Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
[member="Silara Kuhn"] [member="Maja Vern"] [member="Alric Kuhn"]
A smile crossed the lips of Vanessa as she moved to follow her mother to the dressing room. Closing the door behind Silara, the woman that had once been known as Circe eyed over the room, stepping towards the vanity in preparation for the completion of her mother's makeup. It was a strange feeling, doing something she had learned a long time ago as a slave... Still, she knew best how to beautify the Sith Lord, considering that she had worked hard to return the woman's eyesight to her and heal the wounds of her flesh a long while back. It was merely a matter of applying the correct makeup where it mattered.
"Well..." She smiled, moving to utilize the eyeliner. "Today's the big day, I suppose." Inside, she felt some degree of jealousy - maybe even a bit of loathing for the lack of control she now had as a part of the Vantai family, soon-to-be-Kuhn. However, she had accepted her fate, hence her delicate application of what she had available to her. "I hope you're happy with him, Silara. All I want is for you to be happy. And if he karks you over... Well, you can rely on me." She finished with its application, reaching for the mascara.
"Try not to blink too much."
A smile crossed the lips of Vanessa as she moved to follow her mother to the dressing room. Closing the door behind Silara, the woman that had once been known as Circe eyed over the room, stepping towards the vanity in preparation for the completion of her mother's makeup. It was a strange feeling, doing something she had learned a long time ago as a slave... Still, she knew best how to beautify the Sith Lord, considering that she had worked hard to return the woman's eyesight to her and heal the wounds of her flesh a long while back. It was merely a matter of applying the correct makeup where it mattered.
"Well..." She smiled, moving to utilize the eyeliner. "Today's the big day, I suppose." Inside, she felt some degree of jealousy - maybe even a bit of loathing for the lack of control she now had as a part of the Vantai family, soon-to-be-Kuhn. However, she had accepted her fate, hence her delicate application of what she had available to her. "I hope you're happy with him, Silara. All I want is for you to be happy. And if he karks you over... Well, you can rely on me." She finished with its application, reaching for the mascara.
"Try not to blink too much."