Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion Thicker than Water | AC Dominion of Quermia


As the Ashlan Crusade continued to press forward with their holy mission, local officials across the Tingel Arm began sending emissaries in hopes of joining the fold. Several worlds that are important to the Jedi as a whole have come forward seeking sanctuary within the Ashlan powerbase. The first of these worlds was Mirial, which swiftly joined the Crusade’s ranks. Now, the Quermian have come forward, asking the crusaders to help bring peace back to their world. In the wake of the crumbling of the various Sith regimes within the Tingel Arm, old rivalries have once again boiled to the surface. A militant faction known as the Xexto Liberation Front has begun pushing an agenda of Xexto dominance in the area, even going as far as to attack the Quermians on their own homeworld. This conflict has reached a boiling point, and will end in all out war without the Crusade’s assistance.


Due to growing tension and outright acts of violence from the XLF, there has been a rising concern for the safety of the Quermian people. As a species that leans more on the side of diplomacy, the Quermian government has offered to receive a group of Xexto diplomats in an effort to quell the hostilities. The standing Xexto government has agreed to these terms, but the protection of the Crusade has been requested to prevent potential outbursts from XLF elements in the area. Rumors have arisen that the XLF plan to assassinate the Xexto delegates and blame it on the Quermians, something the Crusade cannot allow. Protect the diplomats at all costs, and ensure that the peace talks are completed with little interference from the dissidents of the XLF.


On the outskirts of Xexto civilization on Troiken lies the headquarters of the XLF. Though the delegation seeks to end the conflict peacefully, both parties are aware that these upstarts must be dealt with before they can gain more traction. Their headquarters, located on the peak of a high mountain range, will prove to be a challenge for the Ashlan forces. Only one path leads up the mountain to the entrance of the base, and it has been rigged with traps and ambushes at every turn. Take the mountain and crush the XLF before they can hurt more innocent people.


Quermia itself is a beautiful world, with many large gardens and deep oceans to explore. Feel free to roam around and see what the planet has to offer!



Equipment: Lightsaber Claymore, Ashlan battle armour (chest plate, wrist and thigh guards only), explosives, Shock Gauntlet, Icarus gravpack, Ashlan Rosary, survival kit, climbing kit
Location: The mountainside

Greer was strong, she was tough and she would be proven tight "One way up my ass!" she growled as she reached and pulled herself up the next hand hold, she was far above the road where the ground troops were moving. An aerial assault was considered too dangerous due to anti flight fields and anti-air blaster turrets. Karking shame, her grav pack would make this easier.

One of her thistles laughed behind her "rather not take any route up your ass if its all the Greer" she shook her head and rolled her eyes, she loved the Star Thistles, they were her people, happy to make a laugh and joke whilst a few dozen meters up a cliff.

She looked over at Harmony Harmony , "How you holding up youngling? Bet you are gutted we couldn't fly today." Her padawan was awesome, so talented and so much fun, but she did worry about her lack of force sensitivity, but she made up for it in spades with determination. "I'd say we are a third of the way up now, did bring the party poppers" she meant explosives "for their special treat? I suspect we should get there about the same time as the ground forces. Provided there are no slip ups."

She reached up to the next hand hold and gently brushed her hand against a small birds nest, two little bird stuck their head our and Greer made a quiet cooing noise, soothing their fear. She was glad she had left most of her armour back at the base, it was much easier to climb like this. The Sister's of Ashla were a little suprised at her appearance, but she knew what she was doing.

Cross-Guard Lightsaber
Julip, the akk dog

The Quermian blinked slowly, straining his long neck to peer up at the massive creature lumbering along the rugged path- a reptomammal, he believed. Sitting atop the akk dog was a young man, dressed in simple robes. The only thing that even looked like an armor was a strange shield of ridiculous proportions strapped to his back- how anybody could hold it was a mystery. Even stranger was the unmistakeable silver hilt bumping against his side- the lightsaber, a weapon of a Jedi.

The Quermian blinked again. What was a wizard doing out here, of all places?

"Hail, Master Jedi", the Quermian intoned. "What business do you have out here? Safety lies that way", he said, pointed the opposite direction. "You find nothing but trouble that way." The beast, glancing his way for the first time, lowering it's head until he was face-to-face with it's giant, beady eyes. And it stared.

And stared.

And stared.

"Julip, enough", it's rider said with a mix of exasperation and fondness. Snorting, the beast- apparently named Julip- went to sun itself by the side of the road. Julip's master hopped off, approaching the wary Quermian. "And to answer your question- not a Jedi. Not that there is anything wrong with the Jedi- we all serve Ashla. But I'm not a Jedi. Levhi Vass." He paused expectantly. The Quermian blinked again. Slowly. "Well...Mr. Vass. I don't know who you are, or where your from, but if you go that way, your going to run into a mountain. And on that mountain is where the Xexto Liberation Front is holed up. You'll die, badly. And not even that beast, or that laser sword will save you." With that, the Quermian continued walking.

