Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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There Be Monsters | CIS Dominion of Monastery

"I'm for handling the beacon personally," Maple said, now that she had some time to think hard about it. "Katrine can take care of herself, and she already has a guy with a lightsaber staff. Those villagers are far more vulnerable. Those things swarm and they'll need every gun they can get. We should head towards Korrado," Maple said to [member="Kurenai Yumi"], who was still made of hotness. She mentally chuckled at getting Kurenai to turn at her stare. That had not been planned, but her turning around had given Maple an excellent view from all angles before she realized why Maple had been staring and got back on track. She flexed wonderfully though. Maple wondered if it was something in the water. Something wonderful in the water that caused sexiness. She should patent that if she ever found it.

There was then a series of loud snarls in the distance. Maple wheeled around looking for the source. She didn't find it.

"We should go. They're starting to get bold and this place is exposed," she muttered, heading towards the village to back up Korrado unless Kurenai said otherwise. She could feel the pull to it. That was where she felt she was needed.

"Come, Oh-she-who-is-sculpted-of-living-marble. Adventure awaits." She said to [member="Kurenai Yumi"] running for the village.

Hope you don't mind, Kurenai, but I headed for the village to avoid getting stuck where we were. Let me know if I should change it, I just picked the village to avoid cluttering up what Katrine was trying and confusing everyone in the process. I'm heading towards [member="Elisea Korrado"]
Objective: My own thing
Location: Redacted
Post: 1

Always with the monsters and the creatures of the night. It seemed that the Confederacy, and before them, the Crusaders were always up for facing off against creatures of the dark. Why such this be? I shook my head as the simple cylinder hilt was ignited in my hand. Cleaving through these creatures one by one. Everyone seemed to be doing one of the various objectives that they could perform. I didn't feel like doing those. Healing the wounded or sick? Let nature take it's course. The weak will die and their ashes with bring forth new life that will be stronger.

The weapon easily cleaved through the hide as I made my way underneath the city. I was here to look for something. I would only have to find it, but the difficulty was actually finding it. The purple blade cleaved through a door. I slammed my fist into the door. Sending it aside with barely any effort. My right arm was enhanced with various technologies to be much stronger than that of your average arm. I felt the impact in my hand of it crushing down ever so slightly. Yet, I felt no pain on my knuckles. Even looking at the gloved hand as I tore the leather that covered them. I rolled my eyes. I would have to get something much stronger to last me in a real fight.

Moving through the underground system, most of it was left abandoned. No need for a place where nothing grows or flourishes? I guess one could say I am a realist, and a darwinist. A man who lives his life one day at a time, and doesn't care when people die. No mourning. No sorrow. Just no emotion for them. It was rare that I showed emotion to others lately. This was no exception. Even as I fought hard enough to make myself sweat, I was emotionless. Void of any thoughts than to reach my destination inside.

For the first time in a very long while, a voice popped up behind me.

"You really should just help others. Maybe they will return the favor?"
"I move to much to have anyone owe me favors. If anything, I owe people."
"Maybe they will let you off if you pass it on?"
"Doubt it. Now let me do my work."

The small voice didn't speak any more to me. She kept to herself as I cut one more creature in half. Walking ever deeper into the forgotten city.
Kurenai Yumi

Objective: Either 3 or 4
Allies: close [member="Maple Harte"] out of
Location: Cessna Streets --> Village of Leonasa
Post: 4

Kurenai gave the force sensitive county hunter a small nod, Katrine was quite the knowledgeable person, if anyone could find a cure for this strange ilness or mutation it was her, and Rex, she had trained the Chiss well, together if they avoided trouble should be fine. "Agreed, though it would be best to try and evacuate in a silent manner, no telling how many of those beasts are around", though now using her usual calm voice Kurenai could not help but notice the 'tots checking you out' stares from Maple.

