Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Woman That Felled A Titan

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
[member="Silara Kuhn"] [member="Maja Vern"] [member="Alric Kuhn"]

A smile crossed the lips of Vanessa as she moved to follow her mother to the dressing room. Closing the door behind Silara, the woman that had once been known as Circe eyed over the room, stepping towards the vanity in preparation for the completion of her mother's makeup. It was a strange feeling, doing something she had learned a long time ago as a slave... Still, she knew best how to beautify the Sith Lord, considering that she had worked hard to return the woman's eyesight to her and heal the wounds of her flesh a long while back. It was merely a matter of applying the correct makeup where it mattered.

"Well..." She smiled, moving to utilize the eyeliner. "Today's the big day, I suppose." Inside, she felt some degree of jealousy - maybe even a bit of loathing for the lack of control she now had as a part of the Vantai family, soon-to-be-Kuhn. However, she had accepted her fate, hence her delicate application of what she had available to her. "I hope you're happy with him, Silara. All I want is for you to be happy. And if he karks you over... Well, you can rely on me." She finished with its application, reaching for the mascara.

"Try not to blink too much."
There comes a time when every girl, every woman at that point really, must choose to grow up or be left in the dust. For the last thirty or so years, her entire life really, Silara had decided to not do just that. She had remained a child, she had thrown fits when things had not gone her way, she had cried when her feelings were hurt, and she had demanded a different treatment in completely contrast to how she acted. Had she taken a step back think on her actions, perhaps she might have realized such - or maybe she simply had not cared. But here she found herself, reaping the 'rewards' of such immaturity, to cry over the opinion of one who hardly mattered, of one she hardly knew. It was so strange to look back on her life, nearly ten years back, when she was arguably at the height of her career - before she had fallen in love, before she found a sister, and just before she'd lost her first master - it was also her most mature, most cruel, and most cold. She had killed children without a second thought when the outcome was to be favorable to her cause, or spare them when not. Her decisions did not depend on her feelings, those hardly mattered - everything was for one goal, and one goal only. At one time, at that time, she had been a devoted subject to the dark side, serving it before her own dark lord. The balance of the force was of no importance to her, nor were the lives that dwelled within, and yet somehow, along the way, she had lost that path, strayed too far, even when her new master was all the more capable of aiding her to that end.

Enter [member="Alric Kuhn"]; a man who had everything he wanted whenever he wanted it, and that which he couldn't have simply went replicated by his own means. So, in a galaxy where a man could pick any woman, any of them at all, and have them hanging around his arm, why would that man choose the Sith Lord on the fast track to becoming the voice of the One Sith's Dark lord? Choose is wrong her, perhaps - it was more that she chose him, pushed him, rather than he her. She knew the reason, or at least thought she did, and he had his own reasons, but none of those things added up to marriage, so it was always a pervading thought in her head, a question to their own unity, why had they chosen to wed? Sure, she loved him, and he her, but what difference was there between their marriage and simply being together? It was clear marriage was not to rationalize the choice to push for children - that ship had sailed over a month ago now - and certainly not for the money, if there was one redeeming quality to the Sith Lord it was that she squandered her own fortune because it was no fortune to her. To this day she simply did not know why he had asked her to marry him, aside from a slight shove from one woman who now distanced herself from Alric.

Perhaps it was this unknown that dug in deep when she felt insulted, threatened, and perhaps it was the fact that their relationship had hardly been a long one now and they were to be married, today, and none of these social elites knew much about her, much less that she was once a member of the group of Sith that had fought tooth and nail, blood and tears, to keep this planet from the Mandalorians, the very planet she now reigned over as Empress. It was that the prodding could be justified that it stung at her throat and burned her eyes, pulling tears to soothe the pain. All of these thoughts, which distracted her, were completely ripped apart like the fabric of a curtain as the voice of someone she had not heard from in years called out. [member="Maja Vern"] herself had arrived to the party, perhaps to see her wed, perhaps to curse her further, but in either case no further harm could be accomplished. "Come in." She replied, nodding her head to her faux-daughter, Circe Savan, otherwise known as Vanessa Vantai, as she braced herself to be properly groomed again. "If this has anything to do with power, little sister, I am not one to seek it from - all I had has been taken, I am no tyrant to be feared, no master to learn from. I harbor knowledge, but it is knowledge that is to leave this world with me." Silara remarked, rather matter-of-factly, while she closed her eyes and grew still. "As for you, Vanessa - Circe, don't worry a hair on your pretty little head about me, if there is one thing in this galaxy that Alric wants most, it is to be with me. I believe twins will more than preoccupy the two of us." She added while waiting for her make-up to be applied by [member="Enigma"].

