Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion Thicker than Water | AC Dominion of Quermia


Oraada Laabre, Ashlan Crusader

Jedi Knight​


Objective: Protect and Serve (Objective 1)
Location: Quermia
Allies: Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Inkara Liet


Oraada wanted so desperately for peace to simply happen without the need for constant surveillance. It wasn't that she was hardly up to the task of vigilance. The problem was more so that, if there was a threat at all to their peace, how long would it take to root out the Bogan in its entirety? Would it even happen within their lifetimes? At all?

But she believed in Heinrich. She believed in his vision, his drive, and his resolve. If he could do it and remain so strong, then she could too. Even if it was wrought from a place of mere inspiration from another's example, Oraada could be the best person possible for her. She could make a difference. In response to his words, she nodded. "And a gentle hand they shall receive. War now would be... horrible."

She was so focused on the conversation and her own thoughts that she missed the exit of the Quermian. When Heinrich pointed it out, she silently chastised herself for not catching it. Nonetheless, she wasn't called upon or talked to, so she stayed quiet.

Watching the two hug was... an odd feeling that she had to control. Once again, she reminded herself, she could have a friendship that deep someday and-- Gei? Were these two not involved? Oh. She misinterpreted that without realizing that had been her assumption. Oraada bit the inside of her lip in a subtle way, so as to minimize the visibility of it. This was awkward. Very awkward. Then again, if she never said anything about it, no one would know and everything would be fine. The Togruta didn't want to be a bother, nor did she want to be nosy beyond appropriateness. Still...

Then there was a hand on her shoulder. Oraada's eyes trailed from the arm up to the face, realizing that it was Heinrich. It was reassuring as he'd wanted it to be, but it was also distressing in its own way. Had she been too obvious? Had she failed to mask her anxieties? Nonetheless, Oraada's body slowly relaxed through the grounding power of touch. It felt strange to be comforted like this. Her master within the New Jedi Order hadn't been emotionally warm. There was not a lot of comfort like this. Perhaps that was a flaw in the training?

Oraada drew herself from her mental reminiscence in order to be present in the moment. "He has been, yes. Hesitancy isn't inherently unfounded here. As you say, he isn't really guilty of actions taken by radicals operating outside of the government. If he does apologize... is a gesture enough to seal peace?"




Location: Conference location
Objective: liase with local diplomats and act as mediator
Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust Oraada Laabre Oraada Laabre Inkara Liet

Wearing: this and this made of Kaldrweave

Isla watched on as Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir showered Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust with affection. She knew full well it was platonic, but it was a very unusual time and place to act like that, and would potentially give the delegates the wrong impression. You know what Isla, just leave it, Eina is an unusual woman and she already believes you tried to torpedo one of her relationships, lets not do it again.

Can you have the Sisters check the perimeter? Quietly, of course. We don't want to start a panic.

Isla sent a quick mental order to the Sister in charge of security who would relay the details onward, she reported back a few notes but was managing things mostly herself, a good officer that tried hard not to immediately send everything up the chain.

"A few protestors about, most have remained in designated safe areas and behaved themselves, obviously the odd altercation. There were a pair that breached the perimeter on the northern side that had to be subdued, both lightly armed, no present threats, but they will double up on their sweeps." Isla responded to the Grand Marshall, everything seemed under control from the outside, but there were a couple of dozen delegates in the room and any one of them could be a threat, Isla was glad she had armoured fabric, just in case. But she needed to project confidence whilst mediating or else why was the Ashlan Crusade here.

An alert came through her chip, a young man with binoculars and an encrypted two way comm had been detected at the top of a bell tower overlooking, a voice had come through the communicator shortly after the capture by the sisters asking if everyone was in position. This man was not security forces but had a perfect vantage into the room. "We might have a problem." Isla grinned as she saw she was being beckoned back over. She forwarded an exact copy of the communication to Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir 's biochip, along with a note to inform Heinrich. She had to keep up appearances as long as possible as a panic would not help anyone, and may turn a precision attack into a panicked shootout.

Isla breathed deeply and walked back over to the delegates, the Querriam delegation were getting impatient with Varl's refusal to apologise, and Varl was closing to the point where he felt his honor was being directly challenged. She made the descision to reduce the number of voices and took the two leaders aside. This unplanned move may also give the Jedi something to work with, and seperate a potential inside hitman from their quarry. The Quermian, the Xexto and the Ashlan all sat down together, a few metres away from the delegates who continued to argue the same point. But a closer discussion on this point of honor would hopefully resolve things so they could progress.

