Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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This Day We Fight! (Iron Empire Tier 3 Dominion Ilum Hex)

Objective: Oversee and negotiate One Sith surrender
Location: Ilum Space, on board [member="Damon Grisom"]'s command ship
Post 1

Vinten awoke from the shaking of the ship. He groaned, realizing that the battle had begun and nobody had come to wake him up. He sat up, quickly picking himself up out of bed. When he stood, he stretched, pausing halfway through his stretch to think. Why would they send me to a battlefield? I don't have a problem with negotiating surrender, but couldn't they have sent me after the battle was over? They needed to send me in the thick of it? And what if the One Sith have no interest in surrendering? Then I would've been sent out here for nothing.

He finished stretching and pulled on his cloak. He rubbed his eyes, grabbed his holopad, and then walked out of his dark bedroom. He headed down the grey hallway, headed for the bridge. If he was going to have to come to this battle, he might as well watch the carnage unfold. He knew that the Iron Empire's fleet would eviscerate the One Sith's, he just didn't want to be in the middle of it.

Several pilots and other navy personnel passed him as he walked by, many giving him cold looks. A politician didn't belong on a battlefield, and they knew it just as well as Vinten. But orders were orders, and as long as he served as Warden of Csilla, he would have a duty. And his ambitions of gaining an even higher rank would simply give him more jobs, and many of them would be much like this one.

After what felt like the longest walk of his life, Vinten reached the bridge. The doors ahead of him opened and he strolled in, walking like he owned the place. He quickly approached the Rear Admiral and produced a fake smile. "Admiral, how goes the battle?"
Objective 4: Contract
Location: Csilla
Post: 26/38

After a quick exchange of documents, Annaliese double checked the second set of documents for anything she might have missed, signed it, and glanced at the blueberry Chiss. "Is that all?" she asked, her tone cold.

"Yes, that should be all," he replied, maintaining his professional demeanor as he packed up his items. "It goes without being said that the contract should be kept in a safe place," he added, directing it at Annaliese he was talking down to her.

"Of course, I'm no idiot," she shot him another glare, wondering how much trouble she would get into with her beloved if she was to snuff out the blue parasite's pathetic life. After deciding that he was not worth the trouble, she watched in silence as he left the room.

"Pitiful soul," Annaliese muttered under her breath then turned to Enyo. "Thank you for coming to Csilla Ms. Typhos, I look forward to the growing relationship between our organizations," she smiled, picked up the documents and made her way out of the room.

Time to find Reinhard! she thought with a cheeky grin as her heart raced.

[member="Enyo Typhos"]​


Enyo, having more self-control and being fairly unexcitable unless topics such as Siobhan Kerrigan or Jedi came up, watched the interaction between Annaliese and the lawyer with an impassive expression. "He's a Force Blind mundane," Enyo remarked haughtily in response to Annaliese's comment about the lawyer being a pitiful soul. Given the way she'd been raised and her limited interaction with non-Force-users it was probably no surprise that she was a Forcer Supremacist.

"You're welcome. It's been a pleasure doing business with the Iron Empire," she picked up her set of documents and stuffed them away, then walked out. Back out into the icy cold of Csilla. It seemed a blizzard was coming, but she should make it back to her ship in time. Her superiors would be pleased with the results.
Objective 4: New Clothes
Location: Csilla
Post: 27/38

"Lucky," Aster whispered when Joza mentioned she was a frequent traveler. Although the teenager lived surrounded by luxuries, freedom was one thing she lacked. Only 16 years old, she was unable to legally make any decisions for herself forcing her to depend heavily on her guardian - her uncle. Furthermore, it probably didn't help that her uncle was the Emperor so even if she wished to escape, her chances were slim if not impossible.

"This is flowering osmanthus tea," the teenager replied happily. She loved to watch the look of fascination that appeared on the faces of those unfamiliar with the tea. "If you like, I can have a maid pack a few bulbs of the tea for you to take home and enjoy at your own leisure," Aster smiled as she took a sip of the fragrant amber liquid.

"Now, on the topic of the clothing," she started, setting her cup back on the saucer, her eyes full of excitement. "My uncle, the Emperor requires my new wardrobe be blaster resistant and offer some protection against bladed attacks while I require the outfits be fashionable," she explained to the Zeltron. "I know that is achievable with shell spider silk but I would prefer if a fabric that provided more protection against the freezing climate could be used to achieve the same result."