"Judging from the map the beacon is coming from the town of Leonasa, only a few thousand not large or with the best infrastructure could see why some people could be left behind during the panic and all". Once again, placing the data pad away the echos of beastly noises and the slight stench of animal fur wafted through the air, the assault on the capital most likely about to begin, or already starting. "Yes, we need to move before encircled, best try and make our way out of the city as stealthy as possib- wait what do you mean scupltured marble? are you talking about my breasts and ass again".

With the slight pouty voice of a teenage Kurenai ran after Maple, though ever keeping an eye out on their surroundings, never knowing when one of those bat creatures would swoop down once more and attack.

Location: In the wilderness
Post: 3
Team Tag: [member="Rex Taff"] [member="Daxton Bane"]


He'd apologized for what she'd did, pointing out the creature was going to attack her. Katrine understood that part but her interest lay in understanding because it all seemed off somehow, especially now that she'd come close range to it. Rex pointed out they were bigger and smarter than they should have been, making her nod.
"Feels like more than that," the Witch pointed out before she'd actually gone running forward.

Daxton passed them by, teasing her back, making Katrine smirk as she continued, noting him moving up the trees in their movement. The source felt closer now as they continued. Then suddenly, she'd come to a full stop as the source felt at her very reach. Except what felt like a source was a structure, making her stare for a moment. 'Daxton, come join us, we're going in,' Katrine sent another thought to the Sith Lord, not wanting to make a sound. Next, she turned to Rex, her index finger going over her mouth to let him know they were going quietly before she motioned for him to just come along.

The entrance she'd stumbled on was open but the trees, greens, and stone around them offered enough cover for it to be unnoticed if someone wasn't looking for it. Slowly, she'd moved inside, keeping herself alert. The first portion of the structure was all stone, without too much space provided as she'd moved. It was dark and musty yet a light was up ahead, leading her forward to what felt like the destination. A few more steps through the front would lead them into a medium-sized room. A messy room for the most part but at the furthest back was a dim light shining through a small area with a large table, a computer system and a large glass containing some sort of greenish liquid. Katrine moved to inspect the table first. There was small remnant of purple and blue traces, the blue reminding her slightly of the Nightshrike's fur, making her pick it.

Eyes closed within a moment as she concentrated on the object in her hand. Traces of feelings and images flashed through her mind. Pain and fear, animalistic screaming, the sight of a Nightshrike protesting against it's restraints,. Katrine shuddered immediately as it all passed through her, feeling the pain. Anger rose as her brain worked out just what she had felt. Someone was hurting the Nightshrike for their gain even if the traces couldn't quite explain just what they were doing. "They tortured them here," Katrine said out loud, her fingers rubbing against each other to let the animal hair fall back to the table.
Location: Approaching the North East Area of Cessna [Civilian Bunker 2-B]
Post: 4
Objective: Not Die[tm]

There was this thing about animals. They rarely did exactly what you wanted them to do. Puppies pooped all over your house when they were small, birds flew in and pooped in random places before flying out, cats hid things, and rancors ate the occasional visitor. But that was to be expected.

Attacking Saber Cats though, couldn't be expected to do anything other than land with their jaws clamping shut on their targets. And Scherezade knew this. She knew this as the paws of the giant cat pressed her shoulders, flattening them down to the ground. The fall was quick, but her brain saw it all in slow motion. Her scream became deep, still engulfed in the sheer terror of that big ball of fur being so deadly against her, and she did the only thing she could think of.

She sent the most violent Force Push she could, targeted and focused on the cat's head.

The Saber's cat head snapped back, its jaws closing on air rather than her neck. A second one, and a third one, she kept the Pushes coming, all while trying to get those Teeth of Death[tm] away from her. It was only a breath or two before she heard the knack as its neck snapped, the animal falling directly on her.

Sherezade blinked.

Something warm was spreading on her belly, and it was second before the smell hit her. Blood. Whose blood? She tried to push the cat off of her, pausing for an instant to marvel at how it was dead though no exterior damage was done. Her grandmother would have used it for a new fur coat. But screw that. Her grandmother wasn't here. Scherezade was going to skin that stupid thing and hang its head on the wall if she made it off this planet alive.

