Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Wrong Side of Heaven - Republic Invasion of Alderaan (Knights, Padawans, NFUs only)

Location: Temple Tunnel Exit ( By [member="Lieutenant Kir"] )
Allies: [member="Atrace"] | [member="Urak"] | [member="Garth Hummel"] |[member="Lieutenant Kir"]
Enemies: [member="Ricardt Darkmourne"] | [member="Parmi Miemant"]
Objective: Collapse the Tunnel!


Kezeroth was almost out of Breath from the Scream. It took its toll on his head causing him to be Dizzy but that would pass with couple Deep Breaths. The Gen'Dais breathing could be heard and being on Couple Meters away at the Tunnel Exit Kezeroth only stared at the Jedi inside. They were Gonna Stall the Sith by Collapsing the Tunnels, A cowards move. Kezeroth extended his hands focusing on the Tunnel walls and Useing Force Crush The Gen'Dai growling and slowly going into more Focus. The Tunnel shook at the Jedi's Location ( [member="Ricardt Darkmourne"] [member="Parmi Miemant"]) The stone and rocks began to slowly Fall on them in Large Chunks. If the Tunnel didnt implode and harm them then Falling Boulders would.

The Gen'Dai was sweating maintaining the Force Crush and had the Evilest grin ever too. The Sith Tortured him for 1500 years and now that Rage and hate was being Realesed! Kezeroth started Hallucinating and imaging the Jedi as the Sith of Old, the ones to Made him how he was. Made him the Monster and Demon that would only Destroy. The Horrific Memories and Flashbacks that Occured in this momment of Fury Fueled his power. Feeding off the Memory and Feelings it Brought. If Close enough to see the Gen'Dais Face you would see Eyes of pure Rage and Tears from mere, but powerful memories.

" I could of Had so much more.." Kezeroth Muttered and suddenly shouted out " I'll Destroy you ALL!"


Self Proclaimed Sith Elite
Location: temple halls
Allies: The One Sith
Enemies: republic
Objective: help kezeroth kill Ricardt and Parmi

Atrace during his meditation noticed Kezeroth had a small amount of energy left and was engaging two jedi and their troopers. Atrace rushed to Kezeroth to help his new-found ally using force speed to gain any extra momentum he could he could feel Garths energy flickering he knew he wouldn't last long without backup. He ran to his allys side aiding in the destruction of the rubble wall

Atrace was determined to help weaken the wall to save his ally and stop the republic troops from rallying he felt with each force enhanced punch he threw at the wall the weaker it became it was only a matter of time before Kezeroth would collapse the tunnel and kill his foes and Atrace would help in any possible way he could. Kezeroths anger was impressive he had shown such resolve and determination he knew as soon as the wall was destroyed the jedi padawans would have their hands full; Atrace heard the sounds of his fists cracking against the stone Atrace used every ounce of will he had to help Kezeroth. This time he wouldn't let them escape even if it killed him
Location: Forest; Outskirts of Temple
Allies: Himself; The One Sith
Enemies: Those that object; [member="Niamh Raste"]
Objective: INPUT!

While the art of observation could teach many things, it failed to deliver the needed understanding of social niceties or the subtle nuances of personal space. Nazo found these concepts to be inadmissible at best, as they were foreign to his desires and left him somewhat confused as to why these bi-pedal creatures clung so vehemently to their traditions, and status quo responses to others in their vicinity. He'd witnessed all of these emotions, seen first hand the movement and behavior of just about every known species in the Galaxy, and yet still he was bereft of the simple concepts grasped by these comparatively work-a-day sentients. Thus when presented with an opportunity to discourse and influence the mind of a creature - and the stark contrast of taking what he desired, Nazo often leaned towards the latter method and went for his desires damning the consequences, and defying them to repel his advances.

Footsteps pressed upon the grassy plane, drawing his lanky seven foot figure further and further towards the resting form of the Echani, with each metallic hand drawing forwards in slow methodical notions. There was nothing overly stealthy about his positioning and apparent intentions. He did not hide his desires, though sometimes they were entirely misconstrued. Nazo desired knowledge, as the abilities he'd witnessed were still eluding his intellect, and that was a fault he wished to quickly correct for. Dropping lower, as one leg beneath his robes bent at the knee socket and drew his form sweeping towards while he extended a hand to draw upon the robed figure of the girl before him. Not in the form of a punch, or a force push - but simply a metal palm and splayed digits coming to make contact slowly with the soft cloth of her tunic nearby her shoulder. He had felt the energy pulling from her body and it had seemed to direct a channel down each arm, so the shoulder was the most logical place in his mind to get a feel for the source of the energy.

