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Location: Landing in a clearing not far from the mountains, not far from the Donoma Templa Wearing:Minerva. Just wearing a skirt and a blouse, and the high heels are very unpractical for the mission. Items: A lightsaber clipped to her belt. Three Dathomiri healing potions. ( Gives three seconds of restoration healing. It is a minor healing potion that acts similar to bacta in strength). One portion of Dathomiri Mists. (Crates a fog twelve meter radius. Subject to shifting air patterns. Not ideal for open mountain locations, ideal for in a temple. Fog last no longer then a few minutes.) Objective: Retrieve the Orenda Tags: [member="Rapax"] , [member="Asher Mossa"] , [member="Erin Tenel"] , [member="Lady Psyona"] , Posts: 1
Rhythmic clicks of high heels descended down one of the transport ramps. The sixteen year old Dathomiri was not equipped for battle. Well appearances could be deceiving. Many of the people here did not know Minerva very well. She might be just a naive young lady.
Coming down the ramp she looked to her feet and not those gathered. Being careful with each step she really did not wish to fall over. Minerva was not as physical as most of the people gathered. Her talents just lay in different categories. This was supposed to be a team effort. If she could, she would leave the beating up of people with laser swords to other people.
Normally that was @Bundori. Was Minerva’s sister here with her today?
Location: Descending to Orcus on Nocte Aranea Wearing:Boots, Cape, Wielding:12 Czerka Knives, 5 Glitter Bullets Objective: Omg I don't know! Keep Karine alive and kill as many NPCs as possible. Tags: [member="Daxton Bane"] [member="Katrine Van-Derveld"] [member="Gerwald Lechner"] Post: 2
A wager, uh? Scherezade grinned from ear to ear as the endless possibilities ran through her head. She liked wagers. Especially when her ego decreed in advance that she would absolutely win them. It was a good ego that deserved the occasional petting.
Another person joined in on the conversation then. Scherezade remembered him from Tatooine; he'd been the one to use sunscreen to protect against the harsh rays of that terrible planet's twin suns. But she couldn't recall his name. Still, he wanted the terms and willingness to risk. She could think of several answers to that.
Katrine's warning was heard in her head next, and now the young Sithling could only giggle. Katrine knew why she told her to be safe. The problem was that staying safe was never a skill Scherezade had bothered to learn. She was an all or nothing girl, with very little middle ground, and nothing in said middle ground ever included safety. There were more than enough scars that decorated her body to show it, though they were currently entirely hidden away under her clothes.
"You guys can quibble about what the winner gets. The terms are as follows," she said. Her voice was hers; a combination of the youth most people mistook her to be, and something deeper, more primal, a simple touch of undertone of it that alerted to potential danger, "count the bodies you create. Dude with the biggest body count is the winner. Killing bosses, cult leaders, demons from hell, or anything more than one head, still counts as one. If you cheat, I kill you."
Her knives slid out of her sleeves then, one in each hand. They weren't much to look at. Simple Czerka knives. She had started with one and worked her way up to about a dozen stashed around her body. But she was very efficient with them all. Countless of heads at rolled away from bodies thanks to her ever growing skills.
"And one thing," she added, "any of you decide to turn into butthats and still one of my kills, I'm taking your kidneys. Remember - I can find your kidneys no matter what shape you decide to wear."
The last comment had been directed at Gerwald, and it came with a playful grin.
Location: Outside the Nocte Aranea
Wearing: This
Objective: Pacify the Orcani
Tags: [member="Anya Malvern"] [member="Kurenai Yumi"] [member="Daxton Bane"] [member="Scherezade deWinter"] [member="Var Talon"] [member="Katrine Van-Derveld"]
Post: Three
It seemed the wager had drawn the attention of another that Gerwald had not met yet. He shrugged. The more who played the better. When [member="Katrine Van-Derveld"] asked what the stakes should be, Gerwald shrugged again. He had not thought that far in advance.
"Loser cleans out the Rancor pits for a week?, and the winner... gets whatever they want I suppose... within reason?"
It was something they could squabble about later. The rules were the important thing, and [member="Scherezade deWinter"] had laid them out. Every kill was one point no matter how many head, size, difficulty, etc. Her threat about cheating was also a good point, but stealing someone's kill...
"If you are too slow to make the kill, you don't get the kill..." Gerwald retorted with a wink ignoring the comment about the kidneys. They both had referenced an earlier night where they had hunted. Gerwald had offered the kill to the young girl, and she had dug out the heart for him, which they had shared. He didn't doubt she could not find his kidneys regardless of the shape he took.
"No, Katrine is in her armor, so unless it shifts with her, we all do this as humans."
It was the final rule, and without waiting for the others, Gerwald ran off toward the natives. The best way to win was to get ahead and stay ahead. Two short swords were pulled from his shoulders as he ran toward the enemy. With a scream he dispatched two with one blow.
"That makes TWO," he shouted daring the others to outdo him.
Ger had run off and added two to his body count before she had the chance to move. That would not do. That would not do at all.
Scherezade's eyes narrowed into tiny slits as she launched herself forward. If anyone had anything else to say, they could say it later. She was not cleaning rancor-anything and she was not going to lose the wager.
As she ran forward, six of her knives made their way out from beneath her shirt, spreading around her like a fan, their pointy parts twisting madly in circles. She came to a full stop not too far from where she'd started, a knife in each hand as well.
There was a certain Art with a capital A to a Massacre with a capital M. And Scherezade (with a capital S, to make things consistent) was learning to master it.