Inch by inch, she managed to crawl from beneath the dead best. The wetness on her stomach felt like a growing stain, and the smell of blood was becoming rapidly stronger in her nose as well.

"$#@(%(@%*@" she cursed, finally away from the beneath the cat.

She had been so focused on its head that she had not realized what its paws were doing after flattening her. And what they had been doing, was cut her up. Her insides weren't spilling out, something she attributed to sheer luck, but the criss cross of cuts was still deep, and was still bleeding.

How much blood could she afford to leak before she'd faint or become otherwise too weak to hold her own? She really didn't want to find out.

Walking awkwardly as she tried to keep the cuts on her stomach from widening, the girl resumed her trek towards the bunker on foot, praying to the Force her bleeding situation would not cause more animals to make their way towards her. She'd come back for the cat's fur later.


King of Pumpkins
Location: In the wilderness
Team Tag: [member="Katrine Van-Derveld"] [member="Daxton Bane"]
Rex notices another man coming along with them how looked very well armoured and the way he was jumping from tree to tree, he was a force user as well. Not saying a thing as Kat puts her finger to her mouth universal sign for stay quite. Immediately his military training kicks in as they wander into the medium-sized room made largely of stone. Seeing the chemicals on the tables, the table in the center and the computer labs. "Someone created those animals out there." Then as Kat said that they were tortured.

Feeling sick Rex wants to destroy the entire room, but instead holds back and activates the computer terminal. "Looks like they were doing this for a while before they went full scale, oh god there is detailed journal entries on what they did. I might be able to undo some of the damage they have done, but I can't promise anything." Turning to Kat, "Can you tell what this say I can't read this. While you do that I'll see what I can do with this chemicals, see what they are first" He says looking through the stuff on the bench.
Objective 4
Location: The Wilderness
Team tag: [member="Rex Taff"] [member="Kurenai Yumi"] [member="Maple Harte"] [member="Katrine Van-Derveld"]

Silently Daxton joined the pair, scanning the room for traps or perhaps any sign of the original inhabitants. Activating his signal beacon to call down the recovery team on their position.

“Listen carefully, we need to secure any and all information regarding what was done to those creatures if we are to have some hope to reverse the damage. I will need to know exactly what was done, every little step in the process to look for the point of origin. I have already scrambled a recovery team to retrieve every last scrap and to secure this site. We don’t want whoever did this to be able to repeat the process now do we.”

Daxton scanned through the documents to see if he understood what they contained, perhaps to catch a glimmer of the mad genius behind this mutations.
Location: Monastery - Vitalii, Materium Patronae Main Warehouse
Objective: Lie, Cheat, Steal, Kill, etc.
Allies: N/A

Auxiliary power was still on, albeit barely. The facility was darkened with only the faint glow of dying emergency lights being the only source of illumination. Force 32 switched on night-vision anyway. If they had to start shooting, emergency lights wouldn't be enough. Debris choked the hallways on the office level, hastily abandoned paperwork, clipboards, electronics. Paintings and boards knocked off from walls in the stampede to evacuate to a more secure location.

Claw marks and blood on some of the walls further in. Some scorch marks, probably from blaster fire. Shattered cubicles. No corpses, though, and that was probably the most concerning.

"Looks like a sabercat got in here," 04 observed.

"Nothing gets by you, Green," said 02. "Good catch."

"Hey. Hey, 02? Kark yourself."

They passed another office area and 03 paused to peer inside. This one was trashed beyond recognition as well. More claw marks and broken furniture, dried blood on the carpet and walls. Still no corpses. 03 shuddered and resumed walking, then chimed into the conversation. "That's probably not right. They've been showing up in packs, it was probably more like five of 'em."

02 grimmaced, fiddling with the safety on his rifle. "Guess that's as good a reason to get gone as any."

