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The Yuuzhan Vong skirmish of Rothana

Soon the Yuuzhan Vong are going to be skirmishing the world of Rothana. The backdrop will be large scale space opera, but practically the action will focus on a small scale skirmish at a Hegemonic facility, as the followers of the True Way attempt to destroy as many of the battle droids as they can in the factory.

I'm putting this up early so we can get a look at who is going to come from the TU side (plenty are welcome, but if it's more than a handful I'll have to DM for most to take part in PvE) and also to see if anyone else fancies creating a Yuuzhan Vong.

Thread is up:

Current Yuuzhan Vong sign ups:
  • Khallesh Val
  • [member="Shurra Shai"]
  • [member="Yurzhoc Shai"] (May well not be attending)
  • [member="Durzo Qinvah"]
  • [member="Kur-gal Kwaad"]
  • [member="Tsavong Kraal"]
  • [member="Galanoth Kaal"]

Willing Infidel Sacrifices:
  1. [member="Sibar Laval"]
  2. [member="Prime"]
  3. [member="Rigor"]
  4. @Ricochet
[member="Tmoxin Temi"]
[member="Gerion Ardik"]

Will be gathering people for the defence of the planet and Hegemonic facility I'm sure.

  • Attack/Defend the battle droid manufacturing facility PvP
  • Defend the Collateralhulk Command ship from a swarm of Coralskippers and Yuuzhan Vong frigate analogues PvE
  • Defend civilian areas from Yuuzhan Vong hordes PvE

Subaltern Kash Val strode across the control centre of the Yorik-stronha. The small crew were spread across the chamber, all wearing their cognition hoods. At the centre of the room on an elevated pedestal sat the cognition hood for the vessel’s commanding officer. Kash took his seat and pulled the cognition hood over his eyes.

What news? He communicated to the others as awareness of the vessel’s state flooded his consciousness.

Whilst you were resting we observed seventeen vessels entering and leaving the system. Total war fleet before us still equivalent capability, responded one of the crew.

High threat and high priority targets have not been updated.

Commander Khallesh Val was in contact. Timing of the strike remains unchanged.

Understood, Kash replied. Through the vessel’s sensors he stretched out his field of awareness. The single Collateralhulk command vessel and Scimitar class station remaining the greatest threats. The latter was co-ordinating movement of all enemy ships and they had plans to remove it from the equation.

Kash felt his pulse accelerating. The hour was almost upon them. Three weeks that had held position in the asteroid field observing, cataloguing. They would shortly play their – albeit brief – part in the battle. When they had signed up to this mission they had all known it would be their last. When it had been explained a host of warriorshad fought bitterly amongst themselves for this honour. One glorious death leading the war host to battle. Only the victorious now took up position ready to lead the strike.

Khallesh Val knelt on a hau polyp as Priestesses Emere and Hahk continued their work. One finished the spiral tattoo at the nape of her neck, whilst the other continued to wipe down every inch of her skin with a pale green fluid. Every touch of the liquid sent a fresh surge of pain, akin to the biting touch of ice on bare skin. Both aspects of the ritual were designed to lessen the taint that would inevitablycome from the attack she was about to spearhead.

The air shifted as the chamber was opened. Khallesh opened her eyes to see a familiar sight. Warrior-seer Edorah Val stepped forwards and knelt down before Khallesh. As usual she wore her particular form of Vonduun Skerr Kyrric. It only enclosed her chest and legs, every inch of the chitinous exterior covered in iconography. A wide array of angular spines fanned out from behind her neck, framing her face and marking her rank. Her bare arms were coated to the elbow in slick obsidian blood.

Khallesh offered a deferential nod to the Warrior-seer. They had worked together for the entirety of their careers. If they had been born a few years closer they would likely have been crèche sisters; they were closely blood related.

“How went the augury?” Khallesh asked, knowing from the sheen of the blood that the ritual had been completed recently.

“The signs suggest the Gods have ordained this strike. The time is right,” Edorah replied. Her eyes stared off into the distance as ever. Khallesh had noted the Seer rarely focussed on what was before her, as if she kept her focus on the beyond whilst only noticing the physical world in her periphery.

“As we all knew they would be,” Khallesh replied. This attack would have to please the gods. On Rothana they manufactured that infidel machine most offensive to the True Way. Battle droids. Built in the image of the life gifted to the Galaxy by the god’s sacrifice and designed to fight wars on behalf of the cowardly infidels.