Let's pretend she's moving them like this even though this gif shows swords and not knives and Scherezade is a brunette and not a redhead.
Her daggers flew around her in perfect harmony as she moved against the locals. The first one received her signature move; a stab into the neck with both knives in her hands, one on each side, and a small twist to cleanly decapitate him. Two on the right and two on the left received a dagger to the heart, flying directly out of her beautiful yet deadly knife fan.
Scherezade turned around, calling all the knives back to her. Squishy sounds were heard as the knives dislocated themselves, leaving dead people bleeding.
She grabbed one head and tossed it at [member="Gerwald Lechner"] 's direction.
Objective: Bombs Away
Location: Over the Battle
Post: Three
SN would be scratching his head if he wasn't a droid. From the sounds of things they were in real open conflict. Seeing the enemy from his cockpit through the trees and clearings. As well as on the sensors. He came over the comms. "Confederates, this is DT-1 coming to you live. Unlike the rest of ya'll using ancient weapons and such. I'm gonna show you what the old republic and the 8th century has to offer. So stand back and watch the fire works, over." He said, somewhat mocking them for not just using the, "bomb the hell out of them" strategy.
Flying in from the side he'd speed past the scene. Launching his concussion missiles and letting loose with as many laser cannons, turbo laser cannons, single, dual, quad. It didn't matter, if it could point at the ground then it was being used. All thanks to his scomp-link connecting him to the entire ship. Flying past the battle he left a trail of fire and havoc behind him. Splitting the advancing enemy force in two it seemed. All that was unfortunate to be in the path of SN, be it flora or fauna, would be chard and burnt. Even after he past, the rear laser cannons continued to fire into the wreckage. Filling the dense tropic environment with dust and smoke. When he was finally past them, what was left was agony and death. All by the hands of a cold machine.
After that display of force and destruction by his gunship SN when back onto the comms. "There you have it folks. If you like a second go around. All you need to do is ask and I'll be on them like hunter on it's prey, over." It would seem that SN enjoyed his act of carnage a little too much. To lay wast to a primitive people and feel, or more like calculate a sense of accomplishment. All that and at what cost?
Halbred met with flesh searing into a native that dared approached while the back half of her halbred spun cutting into those who attempted to attack from the opposite direction. Her weapon went up into the air as she shifted back and summoned the halbred back directing the plasma end forward and charged flipping the two Orcani into the air and as she felt the words of Srina touch her mind. Nysana turned just enough to catch the plants being tossed off, and so, in turn, the Elementalist put her hand to the ground and grinned with pleasure as vines surged forward to wrap themselves around a group of charging Orcani. 'That'll hold'em'
The song of Var's helmsplitter tore through the air and Nysana turned once more and grinned. For a moment she could forget her troubles, her halberd bore the ritual firebrands of the Echani on the staff side and they glowed with a renewed vigor as she began to run. Gaining momentum as she charged forward as the hungry weapon carved into more of the Orcani. Blood splattered against her dark uniform but she cared not, she needed this, this release was necessary and if her sister's master demanded the planet for his own then he would have it. And in that moment she heard the roar of something unfamiliar and looked over to see weapons of destruction unleashed. Fires began to erupt from where the weapons had splashed, Nysana took her halbred and pointed in its direction.
Confederate troops were starting to touch down not too far from the Talon siblings, 'I've got an idea,'Nysana thought. And as the message moved to her siblings so did she move toward the fire and the flames as they encroached. She threw her halbred into the ground with the plasma edges pointing up toward the sky, her hands outstretched as she pulled at the fire's energies. It was here that she heard a familiar voice, but could not place it. Unbeknownst to her it was her younger sister who had reached out, but Nysana had little time to focus on it and instead she beckoned the fire to her halbred. The plasma edge lit up at the touch of the fire and as the silver-haired woman took the polearm from the ground she directed the plasma edged weapon away from where she and her siblings were, but the fires proved to be too voracious for her alone. Nysana withdrew from the fires and watched it climb into a wall of flame that now threatened the lot of them.
Riding to the planet's surface aboard one of the drop pods his eyes glanced to those gathered about. Knights Obsidian. They were coming to assist the Mandragora in their eradicating of the false religion that had been an offshoot of the Mandragora and their three patrons spirits. Several of the knights gripped their harnesses as an especially vigorous bout of turbulence shook the pod. He was unaffected however. When you had an upbringing like he had, a little turbulence left one unfazed. As the ship landed and settled upon the ground the knights rushed off the ship toward their destination. Their objective given them from the Nightmother. Not to be left behind he rose and affixed his armored helm, a smaller version of a buy'ce. The face was painted into the visage of a skull.
Trotting from the pod he swiftly headed in the opposite direction of the knights. Moving through the foliage he made no sound. The light armor making neither fettering his passage nor wearying him in his movements. The transparisteel covering in his mask retracted, allowing his glowing, blue eyes to see unrestricted. The HUD deactivated with the motion.
As he slid lithely through the forest he heard the unmistakable din of battle and wondered briefly if who he sought was there. Resisting the urge to stretch out in the force he chose to instead investigate personally. Flying through the forest floor he leapt from root to trunk, climbing the trees with force imbued bounds until he landed in a massive branch and over looked the battle below. Three Echani with their light complexions engaged an army of war maddened natives intent on defending their planet from the Invaders. He would have felt a pang of sympathy for the natives if he was not aware of the bastardization that afflicted the wayward cult.