Before she sat down she looked over at Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir and remotely advised her that she would keep them talking as long as necessary for the warriors to do their part of the mission.



Tags: Raxtos Raxtos , Greer Caimbeulaich Greer Caimbeulaich Lehvi Vass Lehvi Vass , Mesh Zetnu Mesh Zetnu , Harmony Harmony , Arjan Kraktel Arjan Kraktel


The speederbike came barreling by the rest of the convoy, many having to jump out of the way as it sped past. Ihsan watched the man as he sped up the mountain. A Juror? Had to be. Such actions were a strong characteristic of the Papacy's hunters, as individual expression was often preached as a positive thing within their ranks. It made them effective hunters, though Ihsan often wondered how they would function on a battlefield. Today, it seemed he would learn exactly that.

"Looks like we'll find out what's in store for us sooner than anticipated."

Ihsan motioned for the Knights to pick up the pace, following the Juror that shot up the hill. As they continued the push forward, Ihsan helped Raxtos up, only taking a moment to speak before joining the others.

"You're instincts are better than others give you credit for, Raxtos. We may make you a proper knight after all."

It was said in jest, but Ihsan wasn't ever the best at speaking in anything other than his usually calm tone. As he turned back to the others, he could only barely see the speederbike in the distance, its silhouette slowly fading into the path ahead. As the rest of the convoy continued pressing forward, Ihsan began feeling as if something was off. He quickly ducked behind a rock, just in time to dodge a blaster bolt.

"Sniper, everyone take cover!"

He instinctively pulled Raxtos against the rock as two more blaster shots flew right by. Though he trusted in the man's instincts, Ihsan always thought of those in his order before himself. It was his duty as their grandmaster, one that he would fulfill till his final breaths. As the rest of the knights began to hug the side of the mountain, Ihsan took a moment to get his bearings.

"Anyone have eyes on that sniper?"

Lady Eina L'lerim-Vandiir
The First and the Light of Ashla

Heiress and Princess of the Eternal Empire and Terraris; Angelic Mascot and Representative of the Ashlan Crusade
Eternal Empire's Ambassador to the Ashlan Crusade; Matriarch of the Valkyrja; Leader of Sanctuary and the Fjölkyngi Smiđr Guild
Objective: Liase with local diplomats and act as mediator
Location: Conference location, Quermia
Equipment: Sverð Fyrstr (swords) | Ljósspjót (spear) | Skrúð Engill Fyrstr (armour) || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m || Current appearance
Writing With: Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana | Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust | Oraada Laabre Oraada Laabre | Inkara Liet | Open
[ Angels Calling ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Eina smiled at Heinrich once more as the man hugged her back. For a moment, she felt a strong urge to tell Gei the good news that the Grand Master would finally come to visit them. Luckily, she remembered that her betrothed might be dealing with something else, so she checked her through the dyad. She saw that he was just busy, so she'll wait with this news until she goes back home.

"I'll take you at your word, Hei!" she promised him.

She really wished the man was okay and well. She noticed her, felt and saw that there was something wrong with the togruta woman. There was a strange confusion around her in the Force, and for a few moments the Bogan's presence was definitely present in her. Or she was like she was here and not. She looked at Oradaar in surprise and confusion. She had no idea what the woman was talking about, she didn't understand at all.

"War is always horrible, not just now." Eina told her.

Eina lived in a constant war, fighting essentially every day for the last three hundred years. If people thought the battle between the Bogan and Ashla, or the Maw, or the former Civil War, was horrible - well, they hadn’t seen the wars in the Netherworld yet. Where even death is different, it is final, not like here. She was watching the others, including the delegates, when she received the Isla message. Eina didn't look at her, she didn't want others to notice them talking.

~ Not only is this our only problem, the togruta Jedi, as if she is sick, I feel the Force is strange around her and the Bogan's presence in her. I'll let Hei know. ~ she said Isla.

In the meantime, she also received the data. With a few thoughts, she passed this data to Heinrich as well. If the Grand Marshal had a biochip she sent to there, if not, he received these on his holoprojector. And, of course, she warned him telepathically, even before the man tried to project or open the data.

