Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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There's a Fly in my Soup! [Elpsis]

[SIZE=48pt]Nal Hutta[/SIZE]​
Her worn boots hit the puddle sending the dirty water splashing on her black trousers, however Abaigeal paid little attention to the mess and continued to walk the street to the food cart. She could smell the noddle soup streets away, her senses and stomach demanding food and she only had credits enough for a bowl.

The evening rain had finally stopped, but no refreshing smell of the water filled the city but rather it was dank and offensive to the nose. Most on this planet is offensive so the water is no different. The cart attendant served his food orders with a air of distaste for his clientele, and slapped the bowl down in front of Abaigeal before moving away to the end of the cart. She simply picked up the bowl and moved away to an old crate to sit to eat. Regardless of the lack of customer service the soup was hot and good, which help to give her some needed warmth. For the moment her focus kept to the eating, and once she had taken enough to satiate her hunger, Abaigeal looked around the street being watching.

The usual suspects walked by her taking little notice as they had their own business to occupy themselves with not caring for the plight of others, but then she cared nothing for them either. A mutual respect? No, lack of empathy more like. However, she remained and watched as she eat.

[member="Elpsis Kallikora"]​
[member="Abaigeal E'ron"]

Somehow Nar Shaddaa was the place that got all the fame and street cred. Despite the fact that it was the moon and Nal Hutta the planet. Under the sway of the Hutts, no matter who held power, be it the Cartel, the Black Suns, Republic or whoever else now. Rulers came and went, Nal Hutta stayed the same. So did the all-pervasive stench of decay, greed and desperate living.

It was probably no surprise that Elpsis had once again found her way to this planet. After what had happened on Rhen Var, after her encounter with the woman who turned out to be her mother - her real birth mother, not the one who had adopted her and then given her up to the Jedi because she could not cope - she needed to clear her head. It did not mean anything. The woman had given her up right after birth, the only thing they shared were blood ties, but they were not family. She was back where she felt at home.

Dirty water splashed as her combat boots hit a puddle, though she did not care to notice, instead taking a deep drag from her cigarette, savouring it. Well, there was also the dank and offensive smell that invaded her nostrils, for the air was most foul and rank, but then Nal Hutta strongly rebelled against any attempt to clean it up. Both morally and environmentally. She passed the food carts as she walked by, alert eyes taking in the noudle soup. Hot food was something she could use right now. Come to think of it, a drink sounded good as well but she knew better than get plastered here. Not when at any moment someone could stab a knife in her back. Or suddenly grab her and haul her off to the slave market. Hence why there just happened to be heavy blaster pistols holstered on both her hips and a knife in her boot. Her lightsabre was concealed within the seam of her pants. Bit of an awkward place to reach when in the middle of a fight, but in territory like this it was best not to announce you were a Forcer. Such knowledge courted attention, which could easily turn into unwanted one. Besides, she was little good at using the overglorified glowstick anyway.

With a swagger full of attitude and a 'don't feth with me look' written across her features she made her way, managing to get some meat balls and noodles from an attendant who seemed possessed of the opinion that customer service was a dirty word. Yes, even more dirty than Nal Hutta was because apparently no one here had heard of proper drains! Picking up the bowl she walked on, though she kept one had close to her gun if need be. The place was simply teeming with life. Lost souls down on their luck, the poor and impoverished, the usual coteries of arrogant thugs and slavers, a scantily clad prostitute leading a customer away into a dark alleyway to ply her trade. So many people, so many emotions...all being sucked in by her.