Eyes scanned the conflict as he searched for the familiar beskar'gam worn by the man he had come for. The files he had read had said he was here, but neglected to pinpoint which theater he participated in. Realizing that the one he was searching for was not present he turned on his perch to leave. Until his eyes spied her. She was young, much younger then he would have thought. Even as a tingle of fear danced along his spine he felt admiration spring within as he watched her cut into the enemy with a ferocity that would serve her well as the Empress.
Mentally he shrugged the image and persona of the Empress, [member="Srina Talon"], from his mind acknowledging that here, now, she was not the vision of indomitable power and destruction that she would become. Even still, he felt the chill of her acolades. Beside her stood who would become her Hands, the Executioner [member="Var Talon"] and the Dark Sorceress [member="Nysana Talon"]. Their reputations were well known. Var with his Helmsplitter was a mad dog, rabidly destroying the enemies of the Empress. Nysana had been known to destroy whole planets as she controlled the very elements in apocalyptic scenes of horror that wiped many a planet clean. Each of the three Talon were Death incarnate but together they shaped his galaxy in his time.
But they were not those people. At least not yet. His hand gripped his beskad that still rested in it's sheath. Eyes turned away from the vision of the triad of power to watch the rain of fire fall from the sky to engulf the surrounding. Nysana raised her hands as she shaped the devastation causing his lips to press together at the image that accosted his mind. Fire and lightning and blood. Demigods of flesh that releashed havoc upon his world. But that was his past, the future of the present.
As the pure rage of the power of the flame grew and nearly overwhelmed as it ate into the attacking natives he stretched out his left hand, summoning the force. The temptation to allow the destructive power to wash over the future Triad was compelling, however he chose to lend his strength to the flame, not to attempt their death but to protect them. Against his better judgement ingrained in his youth he sent forth a wave of telekinetic force to attempt the push the fire backwards onto the enemy, the taxation of the effort nearly overwhelming the man as he sought to keep the Talons from harm. Yet his strength waned despite helping.
Location: Exiting Drop Pod - Headed Toward Objective Fighting Beside: [member="Var Talon"] and [member="Nysana Talon"] Quote: "The most dangerous person is the one who quietly listens, thinks, and observes. When they make their move. Run."
Were they not embroiled in the thick of it Srina would have stopped at the sight of Var using Force abilities, that last she had checked, he had not known. For a brief moment, just a glimmer, she imagined him not as her brother but something else. Something familiar. The sense of knowing was stolen from her when an Orcani rushed at her, spear raised, and she stepped to the side to avoid being skewered. She hadn’t donned the Scarlet Vow as of yet, and until she needed it, she didn’t intend to. It only lasted two hours. At the rate these primitives were dying—they would only need one.
Her movements were as the wind, flowing and endless, from one form into the next. She watched Nysana turn the tree roots that had attacked her back on their witch-puppeteers and satisfaction rolled through her. Even after all this time, with or without direction, the Talon siblings worked as an eternal unit. They were bound by blood, certainly, but a lifetime of learning had brought them to a point where fierce destruction was possible. More than that, it was natural. As easy as drawing breath.
Some distance away she could feel the energy of [member="Scherezade deWinter"] at work, though through the throngs of Orcani, she could not see her, nor [member="Gerwald Lechner"]. She had every faith that the young one would live up to her propensity for violence, however, she also hoped that she was learning not to make such reckless choices. Srina did not look forward to utilizing Dark Transfer again so soon to keep her intestines where they belonged.
[member="Anya Malvern"] spoke something to her brother, however, the distance and sudden announcement that heralded an incoming air strike by [member="SN-1411"] kept her from overhearing. Silver eyes flickered momentarily overhead, hoping, that he the droid wasn’t feeling snarky or that his programming wasn’t faulty because he was coming dangerously close to friendly fire. He dropped a veritable hellstorm on the Orcani and the young Echani raised a telekinetic shield before her to block the incoming heat wave.
It was far enough into the enemy forces that it rend them asunder, but close enough, that any member of the Confederacy would be able to see it. Nysana immediately took it into her own hands to try and harness the resulting flame, however, it seemed to be fighting her. Nature had a will of its own and the fire seemed to swell immensely as it came across dry brush and dead trees.
A little voice whispered in the back of her mind. Far away—but so very familiar. [member="Cyprine Talon"]. She flinched when a lucky arrow sliced through the pallid skin of her arm, pale red blood flowing, and unfeeling eyes turned back to her enemies. The slaughter began anew despite the momentary distraction. She was concerned that yet another one of her siblings was so close by, close enough to hear through the Force, when it shouldn’t have been possible. ‘Cyprine…We are here. If you can hear me, ninmel, plot a course for Ryloth. I will let them know of your arrival. You will be safe. We will be there soon.’
Prin. Srina had not seen the endlessly loyal Talon in as long as it had been since she had seen Nysana. Hopefully, the little one would heed her words. The Sith Apprentice could not be certain. She had a mind of her own, just like Var, just like Nysana, just like any of them. Even still. Just this once, she wished her sweet, beautiful Prin, would listen.
A new presence made itself known to her. A man that she had never met before, helping Nysana tame the flame, guiding it away from them. As much as she wanted to know who this interloper [[member="Tobias Dib"]] was, she didn’t have time to dwell, and instead began to lend her strength to the Force users trying to turn the aftermath of the airstrike back on their enemies. Ash fell like snow as the first burned. As the Orcani burned.