Levhi rolled his eyes, and whistled for his familiar. 'Well, we're going the right way, aren't we? We'll rendezvous with everyone in no time'', he projected. Mentally, Levhi could sense Julip rolling her eyes. 'We both know good and well that you were planning on going to charge up that mountain with or without help. Impetuous whelp', the akk dog projected in returned. 'We've been over this. You need to reign in that fighting spirit of yours- I won't be able to help you, like that business in Nar Shadda-'

'Point made', he cut in hastily. 'We wait, then we purge the Bogan from this world. Happy?'

'Literally all I ask.'

And so the duo went, ready to take on anything in their path.
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Heinrich Faust: Grand Marshal of the Ashlan Crusade

Oraada Laabre Oraada Laabre , Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana


The Ashlan Crusade continued to expand across the Tingel Arm, pushing the will of Ashla further outward as they sought to bring more planets into the fold. Heinrich often looked back on the days when they were nothing more than a roving band of exiles and idealists, hoping to crush the Sith powers within the region. Such a motley crew, they were, an army without a home. Now, with Ession being rebuilt and a proper government formed, it all seemed like an eternity ago. So many battles, so many lives lost... it was hard for the Grand Marshal to calculate the sacrifices made to get to this point, let alone those that would inevitably be made in the future. For now, he was content with looking at the successes of the Crusade, rather than dwelling on the past.

Today, the Crusade would be stopping a war, rather than joining one. The XLF had been proving to be a major problem for both the Quermians and the Xexto, having been the cause of several outbursts of violence. Some may have seen the XLF's motives as unfounded, though somewhere deep down Heinrich understood their cause. After all, the Jedi and Sith had been in their own feud for countless years, throwing each other into the pits of death time and again in an effort to snuff each other out. It was a war destined to continue for years to come, until the Crusade finally destroyed the Bogan in its entirety. Heinrich wished an end to the bloodshed, though he knew there would be plenty to come. If the Crusade could manage to stop this war, then he would consider it at least a small victory.

The delegates had made their way to the embassy with little resistance, causing many to breathe a sigh of relief. The rumors of assassination attempts had everyone on edge, and with the delegates now within the walls of the embassy, many began to question if the rumors were true at all. Heinrich, on the other hand, erred on the side of caution. He kept a close eye on those within the embassy walls, his hand resting on the hilt of his blade as he waited for the proceedings to begin.


Oraada Laabre, Ashlan Crusader

Jedi Knight​


Objective: Protect and Serve (Objective 1)
Location: Quermia
Allies: Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana


There were tingles running from the bottom of her lekku up to the tips of her montrals. Oraada was doing her best to keep calm in the face of their prospective assignment. This day, they were attempting to be peacekeepers in a way that Oraada was far more familiar with in her time as a Jedi with the New Jedi Order. While her master had been militant about the Bogan, nothing could have quite prepared her for the reality of life with the Ashlan Crusade. Not that such was a bad turn of events. In contrast to her previous life, Oraada felt as though she were actually making a difference in the universe. That she was ever-closer to the redemption she was convinced she needed. If she could help the Galaxy heal, perhaps she could heal herself and move on. Either way, she tried to focus her mind on the task at hand.

Their duty was going to be protecting the Quermians and Xexto diplomats from any sort of danger that might befall them. All of this, of course, was in the hopes that they could find common ground and steer themselves away from the horrors of war. This would be the true test of Oraada's faith in Ashla. If whole civilizations could be moved by their ideology, then there was hope for future generations. Stars nearly sparkled in her soft blue eyes at the thought of that. Walking alongside the other protectors assigned, Oraada moved with utmost grace and care, hands resting in front of her in a neat fold. While Heinrich was right to be worried about any possibly assassination still on the way, Oraada did not want to alarm any of the diplomats.

Oraada closed her eyes for a moment to breathe and collect herself. It wasn't that she was worried. Well, actually, she was very worried. The issue was she was trying to discern between unfounded anxiety and actual danger. This had always been an issue of hers, but if something erupted within the space, the Force would tell her for certain. That, or there would be sounds to follow. Slowly, her eyes fluttered open like the gentle wings of an insect. The orbs of watery blue trailed to the hand on the hilt of Heinrich's lightsaber. It begged a question.

"Do you think it'll actually happen? I want to believe the best in people, but the agents of the Bogan are so... cruel."

Mesh Zetnu, Juror of the Ashlan Crusade, Jedi Knight

Equipment: Bronze Lightsaber, Jedi Robes, Hooded Jedi Over cloak
Mesh had been on Quermia for only a moment before he was struck by the strangeness and the beauty of the place. After spending months hiding out and fighting for his life after the Galatic Alliance's assault on Korriban, he had been liberated in a sense when the Ashlan Crusade had taken the planet. He had since taken an oath as a Juror in the Ashlan Crusade and had adopted their ways and teachings. He continued to seek dominance over the Sith in these end times. To destroy the Bogan, but now he did it with religious purpose rather than timidity. Here he would serve the people of Quermia as well as the Crusade by liberating their planet and bringing it into the fold. He would assist Jedi of the Order of the Blades as well as elements of the Ashlan Armed Forces.