See, one of mummy's gifts to her had been natural empathy. If Elpsis had received proper training, perhaps she would have been to control it a bit better now. However, unfortunately this had not happened and her time with the Jedi had been cut short. This meant that her defences were rather weak when she got hit by the emotional onslaught. One could compare it to a massive tidal wave sweeping aside a dam and flooding across the land. She grit her teeth as she felt the painful throbbing that heralded the start of a big, painful headache. But...she knew where she was, she could not show weakness, not even for a moment. So she tried to steady herself as she walked, seeking to regain control.
[SIZE=12pt]She spat into the bowl of soup what appeared to be bug, not part of the original ingredients and she scowled at the cart’s cook. It was then she noticed a girl ordering, and Abaigeal had half a mind to impart advice that the food is substandard. Which she then supposed should not have surprised her really. Instead she pulled herself of the crate and threw the bowl away intending to try and find lodgings for the night or a bar, she did not care which came first. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]But the girl reeked of the force, her signature not indicating any alliance of any note, same for Abaigeal in truth. However, she continued to watch her, contemplating to go bum a cig off her. She pulled her jacket around her body, the night hold a chill which seemed to seep into ones bones uninvited, and she felt the hard hilt of her saber against her ribs as she did so, which felt comforting. Abaigeal walks the streets of Nal Hutta without added weapons, simply because she does not possess any, besides her saber training is enough to get out of a tricky situation. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]However, she sudden sensed the girl’s pain. One she sort of recognised, headaches. After her kidnapping and subjected to torture and mind control by Kaine, she too had suffered severely with them as he held control over her. But now, well she has them no longer, but that came at a great cost. Abaigeal pushed the thoughts and images of her mother back into the deep recesses of her mind. Facing the fact that she is to blame for her mother’s death is something she cannot cope with at all well. If only.. lots of if only[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“You got a spare smoke?”,[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] she asked coming alongside the girl. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt][member="Elpsis Kallikora"][/SIZE]​
[member="Abaigeal E'ron"]

Something shook her out of her musings. Someone was talking to her. Instantly Elpsis tensed, clearly believing that this might be the prelude to an attack. Paranoid perhaps, but she had not exactly been in a sane state of mind. Her hand had been unconsciously moving to her blaster before the girl's words finally registered with her and she composed herself.

"Yeah, sure," she spoke. Perhaps Abaigeal had helped focus her mind a bit. Or maybe the Force decided to stop being a queen for a change because the annoying voices seemed a bit quieter. All these bloody people, puking and bleating out their feelings at her. The girl who had suddenly appeared at her side reeked of the Force. Probably not much more trained than Elpsis, but then the redhead was not an expert. As Elpsis reached into the pocket of her worn-in black leather jacket, she tried to get a reading on her. Trying to use her empathy when there was such a big mass of people was a bit risky, but worth a try. Needless to say Elpsis would not suddenly receive magical insight into Abaigeal or the experiences she had recently went through.

But te girl seemed...lost. Perhaps much like she was, though Elpsis would never admit to that. The redhead could not trace it, but there seemed to be a void inside her, something that hinted at deep loss, raw pain that had not been healed by time. Force signature did not indicate any alllegiance of note. "You new here? Got that out of town look about you," she spoke as she passed over a cigarette to Abaigeal. She had a lighter in her other hand in case the girl didn't have one with her.
Taking the lighter and cigarette with a smile, Abaigeal lit up and inhaled with a long draw in breath. A visible look of contentment on her face for a brief moment as she exhaled the smoke. Handing back the lighter, "Yeah, not from here, thank the force. Just .. traveling through", which is true and maybe stay for a while if she found some work to earn some credits to buy a pack of smokes.

Abaigeal stood looking around the area of the thoroughfare, "You kinda have the same look", finally turning back to the girl. "Thanks for the smoke".

She had had to grow up fast, in more ways than one. Her body due to her blood mix and the pain of the torture table, had seen to a rapid growth. From teenager to woman right there on that cold slab, the pain of the body manipulating under the desire of the Sith blood more than she could cope with, but it is ironic how such events can turn to be a benefit at times. Abaigeal now possess a high tolerance to pain. Mental pain however, she is entirely vulnerable.

Now out on her own, she has become more street savvy .. well to a point. However the two girls had caught the attention of a small group of thugs, three men and woman stood talking on the corner on the street. The woman would appear to be the boss, issuing orders or instructions to the men, who now fanned out and approached the area in which Abaigeal and Elpsis are talking. The woman had disappeared around the corner, and waited in a transport for her thugs to bring in the prizes, she had supposed the two young girl would make a nice little gift for the Hutts, and maybe the Hutts would ease off her back for a while, appeased by their new toys.

[member="Elpsis Kallikora"]​
[member="Abaigeal E'ron"]

"Ain't a place to live in. Works if you want to dive down and disappear for a while. Or just need some easy creds," Elpsis said with feigned nonchalance. Her eyes studied the girl, trying to get a reading on her. She could not quite place it, but there was something about her that hinted at her being...not so dissimilar from her.