She focused while she fought, teeth grinding together, but it still didn’t seem to be enough. The flame pressed on. Not for the first time, she broke into the emergency kit that [member="Darth Metus"] had fashioned for her in the form of a ring. It was a peridot stone on a gilded silver band. It looked like a trinket that any lady might wear, merely for decoration, at best.
It couldn’t have been further from the truth.
Srina drew power from the stone, and as she pulled it free, the stone went dark and the yellow in her eyes burned fever bright. Her mind brushed against those trying to manipulate the flame and her voice would carry through them with a sense of finality. ‘Try again. Together.’
Once their energies pooled, and the Force took hold, the flame would bend to their will. A roaring fire would run through the trees, turn on the Orcani, and start cooking them alive in an inferno.
"I don't like the sound of that," Marilyn protested as she caught up to the man she was charged with attending. "There's a proper channel through which we need to act, or-" She stopped when he held up a hand and froze when she realized that it was stripped bare, devoid of flesh or sinew. Chalk white bone willed her to silence as the man she mistook for strange suddenly became terrifying. "What... what happened to your...?"
Xenro half turned toward the woman and put a skeletal digit to his lips, shushing her gently. "Everything is going in accordance with the plan," he explained. "You have no cause for alarm, I promise you."
"That's hardly the issue," she protested. "I demand to know just what is going on here. I am an envoy of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, and I will be treated with the respect my position commands." She folded her hands neatly and stood in defiance of the imposing Sith.
He held out his hand. "Take this," he told her. In his palm, a small violet capsule rested. She looked up at him doubtfully. "Take it now, or you will not need to worry about respect or your position for very much longer."
Marilyn paled as the words stung her. "What have you done?" she asked. "What the hell is this? Does Metus know what-"
His lips curled into a sinister smile. "Why," Xenro whispered as her hand trembled. He placed the capsule in her palm as her initial protests died away. Tears threatened to spill from the corners of her eyes as he bore down on her with the full weight of his Force Presence. It was a parlor trick, but it worked on the feeble minded well enough. She took the medicine without any further protest. "Who do you think sent me, girl?"
"No," she murmured in disbelief.
Her eyes shifted from him as she realized something was amiss. The bustle of commerce around them only moments before had stilled. Vendors and shoppers alike stood, pale faced and shuddering, and Marilyn smelled something akin to rotten eggs waft across her nostrils. "What in the Force...?"
"Sulfur Dioxide," he explained. "Naturally occurring after volcanic activity, or as a byproduct of burning fossil fuels. Highly toxic to breathe, of course." It became more potent as they continued forward, and Marilyn watched as people choked on the air they were desperately trying to gasp for. "But a fairly simple compound to reproduce in a laboratory, as well."
"You're just going to watch them die?" she asked in disbelief.
"I should think so," he replied, "I was tasked with killing them."
"Why am I not choking?" she asked suddenly, still holding her nose from the putrid stench.
"The antigen you just took renders you immune to the effects," Xenro drawled. "A pity, but Metus was adamant you remain alive to witness the entire field test and report at length."
Her jaw fell agape.
"Relax," he crooned, "this is just a sidebar to the main event."
Her head swiveled toward him and her eyes pleaded with him to tell her that he was joking. Xenro closed his eyes, tilted his head back, and let out a long sigh. "After all," he added, "it would be a shame to waste perfectly a good specimen so early on. Consider this a more economical option."
Location: Accompanying the magic people Equipment: Armor - Looks like - Lightsaber Yari - Pistol Objective: Pacify the Orcani Allies: Currently with [member="Maple Harte"], people somewhere else, [member="Scherezade deWinter"], [member="Katrine Van-Derveld"], Post: 3
Kurenai could here and very much feel the fighting that was taking place behind them, [member="Daxton Bane"], and the Talons force signatures fluctuating as the fought against the locals while she and Maple continued on their way towards the temple. It provided a descend distraction for the two but also gave a way to gauge the enemies strength, and judging from what she could feel the current CIS forces where more then enough to handle what the natives could throw at them... for now anyways. The tide of any battle could change just as quickly as the sand storms from Tatooine, calm one seconds the an unstoppable wave of death, best the duo move quickly.
Just as their weapons seemed to be many of the traps where primitive, but still very effective, specifically against large forces that wold usually advance down such a wide path. Slowly with the force she would fill in pit falls, helping Maple activate trip wires, most resulting in a poisoned tip arrow being shot, something times more then one at the same time. "I wonder what type of poison they use on theses tips, perhaps it could come in handy later on", she said, inspecting the latest projectile that had been shot, black gritty liquid dripping from the pointed tip.
Unfortunately her little inspection came to a sudden end as several of the natives had broken away from the main battle, charging at the two with axes, swords and other makeshift weapons. "Hmm play time already, oh well", she replied to the native warriors as one swung his ax in a wide arc, aimed towards Kurenai's mid section, the veteran mercenary simply driving her right elbow into the opponents arm before the hit could connect, following up with a neck braking punch to the face, 'reminds me of the time I fought some Vong hand to hand'.
Another one came from the side, trying to skewer Kurenai in the chest, herself side stepping a little, letting the shaft graze again her armored plate, let sweeping behind the attacker, arm coming in for a close line once within reach, slamming the native into the ground head first. "It is disappointing that you need a weapon to fight Harte-san, but I will humor your wager", she replied, grasping the end of her blade the hydrolic system springing to action as the weapon extended several feet. The blood orange blade igniting and being driven though another Orcani's head, "though it seems a little unfair don't you think.