~ Isla sent them, she doesn’t want to panic, but there are problems out there. And in here too. I don't know if you feel it, but there's a problem with Lady Oradaar. There are strange vibrations around her in the Force and I can also feel the presence of the Bogan, I felt it from her direction several times. She is unable to control her feelings at all. Is she a Jedi? I haven't seen anything like this in any of the trained Force users, but not even in the Padawans, only if they've had a huge trauma… but if this is true then she shouldn't be here. This is not a safe place for her. ~ she told Heinrich with some concern.

Meanwhile, she was watching the delegates all along, no one could see anything from she is talking to the other two during this time.



Ihsan Varad Ihsan Varad Greer Caimbeulaich Greer Caimbeulaich Lehvi Vass Lehvi Vass Mesh Zetnu Mesh Zetnu Arjan Kraktel Arjan Kraktel
Ashlan Crusade, Dominion of Quermia

Equipment: Initiate's Robes... and a stick. They gave him a stick.

Perhaps some part of Rax had hoped that, when faced with a deadly adversary, his reluctance towards violence and killing would diminish. That's how it had been in his old life, before he'd found the Sword Cacophonous. He'd swindled swindlers, cheated cheaters, murdered murderers, and was always content in his own justification.

Now here he was, crouched behind a rock as some sleemo did his best to put a blaster bolt between Rax's eyes, and all he could think about was how the sniper had a family, was probably as scared as he was- a lone gunman against a caravan of holy crusaders? That had to be a nightmare.

"Anyone have eyes on that sniper?"
Rax huffed, breathing heavy as he waited to hear an answer to his master's question. There were only negative responses from the other knights and crusaders- everyone had heard the shot, but as jumpy as they were, they'd all made for cover same as Ihsan in that split second.

Rax thought for a moment. Without the sniper's position, they wouldn't know who was exposed, or when the gunman had moved. Every second he remained hidden, he was single-handedly holding at bay the entire convoy.

Then, mind made up, Rax slowly stood from behind the cover the Grandmaster had helped him to. His hands in the air, he took two steps... and then got that feeling. The one he got right before a friendly game of Sabacc turned into a 7-way shootout.

Painfully, he let his body drop straight to the dirt, as a red bolt of light whizzed over his head. But though he'd let himself fall, his eyes hadn't. Eyes fixed on the distant ridge, Rax could just make out the glint of a blaster barrel in the sun. It poked from the tiny patch of shadow cast by a scraggly tree growing in the rocks.

Scrambling on all fours, Rax made it back to Ihsan's rock as another bolt hit the dust behind him. He was panting, which hurt his shredded throat. The pain reminded Rax of a very important fact: even though he knew where the sniper was, he couldn't actually tell Ihsan where he was.

Frustrated, he turned to his master and jabbed a thumb in the tree's general direction. Then he tried to mimic the curve of the ridge with one arm, and made his other hand into as scraggly and pathetic a tree as he could manage, growing on that ridge.

His eyes were pleading and apologetic.
I know it's crude and unhelpful, I'm new to this, but please tell me you get what I'm trying to say.

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Heinrich Faust: Grand Marshal of the Ashlan Crusade

Oraada Laabre Oraada Laabre , Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana , Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir


Heinrich could sense the tension swelling in the room as Isla quietly ushered the delegation leaders to the side. As Eina relayed the message to him, he shot a look toward the window. Perhaps the wish for things to continue without incident was premature after all. Despite this, level heads would be needed to maintain order here. He began to quietly make a move toward the window, whispering to the others as he started to move.

"If they take a shot, we need to be ready. Eina, do you think you can handle the delegates when the time comes? We'll have to move quickly if things get violent. Oraada and I will remove those closest from the window from the room, but the others will need your help."

He slowly inched his way toward the window, eventually finding himself against the wall, peering out only ever so slightly so as to not raise concerns within the delegates. The bell tower could be seen in the distance, far enough away from the embassy to not arise suspicion, but close enough for a skilled shooter to make the shot. Heinrich took a moment to address Eina's concerns, sending his thoughts directly to her so that only she could hear.

~Have faith, Eina. All will be well. After all, we've all had our share of darkness creep in. We must believe in the will of Ashla.~

He motioned for Oraada to join him over by the window, taking a position between the window itself and the delegates nearby. Even if he couldn't protect them all, he could at least partially obstruct the shooter's view.