He now recalled the teachings he had studied so vehemently at the Jedi Temple as a Padawan the teachings of Master Mace Windu. The words also flowing through his mind as he studied the teachings of Ashla. They flowed through him now as he trudged towards his objective on Quermia.

"Jedi do not fight for peace. That's only a slogan, and is as misleading as slogans always are. Jedi fight for civilization, because only civilization creates peace. We fight for justice because justice is the fundamental bedrock of civilization: an unjust civilization is built upon sand. It does not long survive a storm." -Master Mace Windu

The Ashlan Armed Forces had grown from a moderate force to something impressive, capable of standing its own in the galaxy and subjugating others. Today it would be put to the test. Mesh had done his diligence and studied their mission. Only one way up the mountain was realistic to move the number of men and material up to the Headquarters of the XLF. The pathway was a natural bottleneck that favored the defenders. Mesh had suggested a special hit squad of Knights of the Blades and other Jedi to find another way up and attack the headquarters by knight, but this was not the way of the light. It was not to be the way they did it today, but to Mesh the manpower sure to be lost today was not worth whatever honor was upheld by not hitting the XLF at night while they slept.

As he lost himself in meditation his feet carried him to the base of the mountain where he waited. He drifted off to sleep before he was awakened with a jolt of the force. Embo? No, it could not be. He had left his Akk dog at home. Embo was not old enough for a mission like this. Why did he sense the presence of an Akk dog, here of all places? Haruun Kal was not like this planet. Then he felt the presence of one bonded to the creature. A Jedi of his people here with the Ashlan Force? Interesting. Very interesting.

Mesh got up and dropped his hood down to reveal his face. Waiting expectantly for Lehvi Vass Lehvi Vass to arrive, and very much looking forward to meeting his fellow Korun.


Tags: Raxtos Raxtos , Greer Caimbeulaich Greer Caimbeulaich , Lehvi Vass Lehvi Vass , Mesh Zetnu Mesh Zetnu


Ihsan never liked sieges. They tended to be too long, too uncertain, and often times, too costly to the attackers. Despite this, he had chosen to bring his fellow Knights of the Sunlit Temple to the mountain pass in hopes to push the advance along. Elements of the Ashlan military had already begun their own ascent along the mountainside itself, hoping to get the drop on the XLF before they could react to the Crusade's assault. As for the rest of the troops, it would be a long, dangerous trek up the pass itself. Though the Crusade had received intel pointing toward the presence of various defenses along the road, the reports had been unclear as to the extent of those defenses. For now, Ihsan would lead his knights toward the front of the convoy in hopes of preventing any loss of life during the march up the mountain.

The Thyrsian had recently been given charge of a new recruit, one with a less than fortunate past. At first, he wasn't sure that the man would make a good crusader, as the circumstances surrounding his recruitment were rather questionable. Over time, Ihsan's mind changed, each day further revealing that it was nothing more than an unlucky chain of events that had brought Raxtos under the jurisdiction of the Holy Jury. Nevertheless, there was still plenty that this new crusader would have to learn, should he want to continue to walk in Ashla's Light.

"Stay close. There's no reports of XLF sightings yet, but I can't imagine that they would leave the mountain pass unguarded."

With that, the slow march up the mountain began, and Ihsan could only hope that it would be as bloodless as their initial landing. Only time would tell.




Location: Conference location
Objective: liase with local diplomats and act as mediator
Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust Oraada Laabre Oraada Laabre Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir

Wearing: this and this made of Kaldrweave

Isla stood at the side of Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust looking at the Querrians who were deep in private conversations. The Prime minister had downloaded new software onto her biochip that was translating their speech, but was also project phonetic spellings of their language onto her optic nerve so she could try to speak it herself. The Querrian language wasn't as hard as the insectoids she had dealt with previously. She was trying something different today, she had dressed as Prime Minister, as opposed to Grand Admiral. Her time working with and speaking to Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix had encouraged her to see that the hard military look was not always called for. Of course the whole outfit was made of Kaldrweave to keep her protected, and her Sabre was still clipped to her waist in its elaborate scabbard.

"How do you think this might go?" she quietly asked Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust "any word on possible insurgent activity? My own sources are fairly quiet at the moment." she was concerned, but after the mess on Ession and her near death, a few insurgents seemed much less terrifying.

The Querrians looked over to her and made beckoning gestures to her. She smiled at Heinrich and walked over.