Elpsis was not normally the type to pry or even to involve herself in another's business, but she found herself wandering what had swept the girl up and brought her here. Not all scars are visible to the naked eye, but the girl clearly bore them. Then again, Elpsis knew quite a bit about scars these days. Both physical and mental. What did not kill you made you stronger. Or so they say. For her part she wondered whether whoever had coined that line had ever experienced real pain.

"Much as I'd like to chat, these streets ain't the place. You wanna...," she would have suggested going to a bar when suddenly, she felt a prickling and her senses flared up. There were times when her 'gifts' were a total pain in the arse, like when she could not walk through a fething crowd without getting a blasted headache from hell. Well, she did feel a throbbing in her head, but for a change it seemed actually useful. Anyhow, sometimes the Force deigned to give her a forewarning when someone was about to do something nasty to her. As it turned out, Elpsis had not yet seen the two men approachign them, but she felt an unmistakeable sense that danger was approaching.

A tiny interval. All that was needed. "Get down," and so she grabbed Abaigeal - oh, right, she did not know the girl's name but her writer does! - by the shoulder and roughly pulled her down into cover, which happened to be some trash cans. Just a moment before a hail of stun bolts swept towards them. Standard Nal Hutta welcoming to make you feel loved!
[SIZE=12pt]“I am here for the credits”,[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] she offered as answer. Abaigeal had all but finished the smoke and threw the butt on the ground before twisting her booted foot to put it out. Her last lung full of the smoke issued from her mouth, and she felt better for it. She smiled in appreciation to the girl. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“I agree, we should chat .. I felt it too!”,[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] before ending the sentence however, Abaigeal was face down in the grimy street behind some trash containers. It smelt bloody awful. She liked the idea to continue the chat but now they had more to contend with then grime and bad soup. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]The stun bolts rattled the cans, sending one of the flying off along the street, this cover would not last long. The reason for the sudden attack is of little importance considering this sort of thing happens with regularity on Nal Hutta, the only thing they needed to concern themselves with was to get out of there. “Know how to use that blaster of yours?”, she said rolling over and looking around the cans. Abaigeal’s eyes looked around the street to find something that she could use for distraction. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]She found by looking up, an old series of scaffolding and a ledge on which sat a container. As the thugs continued toward them, bolts still raining around them, Abaigeal used the force to pull the container on the ledge down to fall on one of the men. It worked, and a bonus, the container contained some brown sludgy liquid putrid in smell, and it landed completely over one of the men followed by the container which marked his head knocking him out. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt][member="Elpsis Kallikora"][/SIZE]
[member="Abaigeal E'ron"]

It was, when you thought about it, just a bit rude to be interrupted like this. Just when our moderately angsty teenagers with mummy issues had decided it would be fun to visit a seedy bar and presumably have bad drinks, a band of ruffians had to interfere. Then again, one could also say that this was the standard Nal Hutta greeting to make you feel welcome.

Anyhow Elpsis had likewise hit the dirt. In this particular case the 'dirt' is to be taken quite literally because hiding behind the trash containers smelt bloody awful. In case, as their cover was being blasted away Abaigeal - while Elpsis obviously did not know her name, calling her girl all the time just sounds awkward - by dropping a container down on one of the thugs. Bashing his skull was a good way to show an uppity man who was boss! As for Elpsis, the urge to lash out with the Force was strong...very strong. She could feel the all too familiar rage build up inside her, but she suppressed it. Fact was, she hated the bloody Force and loathed being dependent on it. Of course, using precog to gain an edge in pazaak or at a casino was something different.

Instead, in the same moment as Abaigeal unleashed her telekinetic power, Elpsis had drawn her blasters, rolled out of cover and fired. Naturally she would deny that her precise aim had anything to do with enhancement via the Force. Crimson blaster bolts connected with the kneecap of the remaining thugs, then as he tumbled over struck his chest, killing him. "Let's get out of here. What's your name?" Elpsis spoke as she got up, alert for more attackers. On a place like Nal Hutta, the balance between predator and prey could shift within moments if you were not on your guard.
She felt it. The girl that would soon be known as Elpsis, connected to the force and for a moment the two girls had worked in unison, through the force their timing in the counterattack perfect and they had dispatched the thugs. However, she also felt a familiar connection to the darker side, at least allowing her sith blood to strengthen her connection to the force. Elpsis had done the same but her use of the force suppressed as if denying it. Abaigeal could understand this, this denial. After all it is her own lie she lives, even though for differing reasons. But she does not deny herself to use the force, how could she it is too intrinsic within her. Of course this made Abaigeal curious, but would never ask, after all she hated people probing her for answers to questions that are none of their business.

