A soft chuckle escaped the Chieftain as he swallowed to speak. "We'll get to that beach eventually. Gotta have an end game." He touched his helmet to her forehead, something akin to a kiss, and stood up.
"Get ahold of Galaar cyar'ika. We need to get off this rock. Tell him it'll be a hot extraction." The armored man motioned for his soldiers, men and women who gave their all for their peers, and spoke. "Reinforce our last position, regroup with bravo team. Keziah Denko is your CO until further notice. Ready for extraction."
A muffled agreement was his response, and Calico turned back to the redhead. "The Imps here are severely hampered. Go, secure an evac zone. I need to take care of my son. Ni kar'tayliir darasuum."
He awaited no reply. Zius was his boy, his son, his source of pride and his legacy. The Chieftain had met the boy alone on Coruscant's so very long ago, and over the months--possibly a year, time was getting difficult to track-- the two had developed a father-son bond. Calico had eventually caved and adopted the wayward youth as his kin, and now he was being called upon for his fatherly duty.
The crusted dirt crackled underneath his heavy armored boots. The occasional crack of a weapon discharging and the flash of blue or red filled the valley's backdrop. White armored bodies were everywhere, with only small pockets of resistance still holding out. Ahead, Calico could see a frighteningly small number of still living Concord soldiers.
They would be fine for now, his main focus was Zius. The mails from of force power had effectively stopped the firefight around the errant Knight and the silver blades woman. A shot of anger flashed through the Chieftain as his legs pumped toward the combatants--more religious, full of themselves, force users thinking they could step on people. It was disgusting.
Calico was a calm in the storm of force energy. The ethereal power of the force could not touch him. He was not a void, nor was he a null. He was simply outside of it, blind to it as much as it was blind to him. He reached up and removed his helmet, yelling over the chaos at the top pod his lungs.
"The woman isn't worth it son!" He splayed his arms out wide--only to catch a stray blaster bolt to the back. He heaved forward as his shields fell and a shock of pain ran through him. The armor had taken the energy and saved him from any damage, but oh, how it hurt.
"She isn't Sith ad'ika. You're responsibility it to saving your men's lives, not killing as many as possible." His voice was strained, but his arms were still out wide. "You're wounded. Put the sword down and come here Zi'ika. You're better than this!"
Another bolt caught the Chieftain. This one sent him sprawling, but he still forced himself to his feet, dark eyes narrowed in pain. A dark spot in the back of his chest plate showed where the bolt had hit. Calico strode toward Zius, paying no heed to the woman.
"Let it go son."
[member="Zius Tal'Verda"] [member="Keziah Denko"] [member="Alexandra Cinthra"]