Oraada Laabre, Ashlan Crusader

Jedi Knight​


Objective: Protect and Serve (Objective 1)
Location: Quermia
Allies: Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Inkara Liet


Oraada stood at the ready. The emotions coming in from the delegations' members were akin to a wave of worry. Some were worried plainly for their lives, while others focused more on what this meant. Heinrich's glance to the window had her look as well, attempting to discern the danger that could be waiting for them. Nonetheless, she turned back to face the inside of the room quietly. As Heinrich took charge and gave his commands, she gave a slight nod of understanding.

As casually as she could, Oraada tried to make her way over to Heinrich in a minimal manner. The delegates needed to remain focused and unafraid. By the time she arrived, there was a sense of something amiss. She barely had the time to look at the window before she realized what was happening. A blaster bolt fired from the window, nearly hitting Heinrich in a critical location. Yet due to the way he obstructed the window, it would miss just enough to spare him in case of inaction.

"Heinrich--" Oraada breathed, closing the distance to ensure he was as alive and unharmed as he could be. "The tower was hiding a sniper. Where did it hit?"

And while she checked in with the Grand Marshal, the tone of the room shifted. The assassin seemed as though they were revealed through the sniper, but such was not the case. Someone near the Querrian leader began to move a hand to his side, attempting to mask the motion of pulling a pistol. If no one noticed or took action, there would soon be death.




Location: Conference location
Objective: liase with local diplomats and act as mediator
Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust Oraada Laabre Oraada Laabre Inkara Liet

Wearing: this and this made of Kaldrweave

A gunshot rang out from outside and Isla spun her head round to see Heinrich and Oraada reacting. The delegates in the room all stood and started moving about rapidly, some looking for exits, some looking for an exit, others looking for assistance. Isla looked about, trying to watch out for other dangers, but the rush in the room made it hard to spot anything. If there was a second gunman, Isla couldn't see him right now, or could she. A man, with an intent in his eyes that was different to the others. She drew her sword and held it out ahead of her. "take cover" Isla shouted to the two leaders who ducked behind her chairs. Isla looked across the room but the view from her too her allies was blocked by the rapidly flailing occupants of the room.

"Moenie dink ek sal jou nie doodmaak nie Ashlan!!" (don't think I won't kill you Ashlan!!) Came the shout from the assailant as he levelled his gun at Isla. The Ashlan Prime minister wasn't ready for this, she had her training but now desperately needed help. Why hadn't he fired yet. "as jy die afgevaardigdes aanval sal jy net die geweld hier uitbrei" (if you kill the delegates you will only extend the violence here).

"Hulle doodmaak? Hoe kortsigtig van jou mens, hulle is lewendig vir ons baie meer werd"(kill them? How short sighted of you human, they are much more valuable to us alive) he grinned and his eyes briefly twitched over Isla's shoulder just as she heard a gurgled cry for hell. Another assailant, a distraction within a distraction and now a Xexto had a noose around the neck of the Querrian delegate and was dragging him toward the door. "Eina! Stop him!" she called across the room. Isla couldn't turn round to give her back to the assailant, but she didn't have the speed to deal with both. She rarely cursed herself for lack of force powers, but this was one of those times. But as she stared down this armed man, he didn't know what she was capable of, which was likely the only reason he hadn't rushed and tried to disarm or otherwise attack her. Isla hoped this situation would last long enough for her allies to aid her. She wasn't ready to test how resilient Kaldweave outfit was.

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Cross-Guard Lightsaber
Julip, the akk dog

The insurgent redoubt slowly took shape- a mountain, slowly take up the whole of the horizon. As Lehvi and Julip trudged closer, the unmistakeable hustle-and-bustle of a military encampment came into view. But instead of uniform, there were being of all different sizes, shapes, species, and uniforms scrambling.

But united by a desire to extinguish the Bogan.

Lehvi's train of thought was derailed when he felt the Julip stiffen, and she began casting about warily.


"A mind...brushed against mine. Strange. Most think I'm a simple beast. The only ones who would think to do something like that is-"

"A Korun", Lehvi finished, spotting one of his kinsmen waiting, almost expectantly. They made their way over, pausing to allow a truly massive speeder bike to plow forward (nearly squashing some poor man, who only very narrowly avoided certain death), making a bee-line for his kinsman.