FIVE!? Damn force use. Gerwald needed to learn how to use the force behind simple sense and the basic telekenisis he had learned thus far. He clearly needed more knives, or a lightsaber. He was going to lose if he didn’t do something drastic that wasn’t cheating. There wasn’t time to think about as a group of zealots rushed him. Ger smiled as he ran to meet them. Again he led with an attack.
The first warrior was gutted. Gerwald spun and decapitated the second. Turning on his feet again he leaped over the third who tried cut him at the knees. Gerwalds boot hit the man in the face knocking him onto the ground. Thrusting a sword into the man’s chest followed easily as the second sword was tossed into the throat of the next attacker.
Attempting telekenisis, Gerwald called the sword back to him. The head which @Sherezade deWinter had tossed at him was a gesture returned. Once he had her attention he grinned.
Gerwald didn’t wait. He knew he had to stay ahead, and rushed for the crowd gathering at the base of a nearby hill.
It WAS disappointing she needed a weapon. She had never been very good in hand to hand. She'd nearly been killed on Katanos because she almost could not reach her rifle in time.
Plus there was the fact two Orcani were running for her and she was still parrying heavy attacks from his axe. She had dropped low and his arm had caught her in the face, stunning her just as the two Orcani arrived, and she barely avoided a knife combined with a tackle attempt by making a drunken twist into the grass, still clutching her cane, the smell of fire and viscera wafting up her nose as she rolled out of the way of an axe blow and impaling her would be attacker through the face with the shoto at the bottom of her cane, only to quickly shift her head out of the way of a knife thrust...
A blow to her head made her vision blurry and by that point it was only instinct that made her roll out of the way of another axe blow, barely able to stop from blacking out.
Uri, you seem to be forgetting that you and me being "pals" has its pros. Doashim rumbled from within.
The bounty hunter paused a moment at this before she remembered the risks involved at the implied suggestion, barely able to rise in time out of the arc of a traveling Orcani battle axe that had barely missed her face. Those two blows had caused a lot of pain. Another good one and she probably really would black out.
The three Orcani that had surrounded her prepared to attack and she strained to call on the gift she had been informed of, as much for the fact it was the first time as her own madness hampering the effort
Her opponents charged, thinking they saw weakness as her body swayed a bit. They were wrong. As one swung his axe Maple parried and the horrified Orcani caught sight of the bloodshot whites of her eyes, which contrasted heavily with the sharp green of her irises. She smiled as she parried, an odd, unsightly grin on her face as the shoto in her handle buried itself in her attackers eye before she brutally yanked it down in an almost scalpal like fashion. Something about her body language had changed. It was tighter, coiled, not the relative slack of a laid back though quite insane bounty hunter.
No. This was the Assassin. The id coming out to solve the problems the surface could not.
The assassin shifted out of the way of a blow from behind, having heard the steps on the grass, she wheeled, spinning her cane in a scythe motion as the shoto in her cane's handle caught the throat of the Orcani who had tried to bury a shiv into her spine. She felt his dying fist hit her jaw but felt nothing, physically or emotionally. Hostiles. Everyone was a hostile.
Everyone was going to die.
The Assassin charged forward. Kill the dark ones, drive them into the sea. Dash the heads against the rocks of lost shores, the urge to kill everything around her was simple and direct, no frills, no deeper meaning or justification.
Jungle Cat has to hunt. It was how things worked. And this was a jungle.
She flipped forward with natural acrobatics over an Orcani sword, and as she landed behind him, her handle shoto ran upward along his spine, causing hot steam to vent out his mouth before he expired.
There was no confusion. No skipping. Just her, her cane, and whoever that cane was going to beat or slice or stab to death. Long live the Marksman! For Ursula!
The Assassin parried, the world around her seen in a haze of red as she chopped down one Orcani after ten seconds of fending off his sword with the cortosis weave durasteel shaft, before caving his face in with that same shaft. Another Orcani received much the same.
Two however, stepped back and recited words under their breath, sending sparks of flame her direction, some of which hit her and set part of the armor into a blaze as she charged, bashing through one defense, or using her handle shoto as a hook to rip away a force protected sword, the shoto then returning along the same arc to rip his face away as it had many others. Uri's cane was receiving its due in blood today.
Just as she finished decapitating one she spotted a woman. A SEXY woman, who the Assassin might have asked out in other circumstances because wow. But she did not recognize the woman. She did not quite recognize where she was.
All she knew was that everyone around her had to die. She didn't feel any of the blows that had caught her, nor that fractured rib that was likely about to get even more fractured. Bruises really. A few burns.
The woman had to die, so the Assassin charged.
Problem was, the woman the Assassin no longer recognized? And was about to try and kill? It was [member="Kurenai Yumi"].
The Assassin's movements were crisp, clean, almost ghostly as she closed the distance on Kurenai, opening with an elegant thrust to her midsection.
OOC: Sorry for going all Cujo on you Kurenai, but I used Force Body to take the pain, and since she has a pact with Doashim, there's a chance of frenzy.