As the last thug hit the ground, Abaigeal wasted no time in following Elpsis in her suggestion and the two began their rapid escape from the darkened dank street for the main street. Whether they had seen the last of the woman, who had issued the orders for the girls capture, well that was to be seen. Strong doubts suggests that she would be none too happy to have her best men killed and the quarry escaped. Time was running out for the woman as the Hutts are tiring of her.

“Abaigeal”, puffing out her name on the run. “and what is yours?”, she asked as they slowed a little entering the more crowded street. “Maybe we should find cover in a crowded bar. You any idea who they were?”. Maybe Elpsis had more of a clue as to why they had been targeted. But she suspected it was simply a random, or opportunistic attempt at a grab.

Any place would do and the blue neon of the The Blue Bantha Bar blinked its welcome. Abaigeal pondered the nature of the place, coming to the conclusion that the blue had nothing to do with the colour of décor.

[member="Elpsis Kallikora"]
[member="Abaigeal E'ron"]

"Name's Elpsis! And feth if I know who they are. Random grab, I guess. Let's go," and so our dynamic duo wound up at The Blue Bantha Bar. As for the blue in the name, perhaps there was an abundance of blue Twi'leks serving in it.

There were a few ironclad rules that applied to almost any seedy bar in this Galaxy. For one, it would be mostly populated by a clientele that consisted of smugglers, gangsters and misc. riff-raff. It was terribly likely that at some point a bar fight would break out. When newcomers entered the bar, it was equally likely that at least one of the scum would try to 'welcome' them. If the newcomers were of the female gender, the aforementioned gangster would make rather lewd remarks and probably make a grab, being rather insistent on the female joining him for...non-PG-13 things. You see, despite several attempts to make the underworld more progressive by increasing the number of female crime lords, it was still very sexist.

Moreover, there would be a band of Bith musicians playing, though few paid attention to their music. If a big bar fight broke out, they would wind up as collateral damage. Likewise there would be a number of female Twi'lek dancers, who were all very scantily clad, and acrobatically gyrating on a pole. Clients were encouraged to stuff credit chits into the ladies' underwear. In some cases the dancers would also be humans or Zeltrons, but they were always female, meaning that a straight woman or a homosexual man lacked eye candy. Again, very sexist.

As for the general atmosphere, the air would be rank with smoke because, unfortunately, the management did not believe in non-smoking zones. The drinks would be cheap, though the beer might be stale unless you were really persuasive and looked tough enough for the barkeep to decide that you deserved the good stuff. Almost all of these stereotypes applied to the bar our two adventurers entered. The only difference of note were the fact that the Bith musicians were actually popular because they were playing this Galaxy's equivalent of rock music, and that rather than kneecapping a thug making a grab for her and crude remarks about her chest, Elpsis just had to kick him in the nuts.

Now that this writer is done parodying the usual way they describe bars, Elpsis found them a seat at a table located at the edge of the bar after having confidently navigated her way through, though she remained wary throughout, hand close to her gun. It gave them some privacy and a good view of the rest of the place. Including the aforementioned dancers.
[SIZE=12pt]Abaigeal just watched the man fall to the floor after Elpsis dealt with him and continued to walk toward the table. Taking a seat so she could view the entire bar, no interest what so ever in the dancers, but rather to have a prime position if anyone decided to cause trouble. She did not like surprises, at least not of that nature. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]The Blue Bantha lived up to expectations. The music loud, the air thick with grey stall smoke, a strange smell lingered and the clientele, unsavoury, normal for this planet, no surprises there. They had to wait some time, but eventually a waiter come to take their order. She would regret it she knew, but Abaigeal order the cheapest whiskey they had to offer, her credits running low and what more she had would go on fuel for her ship to get off this planet. For accommodation Abaigeal would use her ship as cramped as it was it would probably be the safest place, if it was still there. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“So.. Elpsis, what brings you to Nal Hutta?’[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt], small talk, oh she hates it and is terrible at it. And she is not expecting the truth. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt][member="Elpsis Kallikora"][/SIZE]
[member="Abaigeal E'ron"]

Elpsis briefly thought about it but then dismissed the idea of lighting another cigarette. Leaving aside the fact that she could not keep buying new packages, there was such a massive amount of smoke in the air that she was doing a good job ruining her lungs through passive smoking alone.