"My afgevaardigdes, ek is geëerd om hier te wees om die Ashlan-kruistog te verteenwoordig. Vir die van julle wat ek nog nie ontmoet het nie, ek is Isla. U het ons belofte dat ons hierdie vergadering beskerm sal hou. Ek sal 'n neutrale skakelaar wees om bespreking en bemiddeling te help. As jy iets nodig het, vra asseblief en ek sal probeer om te help."
"My delegates, I am honored to be here to represent the Ashlan Crusade. For those of you I have not yet met, I am Isla. You have our promise that we will keep this meeting protected. I will be a neutral switch to assist discussion and mediation. If you need anything please ask and I will try to help."

The delegates seemed to appreciate her efforts, even if she did mangle to pronunciation and syntax slightly, but as far as Isla could tell, she had go the message across. She continued discussions with them, trying to get a real feel for the group before the arrival of the other delegates. She had spent several hours with the leading pair of the delegation already and they seemed like affable individuals. There were a couple there who felt a little resistance to the treaty. Years of conflict had a habit of making people feel that way.


Lady Eina L'lerim-Vandiir
The First and the Light of Ashla

Heiress and Princess of the Eternal Empire and Terraris; Angelic Mascot and Representative of the Ashlan Crusade
Eternal Empire's Ambassador to the Ashlan Crusade; Matriarch of the Valkyrja; Leader of Sanctuary and the Fjölkyngi Smiđr Guild
Objective: Liase with local diplomats and act as mediator
Location: Conference location, Quermia
Equipment: Sverð Fyrstr (swords) | Ljósspjót (spear) | Skrúð Engill Fyrstr (armour) || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m || Current appearance
Writing With: Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana | Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust | Oraada Laabre Oraada Laabre | Open
[ Angels Calling ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Eina hasn't spoken to Isla again since then and the disagreement has not been resolved. It was still difficult for the Valkyrja to talk about it, it was too deep and left a painful wound. Mostly only because they didn’t have the opportunity to talk, because of different places, activities, and the like. However, the unpleasant feelings did not stop her from working with the woman. So now she's come for it too. Diplomacy was not really one of her strengths, as she was not good at shadow games or intrigue; it was too pure for it. And she still struggled with the human emotions, it was hard to understand them.

But maybe her kindness and helpfulness can improve something about the situation here. As she watched events as Isla and the other woman spoke to Heinrich and then Isla to the locals, the Valkyrja saw the man's hand on the grip of his lightsaber.

Eina knew this, Heinrich did exactly the same thing when they first met in front of the entrance to the demon dragon's cave. This memory was as if it had happened many, lifetime ago. Then there she felt that she did not really want to see any mortals anymore. Especially not in the Netherworld. Then she saw the soul of Geiseric Geiseric ; that, unlike their immodest and hostile behaviour, they are pure and benevolent; especially Gei. There was already some connection between her and her beloved crusader.

After Oraada's words, she stepped closer to Heinrich, then gently put her own hand on the man's hand and squeezed it encouragingly, placing the other hand on the man's shoulder as a reassurance. The Valkyrja let her own aura embrace her adopted brother to sweep even the slightest shadow of the Bogan from his soul, his aura.

"You never learn, Hei!" she whispered kindly. "Take your hand off the lightsaber, you still have to set an example in Ashla's name, don't let them believe the Bogan controls you and your actions." she asked him.

She did not intervene in the diplomatic conversation, apparently Isla handled it well…



Inkara Liet


One could be forgiven for wondering what a servant of the Church was doing here, let alone two... but they would have to be privy to that fact in the first place; an Ashlan Juror filled many roles, both at home and abroad. With no standard uniform, she was dressed in Asheran armonweave, overlaid with Jedi robes in grays and white and detailed with Essonian Blue, for ease of movement and reasonable protection, eschewing the darker shades she might employ on a hunt. Her hair was swept out of the way in a tight bun at the nape of her neck and her face as stone, in expression. Severe.

Though broad swaths of her time were dedicated to rooting out the Dark, she didn't take much downtime before she was on to the next thing; compared to tracking and hunting down the servants of Bogan, keeping an eye - both eyes - on the delegates and her senses open was simple. Almost boring, if only watching people wasn't interesting enough to her analytical mind. What made them tick? Why did they do this instead of that, say one thing or another, and why did they say it that way?

What was also simple was the ever-present possibility that the Bogan could manipulate these already delicate proceedings, and the conflict outside to a fever pitch. Always a suspect, was the Dark; complacency was unacceptable. With this in the back of her mind, Inkara stood to one side of the entrance within the embassy room that the proceedings were taking place, one hand grasping the other wrist, with that other hand holding a deactivated Ashlan Lightsaber Pike at a diagonal - the rest of her physical armaments remaining concealed beneath the folds of her robes - while her eyes scanned over the gathered and she offered a short nod to those whose eyes met her own. She had no doubt that her counterpart on the other side of the door was doing much the same.

I wonder what it's like to have two brains, she directed at Vaxis Vaxis with her thoughts, while her eyes swept over the other Ashlans, and no spine.

Not to mention the arms. Oh, the things she could do with another set of arms! Curiosity was just as much part and parcel of her profession as anything else. Picking things apart was another.