Jun Phaath had once shared a rather interesting view with Khallesh. She had said that the best Warrior-seers were those most trained in the arts of war. The Seers who told their commanders not to strike when it was tactically necessary and to attack when it was foolhardy led short careers. Jun believed they functioned little more as spies for the Priest caste who provided sound tactical advice veiled as messages from the gods. Am I committing heresy just by consideringthat her words could be true? Khallesh thought to herself.

The two priestesses stepped back, mumbling quiet prayers as the ritual was complete. Khallesh slowly rose to her feet, stretching out her muscular shoulders and legs against the stiffness of remaining still for so long. There was another movement of air and two female servants approached, bringing her Vonduun Skerr Kyrric to dress her for battle. The time to strike was upon them.

Do-ro'ik vong pratte!” the call was both telepathic and vocal as the Yorik-Strohna accelerated out of the asteroid field. Kash’ lips turned up in a snarl as he felt the war host appear in realspace behind them. His allies behind him, his enemy ahead, a glorious death on the horizon. These were his finest moments and he would cherish them.

Through his vessel he sensed the enemy ships start to communicate in panic. They moved and tried to align against the sudden appearance of a Yuuzhan vong fleet. Not just any war host, all the Domains had come together for this strike. Those nomadic, those from Selvaris, those that resided on what remained of Yuuzhan’tar. The Republic and Techno Union had ousted so many from Alderaan and their homes on Rodia and Zenith Prime.

“We all watch your sacrifice with envy,” came a sudden call. It was Supreme Commander Zukhat Shai himself. Kash’ chest swelled with pride.

He felt every laser beam strike the surface of their vessel, but it was to no avail. The Dovin-basals did what they could, but the thick coating of Yorik Coral and rock absorbed most. Even as the vessel started to crack it did nothing to help the Union’s cause. There was simply too much momentum in the vessel to stop it. Though the awareness granted by the cognition hood, he sensed the space station starting to launch escape pods; it was too late to save them.

Khallsh Val stood in the chamber of her Yorik-Trema. The blazebug display showed the bright flash of light as the scoutship collided with the station. As the bright blue shockwave dissipated, all that remained was detritus. What a way to meet an end, your final moments broadcast across the war host for all to see, she thought to herself.

Her arachnostaff coiled around her waist. It slid to her shoulder and turned its head towards her. She knew it wanted to slide down her arm, to be held and used in anger. “Not yet,” she whispered in an affectionate tone. The warhost would strike many locations on the planet, but she was part of a group aimed at the Hegemonic facility. The infidel machines would lie in ruin before the night was over. Yuuzhan Vong tactics had evolved over the years. No longer did they fight on and on until every last one was dead or the enemy scattered. This was to be a quick surgical strike before a tactical return to safe space. At a practical level there simply were not enough Warriors left to take and hold this world, or to be wasted for no gains.

This was to be a glorious day. Today they fought for the cause of the Yuuzhan Vong people, to send a message to the Galaxy that their greatest transgressions of the True Way would be tolerated no longer. On this day they were not beholden to a false avatar. They fought not for themselves, but for the own beliefs.

Guide to making a Yuuzhan Vong character

Gratefully pilfered from [member="Reverance"]

Reverance said:
Why would you want to make a member of the Yuuzhan Vong, what's so unique about the race? What's the allure? First and foremost, the Yuuzhan Vong are typically non force users but go so far as to be considered outside the force. Not that they can't be impacted by the force, it's just that the impact of force tactics is reduced or diminished heavily. On top of this, all technology within the Yuuzhan Vong culture is bio in nature. Meaning that every item is either a specific species or a part of a species, down to the weapons and grafted biots.

The Yuuzhan Vong culture and society provides one of the largest outlets for creative discovery, in the Star Wars Universe. This largely has to do with the fact that so little is understood about how they work, allowing for all that empty space to be filled by fan based ingenuity. Biots, grafts, beasts of war, etc.

Not only this, but the culture of the Yuuzhan Vong is inherently changing yet tied to tradition. The basis for the group revolves around the religious beliefs in a certain set of Gods, The Yun'O - The Yuuzhan Vong sacrifice limbs in order to honor the Yun'O, through belief that the Gods sacrificed of themselves to build the universe around them. It is believed, however, that this universe was given to the Yuuzhan Vong in exchange for a cleansing, or genocide, of those considered Infidels or heretics. While pain wasn't purely glorified in every corner of the Yuuzhan Vong culture, sacrifice is and will always be considered the highest form of payment one can give to honor the Gods.