[member="Joza Perl"]​
Objective: Destroy Sith Ships.
Location: Ilum Space.
Post: 3

Damon stood on his bridge with his hands behind his back, watching the carnage intently. The One Sith frigates were not matched well against his assault cruisers. There were quite a few of them, however, and they were able to push onward. The One Sith Frigates were nearly within range for their own weapons to attack the Iron Empire fleet, and this was when [member="Vinten Veers"] entered the bridge.

Damon heard the doors to the bridge open mixed with the sound of battle and his men scattering around. He felt that weird feeling, somehow he knew that it wasn't just some ensign running into the bridge. The Admiral glanced over his shoulder slightly to see the Warden of Csilla walking briskly for him. Damon personally had no problem with transporting the Warden, it was the job of the military to serve the people, after all. Unfortunately, Damon was all but alone in sharing this view. His men did not like carrying the politician. None would dare say anything in front of the Admiral, and hopefully would not say anything in front of Vinten either. The Admiral was confident that all of his men knew that doing so would carry heavy consequences.

Soon enough, the man made his way to Damon and greeted him, "Admiral, how goes the battle?" Damon adjusted his standing position to face the man slightly, but still able to watch out on the battlefield. "It's going well, it would appear. How have you enjoyed your journey? I do hope none of my personnel has bothered you too much." The Admiral asked.
Objective: Oversee and negotiate One Sith surrender
Location: On board Admiral Grisom's flagship, above Ilum
Post 2

Vinten gave a somewhat fake smile, gazing out into space. "So far the trip has gone well. I have no complaints Admiral! As for your personnel...." he took a moment and looked around at everyone scrambling around the bridge, "they have been very hospitable." It wasn't that they hadn't been hospitable, for they had. Vinten had been given whatever he asked for, treated like royalty by the troops. However, Vinten knew people, and he could tell all of their hospitality was fake. Vinten understood it, he didn't belong on the battlefield. And he didn't feel that he needed to prove otherwise, because he himself didn't want to be on the battlefield.

He turned back to [member="Damon Grisom"]. "How long do you think before the enemy surrenders? I am here to negotiate the terms after all." He then looked back out into the major battle unfolding before him. Ships exploding, fighters crashing into cruisers, laser bolts colliding and causing huge explosions. It was all quite a bit for Vinten to take in, but he could manage.
Location: Aster’s Manor on Csilla
Post: #5
Objective: Fashion

Though Joza had caught Aster’s whisper, she didn’t outwardly respond though found it a little amusing at the contrast of their situations. Miss Baelor was surrounded by extravagance, but was akin to a caged bird—and at her age, Joza was just the opposite. Not destitute, but sometimes struggling to make ends meet and having more freedom than she knew what to do with. Given that her mother was so busy working, the teenage Zeltron had, quite literally, gone wild.

At the explanation and offer that followed, Joza smiled politely before raising a glass to her lips and delicately inhaling the scent of the tea. Faint tendrils of smoke drifted above the cup as she quite literally tested the waters, taking a small sip. After a few moments she lowered the cup with a satisfied look. “I believe I’ll have to take you up on your generous offer. Thank you kindly, Lady Baelor.”

As the talk turned from pleasantries to business, Joza couldn’t help but genuinely smile at Aster’s enthusiasm. She seemed to be quite pleasant, and thankfully knew what she wanted. And what’s best of all, she presented a challenge to the Zeltron. “I see. Protective, cute clothing that defends from not only blasters and blades but also the elements? Sounds like I’ve got my work cut out for me.” Chuckling with good humor, she was quick to retrieve her datapad and started tapping away. Chewing the inside of her cheek for a moment, the Rogue seemed to make a decision as she pulled up a profile image of a warming crystal and handed the tablet over to Aster.

“I think that with a little work, we can produce something that’ll fit your requirements. That there on the screen is a warming crystal, and if I can get my hands on a decent supply it could be turned into a weave that can be combined with shell spider silk. Of course, there’s also the option of Force imbuement.” She paused, wrapping her fingers around the tea cup before looking up at Aster. “If you so choose. I understand that some are uncomfortable with the idea, and I don’t blame them. Anyhow, the choice is yours.” She gave the young woman an encouraging smile, as if to say that she wouldn’t mind working with either option—or another that they could agree on.

