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This is how we ship

In Umbris Potestas Est
[member="Anesia Jy'Vun"]

Well, it was time to make some new friends, and Circe wanted to get to it as soon as she could. Thus, on board the Ploutonion, she had requested the presence of a powerful CIS force user, in order to demonstrate to her the full firepower of the CIS's newest battleship. "I hope she arrives soon..."
"Your presence is requested," her secretary chimed in, handing off the stimcaf to her boss. The normally bustling woman gave a quick, jaded smile and pulled up the request on the data-pad. "With whom?" Anesia sighed, straightening thin rimmed glasses atop her bird-like nose and peered over the information being presented. A new toy. Vera quirked her brows, wagged them even and then answered, "Circe Savan." The boss-lady could only stare at her secretary incredulously.

Fine, point for you.

It was a rare thing to catch the Sith Lord off guard. She half wondered if it had been a mistake to introduce Macayela to her. Apparently she was rubbing off on her in more ways than one.

"I suppose we will see if her reputation precedes her..." she commented, giving her infamous, roguish mien by raising an already arched dark brow and lofting a half-smile.

Vera rolled her eyes, "Be careful, lest I tattle to Mac on you." The only response was the gleam of a dare in Anesia's eyes. She was suddenly unbearably close, "Really?"

"Docking bay C-51O."

A short nod was given and Jy'Vun disappeared into the hallway laughing. Click-clack resounded from her heels along the hard, polished floor. More and more she found herself in skirt suits and less and less in her robes. In between sips of stimcaf, the ramblings of politics on her mind, she pondered the thought of a vacation. Before she knew it, guards were presented before her. Anesia looked up with harsh green eyes and they moved, obliging her. Always business first.

"Miss Savan," the aristocrat flashed a cordial smile, offering her free hand to the woman.

In Umbris Potestas Est
[member="Anesia Jy'Vun"]

Circe's own smile was equally wide as she gently clutched Anesia's palm, the embrace almost caring as she cordially shook the Master's hand. "Welcome to the Ploutonion, Miss Jy'Vun. I felt it was proper enough to invite you here to witness the Confederacy's newest warship - the Pluton-class battleship. We've prepared a test, a demonstration if you will, of what the firepower of this ship can do. These warships are definitely going to change the Confederate navy as we know it."

[member="Anesia Jy'Vun"]
A thin brow arched and she nodded her head in kind after the woman spoke. Her hand slid away and moved to tuck a stray strand of hair that had fallen loose from her...obviously now, unkempt braid. "Before you make your demonstration," that same hand jested in the air, the other cradling her foam cup of hot goodness, "tell me why is it they are going to change the Confederacy? What is so special about this one, if you will?" A small sip was taken and she rounded [member="Enigma"], sizing the woman up and the immediate surroundings in one go of the flickering of alchemy inspired eyes.

"Mmm... and what are we demonstrating this upon, Miss Savan?"
In Umbris Potestas Est
[member="Anesia Jy'Vun"]

"The vessel utilizes state of the art long range weaponry in order to always, one hundred percent of the time, get the first hit in. This ship is going to be perfect when we go on the offensive against our enemies. More than likely, the Omega Protectorate." She smiled, giving, but never keeping her piercing eyes off Anesia as the fellow Darksider circled her. Her own orbs, a brilliant green almost, sparkled with the joy of destruction as she knew what awaited her, a ship appearing out of hyperspace.

"Our choice target today is an Invictus E-class Star Destroyer, fresh from the Subach inventory, once used for training by the Sith Empire and New Order once its combat lifetime had expired. Still a very durable ship, and an adequate target showcasing the frontline vessels of what we now have to deal with. There are only droids on board,so no need to evacuate."
"And the debris?" she asked, taking in the last bit of stimcaf, "They're not going to come flying at us, I trust?" The foam cup was finally set aside on a makeshift shelf and Anesia laughed a dry laugh. Both hands banded together, fingers and all to clasp just in front of her blazer. "Perfection is hard to come by," she paused, blinking her long black lashes at [member="Enigma"], "hard to sell, and even harder to guarantee, Circe." The woman's name hung in the air a moment longer than it should have and the only thing she could do in earnest was smile innocently.