Where to Begin

One of the hardest aspects of beginning a Yuuzhan Vong character is deciding where to begin. There are five major castes: Warrior Caste, Shaper Caste, Intendant Caste, Priest Caste, and Worker Caste.

The Warrior Caste:
Considered the second largest caste of the Yuuzhan Vong, this caste is devoted entirely to the waging of war either on ground or in space. Following their patron diety, Yun-Yammka, the Warrior Caste fought with a sense of pride and disregard that is unparalleled in the universe. No fear of pain, no fear of dismemberment, the Soldier of the Yuuzhan Vong army fights with a ferocity and aggressiveness that no other caste can understand. And it's because of this performance that the caste is often seen as extremely prideful, to the point of being their downfall.

The official ranking system for the Warrior Caste is as follows: Warrior -> SubAltern -> Subcommander -> Commander -> Supreme Commander - > Warmaster. Of course, the Supreme Overlord reigns at the top, but this position is closer to commander and chief of all castes.

The Shaper Caste:
The Shaper caste is the scientific caste of the Yuuzhan Vong, responsible for all developments and shaping of biotechnology in the culture. This level of capability extends all the way from clothing to worldships, allowing the manipulation and development of sentient technology to suit the needs of the Yuuzhan Vong. The Shaping Protocols, stored in the Qang Qahsa, guide the Shaper caste in their endeavors. These were not guidelines so much as strict rules and failure to adhere would result in demotion to another caste or death. This, of course, has changed in the past. The Shaper caste, much like the Warrior caste, is devoted to a Yun-Ne'Shel.

The Shaper begins their life as an initiate. Once experienced, they go through the Grotto of Yun Ne'Shel, which is the ceremony that replaces the hand with a biot called the shapers hand. Once that occurred, they would reach the level of adept and gain access to additional protocols. On top of this, they are given a Vaa-Tumor, which transforms the brain to allow for reception of additional and necessary knowledge. Once the Shaper reached master level, they were given access to all shaper protocols and the Vaa-Tumor was extracted after completion of the shaping of the brain - thought to mimic the shape of Yun-Ne'Shel's brain.

The Intendant Caste:
The Intendant Caste is the political and economically focused caste of the Yuuzhan Vong. This is the smallest of the caste and looked down upon by the Priest and Warrior Castes. Despite that, this group governed the Yuuzhan Vong and was responsible for military roles such as scouts and spies. Because of the fluid nature of the caste, they could worship any God.

The Intendant Caste had the following ranks: Attendant -> Executor -> Consul -> Prefect -> High Prefect.

The Priest Caste:
The Priest Caste is often considered the most powerful Caste within Yuuzhan Vong culture, though not necessarily the case in the Legion Yun'Do. As a group, the Priests had no specific deity but would often, individually, claim their own to which is glorified by another caste. Priests were important for blessing the warrior caste as well as significant in the selection of the Supreme Overlord.

The Priest caste had the following ranks: Savant -> Seer -> Priest -> High Priest -> Most High Priest.

The Worker Caste:
The Worker caste is the largest of all the castes, including workers, others who failed in other castes, shames ones, and slaves. Some had forms of honor, brought to them through their daily chores, but many were held in contempt by the Warrior and Priest caste.

Similar to other tribal groups, the Yuuzhan Vong had a multitude of different clans, or what they called domains. While this isn't inherently part of the Legion Yun'Do, Yuuzhan Vong culture is often characterized by the presence of these segregated clans that showed intense rivalries, settled through violence and aggression. While I wont go through every domain, I will point out my favorites and suggest you find one that suits you as well.

Domain Shai was originally the only active domain within the Legion Yun'Do. However, after the split from Hrosha-Gul on Selvaris, there came a development of a multitude of domains, allowing a return center in the delineation of duties based on domain. For instance, the Domain Shai is typically reserved for the Warrior Caste. A fitting location, given the intense an unique focus of the Domain on pain and it's glorification.

Domain Lah was characterized by an intense and fanatical belief in traditional Warrior Caste mentality. As a part of their honor system, members would wear a gash across their face that would be extended to reflect their honor. Full honor was signified by a cut that extended from ear to ear.

Domain Phaath, the shaper domain responsible for the creation of the Voxyn. This domain is considered an ultra-orthodox domain, never deviating from the shaper protocols.

Vong Traditions/Culture:
There are a multitude of traditions within the Yuuzhan Vong culture, that are pertinent to the desire to properly role play a member of the society. Here are a list of particular traditions and their meanings in the society.