Right, small talk. Between two people who hated that sort of thing. Awkward City right now had two inhabitants. Now with an extra portion of angst and mummy issues. "Easy creds. Good place to be if you don't want in on Jedi-Sith drama," she said with feigned nonchalance while she not at all subtly oggled one of the dancers, who was displaying amazing feats of reach and flexibility since that sort of gyrations resulted in credits, before the waiter came back, bringing them their cheap whiskey. Ignoring the glass, which looked as dirty and stained as the table anyway, Elpsis grabbed her bottle and drank directly from it.
[SIZE=12pt]She followed suit after looking at the glasses provided for their whiskey which looked like it was coated in all sorts of nasty, she took a long mouthful from the neck of the bottle. Her eyes looked over to Elpsis as she mention Sith and Jedi drama, the last place she wanted in on as well. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]She also caught Elpsis eye wandering over one of the dancers, and as Abaigeal looked to see, she tilted her head to the side and pondered on how the dancer achieve such feats. No eye candy to be had for Abaigeal however, which was just fine with her as she would avoid even looking at this point. See Abaigeal not only had mummy issues but a good healthy dose of body image issues as most of her body is covered in scars from the hands of Kaine’s torturous hands. Curiosity got the better of her naturally.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“How do they do that?”,[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] she asked of the amazing fitness of the dancers, her head and eyes still trying to figure it out. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“The only thing that interests me now is to get some easy credits[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]”, she added. “But why would you be concerned with Sith and Jedi dramas?”, Abaigeal knew of course Elpsis is sensitive to the force, but she seems sensitive to the subject as well, which made two of them. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“Sorry I don’t mean to pry ..”,[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] she said quickly in apology as she would not like such questions. “I was thinking maybe you and I could team up and get some of these easy credits”, doing what to get them? She had no idea.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt][member="Elpsis Kallikora"][/SIZE]
[member="Abaigeal E'ron"]

"I ain't concerned with it. They're just fething concerned with me," Elpsis said in response. Well, that answer was not informative at all. The tone of her words came out more harsher and gruffer than intended, so when she took her eyes off the hot dancer and looked at Abaigeal again, she looked close to apologetic.

Well, sort of. Just a little bit. "It's ok." She seemed to be mulling over the words Abaigeal had spoken, frowning slightly, then gave her a nod. "We can. It's cool. We split creds. You can watch my back...and arse as well," she winked at her. Tact, thy name was not Elpsis Kallikora. "Look, easy creds," she added as she pointed at a group of smugglers and ruffians who were busy playing pazaak. As everyone knows, gambling is a terrible vice that has ruined thousands, if not millions of lives across time and space. Sadly prohibition never works!

"I got precog. I'll play, you watch my back," having said that Elpsis took another swig at her cheap whiskey then got up from her chair.
[SIZE=12pt]She wanted to ask her why, why the sith or Jedi are concerned with her but she did not have the chance, which is probably a good thing. Abaigeal for the time being, had avoided any enquires to her whereabouts, the Silvers having no interesting in finding her yet. That was the way she wanted it. She could face it, to face them and their accusing looks as they will know in time, if not already that the reason for their grand master’s death was her. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“Ok, I will watch your back. Just be careful”,[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] she said as she stood and moved behind the table a safe and non-intrusive distance by the bar. Taking her whiskey with her she remained there keeping watch. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt][member="Elpsis Kallikora"][/SIZE]
[member="Abaigeal E'ron"]

If Elpsis knew of Abaigeal's past and the tragedy she had just experienced, it would have undoubtedly been an interesting talk. Especially if she shared her own as well. However, if that happened in all likelihood it would take a while, for neither seemed to have enough 'influence points' with the other yet. If we want to use RPG video game mechanics to explain the situation! For her part Elpsis just flashed a devilish smile at Abaigeal. "Don't ya worry your pretty head, darlin'," she said before swaggering over to the table. This one thinks that Elpsi should stop stealing lines from B holomovies and clean up her grammar a bit.

"Hey, cutie, there's a place on my lap if you want it. I know how to treat a girl nice and proper," one of the scum, a Garhoon who for some reason was a peroxide blonde and spoke with what might be considered a Cockney accent, for no real reason really, called out to her, his fangs clearly showing as he and his comrades laughed.