[member="Aster Rose Baelor"]
Objective: Destroy Sith Ships.
Location: Ilum Space.
Post: 4

As always, the battle continued to rage on in front of Admiral Damon Grisom and [member="Vinten Veers"]. The Admiral watched the destruction for another moment or two before responding to the Warden of Csilla. "I can't tell you for sure, sir. Hopefully they will realize their situation before it is too late." Damon motioned out at the debris of a Sith ship floating dead in space. Placing both hands behind his back once more, Admiral Grisom continued, "They are Sith, however..." Damon paused, for effect mostly. "They are typically stubborn. They might choose death before surrender." Somewhere in the back of Damon's mind, he hoped that they wouldn't surrender. A victory here would be a personal victory for the young Admiral either way, but the sound of a victory with no survivors might create a better reputation for the nearly untested Admiral. But Damon pushed those thoughts away. Orders were orders, he was meant to seek a negotiation if possible. He wouldn't let personal achievement get in the way of his duty to the Empire.
Objective: Oversee and negotiate One Sith surrender
Location: Admiral Grisom's ship in Ilum space
Post 3

Vinten knew that the Sith were very stubborn. There was no doubt that they wouldn't surrender until it was absolutely obvious that they would lose. That was fine by Vinten. The Sith were a threat to the government he supported. If they were all wiped out so be it. It would be less paperwork for him. But, at the same time, he wanted to negotiate the surrender. He was just recently appointed to the position of 'Warden of Csilla,' and he wanted to make sure he impressed those that were higher ranking than him. His goal was to climb the ladder, no matter where he was. He had his sights set on an even higher position in the government, and successful negotiations during this major mission would help him get there.

Vinten placed his hands behind his back, watching more and more ships explode out in space.

[member="Damon Grisom"]
Objective: Force the Surrender of the Sith Fleet.
Location: Ilum Space.
Post: 5.

Sensing his conversation with the Warden had ended temporarily, Damon took a step forward. He didn't want to accidentally hit the man with an arm movement while directing his ships. Having been distracted by conversation for a few moments, the Rear Admiral studied the battlefield once again. The One Sith Frigates that had been sent toward the Iron Empire fleet were all but completely destroyed. There were still some ships floating towards the cruisers, but they posed almost no threat.

The Iron Empire fleet slowly began to move forward, to finally force surrender from the One Sith ships. He barked orders out to his men, having the other cruisers under his command approach the larger remaining Sith ships in a careful formation. Enemy cruisers and the flagship were quite dangerous still. Even though he felt victory was imminent, should he lose one of his ships, the victory would be more bitter than sweet.

[member="Vinten Veers"]
Objective 4: The Ghosts of Schesa
Location: Landing on Schesa
Allies: The Order of the Righteous Flame
Enemies: The Environment
Post: 3

As the shuttle shook and trembled, the woman stood silently, rocking back and forth with the movement of the vessel. Keeping her eyes forward, a soft smirk crossed her lips as the two shuttles shot out of the corvette, aimed towards the world below. Her mind began to race once more with questions of what they were to come across on this world. It was possible that whatever caused the destruction of this world could still be around, or return once more. Keeping her attention forward, she nodded to the pilots.

"Entering the atmosphere shortly, hold on for entry."

The shuttle began to shake as it struck the upper atmosphere of the world, the flames flaring around the vessel as it continue to push towards the world below. Another shuddering shake cause the vessel to rear up for a moment before the pilot got control once more, righting the old shuttle back onto course. It was only moments later when the shuttle shook heavily once more before veering into a hard right dive.

"Engine failure, something's struck us!"

The pilot called out as the woman took a firm grasp of the hold she had, quickly motioning though coming too late. Everything seemed to slow to a stand still as a heavy blaster bolt tore through the shuttle cockpit, tearing the co-pilot in half. Without thinking, she pulled the body from where it had slumped, quickly jumping into the position. Attempting their best to reclaim control, it was too late. The shuttle veered too far, slamming into its companion vessel, sending both shuttles careening down towards the world below.

"Karking hell! Hold on back there!"

"This is shuttle craft one, we're going down. Ground fire taken. Shuttle craft two is grounded."

