Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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This Crude Matter (open to the Republic's Jedi)

The Flightline Supervisor was still alternating between receiving reports from deck departments with personnel still inside the hangar. The hangar which had been completely sealed to the interior of the ship roughly two seconds after a large shadow with a blue glowstick passed through the doors. While he wasn't exactly thrilled any had gotten by, he had an entirely different problem. Countless droids inside the hangar. They looked like...simple astromech droids... Once the last remaining deck hands had been evacuated, he contacted the bridge. "Bridge, flight deck something with a lightsaber made it to the interior. Hangar is secure - number of unknown droids are still in the space. Sensitive..." The officer paused only long enough to check a status board. "...spaces secure at this time as well."

Brief pause.

"Understood - security teams should be arriving from aft gear room momentarily. Keep us appraised on the status." The Captain exhaled briefly before tapping into Master Matteo's comm frequency.

Marcello stopped running the second he sensed...a shift. For a moment he was motionless in the corridor. With the klaxons long since silenced, the Naboo native managed to hear the beeping of his communicator. Retrieving the device, he spoke between slightly heavier breaths. "Matteo."

"Something carrying a lightsaber made it out of the hangar."

"Plot a course for Anaxes. Go ahead and make sure the situation is called in with our current position and intentions. What's the status on the hangar deck?"


"Very well, get us to Anaxes, Captain." Terminating the connection, Marcello walked quietly through the corridors. He had a specific direction in mind, of course, but he did not take a direct route. Reaching out through the Force, he spoke to the other Jedi telepathically. There are at least two darksiders on this ship. One of which is quite capable of working very hard to go unnoticed. Stick together, combine your efforts, focus on the task.

There wasn't some grand battleplan here. They'd been boarded, yes. No demands had been made as of yet...perhaps there wouldn't be. For now, Marcello's glacier-blue gaze stared down the currently empty corridor. Fortunately, someone was pouring quite a bit of manipulation into the Force for some purpose. What it was being used for, Marcello could not be sure, but he could make an educated guess. Two separate presences only one seen, so he presumed the lion's share of force activity was coming from someone attempting to move rapidly through the vessel while keeping their entire physical presence cloaked from view. There was more, of course.

Marcello had spent a great deal of time operating under a diminished force presence in his past...activities. Someone onboard was doing this, and the Jedi Master recognized the tell-tale spike that occurred when someone trying to diminish their force presence and make massive manipulations of the Force in other regards at the same time. It was like finding that perfect hiding place but having a pretty serious case of Tourettes. He was fairly sure others...could sense that if they knew what to look for.

Fully open to the Force at this point, Marcello could practically feel the subtle hum of the hyperdrive motivator as the Praxeum prepared to enter hyperspace.

[member="Rave Merrill"] | [member="Ket Van-Derveld"] | [member="Corvus Raaf"] | [member="Adele Adonai"] | [member="Kana Truden"] | [member="viper"]
"General Quarters, General Quarters - all hands man your battle stations, up and forward on the starboard side, down and aft on the port. Set Condition I throughout the ship. Security teams, starboard side hangar."

Marcus heaved a groan as he bolted upright from his bunk, nearly clonking his head into the one above him.

"Jordan!" the grouchy Staff Sergeant shouted at the marine getting dressed beside him, "The hell's goin' on?"

"No idea, Foster. Definitely not a drill though," the man slid on his helmet, "we don't use alarms for drills."

He had a late start and the NCO was already behind in getting suited and armed. When a squad leader was behind his FNGs and greenhorned brats, that wasn't exactly a good sign but he didn't care at the moment. More so he needed to get this damned new armor on. Even so, he was luckily able to slip on the armor and grab his rifle before taking off with second squad of the third rapid response platoon.

[member="Rave Merrill"] | [member="Ket Van-Derveld"] | [member="Corvus Raaf"] | [member="Adele Adonai"] | [member="Kana Truden"] | [member="viper"] | [member="Marcello Matteo"]
Whatever it was, it was past them before they could react. No attempt to engage them and then it disappeared. When push came to shove, Corvus reverted to type. 'What would Obi-Wan do?' Well, his advice on the matter was simple. 'Do not trust your eyes, they can deceive you.'

