Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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This isn’t where I parked my ship...

Phalsi Drynchen Phalsi Drynchen You shouldn’t always believe what you hear. Glitter leaves a trail That never ends. You can’t wash it off, and you are always finding it. Doesn’t bode well for an Information Broker that prefers to work in the shadows... can’t be leaving glittery fingerprints everywhere.
Phalsi Drynchen Phalsi Drynchen Sure the fine women and gents at the lusty leopard will appreciate your gift far more than I. Already have a third party making arrangements to reroute it to the docking bay of one... looks down at a holopad Gray Messenger? Don’t worry I have taken care of all the details, the fine ladies and gents will be awaiting delivery next week. Just try to keep the stuff away from the exhaust ports and the hyperdrive... glitter is extremely flammable, didn’t you know?
Phalsi Drynchen Phalsi Drynchen Does one need training with a glitter bomb? Is not all glitter just a ticking time bomb? Nevertheless, threatening one’s unmentionables with glitter is punishable with jail time in some sectors. I read that somewhere, no need to check my sources. Calling in bomb threats is definitely against the law in others; I would advise you to leave the glitter bomb at home... no need to escalate things further and have me go by the name Captain sparkle pants.

Ala Of course! Everyone needs to play with glitter at least once in their life. It’s a right of passage... like riding a bantha, playing a hand of sabaac, or ear flicking a Hutt.
The same planet? That’s still awfully far away. Why not the same room? Or the same bed?

Vanya Aklin Vanya Aklin Like bunk beds? Thunder buddies? See, now you sound well intentioned and even tempting. And whom doesn’t like to be tied up and restrained every now and then? Maybe wake up in the morning with a few scratches. But then you wake up in the morning and go your separate ways.

Witches though, they play for keeps. Those restraints are binding, the scratches are actual markings so others know when a man has been claimed, and at best I am a breeder... at worst, slave labour. These hands are capable of great things... blue collar labour is not one of them. Like I said, tempting... but not certain the juice is worth the squeeze. i Mean the fruit is quite tempting... it’s what happens after taking a bite of the apple...that’s what keeps planets between us. Not certain I am ready for a life of servitude.
Santeria Decuir Santeria Decuir Ah, a formal Miss Decuir greeting. Much worse things you could poke me with than a stick. Good to see you. Been too long.

Kitter Bitters Kitter Bitters Thanks Kitter Bitters... if I find a socket needing an appendage, you will be the first I call... you look like you can wield an appendage with the best of them.

Rekha Kaarde Rekha Kaarde Good to see you Miss Kaarde. I see you haven't aged a day.

Barbie Barnabas Barbie Barnabas You stick around long enough, you are likely to see me get prodded a few times over.

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