Both shuttles tore through the sky, flames trailing behind them; it was shuttle craft two that struck hard, slamming into the side of a building that jutted up out of the clouds. The shuttle spinning around before slamming into a smaller building, flames pouring out in and around the vessel. She quickly looked over, attempting to find survivors before her own shuttle slammed hard into the side of an old starport.

Order of the Righteous Flame Forces:
  • (1) Cardinal class Corvette
  • (0/2) Shuttles
  • (1) Special Missions Platoon (50 Knights)
    Engineering Section (20 Knights)
  • Heavy Weapons Section (10 Knights)
  • Sharpshooter Section (20 Knights)
Objective 4: New Clothes
Location: Csilla
Post: 28/38

"You're welcome. I'll have a maid prepare them now," Aster smiled and gestured to a maid who acknowledged the order with a nod and promptly left the room.

"That sounds perfect," the teenager replied excitedly, looking at the screen of the datapad Joza had passed her and made a serious face as she considered her options. "I think I prefer the shell spider silk and crystal weave over Force imbuement. Additionally, I would also like some made without the stone for when I attend events in more tropical climates, away from Csilla," she finally replied as she played with her dessert fork. Though she was a Force-sensitive - albeit one unknowingly, the mysteries of the Force unsettled her and it certainly didn't help that she was surrounded and protected by those with no Force-sensitivity.

"While you're at it, I would also appreciate if you could use the same technology to develop a set of suits with similar properties for the Wolfsgiaive - the currently serve as my personal guards," Aster raised the teacup to her lips and took a sip. "The ballistics vests they occasionally wear are two bulky and not a cute look," she added. It felt quite uncomfortable to walk around the streets of Csaplar with well equipped scary looking men in heavy ballistics vests and probably made the civilians feel a little uneasy as well.

[member="Joza Perl"]​

Zeradias Mant

Democracy Dies in Darkness
Objective: III
Location: Ornfra, Low Orbit
Post: 4/38

"Lord Mant, there's a shuttle requesting permission to land."

"Granted.", he said without hesitation, almost cutting the navigation officer off.

After about five minutes, the robust looking shuttle entered the hangar of the ISV Retribution. The tractor beam ensured a smooth entry and no games on the part of the apparent renegade. With a whir, the ship's engines ceased and a ramp slid out to bring the floors of the two vessels together. As the shuttle door opened, there was at first nothing. Uneasiness was a common trait amongst the guards, and Zeradias shared in it. He was a man of caution, and he just invited the man who shot up the Governor of Ornfra and his staff. Then, he appeared. Daelen, of the Sons of Csilla - a rather crude sounding name, Zeradias thought, definitely not reminiscent of a government organization.

There was a simple table in the hangar with a chair on each side. It obviously wasn't a permanent emplacement, but Zeradias wasn't about to just walk the Chiss through the halls of his flagship, even with an escort. He seemed to arrive alone, save for his pilots. As soon as the leader of the Sons of Csilla stepped off, Iron soldiers entered to conduct a search of the vessel.

With a cocky walk and confident expression, Daelen pulled the chair out and sat in it. His smug grin bothered Zeradias, but he didn't let it show.

"Give me one good reason I shouldn't throw you in a cell right now.", Zera said.

Breaking the smile to reply, Daelen gave his answer - and it was a good one.

"Because I hold the key to Ornfra."
Location: Aster’s Manor on Csilla
Post: #6
Objective: Fashion

“Of course, of course.” Nodding diligently, Joza scribbled notes onto her datapad. While not impossible, the Zeltron had her work cut out for her in making a weave of the warming crystal and shell spider silk. Certainly, she reveled in any sort of fashion challenge.

“That can be done. We’ll need to have them measured and fitted, which I assume won’t be a problem.” Men’s fashion was an area she’d only dabbled in, but with a bit of help she could likely produce a pleasing suit design. Given that the girl had bodyguard, perhaps she had need for a bit of extra personal security…

“Seeing as how we’re on the subject of protection, would you be interested in adding one of these to your wardrobe?” Slipping a hand into her skirt pocket, she retrieved a small round bead resembling a white pearl. “This is a Stun Pearl. It’s a standard stun grenade designed to be more compact and visually inoffensive. I created it with more covert intensions in mind, but it works as a defensive measure for any woman. Or man, for that matter.” Chuckling softly, she held the pearl up in front of her face between two fingers.