So Corvus relied on her Force Sight. The 'thing' was in some way clouding it's presence but by closing her eyes, Corvus was able to track its progress as it travelled through the ship. And so she set off with Kana and VlPER in pursuit of the intruder.

What they would do when they caught up with it was anyone's guess.

And then she felt Master Matteo's words in her head - but filed them away for future reference whilst she started to work out what they might do when they finally meet the suit of armour.
Ket smiled to himself as Rave went speeding past him like a rocket down the corridors. Good, they both made it to the interior. Standing up, Ket simply began to walk briskly. He was no fool; expend enough energy in the Force, and anyone with the proper training would know you were there. There was no Force Speed, no Body Augmentation. No, Force Concealment and Art of the Small were all that was needed for now. To one such as he and those like him, this was not the greatest expenditure of energy, especially when one mastered such abilities eons before most of those within this Praxeum were born. For now, he too made his way past a few of the Padawans standing around, talking amongst themselves in a veritable fervor over what was going on. Klaxons were blaring, lights were flashing, overhead lighting had been dimmed. He never did understand that one point. No matter, his objective was quite clear.

Once he was clear of any Jedi, he stopped a moment, and tapped on a visual read-out of the directory to the Praxeum ship. He could feel the subtle vibrations of the artifact in question he desired, and logically, it would be in a secured area near or connected to the main Training Hall. Jedi were nothing if not predictable. Finding his way to the nearest Turbolift, he waited until a small contingent of Republic soldiers exited it, and slide himself inside before the doors closed. Once there, a simple tap and off he went toward the level containing the main Training Hall.

One, simple, primal thought occurred to him. "Are they really this blind? I almost feel sorry for them..."

[member="Rave Merrill"] | [member="Marcello Matteo"] | [member="Kana Truden"] | [member="Corvus Raaf"]
[member="Corvus Raaf"] [member="Marcus Foster"] [member="Kana Truden"] [member="viper"]

She'd expected -- not exactly hoped, but expected -- that they'd take a swing at her as she passed, but either they'd thought better of it or she'd caught them flat-footed. Most Sith Masters of her acquaintance chopped their way through intervening Jedi, even went out of their way to spread a little mayhem and intimidation.

Rave, rather quietly known as Darth Talion, had never been possessed of much patience for that kind of Sith. So she didn't throw anything especially nasty at her pursuers, nor at the double squad of Jedi-reinforced security types that were trying to put together an impromptu barricade ahead of her.

Still at a full sprint, she cracked open her mask and screamed, a Nightsister spell comparable to a barrage of high-grade sonic weapons. The shockwave slashed down the hall as they prepared to fire their first unified volley. Teeth cracked, eardrums shattered, and a couple of Antarian Rangers fainted gracelessly. A handful of blaster bolts splashed off her armor, with the kind of aim that really spoke to the power and rarity of sonic weapons.

Her sabre caught a couple of bolts, turned them into spots of glowing discoloration on the deck, and warded off a halfhearted lightsabre strike from a Jedi who'd managed to stay on his feet. As her helmet closed again, she took a power-armored leap over what remained of the barricade, leaving her pursuers to navigate their seriously pained associates.

And there it was -- the door. Biometric security, two or three kinds. Turadium. It'd take at least ten minutes to cut through that with a lightsabre, in which time she'd be swarmed by some substantial fraction of twenty thousand crew and forty thousand droids.

Nothing she hadn't anticipated.

One of her two class-C thermal detonators flicked from her off hand, and a sphere of white light obscured the blast door. Baradium disintegrated everything within a set blast radius; with something as dense as blast-door-grade turadium, the depression was shallower, the metal behind it red-hot and falling away in chunks of slag. One good hit would take her through, with luck; perhaps she could bull-rush through shoulder first, into the vault where slabs of nullification resin encased some of the Sith items (largely minor) taken from Korriban.

The Jedi might catch up first.