The neck might be a liability, however.

But the Quermians and Xexto had survived this long just fine, even if some of them were attempting to subjugate, if not wipe out the others. They were here to help them continue to survive peacefully, if at all possible.


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Mad Monk and Hound of Ashla


The mountain towered over the armies of the Crusade. It looked imposing, neigh impenetrable. The single way up would certainly be treacherous, filled with traps, and perfect spots for an ambush. For all their power, for all their gusto the people of the Crusade were nervous, and rightfully so. However, the call of Ashla demanded they move forward. Something had to give.

Through the nervous crowds of the armies of the crusade that gathered at the base of the mountain, at the foot of the only true path up, a towering figure moved towards the front of the lines. The first thing the soldiers' eyes gravitated towards was a massive sword that hung from his back. It was a large hunk of metal as large as a human, and maybe even just as heavy.

Only after their eyes left the object did they rest on the man. Four arms, each as wide as their heads, strong steady legs that allowed him to move with confidence, all clad in treated animal hide, the color of burnt sienna. Two of his arms reached back, and pulled his dark hair into a ponytail, they wrapped an elastic band around it, to keep it out of his face. Another of his hands held a smoldering cigarette, slowly he brought it up to his lips and took a drag. As he held his breath and took in the particular flavor of the smoke, his last hand went to his eyes and shielded them from the sun. It was more habit than needed. A nictitating membrane covered his eyes and shielded them from the harsh sunlight.

After a moment, he let out his breath, and allowed the smoke to rise to the sky. Arjan shooed some of the soldiers out of his way and moved towards a particularly large speeder bike that sat near the front of the line. As he near, his fingers traced over the metal parts of his partner. It was made from fine ultrachrome, just like his sword. It provided excellent defense, but it had a lot more surprises that hid inside it.

He dropped his cigarette on the ground and rubbed it out with his foot. Only then did he mount his partner and turned on the power switch. The sound of the turbines and generator as they warmed up was a special type of music. Switches were flipped, buttons pushed, and the systems of the Shadow Bane roared to life. A deflector shield surrounded the ship, an electrical field crackled just on the edge of the shielding, to add even more menace.

With a crooked smile, the man leaned back and grabbed his vambraces from the bike's cargo compartment and slipped them over his wrists one at a time. After, combat gloves were pulled on, each finger ended in small but devastating claws. A blaster and its holster were soon taken out and wrapped around his waist. Once his preparations were complete, he let the engine roar. It created a deep, almost mournful howl.

Quickly a soldier raced up to him. "Sir! It's dangerous, the recon forces haven't made it to the top yet!"

Arjan's golden eyes stared at the soldier with a gaze that felt like it could see straight into his soul, as if in that very moment the soldier had been judged. A single hand carefully went into his hide shirt and pulled out his Ashlan Rosery. His voice then boomed like thunder.

"The wicked have chosen their path. Do not try and get in my way. Ashla has willed it." The man's head turns, and he looked in front of him at the dangerous path. Without any hesitation he pulls back on the controls and the speeder flies forward to face the traps head on, as soldiers scramble to get out of his way.
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Heinrich Faust: Grand Marshal of the Ashlan Crusade

Oraada Laabre Oraada Laabre , Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana , Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir


The delegation gathered, and there was still no sign of danger. Perhaps Heinrich was simply being paranoid, but he couldn't shake the feeling. Perhaps it was the trial of Carnifex that had left him with that lingering sense of dread, as if there was darkness hiding in every corner. His face wouldn't show it, however, as he would remain calm and calculating in his demeanor. He first turned his attention to Oraada and Isla as he approached, offering a quiet reply to their own concerns.

"No reports yet, though I am wary of getting too lax. Even if there is no attack here, we can't be sure until the XLF is rooted out. These delegates seem reasonable, but the insurgents... well, they can be unpredictable."

As he spoke, Eina approached him, offering her usually pure words of wisdom as she motioned his hand away from the hilt of his lightsaber. His hand slowly fell to his side, and he took a deep breath.

"Thank you. Old habits die hard, I suppose."

In truth, he still felt on edge after everything that had happened recently. Between the trial that turned into complete chaos, to the duel on Ession, to the ever-looming existential threat presented by the Maw... the Grand Marshal was feeling rather on edge. Perhaps he needed some time away to get his head right, though he doubted that current events would allow for such rest.

As Isla opened discussions for the meeting, the delegates from each party offered their thanks. Even with those among them that felt hesitant about the peace talks, there seemed to be at least a decent chance that things would work out. They simply had to ensure that things didn't go completely sideways until that could happen. As one of the Xexto representatives gave his opening statements, Heinrich leaned over to his companions, speaking just loud enough for only them to hear.

"Keep your eyes on him. Amassador Vryl is supposedly one of the primary targets of the XLF."

Things still seemed to be going smoothly, but if they would continue do so was yet to be seen.



