Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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This is how we ship

In Umbris Potestas Est
[member="Anesia Jy'Vun"]

"So you want me to go into intimate detail about the rather debaucherous things I would do with you?" She smiled, gently placing her hands on Anesia's shoulders, gently tracing them to her neck before gently placing her palms on the woman's cheeks. "Mmm... your skin's absolutely flawless. Shall we continue?" Their next stop was the reactor room, or rather, one of them. "The vessel is powered by two antimatter reactors, the only things powerful enough to keep five hypervelocity guns operational. It's a small price to pay for such tremendous capabilities, however."
"Antimatter," beautiful structure, "by definition is no small price."

The thing about Anesia was that there were times where she would simply leave. Ethereally. Oh, the siren was still there physically, but her mind had begun to take flight, to explore. The feel, however, of the other woman's feather exploration ending on her visage jerked her back to now. Vanity stirred, then offered a reply without a tip of her tongue, I know.

Alabaster hands shadowed Circe's, toppling then dragging them away. Just the beginning of her power washed over Savan, first the knuckles and then the inky dark fled along her fingers, and up still. It was cool, but burned and she allowed one to fall away, back along her side. The other though, entwined the slender digits with her own, coddling, then stroking the tender skin of [member="Enigma"] 's wrist. This was to keep the connection alive, to continue to fill the other Sith with explicit need little by little. "We shall," Anesia finally said. "You can tell me all the intimate details on the way."
In Umbris Potestas Est
And so she did. What Circe discussed with Anesia was theirs and theirs alone. Whether anything happened, no one would know - whether there were one or two voices commenting on pleasure, the crew was more than unable to tell. Regardless, when Anesia finally left, she would've seen all there was of the prototype Pluton.

Newer vessels on the production line were already being worked on, and in time the Pluton would serve the CIS well.

[member="Anesia Jy'Vun"]


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