True Way: The name for the Yuuzhan Vong religion, originating from a worship of life that leads to the hatred in blasphemous machinations. This is also the origin of the glorification of pain. Its believed that the creator god endured longing pain and sacrifice in order to create the universe and thus, the Yuuzhan Vong follow this example.

The Great Doctrine: Guiding Ideals for the True Way. Asserted that Yuuzhan Vong were dominant to all other species in the universe and was the justification for invasion and war.

Festival of the Twin Gods: One of the few holidays where the Yuuzhan Vong let their proverbial hair down and stop taking themselves seriously. Domains speak to one another, children play tricks on one another, ect.

Escalation: When a Yuuzhan Vong had earned the right to be promoted, through either accomplishment or achievement, they would sacrifice a limb to the gods and have it replaced with another creature, by the shapers. These were called biots. If the graft was successful, the individual was seen as a success. However, if there was a flaw or it was rejected, the member would be pushed into the caste of the shamed ones. While it was believed that the failure of the grafting was due to the individual, it was actually realistically a failure on the part of the shaper.

Shamed Ones: While considered a caste of their own, the shamed ones were essentially the untouchables of the Yuuzhan Vong culture. They had either had implants rejected, were heretics, or were deformed in some way. They were only allowed to worship Yun-Shuno. After the wars, this group was called the Extolled, though the names are interchangeable.

History of the Legion Yun'Do:
The Legion Yun'Do, translated to the Legion of God's Woe, began as a contingent of the Hrosha-Gul, which was formerly the major Yuuzhan Vong presence within the One Sith. The Legion began on Manaan as a small subset, pulled from the ranks, particularly from the domain Shai. However, as the invasions proceeded, the contingent grew and grew in size until it was no longer just Hrosh-Gul. It was during the Netherworld event that, in the name of the Legion Yun'Do, Selvaris was vongformed to allow for a home location for the Vong that remained loyal within the One Sith.

Of course, with the revival of the Hrosha-Gul and the removal of Titan Industries from One Sith territory, the Legion Yun'Do became the last remaining force of loyal Yuuzhan Vong in One Sith space. The major difference between the Legion Yun'Do and it's predecessor is the difference in traditional beliefs. Whereas the Hrosha-Gul was tied to the One Sith in their belief that the Dark Lord was their deity in living form, the Legion Yun'Do holds no such illusions as truth. The Legion Yun'Do supports religious freedoms of the Yuuzhan Vong, meaning that all of the Yun'O are glorified properly. While traditional in this belief, not all of the Legion is nearly as orthodox as others. Considering the size of Selvaris, there is an abundance of room for development in this respect. However, the attainment of Sovereignty on Selvaris is the glue that binds the Legion to the One Sith, whom is currently led by multiple leading members of the One Sith. This includes the Wrath and Warmaster, [member="Reverance"]; The Hand and Supreme Commander, [member="Vrag"]; and Sith Lord and upcoming Shaper, [member="Matsu Xiangu"].

How is the Legion different from other Vong?
First and foremost, the Legion Yun'Do is an astonishing mechanism for scientific development. This stems from the acceptance that the shaping protocols were not, in fact, strict rules but instead initial guidelines for development. It's through the acceptance of this concept that the shaping protocol has been expanded immensely, allowing for substantial creativity and ingenuity. Civilization tends to follow the science and as such, the Legion Yun'Do bolsters an army that is constantly advancing in biotechnology. Thus, the Vong army within the Legion is one of the strongest in existence.

The Legion, while once part of the Hrosha-Gul, no longer limits participation of the group to either religion or domain. Given the vongforming of Selvaris, the planet bolsters a large enough massing to house the entire needs of the Legion, including all castes and multitudes of domains.

The position of Supreme Overlord is currently unfilled in the Legion and will remain that way, until a time when it is needed. The reasoning for this is that the Legion is a heavily militarized variation of it's former contingent, meaning that war time efforts guide and solidify the unit - Leadership is based on military performance and as such, a military leader is not an appropriate leader for all aspects of the culture. As such, there are roles to be filled by PC's, including leadership over the Priest, Intendant, and Shaper Caste.

Finally, the Legion Yun'Do, while largely composed of Yuuzhan Vong, is not restricted entirely to Yuuzhan Vong. Allowance into the Legion, when not Yuuzhan Vong, is typically accepted given proper appreciation for the culture and understanding of what drives the society as a whole.
[member="Persephone Callas"]
[member="Alric Kuhn"]

You say death, we say entering the chrysalis of change and transcending to creature of true beauty, far closer to the image of the Yun'o

[member="Sarge Potteiger"] would agree

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