Sein Reith
Wulf Knight

- Intent: A personal ship for Sein Reith
- Image Source:
- Canon Link: na
- Restricted Missions: na
- Primary Source: na
- Manufacturer: Meran mechanics
- Model: Wlf717
- Affiliation: Sein Reith
- Production: Unique
- Material: Alusteel, Durillium / lanthanide and
- Classification: Corvette
- Length: 190 meters
- Width: 45 meters
- Height: 50 meters
- Armament: Average,
- 2x Quad Laser Cannons (manned forward facing)
- 1x Bomblet Generator (central forward mount)
- 2x Ion Encumbrance Package
- 1x Composite-beam laser
- Defenses: Average,
- Sasori Shielding
- Redundant Shielding System
- Alusteel Hull Plating
- Anti-concussion Field Generator
- De-ionizers
- Cap Drains
- Warhead Countermeasures
- Damage Reduction Armour
- Hangar: [Average: 0 can hold a few ground vehicals.
- Maneuverability Average,
- Speed Rating: Average,
- Hyperdrive Class: Average: 2
is a basic averace ship it mostly offers a comfortable spartan travel lodgings and act as a standard freighter
- solar sails offer to save on fule costs.
- is a offers little to no aditions to any other ship. is fairly run of the mill.