“All you do is pull this metal pin here and throw. After a few seconds, it’ll release a charge that will knock pretty much anyone unconscious. Mind you, I’d be at least three meters away from this when it detonates. But it works well if you’d ever find yourself it a bit of trouble—thugs, perverts, bad dates.” Placing the disguised grenade on the table between them, she pushed it towards Aster for inspection, confident that the girl wouldn’t try and use it against her. “They can be used as earrings, on necklaces, or even just carried inside your pocket.”

[member="Aster Rose Baelor"]

Soon Enyo had left the ice ball that was Csilla behind her and was once again aboard the pristine Lightbringer. Here everything was clean to the point of sterility. It was a sophisticated stealth ship, which was well equipped for infiltration purposes and also doubled as a processing centre. Before the vessel jumped to hyperspace, she contacted her boss.

"I've concluded negotiations with the Iron Empire. They've agreed to a bulk purchase for bolters, Anti-Force-User Grenades and the Morpheus drug," Enyo reported.

"Good work. It is unfortunate they're not interested in our HRD units, but all in good time. The profits will serve our cause well."

"Yes, ma'am."

"You seem displeased."

"I'm not a saleswoman. Any drone could've chit-chatted and made a sales pitch. I'm a warrior. Give me a battle."

Moira cocked her head slightly. "If I wanted a mere blunt instrument, you wouldn't exist. We all play our parts. Consider it a useful expansion of your horizons. Your moment will come soon."


"Our preparations are being finalised."
Objective 4: Fashion
Location: Csilla
Post: 29/38

Aster nodded quietly as Joza spoke and excitement continued to bubble within her.

"This is a grenade?" she asked, surprised at how unassuming the Stun Pearl appeared. "It's absolutely gorgeous. You are a fashion genius!" she beamed.

"If possible, I would like to order enough to last me a while," she said, picking up the disguised grenade that Joza had pushed towards her and carefully examined it. It was practically in discernible from a regular pearl if not for the small metal pin protruding out and would be quite difficult for another to notice without grossly intruding upon the wearer's personal space.

"I think would look quite elegant if a single one was strung up on a simple chain and worn as a necklace or bracelet," Aster grinned. "So what's the next step, Miss Perl?" she asked, picking up the delicate teacup and carefully to her lips.

[member="Joza Perl"]​

Everything happened so quickly. One second the woman had ordered one of her underlings to come to her and the next, the man was crumpled on the ground. "What the kark?" Daegon exclaimed, interrupting Miss Lamarr as she ordered the bleeding corpse to 'stop overselling it' - whatever that was meant to mean.

Dumbfound, the Lord Commander could only watch in silence as the not so dead corpse and the woman exchanged a few words. Unsure whether to be shocked at what happened or impressed by the weapon, he frowned and let out a sigh, thankful it was he and not the Emperor that was in attendance.

"It's quite an impressive weapon and you, miss, are quite a showman," he said spoke with a slightly disapproving tone. "The Iron Empire will want a healthy supply of those too. What else have you got?"

[member="Miss Blonde"]​

I'm so sorry! I somehow didn't get the notification and didn't notice you have replied until I skimmed through the dominion just now. D:
Objective 4: The Ghosts of Schesa
Location: Alpha Shuttle crash site - Schesa
Allies: The Order of the Righteous Flame
Enemies: The Environment | Unknown Assailants
Post: 4

Blood filled her vision, turning it hazy with a red tint, a heavy sighing groan of pain escaped her lips as she sat up. Her hand pressed against her side, her palm showing the stain of blood as she looked down. Another heavy hissing groan escaped her lips as she pulled herself up, the piece of twisted metal dragging itself out of her side.


The word hissed across her lips as she reached forward with her left hand, pulling herself up. She looked down at the body of the co-pilot, the headless corpse slumped over to the side. Moving to her right, she shook the pilot, watching as the body slumped forward over the controls. Pulling herself from the cockpit, she looked into the interior of the cabin.

A few groans of pain escaped from the various corners while others stumbled from their seats. Right now she needed to get back onto her feet, and to get the survivors out of the crash. Whatever, whoever brought them down could very well be on their way to finish the job. Pulling herself up, she stood for a moment, looking over the carnage of the wreckage as she groaned in pain again.