"Difference of the whole, summation of the parts." His telepathic voice rang true again in the self same mixed tone of a child's pitch and a demonic tone. The insipid riddle of speech meant only that Nazo was attempting to do some rough algebra in attempt to quantify if Sosu had taken enough to heal, and then rest reserved in her form would offer another piece to the puzzle in order to quantify the original measure or volume of the Force energy she possessed. While he could grasp and understand the esoteric nature of the Force, and it's grand design - Nazo also believed there was a strict formula in place, and that with enough observation and research he'd be able to deduce and unlock the secrets of this mystical bond and ratify his own reasoning that everything could be explained, no matter how complex or metaphysical in nature.

"Dual but opposite purpose, consequences are stark and polar. Against or under are the missing terms." During his physical outreach he'd flung her question back in her face. To 'stand in my way' meant two very different things. The direct approach obviously meant to stand against, and hinder progress, while the more liberal version meant to stand within, and commit to the way. She hadn't been very precise.
LOCATION: Forest Near Republic Base Camp
ALLIES: One Sith, Countess of Báthory, [member="Silara Vantai"] [member="Mantorok"]
ENEMIES: Republic, [member="Kian Karr"], [member="Tugoro Taidarious"]
OBJECTIVE: So much ruckus.

Well, things became interesting.

More so when the padawan attempted to hold the Voxyn's snout steady. That's when he would realize that simply holding the snout would not protect him from the rest of the Vong clone's arsenal --- one in the form of a very sharp tail barb.

A voxyn's tail was poisonous, a trait passed on by the vornskr, and the poison would cause swelling and make most creatures' flesh red for one to six days. The tail's barb could also be used to deliver a neural shock. It was this barb that went swinging around like a whip to stab at Tugoro's torso. As soon as that happened,

At the same time, it began to shoot sensory bristles at the strike squad closest to it's vicinity -- Mahrik, Rusher, and Viktor respectively. This was going to hurt quite a bit. The sensory bristles along the spine were coated with a powerful neurotoxin. According to the shapers who designed the voxyn, the effect of the sensory bristles' neurotoxin was not the same on all species. Some of those affected could potentially fall into convulsions and then into an endless sleep, while others could potentially be weakened over many hours before losing the ability to breathe or swallow; yet others drowned in their own saliva.

Cyrena wasn't happy she was being surrounded by Republic Buffoons, so laying there on her rump, the woman began to weave sorcery. This time, in the form of Force Horror aimed to strike directly at the deepest parts of the republic soldiers minds, attempting to cause an uncontrollable shaking fear that would wreak havoc with their capabilities. Through pure force of will alone, Cyrena was intending for them to lose their courage completely, and if left undefended, the effects could be severe, rapidly demoralizing the soldiers with a feeling of hopelessness and regret, intending them to either cower defenselessly or flee from Cyrena outright.


Umbra Bellator|Sith Assassin
Allies: @Atrace @Kezeroth the Hateful /One Sith
Enemies:The Galactic Republic
Objective: help sith to defeat the remaining jedi

Urak, with most of his wounds significantly healed by Atrace's medpack for awhile, got to his feet. Still stiff from the wounds, he stuck to the shadows and slowly made it to where Atrace and Kazeroth was.
Urak wanted revenge for the wounds he had been given by the two jedi he fought earlier.

He made sure all of his Sith Assassin tools worked well, for he would need them. Urak was raging inside, he wanted more jedi to kill, but he knew he wasnt at full power yet because of his injuries.
Urak could sense Atrace and Kazeroth as their force power depleted to break the wall. He knew he must hurry, to help his brother. Hopefully killing jedi while he is at it.


Umbra Bellator|Sith Assassin
Location: Temple
Allies: One Sith
Enemies: The Republic
Objective: Regroup with other sith

Urak, knowing Atrace should be fine with kazeroth, decided to exit the temple and meet up with other sith fighting in the forest. Urak crept to the shadows, using his skills in stealth to stay un-seen.
He started making his way out of the temple, still recovering from his injuries but in a good enough shape to fight.