Location: En route to Chevoyee Oyote Wearing:This with Chakram and Sword only a summon away Objective: Pacify the Orcani Tags: [member="Var Talon"] [member="Daxton Bane"] [member="Kurenai Yumi"] [member="Anya Malvern"] @Gerwald Luchner [member="Srina Talon"] [member="SN-1411"] [member="Nysana Talon"] [member="Maple Harte"] Post: Five
This night ain't for the faint of heart
For the faint of heart, for the faint of heart
This night ain't for the faint of heart
Cause the faint of heart gon' fall apart
Loud and clear, she heard the drums of war, the cries, and the screams. They were coming, she needn't have seen them come to reach for her chakram, speeding her step into the woods. She was a child of the forest, a Witch of the mountains, a wolf of the wilderness. The savages might have known their way around here but so did she. If there was something Katrine could thank Avarisa for, it was for the time she had spent on the Orcus, time she needed to familiarize herself with this planet and with these people even if they hadn't been aware that while they were watching her, she was watching them. Colder, emptier, she had been emotionless in her studies. It had made her more focused, harder to distract by questions or feelings. She had studied them enough to know just how savage they were.
This night ain't for the holy man with the holy plan
For the promise land
This night we got the evil hand
And the evil hand gon' raise the damned
Sight of the very first of the savages coming her way had Katrine making a quick count of the nearest trees before she had thrown the chakram, seeing the nearest spear come at her. She jumped forward, her hands reaching out to catch the moving spear as it came her way, using it to bounce off and kick the man straight into the hand with both her feet. His head bobbed back before he fell back and her own feet landing on top of him as the chakram flew around. It hit one tree, then another, then one then a second warrior before hitting yet another tree and flying back into her hand just as she needed it. Her gloved hand grabbed it as it came at her, a weapon which she'd then use to slice the throat of the warrior beneath her.
Ain't no sleep when the wicked play
All we do is yodel, ay ayy hoo y hoo
Ain't no love when the wicked run
All we do is
Yodel ah a ay ya ay ya
We the wicked ones, the wicked ones
Before she could say anything, another swung her sword at her, her upper body pully back before her melee weapon met the blade pushing him slightly back as she could before he drew back again. The Witch didn't wait, using the opening to slash against the end of the woman's abdomen, just at the edge of her armor. Others were fighting already, she could see them in the split second she took to breathe before she'd put away her chakram and reach for the sword the warrior had dropped at her injury. "Wicate kici Yuoniha," she told her in the language of the Witches, a language that sounded similar to what the natives spoke to her. Some words were different but in the shocked expression the woman gave her at that moment, Katrine knew she understood before she struck the sword into to exposed section of her chest, reminded once again why a full body armor was better than the skimpy armor like outfits were far better.
This night ain't for the faint of heart
For the faint of heart, for the faint of heart
This night ain't for the faint of heart
Cause when the train wreck comes gon' leave a mark
To the side, she could hear [member="Scherezade deWinter"] and [member="Gerwald Lechner"] counting their kills, an act she wouldn't do so now. There was no fun in this killing, no game in it. Not that she had the time. Her words had been heard by others, three of them and as she turned her gaze to the side, they were approaching her slowly and with caution as if they were studying the short creature mostly black leather, face unrevealed. Who is...? Katrine recognized part of the words said. "Mi kaspa wowicake," she spoke up again. In one, it had caused confusion. In another, anger. He would be the first one to charge at her, making her raise the sword still in her hand to meet the blade striking at her.
Ain't no sleep when the wicked play
All we do is yodel, ay ayy hoo y hoo
Ain't no love when the wicked run
All we do is
Yodel ah a ay ya ay ya
We the wicked ones, the wicked ones
A sword duel would ensue, each of their trained by warriors, each of them warriors. Their teachers may have been different but their methods weren't too different. Yet she could feel an interruption in the back of her mind forming, she could feel a presence arriving in her sight as the warrior struck again, adding pressure at her as their swords held together. Hi'ja, the woman's voice said to her, a distraction which caused her to lose her balance, allowing her opponent to charge forward. Her feet shuffled back before she had lost balance, falling back. And in a heartbeat, she'd reached out to the Force, summoning to her before unleashing it on the warrior, throwing him away before he would make another attempt on her. Yet, she remained on the ground as he'd fallen away from her.
Ain't no sleep when the wicked play
All we do is yodel, ay ayy hoo y hoo
Ain't no love when the wicked run
All we do is
Yodel ah a ay ya ay ya
We the wicked ones, the wicked ones
Scattering to her feet, Katrine discarded the sword and readied herself again for an attack. Ayusta mi, the plea came swift at the moment and before she could agree, she felt the spirit inside her. She let her. Ceta was a spirit of kindness and strength, someone who had found the light in the darkness she was born in. She had chosen the light when darkness came easy. And it was Katrine's strength that would give her what she needed it. Within seconds, the Witch removed the mask off, revealing her face to the natives, willed by the spirit now possessing her. The warriors gasped as they had seen her. Desecrator, they muttered, one after the other, causing the nearest one that heard to stop and look at the face they knew. There was only one desecrator and all of them knew her name, even though only some had seen her face.
Yet, as Ceta controlled the Nightmother, she had done so with intent.
One of the warriors roared with anger as Ceta gave a mirage over the appearance of her descendant, showing herself to be the child she had been. A face documented in the history of Orcus. The loadest warrior, already running at Katrine paused mid-movement as his eyes went wide. Da childa. He'd whimpered. The nearest to him had heard and repeated. Da childa. And so on, they had repeated, one after the other. It continued; they heard, they stopped, they looked back and saw. The child. The face of the little girl who was celebrated as the child of their goddess. Ceta had cast away that past when she had become a Witch on Dathomir yet even she, even centuries later, understood the purpose of this journey to Orcus. She gladly did for the Mandragora, for her descendant.