One quick swipe of her tongue and she moistened her painted red lips, savoring what taste was there. "The Omega Protectorate is but one," it was true. The entire galaxy was against them. Then again, The Confederacy was playing the hand they were dealt exceptionally well so far. "Let us hope you are correct."

"Fire when ready, Miss Savan." Pivoting on her heel, the Master aligned herself with the view to watch the demonstration.
In Umbris Potestas Est
"Of course not - and even if they did, we have more shield generator in this hull than some battlecruisers. We wouldn't even suffer a scratch." She grinned. "I have a reputation for perfection when it comes to starships, Anesia... And other things." She smirked. "Fire at will with the main guns."

And so they did. The projectiles traveled ever further towards the Invictus before impacting, shattering its bridge. After several seconds, another volley was fired as the ship turned, exposing the Invictus to the ship's side-mounted turbolasers and energy torpedo launchers while four of the hypervelocity guns fired again. The ship was well out of range of the Invictus' max turbolaser range, and were this a ship-on-ship battle, the CIS vessel would have the upper hand.

"What do you think now?"

[member="Anesia Jy'Vun"]
Once more, she turned to the other woman. Her head tilted slightly, just enough to send the stray sienna strands of hair to frame the left side of her porcelain face. "While I can say the firepower is impressive," Anesia smiled genuinely this time, a traipse of practiced fingers along Savan's wrist. "Mmmm," leaning in so that her cheek was mere inches, mouth treading the space between Circe's jaw and her ear, "but often times, if death is not met in that first blow," she paused, meeting a gaze of almost equal color to her own from the side, "a counter is inevitable."

The smile was still upon her face when she leaned back, half turned to [member="Enigma"] and half to the view of demolition. "What is her defense?" Long, manicured nails tapped on the glass. "If that same ship," she pointed at the fiery mess in space, "did not receive a killing blow and countered. How would she defend herself and for how long? Mass quantities of weapons, long range or no are not everything." While she enjoyed fire and the power that came with it, Anesia also understood war. It was a collection of things and nothing singular.

"During battle you can control only your ships... if their ships are faster... and our defense is weak," she stared at the other woman, unwilling to so much as blink. "Performance is futile."
In Umbris Potestas Est
[member="Anesia Jy'Vun"]

"The enemy vessel, were it to survive the opening volley of the Pluton's main guns - and there are some ships that, I suppose, could do so - would still more than likely be unable to return fire before another salvo from the main guns eliminated it. Up close, its armament is still comparable to that of other assault battleships, but the design allows for more focus of overall firepower at a target from any angle. Not to mention the redundant engines and shield generators make sure that the ship cannot be easily disabled. Even if it were, the fusion reactor for the backup hyperdrive is separate from the rest of the power system, and could enter hyperspace even if the ship was completely powerless."

She smiled, slowly circling Anesia herself. "I also trimmed down the ground complement of the Pluton to better allow for anti-starship capabilities. Two-thirds of the fighter craft on board are interceptors, with some being assault fighters, and one wing of strike bombers." Her grin grew ever larger. "It's a rather exquisite design I've worked hard to put together - exquisite like yourself." She gave a smirk.
All teeth. That was her smile, feral, dangerous, almost blinding white. "If it is not apparent" she whispered to [member="Enigma"], though there was no real need to, "I am trying to find a flaw."

Anesia brought a lithe arm up, bending it so that a hand could rest upon the curve of her hip. It just hung there and she stood, letting herself be gazed upon with silence. There was, after all, no harm in looking. Posture natural, housing nothing of the militia type she was portraying just before, but rather the dark siren she was most notable for. In appearance of course. She would and could take the compliment, stuffing it in with the endless others from centuries past.

For some reason or another, her mind wandered to another. It was for a short time, seconds. But she fondly remembered [member="Kathryn Langley"] in those moments. Of a past just out of reach.