Self Proclaimed Sith Elite
Allies:One Sith
Objective:Leave the tunnel

Atrace felt the strength on kezeroth his determination he felt the tunnel begin to collapse it was only a matter of time before the passage collapse killing Atrace he ran out of the passage. Urak was headed for the forest so that is where Atrace decided to go he used force speed to catch up to Urak.

Cedric Dorn

LOCATION: Forest Near Republic Base Camp
ALLIES: One Sith, [member="Countess of Báthory"], [member="Silara Vantai"] [member="Mantorok"]
ENEMIES: Republic,@ Kian Karr, [member="Tugoro Taidarious"]
OBJECTIVE: So much ruckus.

Kir stood in place for a few moments, not sure if he should head down the tunnel or what else to do. He decided after another Sith Lord jumped into the tunnel that his time was better spent elsewhere. The Temple was not yet secure, though his troops were gathering. The Royal Guardsmen were slowly spreading throughout the entire Jedi Temple.

“Secure this place. I want every exit closed off, every door sealed, and every room rid of Jedi.” He looked at his men, and the two dozen Royal Guardsmen nodded.

They trampled off in heavy power armor, each footstep a cracking thunder. One of the guardsmen was more than a match for any Jedi, Kir had proven that outside. He shifted slightly, then turned towards the exit, his HUD displaying several details as told to him by troopers all around the temple. He got a reading on some enemies, and he turned slightly towards the exit of the temple. Nodding to himself, Kir began to run.

This time his opponents were farther away and it would take time to reach them.

By the time Kir arrived at his new scene of battle, his Guardsmen would secure the temple.


News They Don't Want Heard
Location: Forest
Allies: Jedi/Republic
Enemies: [member="Nazo"]
Objective: Do something constructive

She felt her stamina begin to return even before the giant one started moving towards her. Still, she didn't move. If she did, she'd be calling too much attention. Patience was the key in this particular situation, not hastiness. That would just get her into deep trouble considering the metallic one hadn't even been doing anything before. Of course if he was an Iron Knight it never would have mattered in the first place. This was just a guessing game now. She didn't like guessing games too much.

When he reached out towards her, his hand was met with resistance. She was literally applying the Force in a localized area to keep him from touching her. That done, she stood and stared at the being.

"He doesn't know that I've studied Matukai techniques. Yes, he stole some of my Force energy, but that is not a finite thing. I take in as much as I lost, and I can strengthen my stamina to last much longer. All of this on top of the fact that I am Echani."

She faced down the being, not wavering.

"Will you stop me from continuing to the temple? Must I fight you? Or will you be satisfied in your pursuit of knowledge and allow me to pass?"

Varus Ren

Location: Not So-Secret Tunnels
Enemies: Parmi Miemant | Ricardt Darkmourne | Uther Weiss
Allies: Lieutenant Kir Atrace Urak Kezeroth the Hateful
Objective: *Insert witty spin on objective here*

Ricardt's plan was smart, he just didn't take into account Garth was well submerged in the shadows, finding him at all would be difficult, focusing in on the flow of his blood even more so. The Dark Jedi loosed a pair of knives from the shadows, sending two razor sharp blades out at Ricardt. Conversion wasn't in the cards for the Umbaran, he would have to die.

Explosions were a good sign it was time to get clear of the tunnel system. Whipping the slugthrower from his back he fired off several shots before darting for an exit. They'd be flushed out, then dealt with. All in due time


Self Proclaimed Sith Elite
Allies:One Sith
Enemies:Republic niamh Raste
Objective: Help Nazo

Atrace ran through the forest he remembered from his earlier meditation that a sith was engaging a jedi somewhere within the forest, Atrace made it a goal to find that jedi and help his ally

He saw his target the sight of a jedi filled Atrace with rage; He gripped his crimson saber he ran as fast as he could he moves his hands towards Niamh releasing a blast of lightning out of his hand "let me answer your question jedi you won't advance to your jedi temple but you will die here"


Umbra Bellator|Sith Assassin
Location: Forest
Allies: One Sith/ [member="Atrace"]
Enemies: Republic/ [member="Niamh Raste"]
Objective: Kill the jedi

Urak noticed Atrace attacking Niamh, he held his lightsaber hilt with one hand, and his blaster with the other.
Sneaking up silently in the shadows behind Niamh. Urak was satisfied, finally, a jedi he can kill.