  • Engine hums and blissfully ignorant control panels
  • Crossroads
  • Hard to choose
  • "I am at a loss here."
  • Screech from around the corner
  • Sprint there
  • Unconscious bodies
  • Kana checked them
  • Ears with blood running down them
  • "I don't like this!" ~ Kana
  • Turn head and mouth opens slightly to expose crushed teeth
  • "I really don't like this!" ~ Kana
  • Explosion
  • "And I especially don't like that! ~ Kana
  • Padawan Truden froze up


Victory is mine!
(OOC: [member="Ket Van-Derveld"] Did you just waltz out of a docking bay that was in lockdown by simply pushing the elevator button and walking in? Or did I misread something? I could have sworn [member="Marcello Matteo"] already put this place in lock down so you couldn't just easily access the rest of the ship...?)

Viper had taken a swipe at the speedily moving person, but as he wasn't expecting her presence in the first place, this swipe missed completely. He didn't wait to talk. In his normal fashion, Viper lit after the woman with the blue saber with Corvus and Kana.

Kana slowed to check the men lying on the floor. Viper knew though that they were a secondary concern. If they didn't stop the attacker, more bodies would be lying on the floor with them. He force lept over the barricade and got his first real glimpse of the woman at the blast door that had all the infiltrators currently sealed in to the docking bay, which had been put into lock down. He could also see that she was in the process of setting something up on the blast door. Reaching out with the force, he picked up a piece of barricade, and lobbed it at the intruder before resuming his dead sprint toward her. Having heard her scream earlier, he prepared himself for that possibility.

He also hoped Corvus and Kana would stay with him and not doddle. He wasn't to fond of the prospect that he might have to face this person alone. "Come on Kana, leave them! Or there will be plenty more joining them!"

[member="Kana Truden"] | [member="Corvus Raaf"] | [member="Rave Merrill"] | [member="Marcus Foster"]
While he wasn't an Antarian Ranger, Marcus had worked alongside them previously and was now currently doing so. This squad was understrength and had been dispatched by his platoon leader to bolster these men with their construction of a makeshift barricade that would hopefully quell any threat or at least slow them down.

It was a shame it wouldn't work.

White-clad in his new armor, Marcus was the first to spot the figure running down the corridor. "Halt! Stay where you a-!"

The Republic Marine didn't even have a chance to finish his sentence as something threw off his HUD, and then he heard it as his sound dampeners began to fail. Men left and right were already dropping to the ground, shouting and nursing their ears and mouths as trickles of blood began to dribble down the sides of their heads.

"Ow!" A man yelled, dropping his rifle to cover his ears. "Blood and ashes, what is that?!"

Marcus didn't know either and he was already on the ground, his eyes trembling and a pain in the back of his head. Then it was gone, almost as quickly as it had arrived. The marine laid there for a moment and yawned, popping his ears and making sure that those dampeners had actually helped some. Luckily, they did. As for his Ranger comrades, things didn't happen the way they'd hoped and the intruder was nowhere to be found.

More people arrived, those wearing the robes of the Jedi but also brandishing the telltale braids of a Padawan learner. A pair of them were crouched near the Rangers, seeing their wounds and voicing concern. "They're fine," Marcus said as he sat up against the wall, "probably busted eardrums or something. Dunno about their teeth but the tooth fairy is gonna have a party tonight." One of the Rangers glared at him with a toothless frown.

"They can walk. Get to the med-bay." He started to stand up, using the wall as a support. "Where'd the intruder go?"

[member="Rave Merrill"], [member="Kana Truden"], [member="VlPER"]
Marcello continued his gradual walk in the direction of the presences he'd sensed. Given the variety of things that had happened since he'd spoken to the bridge, the Jedi Master was not...terribly surprised at where he sensed at least one of the presences converging upon. However, the large Jedi made another abrupt turn down a corridor that would carry him away from the vault containing a variety of items confiscated from various areas. In fact - his current course was taking him in the direction of the secured hangar via a secondary route.

Placing the communicator to his lips once more, he contacted the Captain once more. "Inform the hangar bay that I will be arriving within a few moments. Also - send whatever security units aren't tasked with securing vital spaces to the storage vault. I do believe our guests are interested in its contents." Maybe they wouldn't be able to stop them, but they would certainly slow them down long enough.

"Very well, Master Matteo. We'll be making the jump to hyperspace in fifteen seconds."

Marcello offered no reply. There were a great many responsibilities held by various individuals onboard the vessel. The Knights and Padawans onboard were capable enough of collectively holding their own. The larger concern, of course, for Marcello was preventing the items from leaving this vessel. In order to do this effectively, they would have no choice but to divide and conquer.