Oraada Laabre, Ashlan Crusader

Jedi Knight​


Objective: Protect and Serve (Objective 1)
Location: Quermia
Allies: Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Inkara Liet


It was comforting in a certain way to know that she wasn't alone in feeling tense about the gathering. Oraada knew that fear led to the Bogan seizing control, but carelessness was just as vile in her own opinion. The spots above her eyes that almost mimicked eyebrows drew ever tighter in a look of utmost seriousness. There was a nod, but she did not reply immediately. Everyone here did seem like they were willing to discuss and see if there was a future to be shared together.

"Hm... well, unless they show themselves, there is nothing we can do. One cannot catch something that isn't to be found," she said in a low voice, "but I trust the cooler heads of the Xexto people will find them and bring them to justice when the time comes."

Then they were greeted by Eina, who seemed to know Heinrich very well. She even used a nickname in place of his full first name. Oraada felt a slight hint of something twisting inside. Was it that she was worried about the XLF... or that she would never get to that point in friendship? No, there was no need to be jealous. She just wanted to show her concern for someone. And that was righteous in and of itself. Oraada had no place to envy whatever was going on there.

Her hands fiddled with the sash that helped layer her dress-like robes in the correct fashion. "That's true. I don't believe we've met before, but I recognize your appearance. May I ask your name? I am Oraada."

There was a polite smile on her face. This was a time to make connections. And, if she was going to try to become friends with Heinrich, Oraada would probably do well to be friendly with his companions as well. Even so, there was a gloom that clung about Heinrich. It wasn't the Bogan or any sinister aura, but she could almost feel how heavy the weight of everything must have been. He was the Grand Marshal; there was a world of difference between his duties and hers.

When it came time for the meeting to commence, Oraada turned her head to the main area. There were quite a few delegates in the room, some more visibly enthused than others. She listened to the address Isla gave, as well as what the Xexto who stood said. Heinrich whispered something to her, but she did not move her head for the sake of looking inconspicuous. Still, the Togruta focused on Ambassador Vryl as requested, keeping her attention there as best she could. Nonetheless, there was still enough room for her to whisper back.

"If he is giving opening statements and leading the discussion on the Xexto side, I can see why. It would be much more of a display to end his life than one of the few hanging in the back."


Ihsan Varad Ihsan Varad Greer Caimbeulaich Greer Caimbeulaich Lehvi Vass Lehvi Vass Mesh Zetnu Mesh Zetnu Arjan Kraktel Arjan Kraktel
Ashlan Crusade, Dominion of Quermia

Equipment: Initiate's Robes... and a stick. They gave him a stick.

Some things become easier the more people are doing it with you. Hiking up a mountainside that had reportedly been covered in death traps by terrorists was actually a little less stressful when a whole crowd of various mystics and warriors were hiking with you.

Other things stayed just as embarrassing, regardless of how many lunatics did it with you. Like wearing bright yellow robes that basically screamed "Hey! Me! Shoot me first!"

To add insult to injury, Rax hadn't been given the cool ones, with the sick hood/helmet and the armor plates. His head was very exposed, he wore no armor, and with his metal walking stick to complete the look, he looked like a hiker with very colorful tastes. A Deep Core tourist. And generally a liability.

All in all, his inner diatribe of sarcasm and complaints was mostly to ignore the fear in his stomach as he looked up the apparently quiet mountain. He offered a silent prayer of gratitude to Ashla that they were hunting political extremists, and not agents of the Bogan. If he knocked a Xextos out today, they'd likely be arrested and given a chance to serve time for their crimes. On the other hand, any darksider he laid out cold with his stick would likely be killed summarily by another knight.... a thought he'd discovered haunted his conscious just the same as the thought of doing the killing.

His master instructed him to stay close, and he only nodded. No way I'm letting you out of my sight... I think the rest of these guys have read my rap sheet. The days he'd spent with the Sunlit Temple had been some of the most peaceful of his life, but that hadn't distracted him from the cold shoulder treatment he got from most of the other knights. Ihsan had been the only one who'd really give him a-

If Raxtos still had his voice, he would've swore aloud. Instead, all he could do was think Karabast! and dive out of the way as the booming voice was followed by a truly huge speeder bike roaring to life behind him and nearly running him over.

Crashing painfully to the dirt, Rax looked up in time to see the back of the four-armed maniac as he careened up the mountain trail like a very holy mudhorn. The Knights of the Sunlit Temple were no longer the front of the convoy. That guy was... by a fast-increasing margin.

Rax stood to dust himself off. Despite walking so close to Ihsan at the time, his new teacher didn't seem to have been surprised or nearly killed.... oh yeah. The Force. That was a thing. Right.

He continued his dull march, thinking to himself that this redemption stuff really was going to be harder than he'd guessed.