Urak decided to keep his distance this time, for he was still hurt from his last battle.
Temple Interior

The Sith Knight had left the Temple Entrance quite some time ago. After the Jedi [member="Ashin Varanin"] had become too much of a pest with her rifle on the roof, Darth Acarus had decided it was time to start heading there from the inside rather than the inside. He figured that the others who she had been engaged with were defeated after her advantage in height, or they had fled. To him they had seemed quite incompetent, but it was probably best to not support your enemies in such an important battle, right?

Instead, he simply began hoping that they were all dead and he never had to see them again. Although there were other Jedi to deal with on the roof, that was for certain. And he continued up a flight of stairs deeper within the corridors of the Temple. It would only be a few moments with his legs carrying to greater speeds with the Force.

[member="Kian Karr"], [member="Veino Garn"], [member="Parmi Miemant"], [member="Ricardt Darkmourne"], [member="Uther Weiss"]

Through the Force he hunted for his Apprentices, summoning them to his location and projecting images of the roof and the need to be going there immediately. It was the best he could do when it came to telepathy right now, and it'll only be am atter of time until he got to the roof.

[member="Mala Kulan"], [member="Metus De'cal"].
LOCATION: Temple Entrance
[member="Ashin Varanin"]

[SIZE=9pt] Everyone had a different reaction to pain. Some lost their minds. Some drew strength. Some grinned and learned to bear it. Matsu had known agony both physical and emotional, knew how to give as well as she’d taken. But she had to say she’d never seen anyone internalize the kind of spearing, stabbing attack she’d unleashed on Varanin. As the Jedi bent to one knee Matsu pulled upwards with the Force, attempting that yanking grip to toss her opponent away. But instead of weight there was nothing, like something had slipped between her fingers and she’d been using power for no gain.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt] All six Matsu’s tilted their heads slightly, observing Varanin as one might an unfamiliar animal, eyes narrowed in a reptilian gaze of attention, interest…and wariness. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt] Matsu meant goddess of the sea in a language particular to her heritage. Her life was a patchwork of experiences ranging from the mundane in the form of her parents and the life they’d built to the exotic and wild in the darkness she’d half-adopted and half fallen to. But it always came back to the sea. Where others exploded she froze, dipping in to the absolute silence of the water – deep, deep, deeper – until she was alone. It was some stretch of ocean that no civilization settled in, no ship flew over. The rage was above and she still tugged its strings with the same use that other Sith came to know intimately enough to be a second skin. But she was quiet. She was like drowning. She worked from the silence – it gave her no peace, but it gave her clarity.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt] She was faced with a choice now as the ripples of the Jedi’s aura rolled under Matsu’s telekinetic grip. Matsu could press her power, hammer at the natural protection around Ashin until it shattered and the window was open once more. But that would leave her tired in the attempt to snap someone who seemed to know the technique intimately, blasting energy when clearly Varanin had longevity and will on her side. Or she could wait. Ashin might be able to hold that hard-as-rock defense indefinitely but Matsu sensed that their dance was only at its lock-step, that from here they would pick up their tempo.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt] She would save her energy.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt] Her grip loosened and she withdrew the pain and noises, waiting with feelers out as her clones disappeared and she widened the circle she moved around Varanin in. She was ready to strike (swimming beneath the waves, a shark dead-eyed and hungry) but exercising a calculation that marked her style as she regained the distance she’d been looking for originally. [/SIZE]
Location: Forest / Outskirts of Jedi Temple
Allies: Himself; The One Sith
Enemies: Those who Object
Objective: Retain Input

A new nugget of knowledge to ponder and investigate rang true in the single word of 'Matukai'; a form or teaching that Nazo was unfamiliar with, but knowledge was knowledge and he was presented with it without restraint from the Jedi at his side. He'd log that information away safely for further study. Nazo was not only an eater of Matter, but he was also quite ravenous in his readings, and observations. He sought knowledge, he sought emotion, and he fed on both of those as metaphysically as he digested matter in the most literal of senses. The curiously garbed creature kneeling near the Jedi pressed his metallic digits against the localized sphere of force energy, testing it's weight and resolve in silent speculation. One part philosopher, one part scientist - and all parts mad. Philosophy was the science of truth -- and he aimed to discover the truth of things, the way that one strand of cosmic thread could reverberate and cause calamity in unseen waves. While Nazo had no issue with violence, death, or the emotions that came from them, he wasn't overtly evil, or held any kind of grudge against anyone he truly knew. Only recently had he started venturing into places where was not met with disdain and pure terror. Even this Jedi before him was not afraid or disturbed at his appearance, but rather amicable.