Eventually they came to a room with a malfunctioning door, sparks flying from a smashed panel as it shuddered in place, attempting over and over to shut itself. There was chunk of wall preventing it from doing so. A sign, half hanging from the wall, indicated that this was the warehouse's records area. There wasn't any blood or battle scars over here, so that was always a good sign. Hopefully the sabercats had already moved on. 04 made to prime another charge, but 01 stopped him.

"Don't bother." 01 knelt in front of the door and grabbed it from the bottom, then began to heft it up. There was a groan, then a screech as he forced the door's servomotors to act against their will. 01 strained and lifted for several minutes before enough of it was open for someone to get through. "Me and 02 are going in. You two stay here and watch the hall."

That didn't seem terribly genre savvy to 02, but taking the piss with 03 and 04 was a whole different ball game than with 01. That meaning, you could with 03 and 04. Don't mess around with 01 if you'd like to stay employed on the squad. The team sounded off their agreement, 02 ducking through and being followed by 01. The door nearly came down after 01 let go, but remained jammed in a larger open position than before on account of the strength 01 had employed to get it there.

03 waited until their footsteps had sufficiently faded before speaking. "Think they'll be gone long?"

"You ought to know better than to ask a question like that."
Senator of Vaklin, 1st Siskeeni Advisor
Pausing in the clearing he sensed them before he saw them. Quickly guards came out and watched him silently. Keeping his hands away from his weapons he offered a disarming smile.

"I'm here to help, if I can."

Quickly he was given directions to meet someone around the compound and with a silent nod of thanks he began to make his way there. As he walked, his red rimmed eyes scanned everything to make a note of it. The Order of the Sacred Lotus was not one he was familiar with, yet now that it was going to be located in a planet residing in Confederate space, it seemed wise to be more well informed.

Coming around to the location given he saw the women around what appeared to be a tree. Cautiously he approached, again walking slowly so as not to be considered a threat. Speaking low he introduced himself.

"My name is Derek Dib. I'm the viceroy of Siskeen, come to lend assistance with the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Do you know what it is that is afflicting the countryside?"

[member="Nora Lithos"] [member="Nylea Apollodor"]

Elisea Apollodor

"Good copy," Elisea replied to [member="Nora Lithos"], and looked overhead she could just barely hear the sound of reinforcements on their way but there were plenty of obstacles in the way. In the Square she moved to help the CIS run their shelling, the creatures would be kept back and when Nora returned on comms, "okay, will do. We're-" Communications were shattered as Shrikes divebombed the square, the soldiers sent to protect them weren't shy. Blaster fire ripped through them, Elisea rushed underneath one brawl she slid beneath the soldiers and the shrike to grab a beacon that had not been activated. Her hand held the case tightly as she moved to the other side of the square to set it up. Just as she set the case down and get the actual beacon up, sabercats were on the move Elisea grabbed a loose piece of gravel ready to throw it when a grenade hit the pride of cats.

Elisea then had to get out of the way of the raining body matter from the creatures. Reinforcements from Vitalii were coming in, slowly, the gunfire and sounds of things dying - both humanoid and creature alike. It felt like a terrible horror movie out of Avalonia. With terrible titles such as, "the Stampede" or "the Crowns" either way, she didn't like being part of this and wanted to get back to Sanctuary as soon as possible. That, and maybe get Monastery back to the way it was before all this started. She returned her attention to the beacon and finished the set up process, Leonasa was now online.
"I was actually just being poetic but now that you mention it..." Maple trailed as she heard [member="Kurenai Yumi"] sound like a pouting teenager. It was awesome. You run into all sorts in the Confederacy.

She dropped the humor as she neared the proximity of Leonasa, as alert for the bat things as Kurenai as she went prone on the grass, hearing gun fire as she neared the city proximity. Skip. She was aboard the Ravager, facing Darth Nihilus. Skip. False. Back to Leonasa. She was two hundred meters from the square.