Objective 2

Location:On the move with Master Grr
Tags: Greer Caimbeulaich Greer Caimbeulaich
Climbing wasn't Harm's focused skill, and truthfully she wanted to take to the skies to really do some damage. Unfortunately, that wouldn't be conductive towards combat operations. So, she was just going to do her best and hoped it worked out. Taking one handhold at a time, she hummed her tune to herself, fight back the nervous energy buzzing within her. Hearing Master Grrr call down to her, she smiled, raising a hand and nearly losing her hold in the process. She righted herself, but the sudden surge of fear wasn't missing from his voice. "I-I'm fine Master Grrr!"

She wasn't a real jedi, never would be, but that wouldn't stop her from trying to be the best padawan she could be.

Though, she was going to make sure that next armor set she brought wouldn't be so heavy.



Location: Conference location
Objective: liase with local diplomats and act as mediator
Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust Oraada Laabre Oraada Laabre Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir

Wearing: this and this made of Kaldrweave

The delegates began discussing things, Islas biochip helped her understand both the languages, but the switch back and forth was tricky and trying to speak both of them was beginning to make her throat ache, but she felt she was doing a good job. Luckily most of the debate was now in Galactic Basic. The tempers were there still why wouldn't they be, but they were still just bubbling, a few redlines here and there which didn't feel entirely like hard red lines, so movement is possible.

She took a breather to speak to her own colleagues to one side as the delegates also took times to talk internally amongst each of their factions. She smiled at the Jedi Oraada Laabre Oraada Laabre she was not familiar with her, but knew her name, it was good to see a new face and after this she would probably try and speak to her more. But for now focus was on the Grand Marshall Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust and the Valkyrja Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir .

"You will have to remind me to thank your mother for sticking this thing in my head" she laughed warmly at Eina, gesturing toward the HPI biochip which made her life so much easier. "It makes it so much easier when you can at least understand both parties"

She turned to Heinrich and stood next to him, speaking quietly. "So, our chief stumbling point is that the first minister of the Querrians is adamant that the interior minister of the Xexto makes a public speech to apologise for the actions of the XTF. The Xexto will not accept this as ultimately they are not in control of the XTF and an apology would be tantamount to an admission of guilt, and would open them up to serious litigation from the aggrieved parties. Other than that it is mostly territorial discussions and reparation payments, all of which I feel like can be done."

She spoke little louder so the three could hear but not the delegates. "so the only thing this chip doesn't seem to do is allow me to read minds, how does the room feel to the three of you, anything or anyone I should watch out for?"


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Lady Eina L'lerim-Vandiir
The First and the Light of Ashla

Heiress and Princess of the Eternal Empire and Terraris; Angelic Mascot and Representative of the Ashlan Crusade
Eternal Empire's Ambassador to the Ashlan Crusade; Matriarch of the Valkyrja; Leader of Sanctuary and the Fjölkyngi Smiđr Guild
Objective: Liase with local diplomats and act as mediator
Location: Conference location, Quermia
Equipment: Sverð Fyrstr (swords) | Ljósspjót (spear) | Skrúð Engill Fyrstr (armour) || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m || Current appearance
Writing With: Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana | Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust | Oraada Laabre Oraada Laabre | Inkara Liet | Open
[ Angels Calling ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

So when they were paying less attention to them, she discreetly hugged the man from behind and cuddled to his back. She rested her chin gently on Heinrich's shoulder as she hugged him carefully and cautiously, finally giving a kiss on his face. The last time when she hugged and kissed him, it worked well then. And now Eina was less embarrassed than she was then. Back then, these were still very novel things. She was just freed from the captivity of the parasite then and spent her first night with Gei.

She didn’t know what was right and what wasn’t, especially after that night. But Hei was like her brother. And this present moment, the embrace, might have revealed to everyone that there was more between them than friendship; however, this is not a relationship like between two lovers. No, it was completely like they were brothers and sisters. The trial also was painful to Eina, very much so. Gei behaved much more protective ever since and didn’t even want to let her go into battle and had to stay away from the duel and the raid at Kamar.

"Again, you don’t talk, you just suppress all the worries and problems within yourself. Please don't do this to yourself, Hei!" she whispered and asked the man gently.

She was worried about him. She squeezed the man gently once more, and then Oraada stepped near to them. Eina let go of Heinrich, but gave the man another kiss, then invited her again. There was no time at the trial to accept or reject this.

"And come to us, visit us, you have not been in our home yet, since we moved to Ession. And I know Gei would be happy for you too." she was still smiling kindly.

After that, she turned to the togruta. She was surprised by her words. She was not accustomed to being not recognized by anyone within the Ashlan Crusade, for she had been with them for many years, did innumerable things, and for these they even wanted to consecrate her to be the living saint of Ashla; and there weren't many other angel-wing people around here.

"Welcome to Lady Oraada. I'm Eina L'lerim-Vandiir." she introduced herself.

Isla stepped back to them at this time. Eina didn't really think it was her mother who would have insisted on it. Especially not for a person like Isla. Of course, she didn't understand the metaphor now, as usual.

"I don’t think she would have insisted on this, but I’m sure the HPI staff would love to hear that, Lady Isla." she told her.