The restating of her question came as a cohesive response that gave enlightenment to the curious space slug. She was certainly looking to see if he would object to the path she was intent on making towards the Jedi Temple. There was no particular reason he needed to keep the woman here - and he felt no ire raging against her. In point of fact, the calming reasoning and rationale of her spirit was soothing the sadistic intentions of the very alien being before her. The metallic digits draw away from the press of the force, no longer pressing his advantage. If Niamh had known what awaited her if he had touched her exposed skin, she would of have thanked the Force that she was as cautious as she was being. And yet despite that unfortunate result, Nazo had no intention of actually harming the Jedi, but merely learning from her, and communicating in a way that felt only natural to that of his species. By now though, others had arrived protesting the Jedi's existence in reckless abandon, curbing Nazo's attention in a mask tilt in their general direction.

"Deceleration without reason; empty. Void." A telepathic communication drew out from the depths of Nazo's mind and towards the approaching Acolyte who had but seen Niamh for an instant, and had decided that her existence was so offensive that it had to be purged. There was no offered education on this matter, and thus the charge of her demise, and quickly determined to hold no actual weight of reason or design. The seven foot tall robed figure stood like a monolith at the figure charging forward in rage and fury. Lightning bolts leaping through the air suddenly arced in wild patterns, straying from their intended target as they met a resistance that drove the tendrils of electricity over a magnetic resonance that abated their path. The quick glancing of electricity swept downwards and ripped into the soil feet from both Nazo and the Jedi as his side. From Nazo's innate ability to manipulate a magnetic field of some distance around his form, he'd nullified the force lightning grounding it immediately. The only possible benefit of the lightning itself would have been a chemical addition to the ground of nitrogen.

"A predator waits, studies - listens. Prey rushes in to meet folly." Another cryptic lesson telepathically broadcast to the three forces he felt around his person. Both of the Acolytes, and the Jedi, though it was hardly mistakable as to who the slug was referring to. A second action drew out a crimson blade that angled down to his right as the figure before him kept moving in a frenzied pace. Digits gripped the hilt and his arm snapped forward -- as the once rigid blade of plasma curved and twisted in the air, drawing into the form of a whip of energy to snap at the ground feet from the approaching Acolyte in warning. The crackle of plasma energy radiating in the air as the blade recoiled again and snapped into a static pose. Based on the speed of the run, he'd either have to encounter the blade's usual properties or the soil itself would receive a scorch mark. Another one of the seemingly infinite uses of his magnetic prowess to alter the emitter's magnetic shroud and shape the blade in any way he deemed fit.

[member="Niamh Raste"] | [member="Atrace"] | [member="Urak"]


News They Don't Want Heard
Location: Forest
Allies: Jedi/Republic/[member="Nazo"]?
Enemies: [member="Atrace"] and [member="Urak"]
Objective: Take Care Of Business

She'd managed to keep his hand from her. That was good. With how he'd reacted earlier to the other beings decision to try and eat her, she was certain that whatever he'd been about to do was definitely of a nature that she didn't want any part of. Sinister had many different faces, even one that was mechanical and didn't really bring across the nature of what was going on beneath the false face. She just knew it wasn't good. Of course it didn't help that he was a Sith, even though he was a curious one.

With her question going unanswered, she realized that they were no longer alone. Another Sith appeared, intent on shocking her. She'd had enough of that before and quickly reached out with the Force to draw her blades back to her. She needn't have worried, though, as Nazo took care of the lightning.

"Handy. Strangely enough I find you interesting. If we met elsewhere I might have sat and chatted with you."

The newcomer wasn't alone, though. He'd brought a friend in the form of Urak, who was trying to sneak up on her. She was more aware than that, though. Twisting about, she flipped her hand over and around to send an energy blade careening through the air in the direction of the Sith. She was intend on imbedding it within his chest, but she would settle for throwing off his attempt to sneak up on her. It was better than nothing, and she was more than ready to keep fighting.


Umbra Bellator|Sith Assassin
Location: Forest
Allies: One Sith/ [member="Atrace"]
Enemies: The Galactic Republic/ [member="Niamh Raste"] [member="Nazo"]
Objective: Defeat the Republic

Urak, noticing the voice of another in his head, wondered why, he was doing this instead of attacking the enemy. He saw Atrace still in combat with the padawan, buying him time.
Urak saw a whip of energy hit the ground near him and wondered, why is a fellow sith attacking me now? No matter, he thought, after jumping out of the way of the padawan's force attack.