"Nah, but I'd like your coat," Elpsis responded with some exaggerated bravado. It was really a nice leather coat he had there. This comment made one of the other scum, a female purple Twi'lek who sported some nice tattoos, laugh. "You got room for another player? I got creds."

"The more, the merrier. We don't just play for creds, y'know. If you ran out...we got alternatives, sweetie." The Garhoon could not be more leecherous even if he tried. As a matter of fact, his fangs still had blood on them for he had been drinking from a barmaiden. Clearly this establishment took customer service very seriously.

"Ignore the vamp and come sit down, but you better pay up if you lose," the Twi'lek said, gesturing to a Trandoshan player to reshuffle and hand out the cards, which the lizardman promptly did. Doubtless the lizard was a slaver who made a sport out of hunting Wookiees and either selling or making rugs out of them because according to the biased media that's what all of his people did. This writer is not at all perpetuating speciesist and racialist media stereotypes. Perhaps to counteract this our two heroines should stumble upon a Gamorrean mastermind who speaks High Galactic Basic and is always elegantly dressed. Even as he was shuffling through the cards Elpsis' Force senses flared up and she could perceive its strands. Threads which she followed to their source whilst feigning nonchalance and sipping her cheap whiskey. Before her eyes scenarios and possibilities were revealed as she quite literally saw the hand of cards in the future.

Anyhow Elpsis gave the gang a smile and sat down. "Just a girl out of town, but I'm sure I can handle myself. Let's have some fun," she said simply as she took her cards, quickly looking through them as she propped her boots up on the table. It was dirty anyway, so table manners were not high in her list of priorities and so the game began. Precog was not an automatic game-changer, but it gave Elpsis an edge as she could anticipate some moves her opponents would make, divine them just one moment before.
[member="Elpsis Kallikora"]

[SIZE=12pt]Abaigeal leaned on the side of the bar and watched the unsavoury gang at the table. The Garhoon would have to have been the most detestable being in the Galaxy, well the most she has witness thus far save for one, he made her skin crawl. She did not probe through the force, could have, but decided it might attract unwanted attention if there was other force users in the hideous place. So Abaigeal kept a keen eye on Elpsis’s back, from the back. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Her attention suddenly taken by the sense of something warm on her leg and the presence of a being very close to her, too close to her.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“Alone tonight are you gorgeous?”, [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]the creep asked. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Abaigeal’s head turned to look at the face of a man pressing himself against her. Without any emotion on her face until a feinted smile crossed it, her hand lowered down his chest as if she was delighted with his company, until it reached between his legs and with the power of the force summon to her hand she squeezed as hard as she could. The man’s face went white and he held his breath in pain. Abaigeal’s fingernails digging in hard until the man began to crumple over and fall to the floor blacked out. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Some of the patrons near the bar laughed at the man’s demise, however, Abaigeal noted they also inched away in the process. She gave them all a look, to challenge if they wish to try their luck with her. Her attention back on the game, Abaigeal listened to Elpsis small talk but her eyes watched the movements of all the players at the table. So far so good. [/SIZE]
[member="Abaigeal E'ron"]

Elpsis had been focused on her card game and as such only noticed what was going on with Abaigeal by the time the Black Orchid had already dispatched the creep. Needless to say Elpsis approved! Some patrons were cheering, others seemed wary, but the redhead paid them no mind. Instead she gave Abaigeal a cheesy thumbs-up.

"She's a ball-breaker. That hot chick your girlfriend?" one of the gangsters leered. Maybe he had watched too many...holovids. Or perhaps this bar simply did not attract the right sort of people. Well, since this was Nal Hutta, those were probably in extremely short supply and presumably close to extinction.

"No. And no, before you ask, you ain't gettin' a show or a two-fer. Now focus on the game," Elpsis said flatly, voice turning cold as she returned to her cards. "Unless you wanna give me your creds right now."

"Watch it, girl. Stick your tongue out one too many times and it might get cut out."

"I like her. Now both of you get back to playing," the red Twi'lek thug ordered them both, coldly, voice brokering no contradiction. Time passed or, as they say, time flies, and soon Elpsis, much to the annoyance of several ruffians, had won plenty of credits. Unfortunately, it would not be enough to have a relaxing weekend in a spa or something like that, but it should get them over the rounds.

