[member="Abaigeal E'ron"]
Somehow Nar Shaddaa was the place that got all the fame and street cred. Despite the fact that it was the moon and Nal Hutta the planet. Under the sway of the Hutts, no matter who held power, be it the Cartel, the Black Suns, Republic or whoever else now. Rulers came and went, Nal Hutta stayed the same. So did the all-pervasive stench of decay, greed and desperate living.
It was probably no surprise that Elpsis had once again found her way to this planet. After what had happened on Rhen Var, after her encounter with the woman who turned out to be her mother - her real birth mother, not the one who had adopted her and then given her up to the Jedi because she could not cope - she needed to clear her head. It did not mean anything. The woman had given her up right after birth, the only thing they shared were blood ties, but they were not family. She was back where she felt at home.
Dirty water splashed as her combat boots hit a puddle, though she did not care to notice, instead taking a deep drag from her cigarette, savouring it. Well, there was also the dank and offensive smell that invaded her nostrils, for the air was most foul and rank, but then Nal Hutta strongly rebelled against any attempt to clean it up. Both morally and environmentally. She passed the food carts as she walked by, alert eyes taking in the noudle soup. Hot food was something she could use right now. Come to think of it, a drink sounded good as well but she knew better than get plastered here. Not when at any moment someone could stab a knife in her back. Or suddenly grab her and haul her off to the slave market. Hence why there just happened to be heavy blaster pistols holstered on both her hips and a knife in her boot. Her lightsabre was concealed within the seam of her pants. Bit of an awkward place to reach when in the middle of a fight, but in territory like this it was best not to announce you were a Forcer. Such knowledge courted attention, which could easily turn into unwanted one. Besides, she was little good at using the overglorified glowstick anyway.
With a swagger full of attitude and a 'don't feth with me look' written across her features she made her way, managing to get some meat balls and noodles from an attendant who seemed possessed of the opinion that customer service was a dirty word. Yes, even more dirty than Nal Hutta was because apparently no one here had heard of proper drains! Picking up the bowl she walked on, though she kept one had close to her gun if need be. The place was simply teeming with life. Lost souls down on their luck, the poor and impoverished, the usual coteries of arrogant thugs and slavers, a scantily clad prostitute leading a customer away into a dark alleyway to ply her trade. So many people, so many emotions...all being sucked in by her.
See, one of mummy's gifts to her had been natural empathy. If Elpsis had received proper training, perhaps she would have been to control it a bit better now. However, unfortunately this had not happened and her time with the Jedi had been cut short. This meant that her defences were rather weak when she got hit by the emotional onslaught. One could compare it to a massive tidal wave sweeping aside a dam and flooding across the land. She grit her teeth as she felt the painful throbbing that heralded the start of a big, painful headache. But...she knew where she was, she could not show weakness, not even for a moment. So she tried to steady herself as she walked, seeking to regain control.