Alric Kuhn

Handsome K'lor'slug
They would be happy here.

He knew that. He could feel it. This place had seen so much misery, so much anger, so much yelling. It was time for something new, it was time for Silara and Alric to pave new memories over the old. His mother, his father, the bad parts of his sisters, they would be forgotten. His children would have everything they wanted.

Love. Family.

Those would be the values he would instill in them. He would never allow them to abandon one another, would never allow them to think themselves alone. Even when he and Silara were gone, they would have each other. Alric would make sure of that, he would make sure they knew that. The twins would never be alone.

His eyes glazed over as it panned over an old image of his sisters, Violet and Fiona. He smiled slightly, remembering how they had been with one another.

Would that be how the twins acted?

He hoped so.

His sisters had argued, fought, but in the end they had always come together, supported one another. His children would be the same. He would make sure of it.
For Silara

The song that was waiting for that post. The one mentioned and I eventually tracked down and was able to download. It says it all from Maja….

‘Talking away
I don't know what I'm to say
I'll say it anyway
Today isn't my day to find you
Shying away
I'll be coming for your love, OK?

Take on me
Take me on
I'll be gone
In a day or two

So needless to say
I'm odds and ends
But I'll be stumbling away
Slowly learning that life is OK
Say after me
“It's no better to be safe than sorry.”

Take on me
Take me on
I'll be gone
In a day or two

Oh, things that you say
Is it a life or just to play my worries away?
You're all the things I've got to remember
You're shying away
I'll be coming for you anyway

Take me on
I'll be gone
In a day or two

I'll be gone
In a day or two

In a day or two

Say after me
“It's no better to be safe than sorry.”'

“Come in.”

This was it. Maja tentatively opened the door. Did she stand aloof or rush over and spoil her sister’s newly applied make-up?

But the decision was taken for her. Her sister was cold to the extent of being frosty. She glanced at Vanessa, unable to look anywhere else. Then, even that proved too uncomfortable and once her sister had finished speaking to her niece; Maja found the floor the most suitable place to look.

“I…” her voice matched her sister’s. Any thoughts of tears now gone. Maja realised too late she’d pushed the relationship too far and clearly her sister had no time for her. “I came to the wedding because you asked me to.” It was possibly the most stupid thing she’d ever said. But the planned words didn’t fit any more. The carefully crafted and rehearsed words would be put away and never see the light of day.

“I wish you well in your marriage and I wish you every happiness.” Which was the point she should have smiled and walked away. Sensible people would. Maja could be accused of many things, but sensible was not one of them. Self-centred, self-absorbed and self-promoting…those fitted.

“I came to say that I was sorry. Sorry for my fool’s errand around the galaxy. I should have joined the Sith and sought a Master and had the love of a sister too. Instead I had some fool notion so romantic in its conception, you could have wrapped it in a pink bow, sat it on a pony and not made it look any less princess fairy-tale nonsense.”

Now she looked at her sister. “I came to say that I shall be going to Coruscant to train.”

“I came to say that I have a Master, belatedly, and I shall do whatever it takes to fulfil my Vahla heritage.”

“I came to say that I love you and I missed you and as hard as this might be to understand, I’m genuinely happy for you, even if your life takes you away from me. Because your happiness means more to me than my own. But…and it’s an important but…I shall never stop loving you but I will dedicate the rest of my life to me. To achieve the rank of Sith Lord, to master the Sith magic that Zannah knew and to be remembered for me in my own right."

“I came for your love and if I have to leave empty-handed, so be it. It will not change my feelings for you, nor my commitment to the One Sith.”

“For the first time in my life, you have disappointed me. I did not come for Darth Vitium. I did not come for your power or your knowledge. I came for Silara, my sister. I came to tell you I have discovered my real name. You were the only person that I wanted to tell. It was to be my present to you.”