[member="Rave Merrill"] | [member="Ket Van-Derveld"] | [member="Corvus Raaf"] | [member="Kana Truden"] | [member="Marcus Foster"] | [member="viper"]
Although they slowed to check out the fallen, they were still right behind the ‘suit.’ Corvus’ Force Sight kept her on track and her mind kept going over the options available when the three caught up with this thing.

She was sure that her observation that the armour was living was relevant but also – at this precise moment – of no use whatsoever.

At least the trail of dead bodies has stopped. Her optimism was brought to a premature end by the sound of an explosion. ’Oh, not good!

They had reached the intruder again, who was clearly about to enter somewhere they shouldn’t – and it was up to the three of them to press that point home.

”Fancy armour is no match for skill you know. A wise man once said that in not dissimilar circumstances.”

It wasn’t the wittiest of lines but then Corvus wasn’t auditioning for a spot on the Mos Eisley stand-up circuit. She was stalling whilst her brain tried to think of a weakness. ’Living armor…think!’

[member="VlPER"] | [member="Rave Merrill"] | [member="Kana Truden"]
[member="Corvus Raaf"] [member="VlPER"] [member="Marcello Matteo"] [member="Ket Van-Derveld"] [member="Kana Truden"] [member="Marcus Foster"]

The turadium blast door to the high-security vault was a mass of slag, where the baradium hadn't disintegrated it entirely. In other circumstances she'd have taken the time to enjoy melting turadium.

In these circumstances, quite a few security teams were on their way at last -- she could guess, even if she couldn't sense it comprehensively with her focus on so many other elements -- and her Jedi pursuers had caught up. She glanced back at the young Knights and/or Padawans.

The Second Skin distorted her voice, though not by much. "When I was a Knight your age, kid, I took down a Sith Lord while wearing a jumpsuit. The armour's not for you."

She dug her feet into the floor and leaped, using the Force to accelerate herself -- not towards the Jedi, but straight at the blast door. If she'd miscalculated-

She hadn't. A lifetime working with all temperatures and types of metal held true. Elbows-first, she crashed through what remained of the half-disintegrated, half-melted blast door.

She found herself in a large, subcategorized vault. Anticipating some sort of attack -- a grenade through the Rave-shaped hole in the blast door, perhaps -- she spun and hissed out a Dathomiri curse. A Force shield, brilliant green, flared to life across the gap. A quick and expert glance around, as she regained her feet, told her what was in here; she knew artifacts better than nearly anyone. Nothing worldshaking; this had hardly been worth the risk, even if she managed to escape with a lot of this. The Dark Side was weak in here, nothing more than a whisper of its contents' true power, thanks to high-grade nullification resin. This ship held a portion of the spoils of Korriban, the latest loot of three hundred centuries. Latest, and maybe last. Korriban had been pillaged so many times, by so many experts; there were no galaxy-shaking treasures here. Among the resin-encased items, the most significant were likely a pair of scrolls on thin copper, a skinny book written on what might be human parchment, a potential Sith abattar -- she had one already, but one could never own too many abattars -- and a pot-shaped Force disperser. The disperser would be difficult to carry; awkward, but not heavy.

The shield over the gap had, ideally, given her that moment to evaluate, but who could know what the Jedi might have up their sleeves. Her moment of distraction could have caused Serious Issues.
“That way.Kana pointed at the barricade. “Went right over it.

As VlPER and Corvus jumped the barricade Kana turned towards the soldier and helped him up. Sure, the threat was there but they couldn’t just discard somebody like that. Especially not since this soldier could be of just as much use as the jedi. As the soldier got back on his feet she threw a few quick glances between the barricade and the man in front of her.

“I’m sorry to leave you like this, sir.” Kana patted him on his shoulder and turned towards the barricade. “We’re going to need more help. I don’t think two padawans and a knight is much trouble to this guy.”

Kana let the force aid her as she jumped on top of the barricade.

“I’m sorry.”

She reluctantly dropped from the barricade stopped caught herself from stumbling. Perhaps all that practice she’d laid down was starting to pay off. The distinct lack of dirt may also have something to do with it, at least if going by the way her face always had a tendency to end up in it whenever she tried to force leap. The entity spoke to them as Kana got closer. She turned her saber on in an effort to make this entity thing stand down.

