Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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[member="Seraphina Shel'tah"]

His eyes popped open, though the attack was entirely unexpected. He had known that eventually she would strike, it was just a matter of when. The force instantly wrapped around him like a chain, constricting his airway and threatening to crush his throat. His lips thinned instantly, but he responded just as fast as she did.

Her hand went clasping around her wrist, her other palm occupied by the grip on his throat, that left his other hand free.

The palm darted over his belt and towards the remote before she even had a second to act. Fingers crawled towards the clip even as the breath was forced from his lungs. His fingers latched around the small device, pulling it free from his belt, thumb immediately hovering over the button. Instead of pressing it however his leg came up just as she hauled him from the ground.

The added momentum pushed his knee up and towards her chin faster than normally possible, the other hand that she had a grip on drawing back almost instantly.

She would either be forced to release him and back away, or take a knee to the face.
The female snarled as she saw the incredibly brief warning of his knee rising to strike her. Instead of letting him go or simply taking the brunt of the force though, she instead shifted the approach to a forward momentum, rather than to keep him elevated in a choke. The hand on the Sith's wrist released, while at the same time the one choking him would let go of the binding around his throat. He would feel a sudden punch of energy take root in his abdomen as she sent him careening across the room towards the bookcase on the far wall.

Without sparing him a moment to recover or get his bearings about him she rushed towards him even as he flew back.

Her hand snapped up her lightsaber and drew the weapon the moment it hit her palm. The snap-hiss would be his only warning of the rampaging death as she sent the blade through the air, releasing it in a rapid spiral towards him. The secondary saber would find its' way into her other palm, activating as well for when she approached, if the other weapon failed to end his existence she would seek to drive this one through his chest.

There was no hesitation, no remorse.

[member="Vrak Nashar"]
[member="Seraphina Shel'tah"]

Vrak crashed against the book case, a loud splintering crack ringing out throughout the room as he went tumbling to the ground. His body hit the floor with a loud thud, the lightsaber slicing over his head just as he fell to the ground. A curse escaped him and he quickly rolled to the side, the blade slicing through what remained of the book case just above him.

His head darted up just in time to see her charging.

Another curse, and the Sith Pureblood moved. He bounded back to his knees, jumping up with the assistance of the force. His thumb slid over the button on the remote, considering simply executing and ending her. He had the names, would that be enough? Had she lied? He frowned slightly in the half second he had left, his thumb slowly slipping free as he decided he would still need her. She rushed towards him, blade stabbing forward as he pivoted to the left of her.

The blade singed overs his robes.

His leg swept forward to knock her feet out from below her, his hand striking out like a viper to grip her wrist.

If he found purchase his hand would twist and bend her arm back to force her into dropping the weapon while at the same time pushing her to the ground with the momentum of her legs swept out from under her.
The violet blade she had thrown found its' way on a return course as she charged Vrak. A growl escaped her lungs as she saw him consider for a moment depressing the button, though reveled in the inaction of the man. He needs me. That gave her at least a momentary advantage, despite what he was about to do in retaliation, an attempt to dissuade her from further proceeding with this revenge plot. The man reached up, grabbing onto her wrist, however she figured he might try the same sweeping attempt as before. That she was ready for this time.

As Vrak twisted her wrist as she suspected her feet left the ground below her, narrowly avoiding the attempt to unbalance her. While her hand did pull back, and she did drop the weapon, her feet hit the wall just behind Vrak, allowing her to push herself off and back in the direction he had pulled her arm. Instead of injuring her, she used it to slingshot herself back against him, throwing her airborne weight against him while she recalled the twirling lightsaber to her unobstructed hand out in front of him, intending to grab hold of the blade as she sent him towards the floor in a violent manner.

[member="Vrak Nashar"]
[member="Seraphina Shel'tah"]

Vrak went tumbling, but he didn't stop fighting.

