Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Yovshin's Blade

Junko had been working on many things here, Shri-Tal was a beautiful place compared to many of the others and she was able to find a purpose here. From all fo the planets in the system to all of the creatures on the world that they had discovered with some of the newer ideas. Junko herself was looking at the palace she had bought, family credits, an honorable name and reputation as well as the promise to help the emperor in court with the other noble houses here and in the system. They needed little help but she could still and would still offer it to give them a person to look at.

It would also allow her to tour and work in the sasori facilities where they needed her, to look across the planet and add in her own small touches to give the people a better understanding of events, give them a better ideal to strive for... Or at the very least spread the credits around so they could do on Shri-Tal like they had done on Denon. Between the moon that was basically one large city all of the people came to as a hub world for trading and the bigger deals to the massive amounts of dealings with the other planets in the system and Order of the Silver Jedi.
All of the work was here as Junko looked upon the world from her bedroom, it was massive. Designed to be fit for the emperor and his bride or the empress as she could be. Though after meeting with the man she was unsure what to really think about him in the end. He had seemed so strange while they were working on many of the things. Junko was looking around at the massive room when she stood there seeing out over the gardens, feeling the finer silks when she turned with some of the attention.

"These are lovely thank you." Junko said it while she looked over more of it wrapping the silks around herself with the silks that were soft and warm to the touch of her skin. Junko looked around the massive room itself and her bed was in the center of it, twenty by twenty feet making her small body when laying on it dwarfed. The ornately carved sections of the marble interwoven with bone and ivory that was given trims of aurodium as she touched the black silk of the sheets with her hand feeling the wraps on her leg.
Junko felt the feeling of the silk and it was the kind that was being used in her version of the jedi robes, vine silk with a nod of her head before she finished with it. Sitting there and shaking her bed head away as the different servants went through the room. She could see it along with some fo the larger busts of different atrisian master that they had been navigating with. The jedi princess rolled over on the bed and the large curtain of her hair before she grabbed a datapad and felt the bed itself.

She was looking into the datapad and provided herself with the information when she was shopping around. The information about her ship that was being worked on and in the mountain area to the west where they had established a small base and outpost for soldiers and rangers within the order. She'd be able to land what was going to be her rather nice and impressive ship she hoped there. A stealth system so it could move around and a crystal grav trap to mess with other stealth ships before moving on.
Junko was looking at the rest of what she wanted to buy with the ship for it to be more impressive. New stealth features that they were developing as well as the interior that they were setting up. To make it more like a palace on the interior of the ship with stone work as a layer over the metal of the interior and ornate displays of her own wealth that would be on display. She was looking at what would become a very impressive bath house or what would serve as a massage area she could relax after missions with the jedi.

She was liking the work that they were developing for what they were doing, she set up the purchase orders for the different ship components that Gir and Resh of the Directorate would well be selling and they would have to install them eventually but if she had a chance to use them, if she had a cchance to have them on her ship she was going to take it. A stronger hyperdrive, a stronger level of redundant systems that would protect the ship from the dangerous things that had been being done.
Junko was just happy while she was looking around the room and could feel the breeze, this high up in the mountains it was a very cold chill but she rather enjoyed the feeling over over her skin. Compared to some of the places and that this has been converted from one of their warehouse modules with the stone work a thin layer to make it seem authentic but just like the ship she was having made for herself she was glad to see how much they were changing and willing to work with her on some things.

She was going over it and oh she should have something that is there designed for celebrations as well. The jedi knight wasn't one to skimp and there were all of these tabs they were working on. The newer things she was putting some ideas for it with herself when she finally arrived to the entrance going out onto the garden pathway. The cleaned stones were amazing to her feet while the tabs of different shops she could see for some of the beauty supplies lke new blush. Wondering if they could make some custom orders.
Junko stayed with it there while she was walking through the garden where she could feel the imported silver grass that allowed her to focus and concentrate about all fo the things that they had been developing. She wanted to make sure it was an important thing that was done well instead of just one of the other places in the galaxy. Standing under the trees while she was seeing the small blossoms were there before she stopped looking at the screen in her hand when she saw some of the trees that were also there.

Junko looked around the massive garden as there were the high walls of it built and designed to be like a fortress for herself. The metal spikes and security system facing outwards so that her garden would be private for herself. There were defensive turrets, some stunners and scanners watching her but aside from the security forces that she had. Her elites that roamed around presenting themselves with each of the very nice place. New sections of the garden being filled with a small pond that she could get imported fish from.
She sat down on the edge of the pond and the feeling of the grass and the water on her skin was a very nice sensation before trailing off with some of her thoughts. The garden area was behind and around her bed chambers as well as a small reception area where she could entertain guests should she ever have them. The crystasteel doorways something to work with and provide herself with small pictures that shined in the light before she looked out at the small pond where the little fish were moving around her feet.