Not that it would, Kana looked about as intimidating as a squirrel eating an acorn and if anything she looked fascinated and almost curious about the suit of armor in front of her. It seemed so… Well, for once she didn’t actually have anything witty to call it.

"When I was a Knight your age, kid, I took down a Sith Lord while wearing a jumpsuit. The armour's not for you."

Kana covered her face as the suit of armor launched itself through the door. As she brushed some of the debris from her own jumpsuit she realized something. This had suddenly become a whole lot like those holovids about the ambitious thieves who could pull off the heist of the millennia. Now if that spoke well for their odds or not was open for interpretation but Kana was more than willing to play her part in this story, even if that meant she would be the token dead guy.

“I'll give you credit.” Kana turned her saber off and paced back and forth in front of the force field. “You're risking a lot for this imminent failure of yours.”

| [member="Rave Merrill"] | [member="Ket Van-Derveld"] | [member="Corvus Raaf"] |​
| [member="Marcus Foster"] | [member="VLPER"] | [member="Marcello Matteo"] |​
Corvus considered her options – their options, as there were three of them. She had no way of telling how strong the barrier was and how many saber blows or blaster bolts it would take to break it down.

And with time against them, she had to think fast. She started by calming herself, moving into an almost meditative state. She felt the Force around her – and the presence of the armour – its Dark Side presence visible to her.

The answer that presented itself was a long-shot but the best that came to mind.

Corvus felt her surroundings...the Force...her companions. She stretched out to reach the armour. She could feel its base emotions – it was a hunter and was a little confused by its present form.

She used the techniques taught to her by Kian Karr. She focused on the animal it once was. She could feel its mind calling to her – it was naturally telepathic. The sense of the hunt was strong with it. It lived to kill. No – it lived to eat. She picked out this surface emotion and followed it back to its mind. She allowed the tendril of feeling to guide her – never pushing or trying to speed up the process. It mattered nothing if it was Dark Side or not, she was not in the habit of hurting another’s mind.

She felt no alarm as she entered its mind – its familiarity with Telepathy combined with her gentle efforts meant she met resistance but no great fear. She remained gentle, mindful of Kian’s words. To Corvus this aspect always felt like following the flow of a river upstream. The flow slowed, like she was fighting a stronger current. She avoided the desire to push – mindful of Kian’s words.

Gently she allowed the flow to run its course around her whilst moving ever closer to the spider’s mind. She was confident the armour was mostly spider – but there was another presence too (although she ignored this at present and focused on the carnivore).

She now sensed its shock at her actions and she slowed even more – but kept moving onwards.

Finally she massaged the emotion that she had followed, the desire to eat. ’Yes,’ she thought. ’We are hungry. We want food. We need to eat. Feed us, feed us.’ She fuelled its primitive desire to eat and once tipped beyond a point, she didn’t have to encourage it any more.

[member="Rave Merrill"] | [member="Ket Van-Derveld"] | [member="Kana Truden"] | [member="Marcus Foster"] | [member="VlPER"] | [member="Marcello Matteo"]
[member="Corvus Raaf"] [member="Kana Truden"] [member="VlPER"] [member="Marcus Foster"]

Small, resin-clad items stowed themselves away in the pouches she wore on hips and thighs. Beneath the helmet, Rave began to chuckle as she came up right to the Force field and examined the two Jedi, along with the dozens of security guards behind them.

"Teta. Alderaan. Coruscant. Ossus. I suppose you speak from experience -- the Jedi know all about failure."

Her eyes tracked to Corvus Raaf as her armor twitched. The same will that had tamed entire herds of leviathans and terentateks said patience to the armor, and the armor obeyed. "Careful, kid. Be very careful trying to mess with Sithspawn while its maker is around, or trying to screw with the internals of something inside a Master's defensive aura. I can feel your mind at work. You're focusing on the predator and ignoring the other part -- the Sekotan seed-partners, the part that binds this mess of flesh and shell to me, and no other.

"And you're looking for a big red button, when people like me wrote the Evil Overlord List. You're fething lucky I hate the One Sith more than the Jedi."

