And just like that, they were in. Rawnie was unhurt, and quite grateful to be so. Her companion, on the other hand-
She let out a stream of curses, some on basic, some in mando'a, some in huttese, but they were all quite filthy. She was no good at handling the wounded. It was disastrous enough when she got hurt. Funny. She could hunt, kill, skin a creature without blinking. She could even shoot and stab her bounty without a second thought. But when it came to her own blood, or blood from a friend...
"Alright, alright," she breathed, "Let's look..."
Oh... This was not good. She needed cloth. Something to clean the wound. Like, now. What though? Her scarf! She almost forgot about it. It had been a gift from one of her uncles, a white scarf, tightly knitted with geometric patterns and symbols. She pulled it from around her neck and without thinking about how it would be ruined after, went to press it to his head to clean the blood.
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