His hand still gripped her tight, his fingers pulling tight against her skin as he wrenched her arm out and clear of him so she would fall right along with him.

At the same time his fingers closed around the remote, a fist forming in and instant. Just as he went falling to the floor Vrak once again struck out, keenly aware of the lightsaber blade that was floating dangerously close to bisecting him. His eyes focused on her however, ignoring the blade as he struck out for hopefully the final time.

He took the cheap shot.

The newly balled up fist struck out, heading directly for her throat just as they both went clattering to the floor.
She had no option but to allow the lightsaber to continue its' path and deliver some terrible damage to the wall behind the two as they fell to the floor. She needed that spare hand. He still had grip of her other, despite her best attempt to free it of his clutch. That spare hand though would not be wasted. She managed to catch the thrust as he made for her airway, stopping it midway. She now had hold of his hand, while he had hold of hers. He was stronger than her at least in terms of physical ability, but how well could he withstand the Force?

It was a terrible option, one she would have preferred not to utilize, but it was necessary nonetheless. Vrak would receive no warning, as she simply released the energy the moment she supplied it. Hissing and crackling erupted from her hands, catching the brief spaces of air between their two hands, dancing and biting into the flesh of each of them as it sent wild surges of electrical pulses through both bodies. The woman would not relent, holding her determination and focus as long as she could or unless Vrak released her.

[member="Vrak Nashar"]
[member="Seraphina Shel'tah"]

His teeth immediately clamped shut, lightning flashed between the two of them and soared through their bodies. Pain began to pull through them, but this was a game that Vrak had already won once before. Perhaps she had forgotten that small detail.

Vrak's hand clamped onto the remote, finger very nearly pushing the button by accident.

A roar escaped him, his lips suddenly opening as a spark of lightning jumped between his teeth. His eyes bulged, but his grip upon her only grew tighter and tighter, as though his fingers refused to capitulate to the pressure that she was applying. His nails dug into the skin of her wrist, blood beginning to drip as she suddenly yanked her forward.

His head ducked down and then jutted forward.

With one quick motion Vrak sought to bash his forehead into the bridge of her nose, even as lightning ravaged their bodies.
She wouldn't have it. The servants beneath them might wonder just what in the galaxy was going on above as the screams of both Sith and Twi'lek combined, tearing through the air and threatening to blow the windows out of the place. It echoed for what sounded like miles, lightning flashing and dancing all about the room in wild arcs, touching everything nearby and singing wall, fabric, and ceiling at will. She continued to allow the energy to surge through her body despite the minuscule pain brought forward by his nail biting into her wrist. The tickles of blood served only to fuel her own rage and anger. The flashes grew brighter as she allowed the Force to flow freely through her like a breached dam.

Sera's eyes momentarily caught Vrak's her teeth baring as if she were about to tear his skull from the neck. His own attempt to headbutt her would be matched like a dueling ram against hers.

The woman tucked her chin down and protruded her forehead to slam against Vraks in defense, rather than to break the cartilage in her nose, or worse.

As if the terrifyingly painful scorching of skin wasn't bad enough, the least she needed was further injury.

[member="Vrak Nashar"]
[member="Seraphina Shel'tah"]

Their heads clattered together, blood immediately dripping down as his head was forced back against the floor by the thud of the impact against his skull. The bash struck him, his head lulling for half a second before the pain still wracking through his body caught him back to attention.

Pain still lanced through him, his grip tightened even as she half sprawled on top of him, fingers digging into her wrist.

"Stop!" his voice suddenly boomed out, the force pressing out from his throat as another spark of lightning jumped beneath his teeth. His finger had slipped towards the button on the remote in his palm, middle finger hovering over the small stud.

If she gave the slightest glance she would see the slight tightening of his finger, the tiniest curl of his digit as he began to depress the button into the remote.

He couldn't win this.