Rave's second and last class-C thermal detonator accelerated from her belt, straight backwards. As the baradium charge did its level best to chew through the back wall of the vault, blinding light flared out around Rave, straight into the faces of the two Jedi and the troops. The wall behind her vanished in a small but navigable circle, surrounded by a broad ring of half-melted turadium. Excess heat began melting the nullification resin, freeing the objects in her pouches and the remainder within the vault. A dozen powerful Dark Side signatures flared up point-blank, a cacophony of mental noise and memory and emotion and sensation. She blotted it out, ignored it, with the expertise of the Master who had excavated and contained the deadliest treasures of Dromund Kaas.

Her Force shield vanished as she bolted through the back of the vault. A handful of guards fired past the Jedi, through the gaps in the front and back of the vault, and blasterfire slapped her hard, threw her off-balance, but she pressed on.

Her goal, relying on the power armor and Force-enhanced speed, was to make her way back to the hangar. She'd left her ship hovering and stygium-cloaked, under the protection of just under three dozen cortosis-clad GT-F0 droids, each armed with powerful sonic weapons, droid disruptors, and paralysis beams that ignored armor, shields and lightsabres.
[member="Rave Merrill"]

Let naught but a candle in the darkness illuminate that which remains unseen.

Be the candle. Lest you turn into the dark that consumes.

Came the rather ethereal cordial voice almost as of resonating around Nightsister's very presence.

Those are not yours to claim.
Marcello arrived in the control room that was responsible for overseeing the hangar somewhere around the second explosion. It took that long just to navigate the security protocols without completely compromising them. Taking a seat next to the anxious Flightline Supervisor, Marcello leveled a thin smile. "Rough day in the office."


Marcello waved a dismissive hand. "Relax kid. They're not here to kill anyone or try and take over the ship. The former is pointless the latter is nigh on impossible. I suspect they want some trinkets that this tin can has been carting around."


"You know the real question is how they even found us. Or they happened to know almost precisely where to go. Where there's smoke, there's fire, you know what I mean?" Casually Marcello pulled strands of long blonde hair out of his eyes as he reached for the communicator. "Don't bother answering that. Just get ready to deactivae the blast shield and magnetic barrier."

"Deactivate... For what?"

Marcello merely winked as he keyed the communicator to the bridge. "Bridge, Matteo. Revert to realspace. Oh and Captain...let's not make this a back and forth."

There was a brief pause before a response was delivered. "Fifteen seconds, Master Matteo."

Marcello placed the communicator back in its original position and exhaled heavily.

[member="Rave Merrill"] | [member="Corvus Raaf"] | [member="Kana Truden"] | [member="Ket Van-Derveld"] | [member="Marcus Foster"] | [member="VlPER"]
The Training Room...

Finally, after what seemed an eternity, the turbolift he occupied finally made berth on the floor in question, and thank the Force for that. He was surprised at the lack of security in the halls leading up to the room, and the room itself. They must have found and engaged Rave. Pity, for them, anyhow. Rave could handle herself quite well. It was actually impressive to the ancient Sith Lord. And that was a very rare occurrence indeed. He'd make it a point to do more business with her once this little expedition was done and over with. Perhaps even invest in her various ventures. For now, he sought out a few small trinkets, items not easily attainable in this time. In his own, this would have been bought and sold for mere tens of credits. They weren't easy to make, but they were so common, they were almost given away to trainees of both Jedi and Sith faiths. Now? Rarer than one might think. Yet, he still had need of it.

Walking through the grand training hall, he made his way to a small door on the right side. Flicking his wrist, one of his saberhilts shot from under his forearm into his hand. At this point, Concealing his physical presence meant little. Concentrating upon the Dark Conduits of the Force, a purple-red mass of electricity shot forth from his free hand, frying the cameras within the room. Satisfied they were all now slag, he let go of his hold on the Force just enough for his physical form to be seen proper once more. Of course, he kept up his concentration in making his Force signature as tiny as possible. Igniting the lime-green blade, he shoved it into the locking mechanism of the door to the training hall's equipment room.

[member="Rave Merrill"] | [member="Corvus Raaf"] | [member="Kana Truden"] | [member="Marcello Matteo"] | [member="Marcus Foster"] | [member="VlPER"]

Concealing one's presence did not work too well when security started noticing cameras going down in a very sequential order and in a very specific location. The use of Force lightning probably didn't help much either.