Junko was focusing on the datapad with all of the information and she could send up some information as well as some of the other places she was wanting to see. "Hmm what do we have around here?" She turned over many of the things on the datapad and the information that were there until she provided some of the more information. Down the mountain below all of the palace was the small village by the river that they were feeding and providing help for. One of the fortresses near the mouth of the river would be worked on later.
Junko relaxed leaning a little back in the grass before she was lifting her feet from the water, the sounds of people working in the palace came to her ears until she was letting the force energies wrap around her body. Junko rolled over when she saw some of the shadows on the grass from the swordsmen she had brought with her. Their armor was unmistakable compared to the others and the jar'kai blades that they were using to protect her and defend themselves and her. Junko groaned a little stretching out and feeling the grass under her.

"Is everything alright lady Ike?" She looked up and one of the Yovshin were standing there in the garden on a stone. wearing the kimono she had worked to get them as opposed to all of the armor they donned when they needed to look imposing. The standard Yovshin served that purpose, as well as some of the elites she had from Atrisia that had followed her here. Junko smiled seeing her and they had been around her since she was a baby, protected her growing up so talking with them was easy. They were family.
"Everything is fine, I just need my stuff... clothing, preferably those robes from my cousin. The princess robes and my hair piece. The invisible market is supposed to have my crystals in today if I am not mistaken." She said it while raising an eyebrow and rising up from where she had been laying down while the small robe for herself was brought out. Skimpy but with some class as it covered all the places needed to be covered. A natural tan was something she preferred over lines of white. "She groaned with a smile on her face though securing the sash.

Junko was looking at a few of the other things while she stood there and walked towards the pond to go over the small bridge giving a nod of her head to all of it. Giving them a lot of new things and sections before the jedi knight walked across hopping just a little since it was like small umbrella's. The ability to swin through and under them as they had hollow interiors to not hurt yourself on if you came up while swimming through them under the water and you were looking at things. Junko looked over more of it until she wiped her feet on the small mat.
She wiped her feet looking back at the garden before they were walking into some of the better parts of it. wanting to looking over with more of the details before she stretched seeing the vassal's she had with her robes and servants in their outfits. They were all there ready for the fitting of her as well as with the different hairpieces she was wanting to work with. Atrisian hair pins that she could get for herself until she was ready to work with some of the other more interesting things. Junko smiled to all of them stepping up.

"Master, you robes are here." She was an old woman now but that old woman had been one of her caretakers for years and always dressing her when she was little. Now she pretty much worked to make sure the clothing she had to wear and would get to use was going to be a very impressive thing. The jedi princess stayed there for a moment sitting up prepared to work on more of it until she stretched her arms out before she was standing there and getting out of the smaller robe with a look from them.
"Stand still." The old woman was looking at her and Junko frowned for a moment while she was thinking about it prepared to work on more of their things. She turned over different attentions to the robed kimono until she was getting put into it with a smile on her face. "Fine fine but it is so." She trailed off as it wasn't itchy like many of the robes the jedi wore, she could focus and feel the silk of it with the synthmesh as it provided a nod of her head to the others who were getting her dressed with a sarashi.

She was getting the other undergarments while standing there and dressed in the silk kimono robe. IT was form fitted for her, designed in several looking layers of the synthmesh and radiated the lightside of the force like a beacon few might be abel to ignore. It demanded attention compared to come things and oh she wanted to try it with the blush she had ordered and her hair piece once with was finally finished. The crystals for it needing to be retrieved as she would have to work on it to be a stronger thing and able to sense force users.
Junko stood there until they were finished and the old woman was staying with her for a number of things. Developing what might be able to happen here when she brought up the hardlight display of her palace where they were doing different things with the sensors. Adjusting them and setting up the different plating, mixing the variable gravity plating and the shatory sensors so that they could detect some of the force users who might be using cloak and white current. They could hide from sight but they could not hide their weight.

Other points of interest were the old shrine that they were going to be able to go into. She wanted to work on it, she wanted to see what they could get and the hardlight display was just that but she could see inside. Have a full tactical readout before she was getting to enjoy a few more of the moments that got worked on. More of the things they had developed with food stores, marble and murals, all this ornate designs to present the value of the palace and what was really going to go into making it a home again.
"There we go, all done." The old woman said it as Junko was standing there and looking at herself in the mirror with a nod of her head. "This is all looking very beautiful, you had some influence in its making I imagine even with the jedi from Sasori being rather adamant." THe old woman looked at her with a knowing smile and presented herself like a mother or grandmother would but she was still a lot more warm and friendly to the task at hand. "Oh yes I did and now go and see your people there is a lot of work to be done."

Junko had to agree with the old woman and she could go around walking with some of the things now. She got her hair piece as well as a ribbon for her hair itself. To keep the mass of ankle length hair tied and out of the way while she was walking through the palace with the others. The first stop was going to be the shrine for the unveiling of her mirror from her cousin. The thing was not really impressive and she coudln't look at herself but it served a larger purpose in the grand scheme of what it was she was wanting to do.
She started walking across the palace, feeling the wooden geta for herself and these would have to change, she would need to get something from the one tree to go with her princess robes. She would need it to be a special piece of wood or so since there was going to be a lot, enough to make geta for herself and others who ame to her home at least and it would need to be force enhanced to allow them something special. Only the finest works you would be able to do as opposed to common drek.