It caused a faint, barely there sigh, bringing her back to reality. "You can make this easy," a dark brow raised and her lips quirked playfully, "and tell me what that is?"
In Umbris Potestas Est
Circe's response to her pose was evident as she herself leaned back, hand on her own hip as she best accentuated her womanly features. A smile crossed her face, and she realized that her company was quite cordial. "Now now... I wouldn't make a ship this flawless if I intended to hear things were wrong with it." She chuckled briefly, turning back to focus her full attention on the Sith Master before her. "The ship's not as maneuverable and fast as a Ranator or another comparable ship, but it's a battleship, so no harm, no foul."

Turning away, she quietly spoke to herself, something that Anesia would strain to hear. "Peace is a lie, there's only passion, which begets strength, breeding power, leading to victory, breaking my chains, and freeing me with the Force. The key is passion..."

[member="Anesia Jy'Vun"]
"Ahh, but that is how we learn, darling," she said, running her eyes along the lines of the other master's physique, "through making mistakes, yes?"

How lauding, she thought, when the woman mirrored her stance. Any other time, the Sith would have been appalled. This time, she merely took it for what it was and gave an appreciative, knowing smirk. When [member="Enigma"] gave her back, she took that time to flip through the data-pad, mainly the design of the war ship she observed the power of.

"Maneuverability is always nice to have..." Anesia finally commented. Though she had heard the woman's silent tongue because of the still close proximity that the area allowed or hindered, she waited to comment upon it. "It makes the ship more versatile... more flexible." When Circe would turn, she would find herself at a loss of personal space and one capable, beautiful woman nearly nose-to-nose with her.

"Don't you agree, Miss Savan?" voice low and soft as satin.
In Umbris Potestas Est
"I always do enjoy 'flexible.'" She grinned. "But thankfully, battleships don't need such superfluous maneuverability. Myself, on the other hand..." Her devilish smile grew once more as she stayed up close and personal to Anesia. "After all, what better way to know such a beautiful, exotic, well-shaped piece of craftsmanship inside and out than to have fun with it?"

She was in full scale charm overload - maybe it was the lips.

[member="Anesia Jy'Vun"]
The heat in the room had to have risen by at least ten or so degrees. Her hands... they itched to move, but her desire of control kept them at bay. "Pity," Anesia began, a faint shadow of the Omega's flame danced within her neon gaze. "I suppose it is the job of the interceptor to be able to move in and out of tight spaces quickly."

Scarlet painted tiers lifted, albeit smoothly and slowly into a dark simper of sorts. So close, her cool breath breathed over that of Circe's own lips. "I always felt that having the design at my disposal prior is best," just then, with practiced jest, her pale hand sauntered betwixt them -barely tickling the fabric of the woman's blouse first- and a single digit traced the outer work of the Sith Master's jaw. "I do like being prepared," an edge of madness laced her tone.

"Then again..." lightly gray dusted lids lowered at half-mast, the green of her eyes seemingly glowing, "as a liaison for the Confederacy, I do aim to please." A print-less finger swiped along the lower lip of @Enigma. "You play a dangerous game, Circe Savan. I just hope you understand the rules..."
In Umbris Potestas Est
[member="Anesia Jy'Vun"]

"Interceptors always were the best for positioning, but bombers are my forte - they're nice and big, and can hit a target hard where it really needs it." You could almost cut the level of tension in the room with a knife. "Preparation is also something I rather enjoy getting settled into. After all, you know the rules, and so do I. Not to mention you'd never do this with any other guy." Anyone would of course get that reference.

"How about we discuss some things in my private quarters?"
Interesting description, tension, to illustrate the atmosphere. Anesia flourished under these types of conditions and more often than not, created them. "Tell me, Circe," this time her words were spoken into the woman's mouth first, skating on that very thin line of contact, "how prepared are you?" Long stemmed legs began a journey, just a slight caress in the beginning, then a nudge, attempting to make the other dark lady walk backwards. Had [member="Enigma"] made for such an allowance -another master- in many ways directing another, her ample bottom would have hit the edge of the metal desk just meters astern.