Wearing an ear-piece comm that linked him directly to the security control, Ryan Korr sprinted down a hall of the ship in full combat armor, barely slowing down to round the corner and emerge in the training room. He skidded to a halt, grey eyes like twin storm clouds settling on a barrel-chested human at the other end of the room. The intruder was occupied in an attempt to gain access to the equipment room.

Korr wasted no time issuing useless platitudes. He settled into the ebb of the Force, letting its soothing tides wash over him. The young Jedi Knight, though just barely over twenty, appeared far older. Like a weathered rock beaten down by time and nature, but not broken, his stern, stoney features maintained a sense of jaded, yet stoic implacability. A vertical scar ran just under his right. One of many. The calming waves of the Force were necessary to soothe away the pain and anger of his short, afflicted life.

Taking a long breath through the nose, Ryan attacked with purpose and composer, loosing a precise Force Push from the palm of his outstretched hand with the aim of slamming the intruder against the door and potentially knocking him unconscious.

@Ket Van Derveld
He could have heard a pin drop in that room. He was waiting for it as his solitary saber was melting a hole through the equipment room door's lock. The sound of running boots heaving full combat armor was the equivalent of a freight train sounding it's warning horns. De-igniting the saber, he slid it back up into his gauntlet, turning to see a ginger boy dressed like a samurai taking a deep breath through his nose. Ket could feel the minutiae of the shifts within the Force as the Jedi before him began to exert his will over it. A very focused, precise Push.

So utterly predictable, these 'modern' Jedi were. Waving a hand, the Darkside rumbled forth to counteract the Push with one of Ket's own, nullifying the effects of either.

"For all your effort, to me, you are just a boy in fancy armor trying to control fate to no avail."

As he spoke, he began to concentrate upon the Force, affecting Ryan's own energy subtly at first, and growing ever more insidious and intrusive. Soon, the boy would began to feel as if the room was spinning, the contents of his stomach wanting to escape his body by any means possible. Malacia was a powerful thing, but a very overlooked ability within the Force. For those with the knowledge and intent, it was downright debilitating.

[member="Ryan Korr"]
The comment stung like a bee. Kana had tried to talk tough and been tougher talked back. The comment of the Jedi failures struck her as true and a part of her just couldn't deny that. Especially not on Kana's behalf and especially not Alderaan. So yeah, the comment made her flare up out of embarrassment and genuine anger over being outplayed verbally. Not that she hadn't asked for it or walked right into it.

She stared bitterly at the suit of armor. Kana had to admit something about this woman was strange. If she was neither Kana's enemy nor her friend then who was she? She seemed to mean the part about disliking both the OS and the Order yet... No, Kana couldn't really place her at all. Perhaps 'mysterious entity' was adequate enough to describe her after all, at least for now.

A bright light erupted from the vault and Kana covered her face to block the blast. She turned away from the door and began rubbing her eyes in an effort to make the after effect go away before turning back. What was she doing in there?

A sea of bad mojo washed over Kana as the resin vanquished. It got harder to think clearly, like if a stampede of nerfs had just decided to rampant through her mind. She had to focus, she had to deal with the intruder. Kana tried to enter the vault but for each step closer to it the bad mojo just grew.

“No!” Kana exclaimed and picked up a sprint away from the vault. “I am not letting this thing get away!”

The vault was a no-go, she had to think fast. Destinations, where would this thing go? It had emptied the vault like it was it’s last payday. Now, if Kana had just robbed a vault where would she go? The escape vehicle! The heist was done and the entity would have to get out of here sometime, right?

Kana slid to a halt before promptly turning around to head back to the hangar.

“The hangar! Get someone to the hangar!” Kana yelled as she passed the soldiers outside of the vault again. Vaulting over the barricade from before she almost fell over as the landing turned into a stumbling mess. Momentum was lost and she had to start her sprint over again. If she caught up with the entity or not was beyond her at this point. All Kana wanted was to stop this thing from getting away.

[member="Corvus Raaf"] | [member="Rave Merrill"] | [member="VlPER"]
(For the record I wrote this while listening to the Payday 2 soundtrack)

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