<Hail, brother>", Lehvi said in Korunnal. "I hope Ashla's grace shines upon us all this day. I am Lehvi Vass of GhĂ´sh Vass- Lor Pelek. And who migh-"

Introductions were swiftly interrupted by the a flash of a blaster bolt zipping through the camp, and the sound of it's impact. Lehvi instinctively rolled off of Julip, who took a protective stance in front of the Korun.

<Quite rude, even for the Bogan. Seems like formal introductions will have to wait. Care to take a trip up the mountain, brother? Junip's surprisingly good company...>"

<Die in a hole.>"


Ihsan Varad Ihsan Varad | Greer Caimbeulaich Greer Caimbeulaich | Lehvi Vass Lehvi Vass | Mesh Zetnu Mesh Zetnu | Arjan Kraktel Arjan Kraktel | Raxtos Raxtos
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Tags: Raxtos Raxtos , Greer Caimbeulaich Greer Caimbeulaich Lehvi Vass Lehvi Vass , Mesh Zetnu Mesh Zetnu , Harmony Harmony , Arjan Kraktel Arjan Kraktel


As the Knights took cover, Ihsan did what he could to get a look at the sniper. Unfortunately, he wasn't having the best of luck, as the sniper had them fairly pinned down. The rest of the Knights were having similar difficulty... except for one. As Raxtos stepped out, some of their companions stared at him in confusion. As for Ihsan, he watched patiently as the man stepped out from behind cover, only to dive just in time to dodge the next shot. He began to scramble back toward the rock, barely dodging yet another bolt of crimson plasma. Ihsan helped pull him to his feet, hoping for some good news.

Raxtos was struggling to speak, something they would have to address after the sniper was dealt with. For now, he had to resort to sign language, or at least, what one might call sign language. The motions were certainly unrefined, but in the end, Raxtos managed to get his point across. Ihsan simply nodded in return, turning toward two of the other Knights as he motioned toward the sniper's general location. As they began to prepare to handle the situation, Ihsan turned his attention to their newest member once more.

"Good work, Raxtos. Our brothers will move up ahead and see if they can get up to him. I noticed a small path not far behind us. It's small, but we should be able to make it up there without being seen. We can-"


Dirt and rock shot out from up ahead where the other knights had begun their advance, likely due to charges hidden within the mountain itself. Ihsan quickly rushed toward them, taking care to stay out of the sniper's line of sight. The two knights lived, having thrown up a force field at the last moment. Nevertheless, they had both caught shrapnel between the plates of their armor.


They would live, but things were becoming ever the more clear... they had to get up this mountain. They wouldn't be able to do that, however, without taking out that sniper.

Lady Eina L'lerim-Vandiir
The First and the Light of Ashla

Heiress and Princess of the Eternal Empire and Terraris; Angelic Mascot and Representative of the Ashlan Crusade
Eternal Empire's Ambassador to the Ashlan Crusade; Matriarch of the Valkyrja; Leader of Sanctuary and the Fjölkyngi Smiđr Guild
Objective: Liase with local diplomats and act as mediator
Location: Conference location, Quermia
Equipment: Sverð Fyrstr (swords) | Ljósspjót (spear) | Skrúð Engill Fyrstr (armour) || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m || Current appearance
Writing With: Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana | Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust | Oraada Laabre Oraada Laabre | Inkara Liet | Open
[ Angels Calling ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

~ But if she can’t pay attention because something distracts her, she puts herself in danger too. She did not react to my words about the war, as if she were not here, but somewhere else, and spoke more strangely than other mortals. I'm worried about her and everyone. ~ she replied.

She stared at the window for a moment, and since the whole room, the delegates, Isla, and even the doors remained to her, to take care of them, she tried to go to a place where she could see the whole room. The place was too big. And she wasn't strong enough to protect everyone. That is, but, unfortunately, in this the enemy is included if there was an enemy. Because if she raises a shield or tries to attack someone, it can also incur additional losses, collateral damage, or protect the enemy, not just the one she should. They were too few and the locals weren't.

She heard the shot, and by this time she was leaving for the delegates. There were too many there and in the room. Eina couldn't teleport because she had nowhere to arrive, there was no free space. If it flies into the air, it will scare others and there will be even more chaos. She saw the assassin capture one of the people. She heard Isla's voice. She would have headed in that direction immediately, going forward when another shot was heard. From outside.