She silently signalled Kurenai in the darkness to observe the square ahead of them, watching as Sabercats and shrikes swarmed the soldiers defending the beacon point. She fired at as many as she could to help thin it when a grenade went off in the square, blowing up the swarm of large cats about to overwhelm the defenders. But she spotted yet more cats swarming in to the south. But that wasn't what disturbed her.

They were taking flanking manuevers, using those cats already dead or rushing ahead to mask their approach. Sneaking up through blind spots in the gunfire. Maple opened fire on one of the cats just as it pounced, hitting it twice in the eye before it could ensnare a soldier. She fired at another about to pounce from the south on a soldier to busy dealing with three in front of them.

A mass of cats, pouncing and ripping into two guards, followed by shrikes. She fired non-stop into the mass of animals. She was downing some of them, but there were so many she was close to being overwhelmed, and she was tracking as many as she could, reaching out to Force with a strain, enhancing her reflexes, Doashim laughing within as she destroyed the creatures. She didn't like hurting animals, but these were feral and dangerous. She was simply stopping them from hurting others. It was ironically Jedi Like. Plus, free ship named after a murderous super hot Dark Jedi Assassin! It was win win! The people kept from being snack food, and she got a ship with LASERS!


The original commando droid with a hat

Post: 3
Allies: [member="Srina Talon"] , [member="Scherezade deWinter"]

Before BX could see what happens if the saber cat that was watching the battle dies he heard a rather deafening scream that was coming from behind the transport. BX-25233 presumed it was a civilian or group of civilians having trouble with one of the stupid bats and luckily for the civilians it looked like the Srina had the bunker handled so BX-25233 could attempt to save them. BX-25233 started running to the location when his shard decided to tell him something

"Droid BX-25233 I sense a powerful force signature in that direction. A burst of great power happened at the same time of the scream. It could be possible we will be finding one of the force users who live on this planet in trouble or worse one of the CIS' force users who can not be lost"

BX-25233 decided to pick up his pace as he would rather not deal with the paper work that comes with finding a dead CIS force user. As BX-25233 got closer he saw a figure slowly moving towards him. The shard confirmed that was the being that presumably made the scream so BX-25233 ran up to her to see she was bleeding out.

"Hello I am unit BX-25233 and I see you are in need of assistance"

BX-25233 would then offer his hand to carry Pebbles or atleast assist her at walking since he had no knowledge on fixing up wounds nor how to properly help a hurt organic as the superior droid body was not so fragile compared to an organic. BX-25233 decided to comms in his find to try and make sure this person would not die on him.

"Dreadqueen Srina Talon this is Unit Captain BX-25233, I have found a servely wounded person who resembles one of the CIS' Mandragora that was assigned to the failed Tatooine invasion, She requires the organic version lf Duct Tape"
Location: Wherevever [member="BX-25233"] takes me
Post: 5
Objective: Not Die[tm]

The closer she was getting to the bunker, leaving a trail of blood behind her, the more worry began to creep over her. Bats. The bunker was surrounded by them, and she was getting nearer to them as a result. Was anyone in the bunker at all? Would there be help if she took a few more steps and had the bats try to make dinner out of her?

She groaned, holding her arm to her stomach, the blood sticky and warm. Her vision was also getting blurry, so she didn't see the approaching droid until he was close to her.

Scherezade breathed a sigh of relief.

"Hey, I know you," she said with a weak smile, her free arm taking his. A robotic arm was still a comfort to hold when it was that or nothing, "you answered the stupid questions I had when we were on Tatooine. I'm glad you didn't get fried up in that sandcrawler."

She'd heard him say something about duct tape. But give her knowledge of healing, she just shrugged it off, assuming the droid knew better than her what was needed.

"I killed a saber cat," she said with a big yet tired grin, "his corpse is in perfect condition. If we can send someone to fetch it before the bats get to it I'll be able to make a fur jacket. Or coat. Or something like that. Someone taught me how to skin an animal."