The natives continued to stop fighting, looking back at the child mirage. Closest one to Katrine dropped to the ground, bowing. "Hear me." The spirit boomed, using Katrine to speak yet her own voice spoke through, wanting to make the fighting stop before more died.
Location: Accompanying the magic people Equipment: In Bio Objective: Retrieve the tome and destroy the heretics Allies: [SIZE=11pt][member="Arabella Darkhold"], @Chicako Liona, [member="Derek Dib"], [member="Kaiah Sixsipita"], @Rapax, [member="Scherezade deWinter"], [member="Srina Talon"], @Veronkia Fleischer, [member="William the Bloody"], [member="Minerva Vessia"], [member="Asher Mossa"], [member="Fawn Alzi"], @ Kayla Wylen, [member="Paige Blossom"], [member="Rex Taff"], [member="Zephyr Carrick"], [member="Umai"] @Lady Pysona[/SIZE] Post:2
While it was but a handful that would be likely more then enough to handle these primitives, He stood up and went to address those who arrived of the plan. Good to see a few of you here no doubt others will show up but for now we will work with what we have, We will have to scale up the mountain to reach the temple, It would be best if it was done as quiet as possible at least until we get within the temple to ensure the tome isn't compromised before we get to it. Once we are inside deep enough then you may do as you please to the heretics inside, I will handle tracking down the tome. Any questions? if not then we have a climb to start.
He said as he waited for anyone to speak there minds for any ideas they might have that can contribute to the task at hand as he felt the tomes call from above.
Location: Far away from Orcus Tags: [member="Srina Talon"] [member="Nysana Talon"] [member="Var Talon"] Posts: Six
She hadn't seen them at first, she'd only felt their signatures united. It brought a warmth to her heart she hadn't felt in so long. A banished and separated family under the manipulation and violence of a single Echani male and yet there they were, together. And now, Cyprine had found them; she would be with them soon enough.
The woman continued to push herself further and the signatures became blurs in movement as she reached further. It allowed her to see the way Tellu's small gesture as if she could hear her but the reaction seems so small that Cyprine was sure she hadn't had been able to, not fully. Them Srina's voice as pierced through her mind. They were there, the elder sister responded before she had instructed her to head to Ryloth. She would be safe, Srina had told her.
In a split second, she had seen their movements, recognized the fighting actions before the connection had slipped away, her energy drained. Leaning back, she fell to the floor, taking deep breaths. It was exhausting to take herself so far, to see so much. Her siblings were fighting. Who were they fighting? What combat awaited for them outside of Eshan? Why Ryloth? Cyprine wandered as she took in a deep breath.
They continued through the city, though it grew more desolate with every body that slumped to the ground. The stench was slowly dissipating, but the lingering effects remained- those poisoned by exposure who were not in the process of asphyxiating began to spasm and bleed from abnormal places as the toxin ripped through their bodies. "How do you feel?" he questioned.
"Y-you honestly care?" she asked. "You can do this to hundreds of innocent people, but you care about the health of a single girl?"
"Spare me your lectures on morality," the Dark Lord snapped. "This is also a field test on the effectiveness of the drug." Her expression went blank as she realized that this man only cared for results. She felt chilled as it hit her that every single life lost was in pursuit of data.
"All of us are playthings to you?" she whispered, barely able to conjure her voice.
"Hardly," he dismissed her with a wave of his hand. "This proves the immunity bolstering drug is effective at creating antibodies almost immediately upon coming into contact with a foreign substance. You're doing the Confederacy a great service."
"You mean," she blinked, "you've given me a drug that-"
"Effectively makes you immune to infection of any kind, and to poisoning. You can still die from wounds, of course," he answered nonchalantly. "I have a great deal of use for a test subject that can't be killed by my work."
"And to think you almost sounded benign," she scoffed. "My report will reflect your gross disregard for human life," Marilyn informed him. "There are better ways to reach a dissenting people than through needless death."
"That may be," he conceded, "but I am not concerned with those ways. It is my business to make a point and drive it home." He turned toward her and took her by the arm. She jerked away from him to no avail. She gasped aloud when she felt a pinprick on her bicep. "Now," he said calmly. "You may experience dizziness as the bacteria enters your bloodstream, but it will pass quickly."
"Bacteria?" she hissed. "What did you just- woah."
Marilyn threw out her hands as if to balance herself. Her eyes widened and dilated, and she took several sharp breaths. "What did you do to me?" she croaked.
"The first injection," he replied, "of a great many."
She slumped forward and doubled over, both hands on her abdomen. "I don't feel right," she rasped. "I'm going to be sick."
"The antigen will take effect within minutes," he told her. "You will become accustomed to the negative side effects with time."
A hand flew to her lips, and bile spewed from between her fingers. Marilyn fought back tears as she tried to plead with him to please, just stop this. Xenro smiled. "Yours is an important duty, Marilyn," he leaned close and whispered directly into her ear. "You will give the greatest gift in all the galaxy to the people, did you know that?" he asked. "You have been given a very high honor. You were judged equal to this task. Do you understand?"
She shook her head violently.
His skeletal fingers ran through her golden locks. "You will, with time," he promised. "You will come to know a great deal of things. I will share my knowledge with you. That makes you very fortunate indeed."
Marilyn spewed once more, then hacked hoarsely.
"Now, my Plaguebearer," he reached out and dabbed the voided liquid from her pallid features. "Stand, and we will move on to the final test of the day."