Take care of someone? She was concentrating only on Heinrich all the way through, and she felt that her adopted brother would need protection the most. But, as always, she was discreet now and didn’t say it out loud. She protected the secrets, always.

"Hanging in the back" she asked back.




Equipment: Lightsaber Claymore, Ashlan battle armour (chest plate, wrist and thigh guards only), explosives, Shock Gauntlet, Icarus gravpack, Ashlan Rosary, survival kit, climbing kit
Location: The mountainside

The cliff seemed to ease out a little bit which gave the team a moment of relief, Greers muscles burned from the climb but she had energy to spare. She risked a look back down behind her, they were high up and the ground battle seemed to be intensifying, the Star Thistles had maybe four more metres to go before the crest of the cliff.

"We are nearly their Harmony Harmony , want to do the honors and take a peak up there for us? I don't think they know we're coming this way, so if the coast is clear, give us the signal and we will jump them." she smiled and winked at her friend, before gesturing her ahead. She closed her eyes and searched through the force, she wanted to look for anyone above them feeling the tension of waiting for them. There was nothing concerning. "I can't sense anyone waiting for us, up there, but we need eyes on."

She shuffled in her position and moved an extra couple of metres up the cliff, there was a small ledge with tufts of grass leaning over the top. "watch you hand holds, dont want to see anyone tumbling down below." the grass would hopefully give them a little cover to spot through before they attacked.


Tags: Inkara Liet


Vaxis didn't care for politics, often finding the ramblings of politicians to be tiresome. He always felt that one should be direct with what they say, and the flowery musings of political figures often contained hidden truths and unspoken motives. As a member of the Holy Jury, he had learned to tell the difference between what one said, and what one truly meant. Hunting down darksiders was easy, but standing guard? Not so much. Nevertheless, the days leading up to these peace talks had been tense at best, and at worst, violent. The potential for an assassination attempt was heightened, it seemed, and so he would stand and wait, keeping a watchful eye on all in the meeting.

Inkara stood next to him, making her own silent musings about their hosts. Vaxis eyed the delegates as she telepathically commented on the biology of the delegates.

I can confirm that the neck would be an issue. Sure was for that Kaminoan Sith I hunted down three weeks ago.

Vaxis wasn't one to joke about decapitating people, but he needed to do something to keep himself distracted from the monotony of the delegation. Besides, that particular Sith had put him through a good amount of trouble, having forced Vaxis to chase him for weeks in the Outer Rim. The denizens of the Bogan were often slippery, but this one had slipped through his fingers more than once, and it really got under Vaxis' skin.

With any luck, this will be over shortly, and we can get back to what we do best.

As his thoughts were projected to his friend, Vaxis caught something strange out of the corner of his eye. One of the Quermians present seemed to be making for a side door, his demeanor overtly cautious. Vaxis subtly motioned in the Quermian's direction as he once again channeled his thoughts toward Inkara.

Over there. Might be nothing, but I'm not taking any chances. Lets keep this quiet, the delegates are concerned enough as is.

He hoped that he was wrong, but there was only one way to be sure.




Heinrich Faust: Grand Marshal of the Ashlan Crusade

Oraada Laabre Oraada Laabre , Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana , Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir


Heinrich did his best to scan the room while the others talked, his eyes eventually falling upon the pair of Jurors watching a certain Quermian in the room. He didn't recognize him, but there was something about the way he moved... as if he were worried someone was watching. Curious, indeed.

"Cool heads will prevail, as long as we remain vigilant. These people have been at odds on and off for centuries, but they only need a gentle hand to guide them in the right direction. Neither side wants a war."

As the strange Quermian exited the room, Heinrich looked toward Isla.

"The one that just left the room... it looks like Vaxis an Inkara may have it under control, but we'll want to make sure the area is secure. Can you have the Sisters check the perimeter? Quietly, of course. We don't want to start a panic."

He turned toward Eina once again as he continued, returning the hug as he spoke.

"You're right. I'll tell you what, once we are finished handling the dispute here, I'll pay you and Gei a visit."

Perhaps he would finally be able to open up to Geiseric about what had happened on Ession. He had meant to tell his fellow Essonian and knight many times, but something always prevented him from having the opportunity to do so. Besides... he desperately needed a break from the trappings of his office. He had been burying himself in work lately, and some time away would likely do him some good.

As the proceedings continued moving forward, Heinrich looked toward Oraada once again. Though she didn't show it, there was an air of uncertainty that seemed to be present within her. Heinrich placed a hand on her shoulder in an effort to be reassuring. He didn't know what was on her mind, but he hoped it would be enough to make her feel more at ease. As he did so, he quietly addressed his companions while ambassador Vryl continued to speak.

"Vryl has certainly been spearheading the peace talks, for the most part. I can imagine that has something to do with his hesitancy to apologize to the Quermians. After all, he isn't wrong. Nevertheless, he may have to swallow his pride in order for this to work."

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