With every word, she leaned on the droid more and more, her head feeling fuzzy and spinny.

Location: At the very secret lab
Post: 4
Team Tag: [member="Rex Taff"] [member="Daxton Bane"]


Rex spoke and Katrine nodded to his statement. Someone had caused this. He accessed the terminal, commenting as he'd examined. There were journal entries inside and he could undo some of the damage though he needed help reading it, making the Witch move over to the terminal and began reading through the data, though she kept reading from end to the beginning, making her better understand what was now and what came before.

She heard Daxton talk as she continued, he too hoped to reverse the damage. "I don't think it can be reversed," she commented on she read. "Least not with the ones that are out there. Whoever did this kept trying to find a reverse chemical to be able to go back and forth... I think by himself but it never worked." She continued reading, a few chemical calculations coming through the screen though she couldn't read those. "We don't have time to reverse this now. Maybe later but not now, not on the group that already exists," Katrine continued, reading into the results the creator had noted.

Moving back to the end of the entries, she paused at the very last one, blinking twice."We destroy this right now," the Witch started, a furry rising in her voice that wasn't her own, voice amplified by the spirits who understood what she'd read. "The creator isn't content with all his or her findings. They've marked several planets in the vicinity they plan on continuing the work. Ryloth is one of them. And when I find him, I will end him." She declared, completely furious. There was a pointed look to Daxton and then to Rex. She had no intention of letting this continue and the spirits would inflict eternal torture on the creator once they had him in their grasp for even thinking of touching their planet.

Something behind her had made a bing. Katrine turned to look at it, and a small monitor to the side of the main terminal. The blonde had to take another look at it before she figured out the dots on it were moving. "He's tracking them," It suddenly dawned on her as another bing sounded itself, indicating proximity of one of them. "We can find all of them and destroy them. Though I think one of them is coming our way right now."
In vicinity: [member="Nora Lithos"] | [member="Elisea Korrado"] | [member="Derek Dib"]
Post 5

Being back in the courtyard was a strange thing. The last time Nylea was here Nora had been lying on the floor with a lightsaber wound adorning her gut, a scene she walked in on after Hazel's corrupted being simply passed her by without a trace of worry or empathy. Even the echani's sorrow-filled words did not seem to get through to her while she went to board her transport away from Monastery. The memories caught her off-guard for a moment, but when she saw Nora's personal struggle she pushed them to the side and walked over to her.

"Are you okay? You look all out of sorts," Nylea asked in a gentle tone while laying a hand on the arkanian's shoulder from behind her while her friend traced the damage done to the tree with her fingers. "If this is too much for you, maybe you need some time before facing it. Do not push yourself, okay?" The tree could wait for a short moment for Nora to collect herself.

The woman's attention was then drawn towards a strange man approaching the two and as he did she greeted him with a nod. "It is a pleasure to meet you, viceroy Dib. Welcome to Sanctuary, home of the Order of the Sacred Lotus." With a smile Nylea took a few steps forward and extended her hand to shake, making sure to give him a warm welcome like any visitor would get. "My name is Nylea Apollodor." A slight moment of silence was held to allow Nora to introduce herself as well before continuing.

"As for what has been plagueing the creatures of Monastery, we have but a theory at the moment." The echani turned her head towards the tree for a moment, directing the attention to it. "This Cha'ala tree was damaged in an incident not too long ago. Its deep connection to the Force makes it a beacon of the Light side, but that connection seems to be disrupted, upsetting the balance. We believe this to be the reason the beasts have become so aggressive."

It was a theory that was about to be put to the test. "Perhaps that if the tree is restored, it will in turn restore the balance," Nylea noted as she went to stand before the place where the lightsaber had struck and sat down in a meditative position. "I will need my complete focus for this. I am not sure if this works, but I will try." Bringing her hands up to the wound she closed her eyes, reaching out to the Force and letting it flow through her. Acting as a conduit she called upon its power to heal, causing her hands to start glowing.