Unfortunately, the Garhoon, who seemed eager to subvert common assumptions about friendly neighbourhood vampires, was a sore loser. "That queen cheated! I knew it. She's a fething witch like that girl over there." Elpsis' hand was going for her blaster but the vampire was simply faster, moving with almost superhuman speed as he sprang up and landed a powerful blow across her face that sent her tumbling and knocked her chair over. Even as she reeled he was upon her and landed a hard kick against her as she tried to reach for a blaster before pouncing upon her and grabbing her throat.

Darn. That hurt. And now she was choking and gasping for air. "I'll suck you dry," he declared most stereotypically as he sunk his fangs into her. The Bith musicians on the stage continued playing and the dancers were still dancing because this sort of thing was normal here. Elpsis was...pissed off, angry, afraid. Her rage found an outlet for when the vampire grabbed a hand of hers, which had been trying to reach for a knife, he suddenly cried out in pain as sheer heat surged through him, making him feel just for a moment as if he was burning from the inside. Abruptly he let go and it was the moment she needed. Balls of fire manifested in the open palms of her hand. Searing flame leapt from her hands and swept towards the vampire. It was almost point blank range and the flames of her rage engulfed him.
[member="Elpsis Kallikora"]

The force began to prickle around her body. The atmosphere around the table began to turn a little..nasty. Abaigeal pushed off the bar and stood placing her bottle of whiskey on the bar. "This better be here when I get back", she said to the keep. But she was too late, the Garhoon had leaped at Elpsis with such speed Abaigeal had no time to react to stop him.

Elpsis pinned to the floor with the creep on top of her and Abaigeal ran. As she approached, Elpsis force aura peaked and she could feel her fear and anger build instantly, and so it should! But suddenly the Garhoon screamed in pain, gritted her teeth delighting in his pain and with out stretched hand she grabbed him off Elpsis. At this point ball of fire issued from Elpsis's hand and hit the Garhoon full in the chest. Abaigeal just simply held him there in place to take the full force of it.

She could sense his life force drifting away, she waited a moment or two longer, relishing the fear in him as he realised he was about to die. "You will never force yourself on another ever again", she leaned in and whispered in his ear.


Abaigeal snapped his neck with her bare hands and a little help from the force and let his limp body fall to the floor.
[member="Abaigeal E'ron"]

Time seemed to slow. Sort of like in the Matrix, just with less random dodging and leaping around, but you get the point. In a flash Abaigeal was upon the disgusting Garhoon and had snapped his neck, his limp body falling to the ground. Playtime was over in the bar. Within the blink of an eye blasters and slugthrowers had been drawn. When you thought about it, this was how things usually went when Elpsis paid a seedy bar a visit. Given the fact that this seemed like routine, one might wonder why she frequented such establishments in the first place. The answer was very simple: She was an Elaris, ergo she was supposed to be a trouble magnet!

"Thanks," Elpsis spoke, clearly out of breath. And for a change, she actually meant it. For a change in her life she was not alone. It felt...good, though it would probably take a while for her to admit that. But there was no time for further talk since apparently her other fellow players had taken offence at her supposed cheating. The red Twi'lek gangster from earlier had her blaster out but before she could get a shot off Elpsis had engaged her and knocked the gun out of her hand. Her elbow went for the woman's kidney and crashed into her. Crack! That hurt.

As the alien reeled Elpsis did not give her a reprieve, but instead grabbed her by the lekku. As everyone knew, this was the standard area to attack a Twi'lek. Much like kicking a manling in the nuts. As it happened, Elpsis' hands were very hot due to her pyromantic antics and so mere touch would burn, especially since she had little control over her powers. As the alien cried out in pain and struggled, trying to hit her attacker, Elpsis brutally bashed her skull into the table, with enough force to make the glasses and bottles of cheap whiskey fall to the ground and shatter, spilling the alcohol all over it. Releasing the alien after giving her a kick, the Trandoshan was next as he charged her and found his movement arrested as jets of flame leapt from her hand and ignited him. His sword dropped out of his hands and the lizardman rolled across the ground, trying in vain to put out the flames that were consuming him. Beautiful, destructive flames.

Elpsis breathed in very heavily, panting, as she tried to get herself under control. So much raw emotion from across the bar was flooding her mind, almost too much for her to deal with. At least she managed to stop her hands from burning and, with that done, she quickly grabbed the credits from the table and made them disappear in her leather jacket pocket. "Anyone else? I'm taking my creds and fething leaving. And none you fethers are gonna stop me," she hissed. "Come on, Abi."

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