. Lao could feel his anger.......Lao looked at the one woman that seemed to be in charge and sent her a message throug the Force saying...I'll provide cover. I'll take it from here....

It was then Lao looked back to about where the shot would have come from and cranked down on the gas, and his speeder bike leaped into action towards the origin of the shot. After a few brief moments on it, Lao jumped off of it. He pulled out his lightsabers, and upon the landing that he throughly landed in a purely effective manor to come up aware of his surrounding with his two lightsabers drawn. Upon landing, he iginted them. They audible growled as they came alive and ready for combat. He could feel the calming sense of one, set of the crystals. But he was still throughly ready for combat. Lao knew he we near the place where the shot had come from.....
Catalys barely dodged the shot, thankfully his opponent seemed to be intoxicated and was a poor shot in this instance. For now Catalys' involvement with The Bleeding Sun was undisclosed to Kay, and likely due to never having met Cadan had no idea who he was either; even better. Whether intentional or not, Cadan's outburst helped seal the Exemplar's role in all this.

Following Kay as she ran, "Is that your ship!?" He asked in exclamation at the sight of a ship not too far from them. The metallic hull glistened in the light, the slaves ran amok as shots were being fired.

If he could just get off this rock then things were good. Catalys was curious about his new companion and more specifically who she worked for, if anyone.

[member="Lady Kay"] | [member="Cadan Tazi"]
Tiali Flys above checking out the wreck "Kark." he couldn't see anybody there and didn't know if there was survivors. Explosions and blaster fire continued in the forest, he Began to fly above the tree line upon inspection he can see Cadan in his small firefight he turns to move in on their position.

His feet plant on the ground with a "Thud" in front of the man with two sabers ([member="LaoTzu"]) "Good morning, It's nice to see you." He signals Cadan to keep going. "Cadan Go, I'll take care of him."

Tiali flicks both blood covered arms out to his sides, his two bloodied blades distend from the top of his forearm armor to present themselves.

[member="Catalys Maijora"]
[member="Lady Kay"]
[member="Cadan Tazi"]
Location: On They Way To Slaver Barracks - Crashed Near The Forest.
Objective: Kill A Few Slaves
Allies: Hutt Cartel And Co
Enemies: Anyone Who Oppose Him.
Ship: (Wrecked) BT-7 Thunderclap
NPC: All Dead Or Dying
Post count: 7

The shots at his feet stopped Cadan from running. And then suddenly a Jedi appeared, Cadan's eyes narrowed as he judged the man. He looked like a capable warrior. But Cadan shrugged that aside, so were many people who Cadan had slaughter.

Cadan heard then saw the landing of something familiar. A certain being, a bounty hunter. Cadan nodded to new arrival, this battle was getting big. "Good luck Hunter. Drinks on me when you get back. And your choice of a Twi'lek." Cadan said to Tiali as he began to run off towards Kay and Catalys. As he was running, he fired a few shots towards LaoTzu to distract him.

"Keeping running you slaves!" Cadan shouted as he chased after the fleeing group of slaves. As he did so, he adjusted and loaded his wrist mounted rocket launcher.

[member="Tiali Orazio"] [member="Catalys Maijora"] [member="LaoTzu"] [member="Lady Kay"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Location: Forest east of the slave camp

Objective: Get to the ship

Enemy of the Hutt Cartel

Ship: Modified Corellian Blockade Runner

NPC: 3 Crew members running the ship, 15 slaves, with another 30 waiting in the ship

Posts: 14

[member="Catalys Maijora"] [member="Cadan Tazi"] [member="Tiali Orazio"] @Lau Tzu

The last thing that Kay wanted was to be made a slave and she wasn't going to let it happen today. So she kept running with the group. "Yes that's my ship!" Or rather she hired it.

The loading ramp was still down as it waited for them. "Hurry inside!" The slaves did just that, as well as the one that had gotten shot. Kay stopped at the edge of the ramp, turned and then aimed her blaster towards where they had come from. She shouted over her shoulder, "Captain prepare to take off! We're leaving!"
Location: Forest east of the slave camp
Objective: Offensive
Enemy of the Hutt Cartel
Ships controlled....None, now.
Any NPC forces with you: 0
Post count 3

Lao Tzu did not verbal response to the person in front of him. He did not see a no point. He expected that this would be over faster than what was expected. Lao expected a few things, and resistance took the top of the list. Lao did smirk and made eye contact with the person, which would be the only signal that Lao would give, and be the only thing that he handed over. Everything else would need to be taken from him. Lao Tzu did the only thing that came natural to this okami. Atttacked. He started using Force Speed immediately, and slashed at Tiali. His attacks where relentless, strong, and precise. The type and kind that were deadly. The first, two strikes were quick and hard as hit rapidly hit them in quick succesions with their intended target being the torso of his opponent, Tiali. Lao did not hold back, he was expecting them to hit but regardless of what if they did or not he could easily move fluidly into a deflection and repost. Lao had seen combat before. He was no newb too, but he was relentless.....

[member="Tiali Orazio"]
Location: On They Way To Slaver Barracks - Crashed Near The Forest.
Objective: Kill A Few Slaves
Allies: Hutt Cartel And Co
Enemies: Anyone Who Oppose Him.
Ship: (Wrecked) BT-7 Thunderclap
NPC: All Dead Or Dying
Post count: 8

Cadan chased after the group of slaves as they made their way to the escape ship. But he knew that he might be too late. While he was running towards the ship, he send out his arm, aiming his wrist mounted rocket launcher then fired. The missile made it's way towards the engines of the ship. It wouldn't be enough to destroy them, but it maybe enough to stall the ship so Cadan could pop around and say hi.

[member="Lady Kay"] [member="LaoTzu"] [member="Tiali Orazio"] [member="Catalys Maijora"]
Location: Forest east of the slave camp
Objective: What he is doing
allies: Hutt cartel
Posts 8

Tiali stands still as [member="LaoTzu"] charges at him, He slides his right arm up to chest bringing the blade with it, his biotic's allow him to do it fast enough to block most of his enemies blow. the arm covers his chest the blade covering his head. He brings his left arm up shoulder hieght to drive it forward towards Laotzu's chest.

Tiali Used LaoTzu speed, hard and precise attack to make it extremely hard for Lao to block the stabbing.

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