"The Ch'ala tree is in pain. It is like its very being is disrupted. Allow me to be the link to the Force, so it may restore you."
Kurenai Yumi

Objective: Either 3 or 4
Allies: close [member="Maple Harte"] out of
Location: Cessna Streets --> Village of Leonasa
Post: 5

"Okay I get it, great looking body, all that stuff, though for now stop with the tease for now", she really needed to get more practice in on social behavior stuff, seem as of late everyone was looking at her subtly shaped curves and almost perfect facial features. Getting closer to the town the small sounds of animal noises entered her ears, Kurenai entering a crouched position upon getting closer, before going prone, crawling through the dame long grass along with the force sensitive bounty hunter.

The ambience of battle sounded in the distance, very close, so close the woman could smell the bold of mam and beast as it rode across the slight breeze. Cresting the small embankment her eyes bore witness to a very futile last stand by some guardsman, Maple wasting no time charging down the hill, guns blazing, "well she has spank, that much if for sure". Following suit Kurenai calmly walked down the small slop, wielding the LMG in one hand, letting lose a no stop barrage onto the incoming sabre cats, the shear amount of blaster bolts flying not taking much need to aim.

It still wasn't enough though, as two of best turned their attention to the pale woman, performing a flanking manoeuvre just as they had tried with the guards, "they are smarter than usual, still it will not save them". As soon one began to pounce Kurenai quickly dropped her weapon, rushing towards the attacking beast, drawing out her Nagamaki, rolling under the creature at the apex of its leap, thrusting the finely sharpened blade into its, belly, but it would not stop there.

Grasping the blade, she forces the cat to come down head first, its neck cracking onto the dirt floor, a sickening crunch being heard, Kurenai then putting a large force push on the weapons shaft, forcing it all the way through the cat’s thick hide, exiting its back at high speed, penetrating the seconds cat’s skull with ease.What was the most impressive about this feat was Kurenai undertook it in no more than less than 5 seconds, nether cat having time to react to the attack, bot falling dead, as once again the Dark Jedi called on the force for both killing items to return, focusing back on the main battle.
Objective 4
Location: The Wilderness
Team tag: [member="Rex Taff"] [member="Kurenai Yumi"] [member="Maple Harte"] [member="Katrine Van-Derveld"]

There was no questioning Katrine’s tone nor the look on her face, in one swift motion Daxton ignited his red saber and thust it cleanly into the screen before him, frying the memory core and turning into slag. Showing no concern for the loss of future research, he simply declared, “My blades are at your service, we will make him pay seven thousandfold what he has done.”

On one hand, Daxton could have cared less what the creator planned for this backworld colony, sure it was rich in resoirces but would require a lengthy and cosly investment before it turned a profit. Ryloth, on the other hand, was like a second home to him after Dxun. No one gets to mess with his home and live with their skin and sanity intact.

Yanking put the blade, he turned to the direction of the incoming creature and remarked, “Good timing. I feel a need to hurt something, would you both care to join me?”
Objective: My own thing
Location: Redacted
Post: 1

I could feel the presence that I searched through. I needed to find this relic. Almost feeling it in my hands as I walked onward. The tunnel system was dark and damp. Showing no form of life other than the creatures that seemed to infest this planet. They had found a home here, and I was interrupting them. Too bad.

My violet blade cleaved through a door lock that had been closed to me. Kicking the doors open to make sure that anything behind it would be pushed back, I found resistance. The door didn't move. I then pushed on it. Feeling some give, but was then shoved back into place. Something was preventing the door from moving onward. I took a few steps back. Focusing my energy within my left hand. This ball of violent energy slowly began to grow bigger to the size of a where I had to use both hands to contain it. Holding it to my side for just a moment, I then released it through the door. Blasting a hole through it, as well as opening the door from the concussive force. Behind it was laying a man....