She stopped; it saved her life, the next moment the window exploded as the bullet flew into the room and flew away one step ahead of Eina, at head height and slammed into the wall that was there next to Eina. If the Valkyrja hadn't stopped, it would have hit her exactly and killed her. Hell broke loose around her, everyone tried to escape in all directions. Several went to her, pushed her against the wall. Someone even collided with her from behind. She'd tried to turn into that direction. She wanted to ask anxiously if the other person was okay while she had gone ahead, she had already stepped into Isla's direction…

"They send their regards, Abomination!" she heard the ur-Kittât words.

The next moment she felt icy pain in her back and upper body. She looked down at her chest, it was a long blade of a sword adorned with Sith runes, the blade floating in golden ichor, in Eina's "blood." The blade impaled her as she was just stepping, so the momentum bring her forward, she took a step or two further, she heard a female voice screaming beside her. The next moment the Valkyrja fell down on the ground…


Mad Monk and Hound of Ashla


As Arjan's speeder barreled up the path, the man clutched the controls tightly. "Shadow, keep the sensors up. Active and passive sweeps. Send all information on trap placement, any troop movements, and holes that could prove dangerous. Make sure they have a full updated and live map." The man's voice growled over the whistling of the wind passed them.

"Understood. Sending all viable telemetry and bio-data."

With a grin Arjan brought the swoop to full speed. Blasters fired at the rider from multiple positions; the small arms were intercepted by the deflector shields - For now. As it moved, explosions rocked the vehicle as IEDs went off along the path. Arjan carefully corrected and glanced quickly at the shield generator. So far, so good. But it wasn't some all-powerful walker, they had to be carefully. He carefully veered to the side as another blast of fire from some hidden crag splashed against the shields. As he grit his teeth, Arjan barked out an order. "Shadow, find that group!" The sensors flashed and a dot appeared on the grid. With a twist of the handles the swoop made a loop and shot up the side of the rugged cliffs. As they neared the hidden crag, a quick pull of the trigger sent a hot blast of the medium blaster cannons to sweep over the problem. However, it wasn't enough. The swoop shot forward, it's ram pointed at a fleeing enemy. As the bike's forward ram hit the man, electricity swept over him, and his body went flying, most likely dismembered.

Without so much as slowing down, Arjan continued low to the cliff face and looped back around to the main road. He was the target after all, it wouldn't do for him to take an alternative path. The enemy had to know what they were dealing with. They needed to be distracted. His fingers reached out, and flipped a switch, he diverted some energy from the cannon recharge rate, to boost the recharge speed of the shields. This was going to be bumpy.

He used small, infrequent bursts of his cannons to try and cause groups to scatter. But, he tried to not divert to much from his path. Instead, each group that fired at him was mapped, each cluster of traps that went off marked, every twist and turn analyed. All of it was sent back to the main force behind him. If his life and death saved even one of them, prevented their families from a needless grief, it was a life well spent.


Heinrich Faust: Grand Marshal of the Ashlan Crusade

Oraada Laabre Oraada Laabre , Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana , Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir


There was always a strange stillness that preceded an outburst of violence, a certain moment where everything seemed to slow. Heinrich could feel that stillness, and in that moment, his head turned toward the others.

"Get down!"

He instinctively shifted his weight, moving toward the side as his shoulder swung outward. If he had been slower, the blaster bolt would have struck him in the back. Luckily, Heinrich was able to only get clipped in the shoulder. As Oraada rushed to his side, he allowed her to help him up.

"I'll be okay. See to the others."

The room itself erupted into panic as the delegates attempted to flee. The crusaders did what they could to protect them, but there was a lot of ground to cover. Isla had already apprehended another would be assassin, yet there was another dragging one of the delegates to the door. How many of them were there... no, it didn't matter. What mattered was securing this room, and quickly. Heinrich quickly sent a message to the Jurors in the area as he drew his lightsaber.

<<All Jurors, the delegation is under attack. Secure the entrances, no one gets in or out.>>

Thankfully, the other Ashlan forces would be moving for the bell tower by now. It seemed that maybe things would get under control... then he saw the attack on Eina.


He quickly turned to Oraada as he ignited his golden blade.

"Help the Grand Admiral secure the delegates."

With those words, Heinrich bolted across the room, his blade at the ready. He shot over toward Eina just as the sword was pulled from her body, her assailant standing defiantly as the golden ichor flowed from the wound in her body. Heinrich's hand lashed out in a flurry of strikes, unleashing a barrage against the man that had hurt his dear friend. The assailant may have stood a chance, if he hadn't had done what he had. Heinrich had enough of seeing his friends suffer... it was time for it to end. One of his blows knocked the blade from the man's hand, the next took the arm that wielded it. The final blow came for his neck, severing muscle and bone until the attacker's decapitated body fell to the floor.