Urak clicked the stealth-field on his utility belt to turn him invisible so he can be un-seen from both attackers, and he masked his presence with the dark side as best he could, so the likes of Acolytes or Padawans would not be able to see, or sense him. The only way now would be by smell, touch, or sound.

Angry by the attempt of the sith, but yet confused as to why he would do that. Urak kept his saber-hilt in grasp as he got closer to the padawan and as the Acolyte was searching for him.

Urak hated all jedi, the mere sight of them activated his rage from deep down. Although this jedi has not done anything to him, besides the attack she had just attempted, he couldn't help but feel the desire to kill this woman.

He started to get excited by the thought of killing the jedi with his own hands, still slowly getting closer to his target for assassination.
((It's okay, the trend seems to be cleaving through NPCs like redshirts anyway, so I should have said that before.))

: Passage
Allies: Galactic Republic
Enemies: One Sith
Objective: Retreat from tunnel and regroup with other Republic Forces.

Uther gritted his teeth with he heard the Dark Jedi speak. He should be dead from that, but somehow, his opponent had leaped backwards just as he triggered the grenades. Uther didn't see the light from the sabers anymore, so it seemed that at least the Dark Jedi had gotten tagged by the ion grenades. At that point, Uther didn't consider him much of a threat without the sabers, so he just stared him down under the harsh beam of his military grade, helmet mounted light. He looked straight at the Dark Jedi with a wave, then set his light to strobe mode to disorient him.

Reports from his troopers indicated the tunnel assault was now bust, as the Sith had been allowed time to call in heavy reinforcements to block the entrance. The whole mission had hinged on securing the entrance stealthily because the environment heavily favored the defenders. He cursed as he felt a rumble running through the cave. It wouldn't have been surprising if they had tried leveling the caves with explosives, but there was just one guy trying to level the whole thing through the Force apparently. Bonkers.

Ricardt, Parmi, and the troopers came back to him within a few moments of the call for retreat, some planting from explosives to cave in the tunnel. The engineer on the speeder bike at their rear opened fire with the dual auto-cannons to discourage the enemy following them. The big anti-material guns were designed for taking out lightly armed vehicles, so they would make quick work of anyone crazy enough to stand in direct line of fire. Ricardt tried doing something to the Dark Jedi through the Force as he asked Uther about him.

"I don't know, we can talk about when we get the Frak out of here."

Molten rock still remained in the pit created from the particle explosion of the thermal detonator, so Uther lifted the burning rocks from the pit and pushed them forward in a wave at the Dark Jedi.

((Actions: When his allies regroup on him, Uther uses telekinesis to push a fast moving wave of molten rock at Garth as Ricardt attempts to use the Force technique Malacia on him. Uther's trooper on of the speeder bikes lays down suppressive fire in the direction of the tunnel entrance to cover their retreat.))

[member="Garth Hummel"] , [member="Ricardt Darkmourne"] , [member="Parmi Miemant"]


Umbra Bellator|Sith Assassin
Location: Forest
Enemies: Republic
Allies: One Sith
Objective: Defeat the Republic

Urak noticed the intent of curiosity in the strangers voice. He decided he would sit back and watch as his wounds healed. He thought, this would be more satisfactory for both sides.
Urak, still invisible, to stay out of the fight, sat up on a branch on a tree, watching as Atrace attacked the padawan, and as Nazo observed, also attacking Atrace.

[member="Niamh Raste"] [member="Nazo"]
Location: Temple entrance
Allies: [member="Commander Orin"] [member="Lieutenant Kir"]
Enemies: [member="Flint Dexen"] [member="Di Mancini"] [member="Oka Osaa"]

The gunships weapons had hit their mark, and the tank was destroyed. She saw some one run for it, she was not sure who though. The pilot then increased the thrust, to stop some invisible force tugging on it. That was weird, said the sith pilot I had a sudden down pull on the ship. He explained, then some one started firing at them, she was not sure who, but the pilot span the ship around. Looked for the person firing at them, as he did they where struck by a missile. It sent the gun ship rolling back towards the ground, the pilot manged to stabilize the ship before it was grounded. He then moved to new position. Using the contours of surrounding environment as protection, and to cover where he is.

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