A lightly flushed, roseate cheek had saddled up to Circe's, decadent lips just at her ear, "What is it, Lady Savan," a brush of a plush, rouge mouth grazed the smooth, perfect skin along the curve of her jaw, just a second south of where she'd been whispering, "that you want?" A flutter of soft, black lashes was upon that same sensitive skin and she paused, stretching her fingers about the desk, so Anesia could lean in and over. The position enough to cause Subach's owner to practically perch or bend back, permitting this, having the Sith Master hovering above her. She smiled softly, "No." There was a lull, a silence.

Then, "You may however, give me a tour of this beautiful ship." With that, Anesia straightened and unbuttoned her blazer in one fluid motion. It had became quite hot recently in the small space. She would have liked not use her powers to control her temperature, when this was simply easier. Dependence solely on the Force tended to make people lazy and that was not the woman's forte. The delicate, but starched fabric slid off with ease and then was otherwise discarded to the same desk Circe was upon. A simple white, dress blouse was revealed and tucked neatly into the matching skirt to the jacket.
In Umbris Potestas Est
[member="Anesia Jy'Vun"]

"Very prepared..." The Echani woman smiled, a gentle breath of warm air - albeit sweet-smelling - grazing Anesia's lips. She did indeed step back, bringing a finger to her lips as though testing the heat of the situation. "You know very well exactly what I want, Anesia... No need to verbally express it, after all."

Then she pulled back. When Anesia removed her blazer, Circe grinned. "I'd be delighted to show you the rest of this ship. Every single nook and cranny... Even the parts that people normally will never see." Holding her hand out, she hoped the fellow Sith Master would take the gesture kindly. "Shall we begin?"
"You would be surprised," Anesia reached, leafing through Circe's disheveled bangs with a play of fingers, "how well words accentuate actions and how well I will hold a ear to listen." Though a simple, even innocent enough gesture of her hand descending, the master's knuckles slid along the other woman's side, light but enough to be felt. Fore and middle finger ensnared a bit of the fabric of her top and tugged before she took the gesture, resting a slender palm atop Savan's. She used the action to step closer, before they set off. "Unless you do not know what you want..." smoldering eyes traveled the length of [member="Enigma"] 's sleek frame, then back up.

No one ever said Anesia played nice. She merely wanted to know if she was dealing with a child or a woman. It mattered. "Lead the way," the master mused, awaiting the grand tour.
In Umbris Potestas Est
[member="Anesia Jy'Vun"]

Smiling, Circe looked over Anesia's shapely form, wandering up her sides before returning to her eyes. With that, she uttered one word, a single solitary word that answered the Sith master's inquisitive nature. One word that would likely raise eyebrows, increase the tension until exploded in a maelstrom of passion - or violence.


And with that, they began to walk, the visit of the ship showcasing all parts of the vessel to Anesia herself.
A great many would hand taken that one word, perhaps been shocked or enamored. Maybe they even felt wanted. Anesia only blinked, slightly disappointed, "That was rather..." then, larked an ebon brow, "vague." Honestly, she had hoped for some form of... confession beyond the element of one word answers. While her imagination was vast... it appeared the other Master's was not. The woman was an ornament of vanity and she had requirements that rivaled the saints. Such things needed to be met.

Simple things.

Or, there were consequences.

Passing a few cabins, green duos peered in each. Upon finding nothing of interest just yet, the siren's lips quirked, "I would like to see the reactors, Circe," and she slowed their pace to a stop. Her hand slid from her guide's and it sauntered up until her dainty tips drew upon the plunging neckline of Savan's little black dress. The skin was soft and supple, she noted, dragging a single finger along the swell of flesh beautifully presented. "And the command bridge," the heated gaze of the Sith lowered to appreciate the view, then slid back up to meet a pair of green eyes. "The Garrison base even and the hangar."

Moving to the side, Anesia motioned her hand, as if giving [member="Enigma"] the go ahead. "I'll follow," she smirked. "Oh, and we mustn't forget the detention cells."

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