He stood there with the Shaman. Several others were close to the gurlanin leader, following his words closely. Yet he was not cut from the same cloth. From an external view point this was true in the traditional sense. His suit was an expensive cut, the cloth alone costing more then the average citizen's salary within the Confederacy. The leather loafers upon his feet were in scathed, even upon their soles. New shoes to be worn once then cast aside. He wore no weapons, not a blaster not a lightsaber. Of all the Confederate forces on the planet, he was the one who looked the most out of place, appearing like instead of staring up a mount he should have been cruising through a crowd in an upscale night club.
Glancing to one of those gathered, he altered his mind with amusement that didn't show on his face. [member="Minerva Vessia"] seemed to be nigh as out of place as he, with her attire. A cold smile lifted the corner of his lip as he wondered briefly how she would scale the mountain herself. Of course with her form she could most certainly bring a pretty credit as an exotic dancer on Ryloth. Filing the thought for later consideration his eyes continued over the group.
His nose wrinkled slightly at the scent that reached him. Turning slightly he clasped his hands behind his back and watched as a woman pulled her hood down further upon her face. His view of her was not clear, and it seemed that she preferred to keep her features cloaked. [member="Lady Psyona"] was one that gained his curiosity. What drove her to keep her appearance hidden?
Moving on he looked to the next individual. Not only was [member="Erin Tenel"] hodded like Psyona, but she wore armor that aided in the mystery. Yet a palpable aura came off her in waves that crashed against the small group in waves. Eyes narrowed.
There was another man in the group, clothed in fur lined armor. His eyes roamed appraisingly over [member="Asher Mossa"]'s form. Lithe and certainly limber, he had scars that spoke of a voilent past. He would fit well in his guard or even in a chain loincloth as a dancer. Most assuredly he would garner a large amount of credits from his more discreet clientele, both female and male.
Finally he turned to the shaman who spoke of their plan. The gurlanin was chosen by the patrons, yet briefly the young man wondered if he could mate the shaman with his own pet. The offspring would most likely be force sensitive and the litter would be an invaluable tool. Especially as he could indoctrinate the animals from an early age. A smirk of amusement crossed his face as [member="Rapax"] finished speaking.
Turning to look up the side of the mountain he snapped his fingers and Doggo came over to crouch on her haunches, the slavering , loose jowls and mismatched crossed eyes staring at him obediently. A single thought crossed his mind, and the mongrel began to morph. Body lengthened and grew in mass as talons sprouted from her paws. Head elongated and teeth reflected the light. The monstrous Doggo crouched and William climbed atop her back, holding the leash in his hands as he looked up the steep objective.
"Up mutt."
With a leap the creature began clawing it's way toward the peak using it's claws for footholds, leaping from exposed crag to crag as she climbed relentless in obedience to her master.
Asher simply nodded at the plan, though his eyes fell on [member="William the Bloody"]. He knew the face from the vision he’d had when he first met @Umai. The man gritted his teeth as eyes appraised him, wondering what was going on inside the man’s head. It could not be good.
They needed to get inside the temple quietly? That was where Asher came in.
Without a word he sped ahead of the group, stealthing himself within in the force as he moved quickly up the mountain. When he reached the gate, he rounded the structure until he found an entrance he could exploit. The force had kept him hidden long enough that his presence had been unnoticed. By the time the guards knew what was happening they had been run through with his lightsaber. This mission was with much prejudice after all.
When the others arrived they would find the gate open to them, his task to infiltrate was complete. Lylek could be pleased, and Asher could continue to run through the zealots, imagining they each had the face of William the Bloody for his treatment of Umai, a fellow Lylek and Mandragora.
Location: Landing in a clearing not far from the mountains, not far from the Donoma Templa Wearing: Minerva. Just wearing a skirt and a blouse, and the high heels are very unpractical for the mission. Items: A lightsaber clipped to her belt. Three Dathomiri healing potions. ( Gives three seconds of restoration healing. It is a minor healing potion that acts similar to bacta in strength). One portion of Dathomiri Mists. (Crates a fog twelve meter radius. Subject to shifting air patterns. Not ideal for open mountain locations, ideal for in a temple. Fog last no longer then a few minutes.) Objective: Retrieve the Orenda Tags: @Repax [member="Asher Mossa"] [member="Erin Tenel"] [member="Lady Psyona"] [member="William the Bloody"] Post: 2
Climb the mountain, Minerva heard those words and she was in visible shock. She looked up the cliff face and she knew there was no way she would be able to climb that. Even if she had proper shoes there would have been no way. Minerva had he physical ailments that kept her from various like climbing mountains. She had grown out of the asthma she had in her younger years. She still was not as strong as other girls her age.
Before she could voice her concern and ask questions. The man who had just recently joined them, that man climbed onto of a big puppy and the puppy started to climb up the mountain? Things started to escalate even quicker as another man in furs starting; he started to climb the mountain. The man was defiantly using the Force at the speeds he was traveling.
Those lips parted into a smile. Clever Minerva just thought of a way she was going to make it up that mountain… Minerva waiting a few more seconds, just until, Asher made it to the top.
Then through pink pastel lips,“J'appelle les esprits de l'air.”
She had begun to sing the words of a Dathomiri spell. “A travers toi je vais gagner le vrai vol. ”
Upon the last symbol sung, Minerva’s feet left the ground. Through the air she was whisked away. To the top ledge she had last seen Asher, her feet touched the ground where she had last seen him. Up ahead was the temple and the way was clear!
J'appelle les esprits de l'air- I call upon the spirits of the air
A travers toi je vais gagner le vrai vol - Through you I shall gain true flight