Her hand was quickly pushed away, her attention brought down to a knight that seemed little worst for wear. She was lucky enough that the wound was already healing itself, slowly pulling itself back together. She knew though that in order for its full effect, she would need to feed. Now if only she could get her hands on one of those damned bastards that just caused her two shuttles and multiple knights. The machines could be replaced easily, it was those knights that she had lost that took the heaviest toll.

"Get what you can. We need to set up a defensive position as quickly as possible."

"Yes ma'am."

"Knight-Corporal, check for survivors, and mark our dead."

"Yes ma'am."

She looked back to the Knight at her side, brushing the individual away for a moment. Pulling herself forward, she managed to grab hold of the lock on a locker, tearing it from where it remained. At least they could get to some of the weapons. She wasn't worried about healing as much as she was worried about getting this group of survivors to the other shuttle. She was hoping that if there were any survivors in Beta Shuttle that they could hold out until they arrived.

"Incoming fire!"

Her attention was pulled back to the sizable hole in the shuttle cabin before the Knight that had been at her side tackled her down to the decking. A heavy groan of pain escaped her lips as her side hit the ground. The Knight on top of her rolled to the side, the clear signs of blaster bolt strikes upon the interior wall shown just how close to death she had come. Nodding to the individual, she pulled herself to the cover of the low seats.

"Who the kark are they!?"

"They appear to be Sith Soldiers ma'am."

"Of course they are..."

She sighed out before looking over the chairs, watching the small squad converging on the wreckage. Their only hope was to hold out and hope that no additional forces were converging on the world.

Order of the Righteous Flame Forces:
  • (1) Cardinal class Corvette
  • (0/2) Shuttles - Downed by Planetary Weapons Fire
  • (1) Special Missions Platoon (50 Knights)
    Engineering Section (20 Knights)
    ​Alpha Shuttle Site (5/10 Knights)
  • Beta Shuttle Site (?/10 Knights)

[*]Heavy Weapons Section (10 Knights)
  • ​Alpha Shuttle Site (3/5 Knights)
  • Beta Shuttle Site (?/5 Knights)

[*]Sharpshooter Section (20 Knights)
  • ​Alpha Shuttle Site (6/10 Knights)
  • Beta Shuttle Site (?/10 Knights)

Zeradias Mant

Democracy Dies in Darkness
Objective: III
Location: Ornfra, Low Orbit
Post: 5/38

"Because I hold the key to Ornfra."

Zeradias paused. Was he serious? If he had such leverage, how come he had to resort to such violent measures with the incumbent government? Nonetheless, Zera was intrigued. Zera would have preferred the Ornfran government to remain in power while they worked them into the fold of the Iron Empire, yet the prospect of one so eager to prove himself wasn't out of mind. Zeradias Mant was anything but naive. The devil you know, right?

"Go on.", Zera notioned. He was obviously interested, curious at the very least, yet his tone did not reflect that. His voice was one that spoke of annoyance, almost disdain, as if Chiss was wasting his time.

With a feigned chuckle, Daelen proceeded. "Well, it's a key, quite literally. You see, our friends in the government...", he started, wagging his finger at the frightened emissaries from the escort. "they're not as forthcoming as a government entity should be." He reached into his inner jacket lining. The guards around Zeradias aimed their weapons at the Chiss in case he tried pulling anything. The only thing he pulled though, was a key card.

"The people of Ornfra have been living in relative poverty for the last several decades under their regime. Transparency has been nonexistent. They've been nothing but a self-serving bureaucracy that lives of the hardship of the citizens they've sworn to represent. I'm hoping that under the Iron Empire, things might be a little...different."

"And the key is for...?"

"Oh, but that would ruin the surprise! What do you say we take a field trip?"

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
"Lovely then. I'll place the order. But furthermore we have our phrik line up of weapons and armor. Blonde would then slide over a data pad.

On the pad's screen was of course a list of phrik items that were available to select buyers. The Iron Empire of course qualifying for said items. So with the items presented, Miss Blonde would snap her fingers a few times to have her thugs place crates on the table.

They slowly opened up and revealed the items that were at the disposal of the empire. Phrik products that were meant for more important people in the empire. There just simply wasn't enough phrik to mass produce items, but with what they had, that could outfit elite forces or at the very least a company or two of men.

"We also have force imbued items if you're looking for those. But feel free to toy around with everything here and see what you like." was it as dramatic as the sales pitch before? No. But Blonde liked to think the phrik spoke for itself.

[member="Daegon Vaelaellis"]

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