Heinrich quickly rushed to Eina, holding a hand over her wound.

"It's okay, I've got you. Just hang in there."

Heinrich wasn't a healer by any means, but he knew enough to at least slow the bleeding. He held a hand over her wound, saying a prayer to Ashla as a golden light slowly began to emanate from his hand. He just hoped it would be enough.

Lady Eina L'lerim-Vandiir
The First and the Light of Ashla

Heiress and Princess of the Eternal Empire and Terraris; Angelic Mascot and Representative of the Ashlan Crusade
Eternal Empire's Ambassador to the Ashlan Crusade; Matriarch of the Valkyrja; Leader of Sanctuary and the Fjölkyngi Smiđr Guild
Objective: Liase with local diplomats and act as mediator
Location: Conference location, Quermia
Equipment: Sverð Fyrstr (swords) | Ljósspjót (spear) | Skrúð Engill Fyrstr (armour) || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m || Current appearance
Writing With: Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana | Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust | Oraada Laabre Oraada Laabre | Inkara Liet | Open
[ Angels Calling ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

As Eina fell, she could still feel her attacker pulling her sword out of it. It still hurts the whole thing, but at least the blade doesn't block the flow of Force in her body. The Valkyrja tried to get up from the ground, push herself up, but failed, she fell back. She gasped frequently for the pain, feeling like she had no strength. On the ground she saw the golden ichor flow to the ground from under her own body. Even at that moment, she thought she was hoping Gei didn’t feel this and the pain didn’t stop him in what her beloved crusader was doing.

The next moment, Heinrich was already by her side. As the man's hand hit one of the wounds because it was two, the other was on the girl's back, not just on her chest, the blade pierced her. So as Heinrich's hand reached the wound, he could feel the Force terribly strongly. It was as if he had dipped in the strongest Nexus. Eina's golden blood was pure Force. The golden ichor was the Force. For a Force entity, it may not be so surprising.

And Eina, lying on the ground, began to change; first her wings disappeared, then her red hair changed to black but not average black, it was as if her hair was full of stars, tiny golden highlights shining in her. Next, her snow-white skin turned into pale blue skin glowing in pale blue light. Her feminine features disappeared, only her face's features and eyes remained the same. Anyone who had seen Valkyrja before could immediately realise that it was the real form of Eina.

Eina was none other than members of her people, neither male nor female, physically neutral, though her personality, identity and traits were feminine. But her body had no external female features. So now, after Geiseric, Heinrich was the second to see Valkyrja in her true form. So she really seemed much more of an empyrean being than a worldly one. Her purest form, as Gei said. She put her hand gently on Heinrich's hand as it glowed in the golden light.

"Don’t exhaust yourself, it won’t be successful, but thank you for trying. Rather, just try to bandage the wound. I will need Life Force or Force Energies to heal. You know I'm not like you or the creatures in the Realspace." she said softly, her voice remaining the same, though there was pain in her voice and gratitude despite her pain, then she smiled. "And I think you already understand why I use the angelic form when I’m with the Ashlans."




Heinrich Faust: Grand Marshal of the Ashlan Crusade

Oraada Laabre Oraada Laabre , Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana , Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir


As Heinrich held his hands to his friend's chest, the golden ichor emanated with the purest energy of the Light. Not since Heinrich had visited the Font of Power had he felt such a pure, strong energy within the Force. It was strange, to say the least, and the man found himself slightly overwhelmed. His hands fell to his sides as she changed her form, showing him what she truly looked like. It was like nothing he had ever seen before, and considering the things Heinrich had seen... that was saying something.

He fumbled over his words for a moment, taken aback by the experience as he knelt next to his friend.

"I... yeah, I've got you."

He called over to one of the nearby guards to bring a bandage. As they waited, Heinrich looked back to Eina.

"We'll get you fixed up, one way or another."

As the guard approached, Heinrich took the bandage, quickly getting to work on the wound.

"I suppose you've earned a bit of a vacation, eh?"

It was a horrible joke, but he was doing his best to raise her spirits. As he finished applying the bandage, he grabbed her, preparing to help her stand.

"Lets get you out of here."


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