That common look though did make some people happy and she might have to investigate that while she was coming around to see more of the view ports they had installed. Hopefully with that new glass from Danger's trade empire, nothing like being green and saving the planet. Or something like that she was not exactly certain of what could be said walking through the halls and seeing the different droid servants who continued to work and clean. her own guardsmen were walking and her vassals attending to the day to day.
Junko continued through the palace stopping at the again to look out and there was more of a sight, the length going down the mountain that for many was just filled with tens of thousands of steps. One of the biggest things for traveling here was the time and distance but then you did it all, crossed the mountains, went over the lakes and tunnels to find thousands of steps to walk up if you wanted to get in and look around. As opposed to the landing pad that was being built to the one side of the mountain for them to use.

Junko remained ready though, meeting with different people in the lavish throne room... chamber... estate was something easily done and rarely got boring. You were able to after all see everyone around you as the throne was massive, raised and simply the focal point of the room that everyone had to look at and not just because she was there... That was just a plus as was the throne on it that was aurodium plated and encrusted with hundreds of jewels and gemstones. A status symbol and something few others would have.
She stood there as the throne was above her and Junko stepped up on the dias with the throne giving attention to the people around her in the room. Her Vassal's were milling around, the Yovshin who served as the guards of her palace stood around in their armor, the elite yovshin who protected her were there near her while she looked out upon everything around them. She moved over as the train of the robes glided with her across the top of the dias and Junko sat down on the throne feeling it for herself.

Her hand came up as the doors opened at the far end, a breeze lifting the sheets that were hanging, the banners displaying the atrisian sigil for her family with the triple hollyhock until she heard one of her advisors. "Presenting for you princess, from our businesses in the local village Lady Wisteria." Junko looked at the older womana nd she had come from Atrisia with them, she had grown up around her and while the woman was from a lesser family she was on the ship they had been in when escaping the planet.
She was looking at the older woman and it provided some answers and ideas. The jedi princess saw how she was standing there prepared for any of the things that they were going to be able to do. "Welcome Lady Wisteria, what news from our businesses in the village?" The village itself was a very nice place, developed and fairly modern but still small and situated by the river. They had everything they needed while still managing to have a community that worked with each other to grow crops.

The older woman though was skilled and knew how to defend herself as well as her business that was under the patronage and care of Junko. Providing the services needed to the people to help them relax and attracting from around the planet, system and galaxy clients that want to work with a dancers, entertainers and the therapists that were there. Massage and tea after all could make many people open up about a number of topics that the Lady would hear from all of them. She spoke with a bow.
"Princess Ike, thank you for this meeting. I wanted to inform about the new renovations we have done to improve business as well as some of the ideas for changes that will be done around the village to continue to modernize it and develop it into a functional village again. We have begun clearing debris from the surrounding area and setting up walls where needed as well as patrols on the river. The tunnels to the underground network have been cleared and given patrols as well as new doors."

Junko was listening and she was most impressed with the work that they were doing, a small village sure, it might only hold say three hundred people but it would be able to produce for itself and more given all of the things they had. A local militia that had the chance to be armed from the palace to protect themselves was an important thing as well. Junko herself wasn't against it just there needed to be some more information and a chance for them to be abel to do things their own way.
Junko would be able to work with them on a number of things as well, Sasori was in enough things, produced enough of everything that it wa able to work onstuff, that it would be able to develop planets with new systems and new equipment as opposed to some of the things where they contracted out. It meant eventually they would need to make credits which is what they did with a number of their own places. Fifty three aurodium mines worth of credits and nova crystals would provide them with the capital to flourish.

Junko was pouring a great deal of credits if she hoped for into all fo the things, they were looking to develop the palace here, the village, the surrounding area into a rich area of land and the valley would serve for things that they coudl work with. From the farmers in the village who would be abel to serve as a militia if needed and defend their homes, to her vassals and the soldiers, to the jedi that were by the lake temple itself within view of them and the surrounding area. All of it as well as the forest itself would be something to build upon.
Hmm she listened to more of it though as the Lady Wisteria was speaking. "Additionally we have begun among the farmers within the village who will be able to serve within a militia. The able bodied ones that we will be able to train and teach a little about combat training to have them able to function." Junko nodded her head and was listening to it, she knew there was a number of able bodied men and women in the village that would serve to protect themselves and their friends or family but they were not soldiers.

She would be able to work with the militia itself and give them equipment before they were running over with more of the things they had to do. Her voice coming out while she sat there with a smile. "That is wonderful news, I know it is not easy in some cases to get the people behind you but it helps for them to want to work with it. Inviting all of the people that we were able to work with them to improve the village. Continue your efforts to build them up and we will see if we can expand the farming lands."

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