Wesa new palos!
Location: Temple Tunnel Exit ( By [member="Lieutenant Kir"] )
Allies: [member="Atrace"] | [member="Urak"] | [member="Garth Hummel"] |[member="Lieutenant Kir"]
Enemies: [member="Ricardt Darkmourne"] | [member="Parmi Miemant"]
Objective: Collapse the Tunnel!
Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GGcIkqPTHo0
Kezeroth was almost out of Breath from the Scream. It took its toll on his head causing him to be Dizzy but that would pass with couple Deep Breaths. The Gen'Dais breathing could be heard and being on Couple Meters away at the Tunnel Exit Kezeroth only stared at the Jedi inside. They were Gonna Stall the Sith by Collapsing the Tunnels, A cowards move. Kezeroth extended his hands focusing on the Tunnel walls and Useing Force Crush The Gen'Dai growling and slowly going into more Focus. The Tunnel shook at the Jedi's Location ( [member="Ricardt Darkmourne"] [member="Parmi Miemant"]) The stone and rocks began to slowly Fall on them in Large Chunks. If the Tunnel didnt implode and harm them then Falling Boulders would.
The Gen'Dai was sweating maintaining the Force Crush and had the Evilest grin ever too. The Sith Tortured him for 1500 years and now that Rage and hate was being Realesed! Kezeroth started Hallucinating and imaging the Jedi as the Sith of Old, the ones to Made him how he was. Made him the Monster and Demon that would only Destroy. The Horrific Memories and Flashbacks that Occured in this momment of Fury Fueled his power. Feeding off the Memory and Feelings it Brought. If Close enough to see the Gen'Dais Face you would see Eyes of pure Rage and Tears from mere, but powerful memories.
" I could of Had so much more.." Kezeroth Muttered and suddenly shouted out " I'll Destroy you ALL!"
Allies: [member="Atrace"] | [member="Urak"] | [member="Garth Hummel"] |[member="Lieutenant Kir"]
Enemies: [member="Ricardt Darkmourne"] | [member="Parmi Miemant"]
Objective: Collapse the Tunnel!
Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GGcIkqPTHo0
Kezeroth was almost out of Breath from the Scream. It took its toll on his head causing him to be Dizzy but that would pass with couple Deep Breaths. The Gen'Dais breathing could be heard and being on Couple Meters away at the Tunnel Exit Kezeroth only stared at the Jedi inside. They were Gonna Stall the Sith by Collapsing the Tunnels, A cowards move. Kezeroth extended his hands focusing on the Tunnel walls and Useing Force Crush The Gen'Dai growling and slowly going into more Focus. The Tunnel shook at the Jedi's Location ( [member="Ricardt Darkmourne"] [member="Parmi Miemant"]) The stone and rocks began to slowly Fall on them in Large Chunks. If the Tunnel didnt implode and harm them then Falling Boulders would.
The Gen'Dai was sweating maintaining the Force Crush and had the Evilest grin ever too. The Sith Tortured him for 1500 years and now that Rage and hate was being Realesed! Kezeroth started Hallucinating and imaging the Jedi as the Sith of Old, the ones to Made him how he was. Made him the Monster and Demon that would only Destroy. The Horrific Memories and Flashbacks that Occured in this momment of Fury Fueled his power. Feeding off the Memory and Feelings it Brought. If Close enough to see the Gen'Dais Face you would see Eyes of pure Rage and Tears from mere, but powerful memories.
" I could of Had so much more.." Kezeroth Muttered and suddenly shouted out " I'll Destroy you ALL!"