She was stronger than him in the force, that was what mattered in the end. So he had no choice. He still needed her, but he wasn't about to die just to keep her alive.
She hissed in anger and pain. The sparks immediately dispersed, leaving both Sith and Twi'lek in a cloud of smoke and singed clothing. Bite marks from the tendrils dotted her body just about all over. Something that would take time to heal, though she was hardly a stranger to lingering injuries. A great many would never be forgotten, both by her mind and by her body. The woman's nose twitched, seeing his finger partially against the button. Her hands released their hold, and she tried to push herself slightly away to give both Vrak and herself some space.

Even if she tried to hide it, she was in terrible pain, as she was certain he was. Perhaps he would punish her. But he would learn to respect her if he intended to keep her around. She wasn't some gutless, mindless slave to be carted about by the hand and ordered to do as she was told. She would do what she needed, and not an ounce more. If he expected her to obey, he would learn to understand that she was not just a tool for him to wield on a whim, nor would she freely bestow his will wherever he deemed it.

He was not her better by any means. Having to press that button only proved that point.

Seraphina returned to a more docile state the instant she backed away, nose flaring for a moment as she took stock of the damage around them.

"Very well." She finally said, almost as if she expected him to expect such a response from her.

[member="Vrak Nashar"]
[member="Seraphina Shel'tah"]

Before she could get very far Vrak moved.

Anger drove him. Pain still laced through every single muscle in his body. The clothes he wore were scorched and ruined, his forehead was bleeding, his hand was covered in blood and the room that he had made his own here was completely and entirely ruined. Not to mention the fact that she had practically humiliated him, humbled him. It was not something he could allow, not something he could stand for long. Rage pulled through him like it had never before.

His fingers found purchase upon her throat.

In an instant he grasped her, then suddenly pushed her back. In half a heartbeat Seraphina would find herself slammed down against the ground, tables turned as Vrak dragged himself atop her, one hand on her throat and the other holding just above her with his thumb hovering over the button on the remote. One knee pressed against her inner thigh, pinning her in place as a snarl escaped his lips.

"Do not mistake my kindness for foolishness." His voice was a bare rasp. "I will kill you."

Even if it set him back a few months. "Understand?"

Oh he had learned his lesson. He knew that she was not to be trifled with, but he also knew that he had leverage over her. Perhaps he had gotten lucky fighting her the first time, but this little scuffle had more than proven she could still bite back. His fingers tightened on her throat, driving his point home as he held her in place.
A truly deviant smirk found its' way to her face, even despite the incredibly uncomfortable fingers around her neck, pressing still against the lingering bruises that perfectly matched his fingertips from before. She choked on her laughter, but he hadn't severed her breathing entirely, at least not yet, which meant she could still laugh, even despite the pain. Her teeth showed once more as her lips remained parted, tongue dancing along the upper row one by one.

If he was truly going to kill her, he would have already done it. Still, she knew there was a certain degree of pushing she could get away with before he simply snapped and pushed it out of simple reaction.

"Understood." She said through the grin.

The words echoed his demand, the thing he wanted to hear, but the smile could be inferred that she held little regard for her own safety, and would continue to be problematic down the line.

Sera didn't move, didn't attempt to push him off of her, didn't resist him in any way. In a twisted way she had beaten him, even if he was the victor. She had taught him that she was stronger than him, even while he held the metaphorical key to her life in his hand. She wasn't looking to die, but she was hardly fearful of death.

[member="Vrak Nashar"]
[member="Seraphina Shel'tah"]

He scowled, knowing that he had lost. There wasn't really anything that he could do about it. Vrak could've killed her quite literally with the push of a button, but doing so would make this entire process quite a bit longer. Time was something he didn't have, and now she knew that she could push him. His lips thinned as his fingers still pressed into her throat for a moment. He wondered briefly if the agitation of it all would be worth it in the end.

For a moment more he lingered. "Good."