She could no longer hold back the tears. Should she have said those things? Perhaps not. But then, it’s no better to be safe than sorry

[member="Alric Kuhn"] | [member="Enigma"] | [member="Silara Kuhn"]
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
[member="Silara Kuhn"] [member="Maja Vern"] [member="Alric Kuhn"]

"Twins?" She cocked an eyebrow, looking down and gently poking Silara's stomach with a finger. Yes, there was certainly something in there... "Well... That certainly changes everything." She smiled before listening to Maja. Finishing with Silara's eyeliner and lash-curling, she moved to apply a bit of rouge and some lipstick - once she was done, having beautified Silara as best she possibly could, she stepped over to her aunt, gently embracing the woman with love and understanding. "There there... It's alright. Just relax."

Hopefully, she would do so... Circe didn't like seeing friends or family in tears.
There were things she wanted to say, things that she couldn't quite get out as she found her voice caught in her throat. Rather, she smiled, not the happy sort, but rather a knowing expression with a hint of sadness. The determination she heard from her sister was not unlike the determination she had found in herself so many years ago when she had protested her first master's insistence on the basics. 'A disappointment? I suppose..' She thought to herself, expelling a quiet sigh. "Come here." She said tiredly, coming to the understanding that this wedding party was even more taxing than the wedding itself was likely to be. "Let me see you, my prodigal sister, I have tried to push you along as best I could in the only way I have known how. I've neglected you, treated you like dirt, but you've always been one of my most precious friends, indeed one of my only. You will succeed where I stepped away, achieve greatness, not for the sake of proving me or anyone else wrong but for your own sake, be who you wish to be, reach out and take what you want." Silara continued, her words slow, deliberate. She motioned for the younger woman to come towards her, filled with regret for not having devoted her time to trying harder to bring out her potential. "Remember what they say, my fiery sister; The Vahla bearing red hair are destined for greatness, and as long as you pursue your dreams you will have all that you have ever wanted." She explained with a soft smile.

There was much else to say, but their time was short - she did have to get married to the handsome K'lor'slug himself, [member="Alric Kuhn"].

[member="Maja Vern"], [member="Enigma"]

Alric Kuhn

Handsome K'lor'slug
He shook his head.

That was enough thought of memories. Of the future. Of what was to come. It was time to look towards what was already here. What he was preparing for. His lips turned up into a smile, and his eyes set forward. He turned, twisting around and moving back towards the balcony.

The house would be settled. It would be where they lived, survived, thrived with their children. It would be where the twins were brought up, and hopefully where they would live in the future.

Alric had no illusions about what his children would be. Something told him that they would hold the same gifts as their mother, that they would be strong in the force and learn more than he ever could have hoped. Yet a part of him wished that at least one of them would take after him. That they would both be smart and play the game.

It was an odd hope, but one that he firmly held.

She’d had years to speak to her sister and spurned them. Now she was with her, they were up against a deadline…weddings it seemed had such things.

But she was reconciled and that was worth its weight in Corusca gems. The kind and positive words were powerful but the simple gesture to join her sibling was far greater. She gave her sister and her niece a hug. Her tears had dried and as they evaporated, so did the years of burden she’d carried around with her.

She rummaged in her bag and checked her face in the mirror, doing her best to repair the damage. The redness in her eyes she could do nothing about but sisters cried at weddings didn’t they?

She cocked her head to one side as a thought struck her. “Isn’t it customary for the bridesmaid to…you know…” She smiled a wicked smile. “Is there a best man? An usher would do once I’ve had a few glasses…or do you call them groomsmen?” It was as if a pressure-valve had been released. “And I haven’t even met the groom.”

“And don’t worry, I didn’t mean it like that…but it would’ve been nice to say hello before you tied the knot. Oh…my name.” She turned to face Silara now. “My you look beautiful sis…but yes, my name. Zannah told me, I know odd and long story. It was in an old journal. There was a picture of me and my name…Pluvia. It’s a bit…grand for me I know but I like it. But I won’t use it until, well, you can guess the rest. But I’m rambling now aren’t I? And I haven’t even had a drink. Talking of drink, do you have any? I haven’t had a candy bar in hours and I swear I’m getting withdrawal symptoms.”

She sighed. “OK…rambling…acknowledged. But you do look wonderful. And this...” She indicated the tattoo on her face. "Another long story and..." She closed her lips and indicated drawing a zip across them and smiled again, a carefree and delighted grin that threatened to split her face in two.

[member="Alric Kuhn"] | [member="Silara Kuhn"] | [member="Enigma"]

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