Prince of Nothing
The waves of telekinesis dissipated upon collision, neither opponent seeking to gain supremacy in the matter. Yet, the tenacity in the young Knight's storm-cloud eyes did not give a hint of yielding to this unknown foe.
Ryan Korr took a step forward, but a sudden, creeping onset of dizziness caused him to waver, head spinning. He held his off-hand to his temple, grimacing at the bile rising in his throat. The words of the enemy assaulted his ears. He could feel the taunt in them, the sly darkness, digging toward the heart of inner truths.
Control? Ryan's life had been a swift, painful education in all that which he did not and could not control. The galaxy was composed of individuals who acted on their own volition, directed perhaps by the Force toward some great end, but an end which Ryan could not yet see, an end which he perhaps might never see. Did it really take the loss of his childhood temple-born friends, the betrayal of two masters and an enslavement beneath the Vong to come to understand all this? No. It had taken more and even still was not yet finished. He doubted it ever could be. For who could come to understand the deep workings of the Force? Not him. Yet, he followed the Will of the Force, but not blindly as those who turned their backs on him had when presented with auspicious visions of the future. He would not compromise the lives of others for a premonition, but neither could he ignore such sendings of the Force. This dissonance was his great paradox, his unsolvable puzzle of which only one piece had he come to understand and put into place.
In the vast galaxy and in all time and space only his own actions were under his control.
"Malacia," he said through teeth gritted against a churning stomach as his senses sought to overwhelm him with a flood of information. He could feel his blood pulsing through his body. He could hear the cry of his capillaries as they struggled from his run. The tides of his body, so complete in unison and so complex in function, were being used against him. But his opponent grew arrogant in his perceived control over another, for at the core of it this malcontent master sought to use an ability made famous by Jedi.
"No power born of light can be mastered by the dark."
While struggling to right the equilibrium of his body, Korr extended a single hand. From his palm poured forth sheer brilliance, a radiant white light that cascaded across every surface of the room, chasing out the shadows and surely adhering to its name of Force Blinding and obfuscating the vision of his opponent, whether by searing his corneas or causing him to avert his vision.
Malacia required line of sight to operate, as Oppo Rancisis himself had noted. [member="Ket Van-Derveld"] no longer had that luxury.
Ryan Korr took a step forward, but a sudden, creeping onset of dizziness caused him to waver, head spinning. He held his off-hand to his temple, grimacing at the bile rising in his throat. The words of the enemy assaulted his ears. He could feel the taunt in them, the sly darkness, digging toward the heart of inner truths.
Control? Ryan's life had been a swift, painful education in all that which he did not and could not control. The galaxy was composed of individuals who acted on their own volition, directed perhaps by the Force toward some great end, but an end which Ryan could not yet see, an end which he perhaps might never see. Did it really take the loss of his childhood temple-born friends, the betrayal of two masters and an enslavement beneath the Vong to come to understand all this? No. It had taken more and even still was not yet finished. He doubted it ever could be. For who could come to understand the deep workings of the Force? Not him. Yet, he followed the Will of the Force, but not blindly as those who turned their backs on him had when presented with auspicious visions of the future. He would not compromise the lives of others for a premonition, but neither could he ignore such sendings of the Force. This dissonance was his great paradox, his unsolvable puzzle of which only one piece had he come to understand and put into place.
In the vast galaxy and in all time and space only his own actions were under his control.
"Malacia," he said through teeth gritted against a churning stomach as his senses sought to overwhelm him with a flood of information. He could feel his blood pulsing through his body. He could hear the cry of his capillaries as they struggled from his run. The tides of his body, so complete in unison and so complex in function, were being used against him. But his opponent grew arrogant in his perceived control over another, for at the core of it this malcontent master sought to use an ability made famous by Jedi.
"No power born of light can be mastered by the dark."
While struggling to right the equilibrium of his body, Korr extended a single hand. From his palm poured forth sheer brilliance, a radiant white light that cascaded across every surface of the room, chasing out the shadows and surely adhering to its name of Force Blinding and obfuscating the vision of his opponent, whether by searing his corneas or causing him to avert his vision.
Malacia required line of sight to operate, as Oppo Rancisis himself had noted. [member="Ket Van-Derveld"] no longer had that luxury.