That was all he said, all he could say. They both knew what had just happened here, they both knew that she had gained a little ground and he had given it. There was no other choice however, and the dynamic of...whatever the hell this was had now shifted just a little bit. He frowned, and then slowly released her throat. Fingers unclasped, leaving behind deeper bruise marks than before. Slowly he pushed himself up and off of her, letting her head drop back to the ground.

His knee was the last to go, pressing into her leg for just a moment as he pushed himself up.

For a moment he loomed over her, eyes staring down at her body laying on the floor, thumb still rolling over the button on the tiny remote as he fought the temptation to press it.
Green eyes watched him tower over her, dancing between his amber orbs and the small button that he played with between his fingers.

He wouldn't torture her out of some strange sense of twisted morality. He couldn't beat her through his connection to the Force. He couldn't outmatch her dexterity. And he wouldn't push that button.

In a way, she controlled him. Going forward he would have to give her some measure of leeway, rather than ordering her about like some puppeteer pulling her strings as he so chose. Of course, there was nothing directly preventing him from simply ending her life, but whatever information she had, whatever pathway brought him to whatever realization of his plan he was scheming was enough for him to take his chances with her. That alone was valuable enough to know.

Though when all was said and done, he would very likely try to kill her, rather than spend the effort to remove the device. Simpler that way. She would do it anyway. That meant she needed to be rid of the device before this all came to curtains close.

Her hand pressed against the floor beneath her, shifting her weight to her knees to pick herself up. With aching muscles and a slight cry she managed to stand. Her lightsabers were about the room somewhere, though that was hardly a concern for the time being. Instead she padded over to the bed Vrak had earlier instructed her to sleep on and allowed herself to fall flat onto it. She would accept the offer now that she had gotten her way.

[member="Vrak Nashar"]
[member="Seraphina Shel'tah"]

For a few moments he considered punishing her in some way, but he knew it was all but useless. The display that had gone on up here was clear enough, and what it meant going forward? His lips thinned slightly as he watched her fall onto the bed.

This was troubling.

More than troubling it was a problem. Eyes darted about the room. His table was a broken mess, several of his books were permanently scorched, and the carpet was entirely ruined. His gaze fell from the room to himself. He was in shambles, blood dripped from his forehead, his hand ached, and every muscle in his body was screaming at him to join her in that bed and simply sleep to rest and recover. His fingers tightened however, and slowly he turned away from her.

Something had to be done.

He could not allow it to go this way, not if he wanted to live. Eventually she would find him at a weak-point, she would see him relax or somehow let the remote slip from his grasp. In that moment she would strike, and very probably kill him.

There was no doubt in his mind that she was stronger than him, probably more skilled. A part of him reasoned that he hadn't had his lightsaber during this fight, but he knew that was just an excuse. Slowly he turned away from the bed and wandered back towards the stairs, his boots crunching as he stepped on broken glass that had been tossed around during their fight. As he wandered down the steps one of the servants met him, the man opening his mouth in shock as he saw his lord.

Before he could speak Vrak raised his palm. "Contact the Syndicate. I need them to find something for me."

He would not lose again.
The Twi'lek listened to him trot off to lick his wounds. Hers would heal on their own, over time, at some point. Her armor had a bacta injector within it, if she so desired, however now was not the time to was the singular use it contained within. Now was the time to simply rest. With Vrak gone she groaned in pain, having masked it for the majority of the end of their scuffle. Everything hurt. Everything was sore. She had cuts, scrapes, more bruises, repeated bruises that were now accented from earlier injuries, and more still to come.

A pink hand wiped away the beads of sweat that had collected. Her head was throbbing. Each lek behind her head curled and shifted in an attempt to find some measure of comfort. She was exhausted, but the pain made it difficult to obtain any real measure of rest. She could perhaps make her way downstairs, though Vrak may take that approach the wrong way, and despite her victory over him in more ways than he knew, she wasn't about to poke the bear further right then.