A massive hole through his chest now, but still a man. Looking up, I saw that there were others inside as well. All bowing down to a relic. A stature more so. A being fat and ripe with his size, holding a holocron in one, and an almost clear crystal in the other. I smiled very lightly as I walked forward. However, everyone in the room stood up. All turning around to face me. Then as one, they spoke.

"You shall not take another step."
A Flurry of Dancing Flames.

There was no spark in the Galaxy that could light this fire. Nor air that could sustain it. Yet, the emerald inferno burned, taking shape upon the young Echani's shoulder. At yet, while all instinct in the world would say to yell - to scream - to bat away the flames, she would feel no agony. She would feel no heat. All she would know is that, where once her Master was far, now he felt near.

Seconds rolled by. In the bat of an eyelid, onyx feathers stretched amidst the flames. The emerald waned - and in its wake stood a Raven.

Darth Metus' sulfuric eyes looked up at the woman.

I am too far to reach you swiftly, this will have to do. My strength is yours.

[member="Srina Talon"]​
Objective: My own thing
Location: Redacted
Post: 1

I stood there completely surprised. The beings who stood in here were all worshiping some kind of stone. Some crystal. I looked at them confused. Unsure what to do. I slowly grabbed my lightsaber. Where by the closest of them raised their hands prepared to fight me. Gently, and slowly I held out the lightsaber towards them. I stayed silent even as the voice in my head began to speak.

"What are you doing?"

Silent were my lips. Sealed for fear of angering these people. One child made its way through the crowd. Walking closer and closer to me. Extending his hand, I placed the lightsaber in his small grasp. Even if he attempted to use it on me, I would still be able to easily fight him back. However, the young boy simply hooked it upon the sash around his midsection. Reaching out for my hand once more, I grabbed it gingerly with my left hand. Afraid of breaking him. The whole congregation of people spoke, except for the child.

"You have offered us a suitable gift."

As the child led me through the center of all of these people, I wanted to ask some questions.

"What are you worshiping, and why?"
"We worship the Architects."
"Alright, why?"
"They gifted us the ability to create a weapon such as one you have. However, ours is broken."
"You worship their lightsabers, know how to functions, but can't fix it?"
"Correct Force Hound."
"I am not a Force Hound."
"Then explain the armor that you wear."
"It was armor that I found and reforged."
"Oh our dear Xesh. Still as confused about us as ever."

Xesh. The Aurebesh symbol within the alphabet. I did have the tattoos that coresponded with that letter upon me. Why was this the name they gave me though? Watching and listening, I was brought before the large statue. Underneath it was a holodevice. Projecting the videos of a man dress like myself who used a purple lightsaber to fight others who wielded swords. I then understood. They believed me to be someone else. Nodding my head, I looked to the child.

"It's been a long time since I have been called as such. What is it that you desire of me?"
"Take the crystal, and use it to reforge your saber. We shall replace it with your current one."

The child's off hand reached out. Slowly and easily pulling the crystal down to his own hand. He then handed it to me. Gingerly presenting it to me. I let go of his hand to take it gently. Careful not to break it. The child then walked over to the projector, and handed me a lightsaber hilt that was quite unique. Intending for me to take it as well. I did so.

"You have still much to find. Go Xesh. Find the force within the Galaxy."
"As you wish."

Turning around, I started to walk out. However, everyone came closer to me. Gently touching my armor as I walked past them. I extended my hands for them to grab me and touch their "idol" as it were. Upon reaching the door once more, I saw the dead body of the man who I had hit with the force power. Turning around, I was about to speak. Lifting my hand as though I were back in school, however, I was interrupted.

"We will take care of the fallen. It is not your fault for the lack of knowledge to our whereabouts."
"Thank you."

Bowing my head to them, they then bowed in return. Backing up through the door, I then closed it with a wave of my hand. Making sure to keep it there to prevent them from running after me if they found out I wasn't this Xesh.

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