She sat up, peered over at the bookcase, a great number of the texts now well destroyed. A few however lingered in tact, and she plucked one from its' resting place before returning to the bed. The pillows she pulled behind her back to keep her up straight while her legs crossed beneath the sheets. A few deep breaths were taken in before she began to read and hopefully forget about some of the agony coursing through her body.

[member="Vrak Nashar"]
[member="Seraphina Shel'tah"]

A few hours later Vrak sat within the small command center. The wound on his forehead had been sealed with some bacta and a quick few stitches, new robes had been donned and all around he appeared to be far better than he had been when he left the bedroom. He sat in place on a small dais upon the main floor, his eyes closed as he lost himself in meditation. The darkside flowed through him at a steady pace, slowly ebbing the tide of pain that still clung to his muscles.

"My Lord."

Vrak opened one eye. "Yes?"

"We have found a connection between the victims."

That was surprising news, and good news. He was getting entirely sick of waiting around, especially when he knew of what danger lurked just upstairs. He had no idea whether the woman was still actually up there, but if she had decided to run the remote had a range of...well wherever the holo-net was. If she was gone he'd simply press the button and be done with her.

"The other matter?" The servant nodded, and then handed Vrak a small object that he tucked into his robes. "Fetch the girl."

The Servant nodded once again and headed up the stairs.
There was a knock. Odd. Why would that moron knock on his own door? It then opened and a sheepish looking girl peered through the crack, hazel eyes blinking from afar.

"Lord Nashar wishes to see you." The call was quiet, subdued. The Twi'lek set down the book she was reading, half unsure if what she had heard was actually a request, or just a demand obscured by pretty words.

Sera perked an eye, her muscles still incredibly sore. "If he wants to see me, tell him to take his crimson ass up those steps. Do his own work."

There was a tremble in the lips of the servant. Sera could sense the fear in her. "Tell him if he harms you for delivering that message, that I will break his legs." Despite her words of reassurance, that didn't seem to put the woman at ease. Still, the door slid slowly closed without a word. The Twi'lek picked the book back up and began reading again. Either Vrak would come crashing through the door, angrier than ever, or a servant would be back to deliver another stupid message.

Either way, her rear was firmly planted on the plush bed and she wasn't moving unless he showed his face.

[member="Vrak Nashar"]
[member="Seraphina Shel'tah"]

He didn't argue.

Not this time.

There were better things to do than to protect his pride, especially now. Slowly he patted the object tucked away in his cloak. He would wait for the right moment. His lips thinned as he wandered back up the stairs, the servants not questioning him capitulating to the woman. They knew well enough that questioning him would likely lead to death, so while some might have found it strange they knew better than to say anything to him.

Slowly he ascended the steps, pulling open the door with another wave of his hand.

He found her lounging on the bed, reading one of the novels that had been left scattered on the floor. He recognized the book from it's binding, it was written by a Sith Lord several centuries ago and mused on the idea that the Jedi and Sith weren't all that different in the end. Philosophical drivel of course, but entertaining enough to read once or twice. "I'm glad you've made yourself comfortable."

Vrak said flatly as he wandered over to the bed.

His fingers pinched the binding of the book, pushing the novel down to peer down at her.
Her hand lingered where it held the book for a second, before falling into her lap, green eyes lifting to his own.

"I did. I believe you told me to do so. I have done as you asked." A gentle smile appeared on her face, likely the only true one he had seen of her yet. Legs from beneath the blankets pulled up somewhat, to make a bit of room for the Sith to sit, as well as put a small knee-high barrier between the two. "I returned the girl. I assume she relayed my message." Her arms crossed in front of her chest while she leaned back against the small pillow wall she had made behind her back.

"If you want to see me, fetch me yourself. It's a simple task. I would have come."

Vrak wanted her cooperation. If he wanted it willingly he would need to adjust his approach on a number of things. Having others do his job for him was one.

"Now that you're here, what is it you needed from me?"

See? She could be cooperative.

[member="Vrak Nashar"]

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